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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1915)
WILIZATION IS WHAT KEfPS US FROM ACTING AS NATURAL AS OTHER ANJMAIfl Coos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper ThnUn what tlio Coos Hay Times Is. A South next Oregon iucr for Southwest Oregon iooIs and dcwitcd to tlio best lutorests of this groat sec tion. The Times always boosts and never knocks. The Coos Hny Times Is proud of Rs tlllo "Tlic IVoplo'M Pnnor," mill It strives at all times to llvo up to Us naino ly devoting Its energies to promnt Jug tlio people's Interests. MKMHER OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 01 000 intra mm Vol. No. XXXIX. aiJLE STORE HELD OP TODAY Two Armed Men uer $1500 Worth or uiamonas ana $600 in Cash nEHPDWEH CLERK Tic Him to a Table And Alarm Not Given until Lscapo Was Made RUN TOWARD WATERFRONT Jewelry Establishment or it. H. West anil 'SonH ,H l, ' ",,' '"'" l,ed Tho Trays of .Jewels Was Taken nt Atnmlslixl I'rcu lo Coot U7 1 1ntra. SKATTI.B, Wnsli., Dec. . Two (irmcd men entered tlio Jowolry storo lof II. II. west . SonH ll,,H """I'liB. overpowered the clerk, II. S. Antler- it... I !.! 4 . . 4 I t ti .1 on, mm iicu linn i" lainu iiiiu fled wllli two trays or diamonds rnlucil nt ?ir.0l) and ?G00 In monuy, whlrli tlicy took from the cash draw er. The men went In tlio direction or Iho waterfront nnd disappeared bo fore Anderson was nhlo to glvo an alarm. u nil. 1:. hitter savs Austrian CONSUL PAID HIM Ho .Mntlo KtatemtMit Thnt l.iiMtnnla Can led (.'tin Cotton When Sho Was Sunk llr AuiKlalril I'rrM to Coon Hr Tlnifa.l CLEVELAND, O., Doe. a. Cliaa. :IJcvtojdy, Hpcrlul Federal Invcstlgo tor, nnnouiH'cd todny that ho was tending to. Washington tlelnllH of tlji statement which ho Bnld was given him ly Dr. 13. Hitter, who Is tmtlor rrcsl licre, In which Hitter alleges that hu received nionoy from tlio Auatrliui Consul ut Cleveland for affidavits charging that tlio Lust tanla carried gun cotton when sunk. SOUTHERN OREGON SAYS CERTIFICATES VOID cv IV.itiiro In Tav fuses In Doug- ins County Is Drought Out In Answer An Interesting aide or tlio tax ens- t In Douglas county Is told In tlio f following rroiu. a Ilosohurg paper: " Tlio .Southern Oregon Compnn ono or the dorondauts In tlio action brouKht n tlio Circuit Court 'ngalnai delinquent taxpuyors to collect tnx- for tlio year 1010, riled nu ans wer In which tlioy clnlm that the certificates hold agaliiHt thorn hy tlio County aro lllogal and void. "Tlio defendant company sola ! forth tlio decision or tlio Supronio Court In which tlio Interest of tho toniimny In their grant lands wns , 'ed at y oo an aero, and tho com- jiy claims tho county assessor scd tlio amount or taxes on tlio ! initiation, which In soino cnsoii ' s high as $l an aero. Thoy "k 111 addition In il ilfainlsHnl of tho suit itgalnat thorn, that tho Unit td States aovornmont ho also inane : a defcmiimt H " FIFTY TIIOPSAVii mi:n pass 13MPKHOH I:F0HU JAPAN'S Krtntest .Mllltiirv Hvont of Pence Times In tho History 01 That Nation IB; Auorlttej Vnn to Coo. nt7 TlmH.J TOKIO, Dec. 2. Tho greatost military snnrtncln nt no tlmns In ? '"Mory of Japan, was witnessed. uere todnv wi, sn nnn t,-nnna unr r"lewed by Emperor Yoishlto In the Cc'ebratlon of tho coronation. -, ....v.. .....uwv i.wuj.s ...- mm CONFESSION 11 1 1 1 TROOPS EW 't CHRISTMAS YOUR PHOTOGRAPH 't carries the personal thought or "e giver Have your portrait made 11 home, just as you are. Phone -'' tor an appointment Tor-home Portraiture or studio sitting. S'udlo Open Sundays. STlinKXS STUDIO South Hrondwny Established JH7H As Tho Const Stall 44 I AIYIbKICAN FORCES ARE LEAVING HAITI t X tllr Asocltl I'rfM to eio ni, Tlmc.l 4 X WASHINGTON, D, C, t X Dec, 2, The battleship X I Connecticut left Port au I X Prince- last night for X X Philadelphia, heading the X X withdrawal of the Amer- X X can naval forces engaged X X In the pacification of Hai- X tl. X X E STRANGER PASSES PAPER OF SMALL AMOUNT AT REPOT Was In Hurry To Catch Train and Cashier Loses !?:U5 Hlgned Willi Name of Hiissell In n hurry to catch his train, a stranger nppenred at tho ticket whi tlow of tho local depot aovernl days ago and presented a check for $:t.lfi. He appeared to ho well known by the moil on tho platform, and the cashier took tlio check, and gavo tlio mnii his change! Thut pnnio dny tlio paper camo back from tho bank, marked "no fiiutls." Tho check wns drawn on, tho Flaungiui and Dennett brink and wait signed by a man who signed with tho nnmo of HiibsoII. It was said tho man appeared to bo a solicitor. L. K. Gray cashier at tho Ume, was "stuck" for tho amount of tho check, and an effort Is now being matlu to find tho man who presented It. RECEIVE HUT AUSTKIA WANTS TO KNOW 1 AHOUT STATEMENTS MARE Thinks that United States Confirmed Charges of Dr. Gnrlrar, Former Consul llljr AmocIiIxI I'rrM la Coo. rujr TlinM.J WASHINGTON', I. C, Dec. 2. Tho State department received from tho Austro-Hiingarlnn govornmont through Ambassador 1'enflold at Vi cuna a formal Inquiry regarding tho statement recently lBsued at tho do partiucnt of JiiBtlco, -which was con strued by tho Austrian embassy hern iik being In confirmation of tho charges mntlo by Dr. Gorlcar, former Austrian consul. FORD TELLS PLANS WILL IjKAVK WITH PHACH COM .MISSION NHXT SATUHDAY Denies that Ho Plans Starting u Strike of tho Soldiers In tho Trenches III; AmoiUIoJ PrM to Cooi nr Tlmw. Ni:V YORK. Doc. 2. Honry Ford rroturnt'tl horo from Detroit today and mntlo tho first announcement or Bdoflnlto plans for his peuco oxpcdl- itloh which will sail Tor Kuropo Hat irtluy on tho Scandinavian Aiuorican liner Oscar II. Ho denied ho had any Intention or Instigating a strlko among tho boI tllors In tho tronchos. Ho said that 'during tho voyago mombors or his nartv would ho soloctetl as perma nent ponco delegates to remain In Kuropo. Ho expecta othor noutral nations to sond dologatoa to meet tho Amorlrnn peace party probably at tho Ilagtio. NO AGE LIMIT FOR 1 ENGLISH GENERALS Premier AmiiiIHi Proposes Their Re- muviil Depend Upon Their Ability to Servo Aimy IDf AMoclite TroM lo Cooo ur lluiM.l LONDON, Dec. 2. Thcro lb to ho no aco- limit ror Generala in tho Drlthh army says a sta torn . ron I'romier rtujuiu.. .. ,..-,.- .llonlnnn them ttiB otner nunu, iu u.o,..-.. whenever they show signs or senil ity, whether their ago bo forty or eighty. , ,, "It is not possible." remarks Mr. Asqulth. "to Institute any hard and rast rule as to an age limit ror offi cers In command or divisions, but It will be our aim to appoint those orricers whoso mental and physical qualifications ore most .feultable. Some men ago sooner nnd somo la ter than others." CHECK IS BOGUS ON MARSHFIELD, OREGON, T PROTECT THE AMERICANS Admiral Winslow at Mexican Port Makes Demand on Carranza Commander PROMISE IS MADE Investigation at Los Modi is Shows Americans' Homes Were Despoiled PLACE WAS TWICE RAIDED Ma)o IniKiMts and Villa Soldiers Hut Deport Is Confirmed That Carrana Men Also Tnlco i'art In the Itnld Hr AuocmtM rit-m In Cno Il.r TIjim.I TOl'OI.ODAMl'O, Dec. 2. (Itn dlo to San Diego.) Atletiunto pro tection at ouco for Americana In Slunloa was tleiunntled today from the t'nrrann coinninnder by Ad miral Wluslow, commanding tho Pa cific fleet, who arrived yeatortlay on the flagship .Sail Diego. Assurances were given that such protection would bo afforded. Iloincs Were lotert Wluslow nnd his staff and offl cors or the expeditionary forco brought on tho Snu Diego, visited Los Mochls immediately to inspect tho town which wns twice raided by tho Mayo Indians mid Villa aol tllors. Thoy round American homes and property looted and destroyed. It was also confirmed that Carrnuza soldiers participated In tho looting, IIILL TAKE CHANGE VKSSHIi OHDKHKD TO MIAVi: HUKNOS AYItKS AT ONfll American Traiis-Atlautle Company Tried to (Jet Sptsdnl Arrangement for Protection Against Hrltlslt lljr AmucIiIoJ I'rrM to Cow ll.jr Tlm. NKW YORK, Dec. 2. Tho pros Itlont of tho American TrnnB-Atlnn-tio Company announced today that ho had ordered tho steamer Winne bago to lonvo Htiouos Ayrcs for Stamford, Conn., without further de lay, after fruitless offorts to got tlio Stato Department to nrranga with tho Hrttlsh govornmont to per mit her passage to Stamford with a lond of quebracho wood. Secretary or Stato Lansing took tho stand Hint vessels Hying tho American ring would bo protected wiiuotii special arniiiKeii.euv iur "-,, nuinlty. Ono Taken Yesterday Word wns rccolvod yesterday that tho company's ateumor Knnkokco was captured off tho rlvor Platto hy n IlrltlBh crulsor. Tho company'a vessels, Bovornl or which liavo boon seized, nro listed hy tho Hrltlsh ns under simple-Ion or Gorman owner ship. USE DUMMY MACHINE GUNS TO SCARE ENEMY AiistrhuiH Try Now Scheme on Ser bian Frontier to Help Keep tho Other Side Hack fur AmkUIo4 I'r Coot Br Tlran. PKTROGRAD, Dec. 2. Dummy Machine guns which innko a nolso Hko tho real thing nnd thoroby scaro off tho attacking army, aro ropoitod to ho ono of the latest Innovations tried by tho Austrlans on tho Southern Iront. It is n well-known fact "that In fantry, onco looBCd on a chargo upon j tronchos doronded with ruplil-flro guns, are apt to aworvo lnstlnctlvoly from points whoro tho Maxims seom to bo thickest. However donso the roar of heavy artillery during ut taoka, tho short, sharp harking of these little guns Is still distinctly ntidllile. In order to Increase tho psychological errect or machine gun fire, tho AustrlaiiB thorefore hit up on the idan or mounting In their trendies, alternately with real Max ims, a large proportion or dummies. These produce a rattle Identical In sound with that or the real gun and aro operated by rapidly turning a handle. Llhhy ConI, f.1.00 to". Phono 72. 1 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1915 EVENING EDITION. J FOURTH SON BORN 5 t TO RULER OF JAPAN X X I (llf AiaocLlnl rrm to Co ntjr Tlrar., X T0KI0, Dec, 2, Em- : X press Sadako, of Japan, X X gave birth to a boy tins X X evening, This is the X fourth son born of the X X Emperor and Empress, X $-$ TO DIE PHYSICIANS DO NOT OPHItATK on Di:roioii:i) hahy fliso lii New York Similar to Ono In Chicago Whhli .Alaltts Hlg Stir tnr AMnclttM Vntt to Coo. lltjr Tlmr. NI5W YOItK, Dec. 2. Margaret Huberts, a, ileformed and paralyzed baby whoso birth caused n discussion hero similar to that over tho defec tive baby allowed to tlio In Chlcngo recently, died today In the bnblea' hospital. A board of physicians do- ! elded against nu operation to navo jits life. Although deformed, it wns ' believed to bo mentally normal. IJ ('OVKHNMKNT HUMUS (iOINU WITH ALMKS IN Officially Anuiitiiit'tsl nt Peking Ami Stated Country Not Ho- lIIC.Htl'tl tti' Do So (nr AMMKlit4 I'm to to nr Tlm... PKKINO, Dee. 2. Tlio Chinese government mntlo a formal denial tonight that It had considered the possibility of Joining with the en tente powers or had been requested to do so. si:chi;tahy lansinu announc ks ahout thi: kohd party Papers Will Admit to .Ventral Conn (lies Only Ami 'Nut to Na tions nt War inr Auocitt.t iv.M to Cvo. ru, tium.) WASHINGTON, I). C, Dee. 2. Secretary Lansing nuuoiiiiced today thut members or tho pcaco party planning to still on the ship char tered by HouryJ'ord will not ho giv en pnssports to tho belligerent coun tries, but only to tho neutral states in Kuropo. Makes PoMtlvtt Plans Secretary Lansing mntlo it plain Hint tho pussports would bo given to American citizens for bolllgerout I countrlos only when tholr business na(k, !t b0Iutely necessary to visit thoro, or wlion thoy were Invited hy OJI10 KOvernmontal agency In thoso ,..,.. Tho ruling gonornlly Is lularprat- ALLOWED LIT PASSPORTS ed na meaning that tho United Statos . luonstrntloiis In ravor or u sottlo doea not rngnrtl unofficial missions . niuiit of the problem or government In offorts to inukti peace by privato portions na business or an urgont character. I'Vw Are Asked For Very row applications woro mndo for passports to visit holllgorontj countries, tho plan or tho pence party bolng to nssemblo tho convention In ono or tho neutral countries and uso n neutral capital us tho buso or op erations. NEW 8ILJJRAFTED TAKKS PLACi: OF SHIPPING MKASUKi; WHICH FAILF.R PrmliliM for Appropriation of Fifty .Million for Merchant Ships As NiMitl Auvlllurles II AuMltlM t"rM u. Coos r Tin.".., WASHINGTON, I). C, Den. 2. A draft of a administration shipping bill to take the pluco or tho measure which failed or passago at tho last sosslon or congross Is In tho hands or tho liouso merchant marlno comnilt- teo today It was nroparod alter a coher ence botween Secrotarys McAtloo and RedHold and would have cougress appropriate $50,000,000 ror mer chant ships that could bo used as na val auxiliaries. It also would croate a fedoral board with Jurisdic tion over deep water traffic similar to that exercised by tho Intorstnto rommcrro commission. IS Teutonic Forcos Have Captur ed Two Towns in North eastern Part Near Border IGNORE 1 ALLIES Anglo-Fronch Forces Not Both ered and Monastir Has Not Yet Been Occupied HAVE FINISHED SERBIA Doth Hulgarlaiis and ToiittniN An iioiiut'o that the Campaign There Has Heeu Successfully Conclud ed P.iisnIiiii Attack Repulsed 111 J A.iocLtarVrrM to Coo. nr TIoim,1 LONDON, Dec. 2. Tho Teutonic fnico8, pressing their cnmpalgu against Montenegro, occupied the towns of Plevljo and Jubiikn In northeasleru Montenegro near the Serbian border, Ilorllu announced today. With Prlsrend In Hulgnrlan linutln both tlio Austro-Germnus mid Hul gnrlaiiH have formiillly announced tho completion of their Serbian cam- ''palgu. Whether tlio Teutonic Inva sion of Montenegro means tho be ginning or another drive to crush Hint smnll nation Is not yet clearly Indicated. Ignore Him Allies Tho Anglo-Fronch lorceH n aouth oru Serbia so fnr liavo been Ignored Hu the plans of the Invaders and Mon- astir itiiuougii evaciinteii uy ino Her blniis, still remalua occupied by tho Allies, according to Athena. Tho Siiiiio In (JrtsH'o Notwithstanding all tho entente negotiations at Athens, tho Greek situation today remains much ns It was a mouth ago. It Is clear that Grooco haa determined not"' in-tRi' mobilize or withdraw liar army from Salonlkl. No (Miiuigo Reported No chnugo or significance Is ro liorted on tho western front. In tho east, tho rapulso of tho Rus sian attack by tlio troops or General Dotluuer Is recorded hy Hurlln. DENIES THE STORY dV.rlin OUT SAYS RIIPOHTS SUNT WKRIJ RIDICULOUS Iteltlislng .Mcc Is mid Crouds (hither Hut Claimed that Stories of Riots aro Untrue (11 AuoclitM Trru la Coo llif TlmM.J HURLIN,' Deo. 2, (Wlrolosa to Huyvlllo) " Yestorday, na usual " saya tlio Overseas Nowh Ageiiuy, " at tho opening of tho Reichstag, lurgo crowds gathered around tho build ing and neighboring -streets, Among tho throng woro soma who muilo do- , regulation or prices anil distribution of footl. Germuuy'a enemies, no doubt, will again spread nil over tho world tho ridiculous reports about tho Hurlln street riots and innko other Insinuations which In no way correspond with tho truth. JACK JOHNSON MAKES SPEECH FOR RECRUITS lljr Ahoi ltl !'( lo Coo. Ilajr Tlmt.. GLASGOW, Doc. 2. Four thous and people blocked tho truffle lu Queon Strcot for a half hour today while .lack Johnson nludo a recruit ing speech. Ho drove his big motor car to tho Royul Hxchungo, removed his big whlto hat, showed bis plenti ful display of gold teeth, told how ho had given two or his own motor oars to tho government and urged ovary strong man to enlist. Ho was Introduced by Corporal linker or tho Scottish Rifles, clad In khaki, and tho result or Ills speech was nluo recruits. Hrltlsh actors aro frequently mak ing recruiting speeches rrom tho baso or tho Nelson column lu Trafal gar Square, Loudon, hut en Ameri can prUo-rightor securing nlno ro emits for Kitchener's army lu a Glas gow open-air mooting Is n novelty, not altogether dostroyed lu Interest hy tho fact that Johnson Is appearing li. a local music hall this week In a "rovue." Incidentally his wllo Is placarded as " America's most beau tjful and versatile nrtlsto, the orig inator or AmnrJcn'H uroatcit crazo. tho oyslor tlauro " I 1 A Consolidation of Times, Count Mall and Coos Hay Advertiser. : CONSPIRACY CASE X X UP TO THE JURY X J 9 Dr Auoclttoil ITtm to Tex Daf Tlmr.. 4 X NEW YORK, Dec, 2, X X The case of the four of- X t ficials of tho Hamburg- X X American line on trial t X for conspiracy to deceive X X and defraud tho United X X States govornmont was X I X given to tlio jury this af- X X ternoon, x $$ HRITISH MARINK SUFFKHKD (IHKATLV IN NOVKMIIKU Report Shows Flfty-Throo Stctincrs ami Thlityl-'lvo Hulling Ves sels limn Heeu Mist two .mori: sti:ami:hs SUNT TO Till: HOTTOM Ilj AuocLlttl TrrM to Com n7 Tlmt.. LONDON, Dec. 2. Two more Hrltlsh steamers, tho Coleuso and the Ornngo Prlut'o, hnvo been, sunk presumably by German sub marines. HHITISH HOAT AND OHKKK VKSSHL SUNK (llf Aniof lit! I'rr.o to Ceoo ntf Tlmr., LONDON, Dec. 2. Tlio smnll Hrltlsh steamship Ma lliicho, whoso crow wns re ported yesterday to hnvo reached Harbor tu two Ufa boats, has boon sunk prob ably by a submarine In tho Mediterranean, Tlni Grook steamship Qarl fls has boon sunk. Tlio rrow lauded nt Malta. ,4 V (nr AMOclttM rrM to Coo U7 Tlm.J LONDON, Dee. 2. Reports from tho board or trade during November toll of tho sinking or r.:i Hrltlsh iitcniiiors with a total nut tonnago of 1,072 and with Hie Ions or GIG IIvob, In tho same period a loss Is re ported or :IC Hrltlsh Hailing vessels of 11)77 nut tonnage with six lives lost. As fnr ns tho figures shnw 20 steamers were sunk by Gorman war- ships mid ton hy mines. LINER IS STRANDED THi: MARKNHO HOUND FROM ' NKW YORK IN TROUHLi: Ih III;; Hrltlsh Freighter mid Is Not fm r lug Any Passengers Hcndliig Aid Ilr AmocIiM I'ivm lo Cou Hr Tlmw.l LONDON, Doc. 2. Tho Wilson liner Marengo, ISII2 tons gross, bound rrom Now York for Hull, Is btrnudeil nu tho Goodwin Sands. Llla bouts aro proceeding to liar as sistance. Shu Is n Hrltlsh freight er and carried no pussougorB. THAT IS PHOHAHLV WHAT HRIT ISH vi:ssi:l did Captain or Steamer Intel hip Thinks Ho Hummed Submerged 'Vessel In Straits or Gibraltar (nr AMocUtwl TrM to Oi Ur Tlm. NEWPORT NEWS, Vu., Dec. 2. Tho captain or tho Hrltlsh steamer Inverklp, which wont Into dry dock tor repairs today, saya ho bolloves ho accidentally rummod u siibmorg ad siibrnnrlno while passing through tho strults or Gibraltar November G. ITALY HAS AGREED WILL NOT MAKE SEPARATI PEACE WITH ENEMIES GImm Her Adheriinco tu (ho Com pact Matlu hy Other Con ti ll lea of Entente Allies (Br AJiocUt.J rrMi Is Coo Dtr Tlmr..) PARIS, Dec. 2. Italy gavo her adherenco Monday to the London ogrooment of tho othor entente al lies not to conclude it sopnrato poaro, says a Milan dispatch to (he Matin. MANY VESSELS SUNK STRUCK SUBMARINE No. 112 SAYS MONASTIR IS Athens Correspondent 'States Army Has Left and Citizens Are Allowed to Flee NOTICE JS GIN Those Fearing Bulgars Advised to Leave for Greek Border Under Army's Protection REFUGEES SUFFER GREATLY Set Mans Arriving nt Clrooco In I'YIghtrul I'll vnt Ion Hecnuso of the foltl FivnIi Htilgnrlnn Trootw (Jul her at French Front tllj AmocLIM rrt. to cn Br Ttmw. PARIS, Doc. 2. Tho Havna Nows correspondent nt Atlioixa tologrnpha ns folio wh: "Tlio Hulgnrlann liavo not yot oc rupler Monastir. Tho Serbian army evacuated tho city, leaving only r few offlcors and a small detachment of troopit to proservo order. Protect Tho Kllglit Tho Serbian commandant nt Mon nsttr posted notices throughout tho town advising nil Inhabitants who reared the trcatmont thoy might re ceive nt the hands or tho Uulgara to leave nnd tho Sorblnn troops would bo ongngqd In protecting tholr flight toward tho Grook frontier. Hcrugees Suffer Serbian refugees who contluuo to nrrlvo nt the Grook hortlor nro' buN raring rrlghtfully rrom cold. The rrosh Hulgnrlan Torres nro concon tratlng townrd tho Kronen tront." GREECE IS WARNED AUSTRIA AND (JHRMANY STATU thru; POSITIONS If Demands or Allies Aro Mot Greek Macedonia Will not ho Friend ly Territory (Mr AmotLIisI 1'n-M tu I'oo. liar TlotM ATIIKNH, Dec. 2, RopreBonU tlven or AiiHtrlu and Germany n formed the Grook govornmont, th iiowspnpor Neon Asty allogcs, that R tho dumnuda or the qiindruplo en tente nro granted, tho central pow ers will ccao to consldor Greek Macedonln as rrlondly territory. TELLS OF SUICIDE OF ENGLISH COLONEL Herllii .Vim!.MiHT Plared Under Pre- eiitntlvo CeiiMiihl Hceniiso of RemnrkH or Iuclilent inr MMct.iM rij. u ox. Mr Tin.) HERIilN. Doc. 2. Tho CREFKl DER 'EITUNO or Crorold ban boon placed under Hio Bo-cnllotl (irovonta tlvo censorship moaning that it must submit Its proora to tho censor for printing a communication from a reader protesting against tne action of tho Red Cross lu buying a wreath for (ho coffin of an Kngllah major, Nicholson by namo, who had committed sulcldo In war captivity, Tho commanding general or tho dis trict oinbrnclng Crofold, In commu nicating his ardor to tho paper, wrote In part: "Major Nlokolson had a sovere wound In tho apluo. Ho reared complete paralysis nnd becomo mel ancholy. In a lit ot molancholy, as has beou established hy physicians, ho took lila own lRo. Ntckolson wan an ofHcur commanding high, respect, who horo his captivity with dignity. Ho had mado himself boloved amonfj tho orricorH In captivity by Ids lov nblo nature and hud won the respect of tho German ofllcora placed over him through his always correct con duct. " Tho gonoral Bays Nlckolson even loft a note, Btatlng that his suicide hud nothing to do with his Irwt- Iment. In ordor that his cofHn might not lack every decoration, p. wroath was bought Tor rour marks hy tho Red Cross physician, since no othor funds wero available. NKW HRIDGE AT SALEM A now bridge will bo buIR acrow the Wlllametto River at Slew. It will cost 233,000. HEATING STOVES at rUtfM prices. Pioneer lTurtlwu- Co,