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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1899)
NOTlom ' .!. I f:I fl n 1 -ifrr-n r 3Un 4 t'lU'iv .,,,1 f'.tiiHy of such Jwblo to pav.ulK 1 i VOL 1, A8T01UA. OREGON, TUUUSDAY, N0VEMBE1.' 9. lMlltl, NO. 189 THE LEGISLATURE OF iiEPURLK'AN OAIN8. TOI'KKA. Kan., Nov. 8.-Rport from y-Kt-lay'a election for county oirirlu! in K annuo ahow republican gain throtighout the state. THE GLOOMY PERIOD WILL SOON BE OYER TWO STATES IN DOUBT The Eclipse Hardware Co. it I I I T III) I (J) J (i) I linn Removed to itn NeVQiiiirtHH next li tho Columbia Electrical it Repair Co., three (Iimiih form the old Htand, whoro they will continuo to carry the llnent ntock of htovw In Astoria. - - BOND STREET. IMPORTANT NOTICE Yesterday we received notle from the imblLWs of the Wkkkrn Kuition or tub Ewmoiua IImtamnica, that oalng lo tlx cuormou. iucreaae In the price of paper with Id tli put fw weaks.they would shortly withdraw the sale ol thir Eiii'viIohiIui at the pretest prion. Our contract with the publlshera enable. 01 tu make tb Miue liberal of fer a. beiftolora. Thirty larite rolotiiM of the Kuoycloi dia, one guide to Hvateroatlo trading of the Encyclopedia, One Upright Oak ilookraae anil Una Large Webatt-r's En tyoloHHli fn of chargo. All the nbov will be delivered npou the mall payment of ONE DOLLAR lUtlanoe in itnall mouthlv payment. Call and look into this olfer. GRIFFIN & REED. Here Is a List WK.II. w Of HlgH Oracle (lood. at Motlrnte Prlcaat Fancy Creamery Butter in Kegs and Kolls. Strictly Fresh r.ggs. New Crop Maple Syrup. Buckwheat and Gridle Cake Flour. Packard A Smith's Fancy Italian Prunes; New Crop Nubt, Figs, Mince Moat. It . -v m m. t r atx , i .')., HIUUIFI5 K W. . y. ,;v v T Ujaiai r-rB f"J' The Silverfleld Fur Manufacturing Co., Morrlaioii Hi., rortlnml. Ore. To the LndlcH of Antorlni Wa w Oll.l'" prtttlt, ill v m one-fourtl) on overy HnriiH'iit you pureliiwo from iih, U" we are direct miuiiHiirtiircra, nihi you win eavn urn iiihiuumiuui Kur CnllnrrtUx, rnini ,. H11 "P KurNirk llim, from tV "I1 l.llr.' In i. Tiillur MnduHulliilniin J J up IjhIIm' Klne illw MHilel'liilh Jm kfU, rmm -10 up . ImU' Klne Krewh K(niail WIU, fnm Il.TJ lip AliwkkNwl Mkln JiirkcK. UI11I1111 Jyt, nmrto pmially V urlor lnni. , li.W.00 up UrmiMli'Um or Pur (MmirnU Into llir Luloiit ttlylr at very low fltfiinii. Heml hir riliiimt1 catudiKUf, which wo will glaitly mail yuu. Highest r'rlcc I'ald for Kaw Purs. : Yours Respectfully, , The Silverfleld Fur Manufacturing Co. Largest and Best Equipped Offices In the Northwest PORTLAND DENTAL, PARLORS Top V Vlnnr S Waahlnctou Bullil- ,' I m Crown and Lridiio Work, 4.B0 per tooth, guaranteed, ltest net Teeth. 83.00 fit ffimranteed. Best Filliuija, Nki np, guaranteed. All Work Ponltlvely Guaranteed to Rive Perfect .Satisfaction OR NO PAY. Wn.l.lnntnn ftnilillnif flornor dlh mill Wuahinsrtou St.. ...... r it ju an a, tn KGil rlilu rioor, uouuin 11, id, t u, ui, us. Phona Oreuon, Brown 40J. Columbia (69! Both Parties Claim to Have a. Working Ma jority in the Ohio Body. A WIDE DIFFERENCE IN THE ESTIMATES ' Democrats Probatly Have Both Branches in Kentucky tni Antl- Coetcl Faction May Hold Balance of Power In Case of & Contest. Midnight disimtdius do not change the cbtimate in Ohio of 60,000 plurality for Nasli, republican. There w a singu- hirly wide dincrcpancv between the republican and demo- ly wide dincrepancy between the repub cratic (IcureHOiithc leL'Wature. Goebel still claims his elec- , ; tion in Kentucky, but later returns only show an increased S republican gain. The legislature is democratic, but the anti- (ioebel membeni will pixibably act with republicans in case of .V a a . . g a gubernawnal conkt. js I LOflSVILLK, Ky., Nov. .-In vlrw of the probability of oonteat over th vote of gMvepnor thl BUUnru-nt mBilf by rhalrmaj) Lotirf of Ow republican aiute contral enmmlttoe tonlabt 1 nlllcant. Lons aold: "Tlio Ipjrutlature la cloa. but 1 this!: re fc&vo lo both hiur. From arnil-olT.cliil return all the counUoa ticept 12 and careful ultimate from thos. w have carried the alate by J.0O0 plurality for Taylor." In the event of a content It will come brfote th l-filn.tur. No abatement of the makeup of the Uirtala'ure haa lnn riven, but it I probable a number of membern xcUUmHl by the democratic party aiv not del nin. If the mrHiRlh of the "two rat pnrtloa la nearly equal tie- nU-Oo'lHl dinnn- crnta pmlmlily would hold the balance of po t, thua furnlchlnu all the ele- no-nta for a rpetltlon of the bitter con-t.-nt f W" which r.ulte(l In th de- f. at af ivackbtirn fpr the Unlt-Hi state iw-ruatc. rtLACK HORN'S FlflCRES. I'ltANKFORT, Ky., Nov. 8.-Chalr- man Ttlackbum of the democratic alate campaign committee at mldnlaht (rave the following flgurea on the complexion of the next lnlalatupu: Senate, dem-oi-nita 27, republlcana 11: houte demo crat W. republlcana 45, with a chance of 68 to 42. GOEBEL GAE1U.R FRANKFORT, Ky Nov. 8.-Senalor (nwhel airlvwl here tonight. In a ap"eoh he said: 'I b:lleve I "have boon elected. In fact, I know I have. All I have to miy la that If I have been elected as I bellve I will be inaugrated In spltej of IxHilHVllle and NiiabvtUe railroad bj1 ltradley bnyontts." CONTEST rnORATILE. Hut Returns In Kentucky Still Show Republican Gulna. LOl'ISVILLE, Nov. 8. No matter what result the face of returns of yea terday'a election show, a contest Is very likely to occur. Additional reiurna re colved today and tonight continue to show republican gains and baaing an estimate upon the normal complexion of preclnts at 111 unreported, Indicate a plurality of six or eight thousand for W. S; Taylor (republican for governor.) Belated returns are mostly from moun tain counties which are strongly re publican. The Goebel people cling to their claim of a plurality of 5,000 In the state, those figures being an estimate made by the nominee himself tonight. At the republican headquarters In this city, Taylor'a plurality Is pluced at 8,000. A DEMOCRATIC ESTIMATE. LOUISVILLE, Nov. 8. Returns re evlved by the Courier Journal up to 1:30 a. m. give Goebel a plurality of 2070 vetes, A CONVEX VIEW. CINCINNATI, Nov. 8. The follow Ing I the Enqulr.T (democrat) estl mate of the political composition of the next learlalature tn Ohio: Senate 2fi democrat, 10 republicans, 2 popu Hats: total 3?. House, 67 democrats, 40 republicans, S populists, total 100. This gives the democrats In the general as sembly a majority of ti votes on Joint ballet, exclusive of the five popullata. A CONCAVE VIEW. CINCINNATI. Nov. 8. The republi can ilEiires on the legislature are: Houe, republican 81, democrats 43, doubtful J. Senate, republicans 18, dem-oemta-ll. doubtful 1 NASH MAS FIFTY THOUSAND. CINCINNATI. Nov. 8. Unofficial re turns huvei Uvn received by the West ern Union from all the countlea In Ohio with a few scattering preclnts estimat ed. The footings give Nash (republi can) for governor, a plurality of 49,105. RELIABLE OLD IOWA. DE3 MOINES, Iowa. Nov. 8. Prac tically complete (returns give Shaw (republican for governor) 60,000 plural ity and 4S.000 majority which Is the largest In the history of the state on the gubernatorial vote. The legislature will stand: Senate 35 republicans, 15 democrats; house. 84 republicans, 17 democrats. This Vlll give a gain of 17 vole oin Joint ballot for the republi cans. Biuh the Gear and Cummins force claim a majority of the republi can votes for the United States stinator-shtp. THE NEBRASKA VOTE. LINCOLN. Neb., Nov. 8. The com plete returns coming In tonight do not materially change early estimates of the results of yesterday's election. The fuslonlsts carry the state by 12,000, per haps more. Tha democrats elected William Neville to congress In the sixth district. REPUBLICAN GAIN. NEW YORK. Nov. 8. Returns re ceived from up the state Increase the republican assembly membership to 93 against 57 democrats, a republican gain of 1?. DEMOCRATIC MARYLAND. . BALTIMORE, Nov. 8. Unofficial re turns from every county In the state show that the lenvicrats swept every thing In yesterday's election. The dem ocratlc majority will be 11.000. The legislature Is overwhelmingly demo cratic FAVOR THE REPUBLICANS. DENVER, Colo., Nov. 8. The re sults of the county elections In Colo rado are very much mixed, owing to the various combinations formed, but on the whole the republican appear to haw made gains outside of this (Arapahoe) county, where the demo crats have majorities of 3,000 to 8,000, I'HKLAN'H MAJORITY, SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8.-Jume h. Chelan I elected mayor over Ho ruoK Davla by a majority of 7,753. M'KINLEY NOT GRIEVED. WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-Th presi dent received a great many congratu latory telegrams today. He expressed himself .as well pleased with tha re sult of the eleotlon In Ohio. FOR EXPANSION. ABERDEEN, 8. D., Nov. g. Com plte returns confirm last night's es timates of a republican majority of from seven to ten thousand for su preme Judge. THE 8AM E TICKET. Senator Depev Thinks the Rwults of the Elections Will Make McKln. ley and Bryan Candidates. NEW YORK. Nov. 8-Senator De pew, when asked for hla views on the election, said: "I regard thla election as an en dorsement of President McKlnley'a ad ministration. "H proves that the American people have absolute confidence In him. To my mind, and I am not speaking Idly, It settles the question, beyond doubt, of! 1 the next presidency. I believe It means McKinly will of the republican party and Bryan will again secure the democratic nomlna tion." England Expects Brighter News From South Africa When Bailer Starts. THE CONFIDENCE IN WHITE RETURNING Tbe Queen Expresses Her Belief in His Skill acl Conraf e-Rer Letter to tbe General's Wife-All Ute Mews Enconrajinj; to tbe Britisher. LONDON, Nov. 9. To the eyes of military experts the darkest page of the war is now being written. But even that is illuminated with bright passages such as General White's victorious sorties. If he can keep the British flag flying over Ladysmith until he is relieved the campaign will turn a fresh page, and with the advance of Sir Buller's force, the British public is promised more cheerful wading. This feeling of relief, inspired by recent good tidings, is nevertheless tinged by a certain anxiety least General White be tu nominee! !K should again make some fatal miscalculation involving the fS ...... fil - V' l.l X' 1. ,1: i repetition 01 lue iciioisona uisusier. . HE MURDERED IN OREGON ARRESTED IN SOUTH DAKOTA Said to Rave Killed a Farmer and His Family la This State Twenty four Years Ago. who were killed at the battle of Talana HI1L LONDON, Nov. 8. Concerning- Gen eral White the queen does not have anxiety and apparently is sanguine of his ability to pull through successfully. It Is assorted she has written to Lady White expressing sympathy with her husband in th trlala and dlfflcultle he is now experiencing and assuring Lady White of her own undiminished confi dence In his generalship. The most Interesting newa tonight is a dispatch frjm Eat court announcing the departure of a a'.rong force of mounted troops and artillery , -r a destination not given In the 'aivices. Another message announces the arrival Nov., 8. A special to thei at Estcourt and Pletermaritzburg.wltli- in the last fe-.f days 3f reinforcements OMAHA Bee from L?ad, S. D., says: Two detective! from Oregon today j from Durban and that 250 troops are o min ror,,i jno At Mhnr 1 assembled ready for an advance to who has lived for It years on Little' Colenso when the opportunity arrives. Spearflsh cr.vk, northwest of this city. His arrest Is for ani alleged triple murder In Oregon 24 years ago. McArthur was working for an Oregon The latter dispatch throws light upon the former and the force which left Estccurt Monday has doubtless re-oc cunled Colenso and possibly Is now farmer. He got Into a dispute with ! advancing cautiously up the road to- hls employer and shot him dead, alsc killing the farmer's wife and five year old boy. McArthur escaped and fled to the Black Hills, where he has slnoe resided. The detective leave here tomorrow with their prisoner for Oregon. wards Ladysmith. ENORMOUS BOER LOSS. ESCOURT, Natal. Sunday, Nov. S.-Sub-Inspector Petley of the Natal po lice says his men alone, forming one of FATAL RAILWAY ACCIDENT. Fireman Killed and Brakeman Serious ly Hurt on the 8. F. A N. Yesterday. SPOKANE, Nov. 8.-A Sprtngdala special to the Spokesman-Review saylt: Brakeman Burt Smith was killed and . Fireman John B. Connelly was fajtally injured in a wreck on the Spokane Falls & Northern roal, six mlU-s north of here this afternoon. Connelly died before the wrecking train arrived from Spokane. A freight train ran Into a cow and the engine and two cars left tbe track. The englner Jumped and 'escaped unhurt Connelly was terribly crushed. Brake man Smith was caught under the en-' gine and both his hands and one foot were burned off. FIRE AT TOLEDO. TOLEDO. Ore., Nov. 8. Last night the general merchandise store of T. P. Fish, the stock of millinery of Mrs. Fish and Waugh's meat market were destroyed by fire. Seven hundred bushels of grain stored in the building were also destroyed. Total loss, 84,000; several burial parties, Interred 64 Boers no Insurance. THEIH EXECUTION UNLIKELY, j Death Sentence In the Ccurt-Martial! Cases Awaiting the President's Action Otis Recommends Mercy. WASHINGTON, Nov. S.-The fourj caes of court-martial death sentences, of soldiers In the Philippine which) reached the war department yesterday j from Manila are waiting transmission to the secretary of war. The men under sentence are Private Otto Conine, Cor poral George Damphoffer and Private Peter Bennett, all of company B, Six teenth infantry, and Private William E. Scarborough, of company B. Third Infantry. It is generally understood here that in case the sentences are not com muted by the president It Is more than likely the attorneys for the convicted men will end?avor by technical flaws In the proceedings to prevent the Im position of the extreme penaNy- It Is understood also that General Otis' approval of the sentence was coupled with a recommendation for mercy. FROM THE YUKON. SEATTLE, Nov. 8. The steamer Cot tage City arrived today with late Yu kon news. Ex-Governor J. H. McGraw of this state has bean appointed Unit ed States court conimlsslowr at Cape Nome. Warm weather is reported on the Yukon and the river has cleared of Ice egaln enabllrg several more steamers to move. , The Proof Of Boys' Clothing is in the wearing. Clothes must be of best quali ty to withstand the healthy violence of youngsters, or mother will be kept . busy mending and buying more. .. The tougher the boy the better clothe him. He's the surest test we know. til Hi we like to 77 See Our Superb Line cf Writer Novelty Suits g $2.50, $3.50, $5.00 to $10.00 wo Bovs' double-breasted sniU at 83.00 to $9.00 Youths long trouser suits, $7.50 to $18.00 Overcoats, Reefers, Hats and Furnishings. A B STE1NBACH 8 CO, LARGEST CLOTHIERS IX THE NORTHWEST Corner Fourth and Morrison Sts., PORTLAND, OREGON. LI ok