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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1899)
HIE MOKNIJ0 A8T0KUN, KilllMY, (JC'WBKH , 19J. 3 Acts gently on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels C itANSES THE Y&TEM EFFECTUALLY OVERCOMES LtrfO ' PERMANENTLY . i i buy tm nyiNi - MH f o fty 6lii?ijnuTg,Syrv?S All dotiM a to whther Theodore Roosevelt Will l presidential posel hi Illy In III" cotiiliiK campaign Is act l rcat bv the remark of Hcnator llama, who aaye the. governor of the Empire sli.'e wtll "not ! foolish" Im-snaw nf mutiuilnntlt- reception at Akron. Mr. Kami says Bl) thai Ui governor hs tli happy faculty of knowing good ad vice. Tlil iiuivly ounlit to aclllci It, ami yet the senator might have pm It differently. W -71 If i And Every Form of Torturing Disfiguring Skin and Scalp Humors Cured by Cpticini Hrwxur Cd Ttt. -Hath tha afleclcw iwii ilranxigtily wllh Ho Watr.a n.l Cirriura Mi. Si plj fmnw OiMniaol, the imi aklii eur,aii lastly km tllll Of tl'TMfll Hiwmt. This ttMlaMnl will kflont luauul, rati.! wnul 1.1 mil lliwti, nii point to a .It, rm tanl, did .ooBMnlcaU aura wh.o all elaa lalla. SalrwTi rrww.Taaew. tl iH,OmM Sjlp, U. i .aat..ari.a' dV k f -n, lum .a faaa Com . ha Prvi M iitol "llw H Can I W awaMnw. AN I'N AUTHORIZED VERSION. Hca Captaln-Thrr Is no hopel The dip l doomed! In an hour w hall all be dead I .snlT.Tlnr Passenger -Thank hravtnt Karl's Clover Root Tea 11 ...ia . . i n i it.. UimaJ , alva.a Kmh, ClrarSMn, I'uml'M .llpatinn, ln,llN-a.tlii, and all Kruitl'a nt ! haln. An aareeaMa Illative Nrv I'cinlr, Hold nn liululi RimmnM by all dnintMi it inc., 60c. and l.00. . C. WILLI 4 CO., LI HOY, N. V. ol waniimH heie tiny ClDaulftt rs "P0rioi to Balsam of Copibaly Cubeba or Injection! andAitKiA CURE IN 48 HOURSIPU th same dneM?awlthVaaX out lnconvnlnc(. . Pears9 Pears' soap is noth ing but soap. Pure soap is as gen tle as oil to the living skin. . VANDERBILT HEIR STILL Arrival of Alfred C. is Awaited Before the Will of the Million aire Will be Opened. EXPECTED IN SAN Special Train Wil Carry Him to New York In. the Quickest Time Ever Made Across the Continent. NKW YORK, Out. 8.-Un.a the ahlp m; whim la Airrwi i.. vanTom, ine ..... . .... .,. ' ri't.tiu-d hrlr to the larger Kirtlon of Hi. wealth of the late Cornelius Van-J derblli, and which Is eipw-t. d to rva. h' TUIIEK CORNELIUS VANDERIULT8. CerMiiuaiaa faorii aama la the Vawl.rbilt family. Too nf tha aama Ue played Important Mru ia tha history of tlua ooualry. What Cornelias MI may roa ribuU to Uia fmily'a lame will prubably dewrnd apoa the proeiaimie uf hta father a will, awi to U knot!, A breach oeeurml beteeea father and ea beeauaa uf the auariaee of tin latter to Must tlraoe WiUoo, and It ta awt knoaa a ernupleie reemrilialina aner took plane batweaa Uwin. The youac niaa baa for setanl yean 'jr t a,L' 4't'';,A, coa aura i. roHsaut - fceea earatnd ia (he eatiaMrinc depaftraeat of the New York Ceatral railroad, the family a prinetiwl prcpartiae, aad It ia said ha haa ahowa aawnwl ability, hart .utej mmm) .l.uilif anftliKaMa fur itaa la anaa at ia Hn to aaweeed hit father aa the head of their breach of tha family, aad those who kaow him aay ha baa tike ehamotarlatira that Kara mads the aama of Yaaderbilt ayaoaynvrma with (real railway ealarprlaMt, bat It way he that be will aot have full np porlaaity to employ his talaata, aad may have to ataad aaids lor his brother Alfred W. arranired. l vm he so d.-atrm. there Mill bo no stops, no d.-laya. and hp will come through tmm the Paclllo to the A linn tic lu quicker time than any imui-scng-r ever made the run. The private car of the Vandorbllt family haa ben 'tit w-eatt and Is a a oil lug the arrival of the new head ot the fiimllv. He Is on the Chi ia mull steamer. It Is possible that It may be' elghtoj lute today, but Friday cerium-' DKWEY SUITOKTS roMCY OF M'KINLKY Continued from page I. md over at the New York navy yard; the Uanrrnft, awaiting commission at PoHton; the Scorpion, now at New York, and the Vixen, at TlluciVlila. All thean veasolt will not bo sent but It Is Intended to give Admiral Wat son n formidable fleot and the ships to bo sent him will be from this Ut. Irclulli.g two supply ships and two colliers and the little gunboats bought from the Ppanlsh government. Ad miral Watson's squadron now consist of 33 vessels. When the reinforcements arrive nt Manila he will probably transfer his flag to th Rrook'yO. He will then have command of one battle ship, one armored cruiser, two moni tors, two protected cruisers and twenty-four gunboats, besides supply nhlps, etc Several members of ,the cabinet be fore leaving on their Western trip ex pressed their great satisfaction with the earnest support given by ndmlrnl Pewey to the policy of President Mc Klnley to pursue a vigorous cam paign. The ndmlrnl, It Is stated, even went further and expressed his strong conviction that the United States should retain permanent control of the Philippines. During the Interview he spoke of the great value of the Islands from a com mercial standpoint, emphnlzlni! what the many offloers had snld about the Immense resources of the Hands. Con cernlng th future government of the Islards, (he admiral agreed fully with the views that had been expressed by UNKNOWN FRANCISCO DAILY Hun Ki jiu-lan). la litv, h will ' SVw Vvk on WJn1uy nMt r oi h All v .-i. M'.i.ida.. v f Ail' . . .. i nn w.i .. - - plana an I preparations for the ei-edy .-n.lli of ihe young millionaire fr.M:i Han Frnnt lac J to New York havu been a tn. coaaaura it- el haeiae ia- railway nuuihiaarT. Naturajlr tha yuanaT 'V. t'tihua an accident should occur ,n-' arrival or air. amit-ruut win ue awalicd with a great amount of Inter - m: Iw.-iiua a,atn ATlvr Ilia arrlVHl all gnesa work as to the contents of his folher'a will will he ended, lt may be mat ho will be met In San Fmari-co oy son.o o tne iaw)-vri or ine nii.u.y with a copy of the will, and that he - copy of the will, and that f're hie arrival In this city It will b. ,,,r Probav. 1'rtsldvnt Shurman. He said he fa vored c.n American control through the medium of a commission or a civil government but great latitude should be allowed for local government of the sixty or more tribes so that the ad ministration of affairs could be ad justed to meet tlulr different hablis and condition, J ' President Bchurman who was In the city and had a conference with the president, ald In nn Interview that the commission would hold Its first session In this city early In November. The adoption of Admiral Dewey's rec ommendation a to Increasing the squadron gives some token of the strictness of the blockade It Is Intend ed to enforce. Reports received from Rear-Admiral Watson alno Admiral Dewey's departure from Manila show that rice and hemp have appreciated In value SO per cent and that In return for exports of these products munitions of war are being received by the In surgent!. The facts as to the long coast line of Luxon and the ease with which goods may be landed In one Inland and transported to another have been fully explained to officials, and this has made the president the more ivady to follow the admiral's advice. It Is ap parently not Intended to proclaim a' formal blockade, but rather to enforce a local blockade which will prevent lt from assuming International signifi cance. AMERICA AT THE EXPOSITION. This Country's Pavilion Is Nenrlng Completion. The United States National Pavilion at the Paris exposition Is rapidly near Ing completion, and when It Is finished will be one of the finest buildings on ( the Qual d'Orsay. It I X61IO trt and 1M fe-t bltfh tnm thr lower lovol, la clamilral In atyl aii'l, HlihoiiKh H dlfTart In ifixn from any t tha bitlldinira at th (lilcaro f.ilr, Itn apiwarano pyjilla llw; ntal)l trtii'tiir- of h Whlt "lty. Th main aril ranee la undr-r a lavrfs portly li. tli center arrh of whlrh, facing the rlvirr, Will bo Frvtich'i ttut of WnaMtiftciL A buat of rralilmt Mc Klnlcf :." X.:py a nliha nvrr the lr. Th appointment of th Pope of Art-hint hop Chip(H-!le, of New Orleana, o Apotollr 4-li-irte to the Philippines la nKnr.1l In Pari and In Rome a n riMiipllmitnt to France, bK-aune of h'-r arrvlc-a In the poe n-K"tlatoni lH-ltip'n Hpnln and th I7nlt-d KtnU-a. 'Ili appointment la aald to plnee Mon alarior Chappi-lle In dlr-t lint of pro motion to the CardlnaliuLe, alnre It la the uaae of the Roman churrh to re award a prolate to whom haa ba-n in trutd a difficult dlplomaiMc mlxalon with the rvd bat after aurct-Mful ac-compllahinMit. Oh, what a warm wcl., .., ' tome the ftmt little tramlct I T r. whom llcavrn (uidra to I I I the door of a wotnan'ai V-!t,l!! heart rteelvea from therjl IllVjl;' happy mother. Kvery T 'VT-i thought and care la given ' y to the comfort and well J . , belnf of the new comer after it haa entered Into the portala of life and takes its place at luc uiuny Vet duiiuii the time whea ruby is - if w worn. nlrr ''"'j1,,0 the little- stiiu tional trenitih aiulviifor. No ui.-l ti er .n:t to hare a puny, weekly. alcVly Iwby yet onleaa ahe hern1, j ia entirely healthy in the- .i-cial. ( atructtirr which makra motherhood poi ble. the bahy l certain to ffir in aonie wav (or her weakneaa or neglect. ! The aureat way to avoid thla la for the mother to rriu.'oicc bef own strength bj the uae of Dr. Pierce s Favorite Preacrip tion duiiiig the time of anticipation. V will make her perfectly healthy. It will lighten and hiinht- n the time of waiting ! It will make thr ordeal of motherhood al I aolulelT .ife und comparatively free from pain arid will iiinre a attong, healthy con- atitution for the hahy. Mia Nannie I. Tavlnr. of teeelace. Hilt Co.. Teiaa. iw "I am the m,hrr oftmhl chil ' drew. I ainf-ted (roin iniiale wcaknr-. t tried ! phvician wilh no avail When I la-l brcame won enilrl 1 aaw ine aoicniarmcn, l-irrcea Hnv.itile ITrTiJi..n I nought twro tallica an I I'.tk ac.r'lnia to direclkm- When haliv a lawn 1 had a eery eny lime aud have ma aullreed one hour ain.e. from frnmle weuk net. Umty U aa lat and hrallhy aa can be." Priwpectivc mother nhould send to the World's Iiprn.iry Medical Aaaociation, Huffalo. N. V., for a copy of Dr. Pierce's Common Sene Medical Adviaet, which will be aent rev on rrceyit of one cent atampa o fur thr i-orf of mailing only, or 11 unmix fnr cloth-hound copy. NEW BUSINESS LOCALS Do you want a good mol when you I vltlt Portland? If so, go to the Port' I land restaurant, SOS Washington street a HoUge.. Cafe lt roe Tn)r(i ,treet. . Portland, la regarded by many people ava ins muuia iciiauiaii. u .w - clflc Northweat A good meal with meats rich In flavor I and one you will enjoy with a relish, la what you (et M th, Creamert, i re.iaurnnt. 171 Washington street, near Third. Try lt when you go to Portland. If you are going up to Portland and mist going to ths Creamerle Restau rant, T1 Washington St, you may con stder that your trip will not be 4 suc cess, aa others will tell you, who do not miss It Holmes' English and Business Col lege at No. ill Yamhill street, Portland, Is prepared to accommodate a large number of pupils this year. Already tho cluKses are well, crowded, fact that Indicates the excellent character of the Institution. Smokers, read All IB cent cigars, 10 cents: El Pnlencia, 10 cents; El Be lmont, 10 cents; General Arthur, 10 cents: Lelnnd Stanford, 10 cents; San ehex Y. Hyas, 10 cents; All 6 cent for 26 cents. J. F. Handley & Co.. cut rate cigar and newsdealer. Perkins hotel building. Portland. Ore. Why Is Watson's restaurant in Port land patronised by thousands of people dally? Simply because It Is the largest finest and best equipped eating resort on tha Paclfie coast. Watson's restau rant has sixty-eight white employes on Its pay roll. Remember the location, 19-11 Fourth street. The Pernln method of shorthand Is being taught by Mr. H. W. Behnks in the Oregonlan building at Portland. The Pernln system Is not only extreme ly legible after being written, but Is exceptlonably rapid. It Is said that students under Mr. Behnke's direction attain success In one-half the time es sential with either Graham, Munson or Pitman methods. This school is open day and night. A tailoring establishment of some pretentions, located on Washington street Portland, claims to have made 47 suits for dressy Astorlans during the past six months. This statement is de nied by the firm of Povey & Blrcha.1, at 327 Washington street, near the Im perlal hotel, who ore patronlied by the great majority of outside customers. Povey & Blrchall make the swell suits for most of the stylish Portlanders, and fuel that they are not excelled by any Portland Arm for out of town pat ronage. 'mm BUSINESS POINTERS. Tha o. a r. Freab tracked crab at the National Cafo. Sweet cream In any amount at the Parlor. Burbank potatoea. II a aack, at Pat'i Market, Jeffs Is "the only" restauraoL White cooks. Aaturla to Portland k N. only 60 cent via o. rt. Horn made chocolates, 10 cents a pound, at t:t Parlor. Uax U-oent meal, Rlelng tun reatati. rant, 112 C"moerciavl street Wa guarantee our Ice cream to bo mad of pur craam. The Parlor. Cold lunch, pickled pigs feet, oysters. shawps tongue, tc at tbo National Cais. Our lea cream la warranted to be made of pure ereara. The Parlor, next to John H aba's. Biggtat aad beat meal at Denver KiU-b- ta en Nt'iUi street. U oanta. Waits oooa. Try lu , Best California what ID eeirts par gal. too. Alex OUbart. sole agent for As toria. Tatephooa KL Do yod know Bnodgrass Stamp Photos? Call and goo them ttey are all tha go. Cream Pore Rye. America's Bneat wblakey. Toe oaly pure goods, guaran. teed rich aad mellow. Juha L. Carlson, aole agaot. For rent Furnished rooms with flrst-claas Uble board. Apply Mrs. B, C Holden's corner Ninth and Duano Streets. Boquet De Cuba and Key West Gems are the finest five cent cigars that over came to this market Henry Roe, op posite brewery. The Occident shaving parlors and baths will remain open during ths tlmo the Improvements are being made to the hotel. Customers will be given tho same service and attention. Beginners and advanced pupils can have thorough Instructions on the vio lin and piano by applying to J. H. Am ine, a graduate of Dresden and Lerp sig conservatory. Hotel Ttghe. The steamer Mayflower tn Changs of Captain Plckernell, Is now open for business, except on Baturday and Tues days, when she will bo engaged on her regular runs. Apply at Fisher's dock. ..The Astoria Froebel Klndercarten will open September IS. Miss Annie R. Hlndersjn, klndergartner. Parents Interested are Invited to call at the kindergarten, No. 007 Exchange street Reduced rates on the White Collar Line steamer Bailey Gatzert between Astoria and Portland: Fare BO cents, state room $1.25. lower berth 75 cents, upper berth 60 cents, section berth 2S cents. Kelley's transfer wagons deliver box wood to any part of the city on short notice. All orders left at Zapfs fur niture store, 630 Commercial street, will receive prompt attention. Tele phone 2144. do to the Columbia Electrlo A Re pair Company for all kinds of new and repair wortc, from a cambric needle to a bicycle, boiler or engine. Quick work and satisfaction guaran teed. Logging machinery of all kinds a specialty. Bhop opposite Roes, HLg glns t Co. Commencing Sept. 21st the following reduced rates will be placed In effect via tho 0. R. N. Co.: Between As toria and Portland and Intermediate plonts the faro . will be SO cents In each direction. Reduction has also betn made In berth rates as follows: Lower berths 75 cents, upper berths 60 cents and- section berth 15 cents. The concert hall opened by Charlie Wise at No, S30 Astor street. Is the one and only popular resort of Its kind In that vicinity. Mr. Wise la doing some thing new among concert halls. Hs Is not only selling a class of pure liquors, but Is giving his place a management which Insures gentlemanly attention and treatment to his patrons. Tha good music and the crowd will be found at Charlie Wise's place. When a woman falls to make a fool of a man she doesn't feel any more respect for him; she thinks he's just A dumb unappreolative Idiot TO CURB LAGRIPPE IN TWO DAYS. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature Is on each box. 25c Electrlo light for the Illumination of railroad cars has been successfully generated In Hoboken though only ex perimentally by power derived from the axels of the moving wheels. Fric tion pulleys placed on the axel run a dynamo under the car. A storage bat tery attachment prevents the light from gonlg out when the car stops. The lights coat about one cent each every ten hours. For many years science has studied liquors. Result the whole world uses whiskey. It has proven the best stlm ulnnt and does not Injure nerves and tissues like coca wines and other drug ged compounds. And Harper Whiskey Is the Ideal whiskey. Sold by Foard & Stokes Co., Astoria Oregon. Joseph Htockford, Hodgdon, Mo, heal ed a sore running for screnfen years and cured his piles of long standing by using reWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. It cures all skin diseases. For sale by Charles liogers. A miner was burled at Tona. n.-r Leeds the other day at the uae of 17, lu a col.'ln constructed to his own specl- ncitlonaj twenty y-etuy ago. He waa burled with a lump of coal which he had carefully preserved for years. It served as his pillow, and his tobacco and pipe alao found a place beside him. Millions of dollars la the value Blamed by Mrs. Mary Bird, Hanisburg, Pa., on the life of her child, which she sav ed from croup by the use of One Min ute Couch Cure. It cures all couehs. colds and throat and lung troubles. For cale by Charles Rogers. It has often boon noted that a irali or nicotine, administered all at once, would kill the strongest dog. While this statement Is undoubtedly true. It Is mUleadlng. In order to commit aul- r.-lde by anuKing the dog w u'd hav to consume 400 strong cigars, one rla-ht suer me omr. ,, Eat plenty, Kodol Dyspepsia Cur will digest what TOO eat It cures all forms of lyspepala and stomach trou- nies. k. iv Gamble. Vernon. Tex.. suvs. "It relelved me from the start and cured me. It Is now my ever laattng iik.-Mu. uoia or unas. Hogers. The parliament building- In Welllna- ton, new zeaiana, la tne largent wood, en structure In the world. In Welling. ton and some other . New Zfiland towns almost every bouse Is construe ed of wood. Large churches and 1m poet ant business pa-em tee are built or tne same material. if you scour the world vou will never find a remedy equal to One Minute Cough Cure,"says Editor Fack ler, of the Mlcanopy, Fla., "Hustler." It cureoj his family of LaGrlon and saves thousands from pheumonla, bron chitis, croup and all throat and luna- troubles. Sold by Chas. Roarers. A slnguar case came before th ten don court of appeals recently. A new trial was asked for on the ground that at the first hearing the jury had been so led awsy by tho eloquence of consul that they had returned an Improper v-rdlot. The application was refused. "When our boys were almost dead from whooping coug-h. our doctor srave One Minute Cough Cure. They re covered rapidly," writes P. B. Belles, rglye. Pa. It cures coughs, colds. grippe, and all throat troubles. Bold by Chas. Rogers, druggist From the advance sheets of the forthcoming report of the commissioner or pensions. It appears that the total number of pensioners on the roll June 30, 189, was 9S1.519. a decrease of 1 135 compered with the number of )9. "It did me more srood than anvthlna- I ever used. My dyspepsia was ofi months' standing; after eating !t wasl temi-le. Now I am welL" writes 8. B. Keener. Hotalngton. Kan., of Kodol Dyspermla Cure. It digests what you eat Sold by Chas. Rogers, druggist For making oils and perfumes there are required annually 4.409,000 pounds of rosja, 6.511.BOO pounds of orange blossoms, 400.920 pounds lassamlne. 330.6JO pounds each of cass-la and tube-! rose ana 440.9:fj pounds violets. The "Plow Boy Preacher." Rev. J. Klrkmnn, Belle Rive. III., says. "After suffering from Bronchial or lung trou- ble for ten years, I was cured by One, Minute Cough Cure. It In all that Is I I SS a 1 ih. .nT.n . ncru.gns The th" tr the Aldermanic com edos, grippe and all throat and lung' . -o--l. troubles. Sold by Chas. Rogers, drua - gist Police Magistrate Crane, of New coX wanT.1 cwtSdinTfT offer holds good fjr longer than the, Dewey celebration or not 'I wish to express my thanks to the' manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic,! Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, for, havlne- put on the market such s. won-! derful medicine." eavs W. W. Mas-I injill. of Beaumont. Texas. There are' thousands of mothers whoso children have been saved from attacks of dys enterv and. cholera Infantum who must alo feel thankful. It Is for sale b Chas. Rogers. fleuiZealand Fife fosaranee Go Of New Zealand. W. p Thomas, Mgr., San Francisco. UNLIMITED LIABILITY OF 5HAREH0I DEK5. Subscribe! Capital - - $5,000,000 . Paid-Up Capital - ' - - - 1,000,000 Assets - - - -Assets in United States Surplus to Policy Holders Has been Underwriting on the Pacific Coast over Twenty-two years, SAHUEL ELMORE & CO., Resident Agetits, Astoria, Oregon ,f.VWkWi.MiiYyYiV THE AST0RIAN... I 5 1 JaaMaawiaraaamaji r 'raTl, MANHOOD RESTORED u BlFOnl ANOAribn itijnevsianti tin urinary ort?anaol aiiimpujaUea, CFPIDE1R utrengthens and I wloriBmll weVs oryana. ,K. . .... The reason -ff?nrs are not cure by In-pinni t bemuw : .art tTT, HnT l till., t I'rl l'ri!i n II lIlOfHfi""i hiv A wrilta (nuiraniee riven ana money reiurnw. u y JiOO a box. Blx fur i.!l. by malt bnU for ruaacirvulur luid t-uiuoDiat. Addxwa DA Vl- MEDICIJKB CO. P. 0 Bo eVTS, Bun Francisco. Ca,lFox$nt? - For Baia by CHAKL8 BOQX2JL On the 10th of December, 1897, Rev. 8. A. Donaho, paator of M, B. Church. Bouth, Pt. Pleasant, W. Vs., oontracte4 a r vrr cold, which waa arnl fv- tho beginning by violent coughing. Ho says; "After resorting to a number of so-called 'specifics,' usually kept In tho nouse, to no purpose. I purchased a botthr of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, wnicn acted like a charm. I moat cheerfully recommend It to the public, nr saif oy Chas. Rogers. While- In Wa-hlri? ion women are In dlafavor a. g wrnn.ent employee, they are lncrv-lng tn numbers In the Brit ish civil axrvlco. President King, Farmer's Bank, Irooklyn, Mich., has used De Witt's Uttle Early Jtlaers In his family for yean. rtayi they are tho best. These famous little pills curs constipation, bllllousness and alt liver and bowel troubles. Bold by Chas. Rogers. Th'tw. highest paid women In tho government employ are translators of Prehch and 3pamsh. and each receives II. 400 a yeat. During the winter of 1897 Mr. James Reed, one of the leading citizens and merchants of Hay, Clay Co., W.. V, struck his leg against a cake of ko in such a manner aa to bruise it se verely. It became very much swollen and pained him so badly that he-could not wa k without the aid of crutchest. He as treated by physicians, also used several kinds of Mnlment and two and a half gallons of whisky In bath ing It, but nothing gave any relief until he began using Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This brought almost conrjete cure In a week's tlmo and ho believes that had he not used this rem edy his leg would have bad to be am putated. Pain Balm Is unequalled for sprains, bruises and rheumatism. For sale by Chaa. Rogers. The South Metropolitan Gas Com pany, of London, have In use In var ious parts of their system no less thaat 90.000 penny-ln-the-slot gas meters, which they are Increasing at the rata of 30u a week. HOW'B THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WEST A TRATJX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O. WAITING, KINNAN A MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Q. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Tea tir.'ordals serx free. Price, 75c per bot tle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. ' . uVTZZ 17" . UJ T- . s.u.Jf3 aitt.SE mrt iM.aa,vjt0 V" gioiiu SltUlUS for the Dewey parade Is not considered " Uk!Ly ,0. 'eu ,'umJ ,n 'he &ZZEiEr5Z& TWWTT -TT -. t ... nST'SS' ,T newe,J n,ea,t,h and v.reEBn,h,nd ,ernaI, cleanliness which follows tho " ?f ''JTlw the .te wh., "1 Yni the v0""'' "1.11 - ' V" v '".."-.i v iVTro Z.ZT hut never accented by the well-inform ed. Buy the genuine. Manufactured j by the California Fig Syrup Co. 2,545,114 300,000 1,718,792 Delivered at your Office, Store, or Residence, Only 60 Cents a Month . "CUPIDEHE" This sTrftsat VMettahift ViUsiuer,U.0 prtnert p tton oi (aiuou ivnch piiyak'lun, will quickly cure you of all ner. o us or disfuu of tU Keuvrutive unruii, gucli m Lust HaviifaooiX Insomnia, rwusin Ue B.ick,m?miriU Kwlsaions Nervtum Debility. , Pimples, Vnfiinwti to Mnrry, Litiausutig Drains. Vartcorple and Const iuutlun. 1 1 niopi all ItassfM by- day or night Prevents qntrtt DfMSo divliarpt'. wincU tl i?otcriM'kP(l VmH toKrrmMorrhtta and rriu - tiv i. e- .,,, ... ..L.u... .. "''