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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
MB MORNING ASTOKIAN, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER , 10. ENGLAND WILL NOT BE TAKEN UNAWARES She is Hurriedly Strengthening the Fortifi cations at Esquimau. APPREHENDS AN ATTACK BY RUSSIA Great Britain Seniinf a larfe Force of Marines to Its Pacific StroBfnoia is a Precantlonary Measnre-Sfenlficant Russian Actions. NEW TORK. Not. S.-A special to the Time from Montreal. says: England don not Intecd to be Ultra unawares In any move that may be made la the Pacific as a result of a poa- tlble combination of two or more hod til power ag-alnst her Interest m that quarter of the globe. It la learned that a strong detachment of marines whose sailing from England wa not announced will arrive at Halifax to morrow or the day after en route to squlmalt, the strongest British stronghold and naval base in the Pa cific ocean. The fortifications at Esquimau are also undergoing considerable strength ening. and enlargement and a number of heavy guns have recently ben ship ped across the continent to be mounted at that fortress. NEW STYLE OF WARFARE.- Boers Again Violate the Principles of the White Flag. LOURENZO MARQUES, Nov. 5.- (Delayed In transmission.) A runner from Ingnavuma, Zululand, brings new that pn November 1. W Boer' invaded British territory and ad- from Nagasaki. She had but 11 paa vanced towards the forts at Ingnavumaj sengers, Including several discharged with a white flag. When they were 10 soldiers. yartts distant they fired Volleys Into The transport Indiana, with the Ten th forts, which, however, had been nessee regiment aboard, was at Naga evacuated. J saki when the 6t Paul salted. - Besides ' The Boers burned all the stores on she had over 100 prisoners aboard. Most the Lobomo and thoroughly ransacked! of these are destined for Alcatraa. Pemersdorf, which they burned to the ground. I BASUTOS ARE RISING. England Will Be Obliged to Raise Second Army Corps Immediately. NEW YORK, Nov. 8. A dispatch to Ihe Tribune from London says: The danger of a Basuto uprising is' now admitted to be Imminent, and this1 will affect General Buller's plan of j campaign and may render necessary j the mobilization of a second army corps, i The Basutos have a large force of iliotinted warriors armwi with rifles and highly skilled mounted Infantry, and they have an Innate passion for fighting and strong animosity towards the Dutch. Certainly, with the Fr-s State at war with Kngland, it Ik impossible for the British trixp to police the Basil - t'.-laml border or take any effective pre cautionary measures for averting a dir? catastrophe. The black menace i is the darkest cloud now settling over South Africa. CONTIIACT CLOSED. The WlrleflS System of Telejrraphy Will Be Used In Hawaii by February. (iFi.,lerick j ' CHICAGO, Nov. Cross of Honolulu has arrived In Chi-; cago from New York, whare he has completed arrangements with the owners of the Marconi system lor us; establishment in the Hawaiian Islands. The system of wireless telegraphy in ' the Islands is expected to be In work-j ing order February 1st. Mr. Cross' uld: j McCune of Salt Lake will. It is said "As soon as I heard of the Marconi mak a tMt tne eight-hour law system I was detailed by a number Of I wnch caUMi the trouble. Honolulu capitalists to Investigate it. "I obtained sole rights from the Wireless Telegraph and Signal Com pany of London, which owns the pat ents for the Marconi system. "Thft nriirk will twcin January .1. find . ' .u. ,i ... kJ In a month's time we expect to be! , , ,,.,,., flashing messages from the islands." A REPUBLICAN MAYOR. SACRAMENTO, Cal Nov. .-Geo. Clark, .republican, has been chosen' mayor of Sacramento by 1,822 majority. The reason for the hurried strength ening of Esquimau lie In the appre hension of the Imperial government that Russia may seise the opportunity of the Boer war to attack England in the East. Recent concwted action of the Rus sian and French fleets In the Mediter ranean which drew out a protest from Great Britain, taken In conjunction with significant utterances by the Rus sian and French press may hare led the British war office to determine the precautionary measures of which the strengthening of Esquimau and Hall fax form a part The actual strwgrh of the force of marines now on their way to Esqui mau is not known. A numb.T of marine will be left at Halifax but the bulk will go to Esqul-i malt MOVEMENT OF TRANSPORTS. Coming and Departing From Sa'n Francis:) with the Usual Reg ularity. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. I. The transport St Paul has reached this port after a rough passage of H days The Bltlibid prison on Luzon is to crowWO. that many prisoners escape court-martial, as there Is no place to confine them. When the St. Paul left Manila it was understood that each, transport would bring 50 to 100 to Al catrai. Most of the men are charged with minor offenses, though three were convicted of assaulting an officer and one of desertion, The United States cattle transport Wyefleld has arrived from Manila. Her voyage was uneventful. THE DELAYED FORTY-SECOND. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8.-The companies of the Forty-econd regi ment, which were detained on their way from the East by a railroad acci dent In which twenty men were slight ly Injured, have arrived here on their I way to the Philippines. Lieutenant i Colonel Beacon will be In command of 1 the regiment until it reaches Manila, j where Colonel J. M. Thompson awaits Its arrival. The regiment includes 43 1 oPcer? and 1.200 men. RICHEST EVER KNOWN. VANCOUVER. B. C, Nov. 8. A $1'j0,0"0 gold brick, the largest ever melted In a Canadian mine, is to be sent down from the Kwrtenay district shortly. Thlh year's wash-up is the ''-''- ever known In the district, SLOGAN STRIKE UNSETTLED. VANCOUVER B. C Nov. 8. The slrlke )s Hti!1 unsettled. Non- union miners being brought in ha (.auwe(i the mril(, t0 Hpread to several hlthert0 unaffected districts.' A. W. TREATY TO BE SUBMITTED. PARIS, Nov. 8. The Caulols asserts that the minister of commerce will submit the Franco-American commer clal treaty to the chamber of deputies mmed ate y upon w reassembling, ' BUYING CANADIAN LUMBER. VANCOUVER, B. C, Nov. 8.-The bark Katie F. Troop is loading 1,000,00 feet specially selected timber here for the Cramps of Philadelphia, to be used In building United States ships. DEMOCHATlO VICTORY. Hosldee I'helnn, Sun Francisco 11a Nearly All the Ht of the Ticket. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. S.-The full tvturn of the municipal eUvtlon hail not been received Ihl morning, but a cl estimate pbx-es the plurality of Jame I). Phelan, democrat, for mayor, at over 4.000. The democrat also elected the aMesmw. city attorney, re corder, district attorney, coroner, pub lie administrator, four police Judge and IS of the IS supervisors. The re publicans have probably elected the auditor, county clerk, tax collector, treasurer and three supervisors. HANDSOME DONATION. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 1-The board of trustees of the home for children and aged women has received from ex Governor and Mrs. John 8. Plllsbury the sura of $190,000 to be Inverted In permanent fund, the Interest of which li to be sp-nt towards the maintenance of the Institution. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MEETING BOSTON, Nov. 8. The regular semi annual meeting of the First Church of Christ. Scientist, the mother church of Christlon Science, In this city, was held last night. BRYAN PLEASED WITH NEBRASKA WAS INTERESTED IN GOEBEL He Receives the Congratulations of His Pricnis in His Assured Re 3ominatioi Xeit Tear. CHICAGO, Nor. t A special to the Times-Herald from Lincoln, Nebraska say: At the Bryan house last night the telephone kept up a constant clamor with reports from the populist head quarters down town. The first bulle tin from the tetegiupb company de livered while the .family were still at dinner came from the town of Crete, normally republican by lot, but which this year given fusion 78 majority. "A good omen," said Bryan. "Don't forget that I spoke In Crete," said Chairman Charie A. Tcmme of the sliver repubitcitn party. After re turning from Omaha at noon, Bryan gave up the day to driving, walking about his farm and chatting mow on political prospects In other states than upon the outlook in Nebraska. The first bulletin which se-med to arouse Colonel Bryan's enthusiasm was one from Louisville declaring that Goebel had carried the city by 2,000. It was quickly contradicted by later returns, but the pleasure with which Bryan hailed the erroneous report showed how sincere was his Interest In the regular nominee. The disappointment caused by the later unfavorable news from Ken tucky was to a grat degree offset by bulletins which reporW ipvat dem ocratic gains In Ohio and in Massa chusetts. Chairman McNary of the state committee In the latter state wired Colonel Bryan that Paine, dem ocrat, had carried Boston by 7,500, while McKinley carried It by 18,000. That shows where the gold demo crats have been," said Towne. By 9:30 Colonel Bryan was sufficiently assured of success In his state to send out an answer to Innumerable lnqulrl.-s from papers and politician friends. By 10:30 o'clock It became apparent that the funkmluts had carried Ne braska. Even Llnoln, which time and again has dealt Bryan the severest blows, elected three nominees on the ccunty ticket, and Douglas county, In cluding Omaha, deserted the repub licans for the first time In Its history. Colonel Bryan made no "attempt to conceal his pleasure. "It was an election fought on na tional Issues and the result Is an en dorsement of our principles," he said to Senator Blackburn, and to James K, Jones he wired the news, putting the Indicated fusion majority at 15,000. The dispatches were hardly off before later bulletins led him to raise his estimate to 20,000. Governor Poynter, In the executive mansion, kept the telephone wire hot with exultant messages, and as the night wore on, the member of the state committee flocked to the Bryan home with congratulations. It was as 5f TEE EICELLENCE OF SUP OF DGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care ami skill with which it U manufactured1 by nv'entiflo processes known to the CAi.troaxu Fio Syri'P Co. only, and we w Uh to iwprvaa npon all the Importance of purchasing; the true tod original remedy. At th genuine Syrup of t'igt is manufactured by the Caufonxu Kta Syrvp Co. only, knowledge of that (act will assist one in sroiillng the worthleu Imitations manufactured by other par tie. The hltrh Undlng of th CaL rosjtiA Fm SYhip Co. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which th ffenuine Syrup of Fig has given to millions ot families, maks the name ot the Company a ruarantjr of the excellence of It remedy. It it far in advance of all other laxative, as U acta, on th kidney, liver' and bowels without Irritating or weaken in; them, and it doea not grip nor nauseate. In order to get it beneficial effect, please remember the nam of the Company CALIFORNIA Fir, SYRUP CO. AX rKAftf IM Ctk MCBTUXI, . Bw TSRX. H. T. though the national leader was him self a victorious character. By 11 o'clock the wrtaWty of a fusion vie tory was complete, and Prys-n. Towne, Governor i'oynter and a few guests took earring for the populist head quarters, where a crowd greeted them with cheers. At midnight rtuma wrre still frag mentary but definite enough to Indi cate that the victory In the state was even more sweeping than In 1SS The Uryan household, from Mrs Bryan's white-haired fathrr to the lit tleat children, has bwn wrapped up In this contest, and whllw there was little of exultation, every face frankly tolj Its story of great satisfaction, "Do you ascribe the victory to thr anti-imperialist sentiment?" he was asked after victory was amurrd. "Well, so many factors wvtrred' Into our contest," he replied, "that U 1 dif ficult to select one a the determining one." TO KEEP RAT9 AWAT. Device Used on Ship In the Plague Port. Russian authorities, alive to the ne cessity of keeping out the. ptagu;, have resorted to this way of preventing rats from boarding ships, which la describ ed by Consul IWnan of Odesra: "I saw the other day a rurious device attached to the mooring rope or cuble of a steamer which was loading at this port. The cable was run through a piece of iron pipe ibut a foot long, and Welded on the end of the pipe was a large Hang? or funnel which looked like the end of a trumpt, with the wide end facing the ship. The Iron pipe was stuffed with oakum, to pre vent it from slipping, and also to pre vent rats from passing through It. This novel construction was close to the ship. "On Inquiring what purpose this de vice served, I was Informed that the Russian authiriiis furnished these ap pliance, and obliged all ships to use them whenever they came from a port Infected with the plague, to prevent the rats on the ship rom coming on shore. It Is conceded gfnerully that the plague has be-n carried and spread by rats which have left the ships corn ing from lnf?;?j?d ports, ft is known that rats make us of the cable to come ahor, and this Iron pipe with Its funnel shupil arrangement was employed to prevent such visits, if p' slble. Thes devices are attached to each cable to which the ship Is moored. In addition to this precaution the mas ter of the ship Is obliged to take down his loading stages every night and erect, them the following morning, to prevent the rats from coming on shore In the night." OJXn nsunjruvrun.'nsunfinru. nrv Caunot be found wbiob Bre exact ly alike in dimensions. We bear this fact in mind wben fitting eye glasses and achieve results which give relief to the eye and comfort to the note. It cost nothing to consult us. It may cost yon more NOT TO. (iluHMUH t( Fit Kye, Nose, I'aec and Purse, Northwest Optical Co., The Uobbo I31dg., Second anrl Woahlnvton Hta Rooms M'ji'3 iLutrinnwuuj nnnnnnnn vnumi nil i ; ii' ".77""', ; ' i I , . mi - l f :; r I fell The "Delsane" and "Regent" Shoes for Women All Styles, One Price, $3-50 Equal to Any $5.00 Shoe Al$o"loeenQoility" Shots for Women $3.00 E, C. Goddard & Co, Oregonisn Baikling, Portland. ST. HELEH'S HALL. A BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Reopened September IX For circular address. MIHS KLKNORK THIBllKTl'H, l'h. f) Principal, Portland Oregon Telephone Red 301. HIS MOTHER'S BREAD He say was always so light and well baked. Well there is a knack In mak ing It But don't forget the kind of stove or range used make a difference. His mother used a Star Entate Range W. J. SCULTr, Agent, 431 Bond street. Egg 'Still Wilson Improved Air Tight Heaters ...FOR COAL... Thin hontor is cnjn'cinlly iiilatttl for Soft (Wl and Lignite. Tho body i tiuulo of poliNlirtl 8tl. Kxtra heavy slinking utul (lumping frato. Fire pot extra heavy with Inrjjo iihIi pit, Iiu a nickel urn, nickel name pinto mid two nickel plated foot mils. The hot hlaxt draft i.t mi eotiHtnu'letl that the escaping gases are nil consumed, which makes n great saving in the consumption of fuel. Price, 512.00 to $25.00. All Varieties of Weed Air Tlihts at FOARD 0 STOKES. Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged t the Old Book Store History, Blogrej.hy, Mechnnlral, Reference, Poetry. Mellcal, Lw. Rellglou. Scientific All standard work. Second hsnd sfhool book, large iUxk chenp Hc-ond hand magailnrs. Li-brarii-s liouglit Iia'ge ttock of novels, lll.tKiO tit'Ok HYLAND BROS. PORTLAND, OH. 2W-131 Tamhlll St., below Beeood. Telephone lUd 2fWl R. MARSCH Tonsorial Parlors 301 Washington St, corner Fifth Opposite Hotel Parkin Ladies Hair Dressing a Specialty Ladies entrance to bath 00 Fifth street. PORTLAND, OHEOoN. Golambia EleetFie & Repair Go SucceHor to COLUMBIA IRON WORKS Blacksmiths BoilerMakers Machinists Foundrymen Logging Bngtncsi Heavy Forging Under Power Hammer a Specially Sole Manufatturers of the Unsurpassed ... " Harrison Secton" Propellor Wheel ... Contractors for Electric Lights and Power Plants. ...The Esmond Hotel... I I PORTLAND, ORE., FRONT AND MORRISON STS. CHAS. HEILBORN SON IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In all ilzea anmruuuiru V inTRLr.M-.rTM A TVTrx n tyt 1 PORTLAND, OR. 2 The Only First-Clan 1 rurtfunrwunivnnnjvv Umbrellas Best and Cheapest Also Rrpaltlng aoJ IfeooverlBC t Meredith Washington 11 wren Bib end 0th Street. PORTION P, OllK John D. Coffey, Merchant Tailor V! ALI'NH r 1 oh. 1 iuai. Portland, Ore W. C. A. Pohl, (U!TT (UIIEL Undertaker, Cmbalmer and Funeral Director Casket and Funeral Hnnplle constant ly on hand. Ooroer lltb nj Duane 81s, Astoria, Or I KiMit ftt of m;linkl or fnt mlr mu4 -iiM.lfin.ib f'frl KipoaltioB, llu4 I Xim 1'AilJtt Ulioiu. ilaJUaiMa, MM Loggers Supplies Kept to stock Unlit and Repaired and stylos. We (hall continue to sell Iron and Brass Bedsteads at the same Low Price reRfirdlesa of the raise in the price of iron and bras Hotel In Portland