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About Ashland tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1876-1919 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 14, 1876)
THE ASHLAND TIDINGS. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS, ducsd io despair. He was a German, LINKV’L*- 8T0VI aged 46 years, and leavsi a wife [ From the Daily Oregcntao. j 8ATURDAY OCTOBER 14, 13,-6. and family. -AND- C hicago , Oct. ¿.—A Eenva? special Granger this evening celebrated the : The election rsiurnG s?e not all Feas« of Pomona in grand style. The ASHLAND TIDINGS 8078 MUTUAL in yet, but enough are in io make it display on fruit on »he tables was said positively sure that we have »looted .he I8SUKD EVERY 8ATTRD1Y io be the flneat ever seen in California. entire Republican ticket, State, dis* , G EC. T. BALDWIN, . Prop’r The Grange is reported io have taken BY J. M. SUTTON, Prop’r. trict and oounty, by 1,200 to 2.000 ma some decided action on the question of jority. Judge J. C. Bedford goea So DEALER IN OFFICE— On Maia Street, (in rear Dr. Congress and John L. Routt is Gov wheat and freights, but decline to make known at present the nature of Chitwood’s Drug Store.) ernor. We know we have a large ma STOVES, —OF— their conclusions on the score of policy Terms of Subscription: jority in both Houses of tho Legisla and interest STOVE BACKS, .......... 5 ’.50 ture, giving ua two U. 3. Senators and One copy one year.... A slight shock of earthquake was .......... .....Í.50 * “ eix months three electors for Hayes and Wheeler. .......... 1.00 GRATE?, *• three “ felt at 3:20 this evening. The vibra PORTLAND, OREGON. . ......... 12.50 We have overcome the Democratic ma Club rates six copies for tions were from north to couth. jority of 2,200 at the last election for Terms, in advance. FIRE DOGS, W averly , Oct 6.—A fire here last Representatives. Terms of Advertising: night oaueed a loss of $30,000. BAKE OVENS, D enver , Oct. 6.—Returns are just One square (ten lines or less) 1st insertion....... |2.50 V ictoria , Oct. 6.—A man named Each additional insertion.................................... 100 received from Elbert County, whioh SAD IRONS, George Baldes was found dead in a A liberal discount to annual advertleers. gives a Republican majority of 70, Church and Society advertisements, such aa Fairs, Incorporated 1874. chanty on the corner of Douglas and being Republioan gain of 223 over the ETC., ETC. Lectures, etc., 25 cents per line. Herald streets, Wednesday evening. Notices in local column, 25 cents per line, but no year 1874. Grant County gives a Re All kinds of TIN, COPPER and SHEET- A post mortem examination shows he notice inserted for less than $1.00. publican majority of 45. Assuming IRON WARE on hand and made to order. died of heart disease. He came to this All orders from a distance promptly at all that has been claimed by tho Dem Job Printing, place in 1858 from Guaymas, Mexico, tended to. Prices to suit the times. Of all description, done on short notice. Legal ocratic State Committee to be correct, Linkvillo. Aug. 10th, 1876. and was about 60 years of age. Capital 100,000 Blanks, Circulars, Business Carets, Billheads, Letter the net Republican majority in the P hiladelphia , Oct. 6.—Awards for heads, Posters, etc., gotten np in good style at living State will be 1,200. The Legislature Oregon : A. K. Dufur, Lane County, prices. will certainly be two-thirds Republi wool; Hampton Kelly, East Portland, Dollars, Gold Goin Basis. All Sorts. can and probably three-fourths. All preserved fruits; Alden Fruit Drying The honeymoon is not pleasant when speoi&l reports designed to confute or Co.-r' Oregon City, preserved fruits ; you reach the last quarter—of a dollar. throw discredit upon these dispatches ‘Wm. Plummer, Portland, preserved ** You never saw my hands as dirty are sent out for misohievous purposes. fruits ;Ststo of Oregon, grains, grasses, OFFICERS J •a that,” said a petulent mother to her A list of official figures will soon be cereals, fruits and vegetables. little girl. “ No, but your mother sent. The party who has been flood ing the country with sensational bun did,” was the reply. P.WAS8NRMAN.....................- - F rmidskt . combe about the Colorado election ap Ashland Lodge No.189,1,0. G. T., An Irishman complained to his phy Meets at the Hall of Helman & Fountain every E. QUACKENBUSH .... Vic« P bksipkmt . plied for the privilege to tho Associated Ridaj- evening at 8 o’clock r. m . Brothers and sician that he stuffed him so muoh Press to carry cut his base pur listers In good standing are cordially Invited to at- D. W. WAKEFIELD ..... S bcbetabt . with drugs that he was sick a long time end. J. D. FOUNTAIN, W. C. T. W. 0. LADD............................. T bbabvbsb . pose. after he got well. N. A. J aco »', Sec’y. Importer and Breeder of E lizabeth , N. J., Oct. 6.—Two other ~ — —— ■ W. H. EFFINGKR ....... Awoam. "or a «hort time is fo great that we hare concluded ............... - - ■ —------ nl “Now, waiter, what’s to pay?” victims of the Connecticut Farms, to oiler it for the balance of the year for r Askland Lodge? No, 92, 3. L. QUACKENBUSH - • G kbìbal A gbst . “What have you bad, sir?” “Three Union County, toadstool poisoning, PERCHERON HORSES fish.” “Only brought up two, sir.’’ died this morning—MisB Louise Crane /V\ a . F. & A. M.,, “I had three—two trout, and one and George Melville, the boy who —AND— Holds their stated communications Thursday even smelt." Subscription« will expire DIRECTORS: gathered them. This makes three per ing« on or before the full moon, brethren in good “ Times are vewy hawd—in fact per- sons dead, Miss Emma Baker having Btending are cordially invited to attend. W. 8. LADD, P. WASSERMAN, \ J. 8. EUBANKS, W. M. fwectly awful,” said an exquisite the died yesterday, W. H. A tkimbon , Sec’y. J. L. ATKINBOn, WLÍ. WADIIAMB, other morning ; “I had to wedooce S an F rancisco , Oct. 6,—Only one No matter v? bea they commence. my cigaw bill to forty dallawa a case of smallpox reported this morn NOW HAVE TURKE PURE BRED IMPORT- Ashland Lodge No. 45, D. W. WAKEFIELD, W. H. EF7IKGER, ed stallion«, and «even full blood and high ¿.rads month?’ E. QUACSLNBUSH, ing and seven yesterday. No deaths M. P. MORSE, mares, from which 1 will ba abla to rates sunk that Address, I. O. O. F., wiU equal the heat imported. I cam now «apply par- •• No man can do any thing against yesterday or to-day. J. W. BÄAZEE. tieB with good La'.f blood coite, from 1 to 4 year« olJ, Holl their regular meeting ersry Saturday even O regonian , Portland, Oregon. from ‘‘Wbi'.e Prlnca,” bred by ether parties, i al«o his will,” said a metaphysician. N ew Y ork , Oct. 6.—Hugh McShane, ing at their hall in Ashland. Brothers ia good hsve a herd of pure bred Jereev cattle, the best in the “Faith,” said Pat, “I had a brother late an employe on the steamer Charles standing arc cordially invited to attend. State, with some calvea for sale. W. C. MUCH. J. H. NEIL, N. G. went to prison against his will; faith, ton, from Charleston, has died in Brook Ashland, Juae 17tb, 1876. noltf. J. D. F ountain , Rec. 8ec’y. NURSE & THATCHER, TABLE RATES. - he did.” lyn of yellow fever. ASHLAND HARNESS SHOP DEALERS IN V irginia C ity , Oct. 6.—Last night Rebekah mestlnqs on Tr^cday rrenln^, Dearest “Ma,” said a small boy, approaching the full of the moon each month. hie mother and exhibiting unmistaka Fanny Kane, a woman of the town, LIPS POLICIES. ble symptons of a severe pain in the i lighted a cigarette and dropped the L. DANFORTH, M. D., « bowels, “do youthink green apples , match on her dress. Her clothes ig CLOTHING, MANUFACTURER OF, AND DEALER IN FIVE AGES—CLASS A. B, C, D, E. nited and ehe was horribly burned. JpHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, grow in heaven?” CAPS, HATS, A—Ages from 1 to 12 Annual Premium, $5 00 M »4 44 Jacksonville, Oregon. 5 00 B- » 12 €4 20 ° Don’t you think,” Baid a husband She lingered in horrible agony until 44 44 M 5 to C- •• 90 M 35 BOUTS and SHOES. <4 44 H 5 00 D- •• 35 •4 50 in a mild form of rebuke to his wife, 12 o'clock last night and died. 44 44 •4 44 DR. J. H. CHITWOOD, 5 00 HARDWARE, E— “ 50 65 FANCY GOODS. Y reka , Oct 6—A young man named “ that women are possessed by the A shland , O regon . A shland , O regon , 825 00 may be paid at any one YANKEE NOTIONS, devil?” “ Yes,” was the answer, “as , John Gordon was shot and killed early time, cn any Life Policy, and no xubthsb Annual this morning, in his cabin near La soon as they get married.” OFFICE—At tho Ashland Drug Store. Premium will be required, nor any further payments, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, PAINTS, CILS, E tc ., fayette Mill, Scott’s Valley. Two eeps a general assort - excipt for Death Assessments in that apodal dlvis- ** The prisoner at the bar seems to Will attend to all cal!« In Ifogaa Hirer Talley. Par mont of goods ia Lis line oi Uade, LINKVILLE, yonng men, who are suspected, have noStf. tlculir attention given to CHRONIC DISEABE3. ion a« Ciey may occur. have a very smooth face,” said a specta > left here, crossing the ridge toward Lake county, - - - Oregon.5 I^adiec’, Mens’ and Boys’ Sad tor to a jailer. “ Yes,” replied the Klamath River, evidently intending to M. H. DIMICK. MILO M. DIMICK. j. a. neu ., dles, a Speciality^ jailer, •• he was ironed before he was go into Oregon via Siskiyou Mountains. brought in.” The cause of the shooting is said to be J^TTOSNEYAf-LAW, Team, Buggy and Plow Earned; ASHLAND The •• pull-back ” is very old. in revenge of an old grudge, and it is TEAM 4 EUGGY COLLARS, Jacksonville, Oregon. Hesiod, upward of twenty-eight hun supposed Gordon was assassinated. u LIVERY AND SALE STABLE, CURRYCOlfBS, BRIDLES, dred years ago, wrote: S an F rancisco , Oct. 5.—E. Payson “ Let bo fair woman tempt thy sliding mind, CINCHOS, STIRRUPS, H, KELLEY, Knapp, formerly a solicitor and collec With garment« gathered la a knot behind.” WHIPS, LASHES, SPUES, MAIN STREET. New Mexico ii to be admitted into tor on the Daily Post, and subsequently Attorney and Coun:ellor-at-Law, COLLAR PADS, ETC., ETC., Ashland, Oregon. the Union under the name of Monte in the same capacity on the Daily Stock And everything usually kept in a first-elas« J acksonville , O regon . zuma. A more appropriate name, con Reporter, suicided to-day at his lodgings establishment. Repairing done with neat- eorge nutley has the pleasure to MmE UNDERSIGNED WOULD by shooting himself through the head. Will practice in all the Courts of the State. Promp sidering the prevailing weakness of the announce to the inhabitant« of Athlond acd ite niss and dispatch at prices to suit the B respectful^ inform their friends Mention given to all busiuees Intrusted. to my care. Burroundinge bi« readine«« to euupiy all who need He left a note stating that his action was times. inhabitants, would be “ Threecard- O ffice . In the building formerly occupied by end the public generally that they 51* /I* with a g xxl custom-made boot or Bnoe, made of the prompted by pecuniary difficulties. beet material. Call and we him. Shop on Main have purchased the above establishment, Kahler & Watson, opposite Court House. mont ezuma.” WHEAT Taken at the Highest over creek, near bridge. which will be henceforth conducted under Street, John Conlin, a miner at Columbia, A«hland, Jun« 17th, 1876. eo'.tf. A teacher asked a very wearied class their constant personal supervision, and Market Bates in Exchange was caved on in his claim to-day and thoy guarantee satisfaction to all who may why the eunuch went on his way re fcr Goods, killed. favor thorn with their patronage. joicing after his talk with Philip. The Ashland, June 17th, 1576. »itf. ✓ Also agents for the R eno , Oct. 5.—About 3 o’clook this prompt and significent answer of a Howo Sowing Machine bright boy was :—“^Please, sir, because morning the bakery of Jacob Graff, on Ashland, Oregon. ,nE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO BE- Commercial Row, was discovered to be Philip had done a teachin* him ?” This celebrated machine, which is ac- mind his friends, and the traveling pub on fire. About 4 o’clook the fire raged knowled<-ed by every one to be the beat lic generally, that he is still to be found at “ The sun is all very well,” said an furiously, and Commercial Row, from W. J. Zimmerman & Co. Prop’rs. machine known, and which has met with this Irishman, “ but the moon is worth more extensive sa’es than any other on the corner of Virginia street to the LONG ESTABLISHED HOUSE, record, is now being introduced in Ash two of it; for the moon affords us brick building of Jamison & Prescott, CLOSING out E are now prepared to build and land. The Howe is peculiary adopted to where he Is ready at any time, and on all light in the night-time when we want repare all kinds of M ill , M iming and F abl ;- to any kind of work — frem a ruffle to a boot was a roaring mass of fiames, and it occasions to set bs'ora them the b st the ng Machinery. it; whereas the sun is with us in the or shoe. Is simple in construction, easily market affords, in a style second to no other seemed as though a larger portion of run, and for strength and durability is un house in Orogen. «lay-time when we have no occasion the town would be swopt away ; but surpassed. Parties desiring to see one of ENGINES, HOUSE FRONTS, Dinners and suppers for special occasions, for it 1" these machines can do so, by calling on them gotten up in appropriate style at short no there was not a breath of wind and the —ASD — at their ofiice. tice. JASPER HOUCK. She was a young lady from New fire was got under control. The wood DIHICK & SON. York, and he asked her if she would en buildings of Graff, Eblar and Hall MACHINE BLACKSMITHING. Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. partake of an ice-cream, and she gen were the only ones totally destroyed. tly answered, “ If it’s good, square A man named Boder, employed by Mr. CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS confectioner’s cream, I’m there, but if Graff, was burned. His charred re Cast to Order. 7<OR THE BENEFIT OF THOSE DESIR- it’s church fair or strawberry-festival mains were dug out of the debris this nE UNDERSIGNED WISHING TO IRON AND BRASS CA8TING8, . ing good wagon work, the undersigned Dealers in bi sell out and quit business, efien his slush, count me out.” done at tba shortest notice. Babbett metal con afternoon. hereby makes known that be can be found stock of goods at retail, for at all times at his shop in tho S. W. corner •• Is it not time that you paid me W ashington , Oct. C—The President stantly on hand. of the public square Ashland Ogn; and is Stoves, Sewing Machines, that five dollars ?” said the farmer to to-day signed the commission of Thos. ready and willing to do all work entrusted and • his neighbor. “’Taint due,” was the W. Prosch as postmaster at Seattle, W. or any other article made of Bteel, brase or iron, will to me in a workmanlike manner. WAG be repaired at our shop. CLOTHING, HATS, CATS, BOOTS and SHOES, ONS, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, WHEEL- FOR CASH. • reply. “ But,” said the farmer, “you T. BARROWS, PLOW STOCKS, Ac., made Ail work warranted in good Btyl« and at reaeona- • y i a« Bi aB il it when you got back from V ictoria , Oct. 6.—The Government abe rates. to order, and repaired on short notice. Hardware, Fancy Goods, New York.” “Well, I hain’t been,” has appointed Mr. Clemitson, one of Old cast iron taken in exchange for work. T>’e beat Eastern stock constantly on Wishing to commence business, would do hand. W. W. KENT NOR. was the reply. 0,000 lbs old cast iron the teachers at the Victoria publio Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. ■well to call on me, as I will sell my whole wanted at our Shop immediately. “Steam is a great thing,’’ remarked school, to be superintendent of edu W. J. ZIMMERMAN * CO. stock on easy terms, and rent them my store, noltf. a traveller in a railroad car to his vis- cation for tho mainland east of the Ashland, June 17th, 1876. In the mean time, I would say to persons Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, Etc., a-vis. “ So it is,” was the reply ; “ I Cascades. MILLINERY. V ictoria , Oot. 6th.—Afire yesterday owe my fortune to it.” “Mon CGN. LINKVILLE, LAKE CO • » HAVE OPENED AT MY RESIDENCE, That I expect to start for Fan Francisco sieur is manager of a company?” morning destroyed six shanties off Fis- ll persons ~ kncwing them - on Main street, Ashland, Oregon, a soon, and would like to have my money be a. P. NKIL. D. CHAPMAN. “No.” “An engineer, perhaps?” gard and Government Streets, which selves indebted to the undersignod, millinery store. I have now a beautiful as fore starting. I may stay in San Francisco especially in accounts and notes of long “ No, I have lost a number of relatives had been oocupied by Indians, some of sortment of standing, requested to make every effort most of the Winter on account of ill health. Meat Market, whom died of smallpox, since whioh to pay the are by railroad accidents.” HATS, same by tho 1st of August. If 1 do not sell out intirely before starting, J. M. McCALL A Co. A little six-year-old boy went into time they have been unoccupied. The WREATHS, and my business will be left with E. J. Farlow CHAPMAN & NEIL, Ashland, June 23d, 1876. no2tf. the country visiting. He had a bowl Pacifio Telegraph Hotel was in danger and J. Q. Latta, with instructions to sell LADIES’ FINISHING GOODS, of bread and milk. He tasted it and from the fire at one time, but WOfl C heap F ob C ash , but STOP the credit part, Ashland, Oregon, All of which I will sell cheap for cash. AU and make a desperate effort to close down then hesitated a moment, when his savo^- eep constantly on hand at their orders from a distance promptly filled. mother asked him if be didn’t like it, H. M. 8. Amethyst arrived from San so that I can in the Spring, either seU out, Aug. 24th, 1876. MRS. J. EWING. 8hop, near the bridge, on Street, a good Dealers In supply or fresh BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, etc., or freeze out; and to collect every cent pos to whioh he replied, smacking his lips, 1 Franoisco Thursday afternoon. which they offer at the lowest market price. sible. Woe be unto you! Who are owing “ Yes, ma’am. I was only wishing our Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. S an F rancisco , Oct 6.—About four FORSALL me in the Spring. R- B- H akgapinb . milkman would keep a cow.” o’clock this afternoon Rudolph Berch Ashland, Sep. 28tb, 1876. no!6tf IX HUNDRED ACRES OF FINE CUL- A good story is told of Spurgeon. committed suicide in a water closet in CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS sod SHOPS, tivating and pasture land, well improv His habit is to shut himself up on the yard of his residence, No. 13 Oak AM NOW MANUFACTURING, AND HAVE ed, with two good dwelling houses and three BLACKSMITHING Hardware, Fancy Goods, on hand, a good assortment of Saturdays. One Saturday a man called Street, by shooting himself through barns and other out houses, situated three , —BY— and oDe-half miles north of Ashland, on the and insisted on seeing him. “Tell the head. The deceased, until recent LAUNDRY and TOILET SOAP, O. & C. Stage route. Bear creek runs EUBANKS & FORSYTH. YANKEE NOTIONS, him,” said the visitor, “ that a servent ly, held the position of bookkeeper iu through the farm, and it is otherwise well which I offer to the trade at prices to suit the times. of the Lord wishes to see him.” The the importing house of McCain & Mc Groceries, Crockery, Paints, Oils, EV A LL THOSE DESIRING WORK My soap has been pronounced by those who have watered by springs. tried it, to be superior to any Imported article. Give This farm will be sold on reasonable 21. in our line, will find us at the message was delivered, and the follow Clure, California Street, but for some it a trial, and support home industry. terms. For particulars, enquire at this of “Old Michelson Stand” ready to serve them LINEVILLE, I want in exchange for soap 20,000 lbs. of rough ing returned : “ Tell him that I am en months has been idle with consumption. fice. ISAAC WOOLEN. with neatness and dispatch. Particular at- grease, at my factory. W. H. HATHAWAY. July 1st, 1876, uoStf, gaged with his Master.” I teution paid to horse ehoeing. no 11 if. He exhausted his means and was re- Lake county, - - - Oregon. Ashland, June 17th, 1876. noltf. NORTH PACIFIC W. C. MYER, TINWARE STORE. CHEAP PAPER ! OREGONIAN ONE DOLLAR! JERSEY CATTLE. I DRY GOODS, C. E. KLUM, A Saddlery & Harness, K G Ashland Iron-Works, ASHLAND HOUSE. T CLOSING OUT! ! W CLOSING OUT! Wagon Factory. Nurse & Thatcher, I DRY GOODS, T COST IS ¥ P 2 Yankee Notions, Pay Up. I A Nurse & Tliatclier, DRY K GOODS, Ashland Soap Factory. 1 S FREIGHT El U 4