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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
8 7 HIE MOUNJ0 A8T0KIAN. TIIUJUDAY NOVKMBKK 9. JK99. Iffl Y7L 11 111 1 1 r i. , TMV, great rush of people to take advantage ol our extraordinary offers in uncalled for suits and overcoats has been marvelous from the very beginning. The popularity of these suits has become so great that we have been compelled to open correspondence with over one hundred of the largest Tail oring concerns throughout the country in order to get these suits fat enough to supply the enormous demand. These are not misfits, but suits made to order on which deposits have been paid and which for unkown reasons remained uncalled for. Such things happen to every Tailoring establish establishment. It is by advertising and making a feature of selling these suits that they find it more advantageou to consign, them to us than to attempt to dispose of them from their own establishments. Uncalled for Garments at Half Price. $20.00 Suits and Overcoats, $10.00 $25.00 Suits and Overcoats, $12.60 $30.00 Suits and Overcoats, $15.00 $35.00 Suits and Overcoats, $17 50 $40.00 Suits and Overcoats, $20.00 These garments are so far superior in style, fit and finish to ready-made cloth ing that comparisons are odious. Call and examine them and see if we can fit you.' ' Suits to rder We make suits to order from 5.00to$15 cheaper than any other first-class tailoring establishment in Portland. . . . We are Tailors, Bear That in Mind Not cheap garment makers, the only thing cheap about our suits is the price. Our suits huvc that style. fit and finish about them that well-dressed gentle men appreciate. Astorians are cordially invited to call and inspect our goods whether they buy or not: FamsrjorMeralo era 1 1 I Fl Tailoring Company, 250 Washington Street, PORTLAND, OREGON JAPAN FRIENDLY TOWARD RUSSIA English Press Reports of Prospective Trouble are Denied. Til io J and It nt further njrmvl thai tfueh NhouKI kor-p 'liinda off.' " COINT CASSIM IS StKI'KISEI) Publication Said by Diplomats to He Inspired to Distract Attention from the Kar In Africa. NEW YORK, Nov. 8.-A apoelftl to th Herald from Washington anys! l'ubllcntlotis ty tho Englltth prcam rv pnrtliiff irmiKctlve trouble bvtwrwi ItUHHiu ami Japan over Corv nro be lieved by diplomats here tolmve been InnplreJ for the purpoao of illHtractlng ulliMitloii from tho war In South Af rica. No oOlclal confirmation of thone re port can bo obtained at the statu do pitrtnietit, the Russian embassy or the JapancHo locution. There I no question of thy ay in pa thy felt by tho continent for the Transvnnl, and while Count Canslnl, the Russian ambassalor says that Inter ference la not contemplated, It la ap parent that Great Britain la carefully watching the International situation for the purpose of nipping In the bud any plun proposing Intervention or compensation. Dlseusalng; the report of friction be tween Russia and Japan in Corea, Count CubhI nl auld: "The report both aatonlwhea and amuses mo. It swing to me that the report! are circulated by oertnln par tie for tho purpose of distracting at tention V(m other auctions now en grogHlng the considerations of Europe. ln regurd to the reports concerning the proapecte of war between his gov ernment and Rumtla, the Japanese mln latcr aald: "J am satisfied they are without foundation, The relations between Japan and Ruaala are most friendly. Under the arrangement entered Into by these governments some monjha ago the Independence of Corea was recof- HAMOAN SETTLEMENT. tyKULIN, Nov. l.-ConlllotliiR no omnia tvffnnllns; the Pnmoan rttl ineni are in circulation. Tho furvlgn ol'ioe adinlla an oral movement, but ilocUin-K to give details, until Orx it llrltuln hit ur'ptd. It In aswrtml In ofTUIiil clrelin that the ngivenient favors Oermaiiy. The Lokal Anaelger publishes an ap peal of Chief MiUuafa to the trlpnr tlte powers, dated SeptemlxT Id, In which lie represents the unfortunate position of (he Snmoans hi a fault of tht eonfllcta Inst spring, and prays the power to Indemnify the people for their great loaae. MA2ETMAY HE ASSEMBLYMAN YET CLAIMS HE WILL BE SEATED Tammany Charged With Casting I'our Hundred Fraudulent Votes Agnlnst HI in Last Tuesday. NEW YORK. Nov. 8.- The Herald saya: While the republicans admitted that Teres M. Stewart had received the greater number of votes In the nine teenth assembly dlstrlot they unani mously declared that Robert Mazet would again occupy his seat In the as sembly, Stewart's plurality is less than the number of alleged fraudulent votes cnat In the district for the Tommnny Moll ticket. It was announced that Mr. Maict would make a contest and there wis ample evidence to Justify a republican legislature in throwing out more than 400 vat which were cast against him. This report spread through tho district laat night before the figures became known. The fight had been so bitter that the small plurality was held to be suffi cient to seat Stewart. Charges of brib ery and colonisation were freely made on each side. A report was taken to republican headquarters that five men who had gone to the thirty-fourth election district Intituling to vota for ilaset found that' Tammany men had cast ballots In their names. This was anld to have been otio of tho many tlnlriant frauds. "It la a surprise that we weiv not defonkd by 1,000 or more," said Col leolor indwell. "Mnset's defeat Is due to Illegal WXIng, lllogal registration and to every fraud In the calendar." Mr. Qulgg mudo these comments: "The strange feature of the flpht Is that In the democratic districts Stew art has run behind while In the repub lican districts Maiet hits run behind. Mairl losses wen? heavy. My present estimate Is that the total vote of the cl I liens' union In the assembly district Ana about 25. Then were at least 4M fraudulent Tammany votes cast. "The Intention had hen to have 1, POO votes, but we managed to prevent about fiOfl." "Does Mr. Mai -t assert that ho has been beaten by fraud?" I asked, "I assert It." wus the reply. rlor and lead armies to battle and victory. His progress- and valor may change the map of Europe. Methlnks I hear the plaudits of the people at the mention of his deeds and name. He may become er he might er " Turning to the mother: ' "What la his name?'' "What Is the baby's name?" "Yes, what Is his name?" "Its name is Mary Ann." Brooklyn EokIo. MARK TWAIN ATA CHRISTENING. We have me4 together, my friends, on a very Interesting occasion, the christening of this little child, but 1 see already a look of disappointment on your faces. Is It because the infant Is so small? We must bear in mind that this globe upon which we live la made up of small things, Infinitesimal objects, we might say. Little drops of water make the mighty ocean. The mountains which rear their hoary heads toward heaven and are often lost in the clouda are made up of little grains of sand. Besides, my friends, we must take into consideration the possibilities in the life of this little speck of humanity. He may become a great preacher. Multitudes may be swayed by his elequenoe and brought to see ond believe In the truth of the gospel. He may become a distinguished physician, and his fame as a healer of men may reach the uttermost parts of the earth and his name go down to posterity as one of the groat benefac tors of humanity. He may become a great astronomer and read the heavens na an open book, He may discover new stars, which may be coupled with that of Newton and other great discoverers. He may become a distinguished states man and orator, and by hls-.eloquence he may control the destinies of nations and his name be engraved upon mon uments erected to perpetuate his, mem ory by his admiring and greatful counerymen. He may become an au thor and a poet, and his name appear among those now entombed at West minster. He may become a great war- WESSINO THE CHEESE. New York Tribune. Simpson's restaurant, in Blrd-ln-Hund Court, Choapside, London, which recently announced that all French wines were off its list because of the Dreyfus co?, was established In 1723 and Is known is the "Olde Flshe Shopi." It has a dally ritual as fa mous us the pudding of the Cheshire Cheese at the Table of the Fathers at Carr'a. The Slmpsoniau rite Is the guessing ot the cheese. Dally a new Chettilar Is put on the table and to each diner Is given paper, on which he writes his guess of Its height, weight and girth. Then, with reverent oere mony, the president weighs and meas ures the cheese. ; beech Airs pills I For Bilious and Nervous Disorders I Are Without a Rival. t AirirOAL SALES OVER 4,000,000 BOXES. l' at . tf of KdravalAM. FREEBORN & CO. DEALERS IX IMPROVEMENT IN STEAMERS. The great "ocean ferry" gives a strlk' ing Illustration of mechanical progress in sixty years. Speed, eays Sir Wil liam White, has been Increased from TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. B. W. Grove's sig nature Is on each box. ISo. A Portland Buyer Mrs. DALTON, who has years' of experience as a . Buyer . had Will bo pleased to givo persona attention to all customer. Correspondence solicited. S'4 to 22 knots; the time on the voy age hag been reduced to about 18 per cent of that In 1840. Ships have been more than trebled In length, about dou ble In breadth, and increased tenfotd in displacement. The pasenger list has been Increased from about 100 to 2,000 in a single steamship. The engine pow er has been made forty times as great, The ratio of horse power to weight driven has inervased fourfold; the rate of coal consumption per horse power hour has been reduced to one-third. To drive 2,000 tons across the Atlantic at S'i knots, about 650 tons of coal weiv burnt In 1S40; now, to drive 20,000 tons across at 22 knots, about 3,000 tons ar burnt. Each ton of propelling apparatus, with a steam pressure of only 12 pounds, then gave only two horse power for continuous work ing; each ton now produces from 6 to 7 horse power. Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes the most In tense sutiertnp. .Many have for Tears vainly sought relief from this disabling disease, and are to-day worse off than ever. Rheumatism is a blood disease, and Swiff s Specific is the only cure, be cause it is the only remedy which can reach such seep-seated diseases. A few yaara ago I im taken with Inflamma tory Rheumatism, which became ao lateuaa that 1 waa (or weeks usable to walk. I triad several prominent physi cians and took their treat ment faithfully, bat was nnabla to gat tha alight eat relief. Tntast,myeoo. dltlon seamed ta grow worae, tha aMaaaaa apraad ever mj entire bady, and from November to llareh I suffered agony. I tried many patent madtalaea, J . u- r .la. but none relieved me. Upon the ad v tea ol a friend I decided to tr Before allowing me u uue , now. Wall Paper and Room Mouldings Gypsinc, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, etc. Plain and Decorative Paper Hanging. House and Fresco Painters, Etc, 313 Washington St., Portland, Ore. Telephone Red 1955. J. 0. Gillen 8 Co., Dealers, Manufacturers am Contractors Of Asbestos Boiler ond Pipe Coverings 229 Second St, PORTLAND, ORE. B. F. Allen & Son House in Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Brushes, Etc. No House Con Beat Our Prices. 36s Commercial St. 363 Second St. Portland. POVEY & BIRCHALL TAILORS Fins work at Popular Prices. 327 Washington Street. Next Imperial Hotel PORTIJIND. ORB. aver, mr (uardlan, who waa a ehemiet. ana Ijrseel the remedy, and pronounced II tree ol actaea or mmurr. I (eft so mueh better altei nf two bottlea, that I continued toe rem- et. and In two non tha I waa oured completely. Ibe eu waa permanent, (or Lhare never el nee had a toueh of Kbeumatlain thouijh man; Knee espoeed to damp and cold weaiher. Xlsanob M. Tirriu, ITU Fewelton Avenue, Philadelphia. Doa'tiuffsr longer with Rheumatism. Throw aside your oils and liniments, as tfaay can not reach your trouble. Don't experiment with doctors their potash and mercury will add to your disabil ity and completely destroy your digestion. a Ks7a sjgra iiikxAWU Jriu care perfectly and permanently. U if guaranteed purely vegetable, and 000 Wins no potash, mercury, or other atiaeral. Books mailed tree by Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Oa. CUT PRICES DAVID IIARUM, $1.50, our Cut Price $1.15 R1DHARD CARVEL, $1.50, our Cut Price ... 1.15 JANICE MEREDIN, new book by Paul Leicester Ford, $1.50. our Cut Price 1.15 WITH KITCHENER TO KHARTUM, W, II, Stevens, $1 .50 our Cut Price 1.15 We will meet any Cut Price on any book made by any house in the world. Send us your orders. JoHes Book Store, 291 Alder St., bet. 4th and 5th, PORLLAND, CEEGON, m Bl i