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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1915)
t NfVER SEE THE TARGET A MAN AIMS AT IN LIEE. WE ONLY SEE THE TARGET HE HITS Coos Bay Times Your Paper The Coot Jlny Times Is proud or Its tltlo "The l'coplo'a Paper," iul It strives nt nil times to ll0 ,,,i to Its nnnio by devoting Its energies to promot lg the pcoplo'H Interests. A Southwest Oregon Paper Thnt's what tho Coos liny Times Is. South west Oregon paper lor .Southwest Oregon people uuil devoted to tho licst Interests of tlds groat sec Clou. Tho Times uhwiyp boosts nnd never knocks. MEMIlKlt OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. No. XXXIX. Established J 878 As Tho Const arid I MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1915 EVENING EDITION. TWELVE PAGES. A Consolidation or Times, Coast .Mall Mn IIO and Coos May AtUcrtlsor. '"" ' lc (Biros mm mmt REAT FI IS CLOSING TODAY Panama-Pacific Exposition Ends Tonight After Being Big Success Every Way OTHER IS IDEAL Farewell in Letters of Fire Will be Blazed in Sky by Aviator RT SMITH WILL DO IT Him Hccn On" of tho Orcfttcst Slums ' That tho World Has Ever Knoun Financial Report Will ho aiado Later D AmukIiIM Vt to Co. lit Tlmf.,1 SAN FRANCISCO, Doc. !. Toilny at tlio Inst dny of tho Pannmn Pa cific Exposition. Tho exposition ms born In tho rnln, but n cloud- lets BKy turn n unsic norm wind iavo promlso of a fair sky nnd a glorious Biiusot through tho Golden Sato at Its closo. Tho final report on tho financial returns may not bo prepared for BOino time, but tho last one, covering the period from February '20 to I October 31, showed n net cash In-1 torao or $1,110,870 opt or a gross' Hncomo of $6,0 18,1 21). Ilrlllliiiit Farewell Tho conclusion or tho exposition KonlRht will bo Hlgnnllzed by tho tinging or "Farowoll to Thco' rrom "tho Tower or Jewels, tho highest itructuro on tho ground; by tho winding or ' Taps" by n dotnch- ncnt or United .States army bug- rlers, nnd tho pressing or n button !) C. 0. .Mooro, tho president or 1ho exposition, to extinguish nil lights; by tho loworlng or tho count 'less flags nnd a salvo or rockets from tho Marina. As tho lights go lout for tho last Unto, Arthur Smith, 1-tn aviator, In tin Illuminated flight illl write "Farowoll P. P. I. E." la letters against tho sky. Triumph of Pence Notwithstanding the war In Eu rope, It has hcon trlumpliH or pence ''hat have been shown most prom inently at Hip exposition, tho avowed purpose or which has been to colo krato tho completion or tho Pnnnma Cnal. in every renturo it hos ben an exposition of todny, rntlicr than or historical Interest, ror no whlblts which woro tho products of a period antedating tho last do rado woro ndmlttod ror awards. Opens tiow Period In his rinnl address President Mooro declared that tho conclusion of tho exposition marked "nn opon- 'K of n period or now vigor and i prosperity to Ran Francisco. Cali fornia and tho United States." FAIR ANOTHER YEAR WX IHKfJO KYITimTlflV U'll.l, lONTI.M'K THROUGH ll M'lfsldent Daildson Will ho at Head t the Xew Project, Which Is Launched inr aukii4 rM t co nr Timn.j SAN DIEGO. CuL. Doc. 4. Offl- cal announcement that tho Panama California Exnosltlnn. which ononod hfro January 1 of this year, will con- J'l'iQ throuKh 19 16 as tho Panama- California International Exposition was mailo today by President David- gn of the exposition, who accepted "'0 Presidency or tho new project. . Will Move IMilhltK "The foreign oxhlblts valued at '"ml million dollars, from the! Panama-Paclflo exposition at San FrancUco. will bo uroucht hero." taM President Davidson. t $ t AMFRIPam counnKicR t 4 -"""" OUIIUUI1UII i SIIMk IM rni I l.qinM t t NFWvnw 1W4 t and unless Portlnn'1 B,ves U"8 r,c" i ti a Tunl uet" ' t trade territory what It wants now, I f 'He American SChOOner fear there will be little trade for Lmah C. Kamenslli, WaS Jjportland when direct railroad con- J SUnk Off Cape HatteraS JtnectlonB are opened toother Jobbing I todav in r.nll!cinn with $iconters." i "he Spanish steamer Con- X je Wilfredo, according S fo a wireless from the 1. I latter. The members of X t triQ crew of ihfi schooncti t e saved, X fr. i Iede, Osteopath, JfnrMiflelil LET US TALK IT OVER 111: CAMl IX AlRGl'ING Do calm In arguing; for fierceness makes Error a fault, nnd truth discourtesy. Why should 1 feel another nuin's mistakes Jloro than his fickleness or poverty! In love I should; but anger is not lovo. Nor wisdom neither therefore gently move. Ho useful where thou llvcst, that thoy inny lloth wnnt and wish thy pleasing prcsenco still Kindness, good parts, great places, aro tho way To compass this. Find out men's Wonts and Will, And nioot them hero! All worldly Joys srow less To tho one of doing kindnesses. T HAT was a ronmrknblo letter, 1110 limes last evening. Tho most remarkable ono of tho trio wub tho ono written by ,1. II. Lothrop, secretary of tho traffic and trans portation bureau of tho Portland Chamber of Commerce, air. Lothrop's official position gives authority and Bignlflcanco to his statements that thoy would not otherwise- obtain. 'rVffP Exactly why air. Lothrop should resent a friendly appeal for aid and cooperation from a tributary section with such false and foolish state ments as aro contained in his communication Is not apparent. It would bo difficult to crowd Into tho samo opaco a greater mimbor of misstate ments than aro contained In air. Lothrop's letter. Tho animus and an tagonism with which ho attacks all tho ports In Southwestern Oregon is regrettable. Such an ottltudo Is not conducive to friendly feeling or trade and traffic between tho Oregon metropolis nnd tho coaBt cities of tho state. There has long been an undercurrent feeling in this section that Portland Is unnecessarily nnd unusually soUIbIi In its treatment of Coos liny and all Southwest Oregon. This sentiment has been chnnglng as n result of tho efforts of tho press ami promiuont citizens of this sec tion to cultivate a spirit of co-operation mid mutual helpfulness. air. Lothrop's letter would Indicate that tills feeling was not Bhared by Port land. . Tho amazing Ignorance of n man who Is secretary of tho traffic and transportation bureau of tho Portland 'chamber of Commcrco Is astound ing. Hero Is a man who says ho has fully Investigated tho shipping fa cilities between Portland and Coos Pay and then states tho freight rate be- twecn Coos Hay nnd San Francisco Is and Coos Hay $1 por ton. Why, air. better than that. Tho freight rato bolwcon Coos Hay and Portland is now, and Ihib been for years, Just tho same as tho San Francisco rnte, namely, $1! por ton. It Is when ho speaks of tho Port or Coos Hay and tho Coos liny bar however, that he develops tho animus which wo doploro. Horo Is what ho says: , , - 'JplJgg "Even though steamers succeed In getting out or tho Columbia Itlver or Into tho Columbia Illvor without much difficulty, thoy are pretty suro to hnvo trouble at tho eutrauco or Coos Hay. Thu bar nt tho onlrnuco or Coos Hay and other Oregon ports south of tho Columbia Hlver aro extremely. shallow nnd oven smnll bonis havo to proceed with tho greatest caution." The official government reports show tho depth or water on uio Coos Hny bar to bo 30 feet. 'Hint's what Secretary Lothrop calls "oxtromely shallow." Will Mr. Lothrop kindly Inform an expectant world what Is his Idea of deep water? S fr ! ! As to no returning enrgocs, .Mr. Lothrop Is probably unadvised of tho hundreds of tons or dairy products, coal, manufactured lumber, and agri cultural products that Coos Hay has shipped to Portland. Tho Times Is a bollover In pcaco instead of powder. It has oxcusod and defended many of Portland's apparently antagonistic nttltudes toward Coos Hay, but when u man occupying tho official position of secretary or tho traffic ami transportation bureau of tho Portland Chamber or Com merce, slums and slurs Coos Hay with such falsehoods, It Is Inexcusable E. K. Jones Is a sharpshooter on the battle front of business. Ho saw an opening thnt required bettor sorvlco for Coos Hay and fired. Tho thanks of tho people- or this community aro due him for his efficient sor vlco. .Many others havo gono gunning for tho Portland coon (In tho wood pllo), but Jones brought him down. It Portland thinks sho can gain either trailo or friendship by such act ion, sho is mistaken. And as to .Mr. Lothrop, if ho will only post up a llttlo on transportation nnd shipping wo will bo plcnscd to discuss theso questions with him, but until ho docs Portland Is hardly worthy or controversy or commcrco. Our bnr may bo ' oxtromely shallow" .Mr. Lothrop, hut Como on in; tho wntor's flno. L E OIEHKICK POINTS Ol'T POSSIIIU- ITV IX LETTER Community Knvs Poitland .Must alako Strenuous Efforts to Keep Coos Hay Kindness Not nlono is tho temporary trado rrom Portland to Coos Hay endan gered, but tho trado or tho future as well, according to tho report of L. It. aierrlck, socretary or tho Oregon Rotall aierchant's Association In ''Portland and who visited Coos nay 'but a shoit time ago. Ho has been appealed to, urgent- Wy, 1 tho matter or securing a boat to bring the merchants Christmas goods hero, tho goods which tho North Pacific Steamship comply has been unnuie 10 nauuie. In n communication to C. C. Colt, president or the Portland Chamber of Commerce, air. aierrlck says: "I was In Marshrield last week. a roai emenrency exists there. That country will soon Have a raiiroaa XOTlCi: TO KLKS All members are requested to be at the lodge room Sunday, Dec. 5, at 12:30 p. in. sharp, aiemorlal ser vices at 1 o'clock. COMMITTEE w OS T HKATIXCJ STOVES at reduced price. Pioneer Hardware Co, i fS Selected or rathor series of letters, printed in $11.00 por ton nnd between Portland Lothrop's stenographer should know T .MAX SLIPS FKO.M WALK IIHEAKS HOXK IX LI Hi V, A. Lnniltcrt, of Portland. For Hair mi Hour lleforo Help Comes A XI) Lays ; Walking up Shorman avonuo In North Ilond, about noon today, P. A. Lnmbort, a collector rrom Port laud, stepped onto a plank that was slippery and n moment later slipped off, breaking tho big bone In liis log. Tho accident happoncd nt a place where- no one happoncd to be pass ing at the time and the Injured man lay for half an hour beforo ho could call anyone. Ho' tried to move toward a house and this probably aggravated his injury. Fl-L nally ho was found una Dick Rog' era wont out with a jitney and brought him to the city. Dr. House worth attended tho Injured man, who was taken to aiercy Hospital. He will probably be laid up for several weeks. Tho accident happened In such a peculiar manner that air. Lambert said he hardly knows how It could have been done or what happened. RECEIVES WORD HER ' FATHER IS FAILING 31 is. 1). L. Telegram Dnkota- Iliicklnghani Ilecche From Old Home in -Too l4tte To G'o At noon today airs. D L Bucking ham received a wire from her broth- ACCQE PECULIAR FOOD PHOT IS IT I Sailing on Steamer Oscar II and Will Reach Christiana on December 14 In Addition There arc Fifty four Newspaper Men and ' Magazine Writers ALSO THREE MOVIE MEN Party Will Visit Stockholm, Cpcn liagcn ami Tho Hague and at Lat ter Plnro It 1m KHctid to Hold I'cat'o Ciiiifcienco VESSEL HAH SAILED from xew voinc NEW YOllK, Doe, 4. Henry Ford and more than SO peace advocates on tho steamer Oscar II for Christ iana, sailed from hero today. ! The party was accompanied by 07 newspaper correspon- dents and photographers and moro thnn -0 general assist- ants, secretaries and stcn- ogrnphors. Fifteen persons 4 4 who had been invited, but 4 who had not Indicated thoy ! Intended sailing, arrived. -....-..- - Itlr AioclilJ Vnu to Coat llr Timet NEW YORK, Dec. I. Tho mem bers of tho Henry Ford expedition began to ussemblo toilny at liobokon on board tho Scandinavian Ameri can liner Oscar II. Ono hundred and forty names aro on tho list. Of theso 80 nro pcaco envoys, ft 4 newspaper and mngazluo correspondents and three nro moving plcturo mon. i Tho Oscnr II Is duo to urrlvo In Christiana Dec. M. Thence the pnrty will proceed to Stockholm, Copenhagen nnd Tho Hague. It U proposed to hold the peaco confer ence nt Thu Hague. Ford aiakes Ills Will Henry Ford completed nrrnngo mcntH for tho conduct of his busi ness affairs during his absence 1" Europe on tho pcaco expedition nnd announced that ho Intouded to visit both England nnd (lormany, regard less or tho fact that tho Htnte de partment rofuscd to Issue passports to tho belligerent countries to his purty. Incidentally he said ho mnilo mm will Inst night as tho mm or the final preparations for his trip. Will Keep on Trjlng " I am propnrod to meet anything" he mild. "If wo fall this tlmo we will start again nt tho hoghtulug. I am going to keep on trying until pence has roino. " Tto Hands Play, ' Two i'undH played oi,lniiily durlug the last -15 mlnutus boforo the ship got away. FIftoon min utes beforo tho ship Balled, a mus- sougor hoy, riding In n taxluab, drove onto tho pier, Tho boy curried u largo covoroil cngo, wlilch was tain n llvo dove. When tho cage bollDvea to con- was uncovered, however, the occupant was a largo gray squirrel. mis croatou rnuon . . . . . morrlmont. Peaco Dows There, Two largo whlto doves, whch had J ,bnnn earofullv mounted and bearliiK olivo branches, wero suspended rrom tho cefllng or tho main sa - loon. Tho squirrel was put be- noath ono or the doves. An lm- intense crowd Jammed tho pier and waved farewell us tho vessel put I out. Ford carried a tattered Amorlcan Hag which he waved to tho cheer ing crowd. or aiark Crawford, at Wuhpoton, North Dakota, saying their father, J. ,M. Crawford Is fast falling and Is not expected to llvo more then a few fdays. Ho is 81 years of age and Is (suffering from throat trouble. Two years ago Mr. and airs Craw ford visited hero with air. and airs. D. L. Buckingham. At that tlmo he was suffering from serious throat trouble. He' Is one qt tho pioneers of North Dakota and still retains toctive part in tho large, wheat ranch ho owns there. I.lhhy Coid, 95.00 to", Phon 713. - . - OS H SENTENCED TO PR SO M Dr. Btienz and Two Associates Get Eighteen Months ana Another One Year s In Effect Pending Preparation of Writ of Error in Behalf of the Defendants COMPANY IS FINED $1.00 Aged Director of lliimhurg-Ameilcim Duo Asks that Juilgo Consider that Others Concerned Were Working Under Ordeis (Ur ammim! rtra. to com rtj Yiiu.i NEW YORK, Dec. !. Dr. Karl Hucnz, (loo. Cottor and Adolph Ilach- mulstor, or tho Hamburg-American line, recently convicted or conspir acy to defraud the United Stntes government, woro sentenced today to serve ono and one half years In tho Federal penitentiary nt Atlanta. Josph Populnghnus was sentenced to one year. Tho Hnmburg-Amorlo " lino was fined ono dollir. All tfio defendants woro admitted to bail pending tho Issuing of writ or error In their bolinlf. Sii)n Ilo Fools Kindly. Hall was rixcd nt $10,000 each and accepted rrom n surety company. Dr. Huonz said his only rogrot was that tho American people should bo llovo ho had dono nnythlug to In jure thorn, or over had nnythlnit Mint tho kindliest feelings toward this country. Appeals for the Others. ' Through his counsel, tho aged di rector or tho Homburg-Amorlcnn lino-asked Judga Howe to tuko Into consideration that his three co-defendants woro his Hiibordlunto nnd If any offonso was commlttod thoy woro acting merely under his or ders. Should Wain Others Sentence was pronounced nfter Judge Hqwo had overruled motions by tho counsel for tho defense for n dismissal or tho verdict on tho grounds that It was contrary to thu ovldoncn nnd law In thu enso. United States District Attorney Marshall, In moving for sontoiico, said It was ' his painful duty to nsk for n substantial pitnlshmaut, not so much for tho effect on the defend ants, but to serve a:i n warning to others. ' WILL WED DEC. 18 d'ltP.SIHi:.T AXH .MKS. d'ALT TO aiAIIKV THAT DAY Only h I'otv Italntlios Will Attend thu Coioinoii) lloiioyuiodit Plans Xot Known l AWKMUIM rt-M lO CMK IMJ 'IIUIM. WASIIINOTON, I). C, Doc. I. IPresldout Wilson and Mrs. Normnu Oult will bo morrlod Saturday, Dne. Li 8lli, at Mrs. (lalt'H homo' here, ac- coniiug to u formal announcement Lmndo today at the Whlto IIouso It Jwns also announced that tho only guests will bo .Mrs. Halt's mother, I II ..!..... .!. r, "i"ur aim uiamva, mm mo jtobi dent's brother, sister, daughters and mombors of tho Immedlnto liouso- hold. No No invitations will bo tissued, nuuouucomeut was made re- panting plans tor tuo nonoymoon, j'h'it It was expected the president 'aind his brldo will leave Washington soon after the ceremony for some where In tlio South. While no announcement is made of the hour of-tlio ceremony, It was; 'understood It will bo lato in tho af- .trrnoon. Rov. Sylvester Roach, the presi dent's pastor In Princeton, und Rov. Herbert Scott Smith, rector of airs. Gait's church here, aro cxpectod to orflclato. If jou don't vuuit n looso-Jolutedi ovtravagunt adiululhtratloii, oto for R. A. Copplo for .Mayor (Paid Ad.) TWIN CITY DANCE Danco at Eagles Hall, Sat. eve., Dec. 4. Jono Sevoly Orchostra En (jemblo. Avoid additional hoiitN for cltv by voting for II. A. Copplo' fnr aiavor. fPald Adv.) e in EACH t AMERICAN VESSEL X t BEING ATTACKED X -. ; Itl; AmocUIihI Trrn In Coo. n- Time.,) p t ATHENS, Dec, 4,-A t t wireless S, 0, S, call t t reached Athens this X morning from an unnam- X X ed American ship. Tho X X message stated sho was X being attacked by an X X Austrian or German suu- X X marlno south of tho Is- t X of Croto, X T aiomc iioats of the .MEItCIIAXT aiAIUXE imiTisii LOST Tho .Mhhlleton, Willi Four or Crew Killed nnd tho Clmimnrlcod Arc Destroyed tnjr AmoHiI! TrfM la Coot Dr Tltnu. LONDON, Doc. 4. Two more Hrltlsh steamships hnvo been sunk In tho Mediterranean. Thoy woro tho ailddloton nnd tho Clnugmnclcod. Four men on tho Mlddloton woro killed nnd one was wounded. Nine teen landed nt Malta. AT 1IKLIKF THAT SUCH IS INTEN TION OF TEUTONS Condition In llalltans Continues to Improve .May (Jo on to Asia iiiid Africa D Anoclilfcl rmi lo Cmi n7 Tlnui I,ONDON, Deo. -. Wlitlo n lull provalls on tho western front ami tho Russlnns nro carrying on desul tory attacks In tho east, tho quadru ple alliance continues 16 Improve Its piiHltlou in tho Haitians. The defeat of tho llrlllsh forces In Mesopotamia, south or Hagdad, Indicates that heavy Turkish rein forcements havo been sent there nnd gives crodoucu to tho theory that tho Teutonic drlvo through thu HalkniiH alms to strike nt the Hrltlsh colonies In Asia and Africa, Serbians Captured Thu capture or moro than 11,000 Serbians by the Teutonic forces was reported today by Merlin. The captures wero effected In engage ments with scattered bauds In the mountain regions. Tho much rumored diversion against the HulgarlaiiH has not ma terialized. IlucliureDt reports that three Ilulgarlan divisions crossed Into Hungary eiiroutu lo tho Italian or western front, which, If true, would seem to Indicate that Hulgar la does not rear Russian Invasion. In southern Serbia, tho Hulgar Inns shelled tho Hrltlsh positions on Strumltsn front hut soon wero si lenced by tho Hrltlsh gnus. RECALL (iovi:itx.Mi:xT wants oeilmaxy TO MW AT OXCE (117 AukkUI1 1'rn lo Coot lit; Time., WASIIINOON, I), a, Dec. 4.--Tho American government today looked to Germany for tho imme diate recall of Captain Hoy-Ed and X'uptulu von Pupuu In accordance with Secretary or Statu Lansing's requcstlon. Tho nctjou or Lansing had tho full approval or Prcaldout Wilson. SO li OLD S AWAITING Tho ' President Is said to havoro,aI Kra,ltl J1"" n connection with decldod to get rid of nil foreign officials whoso activities are con sidered harmful to tho best Inter ests or this country. S SUIT hi: and jonks get favoraiili: decision today II; AoUt4 l'rM to Com Mr Tlm.i PORTLAND. Ore., Dec. 4. Suit brought by tho trustee In bankruptcy for tho E. II. Dodge Lumber Co. to recovor 6 14,000 from Wlllurd N. pones, und Fred A. Krlbs, was do- clded In favor of the defendants by tho state circuit court today. The suit wus brought on a ohargo that K. 1I. Dodge hud been bofrnud ed by defendants, who Induced him to turn ovor his extensive timber In terests In Skamania County, Wash ington, to tho' J. IC. Lumber Com pany, a holding concern, am) to nmKo certain contracts, tlio fatluro to fulfill which resulted In tho for- reituro of his Holdings WIN GREEK VESSELS TO BE DETAINED Entente Powers Will Take Measures to Force an Ans wer Regarding Demands Said to be on Account of Greece Reflecting for Too Long a Time WAS EFFECTIVE BEFORE Paris XoMspaitcr Say No VowelK With Cargoes for (Jrwxt Will Ho Allowed to Dcimrt Until Somo Position Has Itcen Taken llf AmoiUttHl I'rtM to Coo 114 r TlmM,) PARIS, Dec. 4. -Tho Entonto powers consldor thnt flrcoco Ig tak ing too long to reflect ripon her answer to their domaiuls nnd have decided to apply again tho economic measures uboiI with such offoct a fortnight ago, says the Flgar'o, Nowapapors say or dors havo been given to prohibit tho duparturo from allied ports or nil ships with cargoes consigned to flrooco and stopping im mediately tho loading or Greek vossols. ALLIES IN CHAItOK Illr AMocll.l,rri to Coihi llr Tlron.l LONDON, Dec. 4 "Virtually tho whole of Grecian ainrcdonla 1ms been handed ovor to tho AHJos as a war baso," Bays tho ,'oflln Tnge hlatt as quoted In a' Copephagon dis patch, ' Oreeco declines, howovW, to dis arm tlio troops or tho Contra! pow ers ir they pursue tho Allied troops on Grecian territory. ICXOLISII FORCES IN ail'.HOPO TAMIA WITIIDRAWINO (11 AuailAltJ 1'rrM to I'oa lf Tim..) LONDON, Doc, I. Tho Hrltlsh army In Mesopotamia Is In retreat. An official announcement was made today that tho forces of General Townshond nro retiring to Kul-Eld-Amnrn. WARRANT OUT FOR CAIr. GKlt aiAN AR.MY Illy Aiwotlttel I'rna to Cou Tttj Time. ) SAN FRANCISCO, Doc. 4. A federal warrant charging llaron tleorgo Wllholm Von Hrlnckeu, cap tain of cavalry In tho Germany ar my, with attouiptlng to dostroy com morco was given today to United '.Btati's marshall officer for service. kVoii Hrlnckeu avoided arrest last night nt a hotel by claiming Immu nity as a diplomatic attache. A similar warrant was also issuea for CharleB G. Crowley, it detoctlr uiuployod by tho Herman Consul (lenornl llopp here. Crowley Is now put on ball on the chnrgo or conspiracy to dostroy ves sels and docks, Robert Capolle, agent for the North American Lloyd, sought for ton days as a witness beforo tho red- 'the alleged plots, It was reported 'today sought refuge on (ho interned German hark Ottawa In San Fran Pisco bay. BOILING TAR AFIRE HLA.IJ STARTS WHEN PHEPARA. TIOX ROILS OVER Tar boiling on a stovo In the kitchen of tho Odd Follows lodge Tooms op North Front stroot this afternoon, threatened a serious lira when tho routonts boilod over, spreading flro ovor tho floor. Fire men put tho blaze tint with the chemical ami there was practically no damage. Two men had been putting tar on tho roof. Thoy cooked the tar In tho back room and had jtwt stepped out for some tar paiw whon the flro started, Tke rHM was rilled with smoke atid had thu tfro boon gives a woatent teafwr, would have gained a good headway. u T LOAD Oi T R 1 CHARGES ARE MADE