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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1916)
RI THE1 COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGtiN, THURSDAY, JANUARY ,27, 1 916. EVElllN,G EDITION. ;m flriMMW 85 Fourth Street HOTEL ST. REGIS J( El schilling. " A select Family and Commercial Hotel Headquarters for Coob Co. pcoplo sojourning m San Francisco::::" Salter's ( jr IS TUB PI'ACH Socks!! The old original Rock ford Sock A 10 Cts. a pair or 3 pr. for 25c FIXUP Whoro every ptirchnso is guaranteed BREVITIES :ii. f TO GET YOUIt CANDIES rUKIJ AND DELICIOUS Marshfield North Bend WEATHER FORECAST t llir Anoclatc4 Trcn t& Ceot nij Timet, 4 Orouon. Unsettled: urobn- bly snow, not much change In ' temperature! enstorly winds: strong near coaBt, LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD For tlio 24 hours ending nt 4:4a a. m., January 27, by DenJ. Ostllnd, special gov- ornmont meteorologist: Maximum 42 V Minimum 30 at 4:43 a. m 31 Precipitation 21 Precipitation slnco Bopt. 1, Wo do not sponk of Its . i it a fi I T x JjJ Tlmt spenks for Itself SALTER'S ,.i. m:t..T. Mnrshflcld iFront St., Oppwltn lllnnco Hotel mmm mmm m WlSlXa MONEY MADE EASY a residing In tho suburbs f Mnrshflcld was recently engag ed In raising money to pny off tho Indebtedness on a small chapel. Sho . .nmowlmt at a .loss how to ttart In and In despair sho turned in her husband for advlco who flrnmntlv replied "bettor Sco Held About It." Now tho morat to tills should bo "It pnys to ndvortlso imi In this tmrtleular Instanco It did not provo very profitable to tho advertiser. If you nro ralHlng reonov for n church you had hotter "Talk to Thomas," hut if you nro looking for a real snappy buy In real estate Just "Sco Hold About ; It". "Thero's a reason." , Guaranteed Ranges 1015 4C.93 FOB TRANSFER AM) STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FREIGHT AND BAGGAGE Call FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono 108 Resldenco Phono 10-3 Market Avo. and Waterfront Frcclpltatlon Bamo period last year 43.00 Wind: Southeast, cloudy. ' SUNRISE AND SUNSET Thursday January 27 Sun rises nt 7:30 nnd sets at 5:09. 4 THE STERLING RANGE Ih without question tho highest quality, tlio most satisfactory nnd longest-wearing rungo nintio loony. It Ih constructed imrllculnrly for Western fuel, Ih reinforced through out, asbestos lined mill rlghly fin ished. It will glvo satisfaction every day In tlio year; It Is Insured for jeniH against wearing parti, and this Is a point you cminot well over look In making your rmigo selection. Come in and let us show you Johnson Gulovsen Company QUALITY' HOME North Front Street FURNISHINGS Mnrshflcld iVoble TheateD 1 11 TO-NirfHT IV I i . Uisirgo Ado Fables in slang "THE SORROWS OF THE UN 1:m1'I.()YI:I)' Comedy tbuf fill ways makes a lilt "l.Xn: AT ALECK FOUNTAIN" Khmiiui)' Western Drania "HEARST SELIG NEWS PICTORIAL" Full of tho latest news. ."Till: SI HEX OF CORSICA" A llciiutifnl three reel drama tlmt shows tlio "Sins of Hmii'lj" Eteijonu should see tills picture. It's a wonder f'l' n tlueo nil tuodiHt Inn. U)or VUmv ! Clillilrcn He Halrony le il'OMIXts KOOX Tho nov ndvcntiii-es of J. HUFUS WALLING I()m)...T,,: XRAIj () T,,K NAVY" ".MUTUAL MASTEH l'lCTLItr.S" Till: "COLD HOOSTEH PLAYS" Sovcrnl other big attractions. Usual nrlces always. Flno Dance About thirty couples enjoyed tho monthly bnll at the Elks' Hnll Inst night, It bolng ono of tho best of tho sorlcs. Knlcrtitlns Today. This after noon. Mrs. C. W. Cumbers la en tertaining for Mrs. D. J. McKln non, who Is soon leaving Marsh field. Hcsunios Plnco Noblo Pitman, who has been In San Francisco for a month past, returned horo today and has resumed his old position In tho Gunnery. (Jets Divorce Charles Hunsuckor, formorly employed on tho ferry tran sit wob awarded a divorce from his wife, Knto Hunsuckor, by Jiulgo Coko nt Coiiulllo yesterday. Fish Not Freezing. Frank Smith, of tho Coos ltlvor hatchery, was In tho city today. Ho said that In aplto of tho cold weather tho fish aro doing vory woll and appear not nt all to mini 'Iii rold. First Cliliuu. Heard Thero was consldorablo of an audlonco this morning to listen to tho first chimes of tho big electric clock Installed on tho Front street cornor of tho llon- nott building. Tho chimes ring out each quarter of an hour. Dunco Friday Night. Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of tho North Dond Club will glvo a ball tomorrow evening In tho club rooms, tho affair prom ising to bo quite a brilliant ono. Kvory ono Is naked to como In costume. distance ho finds great difficulty In getting tho mall through, despite the fact that ho walks to lignten tuo load. An appeal will be made to the rond supervisor of tho district. Thoro nro now more than IfiO boxes up on tho route. Put In Pcnnnnoiit Cnhlo Tho Hnomen of tho Coos nnd Curry Tel ophono Company nro Installing a per manent 25 cable over at Enstslde. This will glvo hotter service than be fore for tho cablo Is moro permanent. 'Tho open wires had to bo replaced thrco times within flvo years Wants Special Officer A petition Is bclnK circulated today and signed by residents In tho west and south hart of tho city asking to have Wal ker Richardson appolnttd n special tofflcor for tho resldenco district with pollco power, and to bo paid for by tho peoplo whoso property la pro tected. 'P,.Viu l.htcnilnl'a 0.11'. William Shoup went ovorlo Coqulllo this morning and It Is expocted ho will bo back this ovonlng with Deputy Sheriff Laird accompanying four prisoners who nro to bo takon out to tho stato penitentiary at Sa lem, having beo'n Bontcnccd within tho last few days. Hnnquet Tonight. In Eugono this evening will bo held tho banquet of tho Commercial Club at which will bo nroscnt possibly 10 promi nent citizens of Mnrshflold. Tho banquet Is given as a got-togother proposition to commomoratc tno opening of tho railroad. Tho Eu geno citizens In turn aro being nl vltod to como hero for tho Chamber of Commorco banquet on February INT HATCHERY I FlSHEHMEN SAY THAT ONE IS NKCKSSAHY ON TEN MILK Wet - Weather Clothing r High Quality Groceries ., pur own prompt and particular delivery service Ef ficient clerksbeing out of the high rent district and keeping our prices as low as consistent with good busi- To Hctiirn Here H. von Shlpman, promotor of Uudzlon Park and who has been traveling through tho Paci fic Northwest for somo timo, plans to return to Marshfiold to resldo hav ing taken tho agoncy for tho west ern Union Llfo Insurance company for Southwestern Oregon. n.iKkiw Social. Tho Christian En deavor of tho Marshfiold Christian church will entertain Saturday ovon lng at tho church hall with a bas kot social. Tho boys aro to bring tho baskets, and tho girls aro not only to hid on them but will bo re quired to pay for thorn. Now TIo Cnnip Wm. Ingcrsoll Is oponlng a now tie camp on tho Qal II ranch on South Inlet and will em ploy sovoral men there for a consider able length of tlmo. It Is claimed that thoro will ho a better marKet nnu bettor prices for railroad ties tho coming season than there was last ! year. ness makes Conner & Hoagland r-The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Groceries 797 South Broadway. Phones 348-J and 326 Honds In Had Shape J. E. FUz gcarald, tomporary rural routo mall carior for tho routo south of tho city, ...nrn mnn lmrts of the road ns nl- I'most impassable for oven a light rig, Beyond Shlnglo House siougn iur u PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY we Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY ! GRAVEL8 Wo are now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In any umttt!e om pile ia our yard or in carload lots, at following prices: Frm pile on ground. $2.V6 per yard. ' canoad lots, taken from care, 2.00 per yard. Retail Department. c- A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. PP09iU) Post-Oftlct. . PIioBe 100. Phone 74 for Drug Store Needs WE DELIYEH IMME DIATELY You hnvo the same sat isfaction as though shop ping In person. "The Owl" Wo Deliver Immediately Tho Central Avenue- Drug Stoic- ,i Phone 74 $ I ftKbUlMAL PilClMIIUW 4 !$ a. COSQIIOVE was in tho city to day from Myrtle Point on a short visit. GEO: R. ANDERSON is making a business trip to Coqulllo Valloy 'points. JAMES JARVIS was among tho vis itors in tho city last ovonlng from Powers. COUNTY ASSESSOR T. J. THRIFT wbb over on business this morning from Coqulllo. DAN M'KINNON and family ex pect to leave Friday for their now homo In Portland. PROF. RICHARDS left for Bandon this morning whoro ho will at tend to his music classes. t? v nrcTTiVR in nmotiK tho army f of suffers from tho la grlppo, bolng confined to his nomo oy u nuvuio attack. DISTRICT ATTORNEY LILJE QUIST went over to Coqulllo this morning whoro ho will today trv tho alcoholic elder cases. nt ATIL12S ST. DENNIS.postmastor at Ijnkosldo waB In tho city today, having como (o Interest fishermen W . . in ril. X nbn in a natencry ior in " " n. j. ARM8TRONG. of 'Bandon, oonntv r.ommlsslonor, went back homo on tho morning' train. Ho wn in North Bond last ovonlng COUNTY JUDGE JAMES WATSON returned on tho morning train to Coqulllo nftor attending a meotlng in North Bend last even- Ing. GEORGE E. TONNEY, city cngl- nr nt MvrtlO Polllt, WttS In tllO city today. Ho Is proparlng tho plans for a $20,000 sower pro- Inel EUGENE SCIIETTER, of Bandon, who has been with tho usiaurooK ' company somo tlmo thoro, was horo ' yostorday, visiting his brother, Ot to Schottor. TT.nT. nonAN. ronrosontlng tho M. J. B. coffoo, arrived last evening from Portland on his regular Coos county trip, loav ing this morning for valloy points. FRANK CATTERLIN returned yes terday from Portland whoro ho has beon on huBiness. IIo Is now representing Lang and Company, wholesalo grocers of Portland, in tlila territory. ,GEO. GILBERTSON and Tamlly nro I ...i,r frnm llin Mvren llOUSO On ! South Sixth 8treet to tho resldenco which F. A. Sacchl vacaieu wimn ho moved to tho ranch. Wm. Ed ward expects to mvo into the houso which Gllbertsona have vacated, Sock Aid Through a Petition St. Dennis Says 100,000 Trout Needed This Year Trout 1m Ten Mllo Lakes aro got- tlng mighty scarsc, says Charles St. Dennis, postmaster of Lakeside, who today was In tho city. Something must bo done Immediately to restock tlm lakes or the railroad 1b going to lirlng outBldo fishermen horo to bo doomed to dissapolntment. Ho be lieves, and thoro aro a dozen of lo cal flBhlng enthusiasts of tho same opinion, that a hatchery must bo cs tftbllshod on Tcnmllo. "Wo ought to hnvo 100,000 trout .this year." said Mr. St. Dennis this morning. "Two years from now they would make prime catches. Tho trout In tho lakes now nro easily thinned out." Ask State Aid Last night at tho Chamber of Com merce bannuot In North Bend tho Tnova was nlaccd on foot to scok Btnto 'nld for tho establishment of a butch ery, and this railing, as a last resort, tho matter will bo taken up possibly through prlvato subscriptions. Sovoral days ago Mr. St. ucnnis on- llstoil tho nld of J. W. Bennett In tho matter. On tho spot n potltlon was written out and circulated horo ana In Lakcsldo. It wob liberally slgnod nnd forwarded to tho Stato Fish and Game Commission ns Immediate- ac tion Is neccsstiry If anything Is to bo Ulono this year. Proposition Mado T. J. Scammons has n prlvato , lmMiorv on Eol Lake. Ho has offorcd t to move his paraphernalia to Tonmilo I and ralso 100,000 trout for ?no a month, or SCOO n year. It Is posslblo his proposition will bo takon up. Such as Rain Coats, Rain Hats; Also Rubber Footwear, Are Still in Demand J, C, Penney Co, are still offering these necessary ar ticles at the same attractive prices, ..,,-, ,9-4 Bleached Sheeting, Heavy, Same old onoe 23o 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, Extra Heavy, nEwa Co," 28c Heavy, full 42 inch Pillow Tubing 18c "Ewa Co" Sheets, 81 X 90 . -i-:- 83c "Ewa Co" Sheets, 81 X90 (Hemstitched) vb-j 94c Counterpanes, full 72 inch wide ' ' These are good values at $1 .25. Our price 98c Ladies Burson Hose, 25c grade,- Our price 19c Ladies Pure Silk Hose, White or Black, $1,00 grade 79c .1 We Lead, Others Follow The Originators of Low Prices Next Door to Postoffice pBWMMBB .JEVlJaUTXilaaflh'k 9k We still have a few pur colators left, You can get one of these aluminum cof fee makers for 99c by buy ing 3 pounds of any coffe that we carry in stock. Getting's Cash Grocery CLANSMEN IE! SCOTS HEADY FOR HOBHIE HUHNS CELEBRATION .IAN. Si We Save You Money Is Third Annual Gathering of Cale donian Club Good Program Is In Anticipation. "Hoot mon." say 'tho bonny Scoib theso davB. KOttlng their dialect In nrnnnr trim for tho meeting of tho clansmen on Saturday bvenlng in tho Odd FoIIowh Hnll. It Is tho annual gathering of tho Caledonian Club in observance of tho memory of Bobblo Burns. Tho program Is to smock entirely of Scottish songs, solos unit music. Dr. II. M. Shaw will glvo tho nddrcss on Robert Burns, reviewing, his llfo nnd his works. Tho officers, of tho club htivo boon tireless In their offortB to mako tho third annual gathorlng of tho ScotB a success. Tho lower floor of tho Odd Follows Hall will bo used so that everyone may bo accomodated. J AT THE HOTELS X Chandler llotel Earl D. Doran, Portland; I. II. Groat, Eugono; E. II. Chester, Eu irnnn: W. V. SwnnBon, Scattloj D. I. McGco, San Frnnclsco; Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Tt. Anderson, Bandon; James Watson, Coqulllo; G. J. Arm strong, Bandon; Gcorgo T. Tonnoy, Myrtlo Point; F. J. Erl, Snn Frnn riRpn; Oeoruo R. Sailor. Portland; James Jarvls, Powors; II. Gustaf Bon, Bandon; John Miller, Portland; Gub Swnnson, Portland. t NEW TODAY X WANTED An energetic actlvo intiii to establish permanent business. Wholo or part timo. Health and Accldont Insurance. Immediate cash returns and future Ad dross National Casualty Co., Do trolt, Mich. SELLS INTEREST Ed Huabee has sold .his interest In the O. K. baruor bIiop to O. K. nulla and la going to leave for Southern California where his wire 'la now located. He will probably 'study dentistry. I- -.-:.:,. VESSEL JIOVKJlK."S'in i l nnucu Golden ,Gnte, san rruutwtu, t. morning. Westerner, San Pedro, 1:30 p. n, 4 Arrived Speedwell, San Francisco, 9 a, m. Adeline, Oakland, nt midnight. Duo Here j F. A. Kllburn, Portland, tomor ,row or Saturday, J AMONG THE SICK ! 13. 11. 8qulros, of Emplro, Is Borlously 111 with tho grlppo and pneumonia nnd Is undor a physic Jan's caro. John Olson, of Enstslde, Is suf fering vory much from n lung uh- BC8S. Dr. L. G. Johnson today Is suf fering from a bad Infection on tho hand. In tho first place ho raised a blister and lator this becamo in fected nnd now Is causing consid erable trouble xipb tj. A. Connlo Is suffering an attach of la grlppo aiid is confined to her home. Norman Johnson, of tho Johnson 'aulovson Company, Is confined to his homo In West Marshfiold by n sovero attack of la grlppo and throat trou ble. ' .ion Schott. Secretary of tho Owls Lodge, Is laid up with an Injury to his hip whilo nt work In tho Smith company's mill yesterday. Will Demonstrate- Thomas R. 'Mq Nalr will demonstrate aluminum 'waro at 2 p. m Fobruary 8, at thp Episcopal Guild Hall, when ladles are Invited to attond. $ 1 LOST AND FOUND t LOST Shepherd dog, smnll whlto strip on faco, whlto spot on neck llttlo to right, dark on back, durk yellow legs end tall whlto, ans wers namo of "Bitoter." $10.00 reward for return or Informa tion: that will got him. J. VI. Ford, Union Market, Marshfiold. St. LnwTenco Hotel O. Bailey, Powors; Robort Bow ron, Honryvlllo; Mrs. Harry Smith, Coqulllo; J. Carston, Myrtlo Point; G. Cosgrovo, Myrtlo Point; M. Rar, Powors; T. A. Walker, Coqulllo. Lloyd Hotel W. R. Bcattlo, Lakcsldo; Joo Albln, McKlnloy; Art Thopin, Lako sido; William Lillian, Lakosldo; Ji V. O'Nolll, Portland; Chester E. Carey, Allegany. STV SOCIAL CATiENDAIt THURSDAY Alert club with MrB. F. B. Rood on North Coos Rlvor. North Bond Methodist la- dies social aftornoon. 4 A. N. W. club with Mrs. '4 Alico Hall. FRIDAY Bunker Hill Pnronts and Teachers mooting at tho school houso. Trio Card Club with Mrs. "Wm. Schrooder. Konslngton Club with Mrs. Lionel Gordon. Dahlia Club with Mrs. C. O. Oosnoy In Eastport. Ladies Art Club with Mrs. W. B. Curtis. SATURDAY Family Circlo with Mrs. G. Johnson In Bunker Hill. J WANTED ; $ WANTED Girl for ucneml house work In small family. Phono 7-R. WANTED Hoarders nnd lodgers In prlvato family. Inqulro 1011 Cen tral Avo. WANTED TO BUY' Cash registers for cash. Call or phono L. V. Bridges. Lloyd Hotel. J I FOR SALE X t LOT FOR SALE Closo in, good lo cation, Phono 120-L. THE WHITE IS KING Of nil Sowlntf Machines Now located at 2GG Market ave. West. Phono 19 3-J. Wo havo also got big bargains in nil kinds of usod machines. All machines sold on easy payments. THE LLOY'D FAMILY HOTEL 4 Housekeeping Apartments 4 Two rooms, 8.00 month Electricity and Gas. Freo baths Sleeping rooms, spi.HO wk., up 1 Dance, ttagles' Hnll, Sat. ovo., ijun. UO. Martin's Orchestra. Guaranteed: Reflecto ' Furniture Polish For pianos, flno furniture, bicy cles, hardwood floors, wainscoting, polished marble, tiles, etc, We guarantee It to glvo satis faction; money hack If It falls to please you. The Busy toner Phono 20H Wo Deliver Promptly FOR SALE Scod potatoos, nil var ieties. Futuro delivery, t;oos Bay Produco Co., Phono 450. J FOR RENT t '' FOR RENT Furnished npnrt raent In the O'Connoll building. Hot water and boating. Phono 113-L. FOR RENT Star Theater Building. Inqulro of R, A. Bock, North Bend. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL Comer Market and Broadway Wo solicit nil our old patrons of the Lloyd and assuro them the eamo reasonable rates. E. W. SULLIVAN FOR RENT 10 acre much. Iso In, IIO'O per year. Apply Chas. Stnuff Grocor'y. FOR RENT Furnished flat, hot and cold water, bath. 853 Third fit. FOR RENT Rooming house oyer Ekblad'a Hardware- Store Apply at EHblad & Son, or call 300. Tho F.A. KILBURN sails for San Francisco Via Eureka January 20 From Smith Terminal Dock For Information call 136 L. G, QUSHlNGj Agent. vrr 3f ,1