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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1916)
iD AN EFfORT TO PUT YOUR BfST FOOT FORWARD TAKE CARE LEST YOU STUB YOUR TOE t a PAPER THAT BELIEVES IN THE BEST AND ALWAYS BOOSTS A CLEAN WHOLESOME NEWSPAPER FOR ALL SOUTHWEST OREGON HOMES 4 MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Established J 878 Am Tho'Const Mnll JVdiNo. XXXIX, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1916. EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nnd Coos Hay Advertiser. No. 159 TABLOID ORIS VESSEL REPEAT BRITISH FORGE III BAD PLACE IS IN TROUBL ALLEGED HUSH TO EVADE PRO HIIUTION LAW INVESTIGATED PRESIDENT DOKS NOT FAVOR SUFFERAGE HILL WORKMEN ARE AGAINST THE CONSCRIPTION ftau Sttwa STORM MUSES WIRE TROUBLE WOMEN REFUSED GERMANS TAKE LABOR 0 G NUH Ht P San Diego Is Entirely Cut Off From Outside uommun ication Today ONE MESSAGE COMES Bbrtlnt wine thiuo ! Report That There Is Two pect 01 watui iii iuiu- phone Office There FLOOD IN L0S ANGELES I Wind nnd Itnltt General In Southern California Telegraph mid leio phono RemolMicd West of tho Mississippi liner Df AuocUteJ TrfM to Coo Bay Tlrnm. SAN FItANCISCO, Jnn. 27 "Thoro'a two feet of wnlor In tlio tol- Phlmnn office." said tlio operator lit San DIcbo today, talking ovor tlio lro to S911 FrnnclBco, ami a niomont lalcr tlio wire failed, shutting oft tlio town from outsldo communications. Floodod streets aro reported In Ioo Ancclci with n rain nnd wind Btorm 1 general over Sontliorn California. W'lVCH Broken DoWll Continued rain and snow upset tlio tclccrnph and telophono nrraugo- I mcnls in ninny places West of Mlss I Ifflppl river. Telegraph wlrea wore 1 routed from Kansas City to'Dnllnfl, Texas, back up to Denver and then 1 to San Francisco, TRY SIR CASE JIIUHINO I.V PROGRESS AT COUNTY SEATi TODAY J District Attorney Shows Four Per sons llerniiio Intoxicated Un-In- (ho Drink Sold (Special to The TIiuch) COQUILLD. .Inn. 97 Tlin fnn that four men hecaino Intoxlcntod drinking cider thnt thoy purchased Is tlio evidence. bolng used 'by DIb Irlct Attorney Llljeqvlst in a trial In tlio Justlco court today in ono of tlio hard elder cnHos. Tlio caso of iiacnon, who Is alleged to liavo told tho elder. la tlin mm imimr tried. , . ...;.,., Mr. LIHcnvlKt 1....1 tin. nMn. ' ai)icd nnd It was shown to contain teven per cent alcohol, an illegul amount. This ovldonco however HI not bo used as tho district attorney will ondonvor to nccuro a conviction on tho haro fact that no elder caused four young mon to becomo Intoxicated whon thoy drank it. Tho defenso has not yet intro duced evidence and lt8 nature is thereforo not known. Tho caao ""r bo finished tonight. LE 018 a"8T.rao.V MUST GO TO i'r..rn:.TiAitv 0,1 n Clinnro Tluoo Times hut lu'tcs u Klciy Tln Woll Iwiowh Character Cu2 LU:' r- Ja- 27.-Gb PeniS, ." n,U8t tlHMy Bo to the P nient tary. 1,0 broke hl8 par- JaV ,6 t,,lrU t,n, today It s u tr?y J,u,eo cok l iS' " man must )rs I ,, f from t0 'W time agVtn Pnl,0,Ulary- A lo obtamE 1 aS f0,mrt 8,,l,ty f elvl Parlca ,mt ,lrank ox' Pt nln ," ccaslon l' tbln iolatLanBCCna Um0' Th Salcm. ,lon now "oii'la him to !SJB.;'hrrk,,own a,,o,,t hfe and f! formerly lived I ..,! nUmbor of yeara " la a L Ur ,n tUo 8aloo"8. Taa and f " aml a Scandina- about the eft0"3 W8 a charactor llock' Tick P' W' f,'0ni Ka,,ro1 nt 'ei anrt Mcrlim North 10 REVOKED Claim That Tahletn, When JIIvel With Water, Produce- Wills- Key with "Kldc" f Llttlo tnblcts thnt contain Ingro tllontB of whlBkoy nnd, when mixed ,wllli wator, tnsto lllcd whiskey and n short tlmo nftor show tlio snnio ef fects na wlilskoy, nro now bolng Bold lu Cooh county, according to soverat IndlvldunlB. Ono man claimed that ho lind bought somo at I'owcm and hntl greatly enjoyed tbo efforts. Tho-clalm Is made on tho ono hand thnt tho tablets coino within tho pro visions of tho j) tiro food and drugs net and thnt' It Is not unlawful to sell them. On tho other hand, Dis trict Attornoy LIIJc(vIst says thoy aro directly In violation of tho prohi bition law. Ho quotes the law as saying In vory ronclso and clear lungungo that tr.blots or powder which, whon mixed with water or any other liquids, be como fornicated they also come with in tho limits of tho dry law. And tho snlo of thorn In exactly tho name us committing tho offenso of bootlegg ing. Mr. Llljoqvlst says that an Imino dlnto Investigation will ho made and nrrcstB will follow If anyone Is found selling the nnughty tnblcts. MILLS START IIP HNCOUltAdlNn ItKI'OltTH CO.MK l-'HOM niKKKIlKNT MIXTIONS In tho North .Many Companies Aro O'cttluK Itfjiily to Operate 1'laiUn Again tOr AmiKUtx: rrti to Coo llr Tlmo 1 VANCOUVBll, Wash., Jan. -27.--Lumbor companies nro all becoming active. Tho Duholu Company and tho Murphy Tlmbor Compnny nro both started after bolng closed on account of tho wenthor. Tho Twin Knlla Lumbor Co. nt Yueolt In get ting ready, for oarly operations. Tho Ilnrvoy Milling Company will open two mills March 1. Tho big mills of tho Urldnl Veil Lumbor Co., nt Ilrldnl Vol), Oregon, hnvo resumed work. ix souTiucitN om:coN H. (), .Tohiison Olves ImroiirngliiK Itvport.s of llnsiiiasH EUOENB, Ore, Jan. 27. S. 0. Johnson, formerly of tlio Wondllng Johnson Compnny who has timber holdings In southern Oregon has roturnod from a trip down tbo filus law river to look aftor his intnnnts nnd gives encouraging reports, lie said: "All Indications nro now thnt tho mills in tho vicinity of Klnmuth Kalla will run day nnd night ns soon ns tho season opens. Tho cnpnclty of our mills Is botweon GOO.OOQ and 700,000 feet per day, and wo havo moro orders nhoud now than wo can handle." SellN in tho Kast II. M. Fox, manngor of tbo Hoach Tlmbor Company of Sutborlln, has sold his Intorests In tho cast nnd will dovoto his tlmo to looking af tor his property and of his com pany's proporty which consists of 50,000 acres of tlmbor near Suth erlln. TO SYSTKM WIIJj HU IMiANNKJ) FOIt MYHTLK POINT Poshlhlo ProJ(Ht Will Ho Starleti IJiirlng Coining- ,Kpring O, U. Tonnoy Knginoor (Spoclal to Tbo Times) MYIITLB POINT, Jan. 27. At tho last regular mooting of tho City Council resolutions woro adopted authorizing tholr Engineer to mako surveys and proparo plana nnd spec ifications for a system of sowers to cover tho entire city. It now seems possible that tho project will bo constructed and completed dur ing the coming spring. Goo. E. Tonnoy Is now special engineer of the city at a salary of $15(3.00 per month during actual work, and was Instructed to start HAVE SEWERS the siuvoys at onge. Crew of Eight Men Taken Off Schooner by the Steamer 1 Avalonjfesterday FORMERLY OWNED BY SIMPSON COMPANY Was Built at North Bend in 1897 and Carried Lum ber from Coos Bay IN TOW OF THE ROANOKE Was Headed for Columbia River This Afternoon and Will llo Saved Was Mound for Hon olulu With Lumber VKSSHL HUlfr IN NORTH IIL'NI) IN 1H!7 Tho Itenntit wim tnillt v nnd formerly owned by tho Slmpnon Lumbor Co. She was constructed nt North IJend In 1897, In 118 foot nnd 9 Inches long nnd linn a net tonnago of !&. 8I10 wnB sold nomo years ngo nnd her homo port Is now Honolulu. Sho carried hun- bur from the Klmpsou mills for years. (nr Amikhim rrrfi to Coo. nr TlmM.I TILLAMOOIC, Oro., Jan. 27 Tho schooner Repent, which was abandoned by tlio crow In tho storm yoslerdny, was taken In tow by the steamer Ronuoko today off Garthnld! beach, near hero, and Is 'headed for tho Columbia rlvor. Was DiIfthiK Earlier lu tho day tho schooner was reported drifting off Garibaldi Iionrlt, Tho steamer Ronuoko wan land ing by apparently In the belief the schooner could bo towed to port. Tho llfo saving crow wont to help. Crow Taken Off Tbo Repeat with a crow of sight mon loft port Ludlow Tuesday with a lumbor cargo for Honolulu. Tho crow wna taken off yesterday by the stonmor Avalon when tho schoon er soenicd on tho point of founder ing lu a galo. Ilayaid Went On At first It was reported that tho Avalon rescued tho crow from tho bork Ilnyard, but this provod Incor rect, tho lnttor continuing on her way to Ran Francisco with Impro vised Balls. SAFE TWO OK FOURTH V. K. ARTIIi LKRY KIDNAPPED III ought llatk Today Across the Holder by Carian.n Troops Who Rescued Them I If AuoclileJ Tret to Coon Ilx Time.) imOWNSVILLE, Texas., Jan. 27. Prlvatos William C. Wheolor and Vlggo I'otorson of nnttqry D. Fourth Field nrtlllory. U. S.' A., kidnapped yestorday by Mexican bandits nnd tnkon south from tho bordor, woro rescued today by Carranza soldiers and brought to Mntamorrls, cross ing tho International bridgo Into tho United States at 11 o clock. Thoy woro turned ovor to tho Amorlcan authorities. ASKS PROTECTION IJORDER PATROL TO PROTECT AMERICANS IS WANTED Action Tnkon Today bf Um Amerl' can National Livestock Akm- elation at 1-1 ,,so Uf A0'ltel rwu to Coo Bf Tlm.J EL PASO, Texas., Jan. 27. A resolution requesting tho United States to establish an adequate pat rol in Northorn Moxico to protect tho Uvos and property of Amorl can citizens was adopted by tho del egates to tho convention of tho American National Llvostock As sociation. Dr, Leslie, Osteopath, SIarshfJeltJ SOLDIERS Tells 41 Delegation that Question Is Olio ICach' State Should Sol do Individually tflr AoMt1 Prci to Coot Dtr TlmM. NEW YORK, Jan. 27 President Wilson received a delegation of suff ragottcs nt tho Waldorf Astoria to day but refused to support tho move ment for an nmmendmcut to tho fed eral constitution providing woman suffcrago. Up To tho Stnto Tho President spoko brlofly to tho 200 members of (ho Congressional Union for Women Suffcrnge, tolling them thnt bo folt tbo suffrage ques tion should bo dealt with by the Indi vidual stntcB. g In addition to tho reception by clergymen, the president faced a pro gram calling for addresses beforo two business organizations and tho proba bility that ho would bo Intervlowod by n delegation of aorninn-Anicrlcnna who wnnt him to porsundo tho lirlt- I leh government to permit tho ship ment or nunc rroin Anioricn Tor tlio babies In Germany. llo Is nccompnnled by Mrs. WHboii, Socretary Tumulty nnd Dr. Grayson. TO AUSTRIA ASKS AIIOUT AHMED ITALIAN STEAMER Calls Attention to Fact tho Vero na Arrlviyl Carrying Two Mounted (hum (Uf AWOCtltJ 1T If COOl IMF TloiM.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Jnn. 27. Dnron Xwoldltok, tho Austro-IIuu-gnrluu In charge, usked tho ntato department whut tho United States Intended to do In tbo enso of tho Italian steamship Verona, which ar rived In Now York several dayn ago with two guiiB mounted on her stem. TRE KEEL IS LAID HUILDINO OF NEW ! FOOT SCHOONER STARTED Weather Delays Workmen nntl Closing of Logging' Camps Holds Hack Timbers !I5 Men Work REPORT SECOND IJOAT WILL HE I1UILT O. It Is reported that Kruso 4 and Hanks of North Rend 4 havo socurod a contract for building a second voubo! for Dlxby and Clarke, tbo San Francisco firm for whom thoy nro Just start- lug u vessel which will bo 220 feet long. Tho second V cssol Is to bo ton feet longer it is stated and work will begin at onco. Work on tho now 220 foot stoam Bchoonor nt tho Kruso and Ranks shipyard la bolng delayed consid erably on account of tbo woatbor, according to Robert Dunks. Tho closing of tho logging camps, that aro doponded upon for tho timbers, means further dolay. Tho keel of tho vossol was laid Eoveral days' ago. Mr. Ranks stat es thoro aro now auout 35 mon at work on tho crnft though tho work is not cxpoctcd to bo In full swing until tho good weather conies. Tho timbers aro being turned out at tho Portor mll, Thoro Is nothing now regarding a contract for tho building of n second ves sel here. - ' i PLANS NEW HOAT John Swing, wnor of tho launch Tramp, 13 planning to build a now gasollno schooner nt his place near Empire Ho projects a boat Blxty feet long, about tho size of tho Roam or. Ho hna secured consldorablo equip ment from recont wrocks noar tio bay, which ho oxpocts to bo able to utlllzo in tho construction of tho now craft, Phil Emory after overhauling his auto is ready for charter ,it Iti'ht Cafe night nnd day. IS M Resume Attack Near Neuville and Capture Another Po sition It Is Claimed FAVORABLE WEATHER BRINGS HEAVY FIGHT Enormous Amount of Shrap nel, Shells and Bombs are Fired by the British ' STILL QUIET IN THE EAST No Developments Aro Reported from That Quarter Austrlans Continue To Mako Advnnco Down South Coast of Montenegro fnr Atod4te1 rrfii to Coo Itif TlmM. LONDON, Jnn. 27 Tbo German nltnclc on tbo French positions near Nouvlllo was rcBiimod yestorday nnd nearly GOO yordB of Fronch tronchcB woro raptured, IVorlln announced to day. Reports from FrAnco nnd Fland ers say a favornblo turn In tho woathcr Is followed by active fight ing on the entlro Westom front. FlrliiK Is Heavy Heavy firing Ib reported nonr Nloit port, north of Yprcs, and In Argonno. On ono soztlou of tho front the Brit ish nrtlllory fired 1700 shrapnol iihells, 700 lilgn explosive bIioIIb nnd nb ut tho sumo number of bombs within 21 hours. Germans claim pro green south of Arr.'iB through tho work of unppora and mines. Quiet III Tho East . In tho enst no developments nro reported. In tho Ilalknno, tho Anstrlann con tlnuo to ndvnnco down tho const south of Montonogro. TRREE ARRESTED MILITARY CHARGE AGAINST II. 8. ARMY OFFICERS Alleged That They Mako Excursion Into Mexico With Fourteen Privates Four Lost IIt AmmIiIM I'rru to Coon lUr TlmM. HROWN8VILLB, Texas., Jan. 27. Lieut. John E. Mort and Second Lloutouants Hornard II. Peyton and Albort W. Wnldron woro put un dor military arrest today charged with mnklng military Incursion In to Mexico with II prlvatos. Tho soldiers Bwam tho Rio Graudo last night under tho pro tection of gunfire from tho Amorl can sldo In an nttompt to rcscuo Privates Whoolor nnd Peterson, who woro kidnapped by tho Mex icans. Tho bodies of four pri vates drowned lu tho crossing tho rlvor havo not boon rocovorod. L THIRTY PATIENTS DRIVEN FROM QUARTERS Seiloiis Flro at Denver Last Night Causes Much Suffering To Sick (l A.M'lltol Pitm la Coo liar TlmM. DENVER, Jan. 27. Thirty pa tlonta of St. Josoph'B hospital, driven from tholr quarters laBt night by a flro which for a tlmo threatonod to destroy tho build ing, were recovering today from tho offects of tholr oxperlonco. George Rlelly, a bookkeeper, la in a Bor!au.s condition ne thq ro suit of bolng ovorcomo , by .smoko. Ho collapsed aftor being dragged to safety by Sister Mary Edwards, who herself was ovorcomo. Slstor Mary Llgorl was also ov orcomo by smoko and two firemen woro injured. TRYING LOGGING CASE Will Probnbl) Not Ho Finished Ho ftyo Tomorrow Blx JurorB woro socured this af ternoon In the thrco logging cases and trial commonccd. Waltor Russol, driver, waB tho first to bo trlod and at a lato hour his caao had not bcon finished, A. G. Anderson and Charles Smith wjll bo tried later. Tho Jury Is composod of Nick Richards, Mllo Sumner, J, W. Motloy, J. A. Jones, C. A. Johnson nnd Bon Wllloy, OSITA IS Nearly Two Million Vote Against Its Adoption in Any FoVnt l)y Great llrltaln inr AuoclAta rrwa to Coon Iltr Tlm.l I1RISTOL, Englnnd, Jan. 27. A resolution protesting In tho nnmo of the national labor party against tho adoption of Iho Conscription In any form was passed by tho labor congress today by a card voto of 1,790,000 ognlnst 219,000. MO I S FRANCIS JOSEPH OF AUSTRIA REPORTED VERY ILL Iliw Reen Sick Several Days and Condition Today Rcgartletl As Cvltlcnt tn; AmcU(o1 Vrrm to Coo Ut Tlra,l ROME, Jan. 27. It Is reported In Vntlcnn circles that tho condi tion of Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria, who has boon seriously ill for novcral days, is rapidly Mow ing worse. RE BEI COL. HOUSE ARRIVES AT THE GERMAN CAPITAL Has Llttlo To Say to Nowspapcrs Regarding tho Pnrposo of Trip Abroad 1 i ID AMoeUttd TrWlo Coot Dtj Tlmn.l UBRLIr, Jan. 27. Colonel E. M. IIoiibo, personal representative of Prcsldont Wilson, nrrlvod yester day In Ilorlln from Paris. Tho correspondent of tho Loknl Auzalgor Interviewed. Colonol IIouso at Karlsruho and found lilm "Vory rosorved" regarding tho purpose of his trip. Tho correspondent descrlbos him ns "Making tho iniprossloii of n calm, woll Intontlonod obsorvor with out nny anti-Gorman projudlco, who doploros tho world war and its horrors in moving words." T TO LAST MONTENEGRINS MADE DETER. .MINED STAND TO SAVE CITY Fall of Scutari Was Exported but Uh Suddenness Was tho Cmiho of Much Surprise Ilr AMoclttfcl r-reu to Coo pr Timw.J ROME, Jan. 27. A dispatch from Snn Giovanni Di Medua to tho Idea Nazlualo says tho Montenegrins mndo a determined iitnnd on Mount Tiirabosch in an effort to savo tho city of Scutari but the upproach of tho strong Austrian column forced the garrison to evacuate, and a de tachment on the mountain to re treat. Although tbo fall of Scutari was discounted by the Itallun pub lic, tbo suddeuiioss with which ft wna brought about caused much surprise. WILL ANSWER LATER England Waiting to Loam Position of Franco (Dr AuoeUtt I'rtK to Mo Ptf TIoim. LONDON, Jan. 27. Tbo foroign office? baa handed to tho Amorlcan otnbassy an ad Interim reply to tho Amorlcan protest against tlio detention of malls. Tho note stat ed that a formal answor to repre sent tbo nations of tho United Statos will bo made as soon as tho French govornmbnt signified Its approval of tho attltudo toward Groat Britain. It Is understood tho formal reply will ooionn tho action of tho British authorities. GAMBLERS CAUGHT (Special to Tho Times) ROSBBURG, Ore., Jan. 27. Four mon accusod of gambling havo boon bold to await the action of tho grand Jury. Tho sheriff seized $60 In money, watches, two overcoats and sovorul hundrod poker chips found in tho apartment of William 1 1 WILL G English Troops In Southern Arabia Are Reported to bo in Dangerous Position ' FIERCE ATTACKS MADE BY ARABS AND TURKS Story Comes In a Dispatch from Cairo to a Cologne Newspaper Today ' CASUALTIES ARE BIG Up to December HO It Is Stated that tho English Killed lu that Quarter Numbered 15,(100 With ,(() Wounded Ilr AmocIhIcJ 1'rwn to Cooa Dajr Tltnrt.J RBRLIN, Jan. 27. (Wireless to Sayvlllo) Tho Cologne Volks Zol tting publlslies a dlilpatcli front Cai ro Blntlug that tho Rrltlsh lit 30u'b om Arabia aro In a dango.roun position ns ho result of a florco nttnek by ArnbB and Turks. It Is stated tbo Drltlsh casual ties up to Doc. 30 amouuto.l to 15,000 klllod and 20,000 woundod. T KING OICORGE SAYS ENGLAND WILL NOT LAY DOWN ARMS Country to Fight Until Uho of Arms lu Vindicated Purlin- inoiit lVorogtietl" nr AmoflileJ rrtM to Coo Dr TlmM. LONDOl', Jan. 27. Parliament wns proroguod until Fobrunrv 13 today. In a prorogation, Kins Gcorgo oald: "Wo Bhall not lay down arraa until wo havo vindicated tholr una which carrlos with It tho futuro of, civilization." LOSSES ARE BIG EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND FRENCH ARE KILLED Socialist Says Nearly Million nntl ' .. II, .ir Mm UWn W'fillltllml .mwiw ..- w ...... Ill tho War Or AuoUtl rrvM to Coot Dtr TlmM. BRISTOL, England, Jan. 27. M. Longuet, Fronch socialist depu ty, who addressed tho labor confor onco today on bolng questioned re garding tho French lossoa said 800, 000 sohllerB woro klllod, 1,100,000 wounded and 300,000 taken prison ers, SERBIANS EVACUATE SAN QU OVANNI DI MEDUA Guns Sent to Italy and Holdloi? Move Anticipating An Aus trian Attack Ilr AuoiIMM Treu to Com Hr lime. PARIS, Jan. 27. Tho Matins Homo correspondent sayB tho town or San Giovanni Dl Medua was evacuated nnd nil tho guns wore sent to Brlndlsl. Tho Sorblan sol diers havo gono to Durazzo. STORY DENIED ABOUT .TANANESE NOTE Pr Aioclle-l ITCH to com nr TlmM, TOKIO, Jan. 27, Tho London report that tho Japunoao government had 4' dollvored to tho Chlneao minister a noto embodying sovon domnudB which wore Included In tho Japaneso program of last spring, was Bald by tho foreign offlco today to bo untruo. Porman In a rooming hquso. Per man waa hold In $400 ball, Harold Smith and Boyd and Dean Neas woro arrosted for gaming and their bond fixed at $20.0 to appear be foro tho grand Jury. Tho sheriff caught tho accused In the act of playjus pok,er, 01 TO A 1 'i i VI fe. . jtj'i:tyt ttiv mttuutti . iik. ,a..jA.. t i