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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1915)
iBxaammmem TOLERATE ANOTHER'S VIEWPOINT. HE, TOO, HAS LIVED AND EXPERIENCED Coos Bay Times Your Paper dans latj A Southwest Oregon Paper That's what tlio Coos Bay Times Is. A South, west Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon peoplo nd devoted to tlio bost Interests of this great lectio , Tho Times always boosts aad Borer knocks. Tho Coui Bay Times If proud of Its tltlo "The Tcople'i Paper," nd It strives at all times to live op to Its uamo by do voting Its energies to promoting Uio pooplo's Interest. MKMREIt OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Vol. No. XXXIX. Established 1878 As The Coast Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall mid Coos liny Advertiser. No. 33 CHECK HERMANS 4l mmt$ 10 X GERMANS CLAIM J. CZAR LOST 1,400,000 X ii w X JAPAN WILL AID X Z AT DARDANELLES X X X Itljr Annodntivl rrraa to Coin tiny Tlnira X PARIS, Sept, 1, What X X appears to be an Intlma- X BAD CREAK ON : KILL AVIATOR WHO X X FIRST LOOPED LOOP X X X y AworlntPtl 1'rVM to (on Hajr Time ON eOTH S Russians in Galicia Develop Unexpected Strength and Halt Kaiser's Advance NEXT BUTTLE Czar Halts Von Hindenburg But Has Been Unable to De velop Counter Offensive GERMANS' THREE WEDGES I,(iii(l(iii Expects Franco to Launch 'IVrrlfli' InfimU'y Assaults on (Jit. mini Lint's Follonln SIv Days Shelling nt Trenches AUSTRIAXS CAPTURE LUTSK FORTRESS Illy Ami" htdl I'ri-BH to (' Hoy TIhim.) VIENNA, Sept. I. Tlio Russian fortress of Lutsk has been captured by tlio Teutonic forcuH, It wus offl-. dully uiiiiouiiccd today by tliu AiiBtrliin War Office. n AinoclataJ Vim to Cooa liar Time. LONDON, Sept. 1. Gorinun's plan for driving three, wedges Into tlio Ititt-Hlnn defensive lines Is being tar ried forward, but not with the sutno speed us juarkud the Hweop over I' Riga In alniORt iHolated mill unless tlm Russians Hiion throw heavy forces uguhiHt Von IIIiideiibtirg'H exposed flunk ibis port must kooii fall. Although litis northerly uttaek BoeniH cheeked for tlio moment, tlio Russians have been unable to de velop a counter offensive In tliat region comparable with what thoy ire doing In Kant Callclit, whero not only have tliey turned at bay, but luiwi Inflicted large louses on their opponents. French (Jet Busy. For five or nix duys hIiuIIb from ru'iifh guns lnivo poured on the German trenches and observers ex lied Infantry attacks will follow 80011. GREAT BRITAIN WILL REMOVE HA.V OX SOME (JOOI)S Christinas Goods'" Contracted' by Americans From (Jerniau and Austrian Factories ID AiiocUteJ Trm to Cooa Uaj TlraM.J WASHINGTON, D. C Sopt. 1. Ambassador Spring-Rico called at the Stnto Department to ex plain tho extent of tho British con cessions, which are especially Intend ed to meet tho growing complaint of American Importers that tholr Christmas, trado is threatened by falltiro to obtain goods inndo In Gor many and Austria, for which thoy have contractod. Generally speak ing, It Is tho Intention of tho Brit ish government to allow passago through tho plockaded linos of goods for which American oxporforo havo entered Into contract with Austria nd Germany. Horetoforo It hos been required that tho money shall have actually beon paid. Goods val ued at many million dollars hove ac cumulated at Rotterdam and await transportation jo tlio United States. Itr.SSI.W IMllVPi.' ci.'i.-a a 1H YEARS WAIt PHILADELPHIA, Sept. 1 Prince- Alexandre Gag- arln of Russia, who has como to America as a special agent of tho Czar to arrange for tue shipment to Russia of Im- iiipiibo quantities of war mu- nltlons, Bald today ho would not bo surprised If tho Eu- ropean conflict lasted eight- ten years, " Certainly not," tho Prince said, when asked If ho wero Jesting about tho length of tho wnr. "Tho struggle has just begun. Of ol'o thing you may bo suro, Russia will not make peace until every German or Aus- Irian soldier Is driven from I'er soil. KLKS NOTICE 1)111 your presence is required Wednesday evening, Soptombor 1, ax 'oilKe. Business meeting. By order of J. "W. HHdonbrand Exalted Ruler 'RUT ,l.!ts BARGAIN Mason and Economy Jars at a spe cal reduced price for a short time. RCIIKOEDRR HILDENRHAND Market and Waterfront. Phone 77 mi LET GOODS TnlO tlly AmorlatfJ l'rc lo Cooa Hajr TIitim 1 J BERLIN, Sept, 1 (Via t Wireless to Sayville,) X An official review of the t Eastern campaign today X estimates that since May X 2 the Russians hava lost t at least 300,000 men in t X X X x X killed or wounded and t 100,000 captured by Ger- X mans, -. delatTubeT case DELAY LIBEL CASE oo Sl'IT OK .ll'IKJE WOOD AGAINST (JOLD IIEACII (JLOBK DDI'Dltltl.'l) .lodge Calldus Makes o" Rights ol' Paper to Ciltl- else Public: Ofliclal f Special to Tho Times) GOLD BEACH, Qro. Sept Somo Interesting points regarding tho ex tent of libel on tho part of a news paper wero brought out by Judge uniicins presiding in tlio Curry county circuit court In the suit of County Judgo W. A. Wood against S. E. Mnrsters, editor of the Gold Beach Globo. Tho suit was for $10, 000 damages hccaiiBo of an article published in tho Globe at tho time an election was for tho recall of Judge Wood. The Judgo won tlio re cull election by u big majority. In tho article published in the Gold Bench Globo Wood was referred to us u "pltlablo liar." When tho caso caiuo up in tho court, the attorney, C. It. Peck, of MarHhfiold, representing Mnrsters held Hint the statement in tho paper was correct and that It was publish ed In good faith during the cam paign. Attorney Gosh nud Buffing ton, for Judgo Wood claimed that the statement was untrue and libel ous. Judgo Calkins said that If the statement was true and mado In good faith as n criticism of a man who was candiduto for an office tlio newspaper was not guilty of libel. If tho statement was not true, ns shown by tho ovldonco, and yet was mado In good faith, tho fnct that It was mado In good faith would bo in mitigation of damages. After somo discussion on the part of tho attorneys thoro representing tho plaintiff expressed a willingness to contlnuo tho suit until tho next term. This was done. Judgo CalkhiB said ho hoped that tho caso would go over for good and all. Ho said that thoro could llttlo good como from suits of this naturo Involvlng political affairs, thoy only stirred up 111 feollng and mistrust In a community, nnd that ho sincerely hoped tho caso would not como up again for trial. FINE TEl'cnOTEL I .T. SIMPSON FIGURES ON FINE ItKSOIlT AT SCNSET BAY Plan for Seashore Quarters for Tour, ists Said to Havo Been Approv ed By Southern Pacific Tl la understood Hint L. J. Simp son has about completed plans for tlio construction 01 a targu nuiui ut. Sunset Bay, designed especially to cater to tho tourist trado, and that ho hopes to havo it completed and ready for servlco by the opening of next season. The starting of regular railroad servlco to Coos Bay is expected to lirinf an Influx of peoplo hero from outside points to enjoy tho beach and seaside. Muring uie buihhioi months, It Is expected that scores will seek relief from the heat nnd dust of tho Interior and It Is to ac commodate them that tho project Is being carried out. Later, a regular summer amuse ment park may be built In connec tion with It If conditions Justify it. It Is said that Mr. Simpson has sub mitted his plan to high officials of the Southern Pacific and it has re ceived tlielr hearty approval. Tho company will ndvertise Sunset Bay as one of tho attractivo resorts and It will develop their passenger busi ness. Special rates for the summer season and weeK-onu win proyuui bo mado for tue tourists. To make a success of It, hard sur facing of tho highway between Coos Bay and Sunset Bay will probably bo necessary so thdt autos can traverse It at all seasons of the year. A while back, It was roported that Mr. Simp son was considering tho construction of an electric line from North Bend to Sunset Bay but In view of the de- ..alnrtnant nf IllO SllltO it IS 1 1 K C 1 ' that the hard surface roadway will ho determined upon Instead. TO II S. I Von Bernstorff Officially An nounces Germany Will Com ply With America's Wish iiLLWIlllN VESSELS Passenger Liners Will Not be Sunk by Submarines With out Protecting Passengers ARABIC SUBMARINE SUNK Claim that Cndersea ('in ft Which Sank Last Liner Was Sunk Soon Aflef Accomplishing Deed Von Bernslorl'I's Letter Illy Annul laltti I'ri'.l to Cooa Hay Tlinri. WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. 1. (lernian Ambassador Von Bernstorff on Instructions from Berlin, inform ed Sccrotary Lansing today that the German government had accepted tho principle that passenger liners should be warned before attack by submarines. Submarine Was Sunk Bearing out tho reports tlint tho German submarliio which sank tho Arable Jmd herself beon Blink, tho V. S. State Department officials to day revealed that report was receiv ed from Ambassador Pago at London the day after tho sinking of tho steamer, Indicating that a German submarine had been destroyed near tho scone of tho Arable disaster. This fnct will simplify German's position nnd ennblo her to make sat isfactory reparation to the United States. Von BernMorff's Letter After tho conference at the U. S, Stato Department, Ambassador Von Dernstorrr sent Secretary Lan sing this letter :"Wlth roforenco to our conversation this morning, I beg to Inform you that my Instructions concerning our answer to your last Lusltnnia noto contains tlio rouow Ing pnssago "Liners will no bo sunk by our submarines without warning and without tho snfety of tho lives of non-combatants, provided tho liners do not try to escapo or offer resis tance." Although I know you dp not wish to discuss tho Lusltnnia question till the Arabic Incldont Is definitely and satisfactorily sottled, I I deslro to Inform you of tho above becauso this policy of my govorn mont was decided on before tho Ara- j bis Incident occurred. I havo no oh-. Jectlon to your making any uso you pleaBo of tho nbovo Information.' Secretary Lansing mado tho fol-t lowing stntoment: I "In vlow of tho cloarnoss of tlio foregoing statement, It seems need-i less to mnko any comment othor than It appears to bo a recognition of tho fundamental principle for which wo havo contended." ; J LOCAL OVERFLOW X WEATHER FORECAST Dy AMoclatei! rrtaa to Cooa Hay Tlraea.) OREGON Partly cloudy, southerly winds. ' Brl"K4 Buck Doer. Sum Pino and Georgo Cnrlotou returned at noon from Cold Crook nbovo Powers whero thoy wont on a hunting trip. ' They brought back with them twoj sets of horns as trophies of tho chaso nnd ovldonco they had really bagged tho gamo. I Will Sec, Incinerator. That thoy( may spo and know for thoinsolvos tlio valuo of nn Incinerator for tho , burning of nil garbage nnd rubbish, of tho city and nt the sumo tlmo sup-i ply tho town with electric lights and ' gas, boveral of tho conncllmon aro planning on going to Portland. , Thoy will leavo Sunday on tho Breakwater, returning hero, It la ex pected, In tlmo for tlio next meeting Tuesday evening. Councilman Klin-, ball lias aueaiiy maim an iiivbbuku-, tlon. Frank Catterlln Is ngont of, the company. Carl Evertson, Geo. E. Cook and Duncan Ferguson, Sr., will probably mafio thojrlp. $ X AMONG THE SICK X Dr. Tuggart Is much Improved at, tho Mercy hospital, acordlng to) Frank llorton who dropped In thoro for n visit yesterday. For a tlmo' his condition wus quite serious but Dr. Taggart now expects to bo out within a week's time. PULFORD IS NAMED r. rt n..l,..H.l iP f.xln llnln, linu , O, IJ, liKlUIH) U( .u;im . "mil ""a I been appointed attorney of tho Oro Igon Stafo Land Board in Coos Coun ty, V1CO U. A, UUUUIIB, "liu luaiHlli-u to move to Jackson County. TEACHER IS DROWNED ROSEBURG, Oro., Sopt. 1. Cosll Gunter, a school teacher, was drovn- jed while swimming in tho Umpqua River some distance west of Oak land. Mr. Gunter was to have op ened a term of school at Dodgo I Canyon Monday, He was. 21 years oi age, jiia iiuiuiim, ., . mm, j. O, Gunter, live on Smith River i X X force the Dardanelles is X X contained in an interview x X X X X X X X with the Japanese Ambas sador to Italy, "We must not allow our enemies to profit by information about the movement of our troops," he said, "The world will be astonished when it knows what we have done," J 4 GOLD BEAJCH LIKES JUtJGE CALKIN'S WAY lospphliio .County .Jurist . Pleases With Ills' Conduct, of Cases In finny County (Special to Tho Times) GOLD BEACH, Ore. Sep. 1 Judge Calkins of Josephlnu county, who has been presiding in the Curry county circuit has made a highly favorable Impression as a Jurist. This la tho first tlmo that hu has been on tho bench In Coos or Curry counties and tho attorneys wero In-1 forested In tho appearance of a new! Judgo In this locality. Judgo Calkins has Impressed those attending tho term of court as be ing n man of thorough knowledge of tho law and n man of most excell ent Judgment. When attempt" weru made to hold up cases on technical points the Judgo luslsted on hearing tho ovldonco when ho thought tint complaints had merit. Ho had several difficult matters to act upon and showed, a fairness nnd senso of JttBtlco which was much admired. Judgo Calkins mado It very clear that ho Intended tho dignity of the, court's orders must bo uphold anil. mado somo stntomontB from tho bench along that Hue. While tho Judgo was agreenblo In his conduct of court It wns clear! that ho would not endure any trans gressions. When ono of tho lawyers mado some suggestions ns to the court's decision tho Judgo said: "I will como down thoro whero you nro nnd you can come up horo on tho bench." WITH BRIDE, EXPECTED HERE NEXT WEEK FROM SOUTH Is Rumor llmisec and llauser Equip ment Awaits Further Construc tion on S. P. Line South Konnoth Hausor, of tho llauser and llauser company, with his bride, formerly Miss Helen Porter, at t Spokane, Is expected horo In about a week aftor un extended honeymoon trip, coming In their inachlno aftor j touring through California for two' months. It Is not known whether! Mr. and Mrs. Hausor will ronialu hero until tlio trestle work Is com-i ploted on North Lake. j There 1ms been u report that llauser and llauser will not move their outfits from this territory for somo tlmo, ull of which bus led to furtTior rumor that they expect to' begin work In connection with an oxtonslon of tho Southern Pacific to Trinidad. Somo time ago Mr. llauser said that tlio company lias several ont- fits similar to tho ono In uso hero, and that It would bo foolish for them to mako a movo until they havo def inite contracts signed up for furth er projects and tho railroad build ing gamo Is very quiet at tho pres ent time. I Mr. ami Mrs. Hausor this week uro at Lake Tahoo. Thoy havo with ' them a largo Wlnton and It Is expect od thoy will drive In bore, coming In to Rosoliurg by way of tho Slskyous. Trestllng on North Lake Is prog lesslng rapidly and It Is oxpected It ull will bo comploto within a few weeks tlmo, possibly undor seven , weeks. Tho work, for tho most part, Is being dono under sub-contractors. Ralls havo been laid through Lakesldo up to Tunnel No. 7, Is tho roport from Lakesldo. Thero can bo no further laying of steel, accord ing to V. G. Hlndmarsh, S. P. engin eer In charge, until the trestllng has been entirely completed so that the track can be sent out toward Gar diner. , X tion that Japan will co X operate in the plan to nOSER RETURNING IP C WiWM. English Pounds Sterling De clines Another Five Cents on New York Board of Trade Drop of Eleven Cents in Two Days Causes British Buyers To Wonder What To Do THIS SLUMP UNEXPECTED Great Britain's Standard Coin Brings Only $I.iO In American Money Today and Big War Orders for Allies May lie Cancelled (lly ARMKUtflJ I'rcKa tti Cooa Hay Time, NEW YORK, Sept. 1.-English money, already depreciated to fig ures without parallel In tho history of finance, took another phcuomlunl drop todii.s. The pound sterling nold down within the first hour's dealings to ?l.r(), a break of u 1-1 over night and a downward plunge of 1 1 cents within two tliiys. There seemed lit tle doubt but that tlio buyers from Grenl Britain will soon refuse to bear the heavy burden of exchange nnd stop tlielr war orders. THIEVES GET FOWLS IN MIDNIGHT CHASE J. T. TURN ER (JRABS ('HAS. JOHNSON Finds filter Sitting )tNUi ilcl(. en Said to Havo Been (Jilt il'2 Out of Flock of HO Genu Caught at midnight sitting on a plank along the waterfront with a dead chicken under him, after J. T. Turner, In scanty uttlro had given chase to a chicken thief, Charles Johnson strenuously denied that hu hnd over been near tho chicken coop of Turner. Johnson wns led by Turner to tho pollco station and this morning, arraigned in tho Justlco court, plcnded not guilty, and tho enso was continued until tomorrow morning. Judgo Ponnock risked Johnson for an explanation of tho dead roostor. "Your honor," ho said, clearing his throat, "I never took thnt roostor; I novor know whero Mr. Tumor liv ed boforo and, Your Honor, my friend Tom Chrlstonson gavo mo that chlckon." ' Cro-is Questions Johnson Hero Tumor Interrupted tho story with a sorles of cross examination questions. "How did you happen to bo sitting on thnt plank at midnight? Whore did Chrlstonson get thnt chicken? What Is ho doing making presents like this In tho mlddlo of tho night?" Not for a minute was Johnson stumped. His answers wero Inline dlato and to tho point. Ho didn't know whore tho chicken cama from; It wns a gift. Ho had happened to meet Clirlstcuson at that tlmo; that was how the present was mado and as for stealing a chicken hero ngiiln ho addressed tho bonch "Judgo, I am an Inno cent man." Chrlstonson wns called for. Ho was not procurable and tho cuso was adjourned until tomorrow morning. Flock Quickly Diminished Turner lives In a float house. Un til three weeks ago ho had a flour ishing flock of fifty chlckoiis that he kept In a floating pen, all proper ly screened In. Then someone be gan making doprodatlouii and up to duto '' of the fowls have disappear ed. "And they didn't take the llttlo fellows either," declarod Turner. "Thoy got tho biggest uml best I had." Turner then Is said to havo fix ed the wire again on tho pun and this time to have htriing uu electric al attachment that lit u red light ov er the head of his bed ovory tlmo anyone entered the coop at night. Ho awakoned last night In a hur ry: heard a nolso and quietly slipped out In tho darkness in time to see a man disappear In tho mist. Giving chase Turner went running about one side of the building, hut lost track of his man and In coming buck stumbled onto Johnson who was do ing his best to keep tlio dead chicken warm. In the coop wero found moro feathers scattered about ami another rooster had a wing broken and ono chicken had lost most of tho cover ing about its neck. Botli are well known waterfront characters, Johnson being known us "Hoodlum Charley." HONORS MRS. WILBUR Mrs. Wilbur of Mnrshfleld has at tontod moro Institutes In Coos Coun ty thaAi any other toticlicr In nt tendanco at this sosslon. Fore this excellent record sho was figuratively presented with tho "Iron Cross" by Superintendent Baker at assembly - Coqulllo Sontluel. IT T PARIS, Sept, 1, Re poits of the' death of Adolphe Pegoud. the fa mous French aviator who was the first to doop the loop in an aeroplane, were : oiriciaiiy conrumea ioaay, IS BRITT HENDERSON FLOURISHES GUN AND (JOES TO JAIL Was Sentenced hi April to n Five Year 'Prison Tertn Duiiclug Partner Moved Too Slow CLAIM HENDERSON 4 SPECIAL DETECTIVE It Is claimed today that llrltt Henderson was sup- posed to bo doing special do- tectlyo work for tho office of Sheriff Johnson and District Attorney LHJoqvlst, getting evidence concerning the Em- plro robbery and rooming honso eases for the grand Ju- ry next week. 444 BeeaiiBo his initio partner, dancing with him In the Brewery Saloon on north Front street didn't movo fast ! eilOllull to suit lllm llrltt Heiulersmi whipped a slx-shootor from his hip pocket and poked It In bis friend's ribs, admonishing him to stop about a trltlo llvoller. Forthwith Hender son wob arrested for carrying a con cealed weapon nnd was takon today to Coqulllo by Deputy Sheriff A. P. Davis whero It Is oxpected Hender son will bo remanded to thu state ponltontlary for breaking his pnrolo. In tho April grand Jury Henderson was Indicted and later convicted of Issuing u bad check In North Bend for about ?2. When tho officers cnnio for hlin at that tlmo ho escap ed toward Rosoliurg and, hold up by a farmer, took his gun nwny from him and continued on his way. Lator Deputy Sheriff Laird camo through Gardiner with Hendorson nnd put him over night In tho Jail thoro. Though ho had handcuffs on, Hendorson In the night managed to get sovoral boards up from tho floor and would have escaped through tho hole hnd tho hotel clerk not heard tho noise and notified Laird In tlmo. At his trial Henderson promlsod to do hotter nnd wns paroled after bolng sentenced by Judgo Coke to five years In prison. . OOGS CHASED OEER CLAUD NOBLE FINED FOR BREAKING (JAME LAWS Pleads Guilty to Letfug Dogs Run Down (Jnmo Claims Was Not Out Hunting at Tlmo Pleading guilty to a charge of run ning deer with dogs Chuido Noble, of Ten Mllo, was fined $25 nnd 111 costs In tho Justlco court this uf tornoon. John Tower, special gamo deputy, appeared as a witness to tho charge. Tho complaint wob drawn up by Deputy Gamo Wardon Thomas lost wook. Noble said that ho had lived In tho Ten Mllo district for six years and this Is thu first tlmo ho had gottou Into trouble. 1IU said that on the day ho was arrested ho was on tlio way to tho boat landing to seo about somo milk and his dog scared up tho , deer In the brush. Hu did not deny I having a rlflu with him. though the . nnliual In question was not killed. DIMLY A BRUSH FIRE SMOKE AND BLAZE AT TARHEEL CAMP CAUSED APPREHENSION Slashings In Simpson Company's Workings Burned Over But 110 Damage Bono Thero was a heavy brush fire In tho slashings til thu Simpson Lum ber Company's camp below Empire lute yesterday afternoon uml early In the evening the clouds of nnoko wont rolling up us though It wits a regular fire. No domugo was re ported from thoro and W. J. Con rad of tho Coos Tax Association suld untiling had been reported to him about ft. This morning the fire wus practically out. OREGON FOREST FIRES Most of Conflageiatlons Reported Under Control Today Hy AwoilatM I'naa to Cooa Day llmo 1 PORTLAND, Oro. Sopt, 1. Owing to more fuvorablo weathor conditions tbn fnrna! flrn Rlttintln,, It, nrm.mi j is Improved, South of Mount ilood an oxtonslde fire Is still tin controlled. In Union aim Wallowa counties, fires are still burning but moat of thorn uru undor control, PAROLE BR0KE1M w w Mexican Revolutionary Leader Equips Expedition to At tack Guatemala FOR PEAGE PACT Angry Because Little Republic Participated in Recent Pan American Conference WILL RETALIATE AT ONCE Ciialpuinlati Revolutionists Said to Havo Itecn Orgiinled nnd Fitted Out With .:l0 Rifles and Am- munition to Open Warfare tlly AMn.'l.tcJ t'fia to Cooa nay TIum.J EL PASO, Sept. 1. Autltorltatlvo reports todav Indicated that flunt- eniala Is about to bo drawn Into the Mexican revolutionary vortex. These advices state Unit In retalia tion fur thu nartlcliiatlou of Guat emala in tho I'an-Ainorlcnn-Mexlciin peace conference, Guatemalan rcv- oiftionists hnve been permitted to organize and have been furnished with 2O0O rifles by Cnrranza and are about to innrch on Guatemala City SOUTHERN PACIFIC OFFICIALS TAKE PARTY OUT Claim Bridge Will lie Ready for rains by Mlddlo of October Distances Are Given Yesterday local Southern Pacific officials entertained a party of North Bund buslnoHa men on an Inspection trip to the now bridge and over thu Hue as far as Lakeside. The Junket was similar to the ono given a party of Marsh field men a month ngo. Dinner was served at tho 8. P. bridge camp and Inter n work train tool: thorn nut as far iib thu rails aru laid, two inllus north or Lako slde, which js not fur from tho on t in 11 co to the big tunuol. It was statud tho brldgo across the bay will hu completed and ready for trains before October lfi. En route homo, It. It. Plnkurton, a woll known North Inlet rancher, near imusor, threw a basket full of boau Itlful boiiquutB aboard for tho party. Robert Simpson, 11 well-known plo jneor or North Bond, who was with the party, said that ho had lived on I the Bay about firty yoars now wnlt llng ror a railroad and said that yesterday waB the Hrst time ho had lover visited Ten Mile. , Schedule or Distances As It Is expected that tho motor car will bog!,, servlco to Lakesldo and possibly to Gardiner ns soon as the brldgo Is finished, the following tables of distances will bo of Inter est, tho rail dlstanco between the Mnrshfleld and North Bend depot sites being three miles: Maibhflold to Eugene, 121.5 miles. .Mnrshfleld to Mnplotou, (i-l miles Mnrbhfleld to Reodsport, 28.3 m, Murshfleld to Lakesldo, 1C mllos. List of Party Thoso enjoying the trip wore. C. V. McKnlght. C. II. Marsh, Englnoor Woolly, C. S. WInsor, Fred Hollls ter, S. Bttckey, Peter Logglo, Horbort Armstrong. (1. E. Teuts, Win. Schrock. Ilelirv Dlors. (lenn.,. Hn. .iter, F. E. Glazier, F. W. Stovons, I J. T. McGuIro, J. A. Smith, A. O. iRuab. A. 1'j. Sinister, Frod Glazier, IF. W. Wood, E. E. Llnvlllo. A. J. Diivls, J. P. Ilronn, Robort Simpson, W. W. Ashby, Win. Dolln, Ira Welt I xel, Edgar McDanlol and B. B. Wel- i"y- "WOMANLESS" DAY IS PLANNED IN NEW YORK NEW YORK. Sept. 1. -Now York, externally, will bo womanlt'SH one duy soon, If the plan restored by Mrs. Norman Whltehouso is car ried to a successful couclu- sloii, It Is planned to rofuto tlio old charge that "woman's placo Is In tho homo" by car- rylng out tho Idea to tho let- tor on one day ovory worn- nn In Now York will stay homo, whether sho bo pro- fesblonal woman, scrub wom- an, working girl or Just plain woman. This, tho suffragists con- tend, will prove to voters Just how valuable woman la outside the home, Remember the concert next Mon day evening In tho Finnish Hall when Jens Sevely and Gerald Hunt make their appearance In Mnrshfleld Tickets BO cents nt Owl Drug Store,