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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1915)
INSTEAD OF IMAGINING TROUBLE, WHY NOT IMAGINE JOY? YOU'LL BE HAPPIER foos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Ooos liny Times in. A South nest Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon pcoplo Mini devoted to tho best Interest of this groat section . Tho Time alwya boosts Mid hot or knocks. Xl.o Co y Tl,"9 ,s ,roI,d f ,ta UU "Tho . ,. ..i. I'niMjr," nil it strives nt ftll tlmo to Uve dp to its nn' " do'oUn ,u " to promoting tl.o people Inter. mkmmf.u op Tin: associatfd pmkss Established JH78 An Tho Const Mall. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, AUGUST 30, 1915 EVEIMING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Coast Stall Mn OI anil Coos Hay Advertiser. '" ui fflonje mxmm XPECT GERMAN HE IN EAST laim That Scene of 'Activities Will Soon IJC bllllieu rruni Russian Front to rranue ALICIA IS CLEARED sst Enveloping Movement in South Believed to Mark Fin ish ot uampaign JSTRIA FREED OF ENEMY hitmilt- l-'oiee llelnj; JUns-eii on itmiiaiil.iii Fi miller. Russia Will Illicit' to Fall IIitcK iipun Jinny .rllller.i Uiii-ls In Fiogicss. K.ISi:iC AT FRONT D; AmorUtM rrn l Coot llT TlmM.J IlKIM.IN. HK. 2". -Dovol-opini-iilH .ire expoi-toil to fol low tin return to Merlin or Hie riiumellur. Admiral Von Tlrplti-. and otlu-r purl Icipants In a I'oiifereiii'u with tho Oor 111:111 Kmpeior at IHh hend-(ii:irlt-iH on tlio Hastem frunt D; AuwUteilVina lo Cwi Dij Tlniw. LONDON ti'T 30. -ItoporiB from c Knm iimieuiiug nun mo aiih- nans ami (iirniuns aro engaged in effort, to 1 lear tho last corner (ialitia (.till la-hl hy their op- pnciits In i excited great IntoreHt Ere. The Russian linen on tho up- r Dim ami 'Amu l.lpa httvo liuen creed, lint It In not yet clear How dotib a rislatunro lu bolng offer- tu t lie mi' I tiivcloplng inoveinent Din the tiiiiitli. Haling ln.t 1 1 rest Lltovsk, Ihu msfcuiH latmot aifinil to hold tho vor iHiHltliiim lii tlio hoitth in tho cu ul (lie HiMiortaiit uiovunient, r to 1I0 i;o won hi endntiKer tholr link's, The opinion lit ventttreil hy some DkIIoIi erltl ", Unit tills latest move py coiu'linle for tlio present tho lmI offin lie tiKuiiiMt tho ItiiH- piis, Mlilili has been In progress bru May. anil oiieo Austrian soil lilennil of linailers. a now cuin- IIkii ina be undertaken In tho lar Km t llii siiii(irt of this theory Is cited lo npoit t at the Teutons tiro I'slni; tnoii; ne ir thu Uiiiiiaiilan Inlcr In tlio Ui t Molent ami almost 'a. Imliiiioii artillery duels tiro on I a Hit- ivii) iroin the North Sen to, a Vur TEB GRii IDWi EllMWS CI.M.M THAT T1IKV M"2 1 i.o.sino in on roitTiti:ss Pnmiie Captuio of Tonii Twenty .'iocs 1 nun There Last of Muss StroiiKholils '"' f I'll' 10 Coo. Itay TlmM. lli:itl.l if. :i0.--Cleriiiiin for. iimilt a further advance on the ?3lilll fOftriS Crillllui llin nlllv nun their fortiriui positions near tho : trmnii iioiiii i' uiii,.ii uiin ,,,i,,.i,iU 1 , - ....,, u,,i ,v((iu,,n tiuir nosisMoii. Official an- lunrimtnt Vlls lliadn todnv nf Mm ll'tiiro of ,,i: 0 ,ub wost ot IUUIIO, 4o "DliD NOMWICdlAX SHIP "' ' I I" Coos iy Tlmw LONDON iik, ;,. ( )o layi In c s ., ( , Th0 tNor ' mv i .mi- r Salonlco from tuilu ii ,01. uIIjoik, Den "'". w. dit inrd at Klrk- "Ul I , I ., 1 ,. MkIi. ! IS FORGER J. kmm; mmi:sti:o ix st. U,L ' li DIAIi ltOI.12 P'l to llau- ( enfessed to Swindles "iiiiiin N.iiHi,nil p,ni. '"''it lu Aikausas IBf ARwiueif e to Coot DT Time.) Ulllii,. r "" 'iur iiiiun- P"I'K fo lt .rs ,i. .,, ,,,,,.,. ll" ( a n..- r and p omlnont citizen of l'tv rkansas, UUd an allog i" r oi roaliv iitw.i, innniu .. '" Ia,ts o, f countrv. w. .1 Ol ! l l.nnlu ! i ' Vn toda. ; .:: ' """ "' ",,0Bl Ii'bn , "lls s-onrosseu, ac- iKrr , , ""i to swiuiiies Brts a I ni t .ii ,.... .;. Itv k . ",ll,ur " ArKnnsag . . ... ,,, .,,..,.Kl known ns .Tnlin VV lair a't ili h.,(l boon nrgod to Dr Ina' " niTe ror tho State 'lor m City ho and his ' Oi lullv nroinliinnl iim pf ,. . 1 "liauy prominent iltr r . ,,;',(l hero last nlji.u. lu. tlf ,.i ' "'" lW0 weoKs t, r ro' r wia, from Waitko- PIK r n .' l,10(Is '" obtaining r c 1 , " 0,'lMl- . r- ... T UCU- Ml i VOl, SUBMARINE IS DAiotrn mnAV : III AMorlntivl l'rcw lo Com llajr TlmM. Q I t HONOLULU, Aug, 30, t The United submarine t i F-4 was raised to within Z six teet of the surface t yesterday after many t months of work, and may t be out in dry dock late today, No announcement t I was made of the prob t able cause of sinking, nor t have any of tho bodies of t the 22 men on board been t brought up, t FORMF.R COOS MAY STHAMIIR ( OLLISIOX Semis A'linliiil WiiImiii lo Mottom lit Sealllo Owliu: to Dense Smoke 1'iom I'm est I'ltes (Ilr Ami IIi1 I'rrm to Cihm Hay Tli'i") SHATTM-J. Auk. :I0. Tho Pacific Alaska Navigation Company's ste;im or Admiral Watson, was sunk ut the wharf yesterday by tho ste.un hi I. nuner l'nralso, which lost hur biariiiKH lu a dense smoke fiom tho fnreHl flr.os The Watson will be rhiMii and repaired 'as soon as pirn- v II 10. All estimates of the (la'liai fall before JiiO.OOO. One .Ainu l.osl. CliecUltiK of tho crew and olhuis i oi bond show only C. Kllnio'1. ,1 , loes loreinan, killed. The Par.ilbj was iiudiimiiKed. ' NIivlKat'loli'L,or P.iKct Sound has zt"S'Z?Zzt! heel COli cliiareil the atmosphere. MAN TO COOS MAY 'in also Was I'oriuei'ly on San I'r.iti. cIsco Mini lot- Siia.1110 A: The l'nralso was fotnlerly n Ihe Coon Hay-San l-'ranclsco run, plylnn out of here for several months. She belongs to the Swnyno ,t lloyt lino nil I Tom .Ittines wis ureal for her here. O v, t ; ."MANY l-'OKKST I'lltKS IN OI.KCON TODAY tllj AmocltJ I'rtM lu looi Utj Tlmo. POItThANU, Ore.. Auk. 110. The ninny for.est fires re ported yesterday In Oregon mid Southern Washington a 10 under control for the most pa't. KIro In Skamania County, WashliiKtou, iiIouk the north bank of tho Co- v I iiulihi last nlKht tnreat- cd to destroy ranch houses was i;ot under control ter u hard flulit. I sni:i(irK .ioiixsox VICTOM IX CASI2 (Special to the Times) COO.riLU-2, Ore., Auk. SO. It is announced that the tluent of friends of Xo- va handrlth to try and no ' over Shorff .lohnson'B head ; and havo him retained as Janitor and Jailor will nvall , them nothliif,'. Tho county court has assured Sheriff Johnson that they will up- provo his cholco for Jailer. , Sheriff .lohnson will an- itoiiuco his npopliitinont to- morrow as I.aiidrlth's torm ! end tomorrow night, it ia said that two or three near Jall-hrcaks at tho county Jail caused Sheriff Johnson to dismiss I.andrltli, who is a son-in-law of ICx-Shorlff - . WORE 0. S. AMKMICA IS NOW CHOWHINO 1MAXCI2 ANI XOMWAY Nation Has Mit Vessels in l-'or- elgn Trailo It Has Had Since IHthJ, Says Mcport ID; AKOcUtal l-rew to Coot I5y TlmM.J WASIIINCTON, O. C, Aug. HO. Th American flug now tloats over more ships lu tho foreign trade than ut nny tlmo since 18011 and tho United States is prosslng close on France nnd Norway as u murine na tion. Figures inudo public today by the- Department of Commerce show a record Increaso In American ship ping for tho yoar ondlng Juno III). On that' date thero wore reglstorod in tho foreign trado 27U8 ships to- tnlllnir 1.81::.. 7.', tons, nn increaso of ::c:t ships and 7::7.C2:s tons for Mm vear. . Pract tally all tno in croases are duo to the now Amer ica,, registry law. Assistant Secretary Swoot of tho Dopartmont said today. FMCIT JAMS MAUCAIX Mason and Kconomy Jars at nspe cial reduced ptico for a short tlmo. SCIIHOF.DKH IIII.DHNMRAXD .Mniicct anil Wuterfront. Phono 77 i SO SH PS !S W CIIRR VI III UUIIII III ARSON RING Prominent Portland Contractor Said to Have Confessed Guilt in Jail There :TEM YEARS AT IT:! I ' l Swindled Insurance Companies Out of Large Sums by Burn ing Insured Property MANY CITIES AFFECTED At Least l'lfty Places Oestroyed lu Sun I'raurlsi'o, l.os AiiKele's, Port- lanil anil Othei- Coast Points .May luvolvi- Others llr ,o, latwl POUTI.ANI) I'm lo Coop Ilajr Tlnio.) Ore.. Auk. ISO. Snii- foul W. Currier, a wealthy contrae tor, Is alleged to have confessed In tho county jail hero today to belli; the head of the arson rltiK respon sible for at least r,i) flies lu various tiwm.. , itf.ui .i 1 iu AecoidlUK to tho aliened confes-'.t sloii, ho started the scheme of do- fraitdliiK liiMurauce coiiii,inles of l.os AiikuIoh ten years uko by ovur-ln-1 , surliiK houses and furniture and then buruliiK them lie confessed , A to opeintltifi in Portland, San Kruii-1 a Cisco, 1.0s Aimeies nun oilier iai- ir,.i,,.i,, ..iti.u u.iii ti... ....11.,.. i.,.ii,,,. that he operated lu I.F...... ll.VC ....I. II. V IIHVJ .I1..V.U Seattle and $ other cities of the Northwest. ' MR KlUnlPflDTIIPCri 1 Hli II Hill bRr I UilLU . Mill, I (J IOCS I'ANATIC MOOTS UN- tho: i'oM( i: comci: . Curly .Aloiiiln- Matllo" Waned When I W. ('. Iliiuiphrles, Coal .Miner, j Is Taken Into Custody I Working the 'black art" to Its limit and Invoking tho power of tlio to keep out the police, W. C. Humphries, former coal miner at Peaver Hill, was arrested at iliili) this morulUK In a IoiIkIiik house nn llt'fii, ,1iv:t v mill' nrint tlirrm lift "tt llcenu-n hud broken lu tho door. wiilii'11 .7,i.f.ii .,,.. .,.. ..ti ic' ii.ii. already made nil Ineffectual attempt to Kiilu an eutrauco to the room, llll lillliv llflJItl llitllll lufifl HUt IIIH "UVJI I CIMtlBtJU. I i aiiuiK on uie i. mil 10 am mm, Humphries foiiKht furiously, ineot- ' Iuk the officers on the street ltimKi Iiik tut' Kradually rctlrliiK ui the, i stairs whero he fled, lockluc hlmsolf , In the room which was flnnlly fore-: ed open. lu the meantime Ills wife maligned i the officers and a son and his wlfo stood by. the youiiK uinu aiding the officers In closing the hand cuffs only after ho had sevoral times been ordored to do so, according to Offl- cor Itlchnrdson. Is Haul Clghtcr, Humphries Is a man about lb' years of ago, slender and of medium height mid until a few days ago had been employed us a coal minur at Heaver Hill. Ho says he was discharged from there ami at once brought his family to t:.e rooming house on llroadway whore ho tre at oil a disturbance to that C. I Iloliror. who lives nt tl.o same place phoned to the police, after Humph- rlos had refused to let him Iohvo the building via tho front stairs. ' lioltivr siieiiKeii out iiiroimn u uucn ciitiaucc. At the street door Slump was met 'by Humphries and refused entrance. Ho plionod ror Kiciiaiitvoii. uotn 'men-were lilockntlod iu tho btreet.j Chief Carter was called out and the entire force, In niurtlal array, made Itlie nsBiiiilt nnd the mad scene tioiu i no asBiinii aim me iiiii" scouo uuni' Lucia Had nothing on the work of the next few minutes. I Howling and using the "black art" to Its limit, Hiinipbrlos was drhen upstairs whero he locked him-1 s"lf In It tool! til rue policemen O'lRlitlllK and tearing, to gut Hie mmd cuffs on him mid tnko hlr.i to Jul I. From behind the bars this morn ing Humphries dlucubtsod his case. He clalmod to bo fcont hero by tho f ..,! .....1 lw,t 1... linu iiikii'iii. ,.,ln,,,rli In -nil.,1 (li.i niiMi-n iinllcB fni-pu. mill , that ho will. Ho constantly liar- ranguod about religion In a rambling miiinmr. An examination aw to tho " -i". - - - - -- lllHri. I, IV UIII..V ....-x nion's banlty will be made ut Co iiulllo by Judge Wntsou Officer RlehanUo,, has a scratch ed hand as the result of tho fra cas and Chief Carter has a couple of swelled fingers, painted with Io dine, though bo dot lares they wore Injured time last week. Maudlin Woman Insane Motility Shorlff Laird who came ovor from Coqiilllo at noon and pro coodod to Ten Milo to sell tho Van burger auto which was tied up by claims of Milo Piorson and Jerry Klnnoy, said that they had Jtmt ro- mlvecl word that a Mrs. Rasinusion had been arrested at Mnndon on an Insanity charne. No particulars wore given- si:atti.i; scn kaius Paper Which Made Stieiiuoiis Fight For i:htciice, Lose.s Out tj AhmIiimI rr o Com Ptf Tlmft.J SRATTLR, Wash.. Aug. 30. The Seattle Kvt-nlnct Sun, whl'Ii, after ! t COLD WAVE AST; t ' BIG FROST DAMAGE ! ' : liif Am iio,i m lo c'i nr Timet ) CHICAGO, Aug, 30, t Overcoats were popular here today with a tern- t perature of 47 degrees, Z Unly twice before in the I t history of the Weather t t Bureau has the tempera- i ture dropped so low in ? August, t BIG fROST DAMAGE t 11 AwoHAic. rrrii to Cuoh luj llutt,l t WAUSAU, Wis,, Aug, I 30, Damage of 'about t X $300,000 was caused to t $ potatoes, garden truck t t and corn last night by a killing frost in Marathon A County, RAIN ON COOS BAY t A light thunder show it or at midnight and a t heavy mist this morning i on Coos Bay were wel- l coined by travplers and all, Satlll'daV WaS the I X , Imftnct rlov n'f r inn- nt MWkUSfL UW W, I, IV JVUI III migClie, IllO lemiieiaiUie A rerresentatlons in cases where Mrlt- llPillff Q7. nilfl nlllPI' vnl- t lhl1 ',ll'i- caused "umltie hardships" JUIIK J, illlll UU1U Veil L0 Amu,,ul t.olllllIori.0 w ..0C1.1VU lev pOllltS Suffered like- Xspu-Ial consideration. v io,co v isx-'. i COLD WAVE HITS IOWA CORN BELT t t Illy .W01 lutc-1 l-roM In tow ll)r Tlmn,, WATERLOO, la Aug, 30, Heavy frosts, in some instances taking the t I? foim of iC0, afO ropoi'tocl t " n this section last llifiht, J The tliermometer regis- I 2 torod 34 degrees, Exten- i sivo damage was done to t f. COI'II Qlici Vegetables, OcVA0 )i.-,,(i(M(,(i(i(i snip.Mi:.T iwii.s ai i'i:t-r i':xcn.X(ii: mati: to Kngllsli Pound Sicilian Almost as I l.oiv us Last Saturday New I York View O I.OWI2M TODAY i O 111; AwoudiiM lif. lo (., hr TlniM.) NI-2W YOIIK. Aug. .'10. - Later In the day pounds stor- P ling fell to tin- ntw low rec- ord of Jl.fil a-1. - MDHE ENGLISH GOLD iu; amikijiwi i-fww to tmn ur Tiiun.j by bandits, who bluw ui a train NEW YOIIK. Aim. BO. KiiKlinr'?',,,11",,ot th0 i'". f wiio ll.'.OOO.OOO shipment of KOlduilil so- ctirltles. which roached hero yostor- day from Halifax, produced virtually no olfoct hro yesterday on foie. K , exchaiuo rates. Pounds BterlliiK woro quoted nt $1.2 B-S, only one eigiun oi a ceni uuoio mu iuu.i value over recorded here wlilch was reported last Sutttrduy. "rMIPr 10 I (J I L L IU 111111 III G iii-i '" - TAKHS MOTTLKD MI.HIt A.M HAM , lltO.U IOI MIIMI'S SHOP Hntiance (.'allied Through Mack Sciccii Door Cash Meglstei- Has Xi thing; to Oiler Visitor "Some ha' incut and caiina' out, And some wild cut that cauin.' Hut we ha' meat uud wo euu out. And so tho Lord bo t'.uuk it." Scmeone with n ferocious appetite .., .1 .... .. ,i C.l .I.IclI ,.ilt,..l l.'.in i-lul'' . Imlnlinr ulino on N'liitb Front sllt . ....,...-. . ,. .. ... - ...... --- u ,. ,,U, ...U, U ..w ....V ",.., . ..,,.., 1...W, 1.. vhi tho back door route early Oils ' morning and subtracted n w-k full ' of bottle 1 beer and a hum. 0 i,t.i... 1..11 xii.i Mm iw.ii.i., r i iU u los as to the mlscroant. 'I'hn drawer lit tliu ciiah l'oifUtei- was lert open but all money mm , he nn placed lu the safe at tloslu;1 time on Saturday night. I A ncroon door at the pwr inud i r trance to the slop an easy mat ter. Tito wire was broken mil roach-1 lug liisldc, tho latch was tut lie I and III.. I'llL, ll'UU ,.tiui I riu , vol .. Mn umh,. . I Thu beer Is suld to have lieon ! 1lttW....I III,,,',. llL' f,l. ll,l,tU'4 .1 .1.1 11 I., J. ...,,!,, I..U.U ,.J UV.V ..,...-. ...... .. B to have heeu sent up lluyiios Inlet on u boiU yesterday, but accldtiit.illy , had lieen ovoilnokcd. T'lls ttood , nea- lo door. The ham ti-kenl from a box lu the front of the shop. a auspoiiilou of several months, re sutnod publication four mouths ago, the employes having obtained po sewlon ot the plant by means of labor claims, again ccasod publica tion today nnd a. trnsteo was appoint ed to wind up tlio affairs of tho p.i- l1c' ENGLAND WILL niifiiinr mil rp UnftBDt nULCG Ambassador Sprintj-Rice An- nounces Concessions for American Shipping Delays and Hardships Will be Given Special Attention, He Announces Today. ANOTHER uTS. VICTORY Merlin Announces Policy Sliiestc(l My Chancellor Yon Metliiiiaiiu-lloll- WV'A In Aiable Case will be Sus- tnlneil by (.'eiiimn Covernincnt til Axo. lalpil lima tu Cuo Uf Tlmn.) WASIIINCTON. 1). 0., Aiik. !!(). Concessions In tho enforcenu'tit tiKalnsl American commerce of thu ( uriiiHii "onier in council were an nounced today as a icsttlt of Infor I m;il ucKotlatlons Just completml by 1 f.. ...I.... ,.....!.. ...l..l...... ..e tl... it...... , in. Liiii iiiiiiu tiiiiiruin 111 iiiu I'uiit'ti States State Department. Illltlsll Aii.bai8ador SprltiR-HIco assured the 11 line uiMiBein 111. 11 1 hum iiiiiirniai COCMSi: JM''Oi:U.M.NY Apre to Aiable Casol'olley oT Chan 1 ccllnr Vim Metiliinauu-llollueu; tl.y iimmi uioil Crvwi to coos it nuns j . HHItUX, Auk. :i.- It was under stood today that Oerinaiiy's course with rcKiinl to tho Arabic case had been decided upon and It Is lu Hue with the recent conciliatory state ment by tlio (jcriimn Cahncellor Von I!etlniuimi-ll(llvcK. E 12. I'. WI-2M.I-2S SliAIN MY ICAN MANMITS JIUXI- I'aioi-ablo Iteplles l-'ioin All Hut Cm ruun on Peace Proposal Tcmiiis I'orni Moiilet- (,imi(l ' MOltDint .AIIMTI.V (lljr Anoi lotrl Civm lo Coca lit; Tlmn ' KIXfiSVILI.i:, Tex., Auk. I HO.- From Its cltleiishlp, IO KliiKHVlUe has oiKaul.ed a 0 militia (ompany, full streiiKth whose object Is to protect the ' I city from Increasing raids of I Mexican bandits. I ,! (11 Aiani-I.IM m lu Com nr Tlmtt 1 WASIIINCTON, I). C AllK. HO. Official dlspatclies from Vera Cruz tell of tile klllliiK of K. l- Wolles, mi Anii-iiiau auditor of a tob.isco plantation. No details were kIvoii 'furthir than that Welles was killed !"" state Deiiarti.ient toil iv ae-I ..', .V...," ' '., L' r. .'. "."Li".',1.'?..." '7 ho 'i'a -A nor . , Kavotalile repllos hn0 ,lo;v' ,,00 rm,tc.(l fr()lll ',.. ,(.tlUy a ,)0 (.,lofH (jhi,' t)lu ('arraii.n forces, CaiTiiiin .May Aurt-o Delay lu receiving Cariiinzn's re ply to the Pau-Aiuerlcaii peace ap peal raihod hopes that InfliienceH aro at work to Induce him, to participate. Tlio Villa and Zapata adherents however, announce the Intention of iii.,ii.iii., iti,,.ni ....!, ..,,,, it ,w, ' " ' "" x itlijiit Catian.a, If nee . V i'iiii piiaci-: ,mi:i:ti.(i VIII. i anil Znptiln I'oices Will Soon Cull Coiifci-i'iico Illy Aw,, itioil ITMt ti, rurn Tlmcc WASIIINCTON, I). (!., Aug. HO. Villa and Zapata agents bore todnv ., , , " , " " f " (, . " ....,., ., i.i Ilu ( UHl'll l.i, .l.,IVt 1,1 llul.HM,.UH lUIIIH'lf Ml(-ll to t lip 11 provisional HOV- ,.,,,..,,,, u "'"', , "; .hoa.c... ",mml"1 ' w" ay rncl ons would luko n, t hey kiU'I. ainl It wan pos- i"o nun uio raii-Aiuorican coiuor- r'" woul11 ',0 ,lHlje(l to '''o the (loUllls. JAP CIMISIH ASA.MA I'ASSHS COOS MAY (II? AofUlM,j lllotit lu; Tliu. 4 SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. SO. Captain llnmoii of tho Norwegian steamer Thor, which arrived hero today, said that ho sighted a for- jl J olgu war hlp with two fun- pels off Cape I.lanco, Oro- gon, Saturday. He was nn- abb- to Idtntlfv tho vowel. 1 be vessel Is bolleved hy ('apt. Olfcou to he tho Jap 4 Cruiser Ai-ama which was rocentlj rale:l at Turtle May where she Mas sunk by a loef last winter She is en route to the Canadian Naval lmso at '2sulmalt for re- pairs. LEA! WINS .11 l)(,i: SKIPWOItill HOLDS OIL-M-2TTI-2IIS CANNOT I NTHMFIIMi: Imposes Si!.' Fines on .Men Cited for Contempt of .liidge Coke's liijiiiiillim Older (Special to The Times.) COLI) MUACII. Ore., Aug. !10. Judge Calkins, of Hugene, closed the annual term of Circuit Court hero Saturday when the following cases were disposed of: Dan Conner, a fisherman, pleniled guilty to tho charge of assault nnd battery upon Dave Calvin, nn en gineer of the gasoline schooner Must ier. Conner was fined $500, or which $1!00 Is payable In cash. Tho balance Of f.'KMt is duo lu case of drunkenness or misconduct by him again. Jack Chlttlck pleaded guilty to the charge of assault upon W. II. lJIwood mid was fined $fiu and costs. I'isliliiK Cases The attention of tlio citizens of Cold Munch was particularly center ed upon the cases relative to tlio fishing Industry iu Itogue River. The case of Jiitnes Smith wuh ts pcclally significant to Itogue Mlver flshlng. Smith was charged with having violating the Injunction Is sued by Judge Coko restraining hint and some eighty oilier fishermen from Interfering with the seines of tho Mniieay Kstitto Company, lu It Smith was given the minimum flue of $l!fi and although Hie fine was small, the moral ptiuclplp Is the same, namely, that all drift nets must give way to tho seines of tho Mncleiiy iCstato Company. Accord lug to the decision the operators of u drift net cannot lay out their nets If the seine crew is on tho ground. Fined for Trespass A. W. Wluuegar was fined tho minimum flue of ?-." for trespassing upon the lauds of tho Macleay 12s tato Company. Wluuegar fished for tho Seaborg Cannery and was seen inside tlio fence recently placed along Rogue River by the Mnclcay ICstato Company. Tho Macleay 10s tate Company was represented by Pock & Peck of Marshriold, while Smith and Wluuegar were represent ed by John I). Cosh, or Marsliflelil, and Collier Murtliigtou, of Cold Reach. Ail appeal l tho Smith case will probably bo taken. Oilier Cases Decided Tho trial of Thomas Fryo of Har bor for bootlegging resulted lu n illsagieeiiient of the Jury. Tho case of J. II. .Schllomnuu versus the Cold I Reach Water Company was decided in favor of Hie plaintiff by grant ing him the sum of $100 damages alleged to bo duo for reservoir site mid right of way for water main. A man mimed Roberts, convicted of usault, was given u term of six months lu the county Jail, hut was paroled from the bench, dining his good behavior. Other cases of less importance were continued until the April term of COl'lt. CXWHITTKN LAW WINS Judge Calklus Sustains Regulations of Drift Xel Fishing C. II. Peck, attorney for the Mac leay estate, returned home last eve ning fi'om Cold Roach. He paid the iiiestlon of seine ami iirlft-uel fishing will probably havo to bo reg ulated hereafter hy Legislative law. lie explained that hitherto In Oregon custom has ruled and tho .inwiitteu law has hucu for drift nets to vui at night and tho oIiioh in tne day (line, 11 was shown lu court that both .Tiiiiwiu It Snilll, ii ml A. I). U'liiuii- Kar, according to Mr. Peck, had gone In row boats to some spot In tho mouth of the Roguo where thoy ex pected the Macleay men would como with their seines mid when the lat ter appeared the first fishermen, by cutting across with their drift nets turned the seines back to the shore again. Dates were presented on which such actions had taken place. There are still several other salts pending aualust the Seaborg people, says .Mr. Peek, and these will prob ably ho taken up If further mls.e uicauors aro reported there. E STOHV OF ItKCKNT TltOI'III.KS AND CAISH AT COLD' MHFCII lloileilck AhCleay (Mies Ills Version of Alfali-h Onus Former lliliuo Projicrtfes (Special to The Times) COLD MKACH, Oio., Aug. ,"i0. Tho Rogue river fishing fight about which so much bus been said lately, finally ulmmereil down to a legal piopositlou, tried out lu tho circuit I court. Tho Weddorburn Trading Company, the operative name of the Mucloay Hatato of Portln,uil, owiih tho 17,000 acres of land uud 12 miles of river frontage together with i fishing grounds, all of which wore 1 rormerly owned by the luto R. D. Hume. The Macleay Kst.tto purchus- cd this property from the lluiuo ow- tate three juara ago and since that time has made extensive Improve meiitu. Tho salmon fishing and packing is cup of iovoral different foaturofl nf (Continued on 1'ago Two.) II ROGUE 11 CODS BOUNTY'S i EXPENSES HIGH Cost of Conducting Public Af fairs Greater Than in Most Oregon Counties ' FIGURES QUOTED C. C. Chapman Says State Ex pert Accountant Furnished Data for His Statements BIG 'MISCELLANEOUS' ITEM Coos County Hanks Klovcnlli In Pop ulation Hut is Among First In Fa penses of .Most of lis Offices Fdltor O'lvcs Ills Views (Special to Tlio Times.) PORTLAND, Ore., Aug. 110. C. C. Chapmuu, editor of tho Oregon Voter, declares that l conducting Its affairs' Coos County is ouo of the most expensive lu tlio state. Ho published Home figures on it lu a recent Issue mid tho Coiiilllo Sen tinel took exception to It. Ho comes hack with tho declaration that Tho Sentinel's figures, furnished by As sessor Thrift, nro wrong. In tho current Issue, lie says: Voter Flguivs Curroct. Tho 'wildest figures wo ever saw published are those in tho last,ls.suo of tho Oregon Voter, lu wlilch Mr. Chapman makes Coos County's cost for county offices $ISI,C.UU a year. Wo havo before us Assessor Thrift's estimate ot tho cost of our county offices for 101ft as follows. Cost of Sheriff's office $8,000 Cost of Clerk's office ....(8,000 Cost of TrouBiiror'ti office. . .$6,000 Cost of Coroner's office $1,000 Cost or School Supt. office $4,000 Cost of Assessor's office. .. $0,000 Total $:i:i,ooo Mr. Thrift's estimate Ih a liberal one, mid as .Mr. Chapman, In tlio Oiegou Almniiiie for the present year, puts our population at -1,000 It seems that wo full a long way short or his "county unit" of $2 per capita for such expenses, In stead of being 210 ter cent in ex cess, iih he puts It. Wo wonder hero on earth ho got such figures for old Coos. Coiiillle Sentinel. Tho flguiia iiuoted In the Voter were ((implied from the original figures iih to county expenditure!! ot I ill I us set forth by Accountant John Y, Richardson l the r-rcnt report of Insurance Commissioner llarvoy Wells. Tho Items making up the total of $ 181,(11)0. 07, lifted directly from this official report, are: , County l'2penditiiivs Sheriff's orf Ico $.8,11 County Clerk U, IC7.0G Treasurer r, 0118. 81 Assessor 10,1'JO.K! Surveyor :i,7l7.1!l Coroner 717.00 Health Officer 379. 08 Fruit Inspector K3,07 County Court ami Coin- mlssloiioiH 2,527.10 Court House 7,291.84 Jails 2,203.24 RoBistrntlo,, and KloutloiiM 8.1 16.30 Advortlblng .488.89 Sealer of Weights and Measure 318.58 Miscellaneous 113, 882. 59 Total $181,090.07 The foregoing Items aro tho same as quoted for all Oregon counties for the purpose of comparison. Tho cir cumstance that Coos County camo to the top for expenditures lu pro portion to population (loot) not menu that more Items were included lu tho Coos County figures; it simply means that the total expenditures iu Coos County ehurgeil up during 1911 un der the Hfteeii headings ahovo wero more por capita tliau the total ox peiidltuios under tho same headings iu any other Oregon county. Population mill i:penses. Coos County ranked twelfth In population I,, Oregon according to the United States census, Iu 1914 auoiillng to the Oregon Almanac, It ranked eleventh. Following Is Its rank lu 1914 for tho foregoing county expendi tures: Shorlff M.' 1 County Clerk ', 3 Tronmiror , 4 Awewor 5 Surveyor 1 Coroner I Continued on Pago Two,