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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1876)
THE TIDINGS. I ASHLAND “ W hich ? ” — Yesterday morning L'HKVILIE STOWR says the J’ree Pr«i, n boy entered a OCTOBER 21, 1876. SATURDAY — AND— Woodyard avenue drug store, bottle in EASY SIIAKESPERIAN ENIGMA. hand, and said he wanted tea cents’ 1 am composed of 6S letters : ASHLAND TIDINGS. My 9, 19, 62, 2, 42, 30, 65 is worth of “ arnakymoDy.” The drug gist had him repeat tho ward two or ISSUED EVERY SATURDAY one of tlie principal characters iu three times, and then said : “Now, do you mean araics, or am GEO. T. BALDWIN, - Prop’r, the play iu which tho quotation BY J. M. SUTTON, Prop’r. monia? ” occurs. DEALER IN "Idunno,” was the reply. OFFICE—On Main Street, (iu rear Dr. My 4, 15, 52, 37, 8, formed an “ What is it for ? ” asked the drug Chitwood’s Drug Store.) STOVES, important item in the Jew’s bond. gist. Terms of Subscription: Mv 1, 43, 57, C, 63, is a king “I’ll be licked if I tell,” replied the STOVE BACKS, One copy one year................................................ I 2.5 “ “ ui montas.......................................... 1.50 after whom several plays are I boy, starting slowly out. He went as far as the door, got a bright idea, and 1 Mt •<-*-1. three “ ... GRATES, called. 12.50 Club rates eix copies fur said: “ If your wife hit you on the Terms, in advance. FIRE DOGS, My 29, 34, 35, 21, 52,13, is the head with a chair leg which of them Terms of Advertising: I name of one of the most famous medicines would you git to take the BAKE OVENS, One square 'ten lines or less) 1st inrertiou....... swelling down? ” ! plays. Etch additional insertion................................. “ Arnica.” SAD IRONS, A littéral discount to annual advertisers. 1 My 17, 11, 45,59, 53, 41, 59, “ Then-fill her ‘in ten cents’ worth,’ Church and Society advertisements, edcli as Fairs, ETC., ETC. Lectures, etc., 25 cents per line. 28, is a king in the same play. said the boy, and he gazed lovingly at Notices in local column, 25 cents per line, but ro My 60, 22, 66, 14, 25, 59, 20, the big sticks of licorice while the All kinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET- notice Inserted for less than $1.00. IRON WARE on hand and made to order. 33, is a female character in ths preparation was being bottled. YOUTH’S DEPARTMENT, NORTH TINWARE STORE, PACIFIC MUTUAL &IFE Æ.SSOÇTA.TTQS —OF— PORTLAND, OREGON. « Incorporated 1871. All orders from a distance promptly at Job Printing, L ord C lare , who was much opposed tended to. Prices to suit the times. Linkville. Aug. 10th, 1876. noDtf. to Cnrrnn, ono day brought a New- foucdhnd dog upon the bench, and, during Curran’s speech, turned aside and caressed tho animal. Cnrran stopped. “ Go on, go on, Mr. Curran,” said Lord Clare. “ Ch, I beg b thou sand pardons,” was the rejoinder, “ I The dactahd for the thought your lordship was in consulta tion.” same play. My 3,12, 50, PG, 64, is what ¡she became at the death of lier husband. All Sorts. My 46, 61, 48, 36, 7, is an un B eecher weighs 200 pouuds. Bisnor J anes , of tho M. E. Church, expected visitant upon the scene. My 35, 56, 49, 55, 16, 39, 44, is is dead. G eorge E liot says it ia want of mo something feigned by cue cf the tive that makes lifo dreary. players. S enator M obton went through the My 47, 23, 24, 16,67,15, 48, is a Ashland Lodge No. 189,1. 0. Ch T., Meets at the H ill of Heiman <S Fountain every Centennial in a rolling chair. gentleman of dark complexion Friday evaoing at 8 o’ckck r. r. Brothers ai.d T here are forty-four lodges of who takes an important part in sisters la good standing are ccribi'y Invited to at colored Masons in the State of Ohio. enei. J. D. FOUNTAIN, W. C. T. N. A. J acobs , Sec’y. one of the plays. N aturally enough truth is stranger For a short time le eo great that we have concluded to offer it for the balance of the year for My 66, 3S, 35, 43, 2G, is an than fiction, because it is not so com ft Ashland Lodge No, 23, mon. ardent lover. T he sublimity of moral heroism is a . F. <S: A. US., Mv 31, 40,25, 16, 27, is a term /V\ to voluntarily pick out the poorest ear applied to a woman ia one of the Holla their state«1, communications Thursday even SubscriptivE2 will expire ings on or before the full moon. Brethren in good of corn in the dish.— Danbury News. ctanding are cordially invited to attend. W hen an idler enters the sanctuary plays. c My 3\ 54,13,57,17, 58, is a W. II. A tkixson , Sec’y. J. 8. EUBANKS, W. M. DECEMBER 3lat, 1876, of a busy editor, and the editor says, No matter when they commence. “ Glad to see your back,” what does he sister of t\e above. Aslakuid Lodge N g . 15, My 16, ek 60, 5, 66, is a char mean ? Address, -- rini'- J, (»'. G. £?., “ W here is tho east?” inquired a acter in King^ Lear. tutor one day of a very small pupil. O regonian , Portland, Oregon. My 5,10, 24,51, 19, 37, is the Held tl-.eir regular meeting every Saturday even “ Where the morning comes from,” scene of Midsummer Night’s ing at their hall in Ashland. Brothers in standing are cordially invited to attond. was the prompt and pleasant answer. J. H. NEIL, N.G. Dream. Sec ’ y. J. D. F ouxiaix , Rec. I n Bath Abbey, England, is to be NURSE & THATCHER, My whole is spoken by an Toe slay evening, nearest Been the following : Rebekah meetings on heiress to her waiting maid. DEALERS IN Of all description, done on short notice. T.égal Blanks, Circulars, Business Cards, Billheads, Letter heads, Posters, etc., gotten up in good style at livirg prices. \ CHEAP PAPER ! 100,000 Capital Dollars Gold Coin Basis. OFFICERS P. WASSSRMAN • • E. QUACKENBUSH - D. W. WAKEFIELD • • Vics - - - W. 8. LADD . . . . P bxsibbxt . S ecrktabv . • - PfiKSIDBXT. TKIA9r*ER. W. H. EFFINGEB - - - - A ttoemky . J. L. QUACKENBUSH G khsbal A obmt . ONE DOLLAR! “ Her« lies Ann Mann ; She lived an old maid and died an old Mann.” A magazine writer asks, “Do birds die a natural death ? ” As birds do not employ physicians we can see no good reason for asking that question. -Brook lyn Argus. » A t a medical examination a young applicant for a physician’s diploma was asked: “When does mortification en sue ? ” “ When you propose and aro re jected,” was tho reply. I t is only by a terriblb strain on the muscles of his face that a doctor can look solemn when his neighbor remarks to him that there is a great deal of sick ness in the city.— Home Sentinel. A n Irish peasant, being asked why he permitted his pig to take up his quarters with the family, replied: Why not ? Doesn’t the place afford every convanience that a pig can re quire ? ” F ranklin was once asked, “What is the use of your discovery of the at- mospheric electricity ? ” Tho philoso- pher answered the question by another —“ What is the use of a new-born in fant ? ” T here is a man down east, rather a facetious chap, whoso name is Now. He named his first child Something ; it was Something Now. His next child was called Nothing ; it being Nothing New. A lady of.faahionablo distinction bo- ing the subject of conversation in Rob ert Hall’s presence, some one said, “ Is she not a great belle ? ” “ I should think so,” said Hall, “for she is so noisy, empty and brazen.” Two ladies contended for the pro- cedenco at tho court of Charles V. They appealed to the moparcb, who, like Solomon, awarded : “ Let the old er go first. ’ Such a disp ute was never known afterward. E dith —“ I say, Regy, how is it that one of our cows is brown and the other white?” Reginald—“Why, you silly, any one knows that ! It’s the white cow that gives the white milk and tho brown cow the coffee.” “ S peaking of shaving,” said a pretty girl to an obdurate old bachelor, “ I should think that a pair of handsome eyes would be the best mirror to shave by.” “ Yes, many a poor fellow has been ‘shaved’ by them,” tho wretch re plied. the full of the moon each month. 1!. DRY GOOD DIRECTORS P. WASSERMAN, W. 8. LADD, WM. WADHAMS, J. L. ATKINSON, D. W. WAKEFIELD, W. H. EFFINGEB, M. P. MORSE, E. QUACKENBUSH, J. W. BRAZEE. TABLE RATES. Importer and Breeder of PERCHERON HORSES, JERSEY CATTLE. NOW HAVE THREE PURE BRED TMPORT- ed eUiliouR, and eeven full blood and bisii grade I mar»»* from Mhich I will ba able to raire rtock tliat will equal the best imported. 1 ci« niw snpi-ly par ties with good half blood colts, from 1 to 4 yea.s ol from‘‘Wid e Prince." bred by other psrtiea. i also h ive a herd of pu.e bred Jersey cattle, the best iu the State, with some calves f r gale. W. C. MYER. Ashland, Juxe 17th, 1876. Uullf. ASHLAND s, LIFE POLICIES. L. DANFORTH, M. D., I am composed of nineteen let CLOTHING, ters ; JpHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, FIVE AGES CLASS A. B, C, D, E. A—A x ^ b from 1 to 13 A ulj U Pr $3 00 ” /l, U, 19, is a small animal. HATS, CAPS, My Jacksonville, Oregon. B— •• “ 13 s co 2» <« My 15, 11,10,18, is a kind of 5 uo C— “ “ 20 35 - BOOTS and SHOES. <• 5 oo D— *• " 35 50 « M « 50 cram. DR. J. IL CIHTWOOI), 5 Ò0 65 H A R D W AR E, FANCY GOODS. My 16,14, 11, 5, is part of the A shland , O regon . $25 OO may he paid at r ny one YANKEE NOTIONS, earth. time, on any I.ife Policy, and no rrniHER Annual My 2, 6, J 8, 4, is a river in Si- OFFICE—At the Ashland Drug Store. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, PAINTS, OILS, E tc ., Premium will be required, nor any further payments, except for Death Ascesemene in that special divis Will attend to all c ills in Rogne P. Iver Valley. Par beria. LINKVILLE, ion lie they may occur. n?3tf. My 3, 7,14, 10, ia a domestic i ticr.Ur attention given to CHRONIC DISEASES. Lake county, - - - Oregon. animal. MILO M. LIMICK. M. H. DIMICK. J. R. NEIL, My 14, 12, 2, 9, is a wild anij ^TTORNE Y- AT-LAW, mal. ASHLAND and SHQES, My 6, 1,18, 14, 5, 6,11,13, is a Jacksonville, Oregon. lady writer for the Tribune. » LIVERY AMD SALE STABLE, 0 My 19, 17, 3, 18, 7, 13, is the II. KELLEY, capital of one of the Territories. MAIN STREET. -M Uh. My 8, 1, 11, 14, is a river 1U Attorney and Counsellor- at-Law, Ashland, Oregon. Europe. J acksonville , O regon . My whole ia a great pest to GEORGE NUTLEY HAS THE PLEASURE TO HIDE UNDERSIGNED WOULD Will practice in all the C-tcrtt1 of the State. Promp ( ¡J announce to the inhabitants of Ashland audits farmers. 1 respectfully inform their ft *en.-G ttention given to all bueinces intrusted to my care. surroundings his readiness to supply all who heed « 4« << •4 <i HARNESS SHOP C. K. KLUM, MANUFACTURER OF, AND DSAI KR IN Saddlery & Harness, « BEHEADED RHYME. O ffice . In the buildi«g fornAly occupied by with a g >od custom-made bx,t or snoe, made of the and the public generally that they best unitari d. Call ai d sea him. Shop on Main have purchased the above establishment, Kahler & Watson, opposite Court House. Street, over creek, ne ir bridge. which will t»e henceforth conducted under Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. their constant personal supervision, and -they guarantee satisfaction io all who may As I was coming home from the------ * favor them with their patronage. 7 A very large hole in my dross l Also agents for the I------ Ashland, Oregon. I had in my pocket some iron Howe Sewing Machine HE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO RE- 1 hat came from an island of France This celebrated machine, which is ac- mind his friends, and the traveling pub -ed l>y every one to be the beat called------ lic generally, that he is still to bo found knowled at W. J. Zimmerman A- Co. Prop’rs. machine known, and which has met with this An<1 now there remains but the more extensive sales than any other on LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, letter------ . record, is now being introduced in Ash Ashland Iron-Works ASHLAND HOUSE. T SQUARE WORDS. 1. A prop. 2. An idex. 3. To loathe. 4. A common article of food. 5. A passage across water. ARE NOW PREPARED TO BUILD AND where he V repare all kinds of M ill , M ining and F abm - occasions ng Machinery. V V ENG1HES, HOUSE FRONTS, — aid II. 1. To oppress. 2. A report. 3. To tinge, 4. Names. 5. To adorn. III. 1. Is what little folks need, 2. A place of restraint. 3. Hot cinders. 4. A boy’s name. 5. The Turkish court. Diamond. B ARE ARIAN BRISTOW EATER NOR W Square Word 3. tone PLANT OMEN LABOR NERO abide “M y son,” said an affectionate moth ENOS TRESS er to her son, who resided at a little SQUARE AND HALF INCLUDED. distanco and expected in a short time Thu former- 1. Woven goods. to be married, “ you are getting very thin.” “ Yes mother,” he replied, 2. A turning machine, 3. Not the “ I am, and when I come next I think same, 4. In that place. 5. A proper name, The latter—1. A you will see my rib.” “ W iiat a traveler you have become!” exclaimed a Bostonian on meeting an acquaintance at Constantinople. “ To tell you the truth,” was the frank re ply, “I am obliged to run about the world to keep ahead of my character ; for the moment it overtakes me I am ruined.” W. C. MYER, consonant, f 2. Masculine. 3. Fem- inine. 4. In this place. 5. A proper name. DIAMOND. 1. A consonant. 2. A sea fowl. 3. Places for sheep. 4. Phials. 5. A girl’s name. 6. A body of water. 7. A consonant. Is ready at any time, and on all to set before them the host the market affords, in a style second to no other house in Oregon. Dinners and suppers for special occasions, gotten iq» in appropriate style, at short no tice. JASPER HOUCK. machine BLACKSMITHING. CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS Cast to Order. Wagon Factory land. The Bowe is peculiary adopted to to any kind of work—from a ruffle lo a boot, or shoe. Is simple in construction, easily run, and for strength and durability is un- surpasced. Parties desiring to see one of these machines can do so. by calling on them at their office. DIMICK A SON. Ashland, June 17th. 1876. noltf. Stoves, Sewing Machines, a general Assort ment of goods in his line vl tr<de. eeps K Ladies’, Mens’ anil Boys’ dies, & Speciality. Team, Buggy agd Plow Earnest, TEAM & BUGGY COLtAltS, CUBKYCOMBS, BBIDLEd, CINCHOS, STIRRUPS, WHIPS, LASHES, SPURS, COLLAR PADS, ETC., ETC., And everything usually "kept in a flrst-elasa cstabltehinent. R<palling done with Dwat- uess and dispatch at prices to suit the times. WHEAT Taken at the Highest Market Rates in Exchange for Goods. Ashland, June 17th, 1876. CLOSING B»ltf. O U f! CLOSING CLOSING OUT! Nurse & Thatcher, -pOR THE BENEFIT OF TnOSF. DESIR- IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, JX ing go d wagon work, the undersigned done at the shortest notice. Babbett metal con hereby makes known that be can bo found stantly on hand. at all times at his shop in the S. W. corner A shland , O regon . HE UNDERSIGNED WISHING TO sell out and quit business, eflera bis stock of goods at retail, tor T Dealers in DRY GOODS, COST of the public square Ashland Ogn; and is reidy and willing to do all work entrusted and or any other article nude of steel, brass or iron, will to ma in a workmanlike manner. WAG be repaired at our shop. ONS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WHEEL CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTIS and SHOES, POU CASH. Ail work warranted in good style and at reasons- BARROWS, PLOW STOCKS, Ac., made abe rates. to order, and repaired on short notice. ATiY PE B £ Q) ST Hardware, Fancy Goods, Old cast iron taken in excharge for work. T*'e best Eastern stock constantly on Wishing to commence business, would do W.W. KENT NOR. «^0,000 lbs old cast iron hand. Ashland, Juno 17th, 1876. noltf. wanted at our Shop immediate1 v. well to c ill on nif, as I will sell my whole W. J. ZIMMERMAN & CO. stock on easy terms, and rent them my store, Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. In the mean time, I would say to persona Groceries, Crockery, Paint«, Oils, Etc., FREIGHT Yankee Notions, MILLINERY. Pay Up. IIAVE OPENED AT MY RESIDENCE, LINKVILLE,_ _ _ LAKE CO., ll persons - knowing TnEM- on Main street, Ashland, Oregon, a D. CHATMAN. sclves indebted to the undersigned, millinery store. I have now a beautiful as especially in accounts and notes of long sortment of standing, are requested to make every effort Meat Market, to pay the same by the 1st of August. HATS, J. M. McCALL & Cö. WREATHS, anil Ashland, June 23d, 1876. no2tf. OCN- That I expect to start for San Francisco soon, and would like to have my money be B. J>, nUto fore starling. I may stay in San Francisco most of the Winter on account of ill health. If I do not sell out inurely before starling, my business will be left with E. J. Farlow and J. Q. Latta, with instruction« to sell LADIES’ FINISHING GOODS, C heap F ob C ash , but STOP the credit part, All of which I will sell cheap for cash. All and make a desperate effort to close down orders from a distance promptly tilled. eep constantly on hand at their so that I can in the Spring, either sell out, Aug. 24th, 1876. MILS. J . EWING. Shop, near thp b-l lge, on M in Street, u good Dealers In or freeze out; and to collect every cent pos eupply of fre-h BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, etc., which they ofler at the loweet market price. sible. Woe be unto you! Who are owing Aehhnd, Jane 17th, 1876. noltf. me in the Spring. R- B- H argadixe . Ashland, Sep. 28th, I87t>. nolGtf CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES CIX HUNDRED ACRES OF FINE CUL- kj rivaling and pasture land, well improv ed, with two good dwelling bouses and three AM NOW MANUFACTURING, AND HAVE BLACKSMITHING Hardware, Fancy Goods, on baud, a good useortmeut of barns and other out houses, situated three -BY- and one half miles north of Ashland, on the O. A C. Stage route. Bear creek runs LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, through the farm, and it is otherwise well which I offer to th? rode at price« to eait the tinne. ll TnosE desiring work Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., watered by springs. My eoip has been pronounced by those who have in our line, will find us at the This farm wilt be sold on reasonable tried it, to be superior to any imoortei article. Give trial, and eupi»ort home industry. “Old Michelson Stand” ready to serve them terms. For particulars, enquire at this of it I a want LINKVILLE, for soap 20,000 IPs. of rough with neatness and dispatch. Particular at- fice. ISAAC WOOLEN. greare, at in my exchange factory. W. H. HATHAWAY. teptioa paid to horse shoeing nollit Lake county, - - - Oregon.1 July 1st. 1376. no3t(, AafeitiDd, Jone 17th, 167*. noltf. I A CHAPMAN & NEIL, Ashland, Oregon, Nurse & Thatcher, K DRY GOODS, FOR SALE. Ashland Soap Factory. 1 YANKEE NOTIONS, EUBANKS & FORSYTH. A