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About The morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1899-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
THE HOHNlMO ASTOKJAN, THURSDAY OCTOBKH t. .Ma JWcnilon, Business Itleni TlIK AhTOHIAN has glided I nuinlcr of (ho latent facet of type to hi job printing ilc lartntcnt, ami i prcred to turn out a quality of , . . COMMERCIAL PRINTING superior to any that can he (mtaircd eUcwhcre. It will pay you to call and gel etiinate on any and all kintla of printing. Tincst Work Lowest Prkcs v ' DEWEY'S SAILORS AS vvm iiv tup vi ir:iin rI.I.,l W.V till, I Continued from page 1 born In this New World. I was nrvcr so 1 roud of that fart as at this mo ment. The enthusiasm of th Americas people I believe surpasses thai of snm Europesn countries. Ther I on Olf fvrcni.o, how over. On thli aid of the sa thl enthusiasm haa with It a heal thy Invlgoratlon. The mora we oele- brat over our heroes, th nure w art llmi'lalrd to become heroes, ourselves. "Njt to In tho Uedltut-rniaran ooun lrl. H'irroM leads too often to diw- potlsni. Th mora they celebrate In honor of their heror th sooner they become subjects of tyrants. Bunting, powder and pravaslona art f.l)la in th-maalves, but they are he tokens of health and prosperity. And so we look New York by surprise? We know we were going to all along. In spits of the fart that one of our propellorf dtj all ths work, we went ahead of tht'hl- Ulo, herauseof a smooth sea. Why, some day the surface of the ocean was tike oil. There was scare a ripple aa far aa the eye could so. The wind, whenever It blew, sprang up behind. I could not help thinking of the sail of ths Ancient Mariner before ths alba trope was killed, "The vIMt of Trieste was perhaps the most enjoyable. The hospitality of the people apiieared to have no bound, We would have perished aa the lotos eaters of old had we atayed In that Austrian city much longer. The ad miral needs rest. 1 think that he will be glnd when Hhe pressure of these functions Is over and he Is horn again." BUT AT HOMffl. Astoria News, "I saw more Astorlans tn Portland than ! hav seen today In Astoria," remarked a clllaen yesterday. There Is no reason why Astorlas should not fro to Portland If they so desire, but If It Is their Intention to reside and make thlr living here, they should by all monna bti loyal to their horns. Aa has been pointed out before tn these col umns, It Is not by building up Port land's trade that Astorlans can better their own condition. There tins been talk of poor business slnoe the war between the transportation companies , Wis Inaugurated, and there Is good reft-, son for complaint. For years Portland has done all In her power to retard the growth of Astoria. Every time an Eastern capitalist made Inquiry from iNirtland bankers about the prospects of this ' lly, the answer has Invariably been that there wsa nothing In Astoria tu Induce capitalists to Invest. Time and attain hifv I'ortlandora taken this course, and It would seem that Astorlans would at some time realise that Portland Is our great enemy. Hut swh Is not the case so fur as many of our cltlavna are concerned. Only a week ag tbe wife of a prominent bus iness man came bat k from the metrop oils with so many bundles that she had tn engage an expressman to take them from ths depot to her home. Ths following day she saw goods similar to those she had bought In a store window hrre, and fir purposes of com parlkui; Inquired ss to their price. To her sui prise she learned that th As toria prlcea were about IB per cent low er than those of Portland, and a few monents' fllgurlng enabled her to see that in had thrown away quite a few dollars and wasted a day's time In go Ing to ths metropolis to shop. Th In cident is mentioned here simply to show that for" business reasons alone abopplng should be don at boms. Ev ery dollar that leave a community make that community just to much worse off, and th conditions hers are asy or otherwise tn the exact propor tion of th amount of money In eircu latlon. There la no getting away from th fact. Astorlans make matter har der for themselves by the steady flow of money to Portland, and ths sooner that flow la stopped the better will It b tor all. Th people her would do well to profit by the example set by boat 1 1 lome years ago. Portland en joyed quit a trade in -the big Bound city for quit a Urns, but the Seattle people soon realised that the quickest way to build up their own town was to help one another, and now It is dlfflcui'. to buy even a copy of th Ore gonlan In Seattle's street. If Asto rlans would only be true to their own Interests, they would no buy a dollar's worth of goods In Portland. Woman's Best Friend Dirts Worst Enemy ANCTHETt TERRIBLE BLOW, San Francisco Chronicle. And now General Wheeler has (o b withdrawn from political martyrdom. Instead of being a man whom Otis hag enviously turned down, to th great discredit of the administration, he 1 one whom the commanding general is giving every chanoe to distinguish himself. It Is getting to be a serious n atter with the democracy to find an Otis peg that will stick. "Russell" Automatic Engine Write for Catalogues of Engine Boilers, Saw Mills. A. II. AVERILL, RUSSELL A CO., Manager. Portland, Oregon. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA FIVER RAILROAD. 1:00 a. It) '7:00 p. m 1 7 t:. a m ! I 10 p.m. PORTLAKD. Arrtvs. Portland Union rVpot.;il:U a.m. for Aetorls and lnlij ;W p.m. nedlst points. I AiTORlA. J For Portland A ln-lll:0a.m. termedlat points 10:M p.m. p m I l:Wl:JS'Lv , f.-7-'.IU:K'Ar S:W ini Lv ' IM I.WAr ..Aitorla.... .Warrenton. .,8tld.,.. la.m.ip. 01. 7:W 7:l 1:51 t I 10 S: BPECIAL SEABIDE BUNDAT TRAIN I Leaves Astoria at 1:10 a. a.; arrlvss at Seasld l;U a. m. Passengers may rstura on any train hown on scheduis on sarns dats. I ALL TRAINS to and from 0sd run j ot Flavel and Hammond via Warren,' ton. All trains make eloa connections at Gobi wka all Northern Pietflo trains to and from th east or Sound points. At Portland with all trains leering union depot At Astoria with I. R. ft N. Co.'s boat end rail line to and from Ilwaco and norm Beach polnta THROUOH TICKETS oa sals at As- torla for Sacramento. San rraaclsoo, all eastern aod European points. City ticket offlos Astoria, (14 Coromsr. rial street J. c. 1IATO. Om'I IVt and Psjs. Agent. DKfABl Mali I p. m. Spotwis Cl)r 1 10 p. If TINS SCHEDULES from Portland oslt Uke, l.'cnvrr Ft. Worth. Omtha. Kn u city, ml ixtulk .iiiom(u so Walls Wills, Hookiae, Mlnnepll,Ht.'ul, luliith, MHwsuker, Cblcjufesad Kut, ASBITS Put Mall 4 V) p. a Hprtksn yircr SJO a. m. from AVrt OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All funins Date sub Wl to chance. For Ma rranicoRalI Oc'.S. 10, l,J5. SO 0 THE NET "North-Western Limited" (ti OtirrcrTAia.) between Minneapolis St Pa and Chicago, is tnterttinlit(ly described in an Illustrated booklet which will be far nished fiek on application to W. H. MEAD, Cn. Agt., M Wu&lSftoi stnei, rOETtiKD. 01 F. W. PARKER. 'a. AfaaL AMI Vim. . :iJggZZr suttu, wa 7smsi Bui ndsjr Ta m. To,Thn! and Hat. Blpirls tear dl) l:oa m. Colr-iWa RlTr ffteensrs To portisAd a4 Way Laodlnga. WllUwutte sad YasH I n m. fclUKIrsrs. Momd. Oreg m City, Dartoa, aoa y rt. nsyutnoiugi. Saaks Rivsr. Riparlate LswUtoa. It UXURIOUS EL ttaexHo soar LrLswIsta 10 a is daily r,..m i',.,tu..ii WILLaMITTg EjVKR . Mod. WedOresos Ct. Kewbere. ri.. fi.?. Kriar j U-eaA Wsy-Usd a (Utur'd.r . O. W. iOOtSBESRT. W. H. HUBLBTJST. Astoria. Osat. Paai Ajtl Prtiaa4. Or. J OF LONDON. Established during th reign of Queen ann. a. o. 1711 FIRE AND LIFE. kUDscnoed capital 1 1,4x1, uu ug os Surpli-.j to policy holders lotus M Eicltulre gf paid up capita Law Union and Crown Fire and Life Insur ance Co. Sutucrtbed or guoraiteed eap- t7J0OOM0O Capita, paid ud intmm Assets ai.ijfc.jija an Catton, Bell & Co. 0n al Agents, San rraaclsoo. CsJ. Samuel E!more & Co. Resident Agents. Asturla, Oregon. A familiar nam for tb Chloago, Mil- wauke 8c Paul Railway, known all otst tb Union aa tb Ortau Railway running tb "Ptoooer Limited' trains vary day and nlgtu tetween St Paul and Chloago, and Omaba and ChJosago. 'The only perfect trabas to tbs workL" Undemand: Ccoacttooa art made wlta all Trsnsooittlneatal Lnas, assuring to psssegenrs tbs best eei-nce anown. Lux. urtous ouacbes, eleotrlo light, steam beat, of a verity equaled by no other lino. 8 that your ticket reads via "Tb uuwauaee- rasa goug to any point rn the United States or Canada. All ticket lgenu sell tbsm. For rates, pamphlacs, or other Infornaa- oop.'iaoarees, J. W. CASET, C. J. EDDT. Tra. Pass. Art, Oeneral Aarrat Portland. Or. Portland, O.r THE "Nortb.Wtatarn Limited" tralaa, etectrle lighted throughout, both la Id and out, and steam heated, sr without ciccptlon, th Snsst trains In U world. Tbsy smbody tb latest, nsweat and best klaas tor comfort, convenleao and luxury rvtr offered th iraTellaf public, and altogether are tb most smb. plat snd splendid production of th tar builders' art. Tbes Splendid Train Connect wlib 1 The Great Northers The Northers Pacific and Tbe Canadian i'aclFlc AT ST. PAUL for f t ; t'HICAGO and the EAST. No eitra charg for tbes superior so. commodatlons and an elasses of tickets are available for passage a tb famous "North-western Limited. All trains oa Oils line ars protected by tbs Iotarlocklag Block system. W. H.MEAD. T. C SAY AOS, Gttl Agut, . X A. Portias d Or. - '. nor-AT .TICKETS nilUW POINTS ERST ThrOUaTh OalafA amA Innrla iImimm aiuina; ua norary OMrratlon cars. bLBUANT V Km RITT .K TffllVH No. 4 Li ui ted leaves Portland at 1:10 n. m. No. I Limited arrives Portland at 1:10 a. m. For rates, etc, can or sddress O. W. LOtrVSRETtHT Agent O. R. ft N., Astoria. or . A. B. C. DENNTSTON. C P. ft T. A.. Portland Or VJ f 1 V Disiio OIRfCT ISHtf TVcsr I?"' - 'r. r USB I "J I jHoatt ""lVVf y-Af0" wiys)j rort- 10W f1iaTr?V stosc vSLy rr& rKK "vxumii- totke Cast dKAVB OUBLK Mo. 1. ltM p. B I Mail lor Aberdeea. iSoshh Bend. Ta,coma. Npoksse, Helena. BultnJ aaitroiKia, mrsai,t;ni- louro. NewTufs.Bestoa. land all points east and na 1 Houtneaat, Hlthard Crokor, th boss of Tain mnny and of New York, was ono of the Dewey recjptlon oommlttoe and atudlod the hero ot Manila for an hour while tho commlUle was on board th Clympla. The result of this was an exprvsalon of his ImpreSHlona dictated j and published In a New York news- j paper, to the extent of a half column on the first page. Possibly this Is what; Dew) came In early for. j State Normal School MONMOUTH. OREGON Training Sohoot' for Teackera. New Building New Department Ungraded Country School Work. Graduates Secure Good Positions. STRONG COURSES Wall equipped training department. Normal sours, quickest and beat way to State Oertinnte. Expenses for ysar from (1)0 to 1190; Board tin to n per week; Tultloa, W per term of ten weeks. Fall term begin September lth: Bummer term June D to September L For catalogue address P. L. CAMPBELL, Free Id ant or W. A. WANN. Be of Faculty. CHAS. HEILBORN &S0N IRON AND BRASS BEDSTEADS In all sizes anil stylos. We bIihII routinue to sell Iron and Crnns licdstoadN at the same Low Trices regardless of the raise in the price of iron and brass No, 4. ir.ts a. m. Portland. Beattle andl ITaaoins kxvivea: torj I8wttle. Taeoma. OItth lala ami Intvemedtatel uhxuii. Alio punua MM ASRTVg. 80.I. vses-rn. No. a. t:3Bp. tn, Three days tn BV Tam. tmmha, Kaa ssa City and er MhwwisS rtwr potma TTirae snd 01iJmR days to Be LoHaK iniMnBat uid CMVao. tW and omvtelf dtuta to Wesaaltvrtasi, tiriita aaia oaiier war eaawn pmrrsj. Union'd'apot oonoectkaas a all pnaatpal BS5aeg checked through to' deaUna Hon ot tiokets. ' . yw slseptnar ear lesea saMons, ticket, nana of routes and other Information, ocdrTc Isadstant General P-ncrar Airtnt. IP Morrison Street PortJaad. Or. . aWsaai ,7B eeX-RMUCOAT A Ham LA M f ft.UO W ATKKrilVWaT Send No Money. Situn ut your kit "If1. tat nutuMr or iurtiea atroODd body al Wvawi Ukn otct vmI under coal ttortup andr rrni,nd wewtll end you Oil cot b i prtM, C O, S J M'W 1 aaaaaasissj I and try U on a your nrrt 1 pr)womc and If found it.ctljr Through Tickets TO TBS- EAST AND SOUTHEAST -TlA- PULLMAN PALACE SLEEPERS, TOURISTS SLEEPERS and FREE RECLINING CHAIR CARS -Dally to- , Salt Lake, Denver, Omaba, Chicago, Kansas City , and other Eastsra eltlea. Basra checked to room to aesttnatloa. uuitm uvpois, ran time, lowest rat, Plntsoh lurht In all ear. For rates and other information call oa or saareaa O. W. LOUNSBERRT. Agent. O. R. N. Co. Aetorla QraiM or J. H. LOTHROP, Oen. Agent, u TBira bu cor. Alder, Portland. Or. ,0 OfiOtNtSHAStaJj BISTm SOI, I II LEAVE ..nit.M.ntntMd tb BMl WOO derf ul value you aver wi or heard nf.nri Mu.lloanTooatvoncanbur,airMtw.el eareaertU aar ri, .!. anil ni'iTM charava. THIS MACKINTOSH U laleal UWetUe, maMefrom '! walararael, lu eeler, aualae IHiLCewtlloUieitra k.iil. di ut.le braated, 8ifer velvet enllar, fancy r'll Ualns, watarproot awed, atrapue J and cemented aeame. aultahle rorhnthraraaravereaaljaaa J iruru!Ptd irrtM ,11a.'i..". a. Tlv Ui or anr other htmi. ferSr ";.J irrtkH.pluflen'Molnto.lieaup w" 1' r..i u.ri.wb.)lruura Bulla Snd OTereoaU at rmmI.W to lias, wrlla tor traa iSaaia. kaaaaal U. aea iaaeaaij nla.-t.i t:h A. II DaHy except Bunday It:" P M PORTLAND OVERLAND EX PRK88, for Salem, Roaahiinv. l.ltl.n 7:00 P.alBaorjjneoU), OsdeJ,' Ban iranclsco, ko. iSTS, Los Angeles, 111 Paso. New Or leans and tb East Roseburg passenger Via Woodbura, for Mount Angel, Btl verton, West Sclo, Brownvllle. Bprlng field and Nation.... Corrallls passenger MM A. Independence pass- ff,:g a ARRIVB :0D A.M. i:M P. II Dally except Bonday at A.M Dally, tDall- except Bunaay. Connecting at Ban Prancleoo with Ooi dental at Oriental, Paolrto Mail and O anlc eteamabip lines fur JAPAN. CHINA, AUSTRALIA. HAWAII AND THE PHILIPPINES. Rebate tickets on sale daily between Portland, Sacramento and baa Francis co. Net rate 117 arst-class, and til second-class, Including sleeoer. Rate and tickets to Eastern points ana Europe. Also Japan, China, Honolulu, and Australia. Can be obtained from J. B. K1RKIANP, Ticket Agent, 134 Third at., R. KOKHLER, C. H. MARKUAJat, Mansrer. O. F. ft P. A. Through tickets East for lowest rates Tall on C. J Trita-liM lua.l unl WeT.s faxgo Comosaara afflo. Aatocia. You Don't Change Cars If yog go east via Billings and tb Bnrllngtoa routs. Tbs BurBngtoo roat naa tb rough tourist sleprs twlo a week, Bea'.tl to Kansas City Get oa at any point along tb malo Una of tbs Northern Pacifie In Waattlngtoo or Montana-got oft at Kansas City. Standard aleepera. every day to tbs week. Butt to St. Louis trta Lincoln, Omaba and Bt Josepa. A. C. SHELDON. Oeneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Oregon Short Line Railroad. THE DIRECT ROUTE TO Montana, Utah, Colorado and all Eastern Point. aires choice of two fsrortts routes, via the Union Factdo Fast Mall Lin, or th Rio Grand Scenic Lines. LOOK AT THE TIMS 1 Days to Salt Lake 2 1 Days to Denver 3 J Days to Chicago 4 Days to New York. Fros reclining chairs, upholstered tonra. 1st sleeping ear, and Pullman palao sleepers, operated on an trains. For further Information, apply to O. W. LOUNSBERRT, Agent, O. R. at N- Or Astoria. Orea-on. C. O. TERRT, W. E. COMAN, Trar. Pass Agt Oen. Agent. 114 Third Bt, Portland, Or. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Oohimtraa River and ruget Sound Navi gation company. Bailey Gatiert leave Astoria daily. except Sunday, at 7 p. m. Leaves Portland dally except Sun. day it T l is. White Collar line tickets and O. ft. & N. tickets Interchangeable on Bailey Gatxert and Hassalo. Far between Astoria and Portland, SO cent. A. J. Taylor, Astoria AjtL TJ. B. SCOTT, Telephone 111. President A FEW INTERESTING FACTS When people ar contemplating a trio. wnetner on Business or pleasure, they naturally want ths best service ob tainable so far as speed, comfort aad safety Is concerned. Employes of tk WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINEt ar uald to serve tbe publlo and our tralaa ar operated so aa to make close ooa neoticaa with diverging line at alt Juncvtloo polnta. Pullman Palao Bleeping and Cbalr Car on through trains. Dining Car servloa unexcelled. Meals served a ia carta In order to obtain this flm class servlos. ask tbe ticket agent to sell you a ticket over The Wisconsin Central Lines. and you will max direct connection at St. Paul for Chicago, Milwaukee and all points east. For any further Information call on any ticket agent, or correspond with JAB. C. POND, Oen. Pass. Agent, or JAS A CLOCK. Milwaukee, Wis. Oeneral Agent 246 SUwk BU. rurtiand Ore. V i