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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1915)
iwVfl? ir- ff "v, J urn -i i wv. - Ak , M lrtpit --I-W ,y , MIff Jf $, H i-JMfrW A - naHHiRnniMiiMi NVY IS BUT THE DRIPPINGS FROM THE ENGINE OF SUCCESS ON LIFE'S ROADWAY fW Bav Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's whnt tlio Coos Hny Times In. A SontU. west Oregon inior for Southwest Oregon pooplo Hid devoted to tho best Interest of this great sectloa . Tho Times always boosts md soTor knocks. The Cw I'fty Timofl la proud of Its title "Tho People's l'nper." nnd It strives nt nil Umci to live up to It name uy uou"it vuKr&icn io nrnmotlnK tho people's interests. MKMRFIt OP T1IH ASSOCIATED PHIISS ol. No. XXXIX. Kstnbllshcd 1H7H As Tho Coast Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation ()f Times, Const Mall Mn AK and Coos liny Advertiser. ' VWVV'MMWUm:'t T fttsm f Ofatutti ems m ACROSS BORDER People at Little Town of Si mon, Texas, Attacked ny Bandits Last Night flffl TO DESERT S. Troops Are Called But When They Arrive No Fur ther Trouble Occurs JORDER BEING PATROLED III Pmnliy Stationed "t. Fort Mc- hntnsli Will he On Duty Attack ing .Mexicans Shut Whllo ( on ceallng Themselves hi Ilriisli (lly A"clalcil 1-ims lo Coot nay limes.) LAUHRO, Texas, Spt. 15. Mcx- caim lililtlen In tlio liruali on thu lexlran side of tlio bordor hiHt ilclit fired iiliout 50 Hliota Into tlio ittle town of Simon, -0 miles up ho rner from Laredo, forcing tlio cslilcnlfi to desert tlio town. Workmen at the Irrigation liuiiip- hr plants fled and n hurry call viih cat for tlio troops. Tlio cavalry roin Roloics riinhed to tlio scene, tut no further shots woro flreil. All ho cawtlry stationed nt Fort Mc nlosli was onlureil out to patrol !liu bonier In every direction today. town is Tiim:.Ti:i:i troops Sent to Prevent Attack at Sim Jlcn'lo (11; A .minimi I'liro tu Com lly Tliiiflf. 1 SAN IIKNITO, Tomih, Sept. 15. ileavy cavalry and Infantry jiuUoIh vhlch were runlied horo during tlio ilKlit, Kept off n threatened attack )y .Mexican handitH. Kvldcuco ot plot to Icirorlc) tho city Ib litrotiKtlii'iieil liy roports to tho army bntrolH during tho night of actlv- Itli'K of tlio .Me.kaiin outBldo of Eown, Vvnv an I'prKliK Mexlcaim hero hnvo told tho citl- feons of an organization of rovolu- IlonlsiH which wai) planned to muko demount ration at somo other place ,o ill aw tho troops uwny from hero mil then altnck Sail llculto. :rs are poiirliiK Into San llculto rliiKlng their families. Thoro Is fear of an uprising on Mexican Iiulc- bciiileiico day, tomorrow. LDING ALL PORTS JMTIJII STATICS rONTItOliS CL'S- TO.MS IX HAITI fast Two I'lncos Wero Over Vester- il.iy hy Admiral Cnperton nod Ills Forces tn, AuorlitM rn-M to Coo nr Tlmfn.l WSSIIINdOX, I). C Sopt. 15. Ml open ciiRtoins ports In Haiti aro Pow miller I'nltcd States 'control. jU'r dnilral Caporton tolegrnphed lliat this was ncroinpllshcil when tho Cruiser Sacramento with marines fuoard occupied Jacmol uml Lccuycs rcvlerday. Ni:W CO.NTHIVAXCI2 I'clcpli,,,,,. Company INiIh Xov Sh- L'lii in a l.ocnl Office Tlio first Intercommunicating system In .Marshflehl linn boon instaU c,l by tlio local 'nhonn rnmnanv In ho office of John D. (loss. Uy Its ' a u is posslhlo for ncrsons In tho !amo offlco but In different rnnmsi ! talk back nnd forth with each oth er witliout calllUK central, also tho ItUlOgranllCT Is nhln to snminnn nnv wtaln individual wanted. Tho con irlvanrc 1ms caused much attention. f'iriTlVO MILL .MOVIKS P '- Westleadei- Is Hero With 'ills Machine Today v 11. Wcstleadpp ninvln mnn ivlin look pictures nl nandon of the Elks n i Julv, arrived hero today and E'Hs afternoon went to the C. A. "in m U to get a series of scones FU" OS tl.e linlnmllnr. f li ln,rlr. grains and the loading of the Ade r v'"l 'lie electric cranes. He " " arcQiPuuled by Superintenaent "u " ee in picking out scenes. ' Invltnuons p,.,ntP(1 nt T0 T,)nes Hiiue. I SOUTH CAROLINA t t GOES PROHIBITION t . t Illy Ah m laic 1 l'lrn to Com Hay TIiikh t COLUMBIA, S.C, Sept, t 15 Official returns from f vnslnivlnw'c olonlinn fmm V j w iJi i r j uiuvuuii i i uni all counties of South Car- I olina indicated a majority of nearly 20,000 for i state-wide prohibition, t The law 'becomes effec- t live January 1 next, S itici'oitT that oi.ii K.Mi'im: cash is ixvi:sti(iati:i) Tom Kilgnt' Who Was In Saloon Kohhcil, Said To llavo l,e ft. County (Special to Tho Times.) COqinUH, Ote., Sept. K,. It Is reported her today that tho grand Jury has heen looking Into thu Um pire saloon holdup case hut the of ficials were not prepared to talk about tho matter. It Is said Hint Tom Kdgar, who was In tho saloon, has left tho county ho It Is not known whether tho grand Jury will ho nhlo to learn anything or not. Will Adjourn Tomorrow Tho grand Jury lhl not mako any reports to tho court today as tho dis trict attorney was huay In court with tlio trial or tho Mi-Arthur caxe. The grand Jury expects to adjourn to morrow when whatever Indictments found will hu returned. MPT. LEHEVE LOSES cogniiiii: mvicu iioat maktkii has mck.nsi: ki:voki:i V. S. Inspector ICilwnnl.s and 1'iiller Lay Him Off for SMy Imys I'or Collision (Special to Tho Times) COQUILM-:. Ore., Sept. 15. Capt. (Jeo. Koiiovo of tho gasoline launch Cliurni hail his llcuuso revoked for sixty days by U. S. Stenmhoat In spectors Kdwards nnd Fuller at tho conclusion of n hearing ncro yester day. I.ouovo was charged with having rammed tho launch Myrtto nt tho Couulllo wharf July 20, tlio com plaint sotting forth thot tho accident was duo to l.eiiovo's negligence. In snectors Hdwards nnd Fuller woro nccompanled hy Sec. Morrill of Port- laud. Nothing of tho old fight between tho rival linos on tho ('oqnlllo was brought out at tho bearing, l.oug Out on Hail It. .1. Long, iudlctod for obtaining money under false prutonso.s, wont over from Coqulllu today, having furnished hall for his appearance at tho next term of court, tho trial of ills case being deferred. Long cashed drafts on n l.os AngoloH bank with Harry McKcown, Coll Iro- land nnd others and they wero re jected. Long was formerly a Deputy Sheriff nt Los Angeles, whero hls father Is quito well to do. Ho fame horo to ongago In tho black sand mining Industry. HeiiderMin Ciso to Coko Judgo Slclpworth bus decided not to hoar tlio chargos against Uritt Hondorson, accused of violating his jjarolo. Judgo Sklpworth said that as Judgo Coko had paroled Hon dorson. ho thought that Coko should hear the charges against him. IS .MAX alli:oi:i to iiavi: PASS. I l.l CIIKCKK (Special to Tho Times) COQL'ILLK, Ore., Sept. 15. The trial of McArthur, tlio man charged with passing worthless checks on Peter Mlrrasoul, took up most of the day in the circuit court. McArthur was aliased to hate jlassod ono oiieci; for $10 ami another for ?20. Ho had no money In tho bank. In his defenso he claimed that tho reason his bank account was short was bo cause n forgod chock had boon cashod against his account and that he thought ho had money whon ho pass ed the other checks. This afternoon District Attorney Liljeqvlst made his arguments and Attorney John D. Goss for the de fense was presenting his sld of the jury. 00 MTO OLD ARTHUR ON TRIAL GONSULSCALLE u t t-nrtnn m,riiinn!t m hu U. S. Representatives in North ern Sonora and Chihuahua Told to Cross Border Government Thinks That Mex ican Military Leaders Are Unable to Give Protection FEAR BORDEJT TROUBLES Cltlens Warned to Stay Awny From Mexico for tho Present on Av. count, of tho Dlstiirliauces Makes Official Statement 117 AMncUted 1'rcM to Cooa Dtj Tlmci.l WASIIIXTOX, D. C, Sopt. 15. 'American Consuls and Consular ngentB In Northern Sonora nnd Chi huahua have heen ordered by this government to withdraw to tho Unit ed States because of the dangers In the border uprising and tho inabil ity of Mexican military lead era to protect llieiu. Statement Made Hegnidlug tho official advices to Americans to remain out of .Mexico, the Stato Department today Issued I lo following announcement. "Owing to disturbed conditions 1 rovaillug along thu Mexican border, the State Department repeats tho udv'ir heretofore given Aniork.ui cltl.em: to remain' on this sldo of the International line lor tho ov,u cut." Officials reiterated tlio dennlu that tlio announcement had any bearing on tho Mexican political situation. Xot Itcsponslhlo The government, It Is said; do sires to forestall any difficulties which may arise over tho acta of marauding bands. In soveral In stances Mexican leaders have said that they would not ho responsible for the safety ot American citizens or officials. ESCAPES KITH LIFE IlltllXii: OVI-Mt .IOi: XAV 1XLKT COLLAPSI'S AS TIIAM CltOSSKS .Miko Hindi, Liiieiiian, Has Thrilling Fxpcileiico Swims Mr Llio Weighted Down Wl'h Tools Miko llurch, lineman of tlio tola phono company narrowly escaped drowning and was forced to swim for his life this morning In Joo Xay In let. Tho buggy which ho was driv ing crashed through Into tho water whon a 20 foot span of tho old coun ty bridge gave way and broke be neath the wolght. The team, hitch ed to running gears of tho bugg), Jumped ahead and escaped. About his waist llurch, who Is a fellow of husky build, curried u reg ular linomans bolt filled with tools. Ho woro a heay maokliinw coat, Iron climbers ubout his lugs d heavy boots us ho fell into tho bovun feet of wutor in tho Inlot. To tho fact that ho Is a good swim mer Hurcli probably owes his life. Kven with tho weight of about L'5 pounds ho was able to como to sur face and strike out for a piling and later to como ashore. Ho wont to a telephone polo and bhiuniod up, connected his instru ments and in Ills dripping olothus sat there and chattod with the main offlco in Marshflold to Joko about his accident and usk what ho should do about a break In tho lino to Jlandon. Ho admitted that ho was "a little wot." Horses. Ilreak Loose Possibly tho creaking of tho tim bers Just provious to tho giving way of tho span scarod the team. They Jerked ahoad, so hard that tho top and tho box of the buggy tipped backwards into tlio water, carrying Hunch with it and landing him at the bottom, to muko his way back to tho surtaco through a mtis or wreckage. Tho team ran to the end of the hrldgo and thoro stoppod. A man enmo by and nldod Duron bring back the box and he drovo home shortly aftor noon today. County Judgo Watson was callod over tho long distance and told the hrldgo had collapsed. Ho said that tho road suporvlior thoro had boon Instructed to put the brldeo In safi condition, DANGER IS GREAT ! Of BIG WAR CREDIT IN ENGLAND ASKED 1 ft Illy AiwoilnlcJ rrcM lo r lt.,y TlinM t LONDON, Sept, 15, Premier Asquith in tlio House of Commons today t moved a vote of credit X of $1,250,000, He an- t t nounced that from July i 18 to Sept, 11, the daily t i net expense for the war t t had been $17,500,000! i This makes the seventh i t vote of credit asked for since the outbreak of the t t war, bringing up the to- t X tal to $6,310,000,000 Asauitli announced an t aggregate of nearly three million men enlisted since t the beginning of the war, $$ SHIPS LARGE ORDER ! MILL SKXUS ' OltAVS IIAItllOlt PUODl'CT 'I o Tliu-o Million Keel of Clear Fir Lumber for Unllluioro Tin tied Out guli-Uly PORTLAND, Ore., Sopt. 15. A striking Illustration of tho speed with which Pacific Northwest lum ber mills can turn out and deliver Inigo orders was furnished during fit. week when the drays Harbor Lumber Company, at Hoqulam, dis patched throe trains carrying "1,000, 000 feet or clear fir hound for Dul tlmoro. Tho flrnt train ot :i 1 cars, all loaded with lumber, carrlei'. I, 000,000 feet. Tho trains arc billed straight through to their destina tion. They aro to lie there by Oc tober 1. Tho order was placed less han to weeks ago by a buyer win carlo from Ilaltlmore, nftor havlnr; comb ed tho South and tho middle ftates Inr a plant ready to accept '.ho busi ness on such short notice. Ho was shown tho woll-Hlled yards. As tho stock had to bo dressed, tho company Immediately started Its planing mill and operated it day and night. About ouo-hnlf of tho order Is for 2 hy 0, clear lumber, 18 feet long. It Is for a b!g syndicate engaged In 1 tlio erection ot n inaniiracturhig plant nt Ilaltlmore, and the inten tion, It Is said, was first to place tho order' with cypress mill. How ovor, they wero unublo to give tho prompt service. Local lumber men believe that this splendid stroke ot work will mean a strong boost for tho Pacific I Northwest fir. STATH COMPTKOLLI'K XOMIXAT K! FOR COVF.KXOH I At Democratic Pilinaiios Yesterday I Decisively Defeals Flilted States Senator llhtlr Lee Illly Auolalol I'rau lo Com liar TIidm. IIALTIMORK, Mil., Sopt. 15. ; Stato Comptroller Kmerson- C. liar 'rlsou decisively defeated United iKntos Senator Hlalr Leo for tho dom ocratlc nomination for ovornor at I the state prlmarloH yostorday. KXCKSSIVK IIKAT s PHOSTRATFS TWO 4. ny AwwUleJ 1'iwu, to Caw imy Tlm UOCHKSTKR, X. Y., Sept. 15. Thoro woro two prostra tions from tho oxeo&slvo heat today. The tompornturo Is 00. Ono death was reported yostorday. : yav hor.m: uritiKO RHSIDi: HIS PARK.NTS Illy A.'o. uisl P"'- iu (imi. IUy Tlwu I JOLIKT, 111., Sept. 15. The body of hlr William Van Homo, the Canadian rullwiy magnate, was hurlod hero today lieslde his mother and fathor. The ceremonies woro slmplo, the principal sorvices having boen hold at .Mon treal. 44 Times want ads bring results. ISO! WIIER BIG w BEIIGJPPOSED German Agents Said to Start Campaign to Check Anglo French Negotiations IVE'QRASTICIE Even Goes So Far as to Men ace Lives of Members of the Commission APPEAL TO DEPOSITORS Tin rats of Withdrawn! of Funds lie-. longing to (eruiiiii-Aiiieilcaus Hank Officers of (lermnu Asked to Use Influence Illy .oclIM t'rrM to Ocoi Uuy Tliuot. NKW YORK. Sept. 15. Tho An- glo-Prcnch financial commission ,u)unl l(,l,u' tMat t,ur11"111 "Bouts, al- I UHllL'll ill illU IIIUUIUIILUIU illllUU Uill lug the Inst few days to lend Great Britain and Franco a billion dollars, have Instituted a campaign against tho flotation of the proposed credit loan. Tho extent of tlio opposition was Illustrated today when It he camo known that the officers of tho Chamber ot Commerce wero unon thiiHlastlc about thu coiiiiuJksIou making hendquurtorg there. Plan Is Changed Aftor tho iiuuoiiucement already made that tho commission would meet there dally, the plan was chang ed because, It was reported, certain members of tho exchange would op pose it and internal dissension would ensue. Question Security It Is alleged that tho Cermuii at tack on the proposed loan was launched from under tho cover ot American citizens of (lernnui par entage, nativity or sympathizers al though hoiiio opposed tlio loan on the ground that tho security offered was not sufficient, and such a loan threatened to Involvo the United Slates In war. Threaten Hanks The attack Included not only n negative stand In refusing to partici pate, which tho agitators hopo will ho taken by the hanks with largo lists of Rorman-Amerlcau depositors, It was reported, but embraced ex treme measures against uuy hauku with Centum-American depositors helping In any way to finance the loan. The roportcd campnlgu contoiii. plates withdrawals, wholesale in ox tout, from bunks participating In the loan. Loan For (.'ernmny Another method of thoxo opposing tho loan was ft proposal to float a I Ito loan for (lorniiiny. Tho amount of tho Cermiiu loan, commission hoard, was to bo half 11 billion dol lars. If half it billion dollars was tied up In this loan It would bo al- ! most iiimoHlilo for Croat Ilrltaln j ,, j.'rnnco lo suceood In tho quest lfnr .. i.iiii,,,, .inllnra l Hilx nmrlrnt. Persuade Officers A loss drastic method of attack was the apparent Intention ot the pro'fiormau element to Induce hy persuasion or otherwise every hank officer in tlio Unltod States with (Sormnii blood In his veins to oppose Itlin lltlrt lrltintlli,i nt lllu Imnlr 1,1 flln flotation of tho loan. Threaten .Members The campaign started ugiilust lithe Hotat'ou o"f tho billion dollar 1 credit loan to (lieat Ilrltuln nnd 11 Franco appeared toduy to hssuiiio f tlio proportions of n country-wldo I move, threatening oven tho personal safety of six members of tho Anglo- j French financial commission. l Members of the commission, of v.Mhlcli Lord Rendlne. Chief Justice of Kugland, is chuirniau, have doublod their body guards, It i became known today. ' Warned by Police " They liavo lioen roiiuested by tho I police of XowYork not to unnouncq I In advance tholr plans for any day .and In no Instanco appear on tho jstrcots without detoctlvos guarding I them. More than 50 throatonlng loltora wore recelvod by tlio commission. To Withdraw Funds Othor forms of opposition to tlio , flotation ot the big war loan, uo- cording to word rocelved by tho commission today, Is ovldoncod In tho widespread thronts by Gorman BMiip ithlzers that participation hy t KITCHENER SAYS t t GERMANS WEAKER 9 (Dy AuoclntiHt Tress to Ccni llsy Times. 4) t LONDON, Sept, 5, : $ "The Germans appear al- t t most to have shot their X t bolt," said Earl Kitchn- I t oner today, "Tho ad- vanco into Russia, which t at ono time averaged five miles a day, is now dim- inished to less than a mile t a day," SEES PEftCEFUL END HIIRLIX XFAVSPAPFR SAYS AHA HIC MATl'IMt WILL Hi: SKITLIM) Thinks iirltlsii 'r,.ss Must. !vo Up Hopo of Any Serious Differ ences Arising . Illy AaiocltleJ rrws tn Cool IUy Times.) RIORLIX, Sept. 15. In tho (ler ninn government's explanation of tho Hesperian cobo, tho Oerninnla sco the way mado clear "I'or Prosldont Wil son's utlnmlo purposo regnrdlng tho Uermnu note concerning the Justi fication for tlio sinking of tho Ara bic." It declares tho llrltlsh press must givo nil hopes of serious dif ferences between llerlln and Wash ington. "Tho President's cool Bolf-rontuln-uieut Is now Justified" hays the newspaper. "Tho llrltlsh lsstlo lies at last torn to pieces." E OFFICIALS RFCIMVI! MFSSAOHS RIH.'ARDINC LOAX One Man Wltcs There Will he Run. on Hanks If the Dig Deal Is Made Illy Asaodatiyl l'rm tn Cooa lljy Timor 1 WASIIINOTON, I). C, Sopt. 15. Protests against thu Anglo-French loan woro received at the Whlto llonuo and Hie Slate Department to day In telegrams fiom various parts of (ho country. One man In Michi gan wires that runs would ho start ed on tho bunks participating In tho loan and panics would he iireclplta't ed. No protests were received from foreign governments. STOPPED RY HEAT SCHOOLS IX ROSTOV OLOSH TO DAY AT XOOX Sunie PI. in is Followed Out in Other Clt'es of Massnt'luiM'lts Temperature was ill lly AswMltti.1 l'rM In (' IUy Tliixv.1 ROSTON, Sopt. 15. Tlio schools In Ronton mid sovural other oltios of tho state closed, at noon today bocniihu of the excessive heat, The temperature was 01 degrees. MK.VICAVS MAY MARC TROl HLH IN ARI.OVA Said that They Intend Touioirotv to Celehrnto Day hy Attack U Llheralo I'rlsoners II. Amjo' frits tn Coos luy TlniM. 1 PHOKXIX, AHzona, Sopt. 15. 'Reports Hint tho .Mexicans are arm ing lo celebrate M ox lean Independ ence day tomorrow by an effort lo liberate their follow nationals con-1 fined in the stato penitentiary at! Flnronco, canned officials hero and at Florence, am Mesa to take pro-1 on lit ions. Troops aro being sent to Tucson to guard against an out-, break. ) STKAMKR RLOWX I'P RV A Sl'HMARIXi: I (II; AMO'lste.) I'rsw, (o Coo luy Tluirs.) 4 i O LONDON, Sept. 15. Tho motor sohoonor Norte, bound for Christiana was blown up by ft (jormun siihmarlno noar tho Naze, Norway. Tho crow was saved. tho banks In which they havo tholr funds will be followed by with drawals. In the case of savings hanks, or ganized withdrawals of fiindK np proachlng tho mngnltudo of runs on the banks arc contemplated, PROTEST III OUTBREAK IAILR0AD GUT B GERMANS Von Hindcnburg's Forces Takjj Pctrograd Road Half Way Between Vilna and Dvinsk LOSE IFCALICII Russians Claim to Have De livered Another Reverse on Austro-German Forces GERMANS CAPTURE MANY Russia Admits That Taking of ICnilji road Hndniigrrs Her lutrestH nnd TJmt Ihiemy .May Tako Advan tage of Pofltlou (.'allied Uy Assorlsloil 1'irss tn Coos Ilty Tlmrs.l LONDON, Sept. 15. Whllo Von lllndenhurg's cavalry Is nBtrldo tho Petrograd railway and tho Oermanu hnvo made huge captures of pris oners and guus In Courlnud, - tho Russians countered tho efforts by inflicting nnothor roverso on tho Austro-Cormau forces in (lallcla. Svlotslony, whero tlio aormaiiB cut tho railroad, Is halt wny bo twecn Vllna and Dvinsk, and 400 miles from Potrogrnd. The Russians admit this ndvanco has formed a dangerous salient In their line, of which their opponontn aro likely to tako advantage. South r Nleineii tho Cormaus aro still 'pursuing tho Russian rear guards." EVIDENCE LACKING XO MKSSAOF. XOW TO OIIUMAXY AHOUT IIKSPIMMAX Ojiliilou Ciinnot Ro I'onueil Now Whet her She Wits TorpedtHMl or Struck n Mine r.y AmcUIM 1-rr.s tn oo IUy Ttmo I WASIIINOTON, D. C, Sept. 15. State Department officials, com menting today on the disclaimer of the llerlln. government that tho Hesperian was torpedoed, said thoro was lusiifriclont evidence upon which to huso representations to Germany nt thin time. From the lads at hum), it wiH said, no opinion could ho formed as to whether the Hespor lau was torpedoed or Btruck by a mine. IRRK.'ATIOX DIILKOATFS OO TO DIFKI'MIIJNT CITY TODAY Taken on Special Train from Stockton I'resno for Meeting 'I'lieio 'IViday (lly AtrtlIH l'm lo Coos Uy Times. STOCKTON, Col., Sept. 15 Tho Intoruatlouul Irrigation Congress, known as tlio "congress on whcols" moved today from Stockton to Fros no on a special train. A mooting was held in Fresno this afternoon. ' vi:ssr;LS collidi; IX ST. LAWIUCXCU Illy Auutlalul I'rMw In Coos IUy Times QUHUKC, Sopt. 15. Tho Allan llnor Pretorlan, from (ilasgow, collided with tho stoiimor Kansas In tho St. Lawrenco last night. Nolth or woro groatly damagod and both will proceed as soon as tho fog lifts. MM4H 8 IXCIJXDIAHV FIHHS OCCUR AT COSIIKV LAST XIOI1T Relieved to lie Started hy Patties Responsible for Other Flrei In Tills Stato (Uy AMujIited 1'reu lo Coos l)y Times.) j l-MIGHNK, Oro., Sopt. 15.--l'hreo hop houseK nnd contonts woro de stroyed by flro, believed to havo Incu Incendiary, at Goshen last night. It Is bolievod tliey wero not by partlos responsible for the hop flrofl in this state. They belonged to John M. KdmnnBon and woro val ued at $5000, CONGRESS liG OP HOUSES .