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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 31, 1915)
If I TWO """ - THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1915 EVENIWG EDITION. ""' H GEO J. Slfyiirilil PACK rsHippwG NEwsnT I ill E-msskssebIIIIS IMPROVINIi EHINb IN Wfm I HnK If Twelve Thousand Cases, Totalling H JilMr'Jin snoiHin ifetntn ' ' Mirrn iii.'uni.'Vi'it u- 0KllftMhNT CJIlhAlhST V.W-. ; Tho following from tho Itosoburg Jlovlow will bo of Interest horo na n daughter of tho deceased, Mrs. Krcd Nolson, lives In Murshflold: (Jcorgo A. smith, nged 70 years, nn eccentric chnractor, nnd one of Douglas County's oldest and most proporpcrous farmers, died a few days rtgo in Ills solitary camp near Los AngolcB. The body wob ldcntl od by" letters which ho cnrrlod nnd woo returned hero yesterdny to bo burled near his homo In Camas Val ley this afternoon. Mr. Smith was found face down bcsldo his burro and goat, IiIk two companions for two or threo years, whilo Mr. Hinlth was pursuing his (ravelB nbout tho country. Ho had a hobby to bo on the move, probab ly grown out of his early experiences b a miner nnd ploneor, and this and Ills belief that ho could live to ho a hundred years old, led him to live simply and In n manner after some of tho Dlblo characters, whom ho emulated in his travels. It Is be 1 loved ho used tho milk of the goat s one of his means for prolonging lire Left 950,000 Krtnto Dcsplto his peculiarities, his slm plo faro nnd prlmltlvo mothod of travel, ho Is thought to have left nn cstato of nearly $50,000. Ho had taionoy insevornl of tho banks, and his farm in Camas Calloy is ono ot tho best In that section. His last irip bogan in July, his intention be ing (o visit a daughter In Southern Calfornla, and ho was soon at several points by local peoplo as ho camped bcsldo tho road. Tho man, burro nnd goat usually walked, but occas ionally the goat becoming tired, was trained, it Is said, to Jump on tho back of tho burro, whoro It would ride in a sort of rago. On ono such trip ho wont into Moxlco and was Bono over a year. Mr. Smith was ono of tho early ploncora of Canmo Valley, whoro ho camo over 40 years ago. His wid ow nnd sovoral children are now res iding on the old placo. It is thought he was nt ono tlmo a member of tho local order of Masons. The body, Accompanied by John Smith, of Grants Pass, was taken to Camas Valley this morning, whoro it was btirlod today. Those who survive Mr. Smith nro his wlfo; IiIb sons, John, of Qranta Pass; Frank, Dan, and Charles, of Camas Valloy; Mrs. Klla Kelson, of Marshflold, nnd Roso and Louisa, two other daughters, .who aro married nnd reside at Dan-don. JO WRITE POETRY JMPIIOVEI) UKATril WILL ENA1J LK MM TO WHITE I'OETUV BctuniH from California Vacatfou Trip Him Change Miulo in liar. lor Lighnu ami Manges Captain T. J. Macgonn returned on tho last llrcnkwntor niter n few weeks vacation spent In San Francis, co. Mo is much Improved in health nnd nays that ho Is ngnin feeling llko writing poetry, tho Inspiration for which ho has pot hnd for (julta awhile. Ho expects p Immediately begin work on "An topy nnd Clpopntra" ns ho ex ports to havo "Hrlttunla" completer jioxt wook. Ho had Illustrations mado for "Ilrlttnnla" at an oxpsuso ot ISO. Ho proposes to sond an au tograph copy of Urlttnulu to Lord Kitchener. 1 A crow of men Is putting in tho dolphin near Kmplro to mark tho ' channel. This was requested by Capt. Macgenu nnd Inspector Wnr rack Immediately granted it, saying Jt would bo phi red as directed by Cnpt. Macgcuu. However ho says ho found that they wero putting tho dol- phin far from tho channel and male Jng It n danger instead of u benefit work. to navigation. Ho called tho ntton tion of tho parties to this fact but Ibey would not change it. Ho nys that n number of mistakes like this Jmvo been made, causing rouulder ablo expenso. With thu iuBtullatlon of the rango nnd harbor lights near tho coal' 'bunkers In MurHhflold and near Jar vis landing tho change in the range (Special to The Times) WEDDKItntJUN. Ore., Aug. 30. Tho salmon fishing season Just clos ed was ono of tho most successful in many years past and tho pnclc from Itoguo river tho largest on record slnco the Wcddorburn Trading Com pany has been operating and for some years nt least boforo that tlmo. Tho total salmon packed of this company so far amounts to 12,000 csbcs. Each case contains 48 cans of salmon bo this makes a total of 570,000 cans, enough to feed a Eu ropean army of one million n Bquaro mcnl on which they could fight at Icnst six hours. Would Feed Army It Is claimed that canned salmon Is one of tho most nutritious foods that can be carried in tho bulk. Ono of tho reasons that it is not usod extensively In tho present war Is that an opener is necessary to order to get nt tho contents of the can nnd tho supplying of n can opener would bo nn extra burden to tho equipment of the soldier. For this reason canned salmon Is ono of tho food products of this country which lias been sold ex tensively to tho warring nations. Tho salmon mnrkct right now Is not en tirely satisfactory but tho product Is being canned Just tho same oven though it may bo kept in storage awaiting n snlo. Klilp to Astoria Tho Wcddorburn Trading Com many is shipping eomo of tho cans without labels. They will bo hold in storago at Astoria or Fortland nnd when sold' may be disposed of to gome firm which desires to uso Its own labolo. Tho salmon Is ship ped out from Wcddorburn as fast as posBlblo so that it will bo at n con venient shipping point at any tlmo that It may bo sold. The fishing season opens again Soptombcr 10. At that tlmo Chl nookB and sllvcrsldcs will bo caught. Sllvorsldcs do not command tho samo prlco as Chlnooks and tho fall fish aro not ns desirable ns thoso caught during the opon period Just closed nnd aro sold nt a smaller price. Tho fishing on Itogup will stop sometime In tho month of Octobor. All Mndo Money Tho fishermen havo had a flno year nnd thoy all havo monoy. Thoro Is not a place In Oregon whoro tho working man is any better shapo than right hero. During the month of August tho twonty-flvo men who worked on tho solno received an nv orngo wage of $11 a day. Next to tho last day of fishing thoy mado each $30 for their day's work. Shortage of Cuiih An oven larger pnclc could havo been put up had It not beou for tho shortago of cans. Tho factory mak ing cans produces only undor orders and as all of tho salmon fishing plac es have had good runs there has been a great demand for cans so that tho factories havo worked night nnd day. The last consignment of enns for tho Wcddorburn Compnny camo on tho Hustler. At that timo thoro wore 1,700 fish on tho floor of tho dannory. Thoro was n heavy !fog and tho Itustlcr was Just outside with u cargo of needed cans. Tho fog lifted about fifteen minutes, en ough for Captain 1'ctor Olson to got soiiio idea of where tho bar was lo cated and ho put tho Kustlor through and then tho factory worked until every thing was put up. On tho last day thoro was nn ex cess of fish nnd these wero handled by Baiting and will be sold ns salt flalmon. Tho fishermen mado an ex tra haul for themselves nnd thoso who live horo put down a supply of salmon for their own uso. Profitable Work Tho men on the big solno nil work together. Tho company payB CO cents for each fish caught and fur nishes tho seluu which Is operated under tho direction of n forcmnn. Tho money Is then dlvldod between tho men and ns already stated tho average wago in August per day for each ninn was $n. This gives many of tho men sufficient funds to car ry thorn through tho winter Benson If thoy choose to remain thoro whilo oil. .i.. .. ..!.... ...I...- . . . .1. iwwu-ta u uiDun jiL'iu mil! HCUK Oilier Engineers Say I'lrot of Vcar Will Hoc Them in Their I lent Sliapo !lO Feet Here Soon The beginning of 1010 will bcc tho bars ot the coast In bettor shape than they havo ever been boforo, ac cording to the reports that aro be ing received from tho various points now being dredged. Coos Day bar will probably havo closo to 30 fcot at mean low tldo by tho timo tho winter storms sot In so that tho dredge Mlchla will havo to abandon operations. Ac cording to tho lost report of Cap tain PolhemiiB, tho average Is now closo to 28 feot and tho chnnncl Is being widened to COO feet nnd moro. Tho preliminary exnmlnntlon of tho River bar nnd entrnnco hns been mado and satisfactorily passed upon by Colonol J. J. Mor row and roforrcd to the board of engineers of tho rivers nnd hnrbora committee. On tho Columbia River bar tho dredge Chinook has nil summer boon working threo eight-hour shifts dur ing each 24 hours. Tho water Is now reported ' ns belnK mom tlmn 3G fcot In depth. A new movo has been to rcduco to two eight-hour shifts nnd it is expected that by winter tlmo tho dredgo will linvo placed 40 feet of water on tho bar thoro. Tho government dredgo Oregon, formerly on Coos Day nnd built for tho district nnd for tho tmst vear used entirely In tho north, has Just finished making n chnnnol from Van couver's waterfront out to deep wa ter, this being 1C0 fcot nnd moro in width nnd with n menn low dopth of 22 fcot. Now the Oregon Is to bo equipped with oil IiiBtond of wood burners and towed down to Tillamook bny whero sho has a Job for tho next 12 months. Sho will dredgo from tho entrance of tho bay to Day City. Additional Itcgistratloui Vnder the American Flag Shown In itcpoft oclay fBr AeaorUted rrt to coot nay Time. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 31. Tho tonnngo taxes collected on tho ontry of American and foreign ves sels In tho foreign trade of tho United States during tho fiscal year ending Juno 30 wns tho largest In over 30 years, aggregating $1,314, 91C, the Department of Commorco announced today. This Is $4,1C7 greater than for tho previous year. NEW MAIL VESSEL U. 8. POSTAL DEPARTMENT All IJANOKS SEUVICE TO SIDNEY Fourth Vessel Put on Snn Francisco- Australia Hun Can bo Used ns Auxiliaries 117 AuoeUlM rrnt to coot Bar TlmM. WASHINGTON, D. C, Aug. 31. An ararngoment wns concluded to day botween tho Postofflee Deport ment and tho Ocennlc Stcnmshlp Compnny for nn ndditlonnl lC-knot mnll stenmor botweon San Francisco and Sidney, Australia. This will re sult In sailings ovory threo weeks Instead of four, beginning Octobor 26. Tho threo ships used will bo subject to tho call of tho govern ment for uso as auxiliaries. Three Cigarette Faults to Avoid First, avoid cigarettes that don't just suit your own taste. Second, avoid thoso that bother your throat or tongue. Third, avoid those that make you "feel mean" after smoking all you want. If Fatimas, .'or instance, seem to you to be guilty on anyone of those three counts, we say, avoid Fatimas. JhnPc ISTT v xwo 1?ky I S3irS -rrrSlSa ffi.r.i!!!?eioyou- " Wo mean what wo say ' for, when it comes to the taste, Fatimas can't possibly plenso every body no cigarette can do that. But Fatimas do plcaso moro men than any other ciga. rctte costing over 5c That's one reason why you should try them. Another reason is because they ore so SENSIBLE so free from any "after-feeling." If you want to know exactly what a "sensible" cigarette is, jusi iry jt-uiuiiua uy incsc IWO tests. Do that little thing to dayyou'll be glad. 4 Jtg8fytd5&oQ w&wy NO SHIPS FOR LUMHEIt Now .fhB of Kittyvlilo, the Inner r- aids will bo In flno slmpo, ('apt. Mae- with Improvements and oil Tho company paid GG coats each for fish caught by individual fish ermen using gilluets. MnUcs Placo Prosperous Tho Wedderburn Trading Com puny win proimuiy put up two or three thousand more cases when tho season opens again September 10 but these fish will not bo of as flno n quality as thoso which have al ready been caught and canned. Tho money which Luh been nnlil out to fishermen for their work and together VESSEL MOVKMKNTS Sailed Relief, Florenco, Tuesday morning. Adcllno Day Point, 3 p. m. Duo Itei-o Kllburn, San Francisco, Ku- rekn, Wednesday morning. mistier, rortiand, Wcdncs- day or Thursday. 4 Santa Clara. Partlmui. Tim, a day. Roamor. Gold Ilenrh. ti.ia a evening. 4 Duo to Hull a. Thomas L. Wand, San Diego, Wednesday morning. Westornor, Snit Pedro, Wed- nesday. PRISON SHIP MAKES FORTUNE IN PORTLAND Success llrliiKS In $10,000 Profit in Four Weoka Time Shows Hacks And Tortures of Old York Wnnts Fir but There is No Way to dot It Thoro PORTLAND, Oro. Aug. 31. Lack of carriers only prcconts lnrgo quan tities of fir going from this port to a ready mnrkct in Now York, ac cording to F. A. Sullivan of tho wholcsalo lumber soiling firm of Sul livan & Forbes, Inc. Mr. Sullivan Is in receipt of letters from his port nor, I. W. Forbes, who looks after tho isow York end of tho business, stntlng thnt Now York Is In tho mnr kct for fir lumber In lnrgo quanti ties. Tho rail freight rato Is prohib itive, however, for such a long haul, excepting on tho very hlgest grndes. Spruce uppers nro shipped by this routo, however, in coiiBldcrnblo quantities. "Thoro is n good demnnd for fir lumbor In New York," snld Mr. For bes this morning, "but without ves sels In which to ship tho lumbor, mnnufneturors of Portlnnd and oth er Pacific northwest points havo their hands tied. In tho first placo, tho American merchant marlno Is small nnd tho fow vessels suitnblo! for tho trndo hnvo boon nttrncted to oiuer fields moro inviting, duo to tho wnr." " rd n vitatias .,,. i r,i,iie i .1-.KVW .1,. U' lrt mut'v -t - cii? -u, . )?n?'ivw L -.UO,;;.t oev ... trooii u.,"AlnWu.?.Y,B M, A.K'w. I". -nU in- ln 1 M1; ou v iipteIl-"cfl t Yccn A? . mote -,. ..,oc9. Tnd ctW l ffiSSrd l5V,,Y i .W'ffii iM?iKsbS, do Yu ' mw'jfi Wind L. test 1" nl.M !!. H -.;; 5tti5r; l "-.. l,r--a 1 5d.OT5 10 1 . belt v-.,nl 1 e--. 1 r.TictoM SkSSkS sssassSi $&t&Xffi iT. -nllUM" ..iK YOl " t-t TU" ..Vr. UM- - fid ' .n UIUu1-.i WI1M fmmmmmmmf msg1. "- . 7SKuw,, uLri-t. alLZi- 'jol 702h ""ZZZZ v-c. 1 . raJwJz- h'ATtMA -wat the Only Oenrrtle Awarittd the Grand i'nze at the Panama 1'actfic International Kxj'Httion. tfHbi .r -r ' v iV m THE TURKISH BLEND arette UQfmnMB r 1 3MBMAjH4uL3er ' H FOH UMPQUA WOItK Fred Unrl, who has boon In North Hond for over n year working ns en gineer for tho S. P. Co., In build ing tho brldgo nt Coos Hoy, return ed this week to (inrdinor. Mr. Earl will ho omployod slmllnrly In tho construction of tho brldgo ncross tho Umpqun. Onrdlnor Courier. LOW WEEK END FARES HKTWKKN SPKKDWFLL IS CHAItTKKKD othor work at tho on Hoguu river hns put this part of mho eouiiiry is a iiigniy prosperous 1 .......nn.... rpl.n .l,l.,l.... f tl.o nlifliii,,.! nn.l ' ,u,,u,wu' lltu 111 UllCillltJ Ul u iii..iui .nil. genu nays. Tho light buoy bar will bo Installed this fall changes mado In It necessitated tbeso Changes n the harbor aids and In spector 'vVnrmck was pleased whon Capt. Jilncgenu outlined the Improve montn uccqssnry. Capt. Macgonn says thnt he Is go ing to sell tho rights of his song "Whon Orogon Goes Dry" to some Ban Francisco men. SOMi; .IITXHV SKHVIOK OAT I'JIICKH LOW SALB.M, Ore., Aug. 31. Tho farmers around Salum nro of thu opinion that 3D cents is not a fair mnrkot price for u bushel of oats nnd mauy of them aro storftig, await ing a satisfactory market, Already hn armors' warohouso, Forry nnd Front streets, has stored 12,000 bushels nnd expects within n winds or two to havo fully 18,000 bushels j Tho Kosoburg Rovlow says: "II. W. Rogers of Marshfleld, wns In this city Wednesday. Mr. Rog ers Is owner of ono of tho jitney lines in Mnrshflold nnd Btntes thnt there are 22 Jltnoys In oporatlon In thnt city. "There uro now if. Jltnoys In the city, most of them roportlng to bo making money. Whothor this many will bo In oporatlon during tho win ter mouths Is unother question. How. evor. It seems that tho Jitney busi ness will remain Indefinitely and street cars removed further Into the future " Moro than C0.000 persons In four wooks in Portland went aboard tho old English prison ship Success and over f.0,000 of this number nro onld to havo pnld admission, making nltogothor $10,000 tho net profits of tho strange crnft in Its short stny. Tho Success has long slnco out lived her usefulness. Sho nt ono tlmo wns used as a convict ship and took criminals from England out to the big colony nt Ilotany Jlny, Aus tralia. Now alio has been bought and Is sailed from port to port, tho object of curoslty. . In her holds oro carried tho thum screws, tho racks of torturo nnd weird growsomo Instruments built nnd used In days of old. It Is said that tho steam schooner Spcodwoll has mado hor last trip of threo or four months into Ilandon and Coos Ilay, and that sho has been MARSHFIELD AND Rowland Baker Powers $2.10 2.20 2.35 Tickets will bo sold between Mnrsh flold nnd nny of tho nbovo points nt fares shown every Saturday nnd Kllllflfiv. cnml fnt rnfnrn Klnmfn,, chnrtored for lumber cn"ylngfollowInBi botweon Portland nnd Snn Francisco . ' .. . UUIWfcMENT by tho Charles R. McCormlck Lum bor Compnny of tho Roso City. Tho Spccdwoll bolongs to tho Estabrook company, nnd whilo tho local lum bor market is down will bo used clse whorc, though it is claimed that sho Is not off tho run permanently. NOW WANT LARUKST DKEIK.'K Columbia River Bar May Have Craft BOO Feet In length to Keep Tho Water Deep Now comes tho word from Port land that plans nro on foot for the securing, through governmental ap propriation, the lorgest bar dredge AUTO 8TA.UK SCHEDULE September, 11)13 To Portland via Florence- M Eugene Leave Mnrshfleld and Florenco Wednesday 1 7:00 a.m. Thursday U S:00 a.m. Friday 3 9:30 a.m. Saturday I 11:00 a.m. Sunday 5 3.30 n.m. .Monday 0 1 :00 a.m. Tuesday 7 1:30 n.m. Wednesday S, i:00 n.m. Thursday 0 r,;00 a.m. Friday 10 0:30 n.m. Saturday 11 fi : 30 n.m. Sunday 12 G:00 a.m. Monday 13 .' . . G:30 a.m. Tuesday 11 0:30 a.m. Wednesday 15 0:30 n.m. Thursday 10 7:00 n.m. TRAIN SERVICE Further partltculnrs from nearest particulars Agent. SOUTHERN PACIFIC JOHN M. SCOTT, Gcnernl Passenger Agent. CHINOOK SALMON" FOR SALE "Possibly" sc to ask a fow pertinent TODAY'S CATCH Also nil kinds of deep sea when available. FISHERMAN'S MARKET Phono -110 fish, Llbby COAL. Tim kind YOU luivo ALWAYS USED. Phono 72. Pacific Livery mul Transfer Company. in tho world as soon n. tho north Jot-I FrWny 17 ," "' u30 ' y, now being extended, is completed. Saturday IS n:00 a.m. ....v u iv uujb hkh 11 was puuii8iieaisumny jg j.. in Portland that tho dredgo Chinook) Monday 20 4- linn tliltt Cni,iiit .!.. rt..rt.i i . has this Summer deepened tho water Tuesday "1 to .((. feet on the bar. has laid off ono of the three crews because, b,v lato fall there would bo nt least 40 feet of wnter there, Plans for tho dredge aro suld to hovo beon already considered in Washington, if the craft is finally built it Is snld thero Is a chance that sho will he patterned nfler the Colonel P. s. Mielilo of Coos Roy. TAMALE SALE by M. E. Ladlei Weil, at Church kitchen. Wednesday 2'2 Thursday 23 Friday 21 , Saturday 25 , Sunday 2C Monday 27 Tuesday 2S Wednesday 20 Thursday 30 Leave (lartliuei- Ono Hour Lnter (On trips leaving Marshflold hefoio 8 a. m., you should make Portlnnd same day,) 00 m, 00 n.m. 4:00 n.m. 4:30 a.m. li.OO n.m. 5:00 n.m. 5:30 n.m. 5:30 a.m. 0:00 a.m. 0:00 11,111. G;30 n.m. :00 a.m. J WfcSltKN LOAIM AND BUILDING CO. Assets $2,340,000.00 Pays 8 per cent on savings I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. Local Treasurer Wo respectfully questions: 1, -WHERE BUY REAL ESTATE? (a) , Buy where values are bound to rise, (b) Buy where physical and geographical lo cation compels city building. (c), -Buy where the people as a whole aic loyal and havo faith in the future, i(d),Buy where Mr, TAXPAYER has shown his faith by investing in largo and permanent im provements, iV ;H lllfVfi'' '1 II. WHEN BUY REAL ESTATE? . (a) . Buy when prices aro away below normal -BUY NOW, ' . & & .sJfiBj ,.,! Ill, DO YOU BELIEVE (a), In the future of Coos Bay? (b), Ranching on Coos Bay pays? (c), Coos Bay is a desirable place to live? (d) , You have a friend back East that wants a ranch? (Let us get in communication with that friend,) KOOS OREGON DEVELOPMENT CO. NORTH BEND, OREGON : : ; WOOD! WOOD! Kindling wood, por load $1.75 to $2 Aider wood, 1C to 24 Inches $2 to $ Free Delivery W. 11. LLVGO rhono 227-J. North First St. PARCEL POST YOUR LAUNDRY We Pay Return Charges. Prompt and Efficient Service COOS BAY STEAM LAUNDRY 1 1 ' " Times Want Ads Bring Resufe