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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1915)
IT IS SAFER TO HAVE THE WORLD LAUGHING WITH YOU THAN LAUGHING AT YOU Coos Bay Times Your Paper GJ00B Hau tm00 A Southwest Oregon Paper That'a what tlio Ooos liny Timed la. A Booth? Most Oregon pnper for Southwest Oregon people md devoted to tho best Intcresta of Uila great lection . Tlio Times alwsys boost aatl aieTef knocks, -11,0 Coui Bay Times li proud of lis Utlo "The t'eople'a I'niHsr," and It strive at all Umea to Uvo up o nln0 by loroUng Ita cnorKto to promoting tlio people' Interest. MEMBER OK Tim ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1H7H An The Const M11II. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall nnd Coos Hny Advertiser. No. 32 ..,, e. i. , S ON EAST LINE Rusian Armies Being Rapidly Withdrawn From Danger Zone With Small Loss FEW PRISONERS Fall of Grodno, Last Strong hold of Czar Near Border, Regarded Imminent ARTILLERY "DUEL IN WEST Constantinople Roimrls Heavy Fight ing In Dardanelles Hut Itesiilla A10 Not Staled Italians Report (Jains Against Austrian fill AholIiIbJ rrrtf cuui I)y Tlmw.J LONDON, Aug. 31. Tlio ltusHlnn armies along tho lino of tlio upper Dug and .Iota Llpu livers tiro being withdrawn rapidly and apparently without great Jobs bh neither Berlin nor Vienna claims any extensive cap. ttircs of prisoners or booty in this region. KnBt of Warsaw, tho Invaders con tinue steady progress .while further north they nro advancing more slow ly. Tlio fall of Grodno, tho Inst Hus sion stronghold near tlio border, sccius Imminent. French Claim G'nlns Along the western front, tlio usual artillery, mine and htind gronadu warfare marks tho operations. Pa ris claims that theso activities liavo resulted In tho destruction of sov cral (icrmuu trenches. Dardanelles Hattlo CoiiKtiiutluoplo ngain reports hea vy fighting nt the Dardanelles, but Knlento Allies aro silent regarding the operations there. In the Austro-Itnllnu campaign, Home reports the capture of Clmn Clstn, fiGOO feet high. This summit had commanded tho Italian posi tions on Monte Sulitblo. Italian political circles expressed confidence that tho recently mado Tiirro-irulgurlnn railroad agreeinont does not affect Dulguilun neutrality. LIBEL SUIT Kynim and son, chemists, say VAHi:S MISREPRESENTED Keek 91,000 Damages of llrowii Drug Company for Alleged Li belous Atlvertl-in Claiming thnt an advertisement written by tho company was libelous In character anil thnt It accused tho plaintiff of "adulterating, falsifying nnd misbranding Its prodtico of zinc oxldo," suit for $1,000 damages was filed In tho circuit court yestorduy by J. T Ilrnnd, ntt'ornoy for K. K. Hqullib and Son, against tho Drown DniR Coiupnny. J. L. Drown nnd Ho hcrt V. Su union nro named us do fendents. This is said to bo tho first suit of its tjpo brought In this stato. Tho plaintiff's company Is engag ed In tho chemical manufacture of drugs ami Is a largo concorn of Now York, it mokes claim In tho com plaint of having "established for itself a good reputation of long standing on account of tho uniform ity and reliability of Its product." Tho complaint nttompts to show that its lino of zinc oxldo Is abovo tho minimum standard of purity established by tho Kcdoral Food nnd Drops net of 1900 and that it assays more thnn 000 por cent pure; ad tlfat Its labols, on tho packages sold by tb0 company, "novor liavo recited the presence of plaster of Paris therein ns on Impurity orflther wlo. as would bo required by low, If tho plaBtor of paris oxjated thoYe In" This Introduction to tho com plaint leads up to tho point at Ibsuo, he contentB of an advertisement said to havo been written by the Drown Dhir Company, October 24, l'J14, and published by them In a Marahfleld newspaper, "unlawfully atd maliciously contriving and in endinR t i,,juro the nlalntlff of knowingly adulterating, faUKylng and misbranding its said product of nr oxldo, and to nccuso tho plrtln - Iff of violating tho Pure Food anil GERMAN BRING 1R CRISIS BRITISH EXCHANGE HATH SUF FERS HAD SLUMP TODAV Pound Stirling Worth Only ijiL.'H In Svw York May Cancel Rig Orders til Amim Intel 1'rcM to Coon liny Tlmm. NEW YORK, Aug. 31. Foreign exchange rates reached tho most serious stage today with an over night break of three cents In ster ling. The English pound Is now selling here nt ? 1 . r. S and Is close to the mark where a curtailment of big foreign orders to tho United States would follow, In the opinion of bankers here. Nothing like the violent break iu quotations has over boon recorded In tlio foreign ex change. The situation Is regarded as almost deHperntc. Hard on England Tho low level reached today Is two cents below the mark Bet weeks ago by the financiers as tho so-called "Irreducible minimum" which, who,, recorded, would cnuso llrltlsh liuy cm li to seek other markets In which to place orders for such Imports ns could be obtained elsewhcru thuji In America. There Is no other world market of Importance open, hut more rigid economy at home In all Imported articles ami purchases by KnghiMd Is looked for. The big break menus that English buyers, In addition to tho top mnr kot prices already paid by them, nro called upon to pay a premium of 129 cents on every pound's worth pur chased or more than five per cent. OUSTED BY TURKS American scout ship carries many from beirut All Cltlens of Allied Powers Order ed to Leave Sultans Terri tory ut'Oiiro Illy AmocUIcI rrrw lo Co, liny TIipm.J PARIS, Aug. III. Tho United States scout ship Chohtcr arrived at Canon, Creto, with 170 refugees ex pelled from Ilolrut, Syria, by the Turks, according to a dispatch from Athens. Tho rofugecs Include citi zens of all tho quadruple entente powers, as well us of several other nations. The Chester will return soon to Beirut for another ship load of Europeans who have been order ed out of Turkey. Another Ameri can warship Is expected at Ciinca with refugees from Alexandrottu, In Asiatic Turkoy. PUN PUBLC LEASES SKC. LANK WISIIKS POWKIt DKVKLOP HKSOUHCKS TO Will Itecoinineiiil Action by Congress to Penult New System of Handling Them 111 Anmm-UIH 1'riM lo Coos IU Tlrm WASHINGTON. I). C, Aug., 31. Tho passago of a general water pow er bill and measure to create a na tional leasing system for coal, oil t nnd other resources on tho public lands will bo recommended to con gress in Secretary Lnno's report, ho announced today. It was passod by tho llouso of tlio last congress but tho soiiato failed t& act. AMERICA REPRESENTS EIGHT IN TURKEY U. S. Ambassador Morgciithuu Agent for .Many Warring Nations in Turkey Now (11 AmocUIM l'r to Con. luy Tlnin.l WASHINGTON, I). C. Aug. 31. Ambassador Morgenthau has takon over tho diplomatic Interests of Italy, Russia and Montonogro. Theso add ed responsibilities for tho United States, cabled to tho Stato Depart ment today, mako this government diplomatic agont at tho Porto lor eight Kuropeun countries. Drug Laws or tho United States." As tho result or tho reading or this artlclo by a row porsons, Squibb and Son ask damages to tho amount or ?1,000 together with losts and disbursements. TAMALK SALE by M. Wed. at Church kitchen. K. Ladies ... i. i. i in finnd. J js Sunday, Sept. nth. Hofresli. ' incuts ervel, ENGLISH LOSE 511.1111(1 MEN Berlin Reports Terrific Losses in Impetuous Attack on The Dardanelles FIGHTHARDBATTLE British Hurl Force of 100,000 Against Turks on Gallipoli Peninsula Saturday OUTCOME IS NOT STATED Fierce Assault on Dcfeiisoi Mado During Tho Days by Over-Sea Foiees bf Great Britain Almost Continuous During August Hr Annul IMp.I Vim to Con May TIiiih. ' SKTTLK WALKS STUIKK III AftHocUtcil l'rrits to Coon liny Tlmm, LONDON, Aug. III. The trouble In tho South Wales coal mining district, which threatened to precipitate n serious strike, has been set tled. Tho agreement provides that an award bo made by tho President of tho Hoard of Trade, after tho previous strlko, shall stand, but In addition surface workers shall get tho samo hours as that granted the miners. . I a a i DKItLIN, Aug. CM. (Via Wlrolojs to Sayvllle.) The llrltlsh employed 100,000 men In the attacks on tho Turkish positions on tho Uiilllpoll Peninsula Sntuidny and Sunday, ac cording to a dispatch from Con stantinople, and their losses wore extiemoly heavy. Tho correspondent estimates that since August Gth tho I'rltish losses uro in excess of 5n, 000. THREE DIE IN MIL PALKV LOSKS PATH Kit, HKOTIIKIt AND llltOTIIKIt IN LAW Insurance Survey Man Suffers Heavy Losses In llrltlsh Forces N Malux New .Map Jlr. Paley, in chargo or tho Insur ance map and survey work of the Western Flro Underwriters, Is in I.Marsliflold to muko a new map of mis city on wnieu iiuuro ruius , bo bused. Ho mado an Insurance map of this city about four years ago .Mr. Paley was born and raised In I KiiKlaud but Is now a naturalized cura carrying 7000 tons or dyna dtlzen of tho United States. His n,t0 ran orr tho track between tho family resides in Kiigland mid Ihh j filimt nnd magazine or the Hercules suffered soveroly in the European Powiler Coinpony, and exploded the war. : dynamite. Tho engineer, fireman His brothor-ln-law, Captain John- ( and an unidentified laborer were son of tho llrltlsh Man-of-war Cics- killed, soy wub killed wlion that vossoIb " torpedoed In the North Sen last fall, by a German submarlno. Thul Hoguo nnd Abouknr, two other Kng- llsh mon-of-wnr woro sunk at tho saiiio time. Ills fnthor was Colonel of the KlKhteonth Kngllsh llussors and lost his llfo In a bnttlo In Franco. Ills brothor was Captain of tho Itoyal Artillery and was kilted In tlio hattlo or Mons. Two cousins nlso lost tholr lives at tho rront. Last week, ho receiv ed a lottor from his mother who re sides In London saying that n Gor man Zeppelin had dropped bombs within four miles of hor homo ro- contly. Sho Is intonsoly jmtrlotlc ntid declares that sho only rosrots that sho hasn't ton sons to gto up to her country. Mr. Paloy served In tho U, S. Na , vy and was a momRer or tlio rorco that went to tho relief of Pekln dur ing tho Doxer troubles, Mr. Paley married a Modford girl nnd ho says that U It was not ror Ills wire and little daughter, ho would, . - . nion,i on,i onllst at once return to Enland and enlist at once. ELKS NOTICE Dill your presence Is required Wednesday evening, September 1, m lodge. Business meeting. By order or J. W. Hlldonbrand Exalted Ruler J X WORST AUGUST IN X X CHICAGO'S HISTORY X X X Q III Asnoi lM I'ipiis to Coon liny Tim X CHICAGO, Aug, 31, X X Today marks the pass- X X ing of the coldest, wettest X X and most unseasonable X August that Chicago lias X X ever experienced, It was X X four degrees under the X X average, June and July X X are in the same catagory, $$ IS CITY OF fi.OOO SPRINGS UP AT NEW ItAILHOAD TERMINUS Gn eminent Sells $ 1(18,000 Worth of Lots in New Town of Anchorage (11 Axmclilril Trraa to Coot lln Tlmm.) WASHINGTON, 1). C, Aug. 31. Tho growth of tho now Alaska rail road terminus nt Anchonigo.'Alaskn, from a wilderness six mouths ngo to a city of now 5000 population with, big govurnuient realty transactions to tnko care of tho Influx of people, Is told In a telegraphic report to the Interior Department. Tho chief field agent reported thnt In addition ! IU UIU Il'll-Uk DilIU ui uuu IUIO 111 (government domain at Anchorngo nt a total price of $1-15,000, 180 more I ,.- ,.. d. .-.i.. ton ioia were sum ouiuiuuy iui -u, 000 BAD FOREST FIRES TWO KAOINO IN llfU TIMHKIt IN WHATCOM COUNTY, WASH. .Other Conflagrations Deported Under Control Near Maple Falls and Itelliuiiliaui III Amoi IntM TrrM to Coo tiny TimM.J SKATTLK, Aug. III. Tho Wash ington Forest Firo Association says there aro no forest fires now out of control In this stato except two In Whatcom County. Theso nro I ground fires in tho big timber. One is two miles from Moplo Fulls and the other Is five miles ' from Ilol iingham. TRAIN IS BLD1 UP SHIPMKNT OF 7000 POUNDS K.Y PLODKS AT PINOLA, CALIF. KiikIdo Hun Off Track With Three Carloads Kugiuoci', Firemen ami Laborer Killed 111 AmikUIixI l'rrw to Com my Tluira.) PINOLA, Calif., Aug. 111. Three men were killed todny when a train consisting of locomotive and threo HIOH TltllUTK PAID lY STATU TO PKHSIIING FAMILY I'uiieral of Four Victims of Piio at Picslillo Held at Old Homo Ton a Today f,r Am'UI(v Trru lo Coo. y I'Iiikh ) CIIKYKNNK. Wyo., Aug. 31. Tho funeral horvlces for the late Mrs. John J. Pershing and her threo yotuiK diiUKhtors wlio perlsliod In the flro at the Presidio, iu San Francisco, woro hold hero today. , comuioiclal activity in. tho larger j Wyoming towns censed during the g0rvlces. General Pershing, Sonu - ALASKA Elilll BURIAL IMINu tor Warren, rather or Mrs. Porsh-, Vort, JJimUf wm ,,,,t on a model in ing, and other members of tho fani- Riation. Tho members expect to ro- lly, arrived early today with bodies. tl, NOTICE TO TAXPAYER'.' Parties having any protes't cor? - cernlng tholr assehsment aro request - ed to appear borore the Coos County Hoard ot Kquallzat op at Coqiillle pin)or eU ler .September 13 mid present grievance. Do It then as it will bo too late to mako any changes atter that date. Tax paying tlmo Is too late to enter protests, T, J. THRIFT, Coos County Assessor. TAMALK f?ALE by M. E. Ladles Wed. at Cliurcli kitchen. P IS LOST TODAY Edith, With Cargo of Copper Valued at $250,000 Found ers in Heavy Seas HER CARGO LISTED Crew of Forty-Six and Captain McMullen Saved by Taking to the Life Boats UNABLE TO TOW VESSEL Passenger Steamer Mariposa Mado Put llo Efforts to Save Craft Was Brought I'Youi England In First Hush to tlio Kloudyko ' UNKNOWN SHIP SUNK IN PACIFIC (Dy Anoclittd I'rrnt to Ccua my TlmM. KINGSTON, Jamaica, Aug III. A vessel that arrived here reports pnssluK a mass of wreckage botweon tho Caymnn Islands and Jamai ca. Tho wreckage is bellov cd to bo that of n largo steamer but means of Identi fication nro lacking. . (11 AmocIiIM Irnu to Cco IU TlmM. SKATTLK, Aug. 31. Tho Alaska StcnmBhlp Company's freight steam er Kdltii, which was abandoned by tho crow off Capo Hlnchlnbrook, Al aska, yesterday and after was picked up In tho Oulf of Alaska by tho pas senger steamer Mariposa, which at tempted to tow her to Cordova, waH later cast off by the Mariposa, and was sinking rapidly when Inst seen. Tlio crow was saved. Tho vessel mid cargo wore valued at ::r0,000. Think She Foundered Tho Kdltii must have foundorcd soon after tho Mariposa left. Tho ship was vnltiod nt $150,000 and hor enrgo of copper concentrates, owned by tho Doatsou Cgppor Com pany nt $100,000. Tho Kdltii which was returning from a voyngo to Nome, put In at Lntoticho where the high seas shift ed the cargo mid tho vessel took an alarming list. Tlio crow of 10, under Captain C. '11. McMullon, bolloving tho Kdltii doomed, took to tho llfo hoots and Were picked up a short tlmo Inter by the Mariposa, North bound. Tlio Kdltii is an Iron vessel of 2, 3 00 tons gross. Sho was In Sunder land, Kiigland, In 1881! and was formerly tho Drltlbh steamer Olon- ochll. She was brought around Capo Horn during the curly days of tho Kloudyko boom. MEET IN GDOUILLE .MANY MKMHKItS OF KASTKHN STAIt OATHKIt TIIKKK TODAY Noi ill lleml Clmpter Knileavori"g to Win Loving ii IHk Itan- (iict Toi'lglit (Special to Tho Times) COQUILLK, Ore., Aug. 31. Many members or tho Marslifleld, North Demi and othor Coos County chap ters or tho KoBtern Star aro gathered In Couulllo toduy Tor tho Nutal Day program. Upon tho porcentago or tho membership of each chapter present will bo awarded tho big lov ing cup, won last your by Marsh field. North llend boasted that they expected to have 50 to 00 niombors nresent In Couulllo today. Tho busl hchh session will bo hold tills oven- jKi tb0 banquet nt G p. in. und this ! ovoni,1K coos Chapter No. B0, ot i turn homo this evening. ' Attend the concert or the Hiiugar- ; tan V'olliilst, Jena Sevely, the 1 Aiucilcitii llarltone. (Jwiiilil Hunt, ll,shw, ,,,. H,.,nlk (IJeidriiin next .. , ' , ... ,, ., , .Monthly eenK at PmiMi Hall. Tickets are r0 cents at Owl Drug Store. TAMALK SALE by M, E. l-adlos Weil, at Chinch kitchen, Hall cnnie, Shoot the chutes (Jonrttt Ill's Sunday, Sept. 5th, X SEND U.S. TROOPS X X TO MEXICAN BORDER X x : 11 Awn Inlril I'itm to Conn liny Tim en X HOUSTON, Tex,, Aug, X X 31 The Fourth and Fifth X X United States infantry : X have been ordered to the X X Mexican border and were X X leaving Texas City this X X afternoon, X $$ FEARTpES GONE VICTIMS OF Sl'HMAKINK F-1 MAY HAVE BEEN KATKN UP (rear, Hole In Hulk of Sunken Craft ICuuhlcd Marino Creatures To (Jet In t'NAIILK TO IDKNTIFV HODIKS FOUND (11 Auorlntfil rmul to Coo IU Tlmm, 4 HONOLULU, Aug. 31. A number of bodies woro found Into today entangled In tlio wreckago In tho Interior of tho F-l. Ono body was ro- moved. Tho others woro in such a poor state of prcser- vutlon Hint tho work of ro- (overliiK them Is slow. None were Identified. 111 AmocIiIk Prr.. to Coon any TlmM.) HONOLULU, Aug. 31. Tho hulk of tho submarlno F-l, lost In Hono lulu harbor with a crew of 'i'i was raised and placed In drydocic yes torduy, today lies oxposcd to view, tho work or pumping nut tho dry- dock having been completed during the night. When tho examlnug board en tered tho vossol they round tho star board sldo nnd bottom rilled with de bris nnd sand. U uny bodies nro In tho submarlno tlioy nro underneath tho debris No doubt was expressed U any will bo round, ror tho gront holes torn In tho submarlno allowed mnrlno creat ures with which tho waters Hwnrni to enter mid It Is roared tho bodies may bo destroyed. Cnuso Xot Known A brier examination has thrown no light on tho cnuso or tho aceldont. In nddltlon to tho gapping holes In tho stern, n big holo.was torn In Ilia rorwnrd part. f LOCAL OVERFLOW t I llOUN GOW WHY To Mr. and Mrs. (low Why, at tholr homo on Commer cial avenue, Monday, Aug. 30, n. son. This Is the sixth child living and mother ami sou tiro doing very well. J. L. KOONTC leaves tomorrow ror San Francisco where ho will Join his family and visit tho fair. John says that ovoryouo Hint owes him has visited the fair mid camo homo broko nutl ho doesn't see why n good thing shouldn't hu piiBsed along. UKGINALI) S. WltlOlIT, tho well known rood missionary for tho Moore-Watson Dry Goods Co., of San Francisco Is holding a rev ival with tho members of tho trade In tlio CJoos Day country this weok revival of business says Regin ald. ' ' KI) MOKLLKK returned yestorduy from Coqullln where ho went with Mrs. Moeller to welcome her moth er, Mrs. Wlckhutn, mid her sister ' ' Mrs. Nuls OsmimdHon, buck rromJnu,"u """ ,a vu" " r a trip to tlio lair. They returuoO -'H Iu a now touring car which Nuls Osmuudsou drove back Iu quick tlmo. L. A. LIL.IKQVIST loft lost ovonlug for Coqulllo nftor a short stay horo. Next weok ho will inovo his fnuilly bore, occupying tho F. M. Frlodborg houso on Centrui Avoiiuo near Ninth street. Ho will not movo ills office hero un til nftor the September term of court ciosos nt Coqulllo. $$ X AMONG THE SICK X Honry Lococq Is much hotter to duy aftor a two weeks Illness with an attack or Intestinal trouble thought to havo been brought on when lie came closo to drowning iu Coal Dank Inlet. Stephen Lapp, a ploneor of this section, hut who has spent most of the last few years In Coqulllo, Is stlll quite 111 at tho homo of his son hero, FRUlr"J A RSIL R(J A I .V Mason and Economy Jars at u spe cial reduced price for a short tlmo. SCHHOEDEH .V- IIILDENIIRAND Market nnd Waterfront. Phono 77 ICAN E A Pan-American Conference Jo Wait Another Week for Re plies From Leaders GEN. 0R0ZG0 KILLED One of Rebel Leaders Reported Slain in Recent Engagement With American Posse CARRANZA STILL SILENT May (Jo Ahead Without lllm-flon- will Scott Reports that Villa Mitt Adherents aro Sincerely Deslr- lous of KstubllHliluK Peace 11 AuoclitM rmt to Con Uny TlmM.) 4 OKNKRAL ORO'.CO ItKPORTKI) KILLED KL PASO, Aug. 31. A report received from an American sent to Sierra Hitmen, Texas, to Investigate a report Unit aonornl Patl cttiil Orozco was killed In n. right with a posso of Ameri cans says "1 nin poBltlvo that ono of tho flvo Mexicans killed was Orozco." (lly AMoOitm) I'tru ta Com Hay TIcom.J WASHINGTON D. C, Aug. 31. Tlio Pan-American peace appeal has now been delivered to nil military mid political lenders of Moxlco. Sev eral Icadors in tho romoto sections havo Just boon reached by courier mid to glvo thorn tlmo tor a reply thnro probaly will bo no mooting of tho Pun-American conferees until next week. I Currmiza's reply la still Inekltiff but It has boon authoritatively do clnrlod that tho coiirorooB will pro ceed Irrespective or his attitude. Villa Is Willing Mnjor General Scotl conrorrcd with Socretary Lansing today and reported tho result or his conroroncoj with General Villa and other North ern chieftains. Genorul Scott said thnt Villa and his ndhorontB w.ore sincerely unxlous for penco. "Vil la Is willing to sacrifice any person al ambitious and 'eliminate hlimolf1 If necessary In order to bring peace about" said Scott. l i A Mcdonald and vauohn may opkn on catching inlet, McDonald and Vaughn nro .stlll rigurlng on opoiilng a now lagging camp ror tlio Simpson Lumber C6m pany on Catching Inlet nour 3Utnt nor. Tho cunip will bo oponod'lf i tract or timber lying botweonS th& holdings or tho Simpson Company mid tho wotor can ho ptircliasod at a retiBonahlo price. This will Insure the Simpson Company ngaluBt B"horl ago or logs and will enable thoftOto keep the mills in sternly operation. It Is said that tlio Simpson company hits been receiving somo good ortjer ror lumber nnd that the output? I limn I., si. til runtn.l til fnlr tlrlCi SELLS LAND BAl H. P. (JIVES UP lU(JHT.OF.VAX FOR DRAIN LINE ' John Hodden, tho well-known Scottsburg pioneer merchant, was here yesterday on business and with W. O, Hrndloy, enjoyed tin Inspection trip to tho C. A, Smith mill. Ho bus been u rcsldont ot Scottsburg sluco his birth, 59 years ago. H is an oarnest advocate ot ja good roadway botweon Drain and Gardiner, down tho I'mpqua. Ho has a fine Cadillac touring car of his own an says ho would not tako any price for It If ho was not ablo to bujr another. As an Indication of tho passing of the Druln-Coos Bay rall- I rond, wnlch was startod Iu 1900, he says the Southern Pacific Com pany is soiling the right of Hvny" buck to tho original ownors. They aro gottlng only a fraction of what" they pnld for It, land that they paid $100 por aero for bolng sold back at too rate of ?8, NEW CAMP