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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1915)
TITT .asajeanwanrTi THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, t9t5-EVENIMG EDITION. OH T I I - - Ir ' I 14 IL i IL' Sale of New Suits I mm mmm "Smart Wear for Women," CORNER HHOARWAY AXI CENTRAL AVE. Phono SHU J t PERSONAL MENTION t $$ J. C. KENDALL left lodny for Pow ers for IiIh weekly vIbU. TOM LAWHORN was Iiero from Ida Allegany ranch lodny. MRS. Kit HI) M. 8TOUA 1b hero from Coos River on n shopping tour. A. W. LUNDY wiih n visitor hero lodny from IiIb homo In Myrtlo I'olnt, E. L. 11E9SEY of South Coos Ulver wbb u Marshfleld UiihIiicbs vlaltor today. W. OXENRIDER, of Coos Rlvor, wnB down from Coos Ulver this morning. J. V. POLLEY, of Coqulllo, cmno , ovor Inst ovanliiK on engineering buRlncss, CON8TARLE W. H. COX loft for South Coos Ulver points thin af ternoon. MISS HELEN LANRRITII, of Coos Ulvor, wns among tho visitors huro today. V. U. VANnUUClEU enmo In yosr tordn'y from Lnkcsldo unci tocltiy on a huslucBs trip. W. 8. IIODUE, of Coqulllo, loft nhonrd tho Kllhurn this morning for Sun Francisco. MR. AND MUS. KRANIC UOOEUS of South Coob Ulver woro Mursh- flold visitors today. FRANK CATTERLIN loft on tho 'morning train for Valley points to call on tho trado. MUS.. HERMAN EDWARDS was down from Allegany on t shop ping tour this morning. AUGUST CARLSON wns In town from Coos Ulvor this morning looking niter some huslucss. F. 1). LAYTON returned to Eureka this morning after spoudlng sev eral days horo with the trade. W. It. FONTAINE, engineer of tho Willamette Pacific stationed In Eugene, together with V. (!. Hind marsh, mine In last evening from the north. AUGUST CARLSON or North Coos Ulvor was a Mnrshflohl visitor to day. lie states that his hothouse promises to yield even hotter than ho had exported this fall and win ter. MR. AND MRS. REN CHANDLER and little sou roturnod on the stage last ovonlng from Portland whore thoy spent Tjiunksislvlng with Mrs. Chandler's parents. Previous to this they took lu the Exposition at San Francisco wlioro they had a very onjoyahlo tlmo. MR. AND MRS. H. J. M'KEOWN re turned Inst ovoniug via Eugouo from Sun Francisco where thoy took in the Exposition. Mr. and Mrs. V. G. lllndmarsh returned at tho same time after a very on joyahlo tlmo lu the south. MR. AND MRS. GEORGE WILL IAMS, or Rldgowuy, Missouri, who linvo boon horo for a week visit ing their uouslus, Alva, Lewis and Georgo Doll, loft on the Kllhurn for Han Francisco this morning on their way homo, lu tho south thoy will moot Andrew MrClolhind mid return as far as Pueblo, Col orado, with lei in. . The Master Line MASTER CAR RON Carter's Bon Bon Boys Our specially is ocrrico 'and we secure best results with Carter's Ribbons and Carbons COOS BAY STATIONERY g"iits. FOR WOMEN Plan to roino curly, for all these Suits mo new Winter models, ho splendidly tailored mid dodinblo in stylo that there Im certain to lie u wide response to this annoiiiircuicnt. Wo Invito everyone to route and oMiinlno tlieso Suits try on a few and nolo the splendid linen You will find t Item wonders at mo prices nmiicd. All $15.00 Suits now.$1 1.25 All -$16.50 Suits now$1 1.85 All $20.00 Suits now$14.95 All $22.50 Suits now.. $16.85 All $25.00 Suits now.. $18.75 Hub Dry Gopds Co. MUCH I 1 COQl'ILLE VALLEY TAKES CAR IOAD OK PARCEL POST Rlggcst Shipment of Year Comes Krom Portland Yesterday Hero Once .Mo lo lleforo Christ mas While half n dozen mon poked tho cUy 1)CCIU1B0 tho votor nulHt ln Ills sacks or parcel post into a , RKrcBnto k(vo considerable rrolght car Tor tho Coqulllo Volley Umo to golnB to nil(1 from tho oll3( this morning, tho train vrauca. Tho ,,,, i)ccnlIB0 tho city Is put to prac largest shipment of this mall in Uciy t10 cxpunB0 of nn extra clec months arrived yesterday on tho i lJoll( ncHdlnK clerks, Judges, poll Kllhurn rrom Portland,' tho first In ; BB ,,llcCs, ballots, canvass or ro liractlcally two weeks. For tho turns, etc. Valley and Curry County thero wns Tho primary this year cost tho closo to a freight car full or parcel ; city in excess ot ?2G0 and under tho post. j new districting of precincts as do- At tho Marshriold Postotrift- ::ils tormlucd for last year, would cost morning tho dorks woro swamped , tho city at least $300. for n while with tho Backs piled high , Furthermore these primary olcc In tho buck room, and North Rend tlons involve a great amount of ex too, yesterday afternoon, had its I trn work is tho ofrico or tho Recor sluiro or tho load. I dor, and Just as fair and satlsfnctor- Tho next trip of tho Kllhurn ! Hy results can ho obtained by nom- south will ho only a fow days bo forn Christmas and It Is expected that Santa Clans will take special post shipment of the year comes nl that tlmo. Unless troublo Is experienced by tho vessel on tho bars, It Is expect ed tho Kllhurn will ho back horo by about December 10, but It Is hardly possible that tho vessel could get lu another trip hoforo tho .nth of tho month. WILL DISCUSo Int lun )y eomo Bccrot olectlon, wo com- SUNDAY CLOSING LAW 'mend a consideration or tho follow- 1 I lug fncts: .Mass .Meeting Will Re Held Sunday l i8t. All officers must ho oloctod at Portland, Salem, Eugene, nt regular olectloiiB, tho tlmo of hold- Tacoma anil Seattle lug -which Is prescribed by tho char- Tho ugltntlon ovor tho Sunday-1 tor ,ltl n 'ttor of common know closing decisions which have boon ' ,C,,'J0,1 handed down recently in tho differ-: l2'1; Special elections can be cut courts Is growing stronger cnoh , 1'ohl therefore only to voto upon or dny, ami tho Intost plnn which those i (l,ace "onHires. otc. who opposo Sunday lnws havo nr-' , Jrd' A lnnPlot sotting forth ranged Is n series of innss-meetlngs tllLB0 measures to bo voted on must which will bo held In the different ' ',0 nmlletl ovor? roglstorcd voter parts or tho states or Oregon anil , bcfor0 tll "ftto 80t for t'10 election, Washington. Under tho leadership "",l tl10 lnPhlot must specify tho of 11. W. Cot troll, secretary or tno;,,lUoof tho olectlon so that It North Pacific- RollgloiiB Library AH-nm0Hnt8 to " spccirc personal notlco sorlntlon, inass-meetlngs will bo hold" t0 ovor' votor lu Portland, Salom, Eugene, Taco- Ul1' Elections must bo ordorod mil and Seattle. ' '' no common council with tho, ap- All on Same Day I proval or tho mayor. Arrangements hnve boon mndo Mr, ,,t,ss (J,V'- D"i" Xotlco holding throo meetings lu Portland r,tu- All meetings of tho council slnuiltnneously on Sunday morning, ' nro attended by representatives of Docomber nth., ut 11 o'clock. For'"10 Pss 1 their prorcodlngs aro this purposo tho RollgloiiB Liberty' '""y reported and coiuiiionted on by Absoclntlon has sacurod three of thojH'e lonil impors. lurgu down town thoatros, tho Raker 'th. Tlio publishing or notlco or tho llolllg, mid' the Pantagos. lu election Is llttlo more than n rorm as Salem a mass-mooting will bo hold tllu actual notlco Is not much moro lu tho Liberty thentro Thursday ofloctlvely given by tlieso other night, Docomber 2nd., at S o'clock, and a similar meeting will bo hold lu Eugene Krhlay night, December 3rd, lu (ho Oregon theatre, HOMER RING, tho retired logger- capitalist, wub up from Tar Heol youtorday on business and pleas ure Ho says that the South Slough and Tarheel Pirates havo denned tutu it is no uso to con tost with tho Marshriold and North lle'nd pirates. MASTER Rill RON CO. J i to 5 CITY ATkORNEV JOHN I). OSS EXPAINS MEASURES Gives Reasons for Voting Kor Amendments to City Charter Election Today Editor The Times l If tho dnngers which Mr. Miller 'sees lurking or tho City ' Charter thoy should surely be re medied nt onco; hut next Tuesday's i election affords no opportunity for (.making a chnngo in tho provisions ,regnrdlng failure to give notlco which ho has so, severely criticised, ! contained in tho chnrtor amendments j then to bo voted on arc Identical with tho provisions or the present cliar ! tor, and have always been tho orgnn- 1" law of tho city, so that whether I tho amendments carry or not these provisions will remain unchanged. . The amendments should carry (however and voters should romom- bor to vote for all of them. Gist of Xcw Amendment Thoy do away with primary dec- i tlons; which nro ineffectual, usoless, clumsy and cxpcnslvo. Iuaffcctlvo bccaiiso only a small percentage of tho eligible votors usu ally attempt to voto thereat and lu jeousoquenco tho result Is not the full expression of tho electorate. Useless because other candidates urc easily nominated by petition. Clumsy because tho nominations aro necessarily partisan, and the na tional parties hnvo no proper place In our municipal elections. Cuts Down Expenses Exponslve both for tho votors and tnatlug petitions ns provided In tho amendment, with practically no ox ponso to tho city whatever. Tho second amendment submitted merely cures an uncertainty In the provisions or tho prcsout charter, due. to a chnngo In tho stato statutes governing tax Bales, and-needs no ar gument to support it. X Kecivt Election Possible To any careless render or Mr. Mil ler's nrtlclo who has bocomo alarmed lest tho welfare of the city ha ondnu- iv fit All tltl.t lt llttnttflnu iiinnuliiil fiiii means of publicity. 7th. Tho provision that falluro to glvo notlco shall not Invallduto tho olectlon is intended to provont tho Bottlug aside ot a fair election through fnluro to post notlco by a careless or designing oloctlon officer. 8th. It Is further Intended to provont litigation nnd nttomps to , contest elections on purely technical grounds, such as much or tho litiga tion over tho establishment or tho Port or Coos Ray, by reason of tho ralltiro or a few or tho judges. In somo or tho precincts to post notices. 9th. In conclusion tho provision I3 based upon common sonso and ex perlonce. Is common tn nmnv oiiv charters and tho election laws of I many states, is In accord with the do- Al(lllll. of n.u .. .. . 1 . ujoiuiib ui uur unu conns ana re-1 suits in safety and actual justice. j JOHN D. GOSS City Attomoy II. R. ELLIOTT, llnotypo oporator. will leavo soon for Albany where1 ho will take a position on tho Herald. , S'ory Hour Tomorrow. Mrs. C, 1 E. Ash will talk to tho children at tho Public Library tomorrow morn-' lug hot wean 10 nnd 11 o'clock on I "Wild Rlrds of Oregon " NOTICE TO ELECTORS Notlco la hereby given that a gen eral municipal election will be hold In tho City or Marshfleld, Coos County, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 7th day of Docomber, 11)15, for tho purpose of electing a Mayor to sorvo Tor the term or two years, two Councllmon to sorvo fdr tho term of three years each and a Rc cordo' to sorvo Tor tho term of ono year nnd for tho purposo of approv ing or rejecting certain measures amending tho City Chartdr tho bal lot tltlo of which Is as follows: REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE BY THE COMMON COUNCIL - For an Ordlnanco to nmoml Sec tions 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1G, 17 nnd 10 nnd adding be tween Sections 17 and 18 Sections 17a, 17b, 17c, 17d, 17e, 17f, 17g, 17h nnd 171, providing for tho manner of nominating candidates for all elective offlcos and provid ing for the manner of conducting elections nnd canvassing tho votes cast thereat nnd providing for tho appointment of vacancies lu office. Ypto yes or no. 300 Yes 301 No REFERRED TO THE PEOPLE 1JY THE COMMON COUNCIL For an Ordinance to nmond Soc tlon (53 of tho City Chnrtor, pro viding for tho manner of conduct ing sales of proporty for non-pny-meut of any tnx or assessment. Voto Yes or No. 302 Yes. 303 No. nnd for tho purposo of voting on tho following questions the ballot tltlo of which Is as follows: THE FOLLOWING QUESTION RE FERRED TO THE PEOPLE 11Y THE COMMON COUNCIL AND IS MERELY ADVISORY AND NOT LEGISLATIVE. Shall tho City of Marshriold pay $150.00 monthly for tho year 101C, for maintaining the Coos Ray Con cert 'Daud? Voto Yes or No. 304 Yqs. : r 305 No. THE FOLLOWING QUESTION RE FERRED TO THE PEOPLE RY THE COMMON COUNCIL AND IS MERELY ADVISORY AND NOT LEGISLATIVE. Shall tho City of Mnrshriold Issuo bonds for an amount not to exceed $35,000 for tho purposo or building a City Hall? Vote Yos or No. 300 Yos. 307 No. Tho polling places ror tho sovoral products Is ns follows: North or No. 17 Precinct nt No. 7C2 Front Streot North; Central No. 2 or No. IS Precinct on tho South sldo of Commercial nvcnuo hotweou Third Street nnd Fourth Street; Central No. 1 or No. 10 Precinct In tho Williams Ihilldlug on tho south sldo or Curtis Avcnuo near Rroadway Streot and tho South or No. 20 Precinct nt No. 791 Second Streot South. Which olec tlon will bo hold nt eight o'clock In tho morning nnd will contlnuo until eight o'clock ln tho afternoon of said day. JOHN W. RUTLER, Recorder. Havo your programs printed at Tho Times office. For S atardlay?s M We have just received some extreme fancy apricots in 8-lh boxes for $1.25 SUGARED FIGS SUGARED ORANGES SUGARED DATES SUGARED STUFFED DATES FARD DATES, stuffed with nuts, 40c per box. 1 We will have a full line of FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES from San Francisco on the Yellowstone, which is due early Saturday. f JsWrWsfcpA rari4 sj T Jill Second APPEALS Bliu WILLIAM KIXLEY TELLS OK WILD ANIMALS IX STATE Stato lllologlst Makes Direct Appcifl to Children To Protect (hunt Talk Well Illustrated To tho people, nnd especially to tho school children, William Flnloy, stato biologist, last night at tho No ,blo theatre mndo n direct appeal for tho protection or birds and wild an imals. Ills lecture was Illustrated with motion .pictures taken In all parts or tho state, Bomotlmcs under vory advorso conditions, showing tho "little feathered brothors" In their natlvo haunts. Ono tlmo in southern Oregon, to 'got n "close view" of u young onglcs nest, mon climbed a 100 foot treo with a movlo mnchluo, nnd clicked the shutter within a fow foot of tho nest. Inside, a couplo of young cnglcs looked surprised nnd yollcd for their I'dlnnors. This wns ono of tho most interesting pictures shown. Take Picture In Treo And another time, ovor in eastern Oregon, tho men wanted u nenr view of tho wild nutllopo. There nro only n few loft lu the United Stntcs. Efforts to got nenr tho an imals were fruitless until tho men got upon tho expedient of stacking up Homo brush, with sticks and leaves making a natural looking bar ricade, and behind this thoy "shot" tl.o antelope ns they enmo along, much after tho fashion lu which Eu ropean soldiers Hiilpo tho enemy. Shutter Scares Animals Tho first click of tho shutter gen erally sent tho animals scattering. A long ropo, 50 foot from tho camorn, was stretched along lu fronj or It. Tho nutelope, perhaps out or cur iosity, would walk up to tho lino nud stop thcro. Somo vory good pic tures woro secured. For years a dutormlnod und suc ccssful effort hns been mndo to slock tho stnto with Chinese pheas ants. At Corvnllls the stato hns a farm wlioro thousands of tho birds aro raised annually. Pictures of tho birds In tho pen worn tnkon showing them lu tho or iginal pens hoforo being scut In crnt- en to different parts of tho stnto. Tlieso pictures woro shown, Ileus Raise Pheasants In captivity tho mothor pheasants rofuso to sit on tholr cggB. For this reason ordinary hons nro used nnd thoy wero seen, clucking nnd scratching nhout with their runny llttlo alien broods, ovldontnlly as happy as under ordinary circum stances. Interesting scones woro shown rrom tho Ronnovlllo Hntchory on tho Columbia. Every year nt this plnco aro socured millions ol salmon eggs, from which nro hatched tho salmon Hint later arotiirnod loose Show Salmon Scenes Up tho stream, In tho spnwnlng bcuboii, como tho thousands of Hsh from the sen. Thoy nro cnught In big nets, tho fomules plnced In 'ono section nnd tho males lu nnotlier. j(Tho eggs nro socured, fertilized, and tno adult fish lntor nro killed and made Into commercial fertilizers. Tillamook Scenes Scones nt Tillamook showod thous nuns of son birds. In ono scono. Mr. Flnloy had crawled nn to an old mo- tthor bird with 33 llttlo chicks. She stood her ground nnd tho picture was taken or him stroking hor hack. " Holp'tho llttlo birds," dcclarod Mr. Flnloy. If It wasn't for thorn, Ihoro wouldn't ho ti green lent In Orogon. All day long tho birds oat 'worms and IubocIs, jn ract thoy havo nut ono meat a day nnd that la from luornlng until night. DADDY M'CULLOCH was horo today en route homo to North Rend from n visit at tho W. R. Piper homo on Coos River. yrkefc Basket Ollivant & Nasburg The Good-Housekeeping Store and Commercial. Marshllold H m fTK iiiiiH m iiiiM iiH BakingPowier AbsoIuteiyPure Insures the most delicious and nealtWulIood NO ALUM -NO PHOSPHATE NEW! SCHOOL DIE BDDST ISl'ILDIXG COMPLETED AT POW ERS AXD lir.O PUPILS ENROLLED lluvo Six Teachers .Many Families Go There From Maishricld Rank Is About Finished Two hundred and fifty pupils have enrolled lu the now school at Powers. A wool: ago the big build ing was completed nud school start ed with a faculty of six teachers, no cording to .1. E. Montgomery who roturnod from there last evening. This structure was designed by W. S. Tarpon and built by .1. M. Wright, contractor. During the last few montlis many families havo moved Into Powers, most of them, going there from Marshflold. It Is expected a largo number of pupils who attended the schools of Marshfleld Inst year have gone to Powers, ono pf tho reasons for tho decreaso lu the local school census, Just taken. Tho bank or E. J. Lonoy Is Just completed at Powers and It was snld yesterday tho building would bo fin ished and the hank lu operation by the next pay day. USE V. OK O. HOOKS Many Oregon Pastors Itoirow the Re ligious Works EUGENE, Doc. 3. Increasing use of tho flno library on religion at tho Stato University Is being made by tho ministers or Oregon, to whom books can now bo sent by parcel post at small postugo oxpouso. Pastors of many denominations get tho bun oflt or tho University shelves under this plan. Any Oregon minister may havo upon application a list ot books upon religious subjects. LIQUOR ADS HAVE BEEN FORBIDDEN West Virginia Supremo Court Giles A Decision Upholding One .Sort Ion of State Law CHARLESTON. W. Va.. Dec. 3. JTho Supremo Court has declared constitutional that section of the tillnnnl Imi' u'lillnl, lirilllllltu lllltior iilonlors oiitsldo tho stato from adver- Using tholr wares In West Virginia I by circular lettors and order blanks. Tho decision ciinio when tho court confirmed a dodslon of tho Circuit Court of Harris County, Times want ads tiring results. Special Bargains IN Men's Suits " ..... nlto ... ' $15,00 All-wool Suit, .gray mixedi ww g- & $1 1.00 Blue Serge Suit, a woo. sab WJ j cj)io.uu time serge ouhi " Y"1"',: nr:;fl ,..- $7,50 Gray twill Suit, sale price ------r rlce $V $20,00 Blue Sergo, all-wool, very finersJ 25 PER CENT DISCOUNT ON ALL MEN ! b LADIES' SUITS 0I I SALE I ATFBOJ pRCE HAI F TO ONE-FOURTH OF REbuwn The Golden g FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLUU ALWAYS BUSY. IKH'tJhAS COPXTV (t)UT J TOAIIIOPCUUmJ Mulches Ono Dollar Fer T-. Ilnlses 9:it,O0U IVnaaWt l. ! II.. ... . .. iiii-hijt noriiMf Thirty thousand dolUrnj available In tho CamutiSji met for road or Is im, lag to U. K. Wccldjritoj raino lo Coqulllo to EtHmj county court ot Com coutj. oinlciivorlnR to have th t sloncrs nnnroprlatc fmli hwl ponded next summer oatli nJ or Myrtlo Point, toiriUtS comity line. When Camas Villei raised $10,000 by aspetblntJ the Douglas countr court u 'j would inntcli every dollmtn more. This money tlllUtJ the highway leading Iron Valley out to the Cooinwjj Were l)laplitaj Mr. Weekly Is oneotilil good roads enthusiasts of CmI residua In tho IlrlJje dtoM I, nnd told Charles HA I of tho Coos Qood Itoiii , that tho pcoplo of Briijiwl troniely sorry that the wtsti. road levy did not tirr; Ul wns voted against prltdjifyi Mr. Weekly, by people froa tVl or end of tho district hj w echo llttlo benefit fron tli i 'riiia .Uotrict In the (ill ml lnriroil. taking In seteril Bopnrato road districts. Jmlted to ToriW Members of the Coos ttfr Imvo been Invited toitwl&l mm! gathering of W n sloncrs to bo held In rortWj wcok. JiulRO WsUouMisf his intention of coin j, lul U ' two commissioners "eM 11 tnln of making toe trip. POI'I'MTIOX CROW New York CUy H (cr JIHiwn ipt" Y(:";r ,ow urn ': ,ju.' tnntslaflvoborourbisw police census J" ""-. ti. .into eensus, wsp ...v M. 1 1 ,.k. i.nvn ho iowi r- lr,, dtatwjj felt with this coi" : , .1- hralth it" SIllllCU Ul i HtA' poUco compiled "". Times want ads br '