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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
THK VlOEJUKO A8WB1AN, 'JllURSDAY, OCTOIUCK 6. Wi' . i I i i . DEWEY'S SAILORS AS SEEN ON All Imbued With the Same Spirit and Mod esty as Their Famous Admiral. THEIR STORIES OF THE GREAT BATTLE Each Stood to His Station and DM His Duty the Best He Knew How. PROUD OF THEIR SHIP Heir Trip Boras Ws Gresily joitlinJ Wfcerevtr English Sol oes Wert Met They Were Trtei' Like Brothers. New Tork Tribune. The men on board the Olympla are a One lot and they seem to be imbued with much the same modeoty that characteriiee their admiral. They ex press their wonder over and over again at the warmth of the greeting which, awaited them on their arrival, and it la aafe to say that they nave not yex reacted a full realuaUoo of what Is planned for them when they come ashore. Visitors were admitted freely yester day morning, and the Jacktea were kept busy explaining and answering questions. In the afternoon the order to admit only persons having business on board served to reduce the number of visitors somewhat, but there was no time of the day In which the crew could call the ship entirely their own. They were courteous to all who came and the name questions were answered In the same manner many timt-a Th men ought to be well equipped as teachers after their experience in this port. Most of the points have to be ex plained over and over again to the vis itors, and the patience exhibited by the Jackies and the officers borders on the heroic. "It's hard for us to realise what all this fuss is being made about," sal J Corporal Stevens yesterday. "The men enjoy it, of course, and they're glad' to know that the people feel that way; but it seems as if they are doirg too much. The story of the battle and all our experiences since have been lold so often that there's nothing now to say. "After the uprising of Ulo FJipiniV things were interesting for us for awhile. We had to be on the alert WBiauuj, mill iiicr woo ous. One niglK-about February 15, I Uilnk-I was standing guard. RlKht' . n n 1 .. 1 , V. t , L. . ......i there, Just under the searchlight. I saw a boat and hailed It. At the same time the Heh, un fta.hwl an,, three men In a boat. They immediatc- i ly began to back away. The admiral, hearing the hall, had come on d-ck. and the order to fire was given. Six- teen shots from a Springfield were three nd-sed i aent, and only the boat. One of the Filipinos r was killed, and one Jumped ov bord and the third was brought on board wounded. He was operated on and sent ashore. When brought to the ship he said the men had been fishing, but there was nothing to Indicate that, and they were evidently bent on mlB chlef to the Olympla. "Our trip back home was most pleas ant. Wherever we met English sail ors we were treated like brothers, and at Hong Kong and Colombo they couid not do too much for us. Still, Is is mighty orood to be here, and the men will en)oy stretching their lgs on t-ood American soil." 31 Kverywhere on board the ship one found evidences of the pride the sail- ors take In her. In rthe engine room an oiler was at work, but he stopped long etiough to say: Ain't she Just the finest that ever was. Now, what do you think of an engine like '.his?, See here that lever. In two seconds, with that you can reverse her. Think of lt two seconds! Hot in here? Why Its only eighty-five. Seems to me that is tolerable cool. When the hatches were down during the fight that's' when 'twas hot. But we dldnlt mind It then, either. Why, we had plenty to eat, sliced peaches and fruit, and we enjoyed ourselves. THE FLAGSHIP ' Of course If a torpedo had struck alongside It wouldn't have been tile. Rut them's the chances you take when you go to sea In warships." At the eight-Inch guns the explana tion of the mechanism was given gravely, and th (rood points were com minted cn with enthusiasm. Th m n arc particularly proud of Sagasta. 1h mascot. Sajraica was a III tip runt of a ilir when h was picked up by a rail or In Cavlt. but he has outgrown hi early characteristic, and accordlns . ... . . f,,l K. ... !evkir' around trying to see what was doln" In five or six places at o'w't. B'gee the first think I knew Sagnvta had ts:h his feet In me plate, and that settled the mess. H-'s Jut that I cute. F'p-. he knew that I'd let hi u' have it after that. And it ain't flrsi time no's played the trick. It' a old one, hut, b'gee. it went." I S.Agnsta minted and said nothing M t this arraimment. He evidently knows i a sood thing when he h i no desltv to antag-ml friend. When the ber went around h ' I used to gt his share, but once h c ! more than a hog of his years could i stand. As a result he made th!rg .lively between decks for half an hour! i I i or mere, but flnallv succumbed to j i drousir.ess. and awoke a sadder b it .1 soberer pie. Since then he has been a teetoitaler. The hog as a mascot Is likely to prove secondary, now that the admiral has i received a Hon cub, but It Is doubtful i if this latent addition will prove asi rood a playmate for th tars as Saras-1 ta, and the men said yesterday that j the pip must always stand first with therr. rtween decks yeeiterday the famll. lar scenes of ship life went on as us. ual. A Jacky with a small sewing ma- chin on his lap. busily at work mend-J Ing. was an object of interest f r all the women who came aboard. i There are few colored sailors aboard j the Olympla, but they were all ar. und; at ir-ss time ana as usual were i- trrtainine in their remarks. "Pat's ' powerful shore bread." said one of J them, who was trylnr to make way , with a large chunk of the HAme hreif!. ' 1 reckon you been used to pie so! long that bread ain't good enough foh you." answered his comrade. "Sup pose you thought that the good Udl, ,a lnv m"u " m " , ' can gladly recommend It M being all "Fgee. you ought a s-vn Mm 'l'rmprieBU I wUh that tvery man m? grub," mid on of them. "I wus ho - j- t of a good tonlo ooold . ing or trie BnuDricK at nicnmona, sug- of New York was goin' to bake a getea asking for an Invitation for the cake and sen' It to yoa, didn't you? silver leader to be present, for f'-ar. Hut you'll have to wait until you ho!tmU otherwise the boom of the ad- a burfday." T,' me" have a PI,?ntlful 'py of 80UV,;,,,r"' whlch th treasuring carefully. Corporal Stevens has a bat- li-l-r.A nTr.t ...VUL , . .. c "VP "7 tne S''a"lar' 'hen they left Cavlt -. and he shows It with pride. , ! Tnimpoter Mitchell, who sounded the ' call during the battle of Manila. Is K l"r ,nree nimcird dollars to a New York mu seum. Tho oldest member of the Olympla's crew is Gilbert H. Purdy. There is no or.e bettor known on board ship, out side of the admiral himself and per-' haps two or three more, than is "Old I'urdy." His hair is all' sandpapered off. e.s he puts It, but this is about the only sisn of his many years. His y a are qulf k and keen. He has lof little of the firmness of his step. And his srdle! It beams always. j Ail of the crew of the Olympla bear. v'ltn" m ,he dark tan of their fac. s that th-y nave a tropic climate.! T10 o are equally as bltk of! hVir'' Thre l one officer, however, v ho ,5 "t owe his swarthln'ss en- t!rey to a torrld un. Indeed, one wouM thlnlt him of negro blood, were Hlith a ""Ppositlon not contradicted bv his "tralght, clear cut. Caucasian features. His Hps, too, are thin, al- t"0UBn n'd in part by a snow white mustache. This man, who attracts so rr,uch attention, Is O. P. Calvocon saes, tne executive officer. To a n-porter he ta,,ed freey of the trip across the ea; l'ut fin,t of a" n spike In re- gard ,0 hiS nationality. "1'eople call me a Grek," he said Pj'-asanlly. "Well, they are not far " uum. my iamer was a Greek as my name betrays, but I was Continued on page 7. systemhuatarrh. Tbotutnda sufror From It and Do " y Not Know It . Hon. A. T. Wlmberly, Collector of th Port 1 New Orleans, La, and member of the National KepuUUcin Commute, la wnting ot re-ru-na, says i HOO.A.T. Wlmbtrly, I. fKMI Drug MTg C, lDJannrai,u.i "UDUeiUVUv4 w - - - know of It. I would advise all inch to take It now, and am aura It would new ba regretted." A. T. Wlmberiy, Pe-ru-na I -a Internal remedy clentlfla remedy for catarrh. It cure catarrh wherever located. Ita cure last Pe-ro-na glvea strength by stop- I a- n - .fii tK mnm ItlQ1 ninir wmio. a t Mimi rioow uio j a luacoa mwabrn H prwwrr th TiUl force. p.",1., - '-i .rmmrnimmro "-dKOPP'S BEST A r it- I The North Pacific Brewery, of wlnrb Mr.Jouu Kopp is proprietor, make br for Jomes'ic and export traJe. i - JjNorth Pacific Brewery u ,, onIy , afcord wltn thlf etl.rna, funes of things that police tel. graph ' 1 wires should be made of coppt-r. mEGsmrjTS .! u 1 tWK B Ourm tndtomatlon, 'j ST. ilLiLJ ShSkHmHZ 13 casts tad 25, ttnU, it 111 tore. CanaaaaMaaBaaawawBwioaicManasaai lt mugt have been the humorist on the board of Bryan managers who. when lt was learned that Admiral Dewey was to be Invited to the launch-: f 7 . . . . .... I mlral for IKe Democratic FresMonltal i candidate might be fairly launched. Make No Mistake;; In buying Con- I densed Milk. Talf nn iih- W stltute for the Gail Borden:; Eagle Grand j ! CONDENSED MILK ! ! 1 There are cheaper and In- 1 ' 1 ferlor brands to the Eagle, ' but none that equal It. It . ( ! j has stood first for forty ( ( 1 1 years. t Best for Bsdie Beok. , S BOfDLVS CONOCftStO ssU COh N. V. ( H.F.PraelTransferCo. Telephone S. GRAYING AND EXPRESSING All Coods Snipped to Our Care Will Receive Special At'-eaUoa. No. m Duane St, Asurla. Ore. W. J. COOK, MuT Be. Tat. 111. POTT'S pennyroyal fills L - i"-?v lurltf an'. onil&,l')in,li.'.n i"- vli't. t X. tllid I'slllintl "(inUlf "f IM:fixtl IH fi.-. Jltvy ai. 'Lire Nnve.'..1 f ea----a Uitflf?"ftt WoriJ1J''f'"". fi-iift,' il htumvulntoiunnil ari'l b-"0 kni.ina r,n,ill for Womnn I'1; Cannot aty mrin iu V H '-' hy mill. Hold by druajrl'te. ... romea a virmpvrv: sea per ,,. A eonstant drain of mneui from the ysmn Is known as ijitsnilo sstarrh. Thla mayoocur from any organ of the body. Sysfetnto catarrh U mora com mon In spring and summer than In the winter. Dr. Rachel A. Magaw,67 WestJeftor son BtreeS Sprlngflald, Ohloi "Your re-ra na U worth iu weight In (old. I feel like anew woman. I can't praise It enough. I apenl a great deal of money on dootora, but nothing ever did ma any good nntu i sens w you aim tried your Pe-rn-na. I now feel well of the catarrh." . . Halnh W. Chullp. of La forte, lud., says the following a regaras i e-ru u for catarrh I "I baa been wumeu ; Aatarrh for the 1 putelghtyeara. t became so bad a year and a halt ago that I took treatment rrom two different speclalUU on eatarrb. The. discharge from mm my head waa dreadful. Fin ally my stom ach became affected, and algbt month ago I bad to cult work. I lost In weight from 1 pound! to 140. I was oompletoly discouraged. I procured a bottle of Pe-ru-na ana naa noi half tha bottle, when, to my Joy ami nmrtM. I besaa feeling better. My . . ... j. bead began to get petterj uje alul. K..n trt itrr nn. I kent on, and havf began to arynp. lepsoQ, uu nowUken twobotUes. I hare resumed mTWork.baTeaKOodappetlta,and hav not felt better In ten years. I am new SO. and I thank Pe-m-na for the way 1 feel Unlay." For free book address Dr. Bartman Columbus, Ohio. Delicious and Ptf.lfi table Drink Absolutely Pure j Bottled oe for family use, or s-n beer iupplied at auy time, delitwy it I be city free. The Latest, The Best, The Most Complete, ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAMCA Questions are constantly comingup every day inliterature.artandscience which you wish you knew, but C you don't. Make up your i mind that you lare not going to f be caught this wayveryoften. Whenever a new subject is brought to your attention dig in to it and learn all you can about it. The Encyclopaedia Brita mica is the reliable source from which clergymen, profes sional men and women, schol ars and educators everywhere draw information quickly. It has been the standard for over a hundred years. You should not miss the opportunity of securing the Encyclopaedia Britannica for One Dollar Cash and the balance In small monthly payments. The entire Thirty ( jo) Volumes with a Guide and an ele gant Oak Book Case will be deliv ered when the first pavment is made. The Complete Set (Thirty Large Ootavo Volumes): No. i. Ntw Style Buckram Cloth, Marbled Bigtt, Extra Quality HlghMachina Hn lih Book Paper, Si-, oo. Firaf payment, Una Dollar fli ooland fnre Dollari(Ji.oo) per month thereafter. No. a. Half Morocco. Marbled Edeet, Eatra Quality High Macliln Flniati Book Paper, S60.00. Flrit payment, Two Dollar, (Sj.oo) and Four Dollar, ($4.00) per month thereafter. No. j. Sheep. Tan Color, Marbled Edftea, Extra Quality High Machine Finish book Paper, $75.-00. First payment, Thre Dollar, ($.oo) and Flva Dollar, ($5 .00) per month thereafter A reduction of 10 per cent. I granted by paying cash within 30 day, after the receipt ef the work. il'.A 61 S! Ii'ui'r Wlllliirn'lniluii.-r y " li v ;.t').lil.lll.)i.l.willr.e.(!liilli'i. 'Si H M S f" J!l;tU',": Ill,'r" yl H w Seai'lIcH. Il nhsorbelhrltHirim? A) kyf KyH s pc.ultiiro, (Ivea lie tnil' e' ly ' h llcf. Dr. Wllllnmi'Iu'ltrinl'llr-Oliit, Yi B oient la prepared for filMsnUlli:D rj Ing of the private part. Kvery box sriirranled. J)y dnwRlats, by mall on re jelpt of price, 60 cent anO?I.OO. WILLIAMS tUIIFACTU8lrl8 CO.. Vtiv., UeveUutT Oulo "-7 id notich ron publication. Land Offlce at Oregon City, Oregon, September Knd, 1S9J. Notice Is hereby given thai the fol lowing named settlor has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Clatsop County, at Astoria, Oregon, on Novetnlwr 4th, 1S9. vis: ANTON 1IANO, 11. K. 10.W7. for the SKU of See. . Tp. 4. N. 11, W, lie names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon nml cultivation of said land, vis; drome I.niulivs, Adolf Hlvertseu, John II. Koch, Juines Kluley, all of Astorlu, OreKon. C1IAS. R MOOKICS. Beitlster. TlMIIEIt UVND, ACT JUNK t NOTtCK roil ri'lll.lCATHN. Vnltd Biates !nd Offloe. OreTn City, Orr.i, Ju.jr n, ism. Noiloe la hr6y fivrn that In compilano with the pr vli of th act f tMnaresa of June I. 15:. entitled "An a for the sal of llnihor laid In th Mlair o( California. Onvon. Neeidi. n,i Vhliii!loft TVl r(ry," as slen.ted i all the pub;le Isna tale by aol of Amiim , IKO, John K. Kinnv. of roriUod, euumy of Mult nomah, !' f Hrin. has this day filed In tht ofhe hi wJrn ataiemrnt No, t. for th puiwhsM uf th awt m ioo. n. S nu, and nwi of ! rf ih-vi- n No. St. In towiwMn No. I n. rant II e nd will Tf proof to how that the 'and oiurtit I nir valuon: for li tlnisrt or alone than for agricultural purpoie. and to uto!lth his c aim to satd land to. for rh Kewr ami Itecvlver uf ihia ...... v . -i.i.r,, vi.j, n cmce at Orrnn City. Ore;.n, on Tu- iay, rn iit.n oy or ow'twr, ins. ! na.n wtlnrri: William K nilrl(, r An,lr.w D BlH.k,f.OJf j,wr N rwUr, , of ll'ortlaiid. Mullnmh County. Orvon ,thB a,Ky )rg ,.iVU Un (i 1 to nij their c;n ns tn this om.- .i or txTiw th Iflrri dar of October lv ril.VHl.K8 II. MimI(.:H Res:ttf. CONTEST NOTICR. ixpnrtment of tho Interior. Ilnlted States ljnd little. Orrgin city, Orv,.n. Hopt.'iiitx.r, S. IS'JJ A siitlli'li-nt rotitpst affidavit having hern tiled In this office by W. (',. II iwrll coiitfittniit. asulnat huimstead entry No. IHll. made tvtober JO. tsw, fr the NK. H section t. towniihlp 5. N. rang 1(1 W. by tile ivter . Aadnl. contt.. In which It la allfftvd that "snld 1 IVier S. Asilnl hits wholly abandonml an, tract: that he has changed hi naldencv 1 herefrom for more than one vrar lnce making snld entry, that said tract la rot ettl,.j upon ami cultivated by snlil party as required by law and that ald alleg-M abnonre from the ald land wne not due to his employment In the army, navy, or marine corps of the I'uited States as a private soldier, officer, sea man or marine, during the war with Ppaln. or during any other war In which the United States mav li en. Kd." Said parties are hereby no tified to appear, rvpoul ami nffer pvl- lence toiii tiliig said allegation at 10 o ciock a. m , on ctob.T ;:t, HM, before the Hegiater and Receiver at the Unit ed States Iind Offlce In Oregon City. Oregon, ine saio contestant having. In a proper affidavit, filed 8 . nlenib r 1. l9f. set forth facts which ahow that after due diligence personal service of thla notice ran not be made. It la hereby ordered and directed that such notice De given by due and proper publica tion. WM. OALI.OWAT. rtiK-elyer. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United states Ijind (mce. Oregon City, Oregon. September, S, H9l. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this ofllee by W. (J. Howell, contestant, sgalnst homestnsd entry No. 9i:il. mml August S, mvl, for (he southeast quarter section 17.. township i N. range 10 W, by Oscar W. Compo, contcatcc, In whlob It Is alleged that "the said Oscar W. Compo has wholly abandoned said tract; that he hue cnangeii tils residence therefrom for mom than four years since making said entry: that said tract i not ui. tied upon and cultivated by snld party as required by law and that said alleg. ed absence from the snld land wnl nortOrforoci, Nevada, and Washington Ter due to his employuiuut In th army, navy, or marlno corns of the Hulled Btates, ns a pnvute soiiiier. officer, sea man or marine during the war with Spain, or during any other war In wtiit-n the united States may be en gaged." Said parties are hereby notl- iiea 10 appear, respond and offer evl uence touching nald allegation at 10 o clock a. in., on October 23, 189S, bo foio tho Fteglster and Itecelvor at the United States Land Office In Oregon uny, uregon, . s , j 1 The suld contestant having, In a proper affidavit, nied Scntomber 1. 1K00. set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal servlco of this notice can not be made, It Is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publica tion. WM. GALLOWAY. Receiver. TIM f3EIl LAND ACT, JUNT 1, llf7 NOTICF3 FOR PUBLICATION. Notice Is hereby given that In compli ance wiih the provisions of the act of Congreaa of June , 1878, entitled "An act for the sal of timber lands In th Stales of California. Oregon, Nevads, snd Washington Territory," as eg'endrd Jo all Ihe public land states by act of Au guat 4. 1891, John H. Koch, of Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, has this day fllad In this office his sworn statement No. 4007. for the purohaae of non do. 1 in townanip no. 0 n, range No. I w, and will offer proof to show that tbe land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or sione than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Regiir and Re ceiver of this office at Oregon City, Ore. gon, on Saturday, the 9th day of Septum, bor, 1890. II names ss witnesses: Wal lace Donkel of Vine Maple. Oregon. Isaac Donkel of Vina Maple, Oregon, th a of n w 14 and lots 1 and I of sea Patrick J. Hnndwrlght of Aaborla, Ore. gon, William C. Thomasnon of Vine Ma. pie, Oregon. Any and all persons claim ing adversely the sbovtMleseribed lands are requested to file their claim in thla omoe on or before sid (th dsy of September, 1899. UHARL1B B. MOORE8, Register. TIMBRR LAND. ACT JUNE 1 187 NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. United State Land Office, Oregon City. Oregon, Jun 17, 1899. Notice is hereby given that In compliance wl;h ihe pro- visions of the aot of Congress of Jun I, in. enllllad "Ad sot for 1 eale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waahlnston Trtl. lory," as estandrd to all th TuMlo Land 8llM by act of Auitot 4, lt. NarclwM 10. Hall, 14 Astoria, county of Clatsop, state of Oregon, has this day filed In tila office hr a worn siatmn Nu. JU, for the purchase of th N H of B of See it and W H of W H ot See N". In Townohlp No. I N, Hang No. I W. and will offer proof to show that Mr land sought la more valuahl fur It ll" bor or tnn than for agricultural pur. poae. and to ceiablteh hr claim l i i' land bfur Ihe n-iltr and Hecslver of this ortlee at Oregon City. Or., on r"ridy the Mte day uf Oct oner, IR She namm as wlines: A C. Am1ron, of Ai-la. Or.i Xlla D. mrtl, of Hewldo Or. I Charles Thotntwot. of Selit. (r I John V.lrhou. of CUlaop. Any and all prorj rlalnilng advi:y th abv deaerlbfd lands are r)U"td to It their claim tn this oftlc on or bfr aid ISth day of Selittmber, 1K4. CIIArtl,K8 It. MtHMtlCs, ltjltr, TtMUKH LAND ACT JUNK I lTI- NOTtriC rOH rt'ltl.lCATlON. Culled Riata Uml Ofnc. Oreon City Orrgtm. Ju'.y tl Ht.-NiIc Is hrby gven that In eompllane with th pro- Hal i, of the act . Cungr ef Juu I lITTk entitled "An act for the sat of limb. Ian la In lh Stair of California. Orrcon, Nevada, and VVaahlnglon Ter ritury," as i'd'd to all th pnb'lc land Kate by act of August I. in, Millard P. Culver. c Fortisnd. county of Mult rvotnah. Stat of Orrn, has this flay filed In thla ofTW his sworn alatrrnent Na m. for Itte porch of rti nw of Motion No, tl In townahip No I n rsrg No, 10 wret, and wtt! offer pretrf In ahov that th land .us"ht more valuable for It timber or ton than f.7 ogrtcullural purpoMa, and la e.tnbtUh hi claim to aa'd land th rtii!tT aod rteclver of tMs office st Oregon City, Oregon, on TuewUy. th I'Xh iIav of Oobohrr. IKS) II nines) as witnesses: Jasper N row lee, James P. rtathhun. Andrew P rtorksMtow. and J-'hn K. Simmon, all of Portland. Mtiltnonuth County. Oregon Any and all penssia claiming adversely the ahive.d J vthM Ian I are requealed to fll thsir oia n In thla ofti oa or bsfir Mid 10: b day of Ootobar, im. ClIAR-Ka It. MiXltKfl. Ttrttr. TIMflER LAND. noti-k ron ACT Jt'NK I H71 1'Ullt.lCATION l'nl'd fsts Iairtd Orflo. Oregon Oly. Oregon, July 8. 1KB Nolle I hereby gtven IhAt In oompllatc with th pro. vlsiona of th act of Congrve of June I irt. entitled "An act fur tba sal of timber leads In th Htai of California. Orrrt. Nertda, and Washington Ter rHnry," aa eitertded to kit lh pubtte Una tal by aot of Augua 4, im, Joagwr N. rowler. of PortlUnd. county of Mult, aomah. SuU of Oraaron, ass this day filed In this odlM baa swore aUtrtnaaw No. 0Jt, for th purer of th nw of aellon No. M In towraatitp No. I a, range No 10 wt, and will offer proof to bow that tbe land sotagM I mere valuable for It timber or atone 1 baa Cur agricultural psarpoaa. and le eatabtlaJi bis claim to sad land banr tr.e Ragtattr and Reoivr of mi offlr at Oregon City, Oragon, on Tuesday, th lMh day of October, IM. 11 nam as wltnsssws: Millard r. Cub vr, Wtlllam E. Burke, Andrew D. Rors a fellow, and John E. Simmon. of Ponlael, Multnmaa County, Oregon. Aay end all pareooa oiaimlng advraly th abovc!r vtbed Ian la are requtated to Bi thrtr elalB In this offlc 00 or before said 10th day of October, lttK. CHARLES R. MOOHRS. Hgltr. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNK I NOTI.B FOR PVIILICATIO' 117. Unlttd States Land Offloa, Oregon City, Oregon, July 11, UM.-Nottr U hrby I Wen rhat In oornpllano with the pro. vlstoxMi of ihe ant of Congress of June I, UTTt, nltud "Aa atn far the sal of timber lands In the Btatea of California rtory,,, aa extended to all the public land states by act of Auguat 4, 1891, William K. Durk. of Portland, county of Mult nomah, Stat of Oregon, nas thla day filed In this offloa hta sworn etssrtnent No. 4034, for the purchase of lota t, 11, U). and 14 of seolkm No. 11, In township No." 4 north range No. 10 wewt, and wilt offer proof to show rhat the land sought Is more valuable for Us timber or stone (ban fur agricultural purpo,, and to establish his claim to said land befur lb Rrsjrtater and Receiver or thl, 0ftlo at Oregon City, Omgon, an Tuesday, lh 10th day of Ootober, 1H9S. He nsdea as wttnessee: Jasper N. Fowler, Andrurw D. Rockafellow, James S. Rathbun, and J. 8. etmmona. st! of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon, Any and all persona claiming adversely the aboee-desxlbsd lands an requested to file (heir olalms tn 'iila office en or before said 10th day of Ootober, im. CHARLES B. MOORKS, Register, TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNB I. ltTt- NOTICJl FOR PUBLICATION. United Btatse Land Office, Oregon City, oregm, juiy a, 1899. Notice 1 hereby given that In oompllanao with the pro- nstana or tn act of congress of June I ibis. eniKiea -an aot ror tne sale of timber lands in the States of California Orogol, Nevada, and Washington Ter. rttory," as eatisnded to all the pubac land statos by aot of August 4, 1801, Andrew D. Rockafetl), of Portland, county of Mult nomah, State of Oregon, has this day Hied in this omoe his sworn statement No. 4025, for the purchase of th sH neU and sVt mrl4 of section No, 7 In town ship No. I n, range No. 10 w and will offer proof to snow rhat Uie land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agrt-.-ultu.-el purpose, nd to er.tabiisn his claim to said land before the Rglster and Receiver of this offlc at Oregon City, Oregon, on Tuesday, th 10th day of Ootober, 1899. He names aa witnesses: Wlllat-d F. Culver, WlllUm E. Burks, John E. Btm. monai, and Jaoper N. Fowler, all of port, land, Multnonah County, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely th alio '-deeribed lands are requested to fll their olslns la this offlc on or before said 10th day of Ootober, 1899. CHARLES B. MOORES. Itegtster. NOTICIfi fOlt rUMLICATION. Ind Oftlee at Oregon City, Oregun.. Sept. It, n Nolle I hornby glvsu (hat the Al lowing named settler lias filed not loe nt his Intention to make final proof In. support of his claim, and that said proof will be mad before eounly clerk of Clatsop county, at Astoria, Oregon, on Ootober It, 1(91, vis: Wal ter J. Falconer, II. K. 11.1(4 for th N. 10. 4 of section !l (p. 4 N It, I W. He name the following witnesses to piov tits continuous resident' upon ami cultivation of said land, vlr. Thomas lVttlolin, of Koasey, Oregon; F. II. ThnKip, of Keasoy, Kieg-m; R. II VVebater, of Kery, Oregon; W. U. lierclier), of Keaey, tirrg,.n, CHAd, U. MOO It KB, lleglstsr. " AI'MINISTIlATOItS SALE. Nolle Is hereby glvn, (hat on Unn. day. Octotier I. 19. el It o'clock In the fortuioon, a administrator of the Ka mi u of W. 11. Ityan, dccad. I will ell at public suction, lo th highest bidder, for rash, at the Court House door, at Aaiiirla. tn Clatsop County, Oregon, lot no eleven (II), of block No, two 1:1, in ury Addition lo (Venn ilrova. In Clatsop County, Or, gon. belonging to ssld aetata r. J. CARNET. Adii'tiiUtralor of th above enlltled ae tata. Hated at Astoria, OregM, thla Hta day of August, IWs. KIIKItllT.r "I,E Iiy virtue of an laud out of (hi) t'lrcult Court of the flats, of uieg.iti f.-r the County of t 'In I, op on the ,'lat day of September. 191, Upon Ju-lgment reti.lerril therein on th Hth .lay of September, U. In favor of J. T. It.a. J. y lligglns. H. C. Thompson snd K X. Kerguaon. partners doing btialnea under the tirin nam of Ho, MlKKlt!" A f . plaintiff and agilnt c. II. lrlnk..ff and Nina llrtokefT. da. fendanls, for the sum uf IM l(, lh mala and .llsl.ilmnineiita of thla suit tned at lion and Ihe rt of and upon thl wrtl commanding and re quiring me to tnnke sain of the follow Ing dcacrllfd real properly, lo-wlt: llesliihlng nt th southwral corner of (tie M, A. Iltirnal.le mmstlori jnd 1 I tliM In ae,-tna M Jt and J! In Tp. I. N i.f It a Weat of the Willamette Meridian. Iliem-n raat along the south line of aald lionallon ln1 Claim W.i feet, thence north 7rt feet, thenee west 17471 feet, thanre south 770 feet to the place i.f beginning et eepllne the t 414 foeX of the trad ntxixe .eaerlled. rl.vptlng also two acre at.,1,1 by Nina Hrlnkoff andhus Land. C. II lirtnkofT. as pr deesj dated V'DUKt 3rd, W, and reeorded August 14th, lJS, It: V .tl. .0. Page 71. Record of tved. all altuate.1 and being In the County of Clataop. State ol Oregon. Notice Is hereby given that I will nn Monday, lb Join day of October 119, at the hour of (en o'clock In th fore noon of said day. In front of and at the Court house door In the City of Ato la Clatsop County, Oregon, sll at pub lic auction In Ihe hlghet bidder for cash, the sb-v deacrltied real property to oatlafy th Judgnmnt. Interest snd co 1 a and all accruing rt TIIOR UN VILE. Sheriff. Clatsop County, Oregon. Aatorlo. Oregon. Sepi. 15th. lift. SHERIFF'S 8 ALII By virtus of an elocution and order of sal Isurd out of the Circuit Court of th Stale of Oregon for Clatsop County on the 17th day of SepUrttber. 199. upon a Judgment and decree ren dered therein nn th 11th day of ip temlier, Ivr). In favor of E Tappaa Stafford, plaintiff, and against D. F. Stafford. Henrietta R. Hmfford. A. C. FNher and Charles Wright, defendants, for the sum of 177.00 with Interest thereon at th rate of eight pr cent P-r annum, from the tilth day of Sep tember, ISM. the riMta and disburse nienta of this suit taxed at 110 M and the coats of and upon this rlt corn, tuniiillng and requiring ms to make sale of the following described real property. In. It; All of the Clara Houghton hnmsstrad claim In section S7. lying north of a Una drawn across snld homestead from east to west, 91 rods south of. and par ellel with the north line of said section !7. Alan all that part of P. Callander'g Donation Land Claim which lies east of the line of the Astoria and South Coast Railroad, so called, all being slt unted In section tl, township T north of range 10 west. Together with tha tenements, hereditaments and appur tenances thereunto belonging, all la Clntoop county, Oregon, except there from all that portion which He west of Ciilllby creek. Notice Is hereby given that I will, on Monday, tho 10th day of October, IKW, nt the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon of snld day, In front of and at the court house door In th city of Aa tortn, Clatsop county, Oregon, sell at public miction' to the highest bidder for cash the above described real property, to satisfy the Judgment, Interest, costs and nil accruing ocsts. THOB. LINVILLB, Sheriff of Clataop County, Or, Astoria, Or., August 7, 1899. nERVjfA PILLS Reitore Vltgllly Lost Vigor and Manhood.' Cure Impotcncy, Night KmlMioniand weniinu uiMcascH, all enccts 01 seii V- 1 - ,1 in,!l- jtj aiiunc, ur excess aim muw i 1 ....... I . - a . Irt ntA k2 H "lMM1 nuiiaer, unnps me 1 11 'ejinnu plow to paic cnecKs nnu Kr restores the flrrj ol youth. Hv mn AfWs rwerVior. 41 bOXCJ for eS'i.rtO: Willi a. written arnarana t'tot'ure tir rctluiil the monoja ocml for circular. Address, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton t Jackson 8ts., CHICAGO, IIX "or Sal by Charles ltMra Druaiflal. : . Astoria. Oregon. tt(oi Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It ftrf.I flplallv dlonatat lia tnnA nl nlrla INalure In strenithenini and recof atructlngthe exhautd dlifestlve o (tang. It is the latent discovered digest ant and tonlo. No other crcDaratlor can anpronch lt In emclency It ln antly rellevej and pormarjently cure Dyspepsia, Indication, Heartburn, r latulence, bour Stnmaoh,' Wausea. alckHcadache,Gastral8la,Cramp,and all other results of I m perfect dlifestlou. rrapored by C. C. DWI't A Co., Cbicogo. For Sal by CHARLES ROOKS