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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 15, 1915)
ntmmftmm$iKKS&mKmSi ilf COOS BAY MfN START IN TO FOLLOW THE PROCESSION AND NEVER CATCH UP foos Bay Times Your Paper A Southwest Oregon Paper That's ulint tlio Coin liny Times is. A South west Oregon paper for Soiitliwost Oregon pcoplo nnd devoted to tho host Interests of (his great section . Tho Times always boosts ana never knocks, , , ww Bay T'",cs lH ,,rolul f "'' im "T,' 1,1 .. .. mid It strives nt nil times to r0P'eS(nU9nlnolyloo(Ii.g Us energies to (IIW - lira III' 'Jmeu-oi-i.'"'-' proi MEMBERS OP THE ASSOCIATED IUES9 po.xxxm Established 1878 ns Tho Const MfNI. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 15, 1915 EVENING EDITION. & Consolidation of Times, Coast Mul) ami Cons liny Advortlnrr No. 200 NDENBURG SHROUDS LAST markabl EA RAIDER DRESDEN S m n ii OF ote to Carraimia BRITISH FLEET AFTER n ico -"T-rrv-mr-- wftwrmw TOT. i (JjIflB mmt Freso W . lii PniAND SECRECY N 0 M SEARCH I n-..nlnnmnniR nf Lat- ?K ofH-Wlly-hal in tasi rujji 01.011 RUSSIANS DESPERATE IN UflnrH 1 ""' Ua"dGf"iaJ&ree Over rTogrew ui ucuuw With English -. ibtti rrn to loot Day TlmM.l 1 j .. .. 1. -f r. fwa(npv nil- Rndenburg's latest advance End, .b.uU is Ujo opinion V, cannot much loiiRor bo kept "a decisive contact unless tho ifOUl . n..Hnmn lffnnalvn direction or ' '"' " " "r. udcrgoes a rauu-ui c.i"h. oans havo been successful In tho lores I 01 AUBuoi""" " " --- llui have fallen back under tho p .f i?.J"0;, In tie wiri,u"""" "" """"" wo naklng desperato counter nt ucH on the Austrlaiis. la the West, llorlln reports a Ccraan attack bouUi of Yprc on 1 leijhl occupied by tho British as miltaj good progress. Paris, however, claims tho nrltlsh gained tho gromul lost, righting cl Increasing violence Is In prog ress elsewhere along tho lino. Aotuorllntlve denial was glvon la Rone touay 01 mo rupun mm Eapcror Francis Joseph of Austria til refused to consider making ter- (UUIIdl t,u(iivsiiiu i." ..,...,. fill TELL OF IS ON ALLIES Say Bombardment of West- ende Futile Attack British Force Capture 5400' lr Aaralatsd Prna to Cow flay Time.. BEM.1N. Mnr 1H fWlrnlnaa in SayTllIe) Tho offlclnl roport today uji: "Baths at Westondo woro ihelled yestordny without offect by hro fnnboats. nf llin nnnmv Tim Ceraan attack on tho holght south ipres, occupied iy tlio nrltlsh trocps, Is making good progress. Partial attacks liv thn Frnnrli north olLensnll, In Chnnipugno, woro re plied. In tho Vosges, fighting Notlauei In sovoral plnccs. Tho lamber Of IlUSSlan nrlsnnnra frnm jmirements north of Augustowo mi uas Been increased to DIOO. ftroag Russian nttneks north and Borthvest of I'rznsnysz resultod In sirare and tho enemy's losses woro fair, South of tho Vistula thoro U ca change." VI0I,r.XT CAXXOXARIXG IX ENGLISH CHANNEL ' Br Associated Frew to Coo n. . tu.. i . J PARIS, Mnr. 1G. Violent 4 ! ""onadlng is going on ! ?kr'Je?,st of nunklrk. it Is 1e belief In Dunkirk that It ! ' British squadron bom- I Mfding tho sand dunes around Nleuport. 4. KTKUXATIOXAF, 1'lOK 1'IiAX ADVOCATED IB' lll Tkh to Coo. Dr Tlraw.J NEW YORK, Mar.lG Tho Muguratioa of a. movoinont tLmSs about world-wldo j strlctlon of armies and nn- 1. 2 , ivr l" wuropean war div hed, waa nnnouncod to- tft iry,JUo Amorlcan loaguo . w limit armaments. Tho I. HBer tl, European war fB 3e Is being organized lii1 forolK countries. ' IEBI BIG STRIKE ASN to 1 Employ Non-Union 11 at Vancouver, B. C, May Start Labor War ft AtaKUW m to Coo. D7 Tlmu.1 tnntoML(?' llar lc-An attempt ri i (u 'J '!e Ro-val Mall liner Olon vscouvPr n;!"llon longahoromon at 5 abnni . ' - ,s expected to V 2 a 8eneral strike, which oast rtend all a'nB the Pacific 'er Ohin,l American-Hawaiian i Sado m and NPPn Yuse" Kals Mdine th,ar ' I)laed to begin un 'JPtartd, morn,"B. hut not a man Tlmes want ads bring results. KSHOHEMEM TO OF GREEKS TO AID ALLIES Deposed Minister Had Offered 9fi00 Troops to Assist in Capture of Dardanelles til j" Associated Pre., to Coot 1) Tlraci. PAWS, Mar. 15. A Paris news paper publishes n roport thnt be foro'hls resignation, Premier Vcn lzolos, of Qreeco, offered 9000 men ta tlfo ontonto powers for Dardan elles "expeditions. Tho former Pre mier Is now quoted ns urging nn abandonment of neutrality by Greece on tho ground that by striking now sho will bo nblo to expand her territory largely. RELIEIEJRZEISL Austrians and Germans Unite in Campaign to Aid Long Besieged Fortress IDr AwotUUJ Prn. to Co. lit? Tlme.,7 PETROQRAI), .Mart 15. Austrlnn forces, supported by a largo Gorman contingent, nro mnking n determined effort to rollovu thu Przomsyl fort ress In Gnlllfla, whlt'i bus been ho selgcd by tho Russians slnco tho early months of the wor. Having failed In tho movement in East Gnlllcla near Stunlslnu, when they hoped to strike northwest lit tho direction of Przomsl, thoy nro now nttomptlng to tnko n direct route from Ujok Pubs to tho north. French Reports Violent Fight ing Near St. Eloi Belgians Make More Progress Dr AMoclatad rrm to Coo. Bit TlmM.l PAIHR Mnr. IK. The official communication this afternoon suys: "Tho Uolglan army continued to progress In tho uonci of ino lsor rlvor south of DIxmudo. Tho Brit ish wero very violently attackod yes torday evening nt St. Elol, south of Yprcs and woro nt first pushed back slightly, but thoy counter at tacked and regained part of tho ground lost. Tho fighting continues. In tho region of Neuvo Chappollo thero Is no change In Argonno tho onomy attompted Into yestorday a third and very violent counter at tack to rotnko tho trenches won by us botweon Four do Paris and Bol labtl. Thoy wero ropulsod." . ? PERSONAL MENTION FOY COX, of Camp 1, spent Sunday with friends In Marshflold. YV. C. BRADLEY loft today for Gold Beach and other Curry County A. P. DAVIS, deputy sheriff, camo over from Coqulllo Saturday for his usual week-end on tho Bay. Ho was str.ctly on business, of MAX ROBERTS, of Coalodo, spent Sunday with his slstor. Mrs. unas. Van Duyn In Marshflold. Tho re moval of tho old logging road will bo completed 'this week and tho crow omployod thero will prob ably bo distributed among tho camps south of Myrtlo Point. This innrks tho passing of Coaledo. points. ' ; MORE GOLD MIXES Four Claims Filed on In tho John ,oii Cicek Section In South End of Coos County. Four mining locations woro filed In tho County Clerk's offlco as fol- "lilg Joo" mining claim by Thos. Sturdlvant ot nl. "Galenn" mining claim by W. ". Northrup. , , , , "Granite Center" mining claim by V. T. Sturdlvant. "Lucky Boy" mining claim by Geo. C. Cottrell et nl. Theso locations aro In township 32 south, rango 12 west, In tho Johnson creek section, down toward the south end of tho country ana ueyonn wub ner, Both Johnson creek and Rock creek In the same neighborhood run north from the Salmon mountains In to tho South Coqulllo; and It Is well uminrstnriri from tliH character of the gold Umt tho Smiths claimed to havo got on Lobster creeK, over in currj county, during tho past winter, that It actually camo from tho creeks on this side. PLAN eMDVEHEHTlD EIU DRIVEI BACK BI GERMANS: BLOCKADE OF GERMAN PORTS IS MOST RIGID tnr A.ioclttM Tret, to Coo. Dtf Ttm. LONDON, Mnr. 1C Tlio IJrltlsh order in Council, decreeing retalia tory measures to meet tho declara tion of Germany that tho waters surrounding tho United Kingdom nro a military zone, was tnado pub lic today. Tho order prohibits any cargo from a neutral country, wheth er contraband or not, being shipped to Germany, It also prohibits any cargo being sent to neutral ports from Germany. Tho prohibition np pllcs oven If Germany should Blilp hor goods through n neutral port for another uoutral port. EXOIjAXD'H HEEUSAf. tDf AiiocUtfJ Fltil to Coo. liar Tltnn. LONDON, Mar. 15. Tho IJrltlsh foreign offlco delivered today to Ambassador Pago tho reply to tho American noto proposing to Great Britain and Gormnny the withdraw al of German submarlno blockade provided England would pormlt food to reach tho Gorman civilians. Great Hrltaln's reply Is an absoluto refusal. Noted Aeronaut Meets Death While Doing 2000-Foot Drop at Panama Fair ' MAXV COOS 11AV PEOPLE HAW ItEACHEY Tho news of Lincoln Bcachoy's death will bo a p shock to many Coos Bay poo- plo who havo witnessed tho dnrlng flights of tho noted 4 nvlator at San Franolsco and Los Angeles. Less than ten days ago, J. Albert Matson saw him do a now stunt with 4 his neroplano, making tho 4 a ricitrns nr i.nno.nnn iv n 4 long perpondlctilar drop for 4 1 1110 0110 and a series oi m. loops for tho'clphors, show- lng tho nttondanco at tho ox- position. - Or Auoclated rmi to Coo. Day Tlnica.J SAN FRANCISCO, Mar. 15. Lln- fnln n'iMinv'a ilnnlrn tn Olltrlvnl his customary feats of daring In n Dipiano uy similar jiiiropiuii- m now mouoplnno boforo ho had suffi ciently tested its possibilities, Is until liv nvlriHnii nvnorln to bn ro- spouslblo for Bcachoy's drop to death In San Francisco way yeoioruiiy ui tho Panama-Pacific Exposition, bo foro a holiday crowd of many thou sands. Doath camo during an at lamnt to oxecuto a perpendicular drop of 2000 feet. PALMER IS APPOINTED IVnnsjlvanhi Mnn Will Succeed Cluw. It. Howry on Couit of Claims ID Aaaoclated JTeaa to Cooa liar Time.. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 1C. Former Representative A. Mitchell Palmer of Pennsylvania, has been selected by President Wilson for Chief Justice of tho United States Court of Claims, to succeed Charles B. Howry, whoso resignation Is to take offect April 1. GLEANER UNCERTAIN Many lli'.iortH ConroiiiliiK Disposition .of Gardiner Tug Mill Running On Short Tliuo. Captain Butlor, of the Glcanor, says that nothing doflnlto is known about the tying up of tho Gleaner. Somo reports havo had It thnt thoro will bo a chango In operating her, that sho may bo brought out for only monthly trips and othors say that sho will bo laid off entirely. O. B. Hlnsdalo left for San Fran olsco last week and Is not ex pectod back for at least two weeks. Tho Gardiner mill, according to the Gleaner's crow, Is working now about half tho time, most of the employees being married men. Tho dally output now, they say, is be tween 40.000 and 50.000 feet a day. The San Gabrlol Is still making tho run to San Pedro, a rouud trip about every two weeks. LINCOLN BEAGHEY DROPS TO OEATR Says United States Warning Was One of Friendship to Protect Safety of Mexico MUST PROTECT RELIGION AND FOREIGNERS THERE P.ockade of Port Ended by uarranza After Threat Made by U. S. Naval Officials tD Atsoclat.d rrm to n 7 Time. WASHINGTON, D. C, Mar. 15. President Wilson's reply to Car sanza's noto of March 8, which was in response to urgent representa tions of tlio United States for bet ter treatment of foreigners In Mex ico, In part, follows: "I thank you for your message for tho reassurances It convoys and your kind personal words. I bog you will understand If our messages aro occasionally couched In terms of strong omphasls, It Is only because they contain some matters which touch upon tho very safety of. Mex ico Itself and the whole process of Its futuro history. "Nothing will stir scntlmont mora promptly or moro hotly, or, create general danger for Mexico tlinn nny, even temporary, disregard for lives, the safety or rights of citizens of other countries resident within Its territory, or any apparent contempt for tho rights and safety of thoso who represent religion. To warn you concerning such matters Is an net of friendship." Spain Accepts Apology Spanish Ambassador Rlano advis ed tho Stato Department today that Ills government had accepted In principle the apology which Carrnuzn offered for having expelled tho Span ish Minister from Mexico recently on tho ground that ho wiir rpnccal lug In tho legation a Spaniard ac cused of helping Vllln. As Carranzn suggested to tho Spanish govern ment, It would bo hotter to send another Minister, It was said thnt title would bo dono.' BLOCKADE IS STOPPED (117 AiaocUtixl Tiraa to Coo. llj TlmM. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Mar. 15. Carranza has nbandoned tho block- niln nf lin Vnvt nt lrnirnKn nn ur gent representations of tho United States. Tho Mexican gunboat 55ara- gosa has uecn caueu on ami two Ainnrlrnn nhlnu Intlim with nlHfll for tho United States clearod Saturday wiinnut interference. Tlnnr Aflmlrnl Pnnnrtnn rntlnrtnil tho raising of tho blockndo early louay aim reported mat mo y.ara gosa had returnod to Vera Cruz. The Admiral's dispatches tulllug of tho rollof of tho situation crossed a new noto from tho United Slates, sont to Carranza this morning, giv ing notlco that tho United Statos was determined to rnlso tho block ade, and If necessary, to uso tho cruiser Des Molnos to do so. It became known for thp first tlmo today that last week tho Mex ican .gunboat stopped oun American boat with a shot across hor bows, held up another and Interfered with British shipping. THREE ARE SLAIN. Divorce Cnso at nellliighaui Ditivo iltihbaud Insane. (Dr Aaaoclated I'nti to Coo. ru.f Time.. BELLINGHAM, Wash., Mar. 15. Tho body of Samuol Thompson, n prominont ranchor who shot and killed his wife and Hugh Boyd, a hired man, at Thompson's homo near Lyuden Inst night, wnB found near his houso today. Ho- had killed hlmsolf with n shotgun. Tho au thorities nro convinced tho slayer was driven Insane because his wifo aniiouncod her Intention to start divorce proceedings. IIUSJ.A'XD GOXE, WIFE IS LEFT PHXXILKSS Michael Fosthotto Dosetts Sick Spottho Falling to Return Fiom Portland. Michael Foschette, a young Italian laborer, who hn3 bcon employed at tho Smith Mill, has desertod has deserted his brldo of a fow months In Bunker Hill, who Is sick and penniless and unable to speak a word of English. A warrant has been Issued for tho arrest of tho young man, who Is supposed to have loft for Portland about threo weoka ago. According to tho story told by tho young wife, Foschetto said that ho had about $300 In Italian banks and that a trip to Portland to seo the Consul was necessary before the funds tould bo obtalnod. It was with this monoy that tho two ox pectcd to go back to Italy soon. Tho husband then went to tho mill and drew about 120 duo him and took tho fumlly bank roll, about ?40 more, and then disappeared. At the present time Mrs Fos chette Is staying with her sister, Mrs. D. D. Ambroslo, of Bunkor Hill and is lu a destitute condition. LHUIV coal, Tho kind YOU havo A.TAVAY8 USED. Phono 72. Pacific Llveiy and Transfer Company. RAIDER SANK 13 ENGLISH MERCHANTMEN 4 (Dr Associated TrtM to Coo. TJaj Tlmra. RIO JANEIRO, Mar. 15. Tho Gorman auxiliary cruiser Kron Prlnz Wllholm, which hns aboard 500 German sailors, sunk 13 vessols slnco sho began a raid on rommorco, according to tho passongors and crew of tho French stenmer Guad olupe, who wero landed nt Por naiubtico today. NEW YORK TIMES CASE Editor Sillier Scores Congressional Committee, for Its Actions tnr Asaoclatod rrras to Coo. liar Tlmra.J WASHINGTON, I). C, Jlar. 15. A vigorous protest against tho "ten dency ot governmental Investigations to place newspapers under a sort of duress," was mado today by Charles R. Miller, odltor-ln-chlof of tho Now York Times, boforo tho Sonato lobby Investigating commit tee. Chairman Walsh had question ed Mlllor ns to articles In The Times on tho ship bill, tho trust prosecutions and railway mall pay, and nt tho end of tho examination .Miller questioned the authority of tho committee. THREE STEAMERS English Merchantman Fleet Suffers New Losses Hope for Them is Given Up tlir Associated Prna to Coo. Haj TlmM.J LONDON, Mar. 15. Tho British steamois Floraznn, Headlands and Haitdnlo, torpedoed by Gorman sub marines, all havo sunk, nccordlng to an announcement from tho British Admiralty, Earlier repot ts held out hope that tho vessels might bo urouglit Into port. i MYSTERIOUS FIRE RRAXCH AT NORTH BEXD OX FIRE YESTERDAY, THOUGH DAMAGE IK SLIGHT: XO FIRE IX OVENS AT TIME Flro was discovered yesterday af ternoon about two o'clock In tho Coos Bay Bakery at North Bond. Ti.o Immediate responso of tho flro department stifled tho flames boforo they wero ablo to mako headway and little damage was dono. This is tho second lire tlio Coos Bay Bakery has had in tho last tour mouths. The loss Is estimated at about $15. How tho Flro originated Is a mys tery, suid Carl Evertscu this morn ing. Ho says thero had been no fire in tlio ovens slnco uino o'clock Sat urday morning and that at two o' clock on Saturday ho had bcon through tho building and at that time everything was ns it should bo. Smoko rolling up from down bo low alarmed lodgois on the second floor of tho building and a call was Immediately sont in. Tho North Bend tiro department found a holo burned through tho floor nt tho baso and a trlflo to one sldo of tno ovens. Flames had gono up tho wull and already soverul long puddles and n stop lad dor wero aiding lu transmitting tlio file to moro vaiuohlu parts. Mr. Evertson said this morning, that no lusuranco Is carried on the building because of tho excessive flro Insurance rates In tho vicinity In which tho bakery Is located. It was because of repairs being mado on tho bakery hero as tho result of flro some tlmo ago that tho branch lu North Bend had been working day ana nigui, lio saiu. Flro Chief Dan Keating today said that horeafter tho lociH auto truck and department will probably ascer tain tlio need of the oxtra flro fight ers and apparatus boforo they answer calls outsldo tho city. At a meeting of tho city council held shortly after tho purchaso of tho now machine It was agreed' that tho truck should be taken outside tho city whenever It is necessary. Tho flromon get no pay from tho city for work dono out sldo the limits. NOTICE TO ELKS. ' Don't forgot tho St. Patrick's ball at tho Mao.oulc Hall Wednesday night. All members and visiting brothers and their families aro ex pected to bo present B. P, O, E. Duuco Committee SUB IRIS SINK ITALI BARS MI T T Stops Exchange of Money by Telegraph and Suppresses Traveling Postoffices tnr Aaaoclated I'rcu to Cooa liar Times. I ROME, Mnr. 15. Tho Itnllnn Minister ot Posts and Tolcgraphs to day issued orders suspending ex change ot tolegraphlo money orders with Austrian-Hungary. Orders woro also Issued suppress ing tho traveling PoBtofflcos on trnliiB bound for tho Austrian fron tier. E CHARM FORCED INTO ROOM PIL1XU AXD SOMEWHAT DAM AGED EXPECT ANOTHER JXVESTIGATIOX SOOX. (Special to Tho Times.) COQU1LLE, Or., Mar. 15. Co qulllo hnd another rlvor boat furoro lato Saturday afternoon, mid It Is expected thnt It will bring another visit, ot tho U. S. steamboat Inspec tors. Tho Telegraph and Charm arrived at tho log boom, Just holow Co qulllo, after a brisk nice from Han don nnd tho Charm was In tho lead. As thoy mado thu turn thu Charm swung In toward shoro to mnko n straight run for tho Coqulllo dock, Tho Telegraph hnd boon hugging tho shore closer and refused to turn, out. Tho Charm sounded tho danger signal but tho Telegraph camo ahead and tho wash from her swung tho Charm's ntoru so thnt tho prow bumped Into tho row of piling. Tlio gunrd rail nnd other parts of the boat woro damaged. It Ih claimed that one ot tho Pnntors was at tho wheol of tho Tel egraph In placo of Mr. Dunham nt tho tlmo. Thoro was a big crowd at tho wharf at the tlmo and tho Incident caused quite a sensation. CALL iTNESS DEPUTY UNITED STATES MAR SHAL HAKHMA,VN BRINGS SUB POEXAS FOIt TWELVE IX THE COUNTERFEIT CASES. Trials of tho thrco inon taken from hero on Counterfeiting charges will como up this week in Federal Court In Portland. 11. F. Harrmann, Doputy Unltod States Marshal, ar rived last evening on tho stago from tho north and today served supoouas of twelve witnesses who will loavo for Portland lu tho morning. Preliminary examination of tho three men was held thrco woeks ago, at which tlmo four witnesses for tho stnto woro brought into Judgo Robert Beau's cort. .rholr testimony wits taken and they camo homo expecting to return any tlmo within tho next fow mouths. That tho trial Is brought up so soon Is a surpriso to tho officers horo, who say that In most cases sovoral inontliB gonorally olapso bo tweon tho preliminary examinations and tho trials. Jn addition to tho four stnto wit nesses who woro called (o Portland, tho officors havo summoned four moro and J. S. Stevens will also havo four witnesses, mnking twolvo lu all. Tho first four stato wltnosscs nro Mrs. Al Thrush, of Enstsldo: J. 11. Johnson, Chlof Cnrtor and Frank Proy, The other names tho Doputy Marshal refused to muko public, stating that ho would bo most ot tho day finding them to servo their summons and nothing would bo given out until tomorrow. When ho returned from Portland February 28, Chlof Jack Carter brought back word of tho prison records of Stevens and 55. G, Harsh man, two of tho countorfolters, say ing thoy both hud spent sovoral years In prison, ono for cattle steal ing in Klamath County and tho oth er for counterfeiting and train rob bery. Witnesses Summoned Lato this afternoon Doputy Mar shall Harrmann gave out the list of witnesses summoned before the fed eral court. In addition to tho four already named thoy are, Arthur Roll Hold, J. T. Hlllmann, for tho state, and J. S. Stevens, Mrs. F, B. Robo, Mrs. H. B. Smith, O. W. Hughes und John Doo MDHETR BEN GOUILL ES BAD MONEY GASES Sole Survivor of German Fleet in Falkland Island Battle Finally Run Down I CREW SAVED AFTER I FIVE MINUTE FIGHT Dresden Caught Fire and Ex plosion of Ammunition Tanks Caused Her to Sink tnr Aaaoclated Prea. to Cooa liar Time.. LONDON, Ma.. 15. Tho Admiral ty Issued tho following today: "March M, at 0 a. m., tho crulsors Glasgow and Kent nnd tho auxiliary cruiser Oramn, caught tho Gorman cruiser Dresden near Juan Fornan doz Island. An action ensued nnd ntter flvo minutes fighting, tho Dres den hauled down hor colors nnd displayed n white flag. Sho was damaged and set on flro. After burning somo tlmo, tho mngnzlnes exploded and bIio Bank. Tho crow was saved. Flttcon badly wounded Gormons nro being landed nt Val paraiso. Thoro woro no British casualties and no damage to tho English ships." WAH OFF COOS RAY Dresden Was With Lolpslc In Com meiTO Raids. Tho Drcsdon was tho last of tho Gorman battloshlps on tho high sour. When tho war broko out, sho was In tho Pacific and with tho Lelpslc, caused a furoro In North Paclflo waters. At ono tlmo, sho nnd tho Lelpslc woro off Coos Bny nnd tholr probable presenco caused tho "Bat tle of Shore Acres" lost fall. Tho Drcsdon participated In tho hattln off Chill lu which sovoral English warships woro sunk. She was tho only vessel of tho Gorman floot to escape In tho ongogomont off tho Falkland Islands and over slnco that ongogomont, English war ships havo been seeking hor. EARL LITTLER IS NORMAN BURROWS, AGED FIVE, V EAR I XO ARRI-ST, LEAVES PLAYMATE STRUGGLING IX WATER XO TRACE FOUND. Afrnld that ho would bo arrested and that his mother would spank him, little five-year-old Norman Burrows Friday evening scrambled from u launch near thu foot of Al der avouuo and ran homo, leaving Earl Littler, aged seven years, struggling In the water, whoro ho was drowned, His body has not yet boon recovered, though yesterday n crow of mon dragged tho bay with grappling hooks. First nows of tho boy's dlsnppoar nnco wns told by Norman Burrows, who lives nt tlio corner of Front nnd Alder streets, to somo of his small playmates. It was In this way that tho pollco woro finally given Information .ns to tho where abouts of tho missing lnd, Tho boy said that ho wont with Earl Littler aboard tho old gasollno launch Union about auppor tlmo on Friday ovonlng. In tholr play, so tho boy says, his playmato top plod overboard and sovoral times camo to tho surfaco. Nomina Bur row tried to roach him, and fall ing, ran homo whoro ho said noth ing of tho accident. Mrs. O. H. Groen, mother of tho drowned boy, started a search for hor son that evening when he fnlled to return homo from his play. Tho pollco and membora of the flro de partment went through tho moving plcturo shows nnd later wont along tho docks with lanterns, peoring Into alloys and undor tho wharves, but could find no traco. Tho next morning Mrs. Greon said that sho had been to tho Burrows homo but could get no Information from tho little fellow. With a boat and grappling hooks mon dragged tho bay yestorday un dor tho docks at the foot ot Alder stroot, but their efforts woro with out results. By tho means of ropos tho wldo hooks woro pulled out from tho dock scraping tho bottom, to u boat somo distance away, and thou lu a llko mauuor pullod back In this way tho bottom In tho vicinity of thu drowning was combed, But since Friday night thoro havo been sovoral high tides and It Is now presumed that the body has beon washed down the bay and probably will not be recovorod tor sovoral days, If at all. SHERIDAN'S TRIAL NEAR PORTLAND, Or., Mar. 15. Fed eral Judge Frank II. Rudklu, of Spokane, who held court horo last week to relievo tho congested doc ket, will roturn this week and take up a number of criminal cases. Ono Important one will be the trial of Thomas Sheridan, of Rosoburg, former president of tho First Nat ional Bank of that city, who Is charged with abstracting funds from tho bank. The trial probably will bo set for March 22, DROIIED SAYS BOY 41 1 m j .., mmmmmmm