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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1899)
T rilB MORNING ASTOKUK. Km HAT. OCTOBBK B, )8M. si ; THE YACHT RACE IS AGAIN A FLUKE Drifting Match Almost From the Start and Neither Boat Could Reach Line In side of Time Limit. favorit. Now even motiy U prevall Inc, and not much U offered at that David Barrie. sir Thomas Upton's New York tvpreswntatlv. and a Bos ton iu nanwd Hodges bet U50 awn. torn O'Rourk managed to get a thou. Mod dollar! to tWS, Otwr b4 of jjoo q was mad at th Ollsey house.' Parker and his ability Id all a racing- ESTIMATED ABILITIES OF TWO BOATS course," "Art you not mlstskenr Inquired th w-foot yacht will have a ronslderabl reporter. I bearing tr, outcome of tin trt of "Mistaken? Well, I guru not. n races Mim the Columbia and the Is an Itchen ferryman and th beet ' Shamrock. raring sVtppcr in all Kngland. except, perhaps, hit brother. I have known D0N7 LIKE AWARD. him all my Ufa, and I know ther. la "" w" sioca vcoange! held th Kick. It wa. report. that 11.000 to t and Captain Parker at .hit moment cam.' H.W. to on th Columbia and U00 alongald the Krln In a launch, the' M" h'a be,n pUct I occupant! of which were captain 1 ,M Prramn opinion waa that Wring aad Captain Hogarth and Sail the Columbia would win th aerie but maker Rtsey. test Between Elephant inj Ant. But Will Make Best of U. i unleM a better trial than TuaadavV and Thurtday'a la given, wafer will be nade cautiously, At th New York Yacht Club the bur den of conrrreatloo waa flattering to Captain Hogarth, of th Shamrock. It waa declared he had handled th chat lengtr admirably, getting all that waa poMlbl out of th Auk In the wtnda. s-i a vvffi a xt n i nr s-tvt -- k . NEW YORK. Oct 5. Anin todav th sm refused tbe Sham. I ATI Alii rAKMK o ALU II L rock aud Columbia a field of conflict: train todav the multitude which went over to witch the contestant for the yachtine cham-!"1'" kM ,Ile riPltIa of la Lljht Weitter Conditions Coloctla Is Superior (a lannisf tad Rucblfi VYhHe Brltisncr Is Slljttly Better la Bextloc Were Reirly Even it tbe Start. pionship of the world, returned disappointed and not a little disgus ted. 4 The question ot supremacy of the two great yachts is still as much open to question as before they first met, as the contest Unlay was in some respects more of a fluke than that of Tuesday. Shamrock la Wednesday, Race. YORK. Oct S.-The World iieuo, rarker." sang out a' man who had known him for eeveral year, and the tronsed face, with It well-trimmed dark mustache, waa upturned 4o th rail of th Me teamer as he nodded a good day to the man above him. Lter in th afternoon, Mr. Hamilton, the navigator of th Shamrock, who ailed on the Irish boat, waa asked Just how long Captain Parker had pllot.d the yacht during h race. rarkett Parker!" he aald; "we have no Parker on board. I don"t know PARTS, Oct. 8.-t,.nor nJas, the Venesuelan agent here. In the c ar? of an Interview. said: I "The award was not what I hod, but we must make the bout f it. hl can you expect in a contest N. tween an elephant aud an aitlf One thing will result from It America will accept no nnx trituration with Eu rope. You will e Atuerva lay down a freah Internatl.tnal code, which ah will apply to th old world whether the latler like It or not. The Svuta Anier- ilraa mux. ImljUn Rraail. will rally him. Uy. Harrta" h called to Sir "n unJ ,n 1 "" r,'r ,n pur Yhomaa Uptoi,-. reprtentaUv. -who RfUng an economic union. we anaii try to establish a monetary DEWEY SUPPORTS THE POLICY OF M'KINLEY V i There Will Be no Faltering In Maintaining the Victory Won by the Admiral at Manilla. 0URS0VERE1GNTYMUST BE RECOGNIZED Forraljatle Re-eaforcemeot of Navil Forces Will te Dispatched Iramedlitely-Dewey Favors Permanent Control of the PUIIIpplne islands. NEW y: Captain Ben Parker, th Oerman em. It waa a drifting match from th terms, tbe Shamrock perhap half aVroi racing skipper, who haa bee. et to tha Knlih Tk 1ia rml lelUtb ahead, but SO closst was th 1 a.L.M .v. . . . I - - - j - ic-. in am qmpacKj o an au la Captain Parker? I dont know him at all" y have no Captain board." replied Nr. Barrie. her do you mean?" "I mean th gnl)eman Parker on "What Par- th line with a breeae ot Bv knots, aad th wind never blew nor than six knots, moat of th tla. less than Car, and a part of th time not a raath of air waa stirring. After sailing four hoars and forty minutes, th yachts having covered, Columbia that Captain Barr could hare dltlonai captain on the Shamrock, was' ,ontld ,hort ,lm who In union on the basts of the gld standard The projects need not Imply a hos tile attitude toward Europe, but It must be borne In mind that Europe stands in much grraer ierd of us than w of her." th mrows a oiscuit to us roretgner. greatly In evidenc on th Irish cup Th only lesson learned by nautical hunter Wednesday. Hla advice to Cap sharp, from today trials of th ablU- tain Wring, who held the tiller of the tie of th two boats 1 that In Uhtjy,cht nearly ail day Tuesday, asrist.4 weather eondlUooa th Columbia Is .u- mawrlAl,y ,n .m, u,e challenrr perlor in running and reaching and the meii p wtth the Columbia. Shamrock is slightly better In beating. CftDtAln tw.... -. on ..n and nly U miles oC th course to th outer There has as yet been no Indication New Tark but ,0 the tha mark, the regara committee declared or either boat can do in a plp- the race off, as it was manifestly Ira osclble with the breese then Mowing for the boats to round the stake boat before th time limit expired, much less to get back home again. While the wind was astern, the Col sjnbla steadily outfooted her rival on Ill she was fully half a mile ahead, but In th shifting, baffling winds that followed during the last three hours, with th great single stickers tacking and beating and gybing to catch every streak of wind, with fortune helping so about as much as the other, In, wholesome breese. BETTING XOW EVEN I'oIumbiVs Champions More Caution Than at the Beginning of Contest he sailed under an assumed name, th unknown "Captain J one of Southamp ton." managed to arrive in port and launch with Captains Hoaarth Wring and Mr. ltaisey." "Oh. yes.- broke In Mr. Hamilton. "That Is Captain Jones. His name It not Parker." After some more enclng, Mr. Ham ilton admitted that the myaUrlous Captain Jones was a close friend of both Captains Hogarth and YYringe, and concluded by saying. "I don"t doubt that he might not have glvn get safely aboard tbe Shamrock with-1 aome advlc to Captain Wrlnge as to out being Interviewed. During a con-j 'nas t A but I can assure you that versaUon on board the Erin, one of the B1 "ver touched the tiller at all dur oflicers of the yacht said that Captain! lb race." i nu.aria um nw iouco me uiier 01 me '.aptjiln I'arker, as the sullor who ar I Shamrock during the rac. rived In th liner New York unJoubt- j "What did he do thenr was asked, edly Is, was biuy all the morning g,v. "Why. he Just attended to the alls. In Instructions here and there on the STEAM EK TEKOA LUST CHICAGO, (Kt. A. A apeciul to tlio Tinus Herald from Wash ington aava Admiral Dty lias fivru hi itnqtislirird spprornl of the declaration niitdtt hy the president yt'trdsy thut there shall be no faltering in maintaining the victory won by him at Manilla bay. He has gone further and urgently rtvouiniended that the nsvnl force in the Philippines Ik materially increased and that all the treojs possible be utilized in order to crush the rebellion. This developed during an amended conference between the pit nidenl and Admiral Pewev todiiv. the ' fscht club, Shamrock gradually worked her way , was not brisk yesterday. and did R well. too. It waa Bob deck of the Shammek Jfc.v YORK, Oct. 5. Outside of the: Wrirge. as clever a man as ever step- He suggested stretching the stock exchange and the New Tork betting on the yacht race Ship Arctic Strum Reports the Res cue of Hurt of the I rew B) Another Steamer. SANTA MONICA. Cat.. Oct. S.-Cap-lain Bown, of th ship Arctic Stream, from Hamburg, reports that on August 11. while off Staten Uland. near th Straits of Magellan, he saw the Urttlsh hip GlnTird take men from an cpen boat. By signaling, he learned from the U!TrJ that ah had rvtcued flv members of the crew of the British steamer Tele. which had been wrecked on Stat-n Inland several day on the Asiatic station It will be prao- befur. The Tekoa had ben on a paarage Concerning this conference Acting becrstary Allen said; "Th president bad an extended con ference with Admiral Dewey today, who earnestly recommended that the llrookln and som other vessels be sent at once to the Philippines. Officially this s all lhl Jj said con cerning th interview. Ther Is good authcrlly. how.ver. for the statement that In making his recommendations Almlrsl Dewey supported thm with these reasons: Believing with th president that a vigorous policy should be pursued In suppressing th Insurrection, he Is of th opinion that by Increasing th force gents of the Intention to oompel their recognition of th sovereignty of th t'nlted State. I'ndoubted th admiral further considered lb effect of th presence of such a formidable squad ron upon the world at large, though, perhaps Ihi admlrsJ did not advans this as a reason for Increasing th em. manj and ther Is osrtaiuly nothlnf In the Inlernatlimal arwia to IndtaatS that any nattm contemplate recog nising the belligerency of AgulnaJ.lo's government. In addition to thre vessels d.slgnat Kt. ewal other Vessels will go. The New Orleans, attached to th North Atlantic squadron; th Albany, her sister ship, neaiing completion In main- from New Zealand to Londun with a ped aboard a euttr, that managed to( sail here and Owre. critically examlm-d number of passengers and . lr c-n- gt away witn tne start, and right the of th topsail and discussed ,nm.t of ivf rig -rated be. f. i- - - mi.u uiKunrg . or rrnr -raieii ne.-r. The res- Th fluke, nicely he accomplished It. too. After the detail, with Mr. Rataey. who waa'ci-t t,n..v .., ... tm, UDtn. when th rac was declared mad- a radical change In the situation.! that Hob gave up the stick to Captcln standing with Mm on deck. the r.n.-nrm or ,ih e. ,n .h. imr. off, the two boats were about on even Hitherto the Columbia has been a hot Ben, and he took th boat all orr the Km a matter of fact, Captain B n tlcalleto foroatrlcfrbl.kaWandlEn,ln',: ,h M',n,x-rr- ln rh", prevent supplies and of war' hl, h A ,",lr1 rvwv'r u " from reaching the Insurgents. I lhV' "n1 ,h ''"n'"'' no'' n.-.,!.. . ... I I"ligo water, may b . ..t... . niuiw Tifr-( ii inv pres ence of such a formidable force as will b attached to th Asiatic station when the vessels sent reach ther will be undoubtedly to convince the Ineur-' In Sant aaalgned, There are als- available fur servls la the I hlllpplnea, sh xild U be dolled to end thim, the Atlanilc, which has been The Lightest Store in Astoria . . . Wise's Customers See What They Buy Continued on pags thre rTTilJCTTi mm I 7n n 1 on mi Coaxer No. I. ' All men's suits up to fio, now $ 8 15 AH men's suits above to to I15, now 10 50 !' All men's suits above 15 to I17.50, now '4 50 ' AH men's suits above 17.50 to $20, now 16 00 ! Coaxer No. 2. 20 per cent reduction on all underwear. Coaxer No. 3. 20 per cent off on all Rubber Mackintoshes. Coaxer No. 4. All men's hats 1.30, now $1 10 All men's hats up to a, now 1 j0 All men's hats, regular 2.50, now , fj0 All men'i hats, regular 3, now 2 10 All men's hats, regular 3.50, now 260 All men's hats, regular 4, now 3 00 UL-iniS NOT FOR ASTORIA VV 1 lJ IS AGAINST HER! It shall not be said that Astoria trade goes to Portland because Astoria merchants are not wide awake enough. tst We keep as fine clothes as money can buy 2nd. We sell clothes cheaper than Portland can. 3rd We ire tbith yoo on every proposition, while Portland is against READ THESE GOAXERS THESE PRIGES WE QUOTE! Will 50c fare induce you to become a TRAITOR to your town? . ; Coaxer No. 5. All men's overcoats, regular to, now I 7 75 Alt men's overcoats, regular 11.50, now ,0 00 All men's overcoats, regular 15, now; ,, 00 All men's overcoats, regular 17.50, now , j0 Coaxer No. 6. you 30 per cent reduction on all Boys' and Children's Suits and Overcoats, " Coaxer No. 7. , t All 50c sox now 3j entl All 25c sox now 3to'tso Alt 15c sox now 3foMJ cet)t Coaxer No. 8. All 50 cent Ties now centJ All 25 cent Ties now , ccnt HERMAN WISE WWvVwVwVwWVWw THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER ASTORIA, OREGON J '4 if , ai .'J''V' ' '. Jr' 4 N