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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
THK MORJSINU ASTMUAN THlKSDAl, NOVKMBKK 9, gaily gUtovitim JOHN T. LIGHTER. Editor. Telephone Main ML TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. DAILY. Bent by moll, per year t0 Rent by mail, per month M Served by carrier, per month W ' J who certainly has no sympathy with the SEMI-WEEKLY. i ,HnVen) ,,at t. adds to the evidence Bent by mall, per year. In advanc -, hrtt lno yiUl,m insurants have been Postage free to auoacnoera. . ..,. anew bv ,holr American breth- sterner panic In South Africa. Aa they okvrve the contrast that It offer, with Its real difficulties to the fancied difficulties of their own ta.k, they will have less and patience with the cowardly and humlll.uliig gosp.H of the 'quitters'' who tfo about proclaiming their lack of fulth in the mil ion. A HRYAN AND ATKINSON WAR. A disgruntled Manila convsivndent. " ! ren. He says that a roper Is published All communication! Intended for pub- I amon(t ,, wht.h contain the latent llcatlon should be directed to tbt edl- ..,,..,.,,,, )V ,,ur opposition orators Jl ncr as the county court ascertain def initely will be most economical and best for the public: probably by contract, under supervision f competent men; not supervisors. Q. Will rtvids bo built at iiice, or ns taxes come In? A. ltiv.ds can lx- ht'llt at once and payment mad In same manner as n U.pled In cum! ruction of Young' ray bridge. that he was once huntltiK w hen he gaw chase to a lnitie ImlTulit. The animal fell Into a wallow, and In a second KriiKer was on top of It, rider, horse and buffalo rolling together In the bl(t puddle, Disentangling himself, Krug.'r setaed the buffalo by the horn and i twisted Its neck until he forved Its now und-r water. After a fourful struggle The court also sys that definite -: "' !i,l"'',' irgih he drowned the tlniate of coot cannot yet K made; animal but the material called Tor. rock.i 0v,.r (rty venrs ago rnwldcnl Kru f,Z?Th' 'JlsU'r injured his lef, ttrnnit. with a ride, will he awards! In largv or small lots1 whereupon he coolly look out his knlf according to economy or public good j and amputated the wounded digit. dictates. It cannot ihv dwimto y . yi,.lts ,lJ0 ,,,, H,.v,,lv uU(ll.k IIUll ,HV . , lll M .11 lll,l.-,li any road to the county line, but this! tor. Uuslnes communication or kind nd remittance mut be address ed to 'The Astorlan." The Atorlan c uarantees to It ad Tertlser the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. Advertllnf rate can be had on ap plication to the busines manager. 1 utterances by our opposition j and pamphleteers. of toothache. For thnv or four days Is anticipated, except In case of the land nights lie eiulinvd tne pain wnn rond east, which 1 mill tax will hardly , ,, ,i,Miur: th-n one night, as he ..inner umu nnupp... niuM n ottlllI ,o tho trouble t. The question or street emssings In Astoria. In cas the general road could not slivp some tooth, he got up. huinied for his In one Issu thi-re was a speech by tax Is withdrawn, may be answered In aniie. ami wun mis uuk . William Jennings Urnui, with a char-1 various ways. I raiding molar. aoteristlc denunciation of the war and! We tn-g to suggest that the road poll I Hut President Krugvr Is above all - -I-., .i.u,ht f.u- Mmm,.m hv ! "l1" " nln," between the age' a .. .Unloinatlst. as was wvll The board of United States engineers appointed to report on the advisability of attempting to materially deepen the channel at the entrance of Taqulna bay Is to meet In Portland on Novem ber 13. The Yaquina bay people have been repulsed time after time by gov- consent of the governed. Edwin D. Mead's pamphlet, "The Present Cri sis," and the pamphlets of Edward At kinson have also appeared In this revo lutionary organ for the delectation and encouragement of Aguinaldo's army. Surely It is becoming a serious ques tion, under these clrvumstance. wheth er the license that is permitted the Vallundighams of this country ought net to be curtaJled. Though they have no ir.duerce here, it Is clear that they are r.ow the mainstay of the insurrec tion. The insurgents naturally magni fy their power and persist In a hostile attitude because they think that there Is a serious defection in the United eminent engineers and by congress, but they come up smiling; each time : states. We doubt if the southerners at and keep working. They always man age to get a hearing, and their per Intent efforts will not be fruitless. If Astoria had half that determination and energy this city would have all it now asks for. NATAL AND LUZON: A CONTRAST. any time were so far misled by the Knights of the Golden Circle. The war is gradually becoming a Pryan and Atkinson war, though It is carried on by wretched deluded Taga lost It is the Bryana and Atkinsons who are answerable for its prolonga tion, and henceforth every drop of blood that Is shed will be on their Ik ads. They will be responsible for the j death, sickness and sufferine of our The news from South Africa has; soldiers, for the furrow and anxiety of been of such absorbing interest that thr ,friends and famlU ln man- an American home. little attention has txvn paid of late to ,g ,hw no ,ay of holding lhem our operations In the Philippines. Like i accountable? So far the question has any other game, the supreme game ofi not arcused the popular Interest that war must be stubbornly played on both! u hm- slmP'" because the people do ..a. .... .. .... .-j! BOT ra",e ne Iuu ty of their of- : rense or the extent to which It has arouse enmusiasm. nence, uiougn tne been carried. They have despised them American is more Immediately con- i too thoroughly to believe them capable cerr.ed In Luon than In the Natal ot much barm, and have been reluctant,.!.,n Ka ,. , a'yay to Interfere with free e.peech. j But when free speech is continually i .mCIIu promotlngr InsurrxiUon, wi.en It has and carefully scans all accounts of the j become a real factor tn a rebellion fierce and tragic struggle between the i against the government, it may be stop English and the Boer.. !,p ,e"Jr lt 18 valldhy In a n. K ., .. I " ,..; of !1 and SO yean, would be- somei soun-e of revenue for this purHise, and, would derive a considerable amount from a class not accustomed to iay a tax. and yet well and Justly able as our numerous transient laborers. The ivronertv tax of a mill ami a half will also be collectable, it Is believed, and! monkey he once had. though this would be an actual added burden to property holders In Astoria. yet the prospect of Improvement m the country, and of thus creating tax able property outside the city limits. shown when a deputation of Ultland. ers waited upn him to hint that he w as responsible for the decrease in val ue of mining shaivs. Oom laul an swenM them In a irble about a pet Years ao." said the ptldvnt. "ii a cold day. I and the monkey made a fire. In which the animal burned hi tail, and In revenge bit me. I said is an cojecl wonny some prni sac-i , .. . mn,)o a fliv ,,, ,(rm us rince. The city has. moreover ., ,, ,llrn.s, ....,., , ., funds, as it is I used the county road Mid no other city In the slate has don exclusively; and a certain Justice would seem to allow the county nd tax now to be used for the county roads until at least on a good, perma nent basis, as Intended by this special tax. 3. The special tax also Justly brings a due share of the burden of Improve ment upon non-renldeirt property holders, who otherwise do not bear their full part. That was your own fault, and I don't see whv vou should be angry with me.' " On another occision he had referred to him a question about the division of certain, ptoperty between two broth ers, who agreed to abide by Kruger' decision. Ife listened patiently to both side and then delivered his Judgment. To the elder brother he said: "I de- t. Finally, valuations in this county , ..i.u, ihAt vou. belie the senior, shall H'lirJl X?. A!. ?, T'i divide the property. But I also decide a 5-mlll fcpeclal road tax even, little or that the young-r broth.-r shall have no Increase of taxation h. contemplat- j his choice of the two portions." ed; but merely taking advantage of a favorable time and condition to pro- r . ...... vcu'cuuii urrk' vide our long neglected county with 1 AJlrA NI-"t"M" substantial nxids. without which pro-1 " the rnltvd Only Woman otllc r In Statti. Army. which enables him to do this is strik ing evidence of the progress of our arms and of the utter indifference of the public to the imaginary terror of the antl-expansloniat. The person who misses Its Import is blind, Indeed, for we doubt if history furnishes another example of a people so engrossed in a war betwwn foreign states as to pay ped also by the populace in a popular manner. It Is too much to expect ever lasting patience andr uch provocation. One of the m.wt Interesting person- NORGARI) & PETTERSON, Merchant Tailors IWtcr Hid d 4th.. Portland, Oregon Telnplxins Oieuoi. Illnvl. OS. NOT A POISONOUS FACE BLEACH Hut a tnie bc.uitilicr, ! iiK tlieonlv rc srution sold under u Kiillr guarantee of ft ,01)0 it on Mi'.s not it t:r,uii or li notion thetcofol p .soi..i or ilclctrtl wis si'liitnmcv !ii.lor vl by llir most crlclirntrd artistes nl the lwirnnd dm miitic staxe; rrcniniiiriulc.1 by riiiim nt nlivsicians, niul piotiomict-.l tmriiilcK by li-n.lmJ cllrtnists WISDOMS fAMOUS ROQERIINE. It UthroidvpMiatlsi m.w ucll thl.owlil lh luKiwliuilc Uolllltil Ainilril..u 4 A-k yvat ditiKiti! " sii.l '! " In.lwTd lo Iskf aaythint r'r mfAOi-ml -r luiilc (iatlur tip 'I'h. inc. MAGAZINES You have about your liomc and Imve lhem inmlo into llauliin Hook. Old InKiks MhiiiiuI and nm.le gtMxl a new. We nmko nil kind ul hook and hvc Hie only Itook Hindcry lu AstorU. Will Ihs plcoMtl to sulititlt ivtltnati. J. S. DKl.l.lNtil.K, Cor. Ninth Miid Commercial St. j NEW BUSINESS LOCALS Do you want a good meal when you visit Portland? If o. r to the Port land rettaurant. JOS Washington strset. . P. fl. Sharpie's Cream Separators L.ttnt and Heat If you want any Health Food that your gTocer does not havo. write Knapp Bros. Halth Food Co., Kat Portland, Or. FISHER BROS. General Supply Mouse for Family Qroccrlej Knapp Pros. Health Food Company. r Cast Portland, carry a full line of all' the Matile Creek Stnltarlum Health Food. Builders' Heavy aad Shelf Hardmare.ShlpChandlety.Etc. Pacific Sheet Metal Works E. Kouie's Caf at tit Third street, Portland, Is regarded by many popli a the leading rtauruit In ths Pa clflo Northwest. j Encyclopedia Drlttanlca, it vol., ct. heep. 2V Best teachers' Bible, now, -NUmOn 40c. at Hyland Ilros.' Book Store, lfftM Portland. 8es advertisement. TCfCUBIC MAMIFACTLHER3 OF ...CANS... st V A Rood meal with meats rich In flavor and one you will enjoy with a relish. I Just what you get at the Creamer! restaurant, S71 Washington (treet. near Third. Try It when you so to Portland. If you are going up to Portland and mis gnlng to the Crean.erle Restau rant, :1 Washington St., you may con sider that your trip will not be a uc- ces. a other will tell you, who do nut mis It. LKT US HAVE HOADS. i or cununuancv was ar-1 .VMi,. ,11, r.yi . ASTORIA. Nov. 4. To the Commer cial Bodies and Other Organisations of Clatsop County Gentlemen: Believing, as we do, that your onranlxatlon is a body properly to be addressed uoon all . subjects relating to the DFumn of nur little heed to one In which its own 'city and county, and that anything country is engaged. The bare state-! "1."? J Pf! ment of the fact wna incrible, aod population elsewhere, ajid that UAn gUe1 by the Last Chanc Mintn Com the more the melancholy prophet, mul- J r. w.Umm wnhyor tiply theit millions of Malavs thei8UPport- tnl associadon takes the op- portunlty of seeking to enlist through Streater its sicnlflcanoe beeomea. 1 Vnll a a rr-n I I ml mrsur fka nlnn raw The truth Is thai not one American : tef !h" 1 to Id wagon! n Involves some fine legal p.dnU . . . . . . , . v , rfJ" 1,1 Clatsop county-good roads, on the question of extralateraf rights. ln a hundred has any fear of the prox- i being a subject Increasingly necog-j .imate or ultimate results of our con-! ni!l ot rt Importance ln every j The plaintiffs claim that defendants fit... a , , , I P-"1 community. have extracted I3W.00O worth of mlm-ral iiui in inrrr i Arter mucn investigation, as a road-1 , . , , . . cause for fear. Though much stress making body, we favor the plan Indl-j from ,ne fers ore body. Tie cae itated in the Inclosed petition fthe, ,vas taken under advisement by Judge has bi?en laid on the circumstance that' three-road petition), and would present! we have occupied but a comparatively" blowing considerations: j P-atty. The Issue has been In Mtlga- ,, . , ,1 1. We favor improving the three! tion for 12 years. small area about Manila, the purely, ,aln rofl(J(1 arld ,h .- tlme I JK-gatlve arguments that are deduced ! because while the thme may not be gress In our country districts Is out of the question. As a body composed of business men, and ourselves taxpayers, we ask! vour earnest attention and cnnneratl.m I feeling sure that here is the way. and ' alltles cnnn.cted with the War Depart now is the time, for a great advance I ment Is Dr. Anita NVwcomb McOif. along this line. j wno , at n,,dl f th(. Womun army 7. Please find lnclosd an exhibit of j mirs,. UIul 8 U!l ,,sslsiiint to Surgeon tax levy of 1S9S comired, showing! ,. , . ,, ,, , . . that an actual decrease of prop.-rtyi ",n'l Sternberg. Dr. Mc-..- has the tax Is provided, even with the 4-mlll rank of a Hint linitemnt and Is eiitl sneclal tax. as petitioned for. ! i - .r .h,,ni,i..r r imllratice n ttr r-Aiviuiv . , , . . . , Holni' English and Builne Col- n JVDvIvXN i "f h 'r rank' but "h,; ls av r" lege t No. 414 Yamhill street. Portland. a wii npw AVii I r'ay and Is too sensible a woumn ! u ir..piired to accommodate a large R. M. GASTON, ' ' P"rmit the curious to annoy her. Road Committee. Astoria Progressive, lr. McGee hiu. the dlstlnotion of le Commercial Association. ! ln th(, onV wman itlcer In the I'nl- H. S. LYMAN, Secretary. , " " "" : woman ofP.cer In the navy. She Is one of the vlee-ptvsidcnis of the Daugh ter of the American Revolution. One of her ancestors, Oent-n.1 John Bulk fought the British during the revolu tlunary war. Her father la Professor Simon Newcumb, well known as an astronomer, and her husband I Profes- j sor W. J. McGee, Uo has charge of j the American bureau of rthnology. Dr. McOee 1 lithe, of middle height Fruit Syrup Lithographing on Tin a Specialty. San Francisco. Cat. Astoria, Ore. Falrbavcn, Wisb. Astoria, Ore. Write Us for Prloest numlw"- of pupil this year, Already the rliiH.r are well crowded, a fact that Indicates the excellent character of the Institution. flemZealand Fife Insurance Go A QUESTION OF LKADS. One Mining Company Accuses Another of Poaching. MOSCOW. Ida, Nov. I.-In the Unit ed States court today John Purdy and Robert Stewart wm rmvirtf a ml sentenced to pay s fine of 300 or serve fur a woman and Impresses une with three month in the cownty Jail for, np Intelligence and command of lan cutting timber on the Cseur d'Alene' gunge. She Is a fascinating converaa- tionalist and has a pleasant face which, with the aid of a pair of brown eyes, Indian reservation. A motion She studied at Cambridge university pany in a case In which they are de- England, and ul the University of Oe- fendants and the Bunker Hill Company plaintiffs. The case is of grean import- i aliko imnortant all are newlt thev from It are rendered valueless by the' all give subsnantial advantage. Also, very positive accomplishments of our; th I1"n of a regularly lmpo-d tx troops. It has been proved again and 'able the county to Improve all the j as-ain that we have the nower to ex-' roaOB ln one DV oiP"'nB; or tne again tnat e nae tne power to ex , purn, for ,aKh. and whlle. the taxe, tend the area whenever we make the ! are accruing, the roads will come Into us? and upbuild the county: and, be- enort- Rides. It seems scarcely probable that Just now, for instance, the troops are the tvfiiir-d signatures could tie ob- ' fiinad frat4 ImnrnvAmbnt r.f nnlv tTA pushing out and meeting nowhere with . pj. an sections A the county muRt! somhled on the quarter-deck, where effective resistance. We read that the hare the ix-netit ir all are expected to cartaln Lamberton bade them bear the tax. insurgents are fleeing pell-mell b-fre , w faVr,r. afner careful or.nsidera- bye. OUT OF COMMISSION. Rtreat Sounded for the First Time on the Olymnta Teterday at Bortsn. HOSTOX, Nov. 8. Admiral Dew ey's flagship, went out of commtrion today. Alt the officers and crew as- good Retreat was sounded while the flag rher that levied in Wi and for some th ,.rulw f lhe farnoU() time past, has been 4 mills, but owing, to the small amount of this available ! COIjOKKI) OFFICER'S SUICIDE. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 8. Captain Iewlh f r county roads nearly three-fourths of It having nwn uh1 for city strt ciYMsings this haH fjeen insufllclent even, fur patchwork in the country. taxes. We favor a sufflcient tax, tn be McNabb' " years of affe' and c"n'- lurnpe.l for "conomkal upe, to makei mandlng offlcJr of company K, Forty- p?nnanent Improvements. , ....,.. ...... . A. .1 nlmn Lnlted Statc-s volunteers, a co or- .1. We have prepared questions fc enwr plan of construction, and tax i ed regiment In camp at Jefferson bar- it ,M anilnl , o w 9 im i ,i ,,.t ntf v mi iaA in nil- , ,, , , , . ....j.... . r.,.ni., l'iiiiiii iici ruiLiuc nj.i.ijf ujr posed, and hava receive answers trom the county court, as follows. Question. If special levy of mills Is made, will any other be laid for road purposes? Answer. No, not by the county. Q. Does the statute then provide for any general road tax; and, If so, will same be sufficient to keep old roads passable while new ones are con structed? A. Yes, supervisor are directed to collect a poll tax and i.r0 property tax from every Jl.OOO worth of property asseed In their district for road purposes. '3. Will levying special tax of D mills Invalidate colleclirg poll tax? A. Not legally advised, but think not. Q. Will maximum grade be 6 per cent? A. Where practicable. Q. Will roads bs built continuously from Astoria city limits and done by contract? A. Hoads will be built from city limits toward the country In such man- We favor, afoer careful conHidera- Gerveral Arthur' advance; that they tion, the i-mlll tax. Nothing lees i U" mild do thi. work Vi-Ohi! la thia have abandoned towns to Colonel Par- excessive. The present road tax or' waH being hauled down and this ended Iter without firing a gun; that Colonel; Hays has taken others without firing a gun. ; i It is highly probable that a well- equipped force of a few regiments could march around the entire Island, and return almost unscathed. Hut of, course 1S.0OO or 20,000 men cannot per-! mancntly occupy 35,000 square miles of country whose population contains a considerable element of the disaffected I and rebellious. j One principal need is for garrisons, which should be posted at good strate gical points In every part of the Ta galo territory. They would speedily convince Aguinaldo's followers of the hopelessness of their cause, and when the Insurrection In the Luzon was sup pressed all opposition would quickly die out in the other Islands. As pro vision has already been made with this end In view, there Is abundant reason to believe that the rebellkm will be quickly put down before the ap proaching dry season is over. It will be seen, therefore, that the confidence of the people is Justified, and that they can afford to watch the blowing the top of his head off with a Knig-Jorgenson rifle. McNabb, who Is I frilr. U'M fivnillv nivim.t.. frnm first sergeant In the Twenty-fourth In fantry. No reason Is known for his suicide. CELEBRATED FAMILY HONORED. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. Mysterious Billy Smith got the decision over Chas. McKeever at the end of the 20th round tonight. STORIES OF KRUGER. Pr-sldent Kruger celebrated hi seventy-fifth anniversary a fortnight ago. Here are a few of the stories con cerning him told on that occasion; His worst enemy would not accuse him of lack of courage. It is related of him neva. She obtained her medk-al degiti from Columbian university at Wash ington, and took a graduate course In medicine at John Hopkins university. There are about four hundred women purses in the army service., Half of that number are on active duty. Dr. Mciiee Is orguililng a reserve corj of nurses. In order to be appointed re serves It Is necessary that the auises shall have had .'our months' experi-iic In the army. They will !)- entitled to wear the red enameled Maltese ere, the badge of the regular army ii-nrse. Dr. McGee In a few weeks will effect the organization of the reserve eoips. Mr. N. R. Bridge, late of the Rills , . Printing Company of Portland, has a-1 W. P TnOITlOB, Mgr., turned the management of the Asttortan ! )ob printing department, and la pre pared to do all kind of flnit-ctass. ac curate. vn-to-dai printing. All work promptly delivered. Why Is Watson' restaurant In Port-1 land patronised by thousand of people daily? Simply becau If I the largest, 1 finest and best equipped eating resort j on the Pacffle coast. Watson' restau.j rant ha ility-ela-ht whit emDlorea on I f a nav Mil RinimLtp f ha Irwa , I rtn I 1M-1I Fourtft street. Though prudeiica does undoubtedly h; a great measure produce our good or 111 fortune in the world, It Is crtaln there are many unforneen accidents imU :currenc.-s which very oft"n prevent the (liK-st schemes that can be laid by human wisdom. ? is robbed of its terrors by f a the fact that the best med- 2 ical authorities state that it f !- .....LI. j: J w is a iwduic imedse; ana one of the happy things about it is, that its victims rarely ever lose hope. You know (here are afl sorts of secret nostrums advertised to curt consumption. Some make absurd claims. We only say that if taken in time and the laws of health are properly observed, scorrs EMULSION f will heal the inflammation of the throat and lungs and nourish and strengthen the body so that it can throw off the disease. We have thousands of testi monials where people claim (hey have been permanently cured of this malady. V- -l t'.no, all ilriiMlili. SCOTT BOW NK, r.h-miu, New York, A tailoring eetablltnment of some1 pretention, located on Washington I treet. Portland, claims to bar nadi f3t suit for dressy Aitortan during ths! rvCBiaCllt afK"niB, past six months. Thl statement Is de- " 1 nled by the Arm of Forey A, at I 917 Washington street, near the Invj pertal hotel; whs ar patronlied by the great majority of outside customers. Povey A Blrchall make the (well suits I for most of the stylish Portlandera. and feel that they are not excelled by any: ut-i? a uvnu Portland firm for out of town pat-! rBAMHKB ronag. Of New Zealand. San Francico UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF SHAREHOLDER Subscribe.1 C'BjiiUl Tuid-Up Capital Assets ..... Assets in United States Surplus to Policy Holders : Has teen Underwriting on the Tacilc Coant over Twenty-two years. SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Astoria, Oregon $5,000,000 1,000,000 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 Pacific Navigation Company i All kind of raiding! There Is only on place we know of In Portland where you can find all th latest books and phamplets on the mot advanced - a mn a t rt thought of the day, many book on sub-! Jctn of advanced up to date topics not to be found In otbr book stores can be obtained hone. It is worth your while to call when In Portland and sea fur ymirnelf. Jnos, Sl Alder 8tH Portland. . Ft. F. Etmoro W. H. liarrlMon ONLY IUHKCT LINK AHTOIIIA to TILLAMOOK HAY CITY hohsonvillb Conneoting at A I tori with the Orcein ltallroaJ k Navigation Co. and also the Aitorta A Columbia Kiver It. It. (or Han Francisco, Portland nd all points east. For freight and passenger rates apply j HtniMtl Elmore a Co. THE LOI VKB OOHN 4 CO AgenU, Stranger viHithiK in tb city will fiml j TILLAMOOK Ore. the Iouvre an attractive renort wherein : to apt-tid the evening. Tlie Arame Sister ! ' Lmlic' Orclii-Ktra iHri nrt lhe bills and ! preaeiif nik'lniv a mimical prograiu of exceptmual merit, Hatidsoine pool and Minaru riMiin h'- h leatur in oounertliNi , with the tmime. rnliitnbl lunches will I served at nil iioum General Agent, AHT01UA, ORE. Oregon lUllrosd Navigation Co., A. A C. 11. It. C rOKTLAND, Ore. FOR SALE. Improved ranch, consisting of lift cre, on Young" river. Apply to John L. Hnyeth, Wise, Or. FINIS OPENING. The North Paelflo Dental College, ivho advertisement appear In anoth er column, opened It door October I, Ith 76 tudents on Its roster. The col. lege Is well equipped with every facil ity to graduate itudents In nil th i.t. knowledgs of dentlitry. A. R. Baker, I , D.D. 8., la demonstrator In charge, and wen quannea to intruct all student who this college. State Normal School MONMOUTH. OHKQON Training flohool for Tsaesers. New Buildings New Departments. Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates Secure Good Positions. STRONO COURSES-We.ll equipped training departments, Normal course, qulckeit and best way to State Certificates. Expenses for year from 1 to 1N; Board MM to D pir week; Tultloa, MB per term of Un week. Fall term begins September 19th: Summer trm June ff to September L Kor catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL. Presides. or W. A. WANN, Sm sf Faculty. m m NORTH PACIFIC Dental College loth and Coiich Sts Portland. Member of National Association of Dental Faculties. Pormerly Ta:oma College nf Dcnta Surgery. Dental Infirmary open dally from I s. m. to 5 p. m. Free oral ararglosJ ellnls Saturday, 1:30 p. m. to S p. m. A. R. Baker, D. D. B- DorrwmM pat nv la charge. Student desiring Information, ad. Areas North Paelflo Dental College, Fifteenth and Couch strmts. Portland. Oregon. KOPP'S BEST r A Delicious and Palatable Drink Absolutely Pure . The North Psolflo Brewery, of which f Bottled beer for family use or keg Mr John Kopp is proprietor, make beer beer supplied at any time, delivery in for domesMo and export trade. the city free. f4orth Pacific Brewery