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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1915)
IT ISN'T THF EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD TO TRANSFORM DUTY INTO DESIRE Coos Bay Times Your Paper Tlic Coos Hay Times is proud or Its tltlo "Tho People's Paper," and it strives at all times to llvo up to Its naiiio by devoting its energies to promot ing tlic people's interests. A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what the Coos Hay Times Is. A South west Oregon pajKir for Southwest Oregon people ami devoted to tho Iest Interests of this great sec (Ion. Tho Times always boosts and never knocks. MUMMER OF Tilt: ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 As Tho Canst .Mall MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A CotiMjIiilntlnn or Time, Const Mall n 1 12 ami Coin liny Advertiser. ' "' ' MPT. I lEUT NIT RESULTIANXIOUS ABOUT GREECE SU5PECIED L E ALLIED FORCES (DEMOCRATIC SENATE CAUCUS FRKXCII THINK SHU WIMj SIDK WITH RUI.OARIA FAILS TO AGREE QI00S mmtB D LIQUOR LI,el II DECIDED ASK RECALL OF. TWO ATTACHES CITY OCCUPIED ' BY AUSTRIANS 0 LICENS Revoked by Inspectors of Hulls and Boilers After the Hearing in Portland EXPIRE FJiUflRI Time Was up Jan. 16 and He Can Apply Then for New Papers STEERING "GEAR FAULTY Admitted that Steam Apparatus Would Not Work and There E isted An Inability to Substi tute Hand (i du ll; AMOtUte rrrni to Com Htgr Tlmrt. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 3. The llceiiso or Cnpttilu Lofstcdt, muster of tho Htennior Snntn Clarn, wrecked al tho mouth or Coos Hay with tho loss or a nuinbor or lives, was revolt ed, according to tho announcement today or tho rodoral Inspectors of hulls nud boilers. It was admitted ut tho hearing hero sovoral days ngo thnt tho wreck was caused by tho failure ot the steam steering gear to work, and tlio Inability to substitute 1i hand steering gear. Ills llconsa would havo expired Jnimnry 10, ami ho will ho given op portunity thou to apply for a now license. LINER TROUBtE HUM' HAS HKKN HUNT TO Till MINNESOTA Hound ror Europe She Has Trouble f Willi .Mucinuory ami ,i,so With Crew . III? Auwlttftl I'rnc. to Coo IUr Tlnift.J , SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 3. Tho steamer Jronuolu nud tho tug Dauntless woro ordered today to gobgors. to tho nsslutunco or tho Hill Uucr I Minnesota, which was 700 miles south or lioro at midnight. Tho Minnesota sont word Wed nesday by wireless thut bIio wob put ting back bocnuso or disabled inn ' chlnery. It was learned also thoro was trouble with tho crow. Sho was on her wny to Europo to bo sold. OREGON MAN IS HELD FOR MURDER IN EAST .'leuioni 1'iipci' lens in rtrreM m " II. McDunlels, Formerly of 1 t m i.. ..m i Antclopo Valley A former Jnekson County man Is under nrrcst In Oklahoma for tho murder of his wlfo. Tho Modford Trlbuno tolls of tho tragedy bb fol lows: J, II. McDanlclB, formorly a rancher of tho Antclopo valley, la In Jail nt Jeator, Oklahoma, chnrgod with tho inurdor of his wlfo, await ing trial In January. Ho alleged ft..,.., I.. Tn....nH.. fin fillnfnfl . nun in jimiiuij, w,.vo- crnoro remains somo i,uuu iuui 01 Mrs. McDanlels committed sulcido trcstllng yet on Lake Takonlteh. Ro wlth n shotgun, a string DeliiK j yond this, southward, tho rails havo found fastened to hor too nnd tho j,0I))e to within eight miles of tho nit.. i t 1 ....!- . . n...liL Bun trigger. Tho Coroner's Inquest developed so many suspicious cir cumstances that McDanlels was bound over ror trial without ball. Mrs, McDanlola had brought suit for dlvorco against hor husband, al lying cruolty. Although ordered off by tho Shorltr ho returned to tho 'arm and continued to rcsido in tho same house, though occupying dlfforent rooms. Tho theory of tho proccutlon Is that, following a Quarrel McDanlels chloroformed tho children, who slept with tholr moth er and failed to hear the gun's ex Plosion, then shot his wifo through the neck, afterwards placing tho sun In hor dying clasp and fast ening tho string to tho trigger as an Improvised defense. Protests Innocence McDanlels and family left hero a year ago, having purchased a farm near Jester from Gcorgo W. Rea Ban of Medford. Ho- rfrltes from Jail to Mr. rtencan protesting his Innocence and asklnc his aid. The w.,.v u..u uanillh " ' '(Jine ITOm l0 OUUIII k ' ............ fame mall brings letters rrom nelgh-T, approximately the same date. ha - J 1 O 1.1, - .fcJlhS.hS.i - Mill uiiv w w - - - Gladys McDanlel, daughter or the ib aim nno ironi jo'jri-i "ci'anlels, written from Weatner 'ord Texas, November 9th to Mrs. 0 Mallon, of Medford, a family friend, In which sho accuses he X (Special to The Times) t 4 uLYiviriM, wasn,, uec, ; X 3 Chief Justice Morns l X of the Washington State X X Supreme Court reiterates X X his statement today that X X the decision in tho prom- X X bition case has not been X X written, He says all ru- X X mors to the contrary are X X mere fabrications, X X Governor Lister catc- X X gorically denies that ho X X lias caused any delay in X X tho announcement, or that ho has any Intlma- X i linn of a decision. 1 $ $ T GAP IS LEFT HI'T 17 MILES SEPARATE ex theme ends ok railroad Track laying and Completion of Lino Dependent on Weather, .Slates W. It. Fontaine Seventeen miles or grade and trcstllug separate tho north and south ends of the stcol rntls of tho rWllliunctto Pacific, nccordlng to As sistant Engineer W. R. Fontulno, of Eugcno. Ho arrived hero Inst evening over tho lino In company with V. 0. Hludmnrsh. engineer In charge of local rail laying. Asked regarding tho report that passengers will ho taken In and out over tho lino by February 1, Mr. Fontnluo refused to set any date, though ho did say thnt approximat ely by that tlmo tho engineers bopo to havo tho trcstllug nnd track lay- lug completed. And ho ndded, "I hollovo tho Idea Is to got tho lino In to operation as soon as possible." - This then Is taken to menu thnt tho company Is mnklitg every ef fort to complete construction and op en tho road to freight and passcu- Weather Controls .Situation As to tho actual date or Its open ing, tho weather that continues through tho next fow mouths, will Control tho situation. , " Tnko tho last six wcoks, for In stance," Mr. Fontaine said. "Throo weeks of this tlmo were so stormy that llttlo actual work could bo dono. Mon aren't so efficient when thoy nro working with tho rain running down their backs, nnd thoro is somo kinds of work thnt absolutely can not bo dono at all. So you sco, overyiiiiug uopoiiu on mo uiu tKt now, and this Is one or tho main reasons wo liovor sut nctual dutos." Start On Steel Work Tho rivo concroto plora of tho Siualaw brldgo hnvo been finished and tho work la started on tho steel work, which probably will bo fin ished some tlmo In February. South of Cushman and across tho Sluslaw rlvor, tho rolls havo been lald ns rapidly us tho trcstllug In itho lako district could bo completed. , . ... .. Utnpaun. Tresuing nioug aiuiui river la about through with. Ilntv To Get Piling To get piling of sufficient longth for tho trcstllug, somo of tho polos (being nt least 125 foot In length, Juib been a difficult task, said Mr. Fontalno. Somo polos havo neon shipped from Kugono nnd others Jiave been bought from woodsmen ulong tho Umpqua and Sluslaw riv ers. Work Is progressing as rapidly as posslblo on tho long bridge at tho I'mpqiiu and It Is oxpocted tho con crete work will bo comploted by tin tlmo tho rails aro laid to tho north ern approach. And from this di rection the steel for tho spans will be brought in from Eugono, whero It is now assembled in tho yards. Trestle work north from Coos Ray ronmlns only to ho dono In short spans and Just as rapidly as It Is being flnlshod, ratls aro laldf north ward. It is oxpected that steol rrom tho north will meet the steol l. .., I. a, iha ITmnnltn lUlltur. It Is rurther stated that tho pooplo or the Oklahoma town believe Mc Dnnlela guilty nnd that thero Is talk or lynching him. sunn Capt. Boy-Ed and Capt. von Papen Objectionable to the United States DR. BUENZ GUILTY With Three Associates of the Hamburg-American Line is Convicted by the Court POSTPONE FINAL ACTION Charge Hint of Conspiracy to Dcrclxu and Defraud tho Government Attaches Charged With' Activ ities In .Military Affairs (Hr AikII I'rtM to Com III, TlroM.J ASIC RECALL OF ROV-KR AND CAPT VON PAPF.N IUr AmoMiUsI Prrm to om rt Tlmn. WASIIINOTON, I). C Tho state department an nounced formally Into to day It had asked for tho re call of Captain Hoy-Ed and Captain von Pnpon, naval and military attaches, res pectively, of tho Clormun om bnssy hero, because of "ob Jectlonnblo activities In con nection with mllltnry nnd naval matter." 4 Il7 AworittM r,M to Cwjt ntr Tlmw.i NEW YORK, Dec. 3. Tho feder al district court's final disposition of tho caso or Dr. lluenz and throo associates In tho Haniburg-Aiuorlcnn lino, convicted last night or conspir acy to dccolvo nnd doframl tho United States, was postponed today until tomorrow. AMBASSADOR NOTIFIED Sorretiiry of State Impresses Wishes or Culled States Tlr AmocIiIM Trttt to Coot nt; Tlmn WASIIINOTON, D. C, Dec. 3. Secretary Lansing Is understood to hnvo Informed Ambassador Von Rornstorff that Capt. Roy-Kd, naval nttncho to Oormnn embassy had rondorcd hlmsolf personally won grata to tho United States govern ment ntf a result of connection with tho conspirators of tho Hamburg' American lino, who woro found guilty yesterday In Now York. TOTAL 15 FIXED KTATi: TAX COMMISSION ADD Pl'RIdf SFRVICH VAM'FS Valuation or nil Kinds of Proper!) In Coos County Is !s'M,0!IH,IH:J Tho total valuation of nil propor- i n .... l..t..,tt...- Mist iinlnn I ty in uoos county inn,....,, ...u ......u oi piimic uiiiiuus iiiuiiiunei, ,, " Unto lux commission m f.i.uao, 183.10. Tho total valuation oxcluslvo or mibllc utllltlea Is J21.C78.077.00 Tho apportionment or public utilities vnluos ror tho county Is J519.fi0fi.10. A comparison with somo of tho neighboring counties Is Interesting and Is shown by tho following: Curry county Valuo oxcluslvo of public utilities, 14.816,670; vnluo public utilities, $11,787.42; total all property, $4,827,457.42. Douglas county Value oxcluslvo of public utilities. 187,022.805; vnl uo public utilities, 5.970.!),; valuo ull property. J33.5U3.7C9.15. Lano county Valuo of public util ities $35, 353,040; valuo public utili ties, $4,423,525.15; total all proper ty $39,777,105.15. Decrease In State The state tax commission an nounces that tho total valuo of all property In tho state Is $931,195, 082.25. As comparod with tho valu ation In 1914 which was $932,413, 080, thero Is an apparent Increaso but ns a matter of fact thoro Is a de crease in the stato as a whole. In 1914 the lands of tho O. & C. grant valued at $21,225,435 were not In cluded whllo tills year thoy aro In cluded in the assessment roll. Mult nomah county, including Portland, shows an increaso this year ovor last year. to CLARKE ELECTED TODAY (Dr Anoclitfel frt to Coot nt; Tlmrt. WASIIINOTON, D. C, Dec. 3. Senator Jnmes P. Clnrko of Arkansas was chosen today president pro tempore or tho senate by tho democratic caucus. Clarke defeated Senator Pomercno of Ohio, after n spirited con test. Tho voto wbb 28 to L'3. lily AmxIiIis I'rrM to Chm lit 7 Tlinrt. WASIIINOTON, I). C, Dec. II. Organization or tho senate may ho delayed and tho Joint session or con gress Tuesday to listen to president fWllBon's address may ho prevented unless tho senate democrats by Monday agree on tho cloture rulo. This wnB tho possibility whloh con fronted tho democratic sonntorn when thoy resumed lu caucus today a discussion of tho pro posal to limit the debate. Amendment Considered Conferoncu had before It todny tho revised amendment to tho rules which would prevent n senator from i speaking moro than nn 'hour on uny lone measuro If tho scnato decided (filibustering tactics woro being ro- sorted to. FOOD SHIP READY PKACI : PARTY Wild SAIfi ARROAD TOMORROW To I.cmo on Ulify Osnir II Which Should Reach ClirMhiuhi by hs: II III Attocltlfrl rrM ta C004 IU7 Tlmrt, NKW YORK, Dec. 3. The Scan-dlunvIau-Amorlcan liner Oscar II, on which Henry Ford has taken pas sago for his pence expedition to tho Haguo, will loavo Now York tomor row afternoon on schedulo tlmo, nc cordlng to tho agents or tho lino. Ford has onguged first and sec ond class cabins for tho pcaco en voys. In addition, ICO passengers going homo to Norway, Sweden and Donmurk for tho holidays, will oc cupy third class quartern. Tho un- , or'a manager says tho Oscar should bo nt Clirlstlnnlu by Doc. " II. PROTEST ENTERED L'NITKR STATUS SFNDS XOTU TO ORKAT RRITAIN Object to HeuuiHitloiiIng or Aiuerlcau Steamer Hocking Without Prlo Court Proceedings (llr Aitoeliti Tret lo Con IUf Tlmrt. WASIIINOTON, D. C, Dec. 3. Vigorous reproHoutatlouH will be made to Rreat Krltalu by tho United States ngalnst tho retulsltloulng or , thu Amer,c(ui steamer llochlug court iiroceedlngs. wltliour prize This became known today attor ro rolpt or official confirmation rrom tho American Consul OonoraJ Young nt llnllfnv nf ronorts that tho Hock- 1 1)R )m(1 ,)e01 ol(I j Tho h)i mt) beon (lotIl)lU),i nt nn. Kux since the selzuro by a Rrltlsh warship whllo enrouto from Now York to Norfolk. Action Vigorous The action of Or cut llrltaln Is to bo vigorously contested as a viola tion of International law. Tho do- Possibility that Joint. Session Hear President' Address Can not Ho Held Tuesday niaml will bo made, it Is understood, , vers as seorotury and Alox D. Camp that tho ship bo detained m tho J bell us treasurer of tho department, prize court on the charge thnt sho Tho throo momhors or tho Standing Is partly Gorman owned and that ' Committee for next year will bo tho court uct promptly lu thu case. I Gordon Smith, J. W. Davis and II. Tho representations will probably , P. Mauzoy." also Include tho cases of tho Gen-1 Following tho oloctlon several oeeo and tho Kanukeo. ships aro owned by tho Transatlantic Company. All thj American XOTICK TO ORKDITORS All parties Indebted to K. E. For roy. proprietor Hlanco Hotel, aro requested to settlo their accounts on or beroro January 1, 1910. All duo accounts theroarter will bo placed in tho hands of collectors. Signed K. E. FERREY. Times Want ail brtug rwultf. Next Move of Victorious Aus-tro-German Forces is Await ed With Much Interest MAY :BE DANGEHDUS Penetration of Macedonia is Likely to Affect Flank of Anglo-French Army MORE SERBIANS CAPTURED Scattered Forces Found In tho Coun try aio Defeated Russians' Claim Minor Ylctorles In tho Fust Artillery Duels lu tho Wast III AmocltlM I'n-tt to Coot Uf Tlmrt, I LONDON, Dec. 3. Having com pleted their campaign In opening tho Serbian Hues of communication nnd capturing or scattering tho fiorb lau armies, tho Auslro-Oermnu forc es nro now on tho Oreok border, ac cording to unofficial reports. Tho effect of tho capture by tho Teutons of MonnHtlr, tjio last Serb ian city of Importanco to hold out, on tho position or the Anglo-French forces Is nwalted with tho greatest Interest, for tho penetration of tho Invndora of this pnrt of Macedonia may throat on tho flank of tho ni Ilea In Vnrdar and Coma Valleys, whoro thoy aro on tho defensive. (Ireatly Concerned Tho allies aro groatly concerned over tho attitude or (Irceco, who, thoy fear, mny Join thu Teutons nud Rulgarlnus. An Kngllsh corres pondent at Salunlkl alleges that thu Russians havo entered Rulgnrln. In view of tho known conditions, however, It appears tho story was In spired to offset tho fact that thu (lormnns nro on tho (Ircok border. Serbians Defeated liorlln reports today thut scat tered Serbian detachments south wost of MltrovRxn, near tho Mon tenegrin border, woro dofoated by tho Toutoulo forces yesterday and 1,'JOO SorhluiiB captured. In Montenegro, (ho Aiintrlnns con tinue to advance. At Other Pinuls In tho oast Petrogrnd roporta minor successes on tho Dvlnsk In tho North nnd on tho Styr In (lullelu. Artillery duels nud mining opera tions occupy tho fighters In tho ! wost. Fog nnd Inrestinut rains delayed nporntlous on tho . Austro-Hulluu front. Minor encounters without mnrked offoct cnutliiuo nt tho DnrdauolliiH, Activity on tho Caucasian front h hampered by snow ten foot deep and also by cyclones. I OEFIGERS ELECTED ll'lHK.MK.V VA.MK OKOROK SKK LKJ PKP.SIDKNT A(tAIN .More Thau Ml .Members (hither For Smoker and '(icuerul (iootl Tlmo Talk Over I'lro Matter Moro than 40 momhors or tho Marshfleld Voluntoor Flro Depart lllont Ktborod lu their hall last oveulng, hold un election or officers after which thoy euthuslustlcully Joined In u smoher nud social good tlmo. For tho Hocond tlmo Ocorgo Soollg was unanimously nominated nud elected as president of. tho depart ment. And Albert Soollg, for vlco piosldeut, was re-elected without i uiiiuiaiuuii, uuti so was i.. v, i ru- matters regarding flro protection and bust means of flro fighting were brought up by tho momliors espec ially by Chlof Dan Keating who two months ago attended the national gathering of flro chiefs In San Francisco and also luspcotod tho de partments of tho Exposition city. Some or the boys brought up tho question of loss noise at fires, hut tho concensus of omlniou was that providing tho work Is done properly tho nolso makes llttlo difference The election of flro chief and as slBtnut chlof will ho held nt a spec ial election in January. Suggested lu Paris Papers that Ter ritory Will Ro Ceded for (ircelc Aid t tlr Atwltlcvl r-rrti to Coot IUr Tlmrt. PARIS, Dee. 3. Prolonged bIIoiico of the Greek parliament respecting tho demands of the eutonto allies has again aroused tho suspicion or tho French press. Ono nowspnpor goes so fnr ob to assort that (Irceco bus concluded, or Is about to con clude a troaty with Rulgarla, by tho terms or which Mounstlr nud tho Vnrdar valloy pi Sorbin aro to bo cod ed to (Irceco In return for nld ngnlnst tho - Anglo-French expeditionary f6recs. PART OF VIISSKIAS CRKW RFACHKS IjANR IUr AttocltttJ rrcM to o rtr Tlmrt.) LONDON, Dee. 3. Tho Rrltlsh Htenmor I.angton Hall wiih sunk. Pnrt of tho crew reached land. MNint IS SAFI Tho Marengo, Which Win Strand ed, in Afloat (117 Aitortiln! I'rott lo Coot lltf Tlmrt. LONDON, Dec. 3. Tho Wilson liner Marengo, which stranded on (loodwln Sands, has been rioatcd ond proceeded on hor voyngo. L DISTRICT ATTOUNHY 1,1 I.IK QVIST PiaNS KNFORCKMKNT Wilt Inwvdlgnto All Kcimrls of Vio lations nnd Take Depositions of Witnesses District Attorney Llljotivlst will adopt a plan for tho careful enforce ment or tho now prohibition liquor law January 1. Ho has written to Attornoy General Oeo, M. Drown for a copy of tho oplnloim thnt ho tins rendered on different questions re garding tho now law thut hnvo al ready boon mined and Is personally going Into thu measure very rigidly. Will Investigate Mr. Llljeqvlst stated today that ho has decided that all reports or viola tions of tho law shall bo carefully Investigated. Tho now lnw glvoa him much moro authority and also provides for mooting tho expenses of such Investigations. Ho lias decided that after ascertaining names of wit nesses or tho alleged violations, ho will summon thorn before him and tnko their depositions, Thoy will ho carefully oxnmlnod and tholr testi mony placed In thu form of an nffl davit. If ho decides that the evidence warrants prosecution, ho will file churgos against tho alleged violators Anyway, thu arriilnvlls or tho wit nesses will bo placed on file with tho county clork, establishing a perma nent record of ull cases reported to him. Ft Idem o Importune Mr. Llljeqvlst says that so fur as ho him gono Into tho now law, tho question of ovldouco Is tho principal question Involved and houco his de cision to huudl6 tho matter thor oughly Instead or Incurring thu ex pense or prosecuting cases whero conviction Is not reasonably cer tain, (JKTS DIAMONDS RACK Mrs. I,. J, Simpson Recovers Val uable) Jottelry In Port html Tho Portland Journal arrlvlm? todny tolls of Mm. L. J. Simpson of North Rend losing a $1600 dia mond brcnBtplu In tho Holllg Thea tor. Sho employed detectives who qulakly learned thut tho Biiporln tondont of tho thoator hud found tho Plu on tho floor whoro It had slip pod when becoming unfastened bo foro Mrs. Simpson hud loft tho theater. XOTIOK Tho executive pommlttou or tho Mnrshflold Chamber or Commorco will moot at I o'clock Friday artor iioon, Docombor 3rd, and tho .gen eral chamber will moot nt 8 o'clock samo ovonlng. Comrnltfeo on ro- vision of b)-laws will report; two roreronda from Natloiml Chambor will bo submitted; arrangements for membership campaign and other im. portant mattors -will ho taken up at theso meetings and a full attendance Ih desired, Roniciubor tho data, III iM RIGID Bulgarians do not Enter Mon astic But May March on the Place Today DFFIGIALS SCATTER Members of Serbian Cabinet Seek Rcfugre on For eign Soil SOME ARE AT SALONIKI Other Orrieluls of tho Fallon King dom Wilt (Jo to Avloiin, Albania After Relng Driven From Their Native Mnd (11 AMorlttisl lrttl lo Coo Hr TtmM.) SKRRIAN OFFICIALS WITHOUT A 110MB n; AwocUlM I'm to Cm nr Tlmrt. J ATI1KNS, Dee. 3. -The members of tho Serbian chamber or deputies and the mlulstur or war havo arrived ut Snlonlkl whllo tho minis tor or finance la nt Fiorina, (irceco, JC miles southeast or Mounstlr. Tho other Serbian government officers now at ICIbasaan nud Korlt sa will go to Avlona, Alba nia. tllf AikkIiI! l'rr.t to Coo llir Tlmtt.J LONDON, Dec. 3. Tho occupa tion of Mounstlr by tho Auitro- Gorman rorco at 3 o'clock yesterday nftoruoon wiih reported from Salon Ikl. Tho mcHBngo saya the only 'ffng holstet! wJion tho city was oc- cuplod was the Austrian. Tho Uul- 'garlanu did not enter Moimstlr, re maining nt ICenall, south of tho city. It Is reported howovor that they will march Into Mounstlr todny. Al'STRIA ASKKR TO MARK SOMK RKPLY (llr AHKltt4 TrrM to vm rr TUB. VIF.NNA, Dec. 3. Amer ican Ambassador Ponflold today repeated tho request to tho Austrian government that It muka a reply to the Amurlcun nolo respecting thu clrcumstaucoB In connec tion with tho sinking of the steamer Aucoua. Bin Annual Christmas Edition Will be Published on Sat urday, December 11. Tho big annual Christmas edition of tho Coos Bay Times will bo issued Saturday, Do combor 11, It will bo up to Tho Times' usual high stand ard and will afford a splendid opportunity for tho merchants to mako their holiday an nouncements, To facilitato tho handling of advertisements and obtain tho best possible results it will bo necessary that all copy bo in early, This edition will bo a veri table shoppers' guide to the best stores and best Christ mas stocks on Coos Bay, Nqw is tho tlmo to got your advertisement ready for this big edition, WILL MAKE MATCHES That Is tho Fido of the Oregon Rtilldlng at the Exposition Tho Oregon building at tho ! sRion bus beon sold for $1,5Q0 to tho P. E, p'-Mara, Comnay and "will bo takon down and tho timber ud to mako matches. It will cot 'a largo sum of mopey to wove ta bulldlHg after wrecking on account or the henvy losnj mifd lo.. Itjt con struction. i TIMES SPECIAL PIPER III I! SOON