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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
IHBIHHHHIB'' iiHHHHBK -1 'aw4 rrS;', $WWBS swftwaitiiiwuaflywiteaBwiw IBHTT v " v rz- BiHHHHHHHHnHHHIHBHBKii MV '- J WORRY KILLS M(M PEOPLE THAN WORK BECAUSE MORE PEOPLE GO UP AGAINST IT Coos Bay Times Your Paper Coos 1' Times Is proud of its title "Tlio I 'a rnpc'V lllM "- f,tl',vcs nt n11 times to V!?n (o Its name by devoting Its energies to f0 up '" moling Clio people's interests. 01000 r&fc MEM11KHS OP THE ASSOCIATED HCKSS A Southwest Oregon Paper Tlmt's what tlio Coos Hoy Times Is. A South, west Oregon paper for Sentiment Oregon peoples nnil devoted to tlio best Interests of 'tills great section . Tho Times always IxxkstH nnd never knocks, i ijfmo. xxxviii. KsfubllshOtl 1878 ns Tlio Const !T2.'l. - - . m m - Pro . ml in r mm mm. n . - fiFifi IB It h1 K Submarine S MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, MARCH 13, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mai) mid Coos llnr Advertiser No. 199 ENGLISH ADVICE III UE5T British Army Assigned .Lead in Attack in Campaign Against Kaiser CLAIM ARTILLERY FIRE , -CAUSED ULLE CHANGES Berlin Claims New Victories Against Russians French Troops Holding Back fT' 7. .. ........... i A 44 I KXflMSII ADVANCE J OVER KOL'lt MILK! 6 AiiocUlf t rr to Com liar Tlmca.l a PARIS, March 13 Tlio I advanco of tlio Hrltlsh troops I In tlio vicinity of Nouo Chap- iiello Is estimated nt about four miles. According to a dispatch from Hothuno tlio I Germans wero forced back wm,i ilm forest. Br AimUttil rr to Coot Mr TlniM.l LONDON', Mnrch 13. Tlio Ilrltlsb inny, to which 1ms been nsslgnod the tsk of lending tlio present ut- ...v Dm unstnrn litittlo front. Is stin attempting to pubIi forward, ind thus fur tlio uormnn cnorts to drive It bade linvo fnllcd. nriln cnv tim nffort to reenntum Xtaro Cliappello mmlo progress for i time, uut was uunnuoneu wuon tie German encountored superior forces. A correspondent or a Pjiris news piper says tlio Hrltlsh nnlllory flro ii m nrriirnto that tlio Gormnns moreil their henibiunitors from Llllo. Spasmodic fighting Is In progress In Champagno and tlio Vosges. but apparently tlio French army is leav t; the initiative to tlio Ilrltlsb. Berlin says tho now attack in Northern Poland has thus fnr boon mccefsful nnd tho HtiHslans wuio (onDclleJ to fall back beyond tho Bobr Illvcr. Petrogrnd says tho Russians dls Wjed tho AiiBtro-Oornmn forces 1mm Ihn fnrtlfln.1 iinqttlnna nt T.iin tow and Smohillc In tho Carpath- lui. Paris announces thnt tho bom- hHmAnt nt Mm llnrflntinllna inn. United yesterday nnd leaves In doubt ue amount oi dnmngo dono. 1 ENGL EASILY REPULSED Berlin Reports Isolated At tacks But British Driven Back Lost City t44 (iKIIMAXS WIN IX northern Poland ID; AuorluM ITom to I'oon llajr Tlmr. IHIUI.IN, Mar. !. Tlio WIIITM IIOl'SK I'lOXCKH lXi:U.MOXIA A'ICTI.U tnr Aiworlnteil I'rw to Coon liar TlmM.l WA8UINOTON, D.C., Mar. 13. Col. W. II. Crook, dis bursing offlcor of tho Whlto IlntlHO, who wns I'lesldeiit Lincoln's body guard, and who bus been intimately nc tiutilntcd wllh every Presi dent Blnco 1SC0, died today at his homo lie re. Ho had boon sick with pneumonia for moro than a week. $$ iamk EWlish Criuiiser And 216 Oust of 226 e Bard Lost FLEET GAINS LESS HI ES o ruiKT is;i:i nr AMoclatM t'ri-s to Cooi Bar Tlmca, linilLlN, Mar. 1.1 (Wlro- less to SayvIIlo.) A Ncther- laiuls nows agoiicy at Tho llngtio received a dispatch from Athens saying that in tho fighting in tho Dardan- dies stialts two Hrltlsh tor- pedo boat dcstroyeis nnd two mine sweepers wero do O stroyed, wlillo two big bat- tlcshlps wero dlsablod. British Admiralty Announces Loss of Auxiliary Cruiser Bayano by Torpedo LOCATION AND DETAILS OF DISASTER WITHHELD ltltMAI) ItlOTS l.V Sl'AlX SKItlOUH Loss Causes Stir in England Owing to Number of mer chantment Recently Sunk -LU French Statement of Naval Activities Shows Less Prog ress Than Was Expected (Or AasoclatoJ lVrm to Coon liar Tlmm. l'AUIS, Mnrch 13. Tho official Htntomont today Bays: "On Maicb 10, in bad weather, two Hrltlsh warship shelled two forts at Hulnln lljr AMorlatei l'rrn to Coo. Hay Tlmoa. PEKING, Mar. 13. Tho Chinese govornmont lias official information thnt the Second Japaueso Squadron, conveying two divisions of approx imately 30,000 soldiers, has sailed for China. I onMrdlng of tlicso troops will Hr Aaiuclatcd Tret, to Ciii liar Times. LONDON Mnrch 13. Tho Hrlt lsh Admiralty announced Inst night Mayano was torpedoed, March 11, by a Gorman sumbarlnc. Out of a crow of 21C, only 20 wero rescued. Few details waro given and tho exact location of tho disaster was not announced. Following closo on tho sinking of a number of Kngllsh merchantmen, tho disaster lias caused quite a stir In Kngland. LONDON Mnrch 13. Tho Swedish steamer Anna struck n mlno off Scar borough on the cast coast of England this morning and foundered. Two mombcrs of tho crow wero killed by tho explosion. Klghtcon wero res- I cued by a passing steamer. IPr AiMcllcil I'rwn to Com liar Tlmm. MAimil). Mar. 12. Ser ious bread riots occurred yOsterdny nt .lenont, whoro n mob of women nnd children attacked bakeries. Tho po llco wero obliged to ehargo several times before order was restored. 1IED STA1ES 6EIS UCAN FACTIONS TO GRIT CI ESS 4 (on tho Gallipoli poninsuln on tho'incieaso tho number of Jnpnncso Gulf of Saros), wlillo two other soldiers in tlio garrisons in China Hrltlsh battleships bombarded light to nearly GO, 000. Tho now troops batterlos which commanded tho bay will bo distributed in .lnncliurlr of Morto at tho entrance to tho Dnr-i Shantung, Tien Tsln nnd IInnkowJ uanciios. During tlio nigut or uio.wnero tno piesont rorces or jnpancso lOtli nnd 1 1 tli mlno sweepors enter- garrisons number nearly 30,000. od tho straits under cover of tho guns of n battleship and cruiser and succeeded in operating In the first) nuiio neiii, noiwunsinnuing a not flro from tho guns of tho dofensos. French divisions began on tlio 11th operations against tho fortifications of Hulnir nnd light battorlcs above Morto Hay." Tho foregoing dispatch seems to indicnto thnt tho Allied .ftetit lias no't penotrntod tho Dardanelles ns far as Biippotcd or that operations ngnlnt;t tho Turkish fortifications woro not entirely successful. Prev ious leports etutcd thnt about n third of tho pnssugo had been cleared. OOLI STRIKE 01 VANCOUVER THIW LVIMQ mil I SEEKS FREEDOM ELGI1S CAPTURE HIGHWAY TO HELL SAYS EITEL HAD RIGHT TO SINK PRYE (Dr Aj.ocUIrd rrrM to Corn liar Tlmra 1 WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 12 German Ambassador Count von Hernstorff, discussing with tho Unit ed States Stnto Department officials today tho sinking of tho American ship William P. Frye, defended tho notion of Cnptnln ThlerlcliEen, of tho Prill?. Kltel Frledrlch, contend ing thnt ho acted under tho declara tion of London, which was tho only guldo ns to tho disposition of tho prlre3. i Count von Hernstorff did not pro sont nny noto to tho Stnto Depart ment, and said that bo bad receiv ed no instructions from bis govorn mont. Ho sid that ho called to ItUSSKI.S AD.MI'ITi:i TO !?:tt)00 HAIL tllr A80cl,Mcl rrcii to Cooa liar Tlram. COQPILLi:, Or., Mar. 13. Mr. and Mis. Clarcnco ltUs boII, who have been held In custody hero for poisoning liis brother Arthur, near Myr tle Point threo years ago, wero admitted to ball today. Justice Stanley required $;j, 000 bond which wns readily furnished. Tho preliminary hearing will bo later. SEVEN YEAR 0L0 ISi Loading of War Material for . discuss tho question mformoiiy. Tho Rnccrm nnlauorl znt Hnnct. i Fryo's cargo wns conslgnctl "to or- ing Ships Hampered nuslniin have retreated frtnu iro Aiigustowo dlstilct and country to the northeast un til now they uro beyond tho Hobr illver under tho guns o (iroilti'i. Northeast of IrasnjM, UnsslaiiH nttiiukH Unrn ' 444 l"' AuwIHol l'ra to Cooa liar TlruM.J c,11!"'1 Mnr- 12 (Wirolosa to fWlllc ) The official Btutoment to nJ.te?ys: "Sotli t Ypros, isolutcd wiuiii attacks woro enslly ropuls w. 0'ir niocnient for tho recapture i k.Vo cl,!,l'olo hognn succcssful '. out thereafter wo oiirountorod wperlor Hrltlsli forco and for thl-i ,fin ,l10 l,)nor attack wob not toatlnuci Two Hrltlsh aviators were "ought down by German flro. In ;?1,,"n" ."J"0 ' lJoi a re newal of fighting at Isolated places, "? H Frenrh nttacks woro ro- BSnin.""0 1,mU,rca Wer tn,lon MOTHER OF MRS. GEORGE manuigo DIES IN EAST A tffrnn nnnn.. ... ,..n. ot her i,r: ",' "ul,"L;,"?..l,"u?iu " In, V J.oars' Mns received last ovon- SmVueMW Dl Mandlso of M it nAF.r.80' "mo Mrs. Hei- urT,. v. ,n uea al tho homo or OklSte!v.Mrs- Clmrlos Hardy, of '"e fro uisiniioma, Buffor- noi ,, i""u'uma so mo enu was "oe unexpected. not Man,llSo states that sho will here.?"81 Her :notl,e'" visited mi. " UB' an snout quite a Chl Ln ?n.3 D!l'' TherO nr0 f0Ur ",!' nB They nro Mrs. OH hnm ?,d a,ul n urotlier at the Ud . 'y.' Li2.on.8.tan. .Michigan, la oklahn r' Mrs- Charles Hardy east for burial . 1TI1U ' STKXOGHAPIinn 150 ,rnt street. French Announce King Albert's Troops Make Advances Against Germans (Or Auoviaiivl I'll., lo uou. ltJ ilmn 1 PAULS, Mnr. 18. Tho official stntomont this nftornooii says: "In tho bond of tho Yser, tho liolglan iirmy consolidated and liureasod tho results obtained Thuihday. Tho Hrltlsh tontlnued their progress. Tboy crossed Luyes Ifook and reneh otl tlio road known ns tho "High way to Hell" which runs from tho uorthwcht to t'no southeast toward AubtiiH. Southwest ot iCItoro, thoy carrlod nevornl groups of Inusos strongly piepured for dofenso. Tho total nuiubor of prisoners raptured during tho day wan 1000. Tho Ger mans lost Bovornl machine guns. Tho loft and right of tho lliltish army wero oiiguged and tho rronrn sui Iiortod thorn. In Champagne our progress continues. Northwost of Mosnll wo enpturod ISO prlsonors. In tho Vosges on tho Itolch Ackorpof a German nbsault wos lopuised." 0 rWITTEDE s Jury Acquits Him of Conspir acy in Escape From Asylum Next Hearing March 15. tnr Aasotlateil I'rvM to Coca Tlar Ttmca. NKW YOUK,.Mnr. 12. Harry K. Thaw was ncqultted today of cqu in cBcapIng front Mattca wau, a charga upon which lie was brought back to Now York City from Now Hampshire llogor Thompson, lllclmrd Hutlor, ICugeno Duffy nnd Tlionios Flood, who assisted him to escape, wero llkowlso acquitted. Tho Jury labored nil night, until 12:20 tills nftornooii. Thaw wns given into tho custody of tho Shorlff of Now York County nnd tho eo-do- fonduits wero discharged. A motion to have Thaw coram tod to Mnltoawan wns matlo linnio dlntoly after tho Jury ron-lored verdict. Thaw's counsel contondoi thnt ho should bo returned to New Hnmpghlio us a sano man. The1 court nunounced Hint It would bei.r arguments on tho motion Mnrch ID. Itir Aaaoclatod Trraa to Cooa Bar Timet SKATTLi:, Mar. 13. A cut ton cents an hour In tho wages of truckers employed by oporntors of coasting steamers at Vancouver, 11. C, led to a sympathetic boycott by longshoremen In Vancouver, Seat tle, Tacoiua and other ports. Long shoremen of theao ports, will not touch nny enrgo of vessels that have londod or unloodod at Canadian Pa cific coastwise wharf No. 1, Van couver. Tho Voluntcor fleet steamer Yar oslavl with ortlllory and ammuni tion needed by tho Russian army is unnb o to finish landing at van dor" and was destined to n fortified fort of tlio enemy. As long no there was no port Into which the Kltel could tako tho prize, tho captain had dono right, tho Ambassador con tended, to destroy both tho cargo and vessel, Tho full story of how tho Wm. P. Fryo wns sunk with a cargo of wheat was officially laid boforo tho U. S. government today by tho Fryo'a com mnndor, , Captain Kiohno. Upon Klohuo's statement, ma do boforo tho Stnto Department officials tho Unltod States will docido upon Its course, which probably will bo a domain! IJor an expression of regret from Germnny and payment for tho loss of tho ship nnd enrgo. Furthormoro, tho Ambassador ar couver. Tho lingo Koynl Mall llnorlKucd, tho captain of tho Ultol, when GIoiikj'cIo Is idlo at Seattlo because sho Unloaded goods ot tho Vancouver wlinrf where tho strlko wns on. Tho president of tho International Longshoremen's Union has been nak ed to como north. llOGALSlNFROftl COiJiTY SEAT FIVE t ho sank tho Fryo, did not know that tho Gormnn prize court hnd hold tho mora fact that a uhip hound fur nn cnomy's port was not sufficient proof that her cargo was destined for tho enemy. Tho caso of tho Frye, howovor, tlio Ambassador said, would bo sottled In accordance with International law hocnuto ot tho prownt btatus tit tho declaration of Loudon. I LOCAL OVKUFLOW. I 4- 'iim Monday. Tho Oldland dl voi en caan will bo resumed Monday morning when tho plaintiffs will DISAPPIIAItKI) LAST KVKXIXU AHOUT DUSK HNLIKVIID MAY 1IAVM FAIiliLX IX HAY XO THACI3 l-'OL'XD. At a late hour this after- noon Karl Littler was still 4 missing. All dny men have O Bcurchcd tho wntortront. It Is believed that tho little fellow fell into tho Hay and was drowned last night. 4 Thoro hns been somo talk of O using drags along tho odgo 4 Q of tho docks. ""Slnco elghto'clocir'laBt "evening tho police and firemen hnvo boon Bearclilng tho city and waterfront for n traco of Karl Littler, aged eovou years, who lias been missing Zapata Forces Reported to be Rapidly Improving Condi tions in Mexico City SEC. BRYAN THINKS ' OUTLOOK IS BETTER Says Carranza Has Agreed to Permit Use of Railroad Zapata to Furnish Food tnr AasoclatcJ Prcta to Cooa Dr Tlmta. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mnr. 13. Mexico City Is reported quiet today and officials hero expect all condi tions to Improve with tho occupa tion of it by tho Zapata forces. No further reports woro received today on tho killing ot John H. MoMnnus, by tho Zapata troops. Willi tho nssuranco from the Zapata com mander that tho guilty men would bo punished, officials nro n.wnltlng tho results ot tho detailed Inquiry. Ilryiiu (Jives View. Secrotnry llrynn said: "I think wo are In pretty good shapo. Car rau.a has promised to permit tho people loavlng tho capital to travel over a portion of tho railroad that ho controls, wlillo tho Zapata com mander In Mexico City has under taken to admit food Biipplles." Tho whereabouts of Obrogon, who evacuated Mexico City, aro not known. PATTERSON Gil EI IEW Til. TODAY National Cash Register Trust Convictions Set Aside by U. S. Court of Appeals llr TlIM to fwia Ur llm CINCINNATI, Mnr. 12. Tho Unit ed States Circuit court of appeals reversed today tho lower court in tho caso of tho govornmont against John Patterson, pros'dent, nnd -JG ranks, continually bringing tho bail hoped to start operations about April loiiuiais oi uie auuuiih " "-1 down Into tho Marshriold territory.'!, it Is not certain. Iter Compi.ny and re'inndod U back to0tlS( Rt forwnn nll,i Mor.-ow, ut New Manager. G. C. Mnrtln lias l tho d'strict court for u now triui.i BUa..j (n . 0ffi(.jnnt work in tho boon choson mnnagor of tlio Coos Tlio Mar.hflold Indepondoiitsi completo the siibnilsslon of oWdonco . . . i !.... .. 4J..1..1..1 'Plm 1 n volt riiilil .emerged List evening from tlio nns-, ."" "'' ",'.., """"'""; ket ball fray on the high school I studentB who will attend boivIcos at 'Kyiuni'slum floor with tho long end', tho Kplscopul Church Sunday will of n r.2 to 21 score oor tho Co- mtet at 10:30 at tho Central School , qulllo Indenendouts. This was the building and mnrch in a body to tho "I libber" and gives tho locnl two church. ii...i...,.i. wi.n .out of threo Uctorlos. I I-'M3 Cainp. K. r m a gl ho Too much Individual work i 1 ns been employed at tho llluo Itldgo i.i, i r.. i... .i.n.1 ,, ,.r tim yostordiiy and will Book n position visitors. Their failure to put into I olsowhore ns it Is uncortnln when tho operation consistent teamwork ac- McDonald & Vaughn camp will upon counts for many of the Icng shots nguln. sunt from tho middle of the floor i To Arrange Work. Win. Vaughn that fullo.1 to drop through the lit-1 of tho McDonald & Vaughn camp tla Iro.i ring, llowevor, tho v'sltorH. loft yesterday for San Francisco to wore gnmo to tho end and played ! confer with L. J. Simpson and Ldgar a hard and clean game. ' Simpson regarding opening tho Dnn- KYnm tim stun tlio local flvo took lol Crook ennui. No doflnlto word tho offonslvo, entorod tho cnomy's bns been rocelved and wlillo It Is AT PET ROGRAO Foremost Russian Citizen and First Prime Minister Won in Treaty With Japan !3r AaaoclateJ Treaa to Cooa Dar Tlmea. LONDON, Mar. 12. Count Ser glus Witto, Hussla's flr3t Prime Min ister, died last night, says a Potro grad dispatch. Ho was logarJed as one of tho most remarkable mon his .nnntrv nvor nroduced. Hogardloss of bis work as a statesman, his chiof Nnnn Smltli Ho had boon found guilt of violat ing tho anlt-trust law. I 11 SMITH OFF EARLY FOR SOOTHife baskot shooting, tho lormer fee-'nny Concert Hand to succeed Fred curing 1C points and tho latter 12. Wilson, who hns managed It slnco B. IJ. Lesl'o nt center for Co-itg organization. Mr. Martin is one qulllo, and the two Oerdlng broth- 0f tho best known muslcluns In tho ors, one i.t forward and tho othor i tlty and will bo a strong addition to at guord, woie tho stars of tlio vIb- tlio business management of tho pop- ito.V aggregation, covoung tno noor ular organization gamo of last ovonlng Is ox- ) bo the last ono lor mis the local floor, though tho Indoiiendonts cxnoct to movo next liantist Diiv. Sunday. Mnrch 1 1 will bo observed by tho Haptist Churches throughout tho United States ns "Haptist Day." At tho lo- c-tl Haptist Church pastor Hassroru from ills homo on Front strcot. Ho wns last eccu, so tho mother, Mrs. O. II. Green says, playing with a lit tle youngster on boats near the mu nlqlnal dock at tho foot of Alder RVOIIUO. When ho failed to return homo Mrs. Grcou phoned around to friends In Hunker Hill whoro sho thought ho might hnvo gono. Thoy know nothing of him. Sho went to tho Huiiows homo on Front street and thoro found that tho little five-year-old boy know nothing of her son, though thoy hnd been playing near tho boats together. Tho police woro notlflod and thoy, together with members of tho lire dopartniont who woro at tho sta tion, took lanterns and began their search along tho waterfront. Thoy peered up nnd down tho ulloyu that open onto tho dorks, around boats tied at tho wharves and, whenever possible, under tlio docks. Not a traco was found of tho Utile fol low. Chnrleii Mutson Bald that ho hud soon Karl Littler about dusk in the alloy near tho Johnson & Gulovsuu store. Others Buy thnt tho boy was Keen oven after that nour tho Coos Hay Hakory cm Market aveniiu. Mrs. Greou formerly lived at Hun ker Hill with u man named Littler. Aftor Bovoral years togoinor Mrs. Green declared that thoy wero not mnrrioil and had him nrrojtod. Ho Is tho father of her two. little boys, tlio oldest of whom Is Karl. Tho fathor Is In tho county Jail await ing tho action of tho grand Jury In April. Mrs. Green moved to the city und has been working In a can dy factory, supporting liorself nnd children. Tho boy Is dosorlhod as small for his yoars, slight and with light bnlr and bluo eyes, Ho was drossed In bldo ovorallu when loBt soon and woio n cap. Ho has not boon at tending school slnco tho family mov ed into tho city. lV SHIP STKKLltAILU FOR (JAItDIXKIl WOUIC Li:.VVi:s AT 7 A. .M. FOR SA. FRANCISCO CARRYING TJIIR-TV-TWO I'ASHLXGKJtS TO MAKK QUICK TRIP. week to the county teat and thoro ww speak on the history, distinctive PORTLAND Ore. March 13. Tho first shipment ot steel for tho Gardtnor section ot the Coos Hny-Kugono lino hns arrived lioro nnd will bo sent to Gardluor soon, Thoro nro flvo carloads of standard rails which woro shipped from Kugono whoro tho Btocl bns been assembled for tho road. It scorns that tho contractors lacked track for construction work nnd tho standard stool will bo usod nnd lator placed In thdr pormanont track. Thoy will ho takou by boat from hero direct to Gardiner. ItOSKHUWl MAY 1IAVK TO CHAXUi: ROXDS again meet tholr adversaries In bat tle. .School Plays Again A game, tho oighth of this series loft clown from tno i'1 "."..... ' ,ivninnnifl!U of! smith Terminal dock bound for Sap IUU1U 1UBL3 U1IU.4 Ilia ww.. w.w, --,...... -- - - I ni.innfacturlnir Industrlos, expansion Francisco. Slio carried a iun cius-j .. .ii, hi mnmin- thn ' has yet to bo played by the high ' ""' "."." ." " "..""" :.:r. ii.i i..,..a with tim of rallroadB and placing uussiu or iiimuer - ia.". monoury system unon a gold basis. Those who left were: Kugono 1Io wub plenipotentiary at Ports- O'Connell, H. P. Cf". J l mouth and succeeded in gaining ! Hurchlor. John KHIott, Mrs. J. Ll- tmermsh under which Russia was not . Charles WU Uams, Ur w .8. obliged to pay a cash indemnity to Tnnnn uhnn llOBCO bOtWeOll thOSO two countries was slgued. Ho born nt Tiflis Juno 29, 1S40. was Ilau'ensdJ,:V(',',:s "" Angles '. 8.lTim.v GI1T. Mnr. '" OrcJicstra, nnrhv. Mark Homier. McK m pati. K. O. Wlllotts. H. II. McDon ald, W. D. Fox, Frank Kimball, Rob ert Hoffman, M. J. Luther, Mrs. L Juza and baby, Helen Wltschey, VLL UNION FAHMKRS mo RK- Mable Grant. Kd Connors, Ray - .,..,,,,,,.. ... TTFVI) tlio MKKT- and. 11. S. jounson. V. V ?t-t, Vi'vi ri'ii tl IMPOI tTAXT tal. Daniel Fritz, J. R. Llpps. Peter .(. of .MARt II -otn. i.m ""' ; p0iogro, Sidney Delano. Joseph RI.S1XF.SS. JHCi RASKKT DINM.II ihoilos. John Sarris. W. II. Deans. after tho MCKTIXO. IHllNtt " j m Mfjers, Tojn Pat.tcr and 'I'um bchool hoys with tho North Honci f.vo on Wcdnetday. To win this will place the Murshflold High School at tho bond of tho county league; to Iobo will tlo tho locals at the top with tho Myrtle Point quintet. , , , Tho line-up of last evening fol- Murshflold v 2j (UA-Coquilk Position y Nlles, 10; Seaman, C ... Oordlng, C Otis, 10 Mast Forward, Fisher, i ; Lecocq, 4 . . . , Leslie 8 Contor. Huf flnston Oerdlng, !". Morrow, 12 .Tttl)t, 2 Guard. Reforee--F, L. GiaunlB, prlne'plos and achlovemonts of tho iliiiiiinilnntlon at tho sorvlces on Punday. Tho public is invited to Mlll HARRY 0. HOY with his wlfo and family is oxpocted back clthor this evening or tomorrow (from Wulport whoro thoy wero callod liy tho slckuoss and death of Mrs. Hoy's niothor. Mr. Hoy left for there last week; his wlfo and child ren wero thore two weeks boforo . Mrs. HoboH'B death. Attend KAOLKS HALL, Hull, SATURDAY NIGHT, tin', Ortliefctru. I'aglen Mar LIRHV coal. Tlio Icliicl YOU have A1AVAVS I'SKD. I'liono 7U. l'nclfle Ivcry and TiausfiT Company. ItOSEHURG Oro. March 13. Henry Richardson of Roseburg who was sent Kast to confer with bond buyers about tho sale of tho $500, 000 issue voted by Rosoburg to aid tho construction of a railroad to Coos Hay has re turned. Ho says that bond houses informed him that thoro woro too many restric tions on the bonds for them to bo sold und thoy may have to bo voted again and mado moro floxlblo. Ho said that tho only thing counted now in connection with railroads was tho amout of freight tonnage. Ho sulci that somo eastern lumbermen were planning to put In a big sawmill in this vicinity. PRHSOXAL OVKRFLOW A JOHN D. GOSS wns called to CoqulHci on court business yesterday after noon. F. 8. PERRY, proprietor of tho vo noor factory at Haiulon, wns n Marshrield visitor yesterday. J. T. HRAND and Hon Flshor loft on tho afternoon boat for South Coon River whoro thoy will visit over Sunday. S. J. SPHAGUK, ot Gardlnor Is In tho city on business. Tills afternoon bo loft for the county mmt. whoro ho will visit a couplo of days. COUNTY COMMISSIONER 0. J. ARMSTRONG loft on tho morning train for his homo in Haudon af ter n tiny hero on business. MASTER QUINTON HAILEY, of (Vioston, Is spending the day with ills slstors, Marguurlto and Iona Huiluy at tholr home In North Rend. MISS MARGUERITE HAILEY and llttlo Blstor, lono, nro tho guesta of tholr grandparonts, Mr. and Mrs, A. S. Halloy, at Cooston, over Sunday. HARRY AND GEORGE OERD1NO. Roiibln Must, E, E. Losllo nnd Raymond Julio of tho Coqulllo In dependents, left today for their homes utter tho gamo last even ing. EUGENE O'CONNELL loft on tho Nairn Smith this morning for Cal ifornia whore ho oxpocta to Join his wlfo who has boon visiting with her klstor and claughtor for somn tlmo. J. C. KESLING, special ngont of tlio Standard Oil Company, Is spend ing a fow days lioro with O. W. Cumbers, local reprcsontutlvo ot tlio company. Thoy loft yesterday for tho lower Coqulllo.. E. O. WILLETTS, who was Janitor or tho Craig boarding house in Hunker Hill on tho night of tho fire and who was first In arousing tho sluepois at tho first alarm, .loft on tho Nann Smith this morning for San Francisco, C. CANTELL. Inspector 13th tua- J. tiict of tlio Life Saving Station, left for Handon this morning whoro J'o will inspect the stntlon. Mr. Cuntwoll is from 8an Francisco and makes regular trips of Inspoc- I tlon through tho year, He wus lioro about four months ago. H. H. WELDY, or North nond, was 1 bore yesterday, Ho Is gottlug his newspnpor plant roady, bolng de layed In publication through tho falluro of his press to arlvo from tho east via tho Panama Canal. Sltdos at Culobrn have hold traf fic for sovoral weeks, ho said. Attend EAGLES RALL, Hall, SATURDAY NIGHT. TIN'S ORCHESTRA, Englcit MAIN If ttftt ALFALFA, $13. ll.IM$i '.. "7V-'W.. . m.. ,sv.iv. - ,"yr- . Twrt i v - A -ft?i..Vis -V-I-.A .li -.' T4J!,fiV imi f ri r .'.ftim-jit -, "$, ifs'jjw m. vt.-- -v.7pw j ... 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