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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1916)
i '- vnvr VMpmwIWfW THE COOS BAY TIMES. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1916. EVENING EDITION. wmt 4 tt "r -my FINAL CLEAN-UP Ladies' Suits, Coats, Dresses Ladies', Children's and Boys' Shoes .Ladles' Suits now JUST HALF PRICE Ladles' Coats Now NEARLY HALF PRICE Indies' Dresses HALF" nnd LESS THAN HALF P1UCE 1 M AH Broken, Lines Ladies' Shoes Go As Follows; Regular. $1.50, now $2.05 Regular $ I.OO, now $2.75 1! Regular '$!1.00, now', v . .'. .'. .'.... i'v . .V. . . 91.05 All Shoes for Boys , Girls nnd Children go nt a straight dis count of 20 percent from (Ho regular price, llroken linos of .Girl's nnd Children's Shoes nt still greater reductions. Hub Dry Goods Gompany "SMART WEAR llt WOMEN" Comer Broadway nnd Central Avcnuo, riiono :toi. HIPPING MEWS M QUIT SHIP WtATHER IS W SEAMEN IX MIRXIGHT ALTER CATION DEMAND PAY FACE HARDSHIPS NEED LOW TAXES MAIL CONTRACTORS FIGHT WAY - through STORMS In Ono Trip From Mjriilo Point to Rtisoburg Find 00 Trocs In- 1 ' ,fc Hdud'i Carriers of mall botweon Myrtlo Point and Rosoburg In tho past month liavo faced hardships In' ovory-.way similar to thoso of tho wild -countries In tho far north. Postal authorities agree, that tho carriers lravo dono everything flos-Btblq- to- got the mall through both w,nys on schpdulo tlmo and, whon they lmvp failed, It has not at all bocn'bocauso thoy had npt tried. Tho postmaster nt Rosoburg re ported very recently that on one trip frpm Myrtlo Point tho carriers Jiad, chopped no less than CO trees out .of tho road, that thoy might get by and, oven at. this, they woro traveling on horsobnek. , Snow in tho canyons has boon ,doop, somottmes between flvo and 1.0 foot in depth, whtlo tho wot snow In tho trees has ovorwolghcd big trees so that thoy havo fallan, crashing down tho mountalnsldos tq block tho roadways. Theso aro samples of what tho carriers of tho mall hnvo had to contend with. It Is said tho worst weather, howovor, was experienced between January G and 11 whon thoro woro sovoral times that tho mall failed to get through from Coos Day under a day behind schod-ulo. A. E. ARELSPEHGER SAYS EAST KHX INVESTORS DEMAND IT Otiicrwlno Look Elsowhcro for I'lnco To Invest Money Now Being ' - Made 'in Factory Hushes "What Is your rato of taxes?" Is Invnrlbly tho first question asked by posslblo tlmbor Investors In tho east boforo considering tho buylnu of western tlmbor lands, apcordlnglcr 1!nnu' Ba,d u wns not moro than Did Not Llko Golden Gate, Claim ' nf Nnllnrti Dettintiil fill" I'nV Is Refused Claiming 'that they had shipped aboard the steamer Golden Gato in Portland without signing con trncts and therefore could go'aslioro whereVcr thoy pleased and demand their wages two sailors shortly be foro midnight put their "dufflo" bags ncrosH their Bhouldcrs and walked .ashore at tho Smith Termi nal dock. Captain Jones refused to pay tho men tho demand of $45 a month. Attorney Ackorman was called out of bed by tho Bailors, but tho skipper stood firm. 'Ere dawn this morning tho ves sel wns steaming down tho bay, bound out for San Frnncisco. Tho two sailors, Paul Dackmnn and Bert Hortzon, wcro not aboard, nor did thoy jlnglo any of tho Golden Gato's "Iron men" In the'r pockets. Will Tnkc Action This morning Mr. Ackorman stat ed steps will bo taken to havo tho vessel held up in San Francisco until tho men aro paid. Ho said tho mon had been engaged aboard the vossol and no contract was sign ed nnd that thoy had worked 29 days, did not llko tho ship and so canio ashoro hero domandlng their pay. It was claimed tho prevailing wages for seamen out of Portland nt tho tlmo thoy shipped was $4G a month. Capt. Jones on tho oth- CAPT. OLSON SAYS SAX Fit IN , CISCO CONDITIONS WORSE I ADVERTISED LETTERS List of advortlsod loiters re maining In tho Marshfiold, Oregon Post Offlco, for tho wcok ending January 25th, 1916. Persons call ing for tho samo will plcaso say ad vortlsod nnd pay ono cent for oach letter called for. Mrs. Albort Anderson, Harvey Ponntson, Mrs. Mao Clark, Clnrenco to A. E. Adolsporger who returned this week from n business trip through tho middle west. High taxes is tho quickest moth' od of driving thorn nwny, ho said. Tho edgo of tho Investment Is taken off property, hold for sovoral years, that must oach year havo pnld on It a Idgh rato of taxes. Finds Itiislncss Good Not In years has thoro boon such busy business In tho enst, nays Mr. Adolsporgor. Factories nro running full tlmo and paying good wages. This winter thoro la no quostion ot tho unemployed. "In somo cities whoro beforo tho authorities would havo 3,000 and 5,000 pooplo out of JobB through tho winter to care fbr, thoy now haven't nny. Thoy nro nil nt work," ho Bald. Monoy Is Plenty Thin null of bun In ess Is creating profits. Tho capitalists find tho monoy flooding In on thorn nt such n rato that thoy now nro having no chanco to Invest It. With tho rush cooled down n bit, thon thoy will look nbout for securities nnd prop orty. Enstop, Poto Ekanon, Roy Jonos, Mrs, Emma JosopliHon, Mrs. Mary Lnsky, Mrs. J. Llndobcck, John Llmlcbcck, Roy Mooro, Miss Lydta Norman, C. A. O'llrlon, Axol Rob muson, Johnnlo Smith, Mrs. N. H. Senvor, MIbs Clara Wright. HUGH M'LAIN, P. M. Wo havo Just recohed from John Loo Mexico Clarke, Albuquerque, Now . A Delayed Shioment of Guaranteed . genuine Navajo Indian Rugs i' T HESE ucro Intended for tho Christmas nnd Holiday trade, but arriving too lato wo havo placed them in our window at very attractive prlcos. This is an exceptional opportunity to socuro one of theso raro pro- diictlons'ilt Hugi ut'eVnctly tho biuuo prices you Mould pay In .in.. i i Albuquerque ( ( It Hill pay you to make aAvly to (ho btqro, oven If you do not wish . to buy, nsiho-exhibit nlouo is well "worth boclng, It 1 ono of tho vft ,iu'i' v fr'" ." . , , : largest collection of Geaaiao Navajo Indian Rugs over bhowu In ' i' Coos County. . t . . "We Sell It for Less" Going & Harvey Co. Complete House Furnishers .(.. .. fc.." tj n.i'.n -.. not .-.! .).uHi fcoHITT E3 $35 nnd offered to mako this pay mont. Claim Not Cleared Now tho attorney alleges that tho craft failed to clear from Port land or Astoria In tho propor naut ical manner nnd that tho law sets n heavy penalty for such n proceed ing and that tho ship, tho captain nnd Gcorgo Montcs, tho ownor, will bo hold to atiBWor In San Fran cisco. Doth of tho sailors nro Finns. Horizon Is said to bo tho scion of somo noblo family in Finland. IS PROMOTED WELL KNOWN MARSIIl-'IEMl YOUNG MAN SUCCEEDS Will Look After Local Land .Mat ters of C. A. Smith Company Excepting Tax Department Carl L. Davis, n xvoll known Marshfiold young man who hns been connected with tho cru'nlr.g and land dopartment of tha C. A. Smith companies, has boon ap pointed to succeed A. E. AdoU lar ger. Mr. Davis will tako over tho tlmbor and land department nnd duties of Mr. Adolsporgor with tho posslblo exception of tho tax de partment. It Is a decided promo tion for him which will bo gratify ing to his many friends and Is a recognition ot tho faithful und offlclont boi'Ico ho has given tho company htthertoi Mr. Davis' fathor has long boon associated with Mr. C. A. Smith, first In Minnesota, lator on Coos Hay nnd Is now. looking ntter tho land nnd timber business of the company in tho Lako Taboo re gion In California. Times want ads bring results. kb I .U'. fey GYPSEY ROOT 1 Ruy"n shoo all tho World 'kllOWtt DOROTHY DODD NETTLETOX REGAL GORDONS Shoe Store "Shoes of Merit." Cor, Central A v. and Broadway Cold lining and Wind nnd Snow Rlnnkct Covers. Northern GUI , fornla Heavy Wind ,' Coos Bay . weather, despite the snow and chill; Is fine In compar ison with San Francisco weather according to Capt. B. W. Olson ,of tho Adollno Smith who crossed In nt 11:30 last night. When ho first arrived off tho bar a heavy snowstorm wns provalllng. On tho last trip south, Capt. Olson reported thoy encountered a gato that blow 94 miles an hour for V tlmo off "tho coast. It .Im peded their progress but they mif forod no damage. It wns from tho Southwest nnd on his roturn, ho encountered a stiff northwest wind. Capt.- Olson says tho weather nt San Francisco has been miserable, cold rains nnd winds making It worso than It is here. South of Capo Blanco thoro Is much snow, tho coast being white down to tho water lino. Ufio Old Ships As a result -of tho udvanco In freight for lumber cargoes, ho says all tho old hulks which have boon tied up in Oakland Crook for years havo been pulled out and put Into service Somo of them woro in such shape that thoy had to bo towed back Into San Francisco loon after thoy passod beyond tho uotd on Gato. Ho says that tho frolidit for ono trip nearly means tho value ot a now ship and henco thoy aro taking long chances. Officials Coming , Capt. Olson stated that General Manager Arno Moreen who ex pected to como to tho Bay 4 his trip was detained by business nnd will now como noxt trip. As to a report that Mr. Bloss ot tho creditors' committee and Mr. C. A. Smith coming to tho Hay soon, Capt. OIboji wns not Informed. mm we close T AlVnfl sAIP Saturday Night January 29 Lrfnd WU un.L4L January 29 Only 2 Days Left, Jan. 29 MEN'S $5.00, $4.00 Oxfords SHOES 80' The Pair MEN'S $3.00, $2.50 Hats 50c . Each MEN'S $25.00, $20.00 SUITS OVERCOATS ' $1A00 10 LADIES' COATS and DRESSES $100 I Each An pc $3.50, $3.00 l Pumps and Ties SHOES 25c The Pair ALL Muslin Drawers, Skirts and CORSET COVERS $1.50, $1.35, $1,25 45 Each l HUB CLOTHING AND SHOE CO., Purchasers $$ t WATERFRONT NEWS t Lost night aboiif. 11:30 o'clock tho steamship Auollno arrived from Oakland and today Is loading at tho Smith mill again. Tho steam schoonor Spoodwoll ar rived In this morning from San Francisco and Is loading lumber and tics for tho roturn trip. Slio will nlso go to San Dlogo, leaving hero at ono p. m. on Saturday. This afternoon tho stoamor Wost onor loft down for San Pedro with a load of lumber from tho C. A. Smith mill. From Portland tho steamship Kit burn Is scodulcd to arrlvo tomorrow morning. BAND0N HAS SNOW THE PEOPLE ENJOY Matt L. May Tells of Unusual Sight Finds Rusluess In tho Coqulllo Valley Much Better Matt L. May, who has Just return ed from Bnndon says that city had a flno snow night boforo last. Tho ground wns covored with snow and tho pooplo onjoyod It. Passongors ot tho vessels in port nnd young and old of tho city Joined In tho fun of tnrowlng snow-balls. It Is unusual to havo 11 snow fall at Bandon nnd tho occasion was n novol ono to tho peo ple Mr. May says that ho unfortu natoly dl) not havo a camora on his trip homo ns ho could havo secured somo beautiful pictures of tho snow in tho trees, Bandon escaped tho first snow that foil In Marshfiold. Mr. May roports that ho found busi ness conditions much Improved on this trip to tho Coqulllo valloy points. SCHOOLS TO DERATE Raudou Will ho in Mar.shfleld Next Friday Night A high school debato will bo hold 'at tho Marshfiold high school next Friday night. Thoro will bo no adi' mission and nny who wish are invit ed to nttond. Tho Marshfiold home team will debato tho Bandon team ai)( tho Marshfiold travollng team wlH, on tho samo night, go to Myrtlo Tolnt to dobato with tho school of thatplaco. Tho ovont is propilsod to bo an interesting ono1 for thoso whp aro. presont. i The Coqulllo high Bchool team will meet tho North Bend high school team In North Bend Friday night. TICKET SALE OK TWO SELLING COMMITTEES VADE CITY TODAY IX- Expect to Dispose of !." Chamber of Commerce Scats by Tonight To Comb City Tho salo ot 150 Chambor of Com morco banquet tickets by tonight was tho avowed nld of tho two committ ees nt work today combing ovcry section of tho business district. It Is oxpectod that possibly 250 will nt tond tho banquot Fcburnry 2 in tho Englcs hall. Tho city is divided Into two dis tricts, East nnd West of Broadway. Warning has boon glvon thnt men crossing from ono sldo ot tho "dead lino" to tho other to cscapo buying n ticket will havo to pay for two of them. "No quarter" Is tho cry. John Ken dall Bald this morning that two or throo mon, escaping his talons, had fled to tho hills and foarcd to roturn. Lato today ho was still camping on their trails. J. Simpson who was uuablo to bo present nt tho mooting. Mr. Simpson proposod that thoro should bo n bjg cclobrutlon nt North Bend on tho oc casion of tho first train arriving on railroad and tho first stop taken at North Bond. Mr. Simpson suggest ed that not only pooplo como from tho surrounding country but that thoy bo Invited from all over tho state' Invited to Banquet Tho suggestion of Mr. Simpson was cudorsod by tho gathering. Montgomery representing tho Marsh field Chamber of Commorco InrliM tho North Bond pooplo to attctndtli (bi-nquot which will bo given In im, city on February 2nd. SURVEY IS maim; FLORENCE, Ore, Jan. 27-Anr.i ty of Southern Pacific engineers it- dor tho direction of O, L. Zcnlnci'li nt work Burveylng tho proposed routi for u spur from Cuohman to hot- vjiiv-u. uuuoii uiuuii win call lor Hull J,- E. I grading and tho survey follows nut tho county road. II BANQUE T I) I1USIXESS MUX ( IER LAST NIGHT NORTH REXD I1USIXESS MUX GET TOGETII Dance, Jan. SO, Eagles' Hall, Sat. Martin's Orchestra. evo., , v u See Jay Doylo for Tailoring nnd Cleaning, Phono 250. Libby Coal, f 5,00 ton. l''-'i' H' Phone 72. Discuss Kinney Tav Matter, Fish Hatchery and Celebration When Tho First IVnln Arrives About fifty men attended tho busi ness mon'8 banquet held last night at North Bond. Tho ladles of tho Mothodlst church served tho suppor nnd affairs of a public nature woro discussed nftor tho ropast. Georgo Hazor acted as tonstmnstor, Tho Bottlomont of tho Klnnqy tax matter was ono of tho chief topics. Among tho North Bend mon jWlio spoko on tho subject wore. N. C. Mc Leod, Fred Holllstor, Potor Loggia, Honry Korn and City Recorder May boo, it was tho opinion of tho North Bond speakers that somo compromise of tho tax matter should bo mnde so tho wholo affair would bo settled. Gives Legal Side District Attorney Llljoqvlst gave tho lognl sldo ot the case Ho explain ed that tho county court could not settlo for any tuxes which woro not In litigation and only thoso In litigation now are tho taxes of 1U0C, '07 and 08. Judgo Watson also spoko, Baying that ho would llko to boo a sottlemont but that tho county court would not want to do anything which was not legal and would not tako any stops until tho legality was cortaln. A resolution was passod to tho ef fect that It was tho doslre of tho gath ering and of all tho pooplo of North Bend that tho county court should mako a compromise . ' Wants, Lakes;lSupplled Charles St. hoh'nls df Lakosldo pre sented tho matter of roplontlshlng tho fish In tho Ten MUo lakes. Ho said that tho supply, wns running down and thought a hatchory should bo es tablished. Ho statfed that thoro is now a private hatchery nt tho lakes and that nrrangomonts could bo made with this establishment to enlarge 'and furnish fry for tho lako supply. Peter Loggio and Manager Smith of tho Chambor of Commorco both spoko along tho samo lino and urged tho Im portance of maintaining the lakes as a good fishing plnco. , Wants Celebration A commuulcutlou was-road from L. OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Lento Mnrshflcld nt 7 a. in., nnd returning leaving from Kmplrfl it H n. iil Lcavo Mnrshflnld nt 1 1 n.m. nnd returning lonvo So nth Slough nt 1 p. m. Lcavo Marshfiold nt fi p. in. nnd rcturali lenro South Slough nt fl p. in. Puget Sound Bridge & Dredging Co. Dams, Bridges, Buildings. Gene: al Construction COMPLETE PLANTS FOR HARBOR WORK Our Coos Bay office has available for Oregon Coast work the Dredge "Seattle" tko most powerful, belt equipped and most thoroughly mo&n twenty-Inch hydraulic dredge la Pacific waters Main office, Coos Bay office, Marshfield, Oregon. Seattle, Washington. For Sale STOCK RANCH Xcar AllegJiiy, mostly bottom, good build lugs, :i() head cattle, team, farming tools, flno orchard, do llghtrul placo to live, rrlco S7S0O. Terms. STOCK OR DAIRY RANCH Cloho In, 20 cows, team, good buildings, orchards, tools, 000 acres, '05 qf which Is flnt bottom. Price $10,000. Terms. ' DAIRY RAXCH Closo In, UOO acres, 175 is hotter, fine buildings, team. Prlco $21,000. Terms. DAIRY RAXCH R. R. depot on place, closo In, W0 acres, half Is richest bottom, flno buildings, both rail and nter transportation, -10 hoad stock, team. Price- $3:J,000. Splen did tonus, with Interest nt flvo per cent, FRUIT RAXCH Splendidly located, J O0O loganberry tlnM In full bearing, flno orchard, flno buildings, 17 am, 9ur COO. Terms. DEVELOPED COAL MIXE On tldo water, flno coal and lots of It, Prlco way down. CHICKEX RAXCH Closo in, 10 noros, house Only ?80 CHICKEX RANCH 15 acres, closo in, $30 down n" $15 n month. . . FOR TRADE We hnvo North Rend property and rnnchw In trull ft for Vnrlli Dnlrntn nrntinWv Pnmn 111. nild InVcS . .- --. .. .w, Wl'W . ugnio. Ppmo hi., nnd Wp havo.Oklahoihn property to trndo 'for Coo's Bay c"' or ranch property, V ' CITY PROPERTY North, Rend or larslifleiii. We h It it you nro looking for bargains nnd locations. INSURANCE Wo carry n full lino of flro insurance KOOS OREG'ON DEVELOPMENT CO. 'PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON tfrfei i . .i. .i, i". ii m ABhfc JWMFwlJMOMMflCMttMyfiBtttttJtWftiBfltttJESIMEtiMSMBlllttlli i mi iiiMi .. iiMiMiMtifpl,a v thA--"" V" 7 ,. fMMiMJIB