Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1876)
THE ASHLAND TIDINGS LINKVILLE STOVE YOUTH’S DEPARTMENT. T he R eason .—A gentleman who held a responsible position under the gov KELP STILL ernment at Washington, concluded to NOVEMBER 4, 1S76. SATURDAY AND— change his lodgings. He sent one of the waiters of the hotel where be had Some bi" O folks forffet that they w selected after his baggage. once were little,and want children Meeting apartments, the waiter an hour or two to act just like men and women. afterwards, ho Said : ISSUED EVKBÏ SATURDAY Little Robbie was sent into the “Well, John, did you bring my bag GEO. T. BALDWIN, - Prop’r, country to his aunt once when his gage down ? ” BY J. M. SUTTON, Prop’r “ No, sab ! ” blandly reeponded the mamma was ill. Everybody was sable DEALER IN gentleman. OFFICE—On Main Street, (in rear Dr. careful to see his clothes, and his “ Why, what was the reason ? ” “ Case, ear, the gentleman in de office STOVES, stout boots, and his warm stock Chitwood’s Drug Store.) said you had net paid yonr bill.” ings put into the big bag his papa ! “ Not Terms of Subscription : paid my bill? Why, that’s sin STOVE BACKS, was to take for him. But no one ' gular ; he knew me very well when he ? 2.5 On« copy one year.................................................... headless. kept tho Girard House in Philadel “ ** eix months............................................. 1.50 thouffht of Dick, his GRATES, •• *• three “ .............................................. ICO rocking-horse, of his drummer boy phia ” Clnb rates ,Lx copies for........................................ 12.50 “ Well, mebbe,” replied John, FIRE DOGS, or his life and trumpet; and they thoughtfully Terms, in advance. scratching bis bead, “dat were far more to Robbie than all was the reason why he wouldn’t give Terms of Advertising: BAKE OVENS, 50 his clothes or shoes could possibly me the baggage.” One square (ten line* o: lees) 1st lu?eition....... ASHLAND TIDINGS. PACIFIC NORTH W. C. MYER, MUTUAL TINWARE STORE, OFE PORTLAND, OREGON be. SAD IRONS, A lively pupil at a seminary asked This aunt’s house was very the preceptress for permission to drivo Incorporated 1874. ETC., ETC. neat; you could not find a speck ' out with a gentleman. “You know’ of dirt in it—not a bit of paper, | I the regulations of tho institution,” was All kinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET- answer. “Is he ho your father? father?” IRON WARE < n hand and made to order. or a chicken’s feather on the lawn, i | I tho “ No.” “ Is he your vour brother ? ” “ No.” All orders from a distance promptly at Job Printing, No Howers were allowed in there j [“Are yon engaged to him?” “No, tended to. Prk es to suit the times. Liukville Aug. 10th, 1876. noOtf. Of all description, done on short notice. Legal except those that Aunt Phebe put j but 1 expect to he before 1 get back.” Capital n The answer carried the day. Blanks, Circulirs, Busine?* Cirds, B l he id«, Letter- up, stiff and straight, in the parlor ------ heads, Posters, etc., gotten up in good style at l.vir g prices. vases. E ven if the North Tole were discov Dollars, Gold Coin Basis. CHEAP PAPER ! The dear little boy hunted ered the discoverer would be followed ALL SORTS. iu teu minutes by a Chinaman who round for a big stick to ride, in could live on icicles at two cents a place of Dick, and having found gros^.— T he sweetest bees—babies. Ae/r York Herald. one, galloped joyfully into the H ard to beat—Boiled eggs. T-e demand fur the A cheese - knife is a m?y weapon. sitting room to show his aunt Ashland Lodge No, 189,1. 0. G. T., OFFICERS > S itting B ull remains at his country what a horseman he was. Meets at the II .11 of He'man & Fountain every seat. WEEKLY “ Oh, Rob!” she cried out, Friday evening at 8 o’clock p. m . Brothers and P. WASSERMAN - - S ioux - ing machine — Tho scalping “carry that old stick into the shed sisters in good standing are corliaily invited to at- end. J. D. FOUNTAIN, W. C. T. knife. E. QUACKENBUSH - and do keep still.” N. A. J acobs , Sec'y. V isitors that always como on foot D. W. WAKEFIELD • “ That isn’t a old stick,” said corns. I Ashland Lodjrc Ko, 23 W. S. LADD .... W ages that aro not cut down —tho Robbie, in surprise, “that’s a wages of sin. boss, auntie.” rur a ebort time is great that we have concluded W. H. EFFINGFR - - A. F. & A. M., “ S ambo , did vou ever see tho Cats “ I don’t wonder your mother’s to offer it for the b ilance of the year for J. L. QUACKENBUSH Hul ls their stated communications Thursday even kill Mountains ? ” “ No, sah ; but I’ve sick,” said auntie, “ if you an' so ing« on or before the full inoon. Brethren in good seen um kill mice.” noisy all the time at home. You ONE DOLLAR! standing are cordially invited to attend. “ H ave you much fish in your bag? ” J. 8. EUBANKS, W. M. asked a person of a fisherman. “ Yes, must keep still here, Rob, or y ou DIRECTORS W. II. A tkinbon , Sec’y. Subscriptions will expire there’s a good eel in it,’’ was the rather will make me crazy.” slippery reply. So the good child put away Ashland Lodge No. 15, W. 8. LADD, r. WASSERMAN, “ B on ' d say noddings to me,” said “ Dick,” and trot the big dinner- D EOEMBEß 31st, 1876, J. L. ATKINSON, WM. WADHAMS, an indignant German at a caucus. “I i. o. o. F., wote for the men vot I got a righd to.” beli, find went up stairs and down No nntter when they commence. W. H. EFFINGER, D. W. WAKEFIELD, their ragulir m?etirg every Siturd.iy even He was not molested again. and out on the piazza, which he ing Hold at their hall in Ashland. Brother? in guod M. P. MORSE, B QUACKENBUSH, A t a public house in Devonshire tue called the deck, calling on the standing are cjrdiaby invited to attend. Address, landlord has it painted up outside his passengers to pay their fares. J. II NEIL, N. G. J. W. BRAZEE. O regonian , Portland, Oregon. door : ‘ ’ Good beer sold here, but don’t J. D. F ountain , Rec. Sec’y. “Now, Rob, you will craze take my word for it.” Rebekih meetings on Tuesley evening, nearest A n insectologer has discovered that me,” said his aunt. Give me the the full of the niuou each month. the best time to examine the wonderful bell, and sit down on the lowest TABLE RATES. NURSE a THATCHER, architecture of the hornet’s nest is af step of the piazza and keep still L. DANFORTH, M. D., ter the hornets have moved out. DEALERS IN for a moment.” KJHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, A C ape M ay correspondent thinks LIFE POLICIES. So Rob folded his dear little the diminished proportions of the Jacksonville. Oregon. D RY GOOD ladies’ waists nowadays confirm the hands on his lap; he fixed his story of Adam that it took only one of eyes on the stepping-stone before FIVE AGES-CLASS A. B, C, D, E. CT.OTUING, DR. J. II CHITWOOD, A—Age» from 1 to 12 Ant Bai Pueiuiurn, ♦5 00 his ribs to make a whole woman. the door, and drew a long sigh. •« 12 M 20 •« » oo B- •• HATS, CAPS, « « « 20 <« 35 A shland , O regon . T hey repoit that a colored lawyer in After a little he said : 5 00 C— •• « <« <( 35 M 50 1>- “ 5 00 BOOTS and SHOES. Charleston, being asked the meaning of « « i 00 E— “ <• 50 65 “ Oh, auntie, dear, I do pity OFFICE-At tho Ashland Drugstore. de fa< t<mndde jure, made answer : “Dey II ARD W A R E, FANCY GOODS. mean dat yon must prove de facts of de stones so.” Wil! attlni toa'.l ed!» in Rogue R v?r V.ti’ey. Tir #25 Oft m ay bi e paid at tny O ne case to de satisfaction of de jury.” tieni ir attrition given to CHRONIC DISEASES. YANKEE NOTIONS, time, m any Life Policy, and ho fcbthkb Annual “ Pity stones ? what for, Rob Premium will be required, nor any further payments, “ P unch ” once told a droll story of bie'?” GROCERIES, CROCKERY, PAINTS, OILS, E tc ., except fur Death Aiseeement» in that special dirie- J. R, NEIL, a man who, being suddenly raised to “ ’Cause they have got to keep iuu :.* they m >y occur. liuStf. riches, exclaimed in the fullness of bis LI»\K VILLE, A TTORSEY- AT-LAW, eatibfaction, “ O, that I could stand in still all their lives. I’m so glad 1 Lake county, - - - Ore^OD. M. H. DIMICK. the road, and see myBelf ride by in my ain’t a stoned’ MILO M. DIMICK. own carriage ! ” Jacksonville, Oregon. “ There’s no danger of your . E astern pork-packers are sending to ASHLAND turning into a stone ; you don’t California something new in smoked II. KELLEY, SQQES aaà SSOES, meat—email pigs being cured entire, sit still long enough.” so that the purchaser obtains from the “ Oh, dear, how stones LIVERY AMD SALE STABLE, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. same package—done up in canvajs— ache, keepin’ still always, 0 hams, shoulders and bacon. ( J acksonville , O regon . now, just in this little speck of a MAIN STREET. T here is a Frenchman now in Mar- Uà. time. I ’ m glad 1 ain ’ t a fence, nor Will practice in all the Cinrts of rhe Stat*. P’-omp fieilles, France, who enjoys the singular <iven to all bnsu ess .n'ru-ted to niy c.ire. distinction of having outlived seven a tree, nor a nig baby that can’t ttcotiou Ashland, Oregon. O ffice .—In the bai'di- fortrerly cccupied by wives. A widow lady of our acquaint move ’less somebody pulls you ! Kibler ¿c Wats, n, oppolite Court Uoaee. HE UNDERSIGNED WOULD A. ance boasts that, if he'd marry her, he’d X'lF.oRGF NUTLET HAS THE PLEASURE TO respectfully inform their friends jB&Iri Oh, auntie, my head aches, and VH am cUiice to li e i, h bitiDt# uf Ai-maud i.d i> never outlive another wife. and the public generally that they m Mirr-uudhu»« r-r.di'e.-e to supply all who t eed A minister traveling through the my hands and feet are cold, and li a g .ud cu ?t' m-:u b <ot or ebue, niadu of the have purchased the above establishment, ne.'t Ki.iitii 1. t’.i.l ai d pee him. Shop ou Mitiu which will be henedorth conducted under West, some years ago, asked an old my eye's are crooked, keepin’ still Ashland Iron-Works, Street, over creel», near b idge. their constant personal supervision, and lady ou whom bo called, what she such a long time !” Aiiuand, Jui.e 17ill, 1876. noltf. guarantee satisfaction 1o all who may they thought of the doctrine of total deprav “ Your mouth js all right, little favor them with their patronage. Ashland, Oregon. ity. “ Oh,” she replied, “I think it Also agents for the jboy, ” said the lady. “ That has is a good doctrine, if the poopla would ASHLAND HOUSE not kept still at all.” only act up to it.” Hows SewiDg Machine W. J. Zimmerman & Co., Prop ’ rs. “ On, my dear sir ! ” said a poor suf Then grandma came in and rF!HE UNDERSIGNED fcllES TO RE- This ce’ebrated machine, which is no- ferer to a dentist, “ that is tho second asked what was the matter ; und dL mind hi« friends, ar.d the traveling pub kr.ow ’.el ed by every one to be the best wrong tooth you havo pulled out ! ” Rob said : lic (ene.nll^, that he is still to be found at machine known, and which has met with U l ’ E ARE NOW PREPAP.E9 TO BUI ’ D At D “ Very sorry, my dear sir, but as there V » nil klui* ut M iel , M inì . ìu uxtd this mo e extensive sales than any other on “Pm all hard, I’ve been sittin’ ng Machinery. were only three altogether when I be rerend, is no* being introduced in Ash LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, gan, 1’ui sure to be right tLo next such a awful long time.” land. The l!owe is peculiary adopted to time,” said tho operator. ENGINES, HOUSE FR33TS, where he Is re tdy at any time, and on all to any kind of work—from a rufile to a boo» “Just one minute,” said Aunt occasions to set belorc them the l est the or shoe. Is simple in construction, easily “Yon como well recommended, I Phebe. -AND- inarke: affoids, in i: a style second to no other run, and for strength and durability is un suppose?” said a gentleman to a boy I “ Oh, auntie, it ’ s a hour- — a surpassed. Parties desiring to see one of house in Oregon. who wanted an easy place. “ Oh, yes, MACHINE BLACKSMITHING. these machines can do so, by calling on them Dinners and st. ppers for special occasions, sir ; the man I was with last recom awful long hour—and Pm cl all at their office. gotten up in appropriate style, at short no mended mo ; he recommended me to asleep but my bead. Can’t 1 get DIMICK & SON. tice. JASPER HOECK. CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS leave, and get work more congenial to .Ashland, June 17th. 1876. noltf. up, I say?” my disposition.” ■ Castfo Order. “ Yes,” said grandma ; “ you A gentleman at an eating saloon IRON AND BR a SS CASTINGS, asked the person next to him if be may come up in my room and done at the shortest notice. B.bTeit metal c;r- Wagon Factory. Nurse & Thatcher, would please pasn the mustard. “ Sir,” make a train of cars wit h’the stmtly on hand. said the man, “ do you mistake me for chairs.” ^OR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DESIR- Dealers in Stoves, Sewing Machines, a waiter?” “Oh no, sir,” was tue re inggO 'd wagon work, the undersigned “ Won’t you be crazy, grand or any otiier article made of ftee’, brass or iron, will horeby m,ikes known that he can be found ply, “I mistook you for a gentleman.” ma ? ” at. all times at his shop in the S. W. corner be repaired at our eLop. A n editor, wanting a lino to fill the DRY GOODS, the public square Ashland Ogn; and is column, gavo “ No, my dear ; noise does not A 1 work warranted iu good style and at reasona- of reuiy :«nd willing fo do all work entrusted “ Shoot Fully as she flies.”—P ope . trouble me much. But it is a abe O rates. io me in a woikmanlike manner. WAG CLOTHING, HATS, CATS, BOOTS and SHOES, d cast iron taken In exchar ge for work. Iu setting up the above, thb printer ONS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WHEEL good plan for little folks to learn «)O.GOO lbs old cast iron had it thus: BARROWS, PLOW STOCKS, Ac., made wanted at our Shop itnmediate’v- to be still so they will not trouble Hardware, •• Shoot Polly as the flies. Top! ” to order, and repaired oa short notice. W. J. ZIMMERMAN & CO. Ti e best Eastern stock constantly on A horse balked on Market street last ; those who are sick. To-morrow Ashland, .Tune 17th, 1876. noltf. hand. W. W. KENT NOR. evening, and resisted all eiTorts to move morning I wish you would iold Ashland, June 17th, 1876. (noltf. . Yankee Notions, him until a life insurance agent came your hpnds and sit still one nni.i- aloDg and begin to talk to him, when Fay Up. he started and went off with tho en ' ute and again in the afternoon. Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., ll persons - knowing them - MILLINERY. thusiasm of a man on bis way to the i We will call that your lesson in t-e'ves indebted to the undersigned, luueral of a rich aunt.— Nunca-h B<db tin. silence. By-and-by you can sit CBN. LINKVILLE, LAKE CO., especially iu accounts and notes of long v «r IIÆYE OPENED AT MY RESIDENCE, Two Hibernians were passing a stable» 9 still two, three and live minutes, standing, are re pietied to make every effort on Main street, Ashland, Oregon, a D. CHArUiM. B. P. KZIL. which had a rooster on it for a weather to pay the same by the 1st of August. ’ to please those who do not like a millinery sture. I have uuv, a beautiful as vane, when one addressed the other .J. M. McCALL & Co. sortment of Ashland, June 23d. 1876. no-lf. thus: “Pat, what’s the raison they noise.” Meat Market, didn’t put a bin up there, instid of a i HATS, “Yes, grandma, I will ; but I rooster?” “An’ sure,” replied Pat, hope mamma will soon be well, CHAPMAN & NEIL, WREATH8, and “ that’s aisy enough ; don’t ye see it Nurse & Thatcher, LADIES’ FINISHING GOODS, would be inconvanieut to go for the i Pm so tired keepin’still,” and, Ashland, Oregon, before he thought, he gave utter- eggs ?” All of which I will sell cheap for cash. AU Dealers In T he sexton of a parish church in 11 mice to a fearful war-hoop and orders fruit a distance promptly filled. eep constantly on hand at their Shop, near the bridge, on Main Street, a good County Armagh was about to lose his 1 ■ proceeded to scalp his cousin’s Aug. 24th, 1576. MRS. J. EWING. K cupply of fresh BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, etc., wife. She begged him to bury her in winch they <>tler at the toweel market price. DRY GOODS, Tryone, among her own kindred, forty rag baby. Aehlauo, June 17th, 1876. noltf. Etch additional insertion.................................... 1 00 A liberal di«c?ur.t to .innnal advertisers. Church and Society advertisements, such as Fairs, Lectures, etc., 25 cents per line. Notices in 1 xiil column, 25 cents per '.me, but no notice inserted fur less than $1.00. Importer and Breeder of fo PERCHERON HORSES, « —jbND — I JERSEY CATTLE NOW TTAVE TIIRFE PURE BRED IMTORT- ed *u>llioni>, «rd »-evt-u t uil blood hik ! biuh grsde mare?, irom m hicb I *111 be able to raiee eiock that will equal the be?t lmporied. I c>n n>*r euj-ply par ties with gool half the d col»«, from 1 to 4 year? o) from “Wti e Piince.” bred by other parties, i *1 m > have a herd of puie bred Jer?ev cattle, the beat in the State, with eome Calve? f r sale. W. C. MYER. . Ashland, Jcne 17tb, 1876. Dultf. I ASHLAND s, HAKNESS SHOP G. K. KLUBS, manufacturer of , and dealkr in Saddlery & Harness, li u z g jrvrtv T a j’.^rwrmaLgfWETITJrnr.T’3"J".txL.’Wy’lJTB I v A I miles away. “Indeed, Peggy, ’ said S impson attended a negro concert in CLOTHING, IIATS, CAP3, BOOTS and SHOES he, “1’11 thry ye here first; but if ye Alleghany the other night. At the give ony trouble, I’ll take ye up aud door he was asked for his ticket. Says Hardware, Fancy Goods, bury ye in Try one.” he : “ You let members of the press In A n aparian of Maryland has secured free, don't you ? ” “ Yes ; what press a beautifully marked breed of bees am you a member oh?” “Adams’ which he names the Albino. Tbo Ex-press.” “All right, sah ; pass markings are these : Beautiful yellow right iu. You’s de fust man come from Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., bands ; from the bands to the eDd of dat paper to-night, sail.” ----------------—-------------------- the bee is white or a bright silver LINKVILLE, H ands that are always working on color ; beads dark velvet color, differ ing from the Italian. ( “ time ”—the hands of a clock. Oregon. Lake county, YANKEE NOTIONS, FOR SALE. Ashland Soap Factory. A shland , O regon . eeps K a general assobt - ment of good» in hie Eue of trade. Ladies’, Mens’* and Beys’ Sad dles, a Speciality. Team, Buggy and Plow .Harness, TEAM Jt BUGGY COLLARS, CURRYCOMBS, BRIDLES, CINCHOS, STIRRUPS, WHIPS, LASHES, SPURS, COLLAR PADS, ETC.. ETC, And everything usually kept in a first-c’.aaa establishment. Repairing done with neat ness and dispatch at prices to suit tLa times. V/EEA.T Taken at the Highest Market Pates in Exchange for Goods. Ashland, June 17ih, 1876. CLOSING roltf. OUT! CLOSING out ! ! i HUTTE -.ju. UNDERSIGNED ” ISIIIT7G TO JL sell out and quit business, oiler* his stock of goods at retail, tor jp COST and freight ¿A n ? FOR CASH. r- 73 R s o w Wishing to commence business, would do well to call on me, as I will sell my whole «t'-'ck on . au” term?, t.nd r .nt them my store/ In the ¡D^aL Lu., I would say io persons i^r csv — XXX QB — That I expect fo start for Ean Franciscd soon, and would like to have iny money be- for-. «''• r'.nj. I mi” 3tav in San Francisco* most of the Winter on account of ill health. If I do not sell out intirely before starting/ my business will be left with E. J. Farlow and J. Q. Latta, with instructions to sell C heap F ob C ash , but STOP the credit part/ nud make a disparate effort to closo down so that I can in the Spring, either sell out,- or freeze out; and to collect every cent pos- siblo. Woe be unto you! Who are owing me in the Spring. R- B* H aroadixb . Ashland, Sep. 28th, 1876. noldtfr IX HUNDRED ACRES OF FINE CUL- tivating and pasture land, well improv ed, with two good dwelling bouses and three AM NOW MANUFACTURING, AND HAVE BLACKSMITHING on hand, a good asaortmeut of barns and other out houses, situated three • -BY- and one ball miles north of Ashland, on the O. £ C. Stage route. Bear creek runs LAUNDBY and TOILET SOAP. through the farm, and it is otherwise Will which I offer to the trade at price* to suit the times. wateied by springs. LL THOSE DESIRING WORK My bo *p ha* been pronounced by tho** who have in our line, will find us at the This farm will be sold on reasonable triad it, to be fujierior to any imported article. Give and support home industry. “ Old Michelson Stand” ready to serve them / terms. For particulars, enquire at this of it a I . trial, - - - - for soap ------- want m exchange 20,000 --- n>*. of - rough roof with neatness and dispatch. Particular aU fice. ISAAC WOOLEN. grease, at my factory. w. H. BAIHAWAT. nolltf. / July 1st, Ashland, Jane 17th, 1876. noltf. tention paid to horse shoei noStf, S 1 EUBANKS & FORSYTH. ¿N A i