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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1916)
y 'm two ; Ttffe MOS'BA'Y Titers, MAftSHFlELD, OKEddNl'' THURSDAY, 'JANUARY 27, 1916.-EVENING EDITION. t. Wv ' ' "BrWfy h COOS BAY TIMES H. 0. MALONKY, Editor and Pub. DAN E. MALONEY, News Editor Official Taper of Coos Count; Official rpcr City of Mnrshfiol 'I Entered ni tho Postofflco at MarBh field, Oregon, for transmission thtourfi tbo malli ai second-clasn mall matter. An Independent Republican news paper, published every evening ox cept Sunday, and weekly, by Tho Ooos Hay Times Publishing Co. SUBSCRIPTION KATES DAILY. One year JC.00 Per mbnth CO WEEKLY. One year SI. GO when paid strictly in ndvanco the lubBcilptlon ptico of tho Coos Hay Times is $5.00 per year or $2. GO for lx months. 4 Address all communications to 0003 HAY DAILY TIM 128. hen Snow Lies Deep I wonder if your really know The gratitude the' birds will show For crumbs and seeds and bits of meat, Or anything that they can eat When winter winds blow loud and chill, And snowflakes cover field and hill. . ;. , Select a tree and bore a hole About the shape of cup, or bowl, ;';"' And fill it with some melted fat, t ', Or something they can get at, . And note how soon the birds will conic," And how thoir little bills will drum, ' ' ,- The prubs and worms are all asleep ( .; In tnintni ulmn ilio onniA Hoc rlann And so tho best that We can do To aid tho birds, and see them through This trying time of snow and sleet Is to provide them food to cat, NELLIE M, COYE H r A BARBBF? TOLD HE THIS S'AID OhCE HIS JAW WAS DISLOCATED SO HE COULDN'T TALK LONGEST DAY OF MY LIFE , SAYS" HE THAT'S NOTHING," SAID I . SPlTTIN.G OUT SOME LATHER ."HAVE YOU EVER GONE ALL DAY VnMTHOUT A $ EUROPEAN WAR ONE f YEAR AGO TODAY $$ JAN'. 117, 11)10 Italy Is brought to the verso nt Joining tho war on tho oldo of tho Allies. Tho Turkish ndvnnco forco near tho Sttoz Canal Is defeated by tho British. One British cruiser and two des troyors nro reported sunk In tho North Sea fight. Tho Uzsok Pans in tho Carpathians 1b taken by storm by tho Austrian forces. . 0v KAHT.SIDE ON' THE MAP EASTSIDE Is emphatically and enthusiastically on tho Coos county map. It has an en terprising and aggrcsHlvo popula tion. Thoy aro dlverso In their views nnd outspoken In their opin ions. It required men and women of nggrcHslvo action to build cltlos oven though thoy may not always agree On mnny questions of public policy wo may expect that mon and womon will differ. No ono can rightly Insist that his own convic tions on a given subject or with roforonco to a given policy, slnll bo a guldo or shall control the action or attltudo of another. And If ono man differs with another, and It Is an honest difference, that 1b Ills right, and In tho cxorclso of It ho Is entitled to respectful cm;. Bldoratlon and fair treatment. Tho harmonious outcome of tho city council affair Is n matter for felicitation. .Mayor ICIttson, tho members of tho council, City Attor ney Watklns, Mrs. Wright inl in fact all connected with It aro to uo congratulated on tho happy outcomo without leaving tho blttornoss f dlvlslvo strlfo. It would not :idd to tho situation by nhtiHlug those whd differ with us, by throntjiiliig thorn, by Impugning their motion or by calling them names. That 'h not tho way to conduct u :ontrovor ny, to determine an losuo, nid lo reach a conclusion. Wo think thoro Is no room for blttornosa or manifestation toward othcra of hato and mallco. Now that tho controversy In settled all should unlto In an effort to promote tho peaco, quiet and harmony that aro so oasontlnl to tho well being of n city and that's what Eostsldo In going to be. AN Ol.l) INDUSTRY Coal mining Ih nil old Industry in Coos county but now Hint tho placo Is to have railroad connections It Is bollovod that tho Industry will bo greatly dovoloport as tho road will permit of tho Hhlpplng of coal lo tho Interior of tho stato whoro It Is In doninnd. Tbo gov ernment rccontly IhsuoiI tho fol lowing Intorestlng facta about tho Cooa Hay coal fields: "Coal was first notod In tho Cos Bay region, Oregon, nboiit CO yoara ago, Prof, J. H. Newberry having reported in 18!ir that tho coal de posits of Cooa Hay had begun to attract attention. "Tho first cargo was shipped from the Kmplro Basin, but tho discovery of coal near tbo head of Coos Bay Boon transferred tho point or production to- Newport, which roinaluqd tho principal mluo until within tho last decade, hIiico tho Boavor J I tit mlup has been moro successfully managed and bccnuio tho chief prodncor. Tho first rec ord of coal production is contained in tho census, roport of 1880, when 43,205 short tons woro mined." ANNOUNCEMENT I horoby announce mysolf as a candldata for the offlco of County Assessor, on tho Republican ticket subject to tho will -of tho republican voters at the Primary election In May, - J. P. BRY13RS COOS BAY TIMES WANT ADS Low Cost High Efficiency X NEWS OF OREGON X $ THE DALLES Tho Ico has Btartcd to break in the Columbia river and the watora oro gottlng higher nt this point. QUANTS PASS Mnll delivery between Grants Pa83 nnd Crescent City, n dlstntico of 00 miles, re quires two weeks ns a result of tho Btorm, and tho mall must trav el n distanCo v)f 9H0 miles, whllo with ordinary weather tho mall would go through in 0119 dny. SILVER ' LAKE This plnco had its first firo In twenty years whon tho St. Jnntcs Hbtcl was burned, ou tailing n loss of $0,000 not cov ered by Insurance. PENDLETON Tho rnllrond tracks havo boon wnBhcd out on account of tho melting snow. ASHLAND Hnln and Blcct caus ed tolcgraph nnd telephone wires to bo broken down nnd communica tion hampered. EUGENE It Is reported that' tho cold weather lias caused many door to bo slaughtered by wild animals. PORTLAND Tho annual nuto mobllo show Is In progress In Port land and Is largely attended. ASHLAND Tho city council Is split In tho question ns to whether or not llcouses shall ho exacted of proprietors of billiard halls and thentors. SALEM Tho Oregon Hop Growers' Association lias announc ed that It has sold a portion of Its hop holdings to Louis Lachmuml, tho nmount roportcd to bo five thousand bales. EUGENE Tho school children sent lottqrs of Invitation to visit Oregon to friends In thirty-four different states. SANDY Tho Commercial club lina asked for stato aid to build a highway around Mt. Hood. PENDLETON Judge Pholps In tho circuit court refused to grnnt n pnrolo to Charles Duke, an Itali an, convicted of passing forged checks, because tho Judgo thought ho lied In court. ALBANY Senator E. 1). Cusleic luui announced that ho will endeavor to abolish tho offlco of county record er which Is filled In a number of tho counties of tho state, LEBANON The Oregon confer ence or tho Methodist Episcopal church will bo held In Lebanon uoxt Soptombor. MAPLETON Frank Potlorf, six year old win of W. F. Potterr, died ntj a result of being kicked by 11 horse. ASHLAND- ChrlH Gaucklo allot a deer and within two hours was ar rested and fluoil the minimum, $27, 10. CANYON CITY .lack Ends, or Monument, pleaded guilty to a charge or violating tho local option law nnd was fiuod 1 no and iieutoused to 10 days in Jail, this being his third convic tion for tho same offense and for which violations ho Iiuh paid n total or $rro 111 riues. ROSEHURG Tho members of tho Knights or Pythian havo decided to hold their iiuuual roll-call on Febru ary 10th, tho anniversary of tho or ganization of tho lodge. GARDINER Tho county court vlui8 granted petitions for threo now toads In tho neighborhood or Gardin er. JUNCTION CITY Arthur Lctolll er was fined $100 for taking liquor to ii dance, and, not paying, was tak en to Eugono to lay out tho fluo. PEOPLE'S fORUM Tho Coos Dny Times will bo pleased to publish letters from Rb readers on nil questions of public Interest, giving his or hor address, nnd so far ns posslblo limited to 2150 vords. In publishing theso let ters Tho Times docs not Indorse tho lows exprcssod therein; It li Bimplv affording n mcaiiB for tho voicing of different opinions on nil questions affecting tho public wol-rure. Two Views on Eastside Matter A WOMAN'S VIEW Editor Coos Bay Tlmos: Plcnso permit 1110 spaco In your paper to express my virtuous Indig nation over tho nctlon taken ty the Eastsldo officials in deposing Mrs. Carrie Wright from n position to which bIio had boon elected by her constituents. Tho lnek of chivalry dis played by tho Eastaldo body of men In appalling tu tho modern ways of education, civilization nnd refine ment. Eastside would havo galuod honor nnd fame In being one of tho first cities of Oregon to avail its self of n lady ns a city official, dem onstrating to hor nlstcr cities her pro gresslvoncss but, to see n body of men tnko advantago of a moro tech nicality to deprive a woman of hor rights nppcnrs to mo as awful. Not only did thoy doprlvo Mrs. Wright of her offlco, but I also uoto by tho plcco you hud In tho Times, that this solfsamo body of mon de prived Mrs. Wright's sister of hor rights to speak, to volco her senti ments in a public mooting. Shnmo on you men of Enstsldo, I say. You should bo ashamed of such proceed ings nnd of taking ndvantngo of a womnii, A MAR8I1FIELD WOMAN THE CIGARETTE dfZtfJlik W ssJsrM vKrlmnf' WW,? I 3r ttffcv VlJl J I jr- Wj&JM Packed S,kJSv7 If JmW 20 XAVSX tMW PACKAGE 1 PROFESSIONAL DiRfecfftj Dr. A. L. KflUseworth l'hyBlclnir nnd Surgeo, ,l. Officotlrving niocfc. V Offlco hours 1 11 in ia . 1 .1 .i q .. . ""Hfc'i MUU W l III, Plionest Offlco litf-J; Kp, ... ' J. M. Wright Phone in 1 BUILDING CONTRAOloJ Estimates furnluhod on renuhi I WO.-MH.V KA.MB AS MKN has electud A, L. Hills as president and II. A. Latta iik seoratary. MORO Tho gross ussossmont of Shorman county ns equallzod by tho board Is $S,7C5,02S. CANBY Tho housoUeopor in tho homo of Mr. nnd Mr. AI Follows was Injured whon n atovo exploded and partly demolished tho house. Editor or tho Times: I havo read In your paper tho ac count or how Mtb. Carrlo Wright at Kastsldo mudo a single handed fight in an offort to ho seated as a mom- ber or tho city council of that place. Sho did not got tho offlco slio Bought. Sho was elected to It to bo Bitro, but tho men officials woro firm In tliolr fight against hor qualifying hecaiiso, according to tho statement tin roportod, bIio Is not n citizen. A man In exactly tbo same position would not havo been allowed to take his scat. Just hocuuuo Mrs. Wright Is u woman does not give hor 0110 bit moro or consideration than ir alio woro a man. With woman suffrage tho women aro nsklng for tbo enmo rights as men and they therefore put thomsolvoB on tho same basis an mon and must oxpoct to stand chnrgos In a political way Just tho Bnnio as mon, In fact they must tnko tho good and tho bad uliko whon they Insist upon being given theso rights. Boioro gl eu suffrage thoy could fall back on tho plea, "I am a womon," hut now tboy cannot. This Is simply ono of tho many unpleasant Bltimtlous which will arlso becniiBo women havo tho voto and prlvllogo of holding office, and would novor havo happoned had not womon suffrngo boon carried into this state. A lady having to mnko a fight In public against a body of men determined to displace hor may, in ono Bonso bo n pathotlc Bltuatlon, but under tho existing circumstances It to bIiow, ns proof, tho need of moro work through tho church nnd that ho as a minister had been fold ing Bcrvlccs In Enstsldo for five years." I've long been a cltlzon of Enst sldo nnd I think to tho best of my lcuowlcdgo thoro hns been flvo' or six crimes committed In sldo during that flvo years. I can not 'recall any hororo Hint time. Now how long will It tnko at that I lato before evil absorbs all tho! pcoplo or East8ldo7 j Most distinctly understand that' I am not ngnlnst Sunday Schools,! but I am much against tho way soma pcoplo conduct Homo Sunday! Schools that I know of. To my) own knowledge I can cnll thol nnmoB of several who would atto'td I wcro It not for tho troublo sookorH I who control and lond tho Sunday, School from pillar to post at iny old tlmo thoy sco a chnnco to kk'k up some more trouble. Porhnps this.. applies over horo In Eastside. "Seek nnd thou shall find" or seek tho now school house and thou shall receive tho pcoplo'H inonoy. J. C. STECKEL Oldest Bank In Coos County Established 18S1I NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is horoby given th'nt Cora E. Bolt, has bcon duly appointed as iidniliilstrntrlx or tho estnto or Mary E. Pomoroy, deccasod. Now therefore, nil persons having claims ngnlnst said estnto aro horo by uotiriod to presout tho unnin to tho undorslgucd nt tho offlco of John P. Hall, with propor voucher duly vomica art by law required, within bIx mouths from tho dnto Jioreof. Dated nt MurHhflold, Oregon, this 20tli day of January, lOlil. CORA E. BOLT Administratrix of tho estate or .Mary E. Pomeroy, deceased. (First publication Thursday, Jan. 20, 10IC; last publication Thursday, Fobruary 17. 191 C.) Flanagan (1& Benwett Bank Mnrlifleltl, Coos County, Oregon. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $120,000 INTEREST PAID ON TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS Offlcors-J. W. BENNETT, President; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, Vlco Prosldent; R. F. WILLIAMS, Cashier; G. F. WINCHESTER, Assistant Cashier. Flanagan (Sh Bennett Bank OF MYRTLE POINT Capital $25,0O Offlcora J. W. BENNETT, Presldont; JAS. II. FLANAGAN, VIco Prosldont; L. M. SUPLEE, CaBhler; L. T. DEMENT, Asuistant Cashlor. Bennett Trust Company Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $125,000 Officers J. W. BENNETT, President; TOM T. BENNETT, VIco President; ARTHUR M'KEOWN, Secretury; BENNETT SWAK TON, Troabiirer. TI10 Only Trust Company in (bo Statu, Outsldo of Portland, Which Orgnnled Under tho New Law. DrHiU M. Shnu Mjo, i!ar nnd SpwIMi,. '.f GLASSES KIMJEI) " . I'liono O.'IOT. Itooms 2O0.)i ) ; ! Irvine illoelc. DR.' RfATTIB B. BHAWt 'ijfl PliyIclnn nnd Surgco. Pliono ailoT, 'JH,' H. G. Butler CIVIL KNOINEEIt Room 304 Coko Bldg. Phon uu Rcaldonco Phono 363-1,. ' W. G. Chandler ARCHITECT Rooma 301 and 302, Coko Duiliit, MnrBhflold, Oregon. TIME TAB WILLAMETTE PACI OAR Lcavo Mnrshflold CMG'nJm. ' '" , 7.4 B n.nj. 8:45. a.niV. 0:45. njn,. a.m.. ' . 12:50 p.m. . l:45p.'m. 2:45 p.m. 3ii5 p.m. 5:00 p.m. 5.40 p.m. 0:55 p.m. North city 7:30 p.m. LE WO M01UB Lht North Bttj 7:00 in, 8:00 u, 9:00 in. 10:15 lb, 11:00 in. 11:45 14 1:16 DHL 2:00 pa, 3:00 p.D. 4:00 p.B, 6:15 pa, 6:55 pb, limits ostr, 7M5 p.B. - MERCHANTS CAFE Popular Plnco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial nnd Il'dw';. HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 4 -4 FARE TEN OEXT9 City LlmltH North Bend, Be, nr COMS1UTATION fjj) CiS TICKETS 91.78 AU Mawlifleld-Nortli Bend Anto Lino Cnra every ten minutes froa O n. in. to 13 p. m. to Booth Slough onco n day, leaving M 11 11. ui.; to Kmplro three trli n dny. COR8T A KINO, rropi. Is exactly what must bo oxpectod iinrt MEDFORD- -The Conunorclnl Club Lwliat tho womon votors must o.poct. ' Had thoy not forcod tho auffraue See Us for Music ir you want A piano A player piano A phonograph Stringed luslrumeutB Sheet music PhonoKfaph recorda Or Anything in tho music lino, como In null tall: It over. Wo olthor havo It In stock or can get It iiulekly for you, Wo havo Bomo used pianos on which wo aro making vory low prlc- 03. L. L. Thomas Music Store CimIcieratijni! P 1 Child wilh I let Penney Savingi Bank The Small Boy with Mis Small ClianRc S The Lady with Her Pin Moiiey Savings The Small Man with His Small Roll '; The Big Man with His Big Roll ARE KACII ACCORDED THE SAME CONSIDERATE AT- TENTIO.V AT TIIE First Nationa k of Pe Bank ine Dan Marshficld, of Coos Bay 1 C rsonai oervice Oregon WOOD GOOD WOOD AV. II. LIiiro Ims It at S1.G0 u) ?' nihh per load. (i'iiilae rewf oil. Phono U27-T. SAVE MONEY by ordering the InuioM HENRYVILLE COAL Nut coal, per ton ,,v Lump coal, por ton f"J Or half ton of both H" 1). MUSSO.Y, ro Phono 1-J or lcavo orden tk Illllycr'ti CI(far Store. A . DRY WOOD CAMPBELL'S WOQDYARD North Front Street t, ... Phone 37DJ Dr. 1). O. ViuiKlin, Dcntiht, Room 20, Kht,t Xntloiial Dank biilliliug KOIt COUXTV COMMISSIONER I herorby nnnounco myfolf nn a candidate ror County Commissioner or Cooa County on tho Republican ticket In tit'1 May Primaries - J. T. 1IARRIGAN 73 Central Acnuo ouestlon they would not bo subjected ' to Biich trentniont. AN' ANTI SUl'TRAGETTE. 'i'EACK OX EARTH (SOOD Wll.l TO MEN". Fmin IhiMsltlo Editor Cood Hay Timos: Not wishing to Inflict n wound on any poison, religiously or oth erwise, but In reading a lottor from a promlnont minister who holdB sorvlcos In Enstsldo quite rroquontly, makes tho atatomeut "tho people or Eastside should not ri'Kret the contrlbutliiK or n small mini or money towind religious work as tho crimes of the past go WEAVING All kinds a snec- ialty. Mrs. W. W. Nason. 680 12th Courth. So. Phone 220-Rj SOUTH COOS RIVER ROAT SERVICE LAUNCH KXPRESS leaves Marslifield every day O n. in. Leaves hojid of river nt 11:15 p. ni, STEAMER RAINHOW leaves head of river dally at 7 . in. Leaves Mnrshflold nt a p. in. For charter apply on board. ROGERS & SMITH Proprietor Ah s For rollablo Abstracts of Tltlo and information about COOS RAY REAL ESTATE, &eo Title Guarantee & Abstract Company Marshficld nnd Coiiulllo City, Orogon. General Agtrnts Enstsldo nnd Sengstacken'H Addition. Special attention paid to assessments nnd payment of Invos. IIEXRV SEXGSTACKEN, MnnnRer. ' EXPERT.WELDING of METALS Steel, brass, cast, Iron and aluminum castings made like new DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY. Koontz Garage WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING CO. Assets $240,000.00 Pavs 8 ner cent on savlnfls I Q IfnIIPMAN & COr I I. w. iow. - . I Local ireasurei : J, SOAIFH cfi A, H. BO000 Marshfield Phone 180-J. North Front Stroet n L- V..Milfi1Ad PhoiiB 140-R. Mawlifield, (W DUNGAN - IIK nrDTAK Nil PARLORS wiU bo kept OPEN TO THE POBUJ A regular state UM nndertaker will be charge Tliono 1SJ L- u .'3L M?et -r-f