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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1915)
" tr"' J'V . WW - - . 7, .'-.- THE COOS gAr"f JiPsl-WianshFTEiS: gRgSBwffilgAY: 'bEtfEMdEB.-T9'i-Efe,W)M'gniTlnHl.-' 'T - " ! . . ." ",'JJ J -' --'y'yS -'' ...'-.- LJi'JLlL--Ll'J-'Ln rg i. - ' 1 1 -uv a y.w.1 . -JL Irtionibfrs hn(i overyoh'e -hiav Wn,..i .'' nskotrtb bo present. n ---Let's get down to figures 1 Norhatter what yours is stout,' slen der, extra tall, or any "odd size"--rwe 'aVe'lr&dytb prove that you are not hard-to-fit in Hart 5cha(fner & Marx clothes. Now about our figures; they arc at least one-half less than you'd pay for a good custom tailor for similar quality. t ha (if it I ' , I " ' , .Clothes purchased here pressed free of chanjc Woolen Mill Store-; !.. Marshfield CuyyilghtUutScliatfacr Si Marx North Bend BREvTTIi Time and heights or tides at Mnrshrlold. Tho tides are nlnro,! In Aritftr nt nnititinini villi llfil ! i on Iho first lino nnd holEh,U on ho lcon(Ut,oh' Not lo"K ttFfr ho w"$l ii . ' Aid to Meet Tho Ladles' Ald"of the SwcdlBh Lutheran Churclf'of North H6nd, will "meet Sunday ht tcrnbon at two o'cloclt "at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anderson, of DniiBor. Tho confirmation class Avlll meet at four tfciocls. c Is Critically 111 Fred Johnson' of North notnl Is reported Iti a critical second iino or caou any. a compar ison of consecutive heights will In dlcato whether It is high or low water. HIeVi ttdo on tho bar oho hour and 64 mlntttoa earlier than at Marshfield. lira.. 4.21 Ft... 1.0 Mrs., fi.17 Ft... 1.8 lira. . 0.50 Ft... 4,0 llrs.. J.45 Ft... 4.2 10.42 c.r.c 5.1 0.2 11.27 C.48 6.G 0.4 C.14 12.14 1.9 7.09 2.0 11.R2 3.8 0,0 0.0 7.38 hemorrhages and has slrico been in an alarming condition, lie showed sotno slight improvement today and It was hoped that perhaps hd tnfght ho taking a turn for tho-bcttoY. l P.9 p.8 12.02 8.27 6.6 1.1 WHAT! I Kit FORECAST tOr AiiotUUl rmt I f.i tiij TIdm OIIEGON Haiti, strong southerly winds In Intel lor; strong southerly galo along coast. OUR. POSITION IS THIS: WH CLOSI3 OUR HOOKS JANUARY FRIBT In order to dlsposo of every article In tho storo heforo that dalo wo havo mado prices that will COMPUIj YOU to buy. Ou'r Ladles und Men's Garments aro tho finest ever brought to Coos na,y and nil aro of tho vory latest styles and fabrics deslmblo merchandise that will plcaso tlfornqst', fash ionable. Wo offer this stock complete every nrtlclo and garment at PRICES LOWER THAN ANY IN THE CITY vhJit ouit stow: and vukify tiik aiiovi: ktati:mi:n,ts. '" Men's Department Hoys' Overcoats, prlco s up to $15.00, 1'holco $:!.()( Hoys' Suits, up to $13.00, cholco ijwi.75 liUc Neckwear, 4 for 81.00 2Gp Hose, G for 7.1c Hats, regular prlco up tq $1.00, now ..91.00 All ladles' suits, coatB, drosses, from 10 to CO por cent IIKLOW ACTUAL COST. Wuists, Hnlr Switches and Novoltlos at YOUR OWN PIUOK. Ladies' Department Only 12 hats left; prices to $15.00. Choice i !..9l,fH 8 slllc Sweaters, rogulni- $10, cholco Silk Underskirts, all colors, regular $2.50, Cholco 91.01) 312 37fea4tU(m, 312 FRONT 3T 7Wrywjj u j l FRONT ' STREET Ljv wr riftfM STREET T7 OCEAN BEACH AUTO LINE Gorst & King. Uiuo Mur.slifieia nt 7 n. in., mill returning leaving from Bmplro at 8 n, in. Lcnvo Mnrtdiflold nt 11 n.iti. and retuniliig leavo South bloiigh at 1 p. in. Lcnro MnrMiflold nt 9 p. u. und returning leao South Slouch nt (I p. in. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY WE CARRY All Kinds of, A FRESH i MEATS WKATHKIt 1HKKCAHT Br AM4cU'4 tr to Coot Tif Tlran OKKQON Haiti; niodcfato southerly galo along coast. LOCAL TiJMPKnATmt RKOOriD For tho 94 hour aiding at 4:43 a. in., December, 3, by DenJ. Ostllnd, special gov ernment meteorologist: Mnxlmnm GO Minimum 10 At 4:43 n. in 52 Precipitation I...39 Precipitation since Sept. i, 1915 21.fi2 PrccIplUUon ka pwlod" ' last ych'r .',' 24.88 Wind; Southwest, cloudy. flUNItrSK AK1) 8UNSKT Friday December1 3, Sun rises at 7:35 aiidBCts.,at Aill. i i Mntl Moro Chlldrcw. Tho first census report showed a tbtal of 74 children for tho Marshflold district. Slnco that tlmo tho records h&vo been gono over very carefully and now tho list has been' brought up to 323 pupils of school ago and It (s expected that boforo tile year1 is out tho list will bo brought up to 850 nt least. Kvcry now norno added to tho list means eight moro dollars added to tho school fuitd. - - Hlill IMr tVoMds Harry J, tMcKcown said that In 'spite bt the fact tho Snu Francisco Kxpasltlpn was within a very row layH of lis close rhcn ho loft thorp, great crowds ovory dsy thronged ( tHo grounds. Nono of tho concession I woro bolng taken 'down, tho direct' org ovldontiy having a rule that no thing could bo touched until Dbconu bpr C. Mr. McICcown said the weather was very tnjoyoblo tho -wholo tlmo they wero thbro, with ono or two dajs Of light mist, that "whs all. 3 HHHmHH))iHm)H BORN' KEMP To Mr. anl Mrs. Rbgcr Kemp at their lipftio tn T'ljlsn, Okia., a daUglitor, (holr frrst child. Mrs. Kemp will bo Tomemborod In Marshfield as Miss Muudo Painter. Ford Painter received a tologrnm nunouncInK tho Joyful tldlngsr I1UKOH Tr Mr. nnd Mrs. 1. O. Ilurch at their homo at Third and Highland, n daughter, their first child. 'Mother and child aro do ing nicely. (She Miy;nlef. Mrs. W. 8. Tarpon has donnted to tho public li brary a largo number of Tiiluitblo ar chitectural magazines. N oble Theate TO-NIGHT R FHISO.V sr.NSATIOXAIi FIJ.VTl'Hi: Till! KIVCJ OF TIIK Willi: Tlireo leels of tliilllliiK sctntsn "wt villi nmko tho cold chills run tip jour lmik. A picture !"ili hechiB. Tlllj PVHVMOUXT THAVHL SIIKHJS Inlercsting pictures tn. I k;n In South Aiiicili-n. ' , "Illy Itlchlo K.iuedv HIUItTS A: FiaMKS Tho reels or fun for tho KliliIIcs slniiiith-k lomcily of the Clunles Clinplln hort- t Lower Floor, 15 cts.; Balcony, 10 cts.; Children, 5cts. r nlsht: "Vlio I'njhV" Tho pltturo tlmt villi inako n . iiihtiillmriit tif IWuliio und "Tlio Cnniioiilmll," a po- Ko.h(ono comoily. AT PRICES THAT WILL SAVE YOU MONEY Drop in ant) order your ' 1 Sunday Roast Tender, juicy and at a price that will pleqse you Enterprise i Meat Market tUIIIIIUllll- ," 'Iho In rl1l tun. I col n - hindiiy M,it!iii!-ciinfii'VxilU lu.Jtci cicntcut ,i''y "Frlmcss , , - ..,,,,, r-'- ---r-.---- : ikUiiuimrr.M V 1 Hugh For Money. Suit was Insti tuted u tho Justice court this morn ing by tlio Coos Hay Farmer's I5x" chango against Mr. nnd Mrs, J, n. Jolinstin, for tio collection of an but standing bill of $69.75. Chango Made. F. V. Cattorlln loft to'dtty for Portland "on buslncse. Ho has bcoh representing- tho Mason Khrman company In this territory but ho said today that ha is severing hlB cbnnodlo'ns With that firm. - ChnnttMsr Meets. Tho Jlarehfjcld Chamber of Commorco Is scheduled i to meet this evening at eight o'clock (Unto Wnrtlen Determined. Dep uty Ohnio Wnrddn Thomas 'said tnat this morning "ho Would leave for Ten Mile to Uko somb pictures' of lowor Ten Mllo ctcok, nnd with witnesses go oVor tho ground where It is claim ed salmon nets wfro stretched, In connection "with tho reebnt fish tinso brought in tho Jtisllco court. Yellow Front. . .if ix wltc'ro tho 11KAL, VAIUICH nro it found nn.l hero fio irreaigst' fwtr- i' lijKt nro mado. i, ,r ' ,f J&jcrzrizmr STUHLlNG WLUf?9tr '.V IN KVKrtVHUJLT'' it a rtr. ... i.l n.i m.A.j b.i'iu v'll o uiqiuu miu i vtcvu ""Uji ', worth $12.B0, for ..iff .1 . .fH.lOf Men's iKuo Bergb Suits, W6fth $16.00, for . , . f. i . f . . frfi.fKt'i, H en's Uhtlnlslfcdw'ortit)s,,BfcrW4? "r3 nnd Twecd,worth 4ii?AWr ia,00 tfiVto Twnfiilfl lntiAdViUtui. Hnt-Vrfl" ' tf and Worstods, i6rtli'-$22;G0 'ji'V Melt's. Novolty 6lblts 'tk'A latest ' pUt'tcrns, worth 2tT; fofv flo,no llieso prices nt1 'Wf-Wt iipon a 'fintiitlt fiiivtrttf Wntl Xltlttir twitt.H for Hrt busy WorM, d .lr,feOO,000 M 'n'hntiiil btiMlnpss; from ''ho v niaa fiu'liilVM-c' alnniliHilnl: flili hi'mum' rbek-bottom prices, 'ad iiOU are J fiQTilllit'r. iff , i 7 "f ifJi: itf a m .2flffifflQKa2?3l5l VMHHaSMaMlilaVHiaw t PL rH ees.fci-THT-1'--'fcwm' vftnwwwr 0,1, ' , , ' , ' .r - r 'I'l'ii m ii'; n' IV ? "t." ' ;'1"'. .! ?i'.' o .. .. ?,.': '.Ji'J '.'frVX.tJ!lftilP. tJBJ taaaaHMaaaaaaiaaHaaHaHaHaHaHaHaSaiBHaHalaaHaiHalaaaaHHaaaV Tliu, OriKinators'of Jrfm'rl'l'i Llttlo Mall to Nnrop.-Tho local postal clerks shy that ltHlo mall has gono this season to Kurope In celb bratton of tho happy Yulottdo aVid they tjvon so no 'tit ah to oxprcfts the belief that tlrcro VII 1 bo no "Christmas 'or Sa,nta Clans across tho water. Packages for tlio old coun try, In order to havo reached thoro on tlmo, should havo neon sent oTt tho last trip north of tho Kiluurri. It takes approximately M6 dfcys from Portland to Kuropo, under tho nest of conditions, and with thp beats now I1 HAllIng on Irregular schodulos, Jt, will possibly tako 'rtdVe' tllifoflliiji' ibl. r.i, t- r " k Here are omer y somt .will interest l.WLSZM imcUUit you. Look tWm--oifc' ' VATr VORK, IjMt KTAdtf, per potiad V. . .V.Wv. ..'te' ' BACOX, medlhinoltiit, (backif aa UW) t$'NWmfop (Not!Wrto). ., ; . yiw .TiiNt arrived! n now hliipmoAt 'of seeds fit fikiro ' Mnk. wjTO JB kcedn v W.4 ,.... .v..V, .f tAl l nun uaiua auia, per hi..,. v. '. . . t . . t .,, .wo ,- ItOVATi, CIAII! cqFl:K, xr pound , ,,..', .Urftiwi J, j .X3liMAX-AMj:iritN' X)FFMtf,vrf M, Afif)$jli J GettingsCaihGroctryv V.AJ -a. .. ft WfWT if IJst a Hdme-Pr oaucE ijIZfS m Wlron placing your order 'tph li'Wf 'j&tfi ask for - , ',' 'Ji fh: EXTRA KfTLE.'ftEJ10EREDALrfefetlkk ( A W?wnt EXTRA KrlTTLE'ftENOERED1f ALrW nn or- i awn v" rune unu - r u h L . . .. .. y . . Accept no other. It's tho pest and tyaqe In yODT'jwltffV city. It sells for 80 crrfs. fqr a 5-pouri9.hJic1(;W; , " PaymomofV.1' fn n- -VvA,, x, M tniim i$ Ldi fc, ::- to firtqi uv OSS Goods at t; AMONG MiW Mr. C. J, Wotoy who has 'been nulto HI at tho homo of her son, F. ' l. Storoy, with "vyhom pho jias boon) residing for several months (a re ported soma bettor. I , Miss Grace qrlffou on acrottnt of J Illness was unablo to tako clmrgo o'f ! hor classes today and Mrs. Moftrilj.lO , !& m ifiMtMb. Cordon substltqtcd. loiYlftJ? 'PriCCS Mrs. W. fiAtAMxAWMHSB'Wr " " n r (teen qRlr,o ll,s rorfed M bolnp R . . t , ' . nuch better today. -, H, Q Al?Pies ,PP,r PP-,'?W HfHH''H-pound 'paid bdst nrade'- 1 AT THE riQTtLS v ll Ppanut Butter 7.5o m Lemfln,s?( per ..--20o .niii uhw n u vimn'ffVi fiilllil am c. uranpoS'.: oac Palace, Mat JfcftrJtyMy N. D. Oswald , m. IV Ck, , .JitM-Lir .', sj Ma mono: ,i?ox E32S y.-TtiVataVfterii ii i r 1. 1 1 ii'uf. i. i. ii, r ii .1 F()UNlU-.W TSr JiMi BtnH,lf''.4Uor.UnWelJS) tor VnUnt lIcehsWf.OvMlM' V ecctiro same at'Te'TiraeaenKj' by dwrrjblng )rorfya4-ylitv m -4-j ....: . ; 33.. h. F. l.eCJurlo, Portland; Laird, Coqullle; K. B. Willis, Fbrt-'-A,,,,. i - c( j,j i.V, land? b. mono, chicagoi j.ii.wifcks, California Soft-shell Wal- Astorlaj J.T.fiiimwiorvllle, Portland; nUlS; per 00 w. w, Hay, tft. Paul; c. a. ni,s-,)ne.' Ifth nound can Hfir sell, Langlols; Mrs. C A. Chconer, ehhjQ Pnrn'i ' ,v 1flft Langlols; Vf, It. Fontaine. tSuKonoJ , vQ , nV.rV'ifS V.'O, Hlndnarstv Hatlser; Thomas LarflfJ PfqkQP Oat.MGal 2pQ 0 iiit i'MHnAV rioil. ov !.(' o I 'd(. 'hutuMh (ilitrdruBa raasrrm tory and Fifth street on Cattmeffr iir:.iZr07&l.' ?-- w- N' Urge Package Wheat FAJtK TBN CT:NT8 City Limit N6rihKehd,' c. qn COMMUTATION nft ZU TICKCTS 1.7n li Marshfleld-North 'HoiuI Auto Who ' Cars every ten inlnutea from O a. m. to 12 p. n.t to Hontli Hlougu once-a da,v, leaTng at 11 a. ni.; to Empire Uireo trips a day., - " GOIT & KINO, rropa, -tt- ? lome Smoked flams and Bacon! The real oldfashionedikind more savory and more delicious than the packing-house produces. Try them. We always have the choicest line of .Meats IU-1 . ... . autf . n j . . ' ' 4i can ne obtained. r '.' r n t t ri 4 FOR TnANBFhft ANIV QTOR AGB OF UPU8BIOIfj(qo6W FIlEIGItT AND KAtiCAGB i Call BXTIXA KPCCIAT FOIt 8ATUHIMY AUopfaery anil n fountain Pen ONLY 50c lltix Htatlonory 1h fkte linen nvu -IH eiiU'lopeH and 00 hliect of paper1. THE BUSY CORNER S'" Wo tlellver immediately J Flakes 30c Smoked Salmon, po0ofi.-l5c a k : W ' 'CKrxJ'&ai&l F. L.'. . xww -vs. LakCsltTo. Portland; F. D. LaytOn, Portland. Ht. IwiwcO 'HoteV J. l Policy, tiotiulllo; Mr', and ftlrs. Iloutln, Powers; 'C. 'L. Bmlth and wlfo, Coos Illvor; Mrs, M. Storn, Coos lllvfcr! Mrs. Matson, Coos' Hlvb'rf'n. O. Mont- t ... 17-Lm gohiorr, Urldgoj V. H'VanVnrger, I 1 1HUJ5 . UACimMX57 .- Tf . .'- v itf.l I . Hnntral Avpiiijo null. WAterfrout IHft"CO notl . . ni Jain ..l. I n. ir. nnanv. tCuonb- f. i, V - ru '.rt.7;w' w 'Jfoties, Ash; A.W. 'lAi'ndy, Myrtl' . ? ' Point; N, noian, rpworav a. mc jColloch, ConnllFo! TlfJ!nir KHitfTar 'llcol; It. Gray, Coos Myrtle "Poltft; ChErlei rlwanson. iJKP, Cfaqlilflo; ;oqniiio; ijompr nipif, ir J.'pqrry,Adifo5 Cliff I s Blvet; 'O, If. rtoblnson, ! Tr,,.:: riix i wwftt!;i" IJII1U IVIUU, i, . .u.)e,v, vullt.tu, a. P- Fafftftr. Portlana:'. Tltunt- jr. Bugjioo; JIlroVpMyrilp, Pdftt. il tli fi itii..ii..i;iiri,liif .J.i i' i l ' V '! j,, , I ,T, . . WEAVINS-rAH. WW!i-. laltV. Mrs. W. W. Nawn. "680 htth,pourthffohyW40-R FERGUSON TRANSFER Phone Ilia Residence Phone 18-J Market Ave, and Watrrot" . For-rf r. r v ?,.., m JP !.,'; A psowhB-wiiy i inioiv iviarKei HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NPW See CORTflEU. f i 'i ' iii'iiiiii' !.'" i" SEE WHAT'S MERE! FINNAA'-HADPIK ' HIPI'BllKIl 1lt:ilRlKa IIOOTIl'8 OVHTKI18 KltItKl) 8AliSf)K Jufct iwcrtBvtHl'ltli HjHiiy Other good ' things. 1ion If T Vf ,'ou 'iao't cull. ' IM- l . ' r stauff's- OjqY Front, 'near C'eutrkl. ,h, 0"dui Phwis lWi E-ii BMflnvS JBTBBawMMHnV JBWH44ir4 t ' JIFW TODAY 1 WANTB1) To hear front nnter of good ranch for sale. Spoil cash j prlro and description. 1). F. ' Hush, Minneapolis, Minn. ! M'ltHK GIRL WANTBD Mrs. lfitr ry Nasburg..,'Wff OtlWWt'! Nasburg Groce. f 1,UJ l ttHnMH t LOST AND FOUND Uttttt.ttit.ttJntt 1 MHi.l'WnBUlrr(4rXl MVJ.".f Times off. ' " Wf44 : jm m FlhtNittiRR in FiA.t-cSooi4; nouflcxt'oping ouint,' (laaiiw kom6 Wyrnowopd A rgH far Wi fn'ABXi' wif. GH. jH.', TfBie otflcO.W- "V I ., .. ,,i. , ..M i i ' .7 MR .. v von 8At;fe tKArirt4vwraiMil; 21a Comcln. , , ' j FtlRMNlJtoltljTrailiil r41co virrt and'icariatt 'obI Btreef. 'soulkUwtl)HV'l -uLf,4Vr.V V- VJSWt VMM ! 1 ' 1 T-a Oft HtfWfT .iwn'thowtf!f ' ,ftrMsae!. "eMM1 At'. M, n.iuii.-. rfiirr t- " xa.uici, wv- FOR RriT Vwaisttwl ceid watAr, wim -:T:r: rtted tla. tol Mtf FOR RICNT Uosekw4Mf A ' JTTOUrT 'S'4fUlSHrfek .)11k i ' .ii i.r mmi.L :.m h4SU44MkkmV4imiMM' Hit X4i vA.NfRfU, '-- - ,'..-, ii at, aania -place oinram-' ilons.,, Vaww -r-mrfl . ! d? ...Phona-3ul nc ort- I ,w - IXflT ON HHOAmVAY Sum o 70 First, and' DUttet.N 1 Mill "" ''