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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1915)
mmm i.j.j.. . TWO H THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1915 EVENING EDITION. I1K8T1 COUNTl' LY STATU FOR 1IIB PURPOSK HAiYH BAPKRT RAISE MORE BEEP BIO TO DISBAND I'rof. K. L. Potter In Much Impressed In IntoivxtliiK l'npcr DIkcunscs Four Uocf Types Cattlo raising on tho ranges of Coos should be n mot profitable In dustry, according to K. L. Potter, of tho flopnrltncnt of aiilnml hus bandry of O. A. C, and ho has written sovoral letters on tho sub ject to J. L. Smith, county agricul turist.' : ' Nowlioro In tho state, he pointed out, arc tho conditions so well adapt ed to this Industry. Two types of cattle, tho Ilercfords nud tho Short horns tiro recommonded for this sec tion. Prof. Potter discusses the types ns follows: Thcro aro four leading breeds of bcof cattlo; Shorthorns, Ilercfords, Abordccn Angus, and Galloway. Tho Aberdeen Angus nnd the Gallo ways aro good cattlo but aro not nu merous cnotigh In Oregon to de serve much attention in this article. Tho chief rivalry Is between tho Shorthorn and tho Hereford. "Durham" Is another name for tho Shorthorn. Tho word "Durham" is used very generally in Coos Coun ty, but It Is practically never used by tho loading breeders or at tho big llvo stock eI)owb, or In tho ag rlculturo papers. Tho Shorthorn cattlo aro red, white, or roan, and occasionally spotted,, regardless of strain or breeding. Full brothers and sis ters may bo ono red, another whlto and anothor roan. Tho Shorthorns aro Bllghtly larg er than tho Ilerbfords, n llttlo moro full In tho hind quarters and a llttlo better milkers. The HcrcfordB, on tho other hand, aro hotter rustlers, nud fatten a llttlo moro readily on scanty food. It Is commonly said that tho shorthorn Is tho hotter for good feed and tho Hereford for poor food and thoro Is considerable truth in this state ment. Whcro thoro is plenty of food to get tho steers fat and to winter the cows in good shapo tho Shorthorns will probably bo just as good in ev ery wny but a llttlo larger nnd so bring a llttlo moro monoy. If the feed is not so good a larger percent age of tho Shorthorn steers will not bo fat and will have to bo held over for anothor year and tho cows will bo too thin at tho beginning of win ter nnd will either not do well or will require extra feed. Tho uniform nnd distinctive color of tho Herefords Is nlso of advantage. Tho small size of tho calves at birth saves tho cows much trouble in calving while tho calves soon grow to bo as largo as other breeds. Tho differences outlined should cnnblo the beef man to easily select tho breed ho wants. Iloth aro so noarly nllko and both so good nnd so much moro profitable than the scrub that tho brocdor of cither Is going to bo moro than pleased with the results. Novor tho less, when It comes to n fine distinction, wa would recommend tho Hereford for all year around on grass with no shelter, while wo would recommend tho 'Shorthorn whore thoro was plen ty of extra winter feed and shelter. CAN'T PLAY ON WIND AND LAST MKICTIXG CALLED FIvo Yearn Coos liny Concert Itiiiul Has Hocn Efficient Organiza tion Aro Sow In Debt Five years tho Coos Day Concert Hand has furnished music to the city of Mnrshfleld. Tomorrow night, for lack of support, it will disband and hereafter thoro is to bo no official organization that on occasion may bo turned to for music on tho many occasions It is needed. As high as 32 members hnve at times been In tho bnnd. Faithful ly tho members have been mooting twice a week. For about thrco years the musicians wero subsidized by tho city nt tho rato of $1B0 a mouth. This paid tho expenses of n director and also bought tho nuislc. This nrrangoment was satisfactory until about last March' when the city the city could no longor stand tho $150 strain and tho band was drop ped. Tho Moose camo forward, will ing to shoulder the burden nnd they tried hard, but tho expenso was too great for them. But through It all tho members havo been optimistic and remained Intact, hoping against hopo that somo moans would turn up, enabling them to continue. They havo been disappointed and tomorrow night thoy meet for tho laBt time "Tho boys havo boon workod hard and havo done tholr best," said Dr. Toyo, secretary of tho band, todny, "nnd tho' it takes wind to play thoy can't pay on wind. Thoy'ro In dobt, thoro Is no monoy In sight bo I guess Its up to us to dig up nnd thon quit." Tho present momborshlp of tho band Is now 22, many 0r tho musicians havo lort town nnd tho support of tho body was withdrawn. Director It. N. Fonton has for many months been nt tho hend, has mado tho band nn efficient organization and lias mado n host of friends hero. Touring Oregon to Aid Cauase of Mother's Pensions Judge Henry Noll, father of Mother's Pensions, has traveled all over the United States in tho last four years, advocating Mother's Pen sion and Is :now traveling through Oregon nnd will visit Coos Dny this month, Ills plan has been adopted Into tho laws of twenty-five states, Myomlng, New York and Tennessee recently joining the procession. Ills plan Is to talk about the evils of child-poverty and to convlnco tho whole country thnt It Is bad policy and a waste of taxpayer's monoy to allow any child to suffer from pov erty. Ho 1b organizing n great Moth er's Pension Congress, which will take place at tho San Francisco Ex- iW'SiW'V'WNrf'N'WN AVntcli for I'aimum Opening PICTURE BRIDES ARE NOT DESIRED (Dr AMocltled I-rn o Chi Baj Time.) TOKIO, Sopt. 1C Choosing .Tap enoso brides by pictures is no longor desirable, according to Mr. S. Yam- nkaml, n .Inpancso newspaperman of Senttlo, who has Just roturncd to tho United Stntcs with cloven girls who will marry Jnpancso emigrants. Eugenics Is tho basIH of solectlon now, ho holds. In former days the custom has been "for tho omlgrant to send for the girl whoso plcturo ho liked. When Mr. YnmnkamI reached Jnpon ho received applications from twcnty-nlno girls who wished to, go to America to mnrry Jnpancso la borers nnd ho soloctod oloven pros pective brides from among thorn. Mr. YnmnkamI discarded tho old picture brldo nrrangoment. Ho mado a thorough examination of each would bo brldo as to education and physical conditions. Ho choso only robust women. Mr. Yninnknml laments tho fact that promising young Jnpanese men nro llablo to dotcrlorato after raving amassed "wealth" In America, nnd ho attributes this demoralization to tho difficulty of finding sultablo wives. Hy supplying wives of tho bettor class ho proposes to liolp tho moral conditions of tho Japanese emigrants in America, I I I I I I I I Making: Business Better n DESPITH tho handicap of war, business Is on tho up grado. If each ono of us contributes u llttlo extra push it will soon bo hotter. It menus trying harder nnd keeping at it longer, It means continual optimism and faith In tho future And It menus carotul, Hustnln ed, woll planned uowspaper ad vertising in many lustnncee. The Coos Times will bo glad to assist thoso who I want suggestions as to holp I push business. I Bay K fla0U9atiaar H JUDGE HENRY NEIL position on September 20,21 and 22. At this conference plans will bo dis cussed for having tho Mother's Pen- WOULD GBEA TELIFEi T1UK8 TO MAK1-; VEGETATION .SOLELY FROM. CHEMICALS -t Dr. V. Ilnyiloii in Making Somo K. perlmentN Attended by Re- inarknblo Hesultn Crcntlng vegetable llfo by means of chemicals Is nn oxporlmont which lias been nttompted by Dr. Walton Hnydon of this city nnd which ap parently resulted successfully. Dr. Hnydon says that his experiments huvo only been started and ho will not say what ho thinks ho has ac complished until ho hus gouo far ther, but at least ho has results to show. Following L'Dui-, Dr. Hnydon has been following with much interest the experiments of tho noted French scientist, L'Due, who has been attempting to erento life. Scientific papers havo been reporting tho ideas, attempts nnd result of L'Due and Dr. Hnydon concluded to try some experiments on his own account following out tho same Idea. Ills purpose was to sco if ho could create vogotablo llfo entirely by means of the uso of chemicals, ny following out woll studied plans ho mixed chemicals and mado tho seed which ha planned to have grow. This was planted in. water which had been chomlcnlly treated. Tho result is qulto astonishing. With wonderful rapidity tho seeds appear to germlnnto and from them grow plants, or nt least something that npponra llko vegetation. In somo rases tho growth took on moro tho form of seaweed nnd spread out In grent masses on the bottom of mo buibs in wnicn mo seen was placed. In other cases tho growths tnko an upward direction and In placos bear llttlo branches which havo tho nppenrauco of leaves and others which look llko llttlo berries. (iron Hi is Rapid Ono peculiar fenture Is tho rapid mnnnor In which tho growth comes about. A seed planted In tho water will shoot up the growth In tho course of n few hours. Dr. Hnydon does not protend to nay wnut ho has discovered, but ho does sny thnt at least somo Interest ing developments havo como about nnd he Intends to go deepor into tho matter and make further cxporl slon System administered by tho pub lic school system. "The Mothers' Pension System Is not a charity any moro than tho pub lic school Is a charity," said Judge Nell In discussing his plan. "Wo Bpctul money for free educa tion because it Is tho. economi cal nnd efficient thing to do. We know that wo cannot afford to hnvo our children grow up in Ig norance But thousands of child ren nro prevented from obtaining nn education because their fathers nro dead or for somo renson fnll to provide. Tho pension system provldos food, clothing, shelter and caro by the child's own mother, without which tho freo public schools cannot do tholr work. "Wherever tho pension system has been tried its results satisfy nil class es . Juvenile crime and defectives nro decrensed at once, becnuso tho pensioned mothers aro enabled to remain nt homo and tnko caro of tholr children. If children havo a good homo, with tholr own mother, juvonllo crlmo decreases. Tho best wny to rapidly decrease tho cxponso of corrective Institutions, Is tho Motlprs' Pensions SyEtom, which attacks chlld-povorty, tho causo of most crime, feeblo mlndedness and Insanity. "Who is not pained to sco llttlo children In poverty, deprived of tho things childhood ncods? Tho pension system will cnnblo nil children to lvo a happy childhood and that Is what wo aro living for, ns I seo It." Judgo Noll is organizing committ ees In stntcs which do not havo tho Jienslon system, nnd also commltteos In pension states to sco thnt tho law Is used to free all chlldron from pov erty. Judgo Noll Is known as "Tho Fath er of tho Mothers' Ponslon System." Ho receives no remuneration. Ho has spoken in hundreds of cities. .a NOTICE OF SALE OF I.MPUOVE MENT 1IO.VDS theKTSH lltularaaW. aBBBBBBn c$5? TSfcrSSS I Tliisis Stove Polish YOU Should Use TT'S different from I others because moioenro "" is taken In tho niukinsr nnd tho materials used nro oP higher grade. Black Silk Stove Polish Mnkci n brilliant, silky polish Hint does not rub oil or dust oft, nu J tlio alilnolmtit four times ns long na ordinary Nlovo e llih. Used on nnmplo slovct nnd sold 1 linrdwnro nhd crocrrv clcnlors. All wo uk in a trial. Uh It on ) our rook tovi your parlor itovo or your pu ronpo. If you loner. Inilit on lllnrk Silk Btcnp I'ol Mado In liquid or piulo ono quality. Black Silk Stovo Polish Work. Sterling, Illinois don't flml it tho baat alova noll.l, you eviir uanl. your ilcaler In nutliorltnl lo nfiinj your money, Inalrt on Kl.-irk Silk Stoic I'oliall. -- ' i.. . r ii it rraii. XTKIPir, wiovi"pi I njyrmi. rupunif. BlacH iik matai t-oii.n iorpucr. mend UvK afwtalSaKr ", Our own prompt and particular delivery scrvk M ficient clerks beirlg out of tho high rent diSS keeping our prices as low as consistent with ZM ness makes, buua Conner &. Hoagland The Leading Grocers Dealers in Good Grnni 707 Qniith Rrnnrlunv. on T,UGerieS ,,, wumn w.wn.. .j. . iiuiiw OfO-J Uh BlacW Silk Alr.Drylns Iron Cnamal on wptpr tal Pollih or braM. It haa no equal for uaoon autoinoblloa.jA Fine Rugs A RUG can make, or mar the appear ance of any room. We have a large variety of them for every room in the house SEE OUR WINDOW Johnson-fiulovsen Co. Tho Quality Nuiiio with tho .Service Funic NOHTH FKONT STItEET and 3M. . FOR SALE on Uison Ink-i, fine lo- N'otlco Is horohy given that scaled proposals will bo received by tho Flnnnco Commlttco of tho Common Council of the City of Mnrshflold. Coos County, Oregon, ut tho offlco of tho City Recorder of said City of Mnrshflold, in the City Hall of said city until Ii o'clock p. m., Monday tho 27th day of September, 1915, for tho purchaso of Btrcot Improve ment bonds of tho said City of Mnrshflold, Coos County, Oregon, to tho amount of J5.920.M. All of said. Improvement bonds ....:n u- -i-i i .. it n..i atlons not exeen.Hn, Wl" UU auu dl UUJUUIiaiiy , Second Hand Pianos & Organs We have an over stock of second-hand pianos and some slightly used instruments that UA NO IT 10 acres cation. $150 an acre. RANCH Norlli .Inlet, .KJO acres, fine iMiild inis, tools, horse and cow, fruit, chickens i.f" sjMOOO. ' HANOI I Catching Tnlet, M acres, fine builtl ings, plenty of fruit, 7 cows, very dosirablc )lace. sfSoOO. RANC1!! Ross Inlet, -10 acres, liousc S01ne cleared, nice bottom. $2f)()(). RANOII Ooos River, 80 acres, lmildmmanii fruit $1500. . b 8AWM ILL Rortahle, ('oniplolc, 20,000 ca parity. $2o00. SAWiM I'LL Shingle mill. Donkey, coin l)lete for 00,000 capacity. Price way down. One of the very best paying hotels in South western uregon. injusl ue seen to bu ciated. RANOIf 10 acres Kentuck Inh convenient. So is 1 he price. $800. appro- house, very . !?300 cash .Kino cottage Two lots on corner and balance $20 per month. Three-room cottage near Oregon street, lots 50x120. Price $000. .Tee cream parlor. Terms very reu.somtlrie oh any of dhvc KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. PIONEER BLOCK NORTH BEND, OREGON SOCIAL (WI.KNl)AK THUKSDAY A. N. W. Club with Mrs. Knnry Noblo. Miss Winnie Simpson en- tains ut Hunker II 1 11. FRIDAY Mrs. C. II. DiuiKnn gives lunchoon to nast mntroiiH of O. B. s. nt homo of Mrs. Frances Hazard Lucky Thirteen Club with Mrs. B. Cameron. Reception at Preshytorlan church for Mnrshfleld School teachers. to bo In denominations not exceeding IfiOO.OO nnd benrlng interest nt the rato of six per cent por annum from tho dnto thereof, nnyablo soml-nn-ntinlly, said bonds to bo dated tho day of issuanco and to mature In ton years thorenftor, with prepay ment option thereon nt face vnluo nnd accrued Interest to dnto of any soml-nnnunl coupon period nt, or nuer, ono year from tho dato ofi snld bonds upon kIvIiik notice bv I publication In a nowspnper of gen eral circulation printed and publish ed In f!nng rmmt- nrnrrr... a,..i. ' ".-t,ii, mini notlco to bo published not less than 11 onco ench week for three successive weeks during tho month proceeding such soml-nnnunl period nt which such prepayment thereof will bo mndo. Tho right Is expressly re served to roject nny nnd all "Ids and upon nil or any of such bids or proposals being rojectod, If thoro should remain nny bonds unsold tho snld bonds may bo thoroafter sold nt prlvnto sale by said Common Coun cil of said city of Mnrshfleld, Oro gon, but In no event to bo sold nt less than par and accrued Interest. Snld bonds nro authorized bv tho laws of the Stnto of Oregon, nnd Ordinances of the City of Mnrshflold, Oregon. Assessed valuation of said City of Mnrshflold, Oregon, Is ?2,C10,- lys.oo. Uonded Indebtedness Is ?54,000. Population estimated at 5000. A cortlfled check for five per cent of amount of bid or proposal must accompany each bid, to bo forfeited iu uiuii ouy oi .Marsniieiu m case bid is accepted and bidder falls to nccopt and mako payment for said bond or bonds, covored thereby with in ton days from tho dato of accept ance of said hid or bids. Bach bid or proposal submitted to deslgnato tho denominations of said bond or bonds desired. Bid or proposals received for any nmount of said bonds; small bidders given preference of purchaso. Proposals, or bids, with certified checks to bo enclosed in sealed Plain envelopes without distinguish ing mnrks, or writing thereon ex cept tho words "Did for Improvo- Iment Bonds of tho City of Marsh- ueiu, urogon." Dated this lCthday of Soptomhor, 1915. R. A. COPPLB, ChalrmaB-of-the-Finance Com- low prices, and terms to suit. L L. THOMAS MUSIC STORE 73 Central Avenue. ; WAI I PAPPR See VIERS About it. i 1 1 . . . . 1 1 I ilmi Willi ill iir-ririM HM M IPWW1 IIS flSl 13 j -g, wi W H I - J nl'l l"llr B.-.Bn.fESE9 Jaaaaaalr '...' f"' ' Wf-' .. (k , .' ', J ''sfjsMzJ 41 111 9 UUAItKMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, mono lOG-u t MARSHFIKLI, ORKGON j 4 GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OF THE CADILLAC AND DODGR AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKBS OF CARS t ! ' , i 847 Central nv. Phono !J7it-L ' DRY WOOD nt CAMPBELL'S W00DYARD North Front Street Phono 271) mltteo of the Common Council, i SAVE MONEY by ordering the famous HENRYVILLE CDAI Nut coal, per ton 91.00 Lump coal, per ton $ Or half ton of both $i.'-a n. MUSSO.V, Prop. Phono 18-J or lcuivo orders nt WUycr'B CIkup Store. "I Call This The i Sensible Oven Tho oven in tho (iltl-fnslifiinetl iwws hud (o l low, Inconvenient, illfflcitll to nel lit nnd li' iiiiposbiblo to M'o into, Itut Willi the imidcru -' Inet. Ons Ruiigo tho oven In Just the rljsht l'el''' for you to look into, leiuli Into and K''l nt con' venlently and without tluiiKer of liiiriilnS "r Iiniid.i or urnis. The Gas Range Has Many Convenieces- 0 B on the WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, per load 1.75 to $2 Alder wood, 1C to 24 lnc"ea 2 to 92.50 Freo Delivery W.'II. I.TNOO .as -..-,. . . JfJ "urui tirBt Ht. PJiona 227-J. No wonder you ill end Imklut: mill cooklntC olil-fiisliloneil htovo. Hut If you onco uo ino""11 Culilnet fius Rniifjo your baking will Ih-coiho " pleasure. There nro h() many llttlo lielpf"' Kl" J about tho new fius ItniiRcs that you icallj' l1011 stop in and get ucquiiiiitcd with this h ll0U$e keciiliiK aid. Tho nevt time you nro dinni to i a .vita In nud see for yourself. Oregon Power Company ..., & -,. , . '"-.. ,an Tiiii, 'ami. m - -jKjmXWSX&B