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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1915)
n THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1915 EVENING EDITION. r THREE WFESSIONAL DIRECTORY t a. L. Houseworth, lMiynicuiii win uiiih-i Office: Irving J Hock. Iflco lion: n w ia n. in.; - 10 and 7 1- ,n' hOIlC': UIIICO -Iltj, nt-a.t j io-j. M.Wright X'HUIIO i 0 0-11 IIUIMUXG CONTRACTOR (Estimates furnished on request r. H. M. Shaw Eje, Ear anil Throat Specialist GLASSES I-ITTHD Phono JMO-.I. Rooms 200-201 Irving IHork. . J. matne 1J. SHAW. l'liy.slclan and Surgeon 1'liono :t:io-J. WESTERN LOAN AND BUILDING' CO. I BUILDING' CO. t Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings : X Local Treasurer X X X I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer 3C 1UZ DC enjamln Ostlind CONSUIl'INO ENC NGIKEEIl AND AIICIIITKCT Offices, 20C Irving Dlock. bono 103-L or 2C7-J. Marsbfiold, Oregon. G. Butler CIVIL ENGINEER bom 304 Coko BIdg. Phono 14B-J. Residence Phono 3C3-L. G. Chandler ARCHITECT boms 301 and 302, Coko Duildlng, Marshflold, Oregon. fm. S. Turpen AllOIHTI!T Marshflold. Oregon. AUTO STAGE SCHEDULE September, JM1B li I'oi tlanil via riorcnco & Eugcno ILeavo Mnrsliflold and Floronco lesday 11 0:30 a.m. ednesday 15 C:30 a.m. Eursdny 1C 7:00 a.m. Ildny 17 0:30 n.m. Iturdny 18 11:00 a.m. mlay 10 12:00 m. DnJay 20 4:00 a.m. icsdny 21 4:00 a.m. edncsdny 22 4:30 a.m. Eursdny 23 5.00 a.m. Ildny 21 5:00 a.m. turdny 25 5:30 a.m. Indny 20 C:30 n.m. bndny 27 C:00 n.m. icsdny 23 C:00 a.m. edncsdny 20 C:30 a.m. Eursdny 30 7:00 n.m. .cavo Gardiner Ono Hour Later In trips leaving Marshflold boforo in., you should malco Portland no day.) SOUTH COOS RIVER 110AT SEItVICE LAUNCH EXPRESS leaves Mm-shflcld every day 8 n. til. Leaves Iicatl of river nt :t:lG p. in. STEAMER HAINIIOW loaves IioiicI of river dally nt 7 a. in. Leaves Mnrshfield at 2 p. in. For rluirtcr apply on board. ROGERS & SMITH Proprietors HAVE THE ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171 MERCHANTS CAFE Popular I'laco for Good Meals Prices Reasonable Cor. Commercial nud IJ'dw'y. TIME TAIILE R'ULAMETTE PACIFIC MOTOH CAll tnocii Murshficld nnd Hunker Hill Dally. ivo Irshflold :10 n.m. ; GO a.m. :CP a.m. :G0 n.n. :K0 a.m. 1:05 :20 p,-ii. :1C p.m. 1.10 p.Tn. :00 pin. :C0 p.m. 1:10 p.m. :10 p.m. 1:25 p.m. :20 p.m. 15 p.m. Lcnvo Hunker Hill 7:15 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 0:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 12:10 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m. 4:05 p.m. 5:00 p.m. G.-15 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 0:20 p.m. 20 28 COMMUTATION TICKETS, 92.00. Mnrslifleld-N'oith Iloiid Auto Lino Cars every ten minutes from O n. in. to 12 p. in.; to South Slough otico n day, leaving nt 11 it. in.; to Eniplro tbrco trips n day. GOHST & KINO, Props. T. J. bOAIFE $ A. IT. IIODGINB Marshfipld PA,NT AND IVIdrbllllKIU DECoRATING CO. Estimates Furnished Phono 1-1(1-11. Mnrshflclt!, Oregon T IKE th' Irishman sez: - "One man's ez good ez another an' a durn sight better." Anyway, one man can t get no better to bacco 'n another ef they both get VELVET. & 3ct D D $$0$ InPPl VELVET, The Smoothest Smoking Tobacco, combines the smoking qual ities that gave Kentucky Burley its title of "Nature's Pipe Tobacco," with an ex clusive VELVET aged-in-thc-wood mellowness. rjdfsCfsXloMcaJB p ) ni-i n " ' 3 pipBi3M i.Tin, n Koontz Garage Agency for 'S00DYEAR TIRES EXCELSIOR MOTORCYCLES UNION GAS ENGINES Marine and Automobile Repairing a Specialty North Front Street :: :: :: '.. Phonp 180-J DUNGAN UNDERTAKING PARLORS will bo kept OPEN TO THE PUIJLIG A regular stnto licensed undertaker will llo In charge Pliono 103.J GRAVEL' Wo nro now prepared to furnish GRAVEL In any quantities from pllo In our yard or In carload lots, at following prlcea: From pllo on ground, $2.?5 per yard. Carroad lots, taken from cars, $2.00 por yard; Retail Department. C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. Opposite Post-Office. Phone 100. Times Want Ads nrlnc results. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY teen Mnrshflcld nnd North Hend five rwhfleM 1:30 n.m. 23 n.m. :05 n.m. :05 a.m. :05 n.m, 1:05 a.m. :40 p.m. 30 p.m. '35 p.m. 20 p.m. f 10 p.m. f35 p.m. P55 Pm. Marshflold limits onlv. p35 p.m. J35 p.m. Loavo North Bend C:45 a.m. 7.40 a.m. 8:25 a.m. 9:25 a.m. 10:25 a.m. 11:25 "a.m. 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:50 p.m. 3:40 p.111. 4.30 p.m. 5:50 p.m. North City 7:50 p.m. 8:50 p.m. sS5fSffl.5t&cz!3? double ; - Marshfield-Coquille Auto Stage Leave K Pharmacy farshfjeia A.M. 7:00 0:30 Leave I'.M. l:oo 6.30 Coquille A.M. 7:00 , 0:00 11:00 P.M. 8:oo 0:30 MnSHFIFLD-COQUILLB AUTO oiAUE TIME SCHEDULE ""'edllle nrrnni.A.l ...,,, m i boats to Ilandon, Stages to """ 101t Wagner, Roseburg. Ao delays, r rom Mnrshfield to C.qulllej 75 rents. IW'H furnish extra cars ' for fw-trlaa, dajuar night: .lo H your business suppose you knew a man irJio leapt In's shades drawn tiyhl all day and hnmed kerosene instead of lelliny in the sunliylit; suppose you knew a man toiling along a dusty road 'V who would not accept a lift when there was plenty of room in the wagon; 1 suppose you knew a miller with his mill built he jside a swift-running stream who insisted on turn ing the machinery by hand. all foolish, you say? and yet look around you how few retailers take advantage of the great ad vertising campaigns run by food, tobacco, cloth and every other manufacturing line that you can name! think a moment! what was the last advertise ment you, read and wondered just which store in town would be progressive enough to have the goods in stock .so you could see them and purchase? more goods are sold under the evening lamp at home than ijou dream of practically every live re- ""''"" ""rai'"'MS''"The;Times put up !0ll'r lightning-rod! let your customers know that you can deliver to them the goods which grcat adverjising, paid for by manufacturers, has interested them in. they will get the hfibitand you will got the business. , (letinthe sunlight gMmrYi t The Coos Bay Times' NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS DOUG US TO CLOSE SUNDAY CI.OSINC LAW TO AI'l'LV IN THAT COl'NTV Since Keren! Decision District At toiucy Orders Everything Not Exempt Tlio Roseburg Ileviow snys: As tlio result of tlio ruling of tho Oregon Supreme Court, In which the constitutionality of the Sunday closing law was upheld by tlio mem bers of that body, every IhibIiicss establishment In Douglas County, with tho exception of those exempt ed by the law, will bo ordered clos ed on Sunday by District Attornoy Georgo Nouncr, of this city. Tho Oregon closing law, which for many years was uphold by tho prosecuting officers of the state, pro vides that It is unlawful to kcop open on Sunday, otherwise known ns the Lord's day, any storo, shop, gro cery, bowling nllcy, billiard room or tippling house, which havo for their purposo labor or trnfflc. A viola tion of tho net carries a fine of from to $50, or a term o'f Imprisonment In tho county Jail. Tho law does not apply to tho thcators, drug stores physicians, tindertnkors, livery sta bles, butchers or bakorlesj. It does apply howovor, to pjnecs of aniusomont. ' , ' ' PUN BIG EXHIBIT POKTIjANI) IS AltllANOINtl l-'OU 111(1 ANNUAL EXPOSITION All Cotniuiinllles Invited to Tnko1 Part. In Manufacturers' and Laud Products Show POHEST KlIlEfi END (Special to The Times) .EUGENE, Oro., Sept. 1C Tho rains havo put to nn end the forest fires In Lnno County nnd it Is not nntlclpnted that thoro will bo any further trouble from fires this year. MIMC IS SHOUT (Special to Tho Tlmos) EUGENE, Ore., Sopt. 1G. nutter fat In Lnno county Is high on nccouut of the shortage, of milk. Tho fact that tho farmers nro not getting' ns much milk ng usual is duo to tho dryness of tho pastures. COUNTV SEATi NOTES Noun of Coqulllo People Told In tho Herald Harold Tyrol! of Fresno Cal., who tins been visiting friends on Fish trap for the pnst two weeks started for his home. Postmaster Fred Llnegar, wlfo nnd sou returned from u three weok's trip In California. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Camilla expect to sail on tho tEllzabeth for a two wcoks' visit nt tho exposition. Irwin J. Ilrollinr nnd Maud L. Ell iott, both of Powers, were married by ltov. C. II. llrynn, Sept. 10. Iloburt Dow and Miss Flora ICel loy, both of Powers ciuno to Co quille and wore married by Justice Stanley. Itov. C. II. llrynn, who for moro than two years has been pastor of tho M. E. church In this place, pre nched his farewell sermon Sun dny evening. Win. Suggs, an old residont of this placo, who has been absent flur Ing tho past three years, has return ed. Ho has been residing in Cali fornia ami whs down In Mexico at ono tlmo. Mrs. Ilosn Prouss, who lias spent tho past bIx weeks visiting relatives in San Diego and taking In tlio ex positions in that city and San Fran cisco, passed through Coqulllo on ion to homo. Mrs. Preuss Is ono of tho teachers In tho Heaver Hill school, which reopened yesterday af ter the summer vacation. October 25 will witness the open ing in Portland of the second an-. mini Manufacturer's & Lnnd Pro ducts Show. Tho exposition will bo In progress until Midnight, Novom- bcr 13, and each dny will offer n special feature, ovent or program In which soino city, town or community of the Northwest will tako part. The exhibition Is Intended .to bIiow the whole of tho Northwest under ouo great roof. Moro than 75,000 square feet will bo devoted to exhib it Bpnco and Oregon, Washington and Idaho counties and communities havo been Invited to tako part. Tho management of tho exposition Is this year giving frco space to land products displays and n grand prlzo is to be given for tho best county exhibit. Portland's Clinmhor of Commerce presents tho exposition, nnd tho dir ectors of tho show havo been named by the Industries and Manufactur ers' and the Oregon Dovolopnient bureaus, two of the most Important In tho work of tho organization. Exhibits from tho field, forest and stream will bo arranged In nn at tractive manner, nnd visitors will bo given a truthful presentation of tho agricultural, Industrial and horti cultural greatness of the Northwest. Tho exposition Is open to exhibitors from the entire Pacific coast. Many lleQofltH Tho exposition In Portland comes nt a time of tho year when tho stato and county fairs nro over and this assures, an excellent display of ex hibits of all kinds in tho Oregon metropolis. Consumer and pro ducer will meet nt tho exposition, now mnrkols will have a wider know ledge of what tho Northwest pro duces. It will also present in n truthful manner tho exact opportu nities for hoinoBcokors. It Is Intended that tho exposition will prove an Ideal medium to ndvor Vho ninny commodities to demon strate, nnd prove beyond question or doubt that tho Pacific Northwest hns many possibilities ns a great miiufncturlng and Industrial contor. UUltltV COUNTV NEWS WILL Bl'UVEV JIOAI) Notes About tho People IVont tlio Langloln Lender Miss Nolllo Ilruor of Myrtlo Point is now teaching school at Now Lnko. Pert Davidson hns purehnscd n now Hulck truck to haul tho mull from nnndon to Port Orford. Dr. Pemborton and M. G. Lutsoy whtlo hunting on Sixes last wcolc kill ed a flno black nenr. Mrs. It. E. Copo, who hns been fruit is needed: WANTED AT EXPOSITION TO .MAKE GOOD SHOWING All Who Havo Fl"o Specimens Aro ltcqucstcd t Scud Them In Now SAN FHANCISCO, Sept. 15. Those In chargo or tho Oregon build ing at tho exposition make the. fol lowing suggestion. If you nro'a grower of cipher pears apples or flno vegetables and havo oven a few cholco ones with .which you nro willing to pnrjt, you can help tho situation hero very materially and assist in Interesting tho stranger In your particular section. For display purposes In baskets, fifteen or twen ty pears of any variety, if thoy aro good lookers and of uniform size, will bo appreciated immensely. And oven six or eight top-notch apples for plato display will mako a hit. Pack the frplt well, each spocl- men by Itself, placo your namo nnd variety plainly on tho box nnd send by oxpross collect, such charges be ing paid here providing tho box is labeled, Oregon Commission, Oregon Duildlng, Pnnnma-Paciflc Interna- ftlonnl Exposition. How to Pack Fruit For competition, pears must bo entered In commercial packages only and in two to five box lots, tho halt box or pours to bo figured as ncom merclal pack, nnd two of theso nro sufficient for ono 6ntry. Apples may bo entered for competition In from ono to flvo box lots, but tho Grand Swcopstnkos will bo awarded to tho best flvo box lot. Thoro will bo vory stronuoiiB competitions bo tweon California, Montana, Idaho, Arknnsas, Washington, Missouri nnd Oregon. fienlo of Itntlng All entries for apples closo Novem ber lBt, and tho following ratings will bo used by tho Judges In award ing tho prize: Quality 20 points, Color 20; Slzo to run from 80 to 112 with moro of a leaning toward 88 to 9C) 10 points; Form 10; Freedom from blomlsh 20; total 80 points. Pack: Dulgo 4 points, al ignment 4, compnetness 4, attrnct 'ivonoBs nnd stylo of pnekngo 8, total 20 points; Grand Total 100 points. Not all growers will caro to ongngo in competition, but doubtless many with superior fruit will bo glnd to send a small qunntlty for display purposo, simply that thoy may Bay Hint thoy exhibited nt tho great Ex position nnd helped win Inurols for Oregon. SEVEN ACCIDENTS That Number Hearted from Coo' County for Week During tho wcok 13G nccidonts In tlio stnto woro roportcd to Labor Commissioner Iloff. Two woro fa tal. Sawmill accidents lend In num bor compared to thoso of othor In dustries. Of tho total reported sev en woro from Coos County us ifol- nlllnc for soino tlmo will loavo fori'OWB: Coqulllo whero sho will romnln for nnnos Chuoy, Powers, log hruls- a tlmo visiting. It. E. Copo hns ono of tho finest Holds of corn In tho county. Ills son Philip brought two samples which had well developed oars, 'and meas ured 12 feet from root to top of tho stock. FAMILY HEUNION Chief Engineer for Kendall Itrotli. eis In In Itoseburg (Special to Tho Tlmos) ItOSEHUHG, Ore., Sept. lG.F. M. Von Planta, chlof englneor for Kendall Hros, Is In tho city nud will nt ouco rcsuma work on tho rail road which will bo built to tho tim ber bolt and for which tho city voted $300,000. It Is said that actual work on tho lumber mill and tho railroad will begin within a few weeks. HOP PIUCES GOO!) , Special to Tho Times) SALEM, Oro., Sopt. 1G. Hop picking will be practically finished this wcok. Tho market Is normal and it Is anticipated that good prices will bo received as tho crop Is not as largo as was at first anticipated. DOUGLAS FAIH OPENS (Special to Tho Times) ItOSEUUItG, Oro., Sopt. 1C. Tho Douglas county fulr opened Wed- Marshflold, toes ol. logging. Otto McGlll, Powors, back brula od, pllo driving. Fred Grlnolds, bruised, saw mill. J. m Hoaton, Marshflold, foot In jured, sawmill. J. n. Ilrooklor, Marshflold, 'wrist strained, sawmill. Edward Nelson, Powors, nnklo sprained, Jogging, E. N. Fiahor. North nnii. ir.iim,i .Internally, sawmill. Notable- Gathering at llomu of J, A. Ijlinli' nt Coqulllo Tho reunion of tho Lamb family at Coqulllo Is roportcd In tho Herald as follows: Tho rcsldonco of J. A. Lamb wan recently tho scono of a most pleas ant family reunion, tho occasion do ing the arrival from Chula VIhIu Cal, of Mr. Lamb's daughter, Mrs. Leon a Dyers and hor husband, who aro lioro on a visit. Mr. Lamb had tho pleasuro of looking upon a son, lour unuguiura uuu iiiuir iiuduuuub, , iuy uuu iook tlio wrong ono. Af flvo grandchildren and four great- tor wandering down in tho wilder grand-children. Tho evening wus a ness for several miles ho broko tho HAVE IIAHI) TRIP Coqulllo Party Encounters Many WO NcultlcH of tlio Load Tho Coqulllo Horald says: Sam Noalor and wlfo motored out to Itosoburg ono day last wook. Mr., Noslor got somowhat confused In tho cross roads at Looking Glass val- loy and took tho wrong ono. huppy ono, and ono of tho attractive features was a feast of chickens nnd tho oinbclllshmonts that go thortv within. Thoso present were J.tJ' Lamb, J. A. Lamb, Mrs. Leona Dyers and husband, Mrs. Ada Smith, husband and two children, Mrs. Mar vin Lyons, husband nnd daughter 'Helen, Mrs. Irene Jones and hus band and Mrs, Nelta Oddy and hus band nud two children, Mrs. Stislo Schroedor, husband and two child ren, tho last two matrons being Mr, Lamb's grandchildren. It bus been about nine years slnco tho family woro last together nnd tho pleas ure of tho occasion may bo imagined, Sr MAKE QUICK 'fit IP Tho Coqulllo Horald Bays: Mr, and Mrs. R. II. Mast, Mr. and Mrs. Must, Jr., und Miss Lita Mast mado up a party going to Eugene last weok by auto. Mr. Mast was taking his sou and daugh ter down and put In sovoral bourn inomllng ho break. On tho re turn, trip at thoy camo buck tho Cnna ,-Ul&y jroad thoy -encountered a huge minder which hud'Jbeon, loft In tho mlddlo of tho rojid!by tlo rpud crow after a heay blnst'i Ab they woro unnblo to get nroifnd l( with their enr, they abandoned tho car and Walked 4 miles dawn tho road to Jim Laird's placounnd hjrod Mr.' Laird to bring thorn on homo In hla car. They returned for tholr own car later In tho weok. nesday. There are many exhibits iter out to enter the U. of O. ana from tho Granges, the schools, andfuo Mesdames Mast went along to individuals. There aro horso racoB, keep tholr bolten halves In the road, every afternoon and auto races aro Tho trip wna mado In n Hay each VOll TltANSFEU AND STOR AGE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS FIIKIGIIT AND HAGGAGE 1 Call . FERGUSON TRANSFER Phono 10 J Residence Phono 13-J Market Ave. and Waterfront WEAVING All klnrfs a snfin- idlty. Mrs. W. W. Nason, 680 -" VHtD, !3