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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1915)
H THE KICKS OF THE CHRONIC (ER ARE ALWAYS, AND NECESSARILY EEEBLE Coos Bay Times Your Paper 4p A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tho Coos Hay Times In. A Sontk. west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon peoplo and dovoteel to tho best Interests of this great section , Tho Times always boosts nad aerer knocks, mm Tho Coo" Hay Times li proud of Its title "Tho People's l'apo'i" II(1 ,e Btrlvco ' Umos to live np to Its nmo by devoting Its energies to promoting tho pooplo's Interests. rSw" MKMHKK OF V. ASSOCLYTKD PKKSS Vol. No. XXXIX. Kstnbllsheel 1878 As TIio Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 191 5 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mali mid Toos liny Advertiser. No. 47 KIO (Eons SlEWSOil IS REPORTEO SAFE Message Comes From Him by Way of Nome to the Ca- tlian Government ID Had Not Been Heard From Since April, 1914, and Fears For His Safety Were Felt GIVES DETAILS OF PLANS I'iiitIiumM the Pdur lli'iu tf Chniler Cost Will II iKh ""'I l'.HKi'KN Souin I'M ni Men Who Aro Fill- j i:(iili'il tor Kxploriitlon Hl7 Ar-nrlittpl I'mm lei Ciioh Hay" Tlmm I OTTAWA, C'uiiiicln, Sept. 17. An nouncement wiih umdo t Kovunmiuiit ipmrttTH tlici t StuffniiBaim wub heard f i om and Ih safe, lto wub not heard fiom Blueo April, 1911, and It wan generally hulluvcd ho ami his rom liuiilons hud been lost. A- message from SlerrmiBBOii to tho Naval De partment, dated from the llallllo Ih llu iHlaud August 111, via Nome wiih icielved and Hinted ho planned to continue) his northurn exploration a joar or ho longer. Text of Message Tho niessngo follows: "As un uvoldnlilo duys threatened and tho riiniiliiK t-iiat of c'liiirtorlng tho Polar Hear wim high, 1 purchased her and engaged her on terms Hlmllar to Knr Inli I engaged llolf, engineer of the.m'hoonor Ituliy, to tuko thu plaeo or llliiu of AlaBlca. 1 :ilso engaged five oxtru helpers who havo ainplo outfits for ono year and tho Polar Hour for two yearn. I plan to con tinue the northern oxploratlou to 1 1", degrees west and -1:2 degrees north if a northerly course la secured. iti-:roiiTi-:i at nomk SVIiooiier lliihy Hilngs Hie News of That Place III; A'.nlatoJ 1'roaa to Com Uay Tlmra. N'OMK. Sept. 17. Vlllijnlniur Sti'faiiHtiou Ih safe on Hanks Land, The schooner Ruby arrived yosterduy with dlHpatehcs from him to the Can adian government. SteffeiiHson succoded hoyont all expectations In his explorations, lie discovered n now land southwest of St. Patrick's land. News Is Hrought Tho Itutiy arrived from Ilortchol Island, on tho Arctic coast west of tho mouth of tho Mnckcnzlo river yesterday with news that Stofnnsson ami two companions, Storkor Stork erson and Olo Anderson, who sot out from Martin Point. AlaBka, March -". 1U1I over tho frozen Polar oco an to search for supposed now lands hi the Ileaufort Sea, wero not only allvo and woll but accnmplishcd ov cry purposo ror which tho liuzarclojis Journey was undortakon. Makes Discovery RtcfaiiBson discovered a continu ant e of tho continental shelf sovcral degrees west of DankB Land and ov en determined Its southern limits. ' t was unahlo to continue his ox I'loiatloiiB north and west. Will Ho Huso Hanks Land, to which Steffansson departed after leaving tho Huhy on bMllllo Island, will ho niado tho haso of further explorations. TIio southern party, of which Dr. Iludolpli Anderson Is commander, all me well, Tho only misfortune was II e death of englueer Daniel Hluo of tin" power boat Alaska, which oc ciirred at llallllo island early this l ring. ICTIOM IS PLEASING ii:HMW XKWSPAPKH SKKS KVI- iivt i: op (jooi) wir.ii Make t'omiiiciiT cm" pTc'sTilenCn futeii Hon to Take I'p Arabic Mut ter Confidentially r A n ne I ivcig jo poo, najr Tm j UKRMN, Sept. 17. Heports co celved hero state that President Wll rn will niako no formul roply to tho ficrman government's communica tion coii-ernlng the sinking of tho "able, but will confer confidential '" with Ambassador Von Bernstorff, ore acclaimed by the Gormanla as a New Indication of the good will of jlie American government and its In t(;lt to come to an understanding with us." COME if! $$$t VOTE EOD QTDItr: IN SAN FRANCISCO X t q Itjr Amioi lalnl I'mu'io C'son cay Tlmn t OAKLAND, Sept, 17, Over a thousand motor- t t men and conductors of $the San Francisco-Oak- land Terminal Railway. voted to strike to enforce the closed shop condi tions, Their action awaits the approval of tho Amal gamated Association of Steam and Electrical Railway employees, A AI'STHIAX SPHMAHIXi: OKS THOVS ItHITISlI VKSSPli Occiit'ied in Soul hern Atlrlatlc It Is Stated lii'Aiinoiiiicciiieiit Made At Vienna lly Aiwiirlalr.! Vrvtm In Cixm Hay Tlmow VlHNNA. (WlrelesB to Tucker ton), Sept. 17. An Austrian sub marine) commanded by Llouteunut Von Trapp torpedoed anil sank .1 largo llrltlsh tiumiport a few days ago In tho fouthorn Adriatic, accord lug to an aiiuouncemeut today. FiRE 01 SOLDIERS MEXICAN'S SHOOT AT t'. S. CAV AI,HV PATHOli TOIlAV 1 About I'ho Hundred Shots the HrouiiMillo City l.iiiiils When T1011114 Visit lilcr llj Aiiuclitxl fri 10 Ouin n; 'iiniM.l IIHOWNSVIIiLK, Texas. Sept. 17. A United States cavalry patrol was fired on today from tho Mexican sldo of tho river, near the llrownsvlllo city limits. About fiOl shotB wero fired. Tho cnvalry had gono to tho river to Investigate shooting 011 the American sldo. hasted Fifteen Minutes The hatllo lasted IT, minutes with the Carranza holdlers on one Bide nud Amorlcaus on tho othor. Ono Mexican was killed nud five wound ed. No Amorlcaus wero hit. Tho soldiers of tho Twonty-slxth Infantry also had a brush with Mex icans near Los Presnos, In which at least ono Moxlcau was wounded. Xot. He.spnnslblo Tho fighting at llrownsvlllo was stopped by a Carranza officer who mado his men withdraw after shout ing across tho river that his troops wero Irresponsible. OLD TYPE MUST GO Sl'HMAHINF.S OF Fl KIND OFT OF COMMISSION XOW Will Not Ho I'scil at Least I'iiI.'I a Thoioiigli lilt est igiillon Has Heen Mado Illy AanlalM l'rwa In ('ixm lliy Tlra.l WASillNOTON, I). C. Sopt. 17. Secretary Daniols today ordered nil tho submarines of tlio F-l typo out n' commission until n thorough e nmlnntlon can bo mado. Tho action was taken upon tho report of tho board of Inquiry Investigating tho sinking of tho F-l which ascribes tho disaster to a battory explosion. lU'VS STORK llKKK Hood River Merchant Takes Over lloldiuiis r P. M. Spauldiiig Hecauso of Ill-health, K.M.Spauld- lng has sold out his flvo-ton-flftoon cent storo on Front street to II. S. llurpee, of Hood River, and on Sun- uay air. aim .u. oiiuwhiuh i'oi to leavo on tho boat for Portland. Mrs. Spaulding will visit lior par ents In La Orando for n tlmo tvhllo Mr, Spaulding goos to Spokane to look around. Thoy caino horo about seven mouths ago and during tills tlmo havo mado many friends who aro sorry to see them leavo. .Mr. Hurpoo has nrrlvod horo with his wife and child to tako chargo of the store. Ho has had seteral years' niorcantllo oxporlonco in Hood River and othor places and says that ho Is very much Improssod with tho outlook In Marshfleld. Ho comes highly recommended. Columbia mid Kver-Hcaily dry cell, :t its. each,' or for 1 .75 ciuh. -Maibhflelcl Hardvtme. I T SORTS cojfeince is iPii Sentiment Favors Enforcement of Original Grant to Sell at $2.50 An Acre F KhhM 1 MlM I L. IILUULU I IUISi Ask That Land Not be Put Into Government Forest Reserve LAFFERTY IS DEFEATED Makes nil Attempt With Others to Add Members to (lie Hesnlulioiis Commit Ice Stib-ciiminit teo Will I Ira It Appeal to foiiuccss tllr AwoilalM I'rcwi In Cowl mj Tlmn,,! SAI.K.M, Ore., Sept. 17. The reB oliitlous committee of tho Oregon & California laud grant confereuea tn day appointed a subcommittee-) to draft 11 resolution asking Congi"sa to provide machinery for tho en force meiil of tlio original grant, which piovldcK for tho sale of tiie laud to settleis at $!!.() an aero. Plan N Pavoi'cd The Biibcommltteo will report back to tho committee for consl !er f.tlon. Tho sentiment of tho con ference seamed woll crystalllzod In favor of such 11 resolution, and the opinion Is ventured by tho lenders that It had an excellent cliunco for adoption. Defeat Uffci'ly Thn committee was instructed to recite In the 1 evolutions tho rlghtii claimed by tho railroad and to de clare against thu kinds being put fnto tho forest reservo. Former Con gressman l.afforty, C. K. Sponco and K. J. Staek wero defeated tho sec ond time today in an attempt to in crease tho resolution conimltlno membership from L'H to 25. LliER IS MM SAFE! pirn: i:xTi.'(ii'isni:D ox THU BANT AXX.V IIOAHD Vessel Has Anlved lit St. Michaels No Fxphuiatlou of Ciiiiso Is Vet Given ny AMGClitoJ rrvi to Coo Day 'tlmM.l LONDON, Sopt. 17. Tho Fabro liner Sant Anna has arrived at St. Mlchaols, Azores. A. flro In No. 'i hold was extinguished. No oxplan- atlon has boon received na yet as i to tlio cause of the flro. TOT SKCHKTAHV LANSINC TO DAYS' RKST RAVI TUX Has Onernl Conference Willi Tie itlenl Today Nolo lo Fnuhiinl About Intel ferenco Is Heady Dy AmocUIM ITfaa u Cooa Hay Tlraw.l WASHlNflTON, I). C. Sept. 17. Proaldent Wilson and Secretary of State Lansing had a general confer ence ou International affairs today Just before tho Secretary loft for a ton-days' vacation. Lansing an nounced that tho new note lo Croat Hrltaln about tho Interference with American trade hud buen complete. COIW'TT FAIR GOOD Kxhlblts at Roscburg tiro Heller Than Any at Pietious Show (Special to Tho Times) ROSKHURO, Ore., Sopt. 17. Tho oxhlblts at tho Douglas county fair thl3 year aro hotter than any previ ous year" and show what Is being dono by the farmers of tho county. Hoth farm products and live stock aro shown. Good racos In tho af ternoons aro a feature of tho fair. NKW TRAFFIC HKCORD madi: AT TUP CANAL IDy Awuriatxl I'rMu to Cooa Itay Tint. WASHINGTON, Sept. 17 A now traffic rocord was rfet In tho Panama-Canal In July, 170 vessels making tho pas sage. This Is 65 per cenr greater than tho average of the preceding months. m E m 2 MUST ASSESS 0. & C. LANDS FULL VALUE t tllr Afwnelatfrl I'itm to co nay Tlmca SALEM, Ore,, Sept, 17, in a decision rendered i for the State Tax Com- t mission today, Attorney t General Gcoigo Brown held that the lands in t tlie Oregon and Califor- i t asWsod nt'lho full val- ! iin4i uation regardless of the t t fact that tlio company t Z must sen to settlers tor x t $2,50 an acre, He said Z that as the company had t chosen to withhold thc$ land and borrow money I t on them, it could not t complain of llic assess- t t ment, t hcssiax (.'i:xi:i:ai, viuiks fac- TOHIKS TO COXTIXrH WOHIv ' Owlnj; to Pioi'ogat'ou of IMinia, Domestic Affairs tiro Occupy- lug .'Moie Attention tllr AJMirlatM l'rn to ro,. Hay Tlnin.l LONDON, Sept. 17. Owing to the prorogation of the Duma, domestic, affairs aro occupying tho attention of tho Russians. Tho effect of this on tho military situation Is feared as Is Indicated by a proclamation of Ipeneral Hiisky, tho Russian com- maniier m 1110 norm, cuiiiug uiuu his woiknien not to Blacken their efforts to keop tho army supplied with miuiltloiiB. Soveio I'lglilliiK Sovore fighting seems under way on tho tlalllpoll peninsula. Constan tinople roports that thu Turks mado sovoral successful atlncks In the Ana farta region. Artillery combats continue on tho Western front. s ANOTHF.R Hl'SSIAN TOWN TAKFN HVTIli: (HIHMANS Von llliiileiihiii'g'H Army, Which Cut tho Continues to Press cm Toward Past (Uy AiioclalaJ Vtnt to Cooa Day TlmM.l IllillUN, Sept. 17. Field Marshal 'Von Illndeuburg'H forcos, which havo flanked Vllna and Dvlnsk, cut tn(, t)l0 raroa(i batweon those two ''cities, havo mado further advances i'to Jio Knst. Tlio War Doiiartment announced today the capture of Vld 7.y, 115 miles south of Dvlnsk. HAVE A PEACE P WOl'LD SKND W. .1. HRVA ' WARRING NATIONS JO liloii Picjented by Hepreu '. os of Hie Ameilcau Ncuhp.ipcis til. Ilslied in l''oi'e"gn Lumtii.ii's Illy Aaaoi htl l'rta lo Cua. IUy TIimm.1 WASHINGTON, D. C Sopt. 17. Plans to send William Jennings Bryan on a mission of peace to (ho warring nations of Kuropo wuk tlio HiiDjHiit of a conforonce horo today lmtwoen the formor Cablnut officer and Dr. William Forgo, represent ing the editors of American news pspers published in fuielgu laut. uaeoH Heforo visiting Hryan, Dr. Forgo, In u public statement sot forth the plans as developed, which coulcm plate a personal visit by Hryan to the belligerent nations to arguo pouco Ho raid Hryan had alinady given him the Impression that if the trip was undertaken, Hryan himself "will, for the lovo of tho luuso WANTS 1 IIOS CAPTURED LAI not only sacrifice his lime, but also' the Central Hank of Hand with u cap pay his own expenses." Iltul slook of ISS.JJOU. Tho lucorpor- pay 'The statement laudod tlio formei Secretory or State, saying "In nil Kuropo, In bolllgoront or noural nation, thoro Is no Amorlruu held In greater esteem than Hryan." FRUIT GHOWKHS Seo us about applo boxes In any quantity. Pilro cm application. Scbroeder .V: llildeiibraml. G I TO AID ALUES Rumanian Paper Says That Much of Balkan Diplomatic Contest Has Been Settled GREEGElSWEUTRAL That is Said to be Only Policy That Will be Followed By Country relationsTrTimproving Hiilgui-hi nud (iieeco Seem to Ho on Heller Terms Than They lluxo Heen According In tlio Stae- nienls Cuiilii"; from Alliens NKITHAIdTV OXI,V poidcv ix (;hi:i:ci: Illy AiirMUil Vn It, C'ikh, Hay 1 l,iitt. ATI I IONS, Sept. 17. Thero aro Indications that the rela tions between Oreeco and Bulgaria aro Improving. In the most Influential circles the conviction Is now nald to havo been reached thai neutrality must be the only policy of tlrecco. - tly AantrlatcJ t'rcaa to Cooa Stay Tlmra. IUICIIAUPST, Houinanla, Sept. 17. "The Allies know that lit no case may they count on Hulgarla's help on the (iallfpoli peninsula," says nouil offlelal ludependonco Hoiualiie. "They havo lost that part of their diplomatic contest In thu Hnlkans. It remains to bo seen how the othor part will come out. King Ferdi nand will leavo tomorrow for ti week's vacation in Dauouh, nud this fact completely disposes of tho ro ports concerning activities of the Hu manlnn troops on thu frontier, which 1 1 reality aro nothing more than tho annual maneuvers. MAKF. IMPHKSSION Statement of Itulgaila's Piemler Regarded by People is tny Aaaoulaleil Prraa lo Cooa Uay TlmM.l ATIIKNS, Sept. 17. Tho utter ances of Promlor Radoslavoff of llul garla expressing hopo for more cor dial relations with (i recce, madu deep improsslou, as also did tho declara tion that tlio futuro of tho Ilalkaris depends upon an understanding be tween theso two nntlons. Tho pro Russian newspaper Mir lias beou sup pressed. 444 GFHMANS IIAVK LOST TWPNTV SCHMAHINKS ny AmmI4IkI I'rwa In I'noa Uay Tlinfa. LONDON, Sept. 17. The Germans lost !!( submarines since tho beginning of tho wur, according to an editor ial In "Motorship and Motor Heat," while tho llrltlsh loss es are given as only sevon. ! ! I HP.CPIVKS OHRPHS New Wnoil Pi'odiuis Company Will lto Husy Now The Oregon Wood Products Co, la now ecincoru, formed for the muii lufacturo of broom haudlos, buttiit', jaiiplu and other boxes, and io i cuntly started for business at North jlleud, Is receiving many local orders for boxes mid has also received from Bw.iyiio & Iloyt an order for two ear loads of standard cauli flower crates and to duplicate tho shipment as oftou i(H possible for six mouths. XKW HANK I'OHMKI) (Special to Tho Tliuos) SALK.M, Ore., Sept. 17. Articles of Incorporation have been filed for ators aro W. L. Cobb, J. M. Thomu and W. S. Hamilton, formerly of Reseburg. AMONG THE SICK t A. Carl Cox came down from Camp 1 this inornlnt,' hriu Ung 1i(k little nou who Is quite III with fctomarh trouble. ? WILL BE RECALLED cno pnMcin TATinM " t Illy Amik lalp.1 Inw to I'ooa Hay Tlmrii 1 I WASHINGTON, Sept, t 17, The Austrian gov- emment intends to recall t Ambassador Dumba for t consultation, according to t intimations given Ambas- t sador Penfield when lie t delivered tho American t message asking for tlio t recall of Dumba, dOIIN D.ltl,IN(i ;i:ts ioo fink AND : DAYS IN ,l.ll Coutlcletl of l'ui'iilsbln l.lipior (oj Men nl Powers .May In tolto Olbeis (Special lo Tho Times) COQUII.U3, Ore., Sept. 17. A flue of $1110 anil a sentence of thirty days In tho county Jail was the penal ty muted out to John Darling, a Co tltiillo boy, who was convicted yes terday of bootlegging at Powers. Darling was lo havo been sentenced next Monday but his attorneys asked that thu tlniu of sentence be advanc ed and tlio Judge Immediately com piled. In pronouncing sentence, the com t severely condemned tho Illegal sales of liquor and called Darling's attention to tho rnct that ho should havo profited by warnlnga given him by District Atlornoy Idljeiivlst. Dur ing the trial, It was brought out that Darling was only about nineteen years old. Furthermore that ho had been suspected of tlolatlug the liq uor law and that Mr. Mljeiivlnt Had called him Into l,IIJeivlsl's offlco And warned against being Implicated In It. May Involve Others During tho trial, Darling's testi mony Involved nnothor man named Kvoro'lt Lowls who Is employed at one of tho Smith-Powers Camps nt Powers. Darling claimed to havo boon merely n "go-botweon." Lewis will probably bo enllod upon at once to explain the mntter. Lew is formerly lived at llandoii whore he and bis brothers built tho brldgo of tho Wear Creole Logging road tvnieli collapsed a couplo or years Ugo. Two or three brothers of Lowls are now employed near Powers hut tliey are not Implicated. Damage Suit Today Today tho damage suit of Howllsh vii. Smith-Powers logging company for ?:i,G0) for personal Injuries Is on trial. Howllsh was employed In ono of tlio camps and sustained n brok en log by a log rolling down on him. t WATERFRONT NEWS t 644)44, $$$ , VKSSPL MOVF..MPXTS Duo Her,' tJantu Clara, San Pedro, this nf tei'iKiou. Sailed Hornuidn, Snattlo, yesterday. Duo (o Sail Thomas 1,. Wand, Sun Franc'sjo, today. Ilurdy, San Francisco, todav. DoatH delayed by fog on bar. HARDV TO SAIL Tin, steamer Ilurdy, with a car go from the Simpson mill, Ix ready to sail this afternoon. The steamor Thomas L. WmIhI, which loaded at tho liend Lumber Company, Is reu ly to nll. FOG ON THU It ,K Heavy fog cm the bur lias delayed tho entrance or tho steamship Santa Clara since 1 1 o'clock this morn ing. Hlie Is bound in hero from San Francisco ami 'Kuroku mid lu ex pected to get In this evening. GLPANKR TO SAN FRANCISCO Tho tug Gleaner of Gardiner Is nl Han Francisco on drydoek, un dergoing an overhauling. Sho was tnvtod down by thu San Gabriel and will be towed buck when tho .re pairs aro complutud. IIKRH FJEOM GARIHXP.H ('apt. N. J. Cornwall cunio down from Gardiner this afternoon cm business. Ilu says that It Is not certain when thu Gluaifcu- will bo able to come hero to tow tlio North west to sou. Al'TOIST.S ARK RKTUHMNG Claude Tuokor, Coll Iiolaml. Art Miller, J. K. Wynne and others who I mado tho trip from horo to the San Franc lit o exposition, aro oxpected I home tonight or tomorrow Iu the coast road. BDOTLEGGER JAILED i Gathering at Coquillc Last Night to Discuss Plan of Bonding Coos County SELECnFFICEflS Final Action in Endorsing Plan Deferred Until Meeting Oc tober 7 at North Bend CHARLES HALL PRESIDENT An Futli'cly Now Orgmiljitlon Is Formed Vlco Prcwldculs Chosen From Seten of (ho IjocnllL'cs .Many Views Aro Glteu A hundred determined good road advocates from flvo cities of tho county met mid pledged their undi vided efforts in putting through n $"70,000 load bond Issuo for per manent hard surface roads within Coos at the meeting of the Good Roads Association held In Coqulllo lust evening. An entirely new organization was effected mid two definite proposi tions weto placed before tho voters for their discussion us follows: Do wo want permanent hlgh'wayn tu unite tho cities of tho country? or, Do wo want to begin n road that will lead tu tho Douglas County lino t) tap tho main trunk road nt Rosa burg? October 7, In North Hond, In the date of tho next good roads meeting. "Lets got Blurted with ns much as we can and Ihun every year get somo more" was tho fundamental thenio of practically every talk given last night. Tho amount of tho hond is suo Is as much as tho county, by law, Is allowed to bond for. Hut this Is a start, Is something to build to and Is the groat Incontlvo to ovontunlly hard surfacing every road in Coos. Community Jealousies and wlro pulling to get tho main section of tho road for nny ono city or placo will kill tlio meastiro and retard by years the big move that has beou ill months getting ovor the sot hack re ceived in tho do rent of tho first bond Issuo callotl, was the concensus ot opinion expiessed by the speakers. Proiildont Morrison, of Coqulllo, head of tho Good Roads Association enllod for ontlro reorganisation of tho body. Ho said tho old offlcors havo ono tholr hes.t and with n now wtart ot tho movement, now men should lio put forward. My ballot Charles Hall, or Marsh field, was electetl presldont, with u total of (if! out of S8 votos ovor Dr. Ira Hurtle, or North Hond. Vlco pioflldonts woro elected from sovou towns of tho county. Thoy wero: Kiotvurt Lyons, Mnralirield; A. U. Ruah. North Hond; Harry Fouslor. Myrtle Point; John DIckoy, Ilandon; A. K. llaker. Hrhlgo; mid A. T Mor rlMiu, Coqulllo. Km I I., Powell, of Marshfleld, was elected secretary. It. II. Mast, of Coqulllo, was elect ed treasurer. The president and tha seven vlco presidents shall act as n executive coinmlttoo, flvo of them will bo a quorum, with authority t,o act cm behalf of tho Association. ' " A trunk road that will go out to lap tho main Hue through RosobiirK I tho Hist necessary stop was tlio oMU'Oaftcocl belief or A. 1J. IlukorftpJT Hrhlgo. "Handon, Coqulllo and Myrtle Point could woll donate half a million dollars ror such a road. Tlio advantage It would opon to them can hunlly bo guessed at." deciaro-l Mr. llaker. "Wo have to get out or this potU Idea that tills road unist, conio olther In trout or back of our otvu houses. First the trunk Hue, and then lot us branch out to all theso different pla,c c." "Right now this road wo'to got out to Rosoburg haa losa grades and hills than somo parts of the Pacific Highway, hut Its full or chuck hple.8 so that tiding ceases to bo n Joy tor ovor." Judge Wuttorfl, or fs'orth Hond,, would have established a north and south lino ror a road that eventually will parallel tho coast mid open up tho Unipqua country to Cooa Hay. "Kstnbllsli It anyway," ho said, "so that wo will know whero It Is." Phlnbllsh Lines Inasmuch as none of tho proposed Usuos would be spent ou such a road tlie mombers were willing to 1 Kraiit Ills vylah d later on a motion. (Continued ou Pago Two.) rr mid nan 1 10 TALK IADS t