Image provided by: Rogue Valley Genealogical Society; Medford, OR
About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1876)
THE ASHLAND SATURDAY TIDINGS. NOVEMBER 4, 1376. Agents for the Tidings. L. Samuel«, .... Portland, Oregon. Jacob Thompson, ... •* •* 8. M. PettJugiil * Co., ... New York. Rock wet! A Cneesman, - . . 8 l Louie. L P. Fis ber, ..... gon Francteco. Too«. Boyce, J. R. Neil, ..... Jacksonville. C. 8 bergent,.................................... Poœnix. Ed. R. O*en, ; . . . Central Point. Mi«s Aflie W. Coìvi»,, . - . Rock Point. C. B. Watson, General Agent for Lake county. ASHLAND P._O. REGISTER. Stages leave Ashland as follows: The O. A C. Stage Co.’s Stage leavG Ashland for Jacksonville, Rock Point and Rose burg every day at 6 a. m. Mail closes at 5:30 a. m. For llenly, Yieka and Reading at G p. m. M ail clones at 5:30 p. m. H&ti<>n A Garrett’s Stages leave Ashland every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings lor Linkville, aud return ou every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Leave Linkville for Lake City, California, Wednesdays; arrive at Lake City Satur days; leive Lake Citv Mondays ; arrive at Linkville Thursdays, carrying mail aud passengers. Regular passenger wagon leaves Ashland for Linkville every Monday morning, and returns every Saturday. A. D. HELMAN, P. M. L03AL INTELLIGENCE. --------------------- J-------------- LOCAL BREVITIES. Mornings, frosty. Luna rules tho evening hours. Midday, pleasant and sunshiny. Don’t forget that the Presidential election comes off next Tuesday?* Stages are making a cliaDge of time and mails are provokingly irregular. Hayes or Tiblea will be President elect after next Tuesday, 9 o’clock p. m . lfillv Carl, Route Agent for tbe O. C. Stage Co., passed bouth last Thurs day. Everybody is digging potatoes, gath ering apples and laying in their Win ter’s wood. Don’t fail to vote at oar municipal election. We want to look as big as possible. If naves and Tilden are both elected we expect tlie appointment of Minister to the court of St. Jemima. A lot of “Boys iu Blue” passed through town last Thursday morning. They were bound for Jacksonville. It any buck, doe, yearling or fawn I comes ia rauge, “shoot him on tho epot ! ” That’s what our Nimrod» ssy. There is a young gentlemau in town who is fast sinking to tbe grave with love-sickness. Thai's what the boys call it, auyway. Don’t whisper in school — please don’t, for we dislike to print your names with a “ d ” affixed. We don’t like it, so please don’t, children. Dimiek w. Dimick is the title of u case that will be tried at the polls next Tueiday, and the general impression is that Dimick will wiu it. Betting on an election is punished in California as a misdemeanor with a heavy fiue. L“t us Lave a similar law iu Oregon. Wlutdo the people Bay ? Houck is one of tbe best landlords in the State, but be gets a little ner vous when a fellow coaies in and says, “ I expect a remittance from below in a short time.” Silver coin ia a good thing in its ‘place, but when a feilow throws down a “twenty” for a cigar and gets $19 87 JL metallic substance, in change, he feel» ’* kinder weighty.” That young fellow who lingered at the gate cf her puternal mansion, when he took her home from the club meet ing, the other night, will be pleased to know that the old gent saw him. We are Dot regarded as an eminent humanitarian, but our sympathetic soul does really flow out in torrents when we think of the trials of the team sters now out on the roada with heavy loaded wagons. The Republicans of Ashlaud give their last toot for Haves and Wheeler to-day aud the Democrats fire their last gau, next Monday, for Tilden and Hendrick«. Everybody is expected to throw up their bats. BIGGEST ROOT YET. Our old friend Will Hunt, if he only would do It, All rivals can buret when he puts hi* head to It; He brought us a beet. Exceedingly sweet, That meoiure« two feet And juit eeven inches, and weighs fourteen pounds. We speak but in bounls, and will swear it to boot, That Will haa shown tbe biggest root. P. 8. Tie above ie poetry. R obber R eformed . — On the 24th ult. the stage was stopped near the Tower House, on its way to Shasta, by a highwayman, who suddenly sprang out and leveled a double-barreled shot gun on both the driver and John Mo- Nemar, W. F. & Co.’s messenger. McNemar banded out the treasure box and the robber ordered the driver to go od , which he did. McNemar not being quite satisfied with the result, after going a short distance, jumped out of the stage, went back and secreted him self and watched operations, until the robber picked up the box and took it a short distance from the road. Slipping up within sixty yard*, McNemar dis covered the robber in the act of open ing the box with a pick, and let him have the contents of one barrel of his shot gun, which took effect in the bip, bringing him down. The robber soon recovered and began to show fight. McNemar then discharged the other band, which took effect in his head, killing him instantly. After securing all the treasure, amounting to $6,500 McNemar placed the defunct robber on the stage. The body wa3 taken to Shasta, where it was recognized as D. H. Hunt; he had on bis person at the time some $1,300 gold notes. Mr. McNemar is a son-in-law of Rev. J. H. Mayfield, of Asland. He deserves the gratitude of every community in the land for the wholesome terror his act will communicate to tho gang of out laws which are infesting our country, and we are sure W. F. & Co. will tes tify in a substantial manner their ap preciation of his services. NOTES. N ominations .— At a meeting of the voters of Ashland, held at the woolen Heavy Storm factory, on last Wednesday, the fol is in San Fran cieco. George Na Litigation in the Justice Court has lowing town ticket was nominated : J. M. Sutton. Recorder; Isaac Miller, been quite brisk recently. Marshal ; B. F. Reeser, Treasurer ; J. Considerable unstacked hay has been M. McCall, J. R. Tozer, A. Willits, W. spoiled by continued rains. C. Daley, and C. Goodchild, Town More beef cattle from this locality Trustees. — ------ —♦------------- are being driven to southern markets. To L eave Us.—Mr. D. S. K. Buick, Nurse & Thatcher have received a part of their Fall and Winter stock of having bought the Overland Hotel goods. property at Myrtle Creek, Douglas Business that should have come be CouDty, will shortly leave us to enter fore the County Court at the October into his new enterprise. We wish him term has been delayed on account of success and commend him to the peo the absence of our executive officer, ple of Douglas. who has been, it appears, legislating S till T here .—We learn that Geo. for himself. The vexed question of the locality T. Baldwin still keeps his soldering- of the County Seat will perhaps be iron hot at Linkville, and can, on the settled at the poles, on the 7th of next shortest notice, furnish tinware, hard month. Much ill feeling has been en ware, stoves, etc. to customers at home gendered on account of the dispute, and abroad. and it is to be hoped that a final and V egetables , A pples and K rout .— satisfactory settlement of the same will soon be effected, though the County Austin W. Bish can now furnish cus Seat should not be located upon the tomers with a fine variety of apples premises claimed by every man in the and vegetables. If you want a barrel county. of krout he’s your man. * G ood W ork .—While MMhe shop of S imon C aro , of Jacksonville, smiled C. K. Klum, our attention w<w attract in our sanctum this week ed by a fine lot of Concord harness, of genuine home manufacture. James Watt was the architect. Mr. Klum has on hand a large assortment of Buddies, bridles aud all appurtenances belong ing or in anywise appertaining to a first-class harness store. Alleger, New Arrival of Medicines, ’s - AT THE - Ashland Drug Store! THE UNDERSIGNED TAKES PLEASURE IN ■ calling the attention ot the public to hi« new and well seketed stock uf DRUGS AND MEDICINES, PARLOR Just re reived from 8on Francisco, which he la oflhr- ixg at the \ LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. He ha? «’m on hand a large variety of CANDIED, NUTS, SW EEf CAKES and other no'ions usually kept in a ilr»t-cl<us drug store. He would also Call attention to his ORGAN Overland Being of his own manufectnre he can coDflleutly recommend them. He also prepares a Syrup of horehojind and Mouat&la Beirut For Cold«, Conghs and DiresFea of the Lurg*. whlcl be ha? used iu;.ny year? in his practice, and found to be a vtry valuab.e remedy. J ■ II. Chitwood. N B—lie ha? also on hand an assortment of fine WINES and LIQUORS fur medicinal poirpoaee. ASHLAND STORE NURSE & THATCHER, uuvCruu» j Dealers in J. M. McCALL & Co., Propr’s. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, HATS, A shland F oundry .—Last week some heavy work was done at the Ashland Foundry. Two wheels were cast for Emery A Stearns’ saw mill on Jennie Creek, weighing five hundred pounds each. Also a number of heavy castings for John Sizemore’s sorghum press in ¡Sam’s Valley. CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES, Read Their News. HARDWARE, FANCY GOODS, B en H olladay and lady, accom panied by Mrs. Maria Smith, of Port Surpasses in tone and power any Heed OrgiThere- W ife S hooting .—On last Sunday land, passed south by stage last tofore m mufactured in this country, it Hank Grigsby met bis wife, on horse Wednesday. Mr. ‘ Holladay goes to has been tested by many back, near Central Point, and after at Washington to spend the Winter and competent j dge?, will return to his Ciatsop Beach resi- anl gives tempting to pull her off her horse, aud deuce in the Spring. failing, ho procured a double-barreled shot-gun and discharged both birrele N ew G oods .—Mrs. Ewing has jU8t at her as she rode away, fortunately, returned from below, where she pur AN IMNEN3E STOCK OB' however, without affect. It appears chased a new and elegant stock of that she bad been compelled by his ludies’ goods. We advise the ladies to cruel behavior towards her to leave go at once and get them new hats. him, some time since, and that ho has She has some perfect gems in that line. been in the habit of attacking her whenever he met her. Much indigna To the P oint .—We have just re tion over this dastardly assault is ex ceived a copy of the Virginia Gazette, By a skilful use of the ¿-lop«, snl of the patent pressed in the neighborhood. Grigsby - AT THE - from our old homo in Illinois, which knee swell, ths music is adapted to the human voice, has fled. rarging from the softest flute-iike note to a volume L ater —Since the above was put in dibplat s under its head the following of sound type Grigsby has been arrested by motto: “To fear God, tell the truth Sheriff Manning. We learn that he aud make monev.” .-------------- ♦------------- - attempted resistence to the officer. A n “O ut .”—In priuting the essay UXSURPASSED BY’AXY OTIIER on “ Music,” last week, the compositor B usiness L ively .—Our merchants and manufactnries are taxed to their set: “ Mendelssohn’s soDgs are with utmost, at present, to fill their orders. out words, aud conld they be intelligi Instrument. The proprietors have noted carefully, ble ? ” It should read, “ could they be Afcrtharking enr many kind Patrons The furniture factory of Marsh & Val- more intelligible ? ” f >r many years, the imperfections and r eeds of the f <r (mt f..vort>, we wish to c.Ul thrir at- JI li py can scarcely keep their wares until tm i t > our largì stock of F all anl -v/f reed iistrumente, and direct their practical experience WiNTEH G oods , just received lruiu S. F. to the (orrec ion of such imperfections, and their ex the varnish ia dry ou them. The ma F irst F rost .—On last Monday night periments have resulted in the production of a quality chine shop is turning out saw-mills and of tone which assimilates so closely to the a countless variety of other work. The the first frost of the season, to effect vegetation, made its appearance in this woolen mills are in full blast. The We have any thing you bum of the flouring mills is ceaseless, valley, since which time bright, clear may need in our line. our blacksmiths, harne«6-maker3, shoe days and frosty nights have been the rule. makers, carpenters, merchantsand pol liticans are up to their nlbows in bus R eligious .—The quarterly meeting ( Our new stock contains iness. cf the M. E. Church will be held in fi * a large assortment of o A utumn .—Now the Fall artist has Ashland to-day and to morrow. That is difiicnlt to distirgnish between the two. touched the mature leaf with tints of B ev . G eorge N utley will preach at This instiument has al! the D ry G oods , G roceries red and yellow, and striped with gold and bronze our grassy meadows ; the the Wagner Creek Church to-morrow BOOTS and SHOES, at 11 o'clock. farmer has commenced to dig his ap ples and p»ck his potatoes, the frugal MODERN IMPROVEMENTS, Attention, Pioneers ! Ready-made Clothing, Hats, T housewife has began to harvest her sour krout and—and this reminds us Tlio undersigned, believing that a and Millinery Goods. X And every orgin is ful’y warranted. Large that the T idings , for winter evening 02 use, can be had for $2 59 in advance, thorough organization of tho pioneers Polish, Black Walnut Panelled Cases in wood, bacon, butter, lard and, as a of Southern Oregon would tend to en Ui it forms, in addition to a we keep hardware , iron , n last resort, we would not refuse cash. hance a feeliug of good fellowship splend.d instrument of music, a amongst ns, and be tho means of STEEL, NAILS, BOLTS, GLASS, S ilver O re .—Mr. F. W. Knowles, preserving many interesting incidents an old Utah silver-miner, has struck a in the early history of this part of the sva HORSE SH0E3, LHOE-SHAPE, ROl’E, vein of silver-bearing rock near Gold country, hereby call on pioneer men BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF FURNITURE. WOOLSACKS, PAINTS, OILS Hill. Mr. Daniel Fisher is associat and women of Southern Oregon to SOAP AN O CUTLERY. ing with him and they propose thor meet at the Court House in Jackson _ _ ! ville, on the 18th day of November, at oughly tpstiug it soon. An assay made from the croppings gave as a result 1 o’clock, for the purpose of organiz FARMING IMPLEMENT,CROCKERY $12 to the ton in silver. Persons de ing a Pioneer Society. Let us turn out and devote ono day to tho memory of sirous of investing in mining would do A nd FRUIT CANS. well to examine this mine, as we un the past: SCHOOL REPORT. U S Harden, der-tand that the parties are desiroas J M Sutton, Levi Tinkham, This organ need? only to be ?eeu to lie appreciated, J M McCall, Oilcloth for Tables and of obtaining assistance. It is my purpose, from this forth, Jacob Wagner, S J Day, and is Bald at extremely -------------- •-------------- H Klippell, J R Neil, to give a weekly report of the conduct and Floors. B utte C reek A head .—Now comes 5 J B Wrisley, I Constant, of each pupil. The roll will be called Mr. Hiram Farlow and Jays on our ta James Hamlin, J S Herren, twice a day, and all who have whis ble two potatoes of most exquisite J J Fryer, John Tice, 0 A L arge and C hoice pered without permission will be shape and proportions, weighing just J A Crane, Thomas Raimy, 'J I marked “d”—the number of times eight pounds, »¿aid potatoes are of the James Kilgore, D Linn, S election of TEAS. tney have whispered being indicated Prolific variety and were raised on J N T Miller, R S Dunlap, tv a figure placed before the d ; thus : Butte Creek. Mr. Farlow now wears Ed Smith, J P Tuffs, 3 d. Those who are late morning or the big-tater belt, and we opine it will V S Rails, Juli us F Kellogg, We have just received a select noon will be marked It is my earnest descend to his children, as he has cer Granville Sears, R V Beal, desire that parents will assist me to im tainly out stripped all competition. assortment of the best brands of AGEXTS WAXTED T F Beal, J C Tolman, prove the depurtmont aud promptness Joliu Walker, C K Ki urn, of their children. • ¡Mala or fema'.e) in every couDty in the United Skate? O ur H cnter ’ s L uck .—If this item is A G Rockfellow, Ebei Emery, Mi-aS Hit),d Mr. W. Southern, 2 d aud Canada. Enoch Walker, »« duller than usual it is owing to the fact A D Helman, O. Aifor 1’ 2 d, J. Pelton, d, I H •4 C Waite, d, Giles Wells, L WiJ.t^.d, that we have just been gormandizing— Thomas Smith, «I M. l iuf.«, 3 d, O. G .rrett, d, Patrick Dunn, Freeman Yandell, «4 H. Gid lings, 2 d, F. W «teuire, d, yes, that’s the word. Mr. B. F. Reeser William Taylor, M W — o »Samuel Grubb, C. Juue?, d, M. W. S'er, d, 44 I« is responsible. ’Twas he who present Hugh F Barron, I Lone, d, A. Arant, d, J H Russell, •4 44 M. J oi « b , 2 d, A. Brown,d, ed us with a fine haunch of venison ; George Yaudes, 44 John Head, 44 F. Bello ¥?, 3 d, I. Zinimerni'US, d, 44 ’twas he and Mr. E. J. Farlow who Syiv’r Saltmarsh, 8 G Vandyke, 44 M. Jouen, 3 d. W. We.aMre, d. We will sell our goods at the brought in five deer one day last week, I Woolen, James Thornton, J. H. S kidmore , Principal. from some happy hunting ground in ------------ » ■ — W C Myer, B F Myer, lowest cash price, or exchange for Asa Fordice, G W Fordice, I mportant to V oters ,—We call the the jaountains. Samuel Colver, Henry Ammerman, all kinds of -WILL BE — attention of every good citizen to what M ore R ich Q uartz .—Em rick <fc Rob Thomas Reams, E K Anderson, we have to say : You are aware that inson, living at the sawmill at the cross John Vandyke, H von Helman, during tbe coming week there are two ing of Jump Off Joe, inform us that Max Muller, G Karewski, Made to Teacher?, Minis'ere, Churches, Schools, important elections to be held in Ash W B< eson, Samuel Robinson, Lodge®, e‘c , where there is no agent for the Star they have probably struck the Lucky land—one for Presidential Electors and M H Drake, Bennett Million, Organ. Illustrated catalogue aud price list free. We see no cause to change our Queeu lode some three miles south a Congressman ; the other for town H W Clayton, Clayborn Neil, Correspondence soli dtei. Address the manufactu officers. We earnestly call on you to west of the Lucky Queen mine, and W H Jaquett, F A Randle, rers, study well the men who ask your votes that the prospect is equally good so far Q N Anderson, R B Hargadine, •I [•' and the principles on which they stand, as they have gone in. Free gold is Louie Colver, • I A LRose, plainly visible. and then vote— -just as you please» William Hurst, W G Bishop, ~ W Kilgore, T he C ause . —It is frequently re Daniel Chapman, 8 A N ew S aw mill . —Preliminary ar William M Mathis, E F Walker, It still remains rangements are being perfected to erect marked by strangers that the people of H B Seybert, Clark Taylor, A M Berry, another new saw mill on Jennie Creek. Ashland keep their faces and homes Hobert Taylor, WASHIXGTOX, X. J. C C Beekman, The parties who have tbe matter in very clean, and that they never wear E D Fondry, A J Davidson, hand are of the kind who know how dirty shirts. It is all owing to Hatha Tod Cameron, E E Gore, to push matters ahead and ran a saw way’s soap factory. It only requires B B Griffin, 0 to be used once a month. Try it. mill. Jacob Thompson, , William Kahler, Call and examine our stock, and ----- ■ ♦------------- Wesley Kahler, James McDonough, M b . W. C. M yer has a black walnut James Simpson, Thomas Wright, R eturned .— M. H. Drake and Ed. if you do uot see what you want, T. B. M c M urtrie , H. W. A lleger , Buick returned this week from Nevada, tree on his farm, now bearing, that has J P Chandler, John Holton, C all for it . B P Neil. phere they yyent laat Spring to market grown from a nut he brought from N H Clayton, E dward P lotts , C. P. B owlby , JUST ARRIVED, FALL ÄKD WINTER GOODS Groceries, Crockcry, Paints, Oils, Etc., Linkville, ------- ' ■ - ■ 0 B a ——— G c A 1 PIPE ORGAN QUALITY B T JU & •4 • I 44 Lako county, Oregon. ON THE TRADE. WISH TO SAY TO MY PATRONS that I am prepared to take in payment of subscription to the T idings all kinds of marketable ptoduce. such as Wheat. F»our, Lumber, Wood, Dried Fruit, Eggs, Butter, Cbee-e, Beans, Bacon. Lard, etc. Arrange ment« have been made, whereby parties bringing iu mote ptoduce than enough to pay their subset iption. can receive mer chandise at CASH RATES for the balance. J. M. SUTTON, Publisher. I Emporium of Ashland. J " Y ankee N otions , UNIVERSAL SATISFACTION ! ■ Condition Powders! UNION LIVERY S ale and E xchange STABLES, Corner of 4th and California Sts., J acksonville , O regon . HE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PUR-^ T chisel ib? ub ve named ?u hie? from Kubli A Wilson, beg leave to inform 4 the pub ic that they are determined to mpri.Al /I* a conlmu .i.ce of tn*> patronage that hae for rnuiy years past been conferred on these justly POPULAR STABLES! We have constantly on hand the very beet SADDLE HORSES,. BUGGIES AND CARRIAGES, And cm famish our cue’omer? with a tip-top turn out at uLy lime. Horses Boarded Oa reieonub’e term?, and the beU of care and atten tion bestowed ui.ou them while under their charge. Aieo, Horses Bought and Sold. We will guiran'.ee satis Letton in a’l our trans actions. C abdwell & M c M ahon . he undersigned , thanking our pa - for tue lib-ral patronage bestowed ut>on T u? irons during our connection with tue Uuion Livery Sub e?, would beypeak a continu tuce of the B*rue to uur tucceesurs. K ubli & W ilson . No. 17; tf. S ubscribe is the Time for the WEST SHORE just entering its second yeir it is ¿NLARCEQ AND IMPROVED, and worthy the patronage of every well-wisher of the Pacific North west. It is Beautifully Illustrated by the leading artists on the Coast. Some of THE ABLEST WRITERS in the Pacific Northwest coatribute to ita columns. As a FAMILY JOURNAL, 46 CIGARS AND PIPES. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT MARKETABLE PRODUCE. Alleger,Bowlby & Co., “Quick Sales & Small Profits.” ihair atock, Kansas five years ago. [Jacksonville ; papers please copy.) Sept. 21st, 1S76. uol 5 tf. (Sept. 47, ’76: 1 yr.) it stands at the head of Pacific Coast publi cations. As a paper to SEND TO FRIENDS abroad, it has no effnal. A single number will give them a better idea of Oregon and Washington Territory than a year’s numbers of any other paper. Subscription price, $1.50 PER YEAR, including postage. Sample number, 20 eta. Address the publisher, L. SAMUEL, P. O. Box 3, Portland, Ogn. t&TRemlttw»? cm be made by registered tetter or by order on any cf tae Portland Business Houses, no 13-2111 THE ASHLAND ACADEMY. be Fall Term of the Ashland Academy will commence on text Monday, Sept. T 11th. All expecting to attend, will do well to be present the first day. Tbankiog our friends for their liberal pat ronage in the past, we bespeak its increase for the future. Scholar« may enter at any time during the term. Tuition charged only for tbe time in attendance. J. II. SKIDMORE, Prinaipal. aolSU