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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1876)
I INDEPENDENT ON ALL SUBJECTS, AND DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF SOUTHERN OREGON. VOL. I.—NO 22. THE TWO MYSTERIES. f ; ASHLAND, OREGON: seventy feet to the surface, giving a fine ventilation to the whole mine ; the timbering is put up in a substantial and workmanlike manner, which fact, after viewing the firm nature of the wall rock on either side of the veins, gives permanence and security to the works. Leaving the old tunnel we went below and examined the new ono on a $2.50 PER ANNUM, BESSIE. Tile Bank Cheçk. D anger of R ushing T hings —The proposal. They weut out like two officer at tho hearing was about to add children, aud he offered her his arm. [In the middle of the room, in its It wps a warm, bright day, and It is rather difficult for an ignorant I the charge of vagrancy, said tbe Read white coffin, lay the dead child, a pretty IDssie Willis looked longingly The church was decorated, the sweet man to understand the ways of doing ing (Pennsylvania) Eayle, when tba nephew of the poet. Near it, in a out from her window in the great breath of flowers filled the air, aud tho business at a bank, ft', like the colored prisoner said : I great chair, eat Walt. Whitman, sur hotel, with a home.ick feeling at her deep tones of the organ seemed to in citizen of this story, told by the De “ Hold on, hold on, don’t you go that rounded by little ones, and holding a heart. vite them to enter. It was early yet, troit /><-/ /’/r.xy, he cannot wr.te, and is far. I’ve been a citizen of Reading beautiful girl on his lap. Tho child “ I wish I could go out," she sajd and few people were there. They went asked to endorse u check, he is apt to | twenty-five years, aDd am no vagrant." looked curiously at the spectacle of softly to herself. “ 1 wish I dared go iu quietly, aud took a seat in a vacant be disgusted. The officer then testified that for tho death, then enquiringly into the old out alon?, for Herbert never thinks of pew*. Something in tbe hushed and A colored resident of Detroit, who is past five years be had pieked tbe pris man’s face. “ You don t know what it me any more than ho would of a statue holy cbarrn touched Bessie’s homesick the owner of a cast-iron horse and an LOWER LEVEL, oner out of the gutter time and again, is, do you, my dear ? ” said he, adding, heart, and, dropping her face upon her old wagon, was hired to draw some dirt set ia a niche." and that he believed tbe prisoner wai Eighty feet deeper. This tunnel iB “ We don’t either.”] Herbert was her brotbor, lodging in hands, she wept quietly. for a yard on Beaubien Street, and ont of work and had no regular bom“. We kno# not what it is, dear, this Bleep bo deep and now in 118 feet with sixty feet yet to go i some remote room of that same big It was a curious position for a grave when the work was completed the own- ( still ; before striking the vein. The work on bouse, aud sometimes she would not and dignified bachelor to find himself er of the premises handed him a check “ Hold on, hold on ; that’ll do ; don't The folded hinde, the awful c dm, the cheek bo p;i.le this is still more substantial than above; go any further," said the man. and chill; ■ see him for days together. in, sitting beside a 6trange young lady, for S7 50. “ Well if you’re a vagrant," said tha The lids thu will not lift agdn, though we any call there is & track laid over which the They were all alone in the world— hearing her sob, and yet uot knowing " Is dut a seven dollar and a half and cdl - rock from the excavation is run out on mayor, “ we might send you up for this bright young sister and her merry- what comfort to oft'er her. bill? ” asked the colored man, turning The etr.i ng-, white solitude of jieace that aettlei I hand cars. The work on the mine is I i hearted careless brother. There bud thiity days. Has be got any money to over ail. Presently she raised her head and the check over and ovey, and regarding pay his fine, chief ? ’’ pushed forward with all dispatch, run We know Dot whit it mean?, dear, this desolate been a littlo property left them when it will» great curiosity. ning night and day. I omitted to men I their parents died, and as soon as Her smiled. Be art p-i i. “ Eighty cents,” said the chief. ?» < * “ That is a check on a bank,” was the “ Please let’s go out,” she said . ‘T This dre.ul to take our dt-ily walk.*ul walk iu it tion, while speaking of the ore, that it “ That is not enough/'continued the, bert was twenty one years of age be do not want to slay here any longer.” reply. " Take it down there and get a® in; contained a considerable amount of mayor, “ and I guoss we’ll have to—’’ AV e ku >w nut to what otter sphere the loved who sold it, and, taking tho proceeds, hur So they went out again into the cool your money." le.'iVe us g >, silver to which the blue color spoken ried away to London uitii his sister in “ Hold on, hold on, your honor," said “ De feller at de bank owes you, does Or why we re wfi to wonder still, or why we do not Spring air; and Bessie talked of her of heretofore is due. The rilvc r prospect the prisoner, “don’t be in too much of know. ! charge, only too eager to make his old home—of her mother, who was oue he ? ” was the next query. increases as they go down on the vein. fortune iu tho world. But this we know ; Or loved and dead, if they should "I have money there, and he will a hurry. Don’t be too sudden about of tbe sweetest an.! kindest of women ; Fearing that wo should exhaust the this thing. We’ll see about eighty c >uie Luis day— He thought he could easily obtain uf her preseut loneliness, and by and hand you §7 50. ’ Should come at <1 aek u«, “ What is life ? ” not one patience of the obliging superintendent ! “I dunuo ’bout dat,” slovly re cents.” f us could say. we again mounted our horse and started some pleasant and lucrative situation, by of IlvrbCtt, her handsome, cheery marked the colored citizen. " S'posen Tbe man then stuck his left band mi- I.fs is a iu)8ter> deep as ever de tth can l>*, Yet uh, ho* sweet tide life to us, this life we for tho mill men ; we found Mr. J. K. but situations were not so easilv found, i brother, of w hom sue was so proud. der his vest and drew nut a roll ot He ought to be a very happy fel I go down dnr an’ he says dis yere green- backs as thick as his wri^t. uad < ee ! Glasby, superintending engineer, who and prudent, practical little Bessie document is an order on a hardware Then must they any, these v mished ones-and hies eel had just arrived from San Francisco, knew tLat their small fortune was low* to Lave a sister so devoted to him,” “ Whut do you call this ? ’’ said hi% 8 tor©. us the Uiougui— wasting slowly, week by week. said the mau. and Sir. E D. Thorn, foreman, of the “ does that look tramp or vagrant-like A “So de .th i. »weet to us, Iteloved, though we may “ Oh, it will be all right," replied “ Everybody loves him,” was the en She knew it was useless to talk of tell ye u.ught; works, busily engaged with a oerps of Guess not I bow much is my fine? ’* We may not tell it to the quick -this mystery of workmen energetically pushing the ♦ his to Herbert ; it only fretted and thusiastic reply. “ But, oh,” and her, the cit’zen, and he started down town and he unrolled the bills, took out deal h — voice fell again, “ho does not know any- ! and leit tbe negro looking at the back dollar and a quarter, paid it over an I Ye m >y uot ’ell us, if ye would, the mysUry of work forward. We found them both annoyed him, and he told her often of tbe check. When he reached home breath ! ” courteous and affable gentlemen, ready what a paltry stock it would all be thing about money; be is paying out ut night his creditor was there and put tbe rest in bis pocket, He The child who en ters life c >mes Dot with knowledge and willing to answer our most imper compared with the wealth he was go all we have, and making no provision waiting. Holding out the check the then discharged. In going ont ha or intent, ing to accumulate. So she drew away for the futnre ; he pays now more than negro tinent questions. We cannot, of course, said : “ Always remember to hold oq said : Bo th who eu’er death must gj as little children three pounds every week for our board, from him and only answered his merry give our readers an idea of what thia $ent, “ Dis yere paper doesn't seem to be a bit. Don’t Tosh things." He smiled kiothing u kuown. Jiut I believe that God is over mill will look like when completed ; at “Good morning, little pigeon,” or and he ought not to.” good-naturedly and departed. ite» >; “ But what can he do?” asked Mr. ! worf a cent. I took it down dar, and careless “ Good night, sis, ” with a present the building is all framed and A -d (.8 hie Is to the living, so death is to the do d. de feller in de bank looked at it and P rizes .—L. Samuel, publisher of the. as soon as the excavations are completed pleading smile or a grateful nod. But Herbert. “ I waut him to take two or three looked at it, and den looked at me, VISIT TO THE L'. C aì ’ QUEEN. will be raised ; the building will be this Sunday she was so tired and lone SJioret offers in prizes tbe 6um of and den he stuok up his nose and ly, she wondered if .she could not win rooms unfurnished, aud let me keep yelled eighty dollars, for best articles for 21x69 feet, The mill will have out, ‘What’s yer name an’ whar house ; it would give me something to Herbert's attention for a little while. On the morning of tho 18th inst., publication. The first prize, a “Web TEN STAMPS and be ever so much cheaper for you live ? ’ I tole him mighty straight, ster’s Unabridged Dictionary,"-yalued They did not even sit at the same ta do, after a very pleisiut entertainment at And tho ore will be worked by the A. an’ den he wanted me to write my name us." on de back, an’ fool around, an’ fool at §13, is for the best composition by the h me of Mr. J. I*. TilTi and lily, B. Paul dry process. Tue ore is first ble iu the long for Hur The man smiled at her wem inly plans, bert had grown iutim ite with a party around, an’ I jist picked up de manu any boy or girl under 18 years of age. wo set out iu the direction of the heated an.l then thoroughly pulverize! of young gentlemen who boarded there and cordially said ; The second pri^e is a §12 writing desk, before water is applied. It passes from " Yun aie right child, very right, script an’ wulkod out. De family is for tbe best composition by boys or girls f a me I and there were no Lelies at their table ; out of ’taters an’ meat, an’ I’d like to the pulveriz r to the amalgamating ft ky qrr.'.N’. but, thinking ot the dear old home and Meanwhile, what is your brother do- settle dat account for postage atrfLps under 13 years, ’fhe third pri^e isSl.5, barrel, where it. remains from 20 to 10 ing?” Z The morning was intensely foggy gold pain, for the best article on the minutes au 1 is discharged into the of how long it was since they had “ I do not know,” she said, in a very or shinplasters.” resources of Oregon, written by any talked together, Bessie wrote her with a prospect of a bright afternoon. settler. At different pou ts connected low voice ; “ I am afraid nut much oi resident of the State. Tbe fourth brother a little note, and, stealing down I mproving on the . T ent . In the prize . . , , , anything.” ajcording to tue ru’es of old aud with the settlor are globes connected is §15 gold coin, for tbe bebk from the bot om, filled with quicksilver i tn t’.,e ^'^»g-ronm just before time for “ Well, we will see about that," was sensational play, “ Le Venguer,” an article upon thg resources of Washing weather-wise inhabit.iiit-i ; but fur once i the be 1, she 1 tid it cluse beside bis from within the sett'era ; the gold, the reply; "but there is a bouse in actor, Hua d, bad to enter with three ton Territory. The sixth prize, is §25, those indications proved d'lu.sive, and flu ling the openings into these globes, I plate. As she took her own place bo- Fort Street, where the people are going or four other French sailors upon a tho suu broke through and scattered sinks; when these globes are »¡.led with . side old Mrs. Yanders, she failed to away ou the first of May, and some one spune representing a ruined Bietou gold coin, for the best Christmas story. ttye maming fogs b it to make way for amalgam a plug uuder lock aud key is notice that some of the people at the must stay there duriug their absence. v.llage ; there they were to ambush ------------------- at.-»**-*-------------------- other table had changed places, and a A S hrewd E vasion —Two literary noonday clou Is aud afternoon showers. opened and the contents discharged iu strange gentleman,-with a stern, pale There is a good housekeeper there, aud themselves and prevent tbe English Leaving the Btaco r<>ad a half mile be- a gold-pan. The whole machinery is face, had taken her note from under you aud your brother can have what from landiog. Ricard bad do lines tq ladies were lately witnessed in a trial. repeat, but considered it bis duty to Qne of them, uj>on hearing tbe usua( youd Jump Off Joe, and traveling up SELF ACTING the edge of his plate. He read the ever rooms you please—” distinguish himself from his compan questions asked, “ What is your ‘ ‘ Oh, rir, ” interrupted Bessie, “ are the creek over a well beaten wagon Aud the o:e, after being sh vid n 11 e name on the outside—‘‘Herbert ”— ions, and so broke out : you in earnest? Can wo really have a name?” and “How old are you?" road, tpne and a half miles brought us j hopper, requires no more handling ; it und, looking vciy much puzzled, put it "Great Ciesar 1 behold our hearth home ? ’ ’ turned to her companion and 8aid,— to the site of the future Luekv Ouceu ar V | only requires two men on a watch. ii.t j his vest pocket. While waiting “ Certainly, ch id : and I Jo uot won stones devastated as if the thunders of “ I don’t like to tell my age ; not Mill, where we found soma uozeu or The machinery will be driven by for the dessert he took the little missive more men with hammers, saws, picks, Knight’s pat nt hydraulic wheel under out again, and, screening it by an ap der 30U long for a home after your iso the Almightv God bad been out for a that I have any objections to its bein>$ known, but I donl want it published «hovels, frying pans, camp kettles,etc., ; fifty-seven fact full. If Winter does parentlv c.irelegs arrangement of bit! lated life in that great hotel ; but, to tell walk ! ” “What’s that? what’s that?” said in all the newspapers.” you the truth, I went from the Fort busily engaged iu the various depart uot set in too early the mill will bo in napkin, read : Struct house down there to board, be tbe author, who was conducting the “ Well” said the witty Mrs----- , “ I inputs of quartz mill building. Anx operation by t u first of December. “ D ear H erbert :—I would like to cause I was so confoundedly tired of rehearsal ; " hold your toDgue, go off will tel! you how to avoid it. You havo loustoset’k the source of all th»sbustle Tho company commenced operations some of the churches, if you do not parties aud receptions, aud flummery I and come on again.” heard the objections fo all hearsay evi wo deferred interviewing this portion ou the 12th d iy of 1 ist May, aud have see mind taking me in my Winter dress. liicard considering the censure vis that I did not c ue a straw for. I will dence ; tell them you don’t remembex of the works uutil oar return from the , done a vast amount of work up to d ite. I will wait for, you in the parlor. ited on tho particular form of words go back, aLj take my old room for the when you were bom, and all you know mine which was located one aud a half Their stock, whio'u was started at ten Please come up immediately after <lin- only, retired and returned jvith the ex Summer, ” of it is by hearsay." Tbe ruse took, ami miles above. Oa arriving in sight of cents a share, has long since been with oer, end I will liav-> my b it on. aud be clamation : be “ Can jou? Will your friends the question was not pressed. the mine we must confess to a feeling drawn from market ; it would now I a'l ready to start. Yours, lovingly, ----------- ------------- - “ Ha ! ha ! the English brigands willing ? ” of disappointment. \Ve hi l been iu the readily bring §1 per bhare if offered I B essie . ’ have again come here to shed the blood D idn ’ t U nderstand F rench . — A The man laughed. Labitof associating ste *p¡zigzaggrades, but no considerable amount could be of France ! Let U3 pulverize England facetious Scotchman s^me time agQ “ It is evidently a mistake, ” the man he “ My friends never dictate to me,” over rugge I mountains, around pro- bought even at §29 per share. Before to death ! ’ took a trip over to France, and aston said to himself, “ but how to rectify it said ; " but we aro talking too much cepitous cliff-», with the very name of closing H’G widi to say that tho Lucky “ Enough ! ” cried the author, hold ished the natives there in no small de« I do not know. ” So he went up to the business for Sunday." jich geld and silver mines. But Lere Queen njine is a native of Jackson ing Lis sides; “ I am sorry to do it, gree. In the hotel where be put up iu pnL>r with a sort of guilty feeling. The girl grew thoughtful again, but we found a good, level buggy road, C >uuty although tho mill is a mile aud but we must remove Ricard." Boulogne tbe servants werp newly-im There was the sweet faced girl he Lad when they went up tbe steps together, tunning bitween the gold ladeaed a 1 half below, iu Josephine C runty. Ricard did not unbosom himself for ported cockneys, aDd Mr. M , who is a i-een at the table, just fastening ou her and parted at the door, her face was ra mountain ou one side and a fertile I hat. She djd not notice him ; but diant with a now light. She was goiug some days, till he met the manager. sterling wag, mystified them not a litt!,Q MILTON ON HELL GATE. grain full on the other, to the very presently a group of young gentle to have a new home—she and Jlerbeit. “ Look be^e," fip said, “ that author is by his broad Scotch. mouth of the tunuels. Here we met John Milton, in “ Paradise Lost, ” Getting np one moming rather earli The great bouse was beautiful to look a good fe]low — I don't deny it, but for tho first time Mr. Alim Asseil, the prophetic.illy anticipated tho achieve men came in, aud the sweet face upon my word be^does not allow sn$i- er thau usual, he called a waiting maid, superintendent of the mine, to whose ments of General Newton, when he de brightened visibly as the gill stepped upon, but the upper story had never cient independence to tbe supes. ” and accosted her with, “ Ftteh me mu forward, saying : been furnished. Here Bessie set up courtesy w ^ k acknowledge ourselves scribes the opening of Lull by bin to + ♦ — shoon, lassie.” “ Are you going, Herbert ? Did you her household shrine, and gathered her greatly iudebtud. He conducted us to permit the egress of Satan : D aniel O ’ S haughnejsy , six weeks “Ah,” said she, “I don’t understand find my note?" home-like treasures about her. Aud his comfortable office, and, after see- “ Thus s iy rgt froui hfr side the key, in " Ameriky, ” thus writes to his sweet ’ French." " Note ! ” qne of the young men said. here her brother au»l Mr. Herbert camo fhg us fairly started iu on one eud of a Sid instrumeir of allotir wee, she took, i I < ♦ I bave seen no note ? " every evening, to chat awhile—to pro heai t in Ireland : £ue “ IJavana,” he called our attention And toward the gate re lit g he.-1> -ti »1 tr: i 1, A n old gentleman "Went out to shoot “ Bridget, dariinf, come across to Forthwith the h ige [ o.* curie h g i lip dre “Allow me please,” suggested tho pose a ride, or plan some pleasant ex io a large, blue looking piece of qurtz Wuich but herself ir>’. di t';e S j^i iu p.» vers me—it’s rueself that’s doing a nate bis- partridges, accompanied by his son. stranger, taking the note from his pock carsiou. taken from the mine but au hour be Could oil' e h ive move) ; then in th- k y bole turns Tho gun was charged half way np to ’ iutti: i‘.e ward-, at d every l> ?lt and bar et. “Herbert bad gone to work in earnest ness with a son of Father Malone’s; the muzzle, aDd when at last the olj fore, and weighing probably GO pounds, Th i »r uaBsy ir.n or sold ro.ui with e ;se sure it ’ s with his brother I mano. He “ Mr. Herbert ! ” said one of tLo Lis a wbitiou had taken a tangible form, which, by a close tlamination with the i'nf is't-ns: on u sad 1-n o;>en fly young gentlemen, in a respectful tone. and f EJesSie fretted uo more about the keeps a w hiskey store and I does the gentleman started some birds be took VV1 h iin.ietu ms reioil and Jani' r sound naked eye, we found free gold all over ’ in ern d djors, and on their hn "■ s gr U.e “ 1 found this letter neside in y plate, future ] but, one day (the Summer had walien, lie tould me the ether even a rest and blazed away, expecting to see it, and by means of a glass it proved Th Hir-h lliunler, that the I • west bjlto.n etojk and, as luy name is really Herbert, the passed (away, and the Autumn was wan ing that he had no money, and I tould some fall, of course ; but not so did it to be literally studded with fine gold Of I-.reb'.i-. She oi»eued, but to shut him that I would take part of the happen, for tbe gun recoiled with so Excelie 1 herpoxer ; tt.egues wide open etojl, idea did not occur to me that anyone ing latV), she said, suddenly : on every inch of its surface. We next Tuat much force as to “ kick " him pve5*. wHh exiended wiuge a binnered Uo?t “ MrAlIerbert, when your friends shtopk every Saturday as wages. ‘But,’ Tbe proceeded to the various dumps and Under spread eu-ij 1« marcliiLg m’ght pass through else could bear the same name at the old man got up, and while rubl in» same table. Allow me, now, to deliver come back, who formeily lived here, ! says ho, ‘i-ure, Pat, if I pay yon that examined the ore on them. There is With hqrse and cuarioie ranked in loose’ arraj tbe sparks out of his eyes inquired of The parallel between this splendid the perplexing missive to its rightful they will wimt their bouse, of course. way, I will soon have no shtock at all his son, “ Dick, did I point the rigb| pn these dumps now from s:x to eight We ought to be making some prepara left, and yon will soon have it all.’ hqndred tons of ore assaying from §7 poetry aud the superb prose of yester owner.” Says I to him, SAys I, ‘sure you can end of the gun to the birds ? " "And that is me, I tako it,” said tion to leave, ought we not? ” to §32,000 to the ton, as shown by pa day is remarkable. The “ fatal key ’* is Herbert Willis, laughing merrily, “ Oh, no,” he auswered ; “ they came work for me, then, and earat it back pers in possession of Mr. Asseil. Qne the electric key ; the “portcullis,” the L ighting S choolrooms .—Repeated dump contains about 35 tons of select bombproof where tho batteries were I “ He re, Bessie, you know my two home a month ago, and are living some again, and so keep it up, aud be mas experiment lias proved that in school ters month in and month out, anj ore principally from the whintz (down stored ; the ‘ iutricate wards" ure the friends. Willson and ^Vaters ; und this where else.’.’ rooms lighted by windows on both of us.’ ” “ But what do they propose to do wages w ill come aisy to both --- ward shaft) now being sunk. Ou wires and circuits ; the bolts aud bars is Mr. Herbert. My sister, Alisa W »1- sides, the children suffer more or less with thiir house? " of “massy iron or solid rock” flaw open lis ” entering tho F amily P ortraij .— A gentleman from injured vision ; and so important Mr. Herbert bowed, aud Bessie said, “Well, they don’t own it. To tell in A Paris suddenly in both gates, with the same CJLD tunnel paid a visit the qther dqy, to a has the subject been considered m as Herbert twirled tho note in his lin the truth, Bessie, I own it, aud I pro jarring souud, aud ou their hiuges grat Our attention was called to a seam of lady, in whose parlor he saw tbe por Germany, that a law has been pa»s< 4 gers : pose to give it to my wife fur a bridal trait ore struck at the very outset, eighteen ed harsh thunder, aud finally through of a lovely woman, of, say, five- forbidding such disposition cf win " Uan’t you go with me Bert ? ” inches thick ; in the next 62 feet three the Heli Gate of the East lliver ships I “ I’m afraid not, to-night, pigeon,’’ present.’’ and twenty. Upon tho entrance of the blows in schools. “To your wife?" Other seams were struck, 12, 6, and 66 with “extended wings" will pass like a was the slightly hesitating auswer. lady her visitor asked her if tbe pie Bessie’s face grew white as she spoke. I roning S hirt «.—A correspondent inches w’ide, on the letter of which baunered host. We regret that the tare was a family portrait, and was told “ Well, never mind,” she said, drop if she would-like it. Tell me, sends this bint : “ One of the nicest of they are now sinking their vybintz and comparison, to be complete must pre ping her wistful eyes, and loosening little Yes, wotnau—it is you I want for my that it represented her deceased dangh laundresses gave me this fragment of procuring their marvelously rich ore. sent General Newton as the counter her shawl. ter. “ Has it been lon^ since you lost wife—would you like the house ? ” her experience in reference to starch Mr. Asseil estimates that the ore taken part of siD ; but as he uulucked Hell After a few more careless, polite “I don't — t iiuk — I caro much— her?” as-ked tbe peLt.eman. "Alas, ing shirts. She bqs noticed that the. out from the commencement of their Gate on’a Sunday, Mrs. Grundy will be words, tue yoi;n« gentlemen went out tho house/' said JLssie, her color sir,’ replied the lady, “shedied just bosoms never blister if she starches old tunnel will more than pay all ex sure to discover the resemblance.—A'. together ; but Mr. Herbert lingered. about after her biith aud I had her portrait coming back again. penses as they went and that the ore F. Herald. painted to represent her as she would them on the right sidp, but if they are He spoke some pleasant words to Bes “ Bat you would like the owner ? Oh ! wrong side out when stanched they are already taken from their large vein will “I think I'd like to see tlioso busy sie, and she tried to answer him with a Bessie, darling, don't flatter me so , havq appealed if she ^iad l^ved until ; apt to do so." pay the entire expenses of the oompany little creatures at work,” said a city fel «steady voice ; but she was thinking much. Siv you.woul.1 like me—” now." ------- . ---------- --------- - ------- to this time, including the completion low gnziug at a beehive. "Further how long and lonely the evening would “ 1 do like you now.” whispered the “ Johnnie, does you love me?” W hen a tiee is allowed tp bear too of their ten stamp mill. They have more, I thiuk I will see them at work.” seem ia her little room upstairs. happy girl, Llushing more aud more ; much fruit at one time, it is not on]y “Well Susie, I does?’* prospected these veins to a depth of So he opened the baak door of the “You are disappointed ?” he said, “ 1 always have." “ How dpps yon know that you I ova injured by the breaking cf overladen seventy feet and have run back on their hive and in thirty seconds ha not only gently. ------ me? ” largest vein a distance of 198 feet. saw but felt the busy little creatures “ Oh, I am foolish, I know ; but my I E lderly agriculturist (to season branches, but the fruit itself is apt to “ Kase, whenever I look at yoi^ Their whintz ia now down below their at work. Novel reading has now no brother is always so bury aud happy ticket holder iu the train): “You don’t be of a smaller size than if the tree my heart Susie, jumps and knocks agin my upper level 30 feet and the ore still in charm for him. with his friends, he docs not t’uiuk of have no ticket?" Ticket holder: “No, bad been relieved of at least half its stomick so hard, that I don’t have any burden in the earlier stages of the fruit. creasing in fiohne88 ; their veins will me.” I travel on my good looks." Agricul The in sizj and quality more appetite for a week afterwards.” average ihree feet in thickness, and “There is a church near here,” he turist (after looking him over): “Then than increase A M ichigan editor, on discovering a compensates for the loss in quan should there be nothing more than is fire, rushed out into the street, shout said, referring to her note ; “only the probably you ain’t going very far." T elling of a man who had lost bis tity. in sight it would be a very valuable ing, “Conflagration ! conflagration ! 1 next corner ; let’s take a peep at it.” life in a riot, a Belfast paper said. General smilo. investment* There is au She drew up her shawl again, and conflagration ! 11 Approximate hither I f you want to secure the attention “ They fired two shots at him. TLa f AIR SHAFT with the implements of deluge and ex smiled gladly, not thinking if there F orty one cities of the United States of a pretty woman, siu s au old 4»cb, first killed him. The second was n$tj fatal." Raised from a drift iq the old tunnel tinguish this combustioE.” i was any lack of coprenUonality in his bave delti aggregatisg §000,010,000. step on her train. I