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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
'SM PUBLIC LfBRARy ASSfittlS 4 11 JjWFMtt II VOL. L ASTUIUA. 0KE00N, THUIhDAY. OCTOBEK 6. J899 NO. 1)1 She u ; i i I 1 t t t; : ! 1 We are the idling agents in Astoria for the New Born Steel Range frkcit from ',23.00 tu $50.00.' Every Knnyc Guaranteed. Ecllpso Hardware Co. j. , WOW IIOND ftTMEBT Alio sole BQcat fur the Celebrated Superior Stint and Range and Cole's Air Tlijht Cole llurocrn. Books... blank and Miscellaneous. Paper... New Crape and Type-wrltlnjr. Waterman Fountain Pens Mux I)ccorote1 Itper ami Kn velopew-iiKj WAR SHIPS TO GO TO THE PHILIPPINES Short T.fne and th Or-gm Railroad m J Navigation Company's lines. GREAT INTEREST IN TODAY'S YACHT RACE. The President, on the Advice of Admiral Dewey, Will Send the Brooklyn, Mari etta and Alachias and Others. FAVOKfl TUB GOLD BTANDARD. WASHINGTON, Oot. 4.-The Port to- j morrow will say: Or the first day of the approaching rrr Tie Columbia is Looked Upon as a Fast body. It will not be on the iomi line as the house bill but It will declare without equlvooatlon for the sold standard. PURPOSE OF THE INSURGENT'S WOVE Hope to Ctt Behind American Garrison on the Maoila-Dignpia Railway-General Otis Cables Account cf tie Recent Enjajeraent. 8CHI.FT'B NEW COMMAND. NEW YORK, Oct f-Rear Admiral Wlnfleld Scott Schley was Installed aa commander of the Loyal Lesion, at a meeting of the order at Delmonlooa to night. Boat and Will Surely Retain the American Cup. BOTH LUCKY IN THE LAST RACE MKINLET LEAVES FOR CHICAGO. GRIFFIN & REED s Here Is a List Ot some High Grade Goods at moderate prices K ALSTON HEALTH POtlUH Is great wlctt fresh from the mills. AKO.HATIC Sl'ICCS guatm the finest. TILL.MANN"8 JTKE EXTRACTS. CHASE SAMJOKS'S COlTEES tre u - rHallcc, Together with i host of other -good things. ROSS, HIGGINS & CO WASHINGTON', Oct. 5. President McKiuley Unlay ordered the iiiiiiicliate tlUj.ntch to the rhilippiitw of a num ber of vessels of the tmvy including the cruiwr Urooklyn and the gunbonts Muricttu und Machius. The action is the result of Admiral Dewey' interview Unlay, in which lie went over the Philippine, situation with the president. Besides these vesels several others will be sent. WABHINOTON, Oct. 4. -The dent and Mrs. Mrs. McKlnley and par ty,' Including the entire cabtnat, left Washington at o'clock tonight for a half month's trip to Chicago and the i Northwest. l 1 : B'.VORP IN 8AFE KEEPING. j WASHINGTON, Oct i-Admlral Dewey today placed the sword donated by congress In the safe of the navy de- pertinent for safe keeping. ! ' CHICAGO FESTIVAL OPENED. l The Snsmrock's Captain Credited Witb Good Judgment-Predictions for Today's Race are Favorable and an Exciting Contest is Expected. CHICAGO. Oct 4. With the mums ef "", light and patriotic enthusiasm. Chi CAMPAIGN Id ACTIVE. ,M!owln account of rceem sharp eo-'cago fall festival was formally opon; :-,...-,- - IgagemenU with lnwrUI ' this evening In the preaence of ft vast Numerous Engagemmts Are Dally I Aiuniie, u, .-vapiin roore. aixui, TO THE LADIES Send for Illustrated Catalogue of PURS AMD CLOAKS TAILOR MADE SUITS To Out of-Town Propls: For firs or cloth wt ssy writs to aa , Ws will lend goods on approval and pa express oue ay. Will jIts yon fall deUiit as U style ana prl.s. Iu fact we want your trade. lllhw price ld for raw furs. The Silverfield Fur ManufacturingiCo. 3H3-2HB Morrison St., sear 4th. i Are Taking flare and Much Ground Has Bwn GnliM'd. MANILA, Oct. 4.-The ivconnalsance from Mexico by th Fourth cavalry to Infantry, at.taokd an intrenchi-d rob ber band In Western Ngros. on Oc tubrr 1. Lieutenant Grubbs, Sixlh In fantry, was killed, and Dr. Shillock and three enlisted nien slightly wound- ' throng. Wards Kanta Ana. florthwent i.f Mexico, : Twenty of the enemy were killed.; and toward Arayat due north of Santa J including the two leading rubber. WAR CLOSE AT HAND w NEW YORK Oct. 4. One thing is universally agreed to among yachtmen and that is that Hogarth, of the Sham rock, proved himself a better Seaman than Barr. It was generally conceded that the favoring flukes which attended the Shamrock were due not so much to Lipton's luck as to Hogarth's better judgment. The predictions for tomorrow, while not predicting perfect yachting weather, point to favor able conditions for a good race. According to the weather forecast, the day will be cloudy, with variable winds shifting to fresh easterly. w t t I t t wwwwww PRAISES THE COURSE. Ana. developed a fact that the Insur gents are In positlm at both points. An American private was killed In a skirmish at Santa Ana. Twelve rlfl'.'s and a large supply of am- munition and stores were caotuivd. ! Captain foore's action Is highly com-. "The Insurgents west of Bacoor and PEOPLE LEAVING NATAL The A ray at party learned that Scott J Iruus. Island of Luion, attacked ti.e Una and Mwarda, 4 the Twenty-fifth In-1 fantry. who are missing are prisoners at Masalene. I Sir Thomas Upton Bays It Was tbe Clearest Ever Seen In Europe or I America. I KEW YORK, Oct. t-The off racing. day was ft busy one after all for the sailor men on. the two cup racers. Mr. IseUn and Sir Thomas Lipton, however, emplojed their hours in different way a Th Columbia went for a short trial I Spin outside Bandy Hook shortly after The tnnnrfvnts made two attacks tn (. lnita, In which the commanding of ficer reports 30 Filipinos killed and many wounded. Two companies of the Twenty-first regiment were repelled In each attack, losing two men killed and nevrn wound ed ne Uolo men surprise the ouipnat neai C.uafrus, Vllllnf two privates. The oIIht two escaped. While four sailors of the Vnlted Pti!-s cruiser Baltimore were entering the llitcoor rl"W in a oat yesterday utter the fight, they Toc-ived a volley. wounding three. It understood the illcy came from Tnfied Slates sol dlcrs, who, hnvlng ben onV-red to prevent the pawagre of the boats. Bird y mutaae cm tbe Baltimore men. WASHINGTON. Oet. I. General 'OtU today cabled the war department the of rommunlca.Uon. Captain Bogardua Eldrldge, Fourteenth Infantry, was killed. Burgees. Fifth ar-'Boera Wov Bf Towards Front club topsail which her managing owner, C. Oliver tselin wished to hav strch- tlllery, was wounded, and a number, Eiemy Lands Army Corps of Forty Thouund Men. 9 ...Portland Dental Parlors... Top Floor Washington Building Largest and Best Equipped Offices in the Northwest' of enlisted men wre killed. The wound ed number 10 or 13. A full report was, not received. The enemy was driven west and south with a reported heavy 0M. "'veterday ths enemy attacked Cal- aniMi and were driven off some dls-i tance Into the oounr.ry. Our casualties I from . ... lm4A Mr.. IHIIaJ n,1 rtrM . .,. ci... i vnL.. V eunesdav- avfc -u u.. w k ,"--7 i. u . , " ; In all mV yachting I do not remember ed. hut th. numb of wsunded U - haye ,cft Wh-B , Uve . . r j r ytrtay- The aklpper. Charlie Barr, ""V ' . . rL:ZZ : wiu wio iruuuer. U nt worried a bit over h rant of sane yesterday at Saa Fernanda, In ... ,vj . . . , .7 , -Ar.yat. Th0 SltuatWM IS UlOSt critical. 1 ta " nalM- .,, .;, . ,, ; auon thM the Columbia, Is the Ctst- one man was killed. There WW no I .,.. 0,.j k.-i.i.. i i ., ., .-.m vuituivu usy) I w BiKie n'CK yacia fuiosi. ed and ready for tomorrow's race. C Oliver Iseltn said to an Associated I Press representative this afternoon: I "I am satisfied with the Columbia's LONDON, Oct 4. A special work during yesterday's race but not x- , t i . , i lne weejner conditions. None of iecu iatai, dated ; us C0Uld M wnare the wln4 was com Tli Ji.u,ro 1 lnS from, hot even the sailing master. contrary, when seen today on the Erin, he felt confident that his craft would glw a good account of herself no mat ter what kind of ft bree- there la. Speaking about the manner In which the course was kept clear, Sir Thomas said; , , - i. I cannot get over the great organisa tion that has been here to keep th course clear. The yacht's course wast the clearest we ever bad, or I ever saw-. in i nglana ana oniy proves warn said before I cams to America, that fh .. all previous raoes the beet boat has al-. wavs won. I mar as well say now mat . ths Shamrock la the fastest hfc evr hiilif in RHtain and the work- . manihlp was the best that money -could buy. I can't tell what her- cost. was. but K U probably more than you. have an Idea of. She cost as much as six Valkyries. The estimates, already Stven are away below (the mart ira either Saturday or next Tuesday Ad miral Dtwey will be one of Sir Thoroaa guests on the Erliu. other cssualtfan. (The Insurgeiws were driven off h oondlerable Ions. "Three nvwt of the advanceJI Ticket lMst oat from. San Antonio and Santa Hlta, west eff San Fernando, were killed yi'su-rduy ter Bolomen", a result df care lessness n& 'ovwrntaifidence In ttae na tlves." htmi rur0,l !... -r. tuJ Slr Thomas Llptoa Is not worrying srv IU I V JV1 blltSJ ktcrtor. i over tomorrow's race one ntt. On the ' THE RACE TOD AT: . J NEW YORK. Oct i-The race be tween the Columbia and Shamrock to morrow will be 15 miles to windward or leeward and beat back. OBJECT OF TKSURG ENT9' HOVB. p? was SI Amer I Extracting by our process without pain. iwuwinn Best Work at our prices because we have the largest volume of dental work in Portland. MM HuitCrowu sud llriilgn Work, 22 knrul goi per tooth Set Teotb. fully ijuttraiiteed .rulil'er $5,00 Beat Hold Filling 'P Beat Alloy FIIIiiiB.' 50c "P Tooth extracted without psin "Oc up IM.MMMIMHI HI KIWI 441 1 1 IIIIIIMI I M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ml " "' " " lllmiMIM14IIMMMMIl Brng this adv with you and have your teeth cleaned Free of Charge tnnruuvuu Dental Wor k We employ only the most modern methods, and guarantee satisfaction. Ill MM 1 1 1 1114 1 1 1 1 Mi II H I M lfclM MANILA. Wt. Several nundred lnturtr'nts has reorcupled Poruc, which wss captured ny General MarArthur mber 28 and evacuated by the Americans Hhe following .day. The Insurgent forces are reported moving toward Mexico, southeast of Angles. The object df 1h double movement Is apparently to get behind the Amer ican icaiTtson on both sides of Ihe Ma-nlla-Paruptn niltway. " WILL GO TO PORTLAND. OLD SEIZED. LOKIX3K. Oct A aesdftl dtspatrls frein Pretosia says the Transvaal gov err men! -has seised 8O8.M0 pounds of goU whlak Is now lodged in ths stats -MOKfiY WILL BR VOTED. the spirit of falsehood has overtaken other countries and because, the peopfo of the Trassvaal wish ts govern them- selves. Although thousands may come to attack as, we haVe nothing to fear. for the Lord Is the final arbltor and He will decide. liullets came by the thousands at the time of the Jameson raid, but the bur- trhera were untouched. Over a hnn I tired were killed on Ithe other ide. 1 showing that the Lord directed iur LONJJUSI, Oct 4. The most laoarest-: ullcta The Lord rules the world." ing announcement in connection with1 ,' . BOKUS ARE ASSEMBLING. ' the Xransva&l crisis today is that the! chancellor of the exchequer, the right ! Hoc. Sir MlchaW Hicks-Beach, hus. airuady .sanoUoned a provisional ex-(Large Force at Sellk to Destroy the Roadway. The Transvaal government has taken i tster the Perrelera mines and all thev nes In the gold fields. A group of of the Eckstein mines co Additional transports wfth trc-dpa froai India arrived this morning at Durtwn, Natal, and will proceed t. tRV ' front .Immediately. H Is rumored there that the Boers are wtthdmnri,,.. the- NWal border owing to a lack of forate. pm!iture -af 3,000,000, and that the! lownuwnt will not exceed that limit i atihsut aathorlty from parliament LONDON, Oot 4.-There is a well whit wlUJbe asked to Tote on a sum ! authenticated reDort th.f Ur f,,- f av.w REfWT CONFIRMED. . J Boers Secured Gold Route From Jo- iiaonesoury to rape Town." LONDON, Oct. 4.-The most sensa tiNna! news from South Africa this morWns is the reiteration of yester day's report of the acqulslUon by the Transvaal authorities of 1500,000 In gold which was on the way to Cape Town Take Elevator on Washington Street near Fourth and ask for the Portland Dental pj Parlors, Top Floor. E 'Phone Orefon. Brown 493. Columbia. 569. jfj NEW TORK, Ort. 4. Rev. Pr. Aelx ntpr M 'Morrison, for 10 years pas- not esxetscung 3,008,000. I oc coers are assembled at Sellk. ait the tor of the St. Matthews Epkseopail The nwtlng of the war board today ! u"cllon 01 e crocodile and Pongola from Johannesburg. There is nothlns? church. Brooklyn, has accepted a call I illKUmed drew arrangements ' f'' evM?nt"r th of kroy- v-ry tangible In today's war news, but the safety of a route from I th im .ht, .-.,7,' " . . I - as strained as Durhaa to Xislng's Neck, so that large, ably exaggerated, as It Is believed hat to Trinity church, Portland, Ore, THROUGH TRAIN 8ERVIC5. The Cnlon Faolflc Will Double 31 Trala Servioe to Portland. .k. , .. I mo i.ur);ners possess lew guns, and It is unlikely they would dismantle their font In nna In l.k. .1 , bodlos af .trepps may, on disembark ation, be rapidly forwarded up the ororowaingratoase.. The military authority estimate that It Is stated tonlrht ihiLt tha vrLr nffln- i there are now ana Dn- i v. j OMAHA. Oc. 4.-A, Incident to ttel ' ' " . " " TlLats adv.n. foT." ii'w uaiuni luvu. iiio u uiy uurjia ror 1 wvu 1,1113 hi- establishment of third traln, mMJ ternoon Indicate a widespread Impres- through between Chicago and an Fran I a'n there that unless the Boers becln Cisco by way of the Unloa Pacific of th.1 ,ha" K,MJly 8t,"m,e1 j hostilities by Thursday they will not ngnt out win yield to the Imperial de- ow consists of over 40,000 men. Prep- i aratlons for the dispatch of this force, ! maruls when formulated. Orders have including the chartering of big ocean liners Is steadily and satisfactorily proceeding. KRUGEit'S SPEECH. Northwestern route and a like lnorease In the servloe by (the Burlington and Denver and Rio Grande, comes the an nouncement that the Union Pacific, will double Its train service to Portland at the same ttme. At present from Og- den there is a double dally service .He Thinks the Lord Will bo on the over the Oregon Short Line to Btitte,! sll,e Hla P600' ,n C of 1 Var which only carries It as far west as ' Pocatello, however. From there 10; PRETORIA, Oct. 4. A more ex- Portlard .there Is but one train each tended account of Kruper's speech at j way daily. By the new arrangement ' ",e adjournment of -the raad yester,lHy . ,, . , , . . ..' obtainable. According to trust a double dally service Is to be carried ( worthy wpwg he on west to the coast over the Oregon Eeyerytb.lng polnu to war, because been issued from Pretoria closing all snloons In the gold fields. ever. Sir William Vernon Harcourt, the distinguished liberal staitieBimm, has ano:her slashing attack In today's pa pers upon the policy of Secretary Chamberlain. He reiterated his orig inal statement that Chamberlain's as sertion that the Transvaal refused to redress grievances of the Outlanders Is the reverse of the truth, and insists that Oreat Britain ts responsible for "slamming the door In the face of Pres ident Kruser Just when arrangements were approaching a settlement." (Continued on Fourth Page.) I l i ' uVr vavmrn v csciuiy Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome (Kvi cuvntn lrp"r i-.