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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 13, 1915)
m jjwHBB f rSSS25 auy.Jtl. fcUgJ JftraFg. yMftfttm tJMW akjjno. w.r, .Ti-Tpgriw muHlfHW "WWW" ' .1 m hi 'miri- 1 ran coos bay times, marshfield. Oregon, Saturday, march 13, 1915-evehimg editiom. wuBwir"1' ' two - rnrumttJmi r rr . n iVclmn Ross; tlic dato will bo nr nounccd later. I Tlioso In nttondnnco Avcro; Mr. Kcown, Mrs. Ferry, Sr., Mrs. 12. I'. Lewis, Jlrs. Otto Schetter, Mrs. E. G. Flnnngan, Mrs. F. A. Sacclil, and Mrs. T. 13. Dolnn, Misses: Hesse Mrs. Dcubnor, Mrs. W. U. Curlls, Flanagan, Tliora and Anna Mind,. Mrs. F.mmn Nnsburg, Mrs. 13. I.. PERSONAL notices of visitors In tho city, or or Coos liny peoplo who visit In other cities, together with notices cf social affairs, nro Kindly received In tho soclnl do pnrtmont. Tclophono 133. No tice of club meetings will tio published and secretaries uro kindly requested to furnish same. For tho Colonol's lady and Judy O'drndy Aro Bisters under tho akin. DESPITE fads that run to blnclc patches or othor "beauty" schemes Hint nro described na more tricks of tho trndc, tho ground work of fomlnlno beauty, as indicat ed by tho demands plncod upon beauty doctors by maids nnd inn- trons ,1s tho snmo ns It always linn been. Its fundamentals nro a fair, clear skin, bright cyoa nnd good teeth, nays specialists In tho nrt of mnklng womon attractive. Tho striking niodorn develop ments whlcli tond toward a hlglior nrt nnd thoroforo toward nnturo It solf, nro two. Tho first Is nn awak ened senso of tho fitness of n wo man's charms to her ngo, says an CONTIHBUTIONS concerning social happenings, Intended for publication In the society depart ment of Tho Times, must bo sub mitted to tho editor not. later thnn .0 o'clock p. m,, Frldny of each week. (Exceptions will bo nllowcd only In cases whero tho ovents occurred later than tho tlmo mentioned.) Edna Mcintosh, Ilattlo Hohflcld nnd Carrie Itoss nnd Messrs: Ilallel Har Igolt, Howard Kelley, Walter Kelt field and Oliver Spires. .;. .. I KXTKUTAIXS AT DIXXKU i Last Monday evening Miss Koxlo Hall entertained at dinner compli mentary to Miss Gertrudo Robinson who Is soon to Icavo for her homo In McMlnnvlIle after nn extended stny McClurc, Mrs. Jas. Forty, Mrs. Me Knlght, Mrs. L. W. Jacobs, Mrs. F. Hazard, Mrs. A. C. Vestal, Mrs. 0. Dindlngcr, Mls3 Maud Kccd, Miss Agnes Hutchinson, MrB. F. W. Payne and Mrs. Ken Chandler. Tho last two named will bo hostesses next Tuesday. Anderson, Mrs. J. Juth of Marsh- hero with her sister Mrs. Arthur field, Miss Anna Vlk, Misses Emma Drows. and Solma Kjclmnn, Mrs. J. Dlqm-, Miss Hall's guests woro: Miss Mil nulst nnd Rev. H. F. Uengston. t drcd Storey, Miss Kortha Davis ami Tho '10(1103 will meet with Mrs. Miss Ocrtrudo Robinson. UJiibcck tho second Wednesday in ' ! April. ItOYAL AUCTION CLUIt . Mrs. F..IC. (lettlns entertained nt a 1:30 o'clock luncheon followed a happy simi' Mr n.1.1 M1 r a Tin .M.,, ...rn very happllj surprised last evening ''' auct,on brI,lK0 for tho I,leasuro when a unmbor of friends called to at o Auction Ilrldgc Club Inst piny flvo hundred, tho ladles bring- Wednesday afternoon, Mrs. Kreltzer Ing a bountiful supply of "good winning tho prize. Tho reception was won 'ilrnd mVh l" I ' ""J "l0 ,,,,,chc" rTS Wer Mleux. Thoso of tho party woro: Mr. ll,tllpn,y nrrangod, yellow prcdom nnd .Mrs. H. A. Wells, Mr. nnd Mrs. Inntlug In tho color scheme. .Mrs. J. O. .Tarvls, .Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Elliott, W. M. IJIako, Mrs. F. M. Parsons, Mr. nnd Mis W. Schrocdor, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Alln.rr Mntn.. ...i vF. J'&JS"?. y ln'cj -"""tut- ij-i.nii u ... ..- . jiiiii urn mnrnnnra Ttfnaniit mnrni exchange, ri.o second Is nn uu- AIr ,, j,r8 ,, ,,, j,ml,,,.:, Mrs. A. T. Haines, Mrs. Mnlr Dano, Mr. nnd Mrs. T. S. Harvey. .Mrs. II. Mrs. C. F. McKnlght, .Mrs. W. II. a. wens nnu Minis sciirouor. Konnedy, .Mrs. Dorsey Kreltzer, Jlrs .j. .;. .j. HAY CIT1 LAWKS' All) , Mrs. J. II. Poole wns hostess last i Wednesday afternoon to tho Hay City Ladles' Aid. Sowing occupied tho tlmo until tho serving of nppotlzlng dainties by tho hostess, assisted by tho daughter, Mrs. Chas. Tower to Mrs. K. Kolloy, Mrs. A. C. Allald, .Mrs. L. W. Lnngdon, Mrs. A. L. FoBtor, Mrs. J. P. Molon ey, .Mrs. W. E. Parks, Mrs. Fred Moore, .Mrs. J. W. Illclman, Mrs. J. Hemmlngway, Mrs. R. RoEor Urlnkloy and Jlrs. A. K. Day. Jlrs. Hemmlngway will bo host cbs In thrco weeks. 4 4 2 I FAHKWKLL PAKTY preclatlon of tho fact that nttrac tlvoncss Is as much a matter of hnlr drosilng, clothing, speech and cnrrlago as of a protty fneo nlono. Thoro nro fowor mils thcBo days to reconstruct nn nttractlvo woman of CO Into n simpering gnzello of 1C, Bny beniity exports. It Id renl ized by tho sophisticated American woman Hint bounty oxlutn in oil stages of llfo, nnd Hint tho grouter nlluro Is founded not upon a nom blnnco of youth, but upon u skillful doolopment of the chnrms Hint uro npproprlnlo to tho "patient's uro." Tho inodorn boauty doctor, there fore, Ih moro than u nmonrer of cosmutlcH and n rubber of wrlnktos. It In ucccssnry to tuko montnl commnnd of tho subject and to work out harmoulouH hinds Hint Includo ovcrytlilng from neat shoos t u becoming stylo of wonting tho hnlr. In a wny, tho expurt is llku tho efficiency engineer who Is as signed to 1'ovIbo tho mutliods of n commercial establishment In tho Interests of efficiency. Tho expert must tnko tho suppliant for beau ty its a whole, not Just ns a fneo, nnd "reoi-gnulzo" her. In this ciifio, too, efficiency Is tho nlm. It In iiienBurcd by .tho degree or "pull" oxorted by tho flnlshod product upon mnsi'iillnu ndntlrntloii, according to tlio boauty doctors. For, notwithstanding doulnts, cullnc appreciation, uftor nil, Is the mil:' gnugo of huchmw Hint Ih avail- nlilo for monsurlng ruinliilno beauty, it Is pointed out. 4 X. II. Kimi'IHSE PARTV E. E. Straw and Jlrs. F. K. Got tlns. Tho club will meet In two j I weeks with Mrs. A. L. Hottsoworth. I : HiirllH JIcNny was tho tccoplont1 or a delightful mtrprlso party last: Titursdny ovonlng nt tho homo or - his brother Win. McNny In North Tho Dorcas Club or Catching In DORCAS CI.Ull Hotid. tho affair belnir In honor Of!'0', met with Jlrs. Jennlo Collvor. tho young man's birthday. rititrBday afternoon. Artor, a busl- Vnrloitu nnd lively woro tho games session, tho Indies spent tho nfter- ludulgcd lit nnd tho tlmo passed (Illicitly until n Into hour when re freshments woro served. Thb guests proaont wero Mr. nnd Mrs. E. J. Arms, Jlr. nnd Jlrs. W. McKay, tho JIIsbch: Ella Welse, Ilat tlo lingo, Dorothy Klblor, Norma Chase, Allco Wnttors, Vera Wilson, nnd Jlcssrs: Harry Schastor, Clar enco Klblor, Enrl Hutchlns, Joo Ilnr ber, Dick Rlcnnrdu and honor guest Ilurtla McNny. ! , WED ST. PATRICK'S DAV 9 Next Wednesday ovonlng will oc- noon In needlework. Refreshments wero served by tho hostess to Jles dntnes Smlthgnll, RiibsoII, llnzolton, Hpoonor, Strlcklln, Mixtrom, Mutt son, Smith, Parker, Ross, Done- brake, Knlno, Cnrrlo Collvor, Em inc. Collvor, Jiossorlo, Jackson, Win- tors, JIIbsch Ida JIatson, Alice Church, Henrietta Collvor, Ruby Collvor, Etnnin Knlno. . ! i' : 4 LADIES (Jl'ILI) O Lnst Tuesday aftornoon, Mrs. Jas. Ferry, Sr nnd Jlrs. L. W. Jncobs cur the wedding of Miss Mnrgnrot', " " ,, "" L ".,.. ... i..i.hi. ... '"B of to Indies' Guild nt Guild SWEDISH AID SOCIETY Rohnrlsou nnd Jlr. Hurry Johnson bath or Enstsldo at tho homo of tho rormor'H parents Jlr. and Jlrs. Walt er RobortBon, Rev. G. L. Hall officiat ing' 4 4 ' I. T. I;, cum llnll. Tho nnmo of, Jlrs. Georgo Dlndlngor was ndded to tho mem bership list. In hooping with tho iiBitnl ciiBtout, tho Indies nro asked to earn olio dollnr each during Lent and on tho first Saturday artor tho Lenten season a cooked rood salo , will bo held nnd cneh Indy of tho Guild Is asked to contribute nn nit- Tlio L. T. L. Club met last Tttes- Iclo that will sell for nt least ono day ovonlng In tho Raptlst Church parlors when tho following program wns given: ftOUg... . ; CIIIU UIO inillCH on Recitation. . . .Jilss Robbo Flnnugan. -Movcinent." Instruinonliil S0I0..G. A. WllHainsoui At tho elosu of tho nrtornoon tho Current Events "Tho Cotton Indies woro Korved tempting rerrcBh- Prnhlein Jilss Cnrrlo Ross monts by tho hostoBsos. loUl1 Sol( Mrlo Kramer.1 Tho Riieelni m..,i .,runf ,.....,. dollar; tho money to go toward tho Lenton offorlng. After tho business meeting Rev. Drowning addressed tin. lmlloa nt. Hm l.iiii.inii(nl ., a ., ll .. . I .-- w. ... ..rf. ....--- ..... v.. ...V. J..l..lllt,l iiiu liiuu'H u 1110 MwciiiNii i.uiuor nn Aid Sorloty mot for wowing with Mrs. Mnt KJoIiunn of North Uond ns hostess laut Weduuadny. Tomptlng rofroHliiuouts woro sorv ed to tho following by tho hostess: Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Tyberg, .Mrs. Iljal-1 H was BiiggoHted Hint tho club.jirH. Hutchinson, .Mrs. II. E. Hult nian Anderson, .Mrs. J. lljubock. .Mrs. Blvo 11 piny nnd in ordor t"nt all tho'inr.nn, Mrs. Chnrle's Stnuf'r Mrs. C. Ornda Anderson, Jlrs. J. Sandlue, 1 details of such nn undertaking might II. Walters, Jlrs. J. L. Wilcox. Mrs". Mrs. 8. Snndiiulst nnd Jltss Elslo bo mndo elenr, the prosldeut appoint- F. c. Ookelmaim mid tho inom L. Olson or Cooston, Jlrs. E. Wit- 'd JUss Carrie Robs and 0. A. Will- hers: Jlrs. H. llrndflold, Jlrs. Rob tick, Jlrs. A. Strang, Jlrs. 'nd Krnse, "nn hb a coiumltteo on iiiveBtlga- ort IViowiilng. .Mrs. Jlnry Drown JIim. A. Wlokland, Jim. Eilck- tlo. Ing. .Mrs. J. W. Dennett, .Mrs. E. G. bon, Jilss Ednn Johnson, Mrs. Suiid- Tho nct moetlng will bo In tho Perhatn, Jlrs. A. R. O'llrlen, Mrs. burn Sr., Jlrs. Suudbiirn Jr , jus. f("ni of n bniuiuct under tho manage- Hurry Nnsliiirg. Jlrs. Arthur Jlc John Anderson, Jlrs, Vlk, Jlra. J "lent of Misses Ilattlo Rehflold and ' ' Song Club ji Irs. If. O'Jlnrn, Mrs. Fred W. Smith f' lit r 1 NOT ONLY 1SXWH JEWELRY "KHillT". HUT milt nvmre aJ ALSO RIGHT. W'R 1U 'R IWILT UP OUR IWSINESS HY NHVRR UiUS- I ING THE CONFIDENCE OF OUR CUS1WIERS AND HY CARBYiKr. Tr li . . j , -V'r , As n fnrowoll Tor W. J. Hlgglns, who loft this week for n two-months' visit nt his homo In Chicago, n num ber of young people cntortnlnd with a roof garden dancing party at the Jlyrtlo Arms lnst Wednesday. Tho ovonlng was very enjoynbly spent nnd nt an opportuuo tlmo Den ' Fisher presented Jlr. Hlgglns with ' a box of clgnrs as a girt rrom tho 1 Intter's many friends, accompanying It with appropriate words of fnro woll to which Jlr. IllggliiB replied with fitting words of npprcclntlon. Thoso who participated in this nf ralr woro: Jlr. and Jlrs. H. S. Hnr rls, Jlr. nnd Jlrs. JI. L. JIny, Jlrs. Eleanor JlcJtullen, Jlrs. Fnrrlngor, tho JIlsscs Ursurla Fnrringcr, Grnco Kruso, Adelaide Clarke, Alma .Mcintosh, Norn Towor, Grnco Wil liams nnd tho .Messrs: Hon Fisher, C. Thompson, Gill, W. A. Ackor mnn, C. E. Ash, L. D. Gordon, Hnr ry Gordon, Joo Williams, A. J. Jlen- dol, F. Hnrlockor nnd tho honor guest W. J. Hlgglns. After tho dnnco Jlr. nnd Jlrs. II. S. Harris ontortnlucd nt lunch eon in their apartments In honor of Jlr. Hlgglii3, their guests Includ ing Jlr. and .Mrs. JI. L. JIny, Jlrs. Farrlngcr, Jlrs. JIc.Mullcn, Jtlss Jlc Intosh nnd Jlcssrs: W. A. Ackor- mnn,,A. J. Mendel, W. J. Hlgglns nnd Clny Church. I- 4- I IMOIt.MAL DINNER . Jlrs. Efflo Fnrrlngor entertained Jlr. and Jlrs. .Matt L. Jlay nnd A. J. Jlendol nt dinner lnst Sunday nf- ternoon. On Snturdny evening Jlrs. ( Fnrrlngor hnd ns guests nt dinner I Mr. nnd .Mrs. J. C. Kendall nnd II. ! GJordrum. 1 ; I JIINNE-WIS-CLUII J Jlrs. A. J5. Downs was n vory jilcas Ing hostess last Thursday afternoon to tho members or tho Jllnne-Wls Club nnd n few special guests, who to ward ovonlng, woro sorvod ft delicious luncheon. Tho mombors presont, woro; Jlrs. W. S. Urown, Jlrs. W. H. Porklns, Jlrs. w. E. Honglnnd, Jlrs. - 1 AW mM4JJ ii m III ITil WtifflBBl JwaM-y 1 1 rft Tnjw'j.Bjn )j BIT I .. 1.1 C1 ." ! v jfc r SJtaJ.VlK " -ZJr zr iii'-i m U ViES' laihX: .....)..( ln!.l..nnnn. mj a. 1-r.i. :.-.., t-tii'r.rminilCliocolnte! two V"'," . ".:.nn. Pi.nlul mlllt! butter the jT1 . Ul 3 . .?L,"""'.'n,teainooirulvnnllIa! LJlfimVha V. 1 . Blon.T.monexrVcT.UorEiiirf,buttcrnnJmi'l wS-.UaaC two drops lemon eraci.u . lireaJ . XTTfrnr-rO,: Ghh'ardelH's twn ?r?,pt Tnnd ndd choeolntei cook until thread pln J!ntl.' l,Mh-n ndd extract nnd tnkcfrotn nrcatlrrlnit until .h.. !SS?'n V ?;! iSBy. Turn en a well buttered di.l neorly cold or becomea eucy nnd cut In o,uarcs. This recipe makes the best fudge you ever ate This is but one of the dainty goodies that can be made with I iol v. h "ViV "A 1 19 Al It y Ground Chocolate As a beverage it is beyond compare. There's nothing so good nothing ao economical, Ghirardelli's Ground Chocolate is as old as the state. It3 purity, strength and healthfulness is retained in hermetically scaled tin3. Order from your stoccr io-day. D. GHIRARDELLI CO. San Francisco Sinco 19S3 AT LAST THEY ARE HERE 1 ftnffi gJS wL iiiffli 1 Ik Keep taby HEALTHY, The Last Word in Childrens Vehicles fcZSf V ! namgm WmMmm . w Wprci-v. ryniK.&zawii "?rtw n JMfeJv! Strong Wmm )Mm Pretty, iih i(& fywi) choap,, jmz 1Mb n This lornllty iiinkvs cry cwclluf rwiiilnmieiils for Hiq Go-Gut In this new lino o find tlwt iH ic(iiliviiieiit.s nro met and Uia home. Vott etui Icavo luuno hi suasJib; wcntliiT mill I'liiuo homo tlirunjli tho ivoi'At htorin and joh fan ret lii'ifcctly ussurril Hint babjr Hill lie nlisoliitely prclcrled nnd con foitulilo lliiiiiigli It nil. '4 Hey mo roomy. Tlioy 1 1 io k""1 looMng. 'I'liey nro weather-proof. Tlicy nru tlio most comfortable. Tlioy ii ru durnblo. They nro wlllilu iciuh of oa pockotboolc. Pilccd from .S7.0M, ?IL.00, ?I3J, mid .-5 Cull In mid look them our. -rk COMPLETE HOUSE FURMISHERS V .Ino. Dnshney, Mrs. p. h. Drossor, Mra. K. Kolloy, Jlrs. 13. A. Harris,; I ClIltlSTlAX SISTKItllOOD .Mrs. Chns. Davis, Jlrs. Jlary 13. I 31131-n'S jiioiiiiibuu, .Mrs uowns nnd tlio spo-T T clnl irucsta: Jlrs. C. T. Wnii tr. i A lnrB0 '""""or of women nttond- Alva llouolirnke, Mrs. V, L. Smith! 'cd tl10 Christian Slstorhood .MoetliiB Misses: Willtt Uoncbrako nnd Anna ' w,la Mr8, Yatcs ,n ViT6i Addition Downs. Inst Wednesday, sonio of them ko-' .Mrs. l). A. Jones will ontertain In lllB ollt ,n tho "or"hiB and stayliiB I two weeks. ovor ntll ovcnlwj. Tho tlmo wns1 spent In sowing nftor n short busl-. o 1 noss sosslon. I KASl'SIDK SKWIXO CLUIl I Tho 'ail'os prosont woro: Mrs. W. II. V tox' -Mrs- s- J- Immol, Mrs. Mattlo' Last Thursday nftemoon tho ladles 1,lnl. Mrs. D. c. McCarty. Mrs. Wal-1 of tho Knstsldo SowIub Club mot for tcr IU"' -Mrs- . A. Solbrodo, Mrs. I work nt tho .homo of Mra W. 13. Irvln Smith, MJ8. H. Painter. .Mrs ! .TV' , . " .' ""- vory u uiiick, .Mrs. nondr x, Mrs. 13 'bors.'Mrs.P.Prc"Mrs-:M y Mr 'ra j c ono i ', Il0P"l, ' !V. Steckel, Mrs. A. Ilorton, Mrs. 'i J u ri S m A,tW" Von' l I Herman, Mrs. V. Mooro. Mrs. A. iji'IT J W" Slot1 Iia.u(- .. .. . le -M's. Stone. Mrs. J. k. l.'-in.1 vsivi. .llinH IlllMIII'lt HUM III.) nnnilnl - - . ... wm- , , .... ,,,,lt mu Dir-vtlii ifnn l. n... R5k h- "la-ffls: I4V f f-AW "M T..JTi'tW l'PKM??5il 1 STOCK, OUR JEWELS ARE OF PUREST RA Y AND OUR SETTINGS ACCORD ING TO THE FASHION OF THE DA Y. WHEN YOU DEAL WITH US WE SHALL NOT AliU$R YQUR CONFI DENCE. H. S. TOWER THE RELIABLE JEWELER I IHt. .H'Ni; .MAHTIX, .Nuturopalli Wllllnins lililK, Plimio US7-.I Ilimltli U tho Kmitoat bhiluri In tho wirld. Thoro U no such thing as poor honlth. Ono Is nlihor widl or sick. If you nro tirod, or havo achos mul nalns. ou aro sick. Pain is tho cry of a nerve In dlstrow. Xaturop atliy Is a direct aid to a sick irsou for It kIos poltlo and ltliiK results. I'so this driiKlesa twontloth century method and Ret well. Just Ininslno how uraml it would bo to fool youiiK iiKiiln. to have n body absolutely fvoo from any guawhiB pain or miserable ach Iiib. then phono rigiit away for u eoimulttitloii It's freo. Do not ilel.n another ilt. Kiiests: Mrs. A. C. AUard, Mra. J. i." ' " ' ".,,,;.; "' ' MMl' Moloney nnd Mrs. HeininliiRwiiy. L. , ,'" "' """ U,B; " noro- .Mrs. Pen- Pool will ontnrini., i''.:' '." "i'i"u. -his. latos two weeks. A.MiMtuux yi:omkx nnd tho chlldrou: Allco McDuffoe, Helen nnd AVnrron Hold, llaby Mot loy, Nolllo, i.osllo and Vnnn Stono nnd Winona Gross. Tho sisterhood will meet acaln in Mrs. Hourko and Mr. and Mrs.two wooks w,tu -Mrs- Irvln Smith Ilrockinuller nttouded tho meeting of ' n SouUl 1''ourt Street. tho American Yeomen last Thursday'- ovoiiIuk. , Alvri:iL()ox HPAVIXfi PAKTV I i- v - -4! '"t Monday aftornoon, for tho j 'HriSSl'S t'ljl'll TO.U.1V I ' PlMsuro of Mrs. Henry Hartmnn, of ! Mfc !, i Portland, Jilss Uoaslo Avro outer-, .lbs trances Pranso Is ontortnin ' mi..n.i . ,.,,... . .'" uier- the member, of the Xar- ;.B.7olh , ""' "f oon. The guest list Included Mrs. I ; .. s. iiinnciiard, Mrs. Norman John. Ludwig Pkno Style A A pl.iuo of mllsll,. ,l,ogu with iiowerful 11111I mellow H'W Iiiis KuliHil many iv'.vmh for Tlio Wiley II. Allen Co. The W f tlio uholu iiistiiiuu'iit 1110 extremely woll pioportloncil; " Bctlirr, it l, ono (,f , lll0st poiiiilai' htjle. , .. IcM-ri.tion Sc-imi mul oiie-lliliil octaves; full metal frWj opper over.sriiiiK Lass; throe hlrlugn to cadi nolo '''Cfl tho miiIo except in eopper-vi-ouiKl bass strings; ebouUwl bnvp nroiinil tunings plus. . ,,.,. me iieiir it. .1 r....i i i.t i..i,. . ..i.i.i. .1 rwt 11 a-i Ph. feet i t-7 inclu-s. " I ave -Doiililo eneeied, in it!iei iiiahogiiny, walnut or q ereil oak; patent duet niiiMe iIonU; natcnt pwlnl ' . VJ I c inient; tliieo i-eduN; patent noiseless iiwlnl actions W PJ, l orj lu.jh mul ebony hhaips. fiiriiUIied in lilgli l'0"' or I"B clssus Club this nfternoon Pli: SL'PPint TO-XKJHT t w"' MrS "' K" 15"Itma". Mrs. H. I M. Alboe. Mm. Henry ,. "- iiartman, Tho Knstsldo ladles aro giving a ?m, 10 M,Mos llatt,e l'nen nnd pio supper ami flntrtnin,..n. ,"""" -w". --...... iv.t VI music nnd tableaux this evenlnc Their suppers havo becomo popu. Inr affairs nnd It U oxpectod thev ilvwi have good success. Mrs I In rt rim.. ln mi . "" ""i. Jiuirsuay on tho Kldor for her homo In p0rt-i i.iiui. ! I tCi.niinued on Page sn ) il,.m.ifl0r,,7 f wMiln--NllliiR is milled Io the 1' .1.0 f pur.l,aM.,l on easy pajinenl.C hut .sin.plo luteir In ., m 0l,!;i." .r ,,,;,,t '"'' 't iw an........ nut m be ' iuMalTnient y "" ,,,u 1,al,,ni ivnmluliis wuuld ner LOWEST CASH PIMC13, VI 10; V. O. II. Mil TtO1 1 on can buy tlilt. piano dullvuml to your homo Just e i's if you bought in Portland. suae 1HLLY Ol'AltANTKKl). S&ilsm h. L. THOM S, Manager. Phono iM-J and tofl.J. ,m-:LwMZmLL. .. linaiMiTnmi 11 1 -.-.