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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 12, 1915)
rff -rn-vywrlT - - -57-1 TT ,r (IPS A SLOGAN: COOS coos vw fi "T" n... TJmnc Ynnr Panpr A Southwest Oregon Paper Thnt's vthnt tlio Coos liny Times is. A South, vtest Oregon paper for Southwest Oregon people, mid devoted to tlio best Interests of this grant section . The Times always boosts mid never knocks, f 1 Coos nay i- --r- p , IJy Times is proml or its llllo "TI10 fl'fl. Tm-or," nn.l it Mrlvcs nt nil time t r0PP , H nnmo by iloi'oOnB Us energies to i-S!!2t" - . "6 rf. MEMHERS OP, THE ASSOCIATKD PRESS '-' Established 1878 iir Tlio Count Mff.'l. oTxxxvni. ImTneni ierici MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1915 EVENING EDITION. A ffonsolldntlon of Times, Const Mai) iind Cops Hnr Advert I wr No. 198 M 10 GIT? H ZAFM II MEN He Killed t Lht Revenge Because f-.-n" .J tn HflUP. K S Aueyeu i .- Three or mib" juiu' j iviiir iiMnFR FLAG w"1 :r, 'AnAvii iam qpai ANU DnHtlum.. wr. tsalazar Promises to Pun ish Assailants-British I Home Also Looted 1,-ri rift to Coot Hay lime..! icinMTON. Mnr. 12. Joim orlKlnnlly of Ohlengo, promlnent American In Mexico m KIIICll UBiv"' - . forces entered tlio city. Ia American fins was riyhiR ovor kooio and tlio uoors mm ijubh 1.4 br tho Drazllian Consul, nc- tof to advices to tlio State Do mett today from mo ii.i to In Mexico City. Gencrnl luir, the Post Conimandor, prom j ik Brazilian Minister Hint ho nld punish those responsible for Birder, which is Bam to nnvo one of rcvenfio, becauso it was mi tbat McMniiUB killed three ktbtu when they were In tlio prtrlomly. (Wnet Meeting. ferctirr Bryan took tlio tllB- hri oa tlio killing of McMnnus tie Cabinet meeting nnd tnoy Uld beforo l'reslilcnt Wilson u uld that further icports on pnnlihment of those responsible Mnt awaited. tajoa, the Cnrranza Commnn'd emuitcd Mexico City with his pi Wednesday night, nnd tho uli forces entered yesterday ilt. Good order prevailed bo ys the tlmo when Obregon lot' Zipjta entered. Tho City Coun- took chargo of affairs in tho Jtlme. Demand Punishment. Iter t conference between Pros- t Wilson nnd tho Cabinet, n il demand was sent to Snlazar, tit; that tho Zapatistas guilty U murder of Mc.Mauus bo pun- I tad adequnto reparation bo to tho family of tho victim. llrltlsh House Looted. iflclil dispatches received In dip -!fc quarters front othor lcga- la Mexico City, said ono Hrlt- toiie was looted and n hund- pmonj Injured In tho disorder . prevailed between tho ovneu- of Obrcgon nnd tlio entry of Sot Intrnmtliiinil 1'ffnlr 'ft officials did not expect that Hair would dovelon further Aitlom of an International "Kter. Tliev nrn Inrllnn.l n t-eVllllns of nn American clt la what mlRht have boon a Ml controversy did not hoc- ty mean that nil AmnrlnntiH other forelRiiers generally woro '.. Tlio Ilrazlllan Minis tt, that the Zanalii trnmm mi. EMl-o City In a b-vly at f JCMcrday morning In porfuet "-acro received with onthu- -" tho population of nil Br1' IramcdininK. r.n.,.t u,.i 'Pressed his nnnrnf.lntl., ,.' tylomatlc corns for thn nffnrt the city from famlno, nnd d UOt only protection tn fnr. '" but to provide tmnsporta- '"'" to brln ILnOI Q IB IE ulu Declare 1 T Se; t VeeiLiuiiri r oeiinig . A LJL 1D)" s u lnrMiP1 rsi'n"fisnfnp rc m yi iiiii vi pain ONI! OK At.'lTATOIt MUX MUST scitvi: ir.o days ix .iaii kou JliMXlAli SAIiH op uoozi: ox ' SOUTH SI.OUOII. Prank 11. Cameron, who Kalncd consldorahlu notoriety as ono of tho publishers of tho Agitator on Coos Hay, was this afternoon tnUou to Co(iilllo by Constable Cox to servo ICO days In tho county Jail for boot legglng on South Slough. Cameron wnii convicted In April, 1913, but execution of hl.'i sentence has been deferred by nctlon of his lawyers In npponllng to tho Supremo Court. Ho was Hontonccd to pay $300 flno or Borvo 150 days In tho county Jail. Ponding action by tho Supremu Court on his appeal, ho ban been at liberty under $1000 bonds. J Ins Pinal Oi-K). Cameron was taken into custody on South Slough yesterday by Con-1 stnblo Cox nnd brought to North IVenil. Ho was allowed his freedom j Inst night on promlso to bo at tho tram this morning to uo tniten to tho county Jail, being unablo to pay tho $300 fine and having no friends to furnish It, but ho failed to show up. Constablo Cox later found that Cnmoron had. been having a big celebration nnd did not nwaken from 'his orgy In time to mnko tho train. Cameron was prosecuted in tho Circuit Court by Prosecuting Attor ney Uljcnvlst nnd Attorney George M". Ilrown, now Attorney Clonernl of tho Btato, and was defondod by Tom T. Dennett nnd J. M. Upton, now In tho land offlco nt itosoburg. According to Clork Morolund, of tho Supromo Court, tho nppollant's attorneys failed to fllo a trans script aB required by law, honco tho appeal was dismissed without n hearing. Thoro was a Podcral chargo against Cnmoron for tho alleged soiling of liquor without n. govern mont license This was entirely apart from tho bootlogglng chargo In tho Circuit Court and was trlod In Portland, sovornl persons going from lioro as wltnosses, among thorn being Georgo, John nnd James Was- ENGLISH SHIP IS SUNK WITH COTTON CARGO tn Aodtcd rrcn to Co-w nr TlraM.J OAI.VKSTON, Mar. 1. Tho llrltlsh steamship Indian City, which Balled from Galveston for llavro, Pebruary is, has been sunk, ac cording to a cablegram to tho agents here. Sho carried 1 l.OUG bales of cotton. No details are glvon. RUSSIAN FLEET ilLQPENFIREi: Confidential Reports to Pres ident Wilson Indicate She Will be Interned GET EVIDEEFON ' SINKING OF FRYE Assistant Secretary Peters Be gins Getting Data Under Wilson's Direction TllltKi: WKKKH TO ItKI-Allt KITUfj MOB ATTEMPTS TO food into RELEflSEJISTS Serious Riot in Mexico City, According to Dispatch to Los Angeles Today III' Ao ltl Trow to (V Hay Tlinc. l.OS ANtJHI.KS, Mar. J 2. Two thoiiHand Moxlcans Hlormcd tho Nat ional Palace at Mexico City yestor day In nn offort to roleaso 250 Cath olic priests imprisoned thoro, ac cording to advlcos received horo to day. A riot followed. The Chief of Pollco was stabbed by two Mexi can assassins who nttuckod him and who woro killed. A largo numbor of porsons were Injured. Black Sea Squadron Expected to Start Bombardment of Bosphorus Ports Today tnr AsiOfUtM Vteit to Coo Day Tlrots. LONDON, Mar. 12. It has boon learned through diplomatic sources thnt tho Ilusslan Pluck Sea fleet Is expected to start tho bombardment of DosphoniB ports today In active co-operation with tho Allied fleet, which Is attempting to forco n way through tho Dardanelles. in i 1M WASHINGTDM Democrats in Legislature In voke Referendum on Parti san Laws Enacted There (11 AiiorUtel PrCH to Cooi llir Time SKATTLK, Mar. 12. Domocrntlc mombors of tho Hottso and Sennte, which ndjourncd nt Olympla last night, have Joined In nn address to their constltutonts urging thorn to bogln at onco to clrculnto roforon (1 u in petitions against bills to forbid tho circulation of Initiative referen dum and recnll petitions, nnd tho bill to rostoro party conventions. All reform nnd labor organizations In tho stato nro expected to join In the roforondut'i movomont. tllr AnoohtM rrcn to Coos Ilnjr Tlmn. NHWPORT NKW'S, .Mar. 12. Captain Thlerlchens, of tho German auxiliary cruiser Prims Kltol Prledrlch, litis ch tlmntcd, In a conimunlcntlon to the Washington officials, that It will rcuulro about thrco weeks to repair his ship , Tho cstlmnto was made after the ship yard of- flclals had made a prollmlu- nry examination. !!' Ai'oclitftj rmi to Coot nty Tlmn.. WASHINGTON, Mar. 12. A con fidential report to officials horo on tho conditions of tho Prlnz Kltcl Prledrlch, In dry dock nt Nowport News, Virginia, soonis to mnko It certain that tho vessel will bo forc ed to Intern theio. Assistant Sec retary Potors of tho Trensury De partment told President; Wilson to day thnt ho expected tho German Commnndor would not venture to oca again. Kvldciieu Is Sought. After his conferenco with tlio President, Mr. Peters talked with Capt. Klehno, of tho American ship William P. Pryo over tho tolophono and directed him to got sworn state menta from ns many of tho crow of tho Pryo ns possible. President Wilson dlrcctod Peters to mnko n thorough Investigation of nil tho facts In tho caso. AMERICA TO SUPPLY MORE AMMUNITION tOy AtsodatoJ Pm to Cooi Il Timet. NUW YOltK, Mar. 12. Tho pres ident of tho K. I. DuPont do No mours Powder Company, nnnounccd thnt sufficient ordors hnd boon re ceived from tho belligerent powers to warrant tho company making ex tensions to Its plant Involving con struction expenditures costing over $5,000,000. THAW'S SAWITY IS NOT QUESTIONED CONFESS MURDER OF PRIEST TODAY Court Rules Out Evidence Claim Alfred Henry Lewis Inspired Escape Hiiii'S LAST DRIVE AMIIUICAX SHIP SKIKKIi AT SUA tnr AocttrJ l'rcst to Coos liar Tlmtti. LONDON, Mar. 11. Tho American steamer Antllla, from Now York for Mnlmo nnd Copenhagen, Is nt Dun dee, discharging pnrt of Its cargo, which Is to go beforo tho Ifrltlsh prtzo court. ALLIES! SI PIXAIi PIjICAS IX JIAIHIY THAW'S CASH Ur AMOcUttl rrcti to Coot lUy Tlmn. NHW YOrtIC, Mar. 12. In the closing addresses to tho Jury, sitting In tho caso of Ilnrry Kondnll Thaw and four co-dofendants, on trial for conspiracy, John Ir. Stanchflold, Thaw's counsel, urged tho Jury today to do tormlno whether they bo lloved Thaw had recovored his sanity nnd If they did, to say bo In tholr vordict. Thoy laid particular emphasis to tho claim thnt Thaw planned his own cuenpo from Mnttca wnu because ho boliovod ho was tmno and to remain In cntiso tho hospital would him to loso his mind. BS.JQHN0. ROCKEFELLER DIED Itl JERSEY EARLY 1011 SIX'. JI'ADOO HUTTKU APTKK OPKKATIOX til, Auollr rrnti to Vm lUy TlniJ.J WASHINGTON, Mai ell 12. j 2 Secretary McAdoo, was operated on for nppon dlcltls nt a hospital yester day. Tlio physicians. Issued a bulletin says tho oporntlon was Hiiccossfiil and that tho patlont's condition Is fuvor-ablo. (ny Awoclil4 rmi to Coot Day Tlmrt. NHW YOUW, Mnr. 12. Harry K. Thaw's nttonipt to'goj. ovldonco con cornlng his sanity Into tho record Msn Arrested in Delaware fnr of his trini for conspiracy to oscapo Slaying Policemen Admit 'r,,m, '" i0'rl r: ! iMnl.i vn i Court ruled thnt this caso was puro- Crime in New York ' ly t0 try 01l tll0 ,dietmont ci.arg- tny Auocl(M ntdi to io pay Tlmtn.l j )( (i10 oxlHtonco of nu Illegal con- WILMINGTON, Dol., Mnr. 1 2. Bilrncy. Tho Stato brought its caso Peter Krnkah and Hornnrd Montvld ! to (l v)0gQ nnt n,0 defenso Immo- conressed today to murdering Itov. i dlatoly made a motion to dismiss Josoph Zobris, a priest of tho f.ttli-, tlio Indictment, which was denied. unliiu church and his housekeeper. , l Tho moii woro arrested for murder ing n policeman Saturday. DEMAND PHCACII TO STl'DKXTS Mikado Modifies Attitude Rel ative to Negotiations for Special Concessions tny AMlatl rri to Cooa llay Timet. J Special Sfrvlro for High Sthnol I'll- jilts Here Sunday Tho Marshflold High School stu- donts will havo n special sorvlco i.. ii,,. i.'niuefiniit flimcli oif Sunday at U n. in. Tho Hector has ar- IM3KINQ, Mar. lS.-Jupnn has ranged for a spoclal thomo: "Ho- - .Jofl.illoly modified Its attlt.u e to- IlKlon and tho Student." treating I ward China In ho matter of Insist- 5... .......! i.ii. .. in mnirA.Ini! unon coinpllnnco with the do or mo pnuc.pies " "'..", .., ,i ., ,i. r.i,i...,.. up successful school training. This morning Superintendent Tledgen, on in a n da sho tnndo upon tlio Chlneso Republic shortly after tho occupii' behalf of tho Kplscopa. Church, In- J Hon by Japan of KIo C,,ow Tho Mf Worltl'c R;hct c.cumbs at Home at Tar fown After Long Illness P GIRL ATTACHED ,u HIM IN SCHOOL fcKata9 .From MY i Fine Housekeeper ilj,"a.r "-"".Jolin Tto,Q j.' ",eu a her homo in fiBe Jtr, ' eany t0lla'. W4 Ln!Cke,,"ei- ln1 en understood that hor death camo un expectedly. Her husband, John I). Rochefol ler, and son, woro at Orinond, Flor ida.' They immediately started for tho North In a special train. Of hor children, threo aro lhlng. Sho was tho mother of four daugh ters and ono son, tho last named, John D. Rockefeller, Jr., boing the youngest. Her eldest daughter, Bes. sle, who married Prof. Charles A. Strong, died in Franco In 110C at tho age of 40. Tho second daugh ter, Alice, died in infancy. Tho surviving children are AHa, (Continued on Paw Two ) demands f9r some months havo beon subject to negotiations, vltod tho studonts of tho High School to attend tho sorvlco In a body, ami asked thorn to gathor at the Central School building nt 10.30 Sunday morning and procood to tho Church i.. n lmiiv Thn Rector has resorv- ,i Kt fnr thorn at tho sorvlco. of C. M. Rlgbuo, 740 Rlovanth Ave Tho faculties of both schools ore nuo east, was yesterday elected cap also asked to participate in the tain of the 1'JIC University baskot servlco, nnd Superintendent Tlod- ball team. Tho election was tho larj ... - i i nn .11. tnl. lnnil nAtlnn A lm nrnnnnt linfiWotlmll team gens tuoa is to iumi a muv.,, iv..muUu Ml .i,,; rvu. ,, patriotism to tho affair ns possible. , that has Just closed Its season It Is expected that many oi ino pai- j gono uuarti. onts of the students will also attend. Later a motion wns made In behalf or Michael O'Kcofo on tho ground Hint no ovldonco was addiicod to connect him with tho alleged crime. Tho tourt granted tho motion nnd dlscha-go.l O'Kcofo. Tbnw then tool: ; tho stand In bis own boliulf. i Author AdvlM-d II. 1 Thaw said ho was advised by Al- ! fred ironry Lewis, the writer who ban since died, that ho would bo ' violating no law In escaping, pro vided no violence was used. I "With that thought In mind, I decided to lonvo tho Institution, so I Instructed o:io of my ngonls to got ino two aiitos. 1 told him whoro r wanted thorn placed, and flxod tho hour nt 7. 1 know a milk wagon would arrive at that hour." "Did you believe yoursolf smio?" his nttnrnoy asked. "I did." "Did you Intend to commit n crlmo?" "I was exceedingly particular not to commit a erlmo." Case Cost $30.U00. Stanohfleld nbsallod Franklin F.XfilXKKHS fJO AXI) COMK H. P. Hoey, assistant Southern Pacific englneor with offices In Ku gene, Is expected to roturii tonight from San Francisco, wliero ho has iii(jih:i: is captaix Lylo Illgbeo, a Kugono boy, tho aon Kennedy, spoo'al doputy Attornoy General in marge oi ino prosecu tion, charging his solo occupation for fivo years has been tho caso of Thaw. Ho continued: "Somo private vengeanco Is responsible for tho stato of New York spending thousands of dollars probably $50, 000, to try Thaw upon a puny little charge like this." Tho. prosecution was to sum up this afternoon. -Bu Looks nt Coal Properties John II. Hutchinson, a leading attornoy of Denver, passed through Eugene yes terday afternoon on his way to Coos Pay to look at somo mining proper ties. Ho will go by stago from Roso- ... , .. ,.nmi ..lnva w. E. Fon-, burg. In company with a man irom talne assistant engineer under Mr that city. Mr. Hutchinson is a per-1 Hay where ho will work for somo Hoey left today for San Francisco, sonal friend of Attorney A. K. Mock. , tlmo in the interests 0r tho order. I ii'rciu. Guard. of this cltv Eugene Register Knsone Resistor. TURK FORTS DUEL Associated Press Correspon dent Sees Firing Between Dardanelles Contenders by Aasoctattd Tret! to Coot nay Timet. CONSTANTINOPLE, March 12.: (Via Uorlln nnd London.) Tho flro of tho llrltlsh warships on tho Turkish positions nt tho Dardan elles, hns been well directed on tho whole, hut nt times It wns Ineffica cious. Tho Turks havo shown a fair degrco of accurncy In tholr marksmanship nnd havo compelled tho Prltlsh vessels to oxorclBo grcnt caution In approaching tho bat teries. A correspondent for tho As sociated Press witnessed tlio bom bardment March 5 against tho po sitions at KUId llahr, on tho Euro pean sldo. Ho could sea tho tiro on cither Bldo and note the offect. Tho vessels engaged wcro tho ships of tho Agamemnon typo. Tho firing started nt 11:50 a. m. and ended nt 1:25 p. in, when tho ships with drew. Tho flro hns been rather scattered. Somo of it hns boon directed against Dardamiis and oth or points on tho European side and tho damngo was only slight. At Kllld, tho llrltlsh iflro was well directed on tho whole, but was not very effective. Of about thlrjy heavy shells, ten fell clo$o to tho Turkish batteries whllo the othors foil mostly short. Many struck nt tho water's edgo. A certain llrltlsh vessol which ventured within raugo of the Kllld nnhr batteries was subjected to a well-aimed flro from them, nnd she rotreatod hastily. In tho afternoon two other llrltlsh vossols camo with in rango nnd had narrow escapes from moro flro. During nil tho af ternoon, vessels Inside tho straits woro obliged to iiiiiuiiiivor actively becauso as soon as any stopped It liivurlnbly drew accurato Turkish flro. 11 was evident that tho llrlt lsh woro oxorclBlng the greatest cau tion. Sovoral hydro-aoroplanoH mndo re connaissances nnd apparently drop lied bombs on the villages on tho European side. Tlio airships re tired when fired upon. German Army Said to be With in Two and One-Half Miles of Przasnysz Today RUSSIAN VICTORIES ARE DENIED BY BERLIN British Capture Neuvo Chap- elle Storm Delays Dar . dandles Bombardment tny AtaoclateJ rrrtt to Coot Hay Timet. LONDON, Mar. 12. Tho Gorman drlvo nt Prznsnysz In North Polnnd, hnst carried tho advancing army to within two nnd ono half miles of tho city, Ilcrllu announced todny. Russian reports of rccont victories aro denied and various Gorman suc cesses nro recounted. In two bat tles 7200 Russians woro captured. Ilcrllu admits the enpturo by thn Ilrltlsli of Nouvo Chapolle, but says attempts to gain furthor ground woro dofonted. Constantinople re ports that the bombardment of tho Dardanelles is boing hindered by Btorm and fog and tho nttncklng fleet has accomplished nothing moro. A llrltlsh landing, party of ono or two thousand wns driven back according to roports, ono of which snya all woro killed or enpturod. Paris says that tho Ilolglans ad vanced nearly 500 motors southwest of Nlouport. Tho situation In Cham pagno nnd Vosgcs Is unchangod. , GOVERNMENT TO DISCOVERY CANADIANS ADVERTISE EXCURSION TO OHR.MANY REGINA, Sask., Mar. 12. Postors announcing tho iih Hombllng of tho third Cana dian forco to bo Bout to tho war, on exhibition horo to day, show tho lightheaded ness of tho Canadians: Tho wording Is: TO I1ERLIN. Tho country Is nrranglug n trip to Germany lit tho spring for a fow sportsmoti. All hotel expenses nnd rail way fnrcs paid. Good shooting and liimt- Inn. Ages 18-38. Rifles and ammunition supplied free. Cbcnp trips to tho Rhino. Apply nt once, ns thoro will ho only a limited num bor (ono million) ndmlttod. lAWAU OVHHPLOW. I ISIrtlidiiy Piiily. Junu McLaugh lin Is eiitertaliilng seventeen little friends this afternoon In honor of her oovoutli birthday. Will Leave. Dr. W. S. Dorby baa glvon up his dental practice horo ami will leave tomorrow for California to Join Mrs. Dorby who is roportcd qulto ill thoro. Put $250,000 in Project for Cheaper Gasoline, Dyes and Explosives Illy AttoclaitJ Vntt to Coot Hay Timet, WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 12. Secretary of tho Interior Lnuo an nounced after a Cabinet meeting to day thnt ho bad ontorod Into n pri vate contraet With privato Interest to build a 1250,000 plant to handle the Invention of Dr. Wnltor O. Rltt M. XV. A. Deputy Goes fn Coos Day. J. W. Simmons, stato doputy of the Modern Woodmen of Amorlca, was in tno city yesterday on his way to Coos man, or tlio nurcnu or. .Minus, joi tho manufacture of gasoline, dyo stuHs and oxploslvos. Give Vole or Thanks. Tho mout hers or tho Coos River and tho' Coos Hay Cow Testing Association! nt their mooting votod to oxtond thnnkH and tholr compllmontH to tho Owl Drug Store ror tho "long smokes" provldod ror tholr honoHt following tho banquet on Wednesday. HAHXACLE IX PHISCO O SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 11. Tho 37-foot gasollno V boat Ilarnaclo has arrived hero after a three and ono- halt days' trip from Coos Pay. All on hoard aro well. Tho men encountered heavy weathor down the coast. Itecovcrh Shoes Mrs. E. M. Smith of Plagstarr through a Times round ad has located a pair of baby shoos which sho lost threo weeks ago. Sho loft thorn at tho Galdcn Rule otoro with no name on tho packago nnd It was kopt thoro, thinking tho owner would return and claim thorn but when she did not a found ad was In serted bringing, quick returns. JliotlitT Is Captain. Lylo Ulgboo, often called "Moose" bocauso of his slzo, and In othor of Carson "Skeot lligboo who Is woll known horo Tor his baseball activities, has just bocn olocted captain or tho University of Orogon basket ball team. Ho was unanimously olectod following tho ganio sovoral days ago with tho Oro Lon Agricultural CoIIogo. Thoro aro I threo Ulgheo brothers, all of them I good athlotes. Lylo and Carson woro ! mombera of tho football squad last 4 I fall, both play on tho samo basket ' ball toani and both play on tho samo baseball team this spring. Tlio other l,t4 t ' hrothcr, Morris Rlgbeo, Is one of tho . , post second nasomen uregon uas ami Tlinoa want ads brli'K results. In several years, T l&7 tt" 4f-V 0T4 SK, '9T JM ft - J kiV" xanssaR ." - A fe cjWJ- Jll "" " ' o kaiN -.ii, aH. AJ'lfc'M.'V jjkut -ij ftf ,yitWi Vfc ltr-V UkkV , j.i k i. t-ari'rk4 fe Jft: '' rf tfo ( yn' & --rf Xiprr,: t - 1.'y S3K x.i-t.&H" -? tf t Hj5faSffji8 ESXBEIDi EOTLfmzc - J - MZZ i iy ,-Vtfm J ' fflwl ' " K r 1" i -1 ' " T. . J . 1 -fciV T " A. a. r - J$p ETTE- ' M "J" V rw T- (V.m XK I M ' -.wjr.rf"" Kieas, .- j?s WI-VVT -- rf yum KJUAtJ ,. t.!1' ssssamm 2J" 'i&ErZ ffSSS&iffl S" PJE.'."J.JS . '""itins, it m