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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1914)
Mi i-giinfaegE -ZX. 's&&jMmvBat m' - - -.1- u .4 ...l- - .-Iiii .ifw ii A iTil.ssU i ... .,, . .. . , - ..- A Full Dress Suit for $35 . MANY ELDER BIGS li S Crosses in From Portland at 8:30 and Left at 2 p. in. ' For Eureka At S:;!0 this inorniiiK tho George Thn II na nr nlnroH in thn "'"0 told his trouble. Tho Judge AV. Nldor crossed In from Portland ino utios nro pincea in tno oruor , . ., ,, , , ,, " i.i,,i11 ,..i,i, i. ns ,ui,,,r,irH BREVITIES TIDKS Below la height of high Aiarsnncid FOIl NOVF.MRF.R Klven tho tlmo nud nnd low wator at - nlshos tho C009 uml Curry County exhibits to tho i'nnntun.l'acllfc Ex position. This sum nlll bo naked nt tho rate ot $50 a month for the next six mouths. Altogether $5000 Is being raised in tiio two counties tor tho big fair. . j llml Xo Mollis. Uecnuso ho von-' turcd on tho strcots after dark rid-, i lug his motoreyolo without lights, I Victor Deck was arrosted nnd Sat-' tirdny evening after work appeared befote I'olloo Judge llutler nnd i 1TT ., AH the Comforts of Home Is found In our conl nnd wood HKATF.RS. I'rlco from 9 1. art to $18.00. As nifty a line as you will see IILSFAVIIHRIC. l'crfectlon Oil Stoic- fur offlie and household use. licpnlr shop In connection Schroeder & Hildenbrand llnnlirnro ami IMumblng. t or occurrence, with tholr times on tho first lino nnd heights on tho second lino of each day: a compar ison of consecutive holshts will In tllcato whether It Is high or low water. For high wnter on tho bar srbtract two hours 34 minutes. B HOLDS BIG iSGHOOL TAX LEWY Irj-tiiU tot ScbaMocr tMatx X'T got the idea thai a dress suit is an expensive iixury. AVe have Uiem here for $:13; the kind you'll ,0N 1 h worn by most particular dressers. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX ve used J'ine black dress worsteds in these suits, thev're ( i ii 1 j 1 ii i 1 1 ,t i . . ca ana laceti wim exceiieni sine tno ialesl design. No uso waiting nny longer; you really can't nffortl to bo without ono nt such n prlco WOOLEN MUL'STOR TWO STORKS. MARSHFIKLl) XOHTH IIHXI) This Storo Is tho homo of Hart Sclmffner & Marx good clothes. 21 lire. . r.l2 Ft. .. 1 .11 !22 Urn. . Ft... 1.8 2.1 Ilrs. . o.:iu Ft. -O.t 21 lira.. 1.33 Ft... 0.3 2j Ilrs. . 2.2S Ft ... 0.7 2C lira. . 3.22 Ft. .. 1.1 27 Ilrs. . 1.10 Ft. .. l.-l 2S Ilrs.. C.OG i Ft. .. 1.8 20'IIrs.. 0.3C (Ft... 4.1 30lIIrs.. 1.2C Ft. .. 4.C io.r.3 2.1 lt.r.i 2.f. 7.37 4.8 H.35 r..o 9.28 n.2 10.10 r..r. 10.159 fi.C 11.37 o.S n.r.3 2.1 i.r.2 0.3 rut; r..7 100 2.5. 2.13 2.3 3.25 2.1 4.30 l.Bi 5.24 1.0 fi.12 0.0 12.11 0.1 1.2.50 0.0 11.45 0.0 listened attentively and then flnod brl"K"l? ilh1.hcr J?s B?TCMBiC ,, tr , n .tt . from the North. The ttltler left Uock )S for tho offense. The no-''for Kurotm nt a ,,, ,, nlIl, on Thuni llco nro vigilant In tholr lookout any afternoon t 3:30 la sctuvtulod for blcyelo rldora without lights, , to sail for Portland. this being tho Bccond punishment ., ,TI,ilc who nrrlvod frrtpi l'ortlnnd meted out this week! "J!"""?, VL UM v, Tm.Mmli .loywnti-i-. "Drunk nnd joindln Ltowi'i. Mrs. It. ' K. Wood, i nri nnikin , n,, VnclnrUv.1 Mnrslifinlfl rilir! lllnurh (). Wood, -?' uwwii ink uwj i wviucij V'.." ',.- MAMN SMITH HEBE !0T EXORBITANT Ti-u n.J mtum uuiiu . .!... 1....1..I ....... II... ..1. ....... 1l.l It.... II MTnlll 11lmw.ll M r.W1l1 UUIL WU1III IHU WI I WVVIVI - ... - . . 1 J-J nBainst n. MRo, who cut up Rroat ', iiyw'. l?1th1w,,",,',il- lr,0,,S Morniiicj For San Fraiicisoo- Taxpayers Listen to Anoiiai h ! 0 papers Saturday evening hnv fc ;a; , Wtih 54 PaSSCIKjCrS - 'tl'a'lSobui.dil' B.l Jsumed tho contonta of his "Sunday fnarimrns i.nraway, Adolaldo Imm ,,, ... anfa lrt Mmn-flfeinJ0 o JS ,f ml - bottle' Ioub before tho nlloted tlmo way. John JncohH.H. U Unraon. Hon , ' yesterday levy for school district number nlno nil lYcstorday ho npont a good share K. Clark, Curtis West, C A. OaBo,1"1" l0 "0W11 ' c" M 1 1 was made after havInK boon cstlmaU ,&'?.' '"n,""n " c,",y " r,-' ' S -" "wsa'Ks? ".'jss s-s Isjs-s jst iSr-issr'ss s .i4 iiitu; 'H"""n' ..... arMiiw. mmuvuvii () tiwtiii ..i. .... "i , ... iMnnt n siiri.uiiii nxiiniiHii. ami ihv 11.40 4.3 0.0 0.0 C.55 0.1 7.35 0.1 who claims no relationship to the famous Durke Sauco manufacturer, also Kot In tho wroiiR "pew" nnd he likewise kept LIko company for n similar length of time. I 1 ., WKATIIKK FOHIJOAHT (Or AnwillIM PrM (o Coo Par TlniM.i OltKGOX Fair, with soutlv orly winds. LOCATi Ti:.MPKItATUnn mxoiti) For tho 24 hours ending nt 4:13 a. m., Nov. 23, by IlonJ. Ostllnd, spcclnl government mo torologlst:. Maximum , 57 Minimum 0' M 4:43 n. in , 38 Frcrlpltntlou 33 I'reelpltation since Sept. 1, 1914 19.CI Precipitation samo period last yoar ... 13,51 Wind: Southwest, partly cloudy and rainy. SPhH 0. S. O. Hendorson. Kiln M. Hulllvan, 1 Chns. Laraon, 11. D. llovea, Mrs. Ivvva nnd two children. C. Cinuey, .1. S. Walker, 'W. 8. FitzKorald, I. Malakoff, W. W. I.ainb, F. A. U rah in , Ida (Irahm, Mlaa .loan Lothian, Mrs. I Mnry A. I.othlan, It. Henry, H. i StnKorburu, O. Soverson, Ij. Wren, JUDOK COKK reconvened hk equity , S. W. filler. F. Fallot, 1). Doiul, tern, at Coqulllo this morning. I fc'VXwIi k vLlnJZ left for II. J. ItUSSKMj was hero on busl-' Kurulcn on the Klder: II. J. I.alrtl, ilUUiUM, .lilH .IVUII ll. .MIIllllU.1 a, j , T. M. !nrliir. I. Tlinroiin.K. llllllro. u' J. 11. Dutour, C. Alnaworth, Mlaa1 Those who left out on Iho Nnnn .leinilo M. Clark, Chua. llublmril, (smith for Hnu Kmnclaco were: Frank Kimball, (J. II. lilmdor, Mra. j, T ,,oyt Jnck Tommn8 jBm0B Pan no Minder, l.aura Howe, Fran- ' ' . ..,, T ,, cos Howe, M. LudwrK, (l.jrhard Tonnuna, John Muilell. J. U Hnr SchmottRer. Mnry Schmettner. Miss, gen, I. Farkas, Mra. C. K. Shaw, Mlaa Allco Ilolden, (lodfroy Johnson, V. J. Patteo, J. II. Ilebbo, Oeo llee, It. K. IIIbliB, Frank .uinniorle, A. J. lluse, KrnlMt llnllutto, Anton Pcter aon, Mm. A. Poteraon, J. 11. Cox, MrH. J. It. Cox, Fred llltteneust, W.1 M. Weekloy, Ivon Hoae, Pet Min gle, S. llolmoa, Wm. Onlnlng. Krnnlt Mnlln 11. .W. Dodd, W. Jeuaon, M lioro today on n abort buslnoas . trip. ' AltTIlUIt PKCIC wont ovor to Co (luillo this morning on court bus iness, j CIIAUMCS KUKUOKIt was among I tho visitor 'In tho city today from j Allegany. O. It. QULVKIt was horo today on j a Bliort uumnosB trip rrom unicn-. . Ing Inlet. Iluyrt lluvlnesM. J. S. Stovona JOHN KNLUND waa down today1 lima purohad tho Intorosta ot hla from I.non l.nlto uiiying auppiioa partnor, Mr. Ooldworlhy. In tho I . v'yltlnif. ,1'arlalan Cloanlng nnd Dyeing Worka.HAVIS "OWAItU was among tho -. tit it -f1ltw ri'Mui llvltdifmi .Tn uoaa today from CatchliiK ; Inlot. VMan Meade, Lawrence Monde-. Mra. ' ' . ,.,',, ,..., tllllll llAltilV HOY loft this morning for'j, c, Meade, ll Wels. A. A, Levy. iJucobion, L. lorroll, 11. Coin, John Conulllo. whom ho has court bus-. I.yim Lambeth. J V. Reynolds. Mra. Mlrudo, Sam Agomollnn, 1. .lonoa, Iuorm. iJ Hejnolda, K. L. Tolmnit. J. P. DAVIS, of llnynoa Inlot, was M SEND Death and Taxes An old Sage said thi-e were the only two CERTAIN things in the world, But nvc must beg to contradict him, because it is a CERTAIN thing that on next Christmas Eve, the tirms below are noinn to GIVE AWAY Five Free Pianos to the five girls mho hold the MOST VOTES in the respective places. The (MOST VOTES will be obtained by trading at the speci- ictl places. Get Busy And Help Your Favorite Win Tim Hnnrlirlnloc uill nlnneo onp.h nnn hnvn n tnllf with (ho Camnainn Mananer this week and learn something' new about the Due Bill System. This Campaign and its methods are absolutely fair to one and all and will stand investigation at all times. 1 WINNERS THIS WEEK: IFOURIERS' MARKET Mrs. McLcod BARTER'S CONFECTIONERY Mary Lambeth (SCHROEDER & HILDENBRAND . Elizabeth McCulloch (MODEL CASH GROCERY Mrs. H. S. Harris 00S BAY BAKERY Izetta Wasson loyal Theatre TONIGHT N-rr !o films, Morlno, proaeuta- B M 'If Stnni " In fnnv narta. A ms and exciting story of traglf enmi,-, po Luropean war sertos No. 8 huiiim or Thormonda and Jieue. liim .nidlera on tho Alevt, Soma ' sutferera, Gonaral vltw ot town 11 h KOHii frnm tlia tumOill M l Ville. A dialoaated maohlue icnu'z. tho Darbar," with Max jr Another of thoaa Joker e wiiM'a aerlofPf liaEijbuU, 'aa " (irtoiiniat "id threc-iuurter roola of tlia ipl irr8. in i ion, lower floor. 15c; bl- ro P.iday n!nht. "Stockton'a Js "'n.i.lo orfni-mln 1)0 ' nl Yaudevlllo Show7r Also ' v i nearta." n t i, rgc't Deiember 1 at the 1 4(1 1 ie Grand To-Nipb t HONE Cent 158-R fessenger Service ARSHFIELD CYCLERY , The celebrated film favorite, MISS JSTHEL CLAYTON In Cliaa. Klein's greatest film production: TIIK D.M'f.llTKIIS OF MKX A feature with exceptional merit produced by the Lubln Company in five reals. Action In every foot. IJeautiCuI photography. A master piece iu motion picture making. I.OVH, LtTK AND I.I.Ql'11), A Blosjranh aomady that will ttekla the funny bone. IILl'M ItlUltD TIMS SHCOXIl One of the Mograph .oateotlve com edy series. Good rough and tumble comedy. You'll like It. Cnlldran. 5c; adults, 15c. y apeelal arraugaiaoBt the Orand Venetian Orchestra 'will jlay three times a week, every U'adneaday. Fri day and Sunday alght. Coming Thursday, the first lnstall meu of the Arthur Johns n --rial Mop c nntled "Ifahned Adventures." ilil i:. ii:tist I'Uaa- U-'-J, Itoom :ot, foku WU Kiisl.sldo Service. Thoro will bo ' preaching at tho HantBldo school home Monday night at 7:110 by Ilov. LttHHford. (Jcto ."liuiy DuckH. Arthur Mo- Konwu roturnod homo yeslordny from tho tsnn ' ' Ills north of North , Inlet with t . .-ty-flvo ducks. IU doclaros tho huiitliif; thero In better than ovor this yoar. j Ties Up Money. CoiiRtnhlo Cox wont to Ilonryvlllo this morning to ,icrve iiniiors of RarnUhmout on John i Krnmo, who la lnado tho dofondnnt in a suit broiiKht by tho Fnrinor' nud MorchnntH Hank of Conulllo' for $100. An nccouu't or $100 lu tho I'irst National Hank hoVo has been Rarulahocd. ' Cuts l'oot. Charles Ilautoll wan brought down from Ilooclt'a Camp In Smith Ilaslii Saturday evonliiR nuffor Iiik fiom a cut foot, an nccldont that happened by n slip of tho nxo while workliiK In tho woods. Tho doctor dressed the wound and Dnutoll wns 1 ulilo to roturn again to camp, nl i thoiiKh ho will bo itnnblo to work for sevoral days. Move (imi'cry Store. All day yea (onlay nnd today men h.svn uoon busy trnusferrliiK tho stook o'f Roods of tho Stnuff Grocory Btore from i the old location nt tho corner of Commercial and Front streets into tho bulldlJiK formerly ocouplud by Hust's alwtrnct office, which has beou newly romodnlod luatitu. Nor ton & Hansen will onlaro their buslnass in the bullillnif formerly i occuplod by tho Stnuff Grocory. To Wort OfflcoiH. A mootlnK of j the Men's Fellowship Club hns boon ' called for Tuesday ovanliiR nt oIht o'clock In tho Chamber of Conu mone for the purpose of oloothiR officers for tho coining yoar. In addition to this the mambera will discuss the proposed Coffee Club j or Vorklngnon,8 Club, plana for , which are later to bo praaonted to tho City Council asking their co operation. Fmico Kluht of Way. Tom Coko, who has Just finished tho toiibiruo- ' tlon of tho telephone lino along tho new Smith-l'owars road bgyond Myr ' tie l'olnt. spent, Sunday with his family here. Thoy liavo put In n' I flue 'phono line which will connect up all the new camps and also he used lu operating trains. Mr. Cokai i will now start fencing the right of way and will have oven n big ger Job than ho had on tho 'phono i line. I ! "Xo llpeorrcri Seatf. Hecnmo of , the faet that many tlrkuta Are ha-1 Inc sold out of town the ladle who are Mlllna tickets for tha lied Cross lleueflt Concert on next I'rlilay ere- u4Ut nitlg nilU llli u tminianmw iiii them to reserve tho seats. There wfll be experienced ushers ou tho floor to see that all have soata and , everything l lelng done to make the contort a success from nil stand-, points. The financial commtttae eonaiats of Itev. Drowning. Hennett Swanton and II. G. OJerdrum visitors in tho city today 'from North Inlot. MU8. II. L. ItUSSKLL, or North Inlot, was n shopping visitor In tho city today. J. T. CDIiVKIl nnd wlfo wero down on tho bant this morning from Catching Inlet. WILLIAM CIIAMIlHItB wna amoiifi tho visitors In tho city today from Hnynori Inlot. DAN 1II3NNI3TT, of Coos ltlvor, wns horo today looking after somo mnttorH or business. MISS MYUTLK V.I3ATIU31tLY camo down this morning- shopping from her homo nt North Inlet. MISS KMILY w.ih in tho T DELEGATE EAST Portland Would Have Coos Bay Represented in East tern Congress That they nro completely out of Coos Hay booklets nnd nro extremely anxious for more, Is tho gist of it letter received todny from tho l'ort lnnd Chamber of Commerco. ''Coos liny booklets," runs tho loltor from Secretary Kdmond C. Glltuor, "do you more good on our counters thnn In your own organization." A ship ment will bo sont to tho l'ortlnnd body on tho uoxt boat. Also tho northern Chamber or Coiumorco Is anxious to know whoth or or not Coos liny will hnvo n.dolo gato to tho National Illvors nud liar- Win. Ford, C. Hvuus, A. Onnllsoil, J. 1'. McFnddon, Anton T. Andor soil, It. Tlcke. A. l'ot-, (1. II. l'hllly. Y. V. tlprr, A. Trncoy, Frank Ward. C. l'odernon, Lee Cheo, F. W. Kuhu, L. A, SUinb, Mnnnd Ssiolc nn u levy ot l.s mills to jny orr a 11000 bond and Ll.tlSfi ot Intorost. There wero present but eight tax payer lu nddltlon to tho achool board nnd no opposition wns mado to 'tho tax. hi North Hoinl n similar mooting: was hold ami a tox of IB mills was voled. lry this thero will bo rnlsed n spcclnl tax of $18,000. OC the lCmlll lovy. 12.5 mills la ex pectod to ralso $18,000 for tho sup port of tho schotilB, nnd tho ro malndor or tho levy, 2.5 mills, l tor n $a000 fund to pay tho In terest on outstanding school bonds. For tho support of tholr school North llend 1ms mi annual sum of $i!ll,000, tho last $li;000 of which Is raised from tho county nnd stnto appropriations. There woro 40 tax payers present nt tho annual mooting and a vote on tho lovy resulted iu :tl lu favor nnd soVen against. Llbby COAL. Tho Kind YOU linvo ALWAYS I'SUI). I'hono 72. l'nclflo I.liory mill Trnnsfer Company; EASTS1DE CAUCUS QUS&Wlt UVUIIHUW rjiL.ii i Four Cooston Men Make Bid for Two Council Positions . Many t? Come. For tho nomination of throo conn oilmen, u city marshal nnd a re corder tho city caucus of nustsldo will be held tomorrow evening In tho city hull norovn tho Hay. A delegation Is oxpected from Cooston to endorso tho candidacy ot L. (1. Moolin nnd G. M. Halloy for tho two ofricts nnd from inuuthor sourco agitation aroso lu fa vnr f Mr. Isaacson nud Mr. Moroor. 11LAKI3. of Allognny. i ,")rB C"i.Krwi, Dooombor l, 10 nnd(,t , p., that both sides will city today nhopplng 11. In Washington, 1). O. Tills mat- nmko ,, (fort tomorrow ovonlng and visltliiK with friends, GUY KI3NDALL nnd wife. C. Koudnll and wlfo, spoilt Su day nt tho Glasgow Gun Club. NICLS IM3TI3U8BN nnd his hrothor. John l'oturs, woro lu tho city to dny Irom tholr homos nt Tomplo ton. 8. G. CLAHK nnd wire roturnod this morning rrom Chnrlos Colomnn's ranch whoro they have beun for somo tlmo. SUI'KltVISOlt F. A. GOLDI3N wont over to Coqulllo this morning to. attend to somo mutters of school hiiHtiioss. , .10)3 SCHAPUItH onme down on tho boat from Allognny this morning to nttond to somo mntturs of bus iuoes. COIIKT ItKl'OItTHU I.OUI) wont to Co'iulllo this morning nnd will probably rotnnlu thero tho rouinln dor of the weok. MR. AND MltS. JjVMKS K. l'HTISU SON wont to Myrtlo l'olnt this morning, wiore they will vllt with Mrs. Fetorson's pnronts. tor will bo tnkon up by the I'ort Com. nild J, mluulnn ii f n unnrlnl niantlllir to bo II- .77. ....." ".' I culled for this purposo To tho l'ortlnnd Chainbur of Coiu morco como constant liuiulrlos re nurd lug Coos Hay, and through tlioso booklets, docl are tho mumhura thero, thoy nro nblo to do much lu spread ing lnformutlon regarding this sec tion, nnd with the coming or tho I'nnnmn I'aolflo Kxpoiltlou crowds to term 0 lnroo yGnrs tho coaiit tho booklutB will ho more In I : domnnd than bororo. So far more than -100 or those have bsun dlstrlbul ed In tho north. at tho 'meeting lu Kastsldo to secure tho nomination of tholr mou. For city roeordor of Kastsldo thoro appoar two candldutoa lu tho fluid, C. I'. Kootlng, tho present Jnmiiubont, and Mr. Woavor, wlo ran ns Soclnllst cnudldnto for county Juduo nt tho Inst elect Ion. Tiio three counellmon to ho oloctod on December 8 will hold office for n A Tk gTi C J 0' m m EfM ix FOIt llKXT l-'iirnlsliiMl 1 Ing rooms. 1021 KIrod lioiisekeepJ avonuo, Kl'ltXIKIIKI) two-room lioiiM'kecpluK npnrtinont. Apply 113 N. Socoiul St. FOIl THAIlll Modem lioiiho, rooms and until, In Colorado HiirlncB. Cola., (n world-fainoiiH honlth resort), tor Property North Hand or Mnrshfleld. I. B. Knufmun & Co. In Sao WANTKD Dn'SNiimklng. 87 Second street North. Inqutru FOIt ItHXT Xewly runililiiHl Trout rooms, hot and cold wntor, hath, $a.R0 por week, (iloso lu. I'hono SRS-lt. FOH IIK.NT npartmoiit Unriit-nMiiil front in O'Counull building. T AKES MDK 0 JEWETTS WILL IS FILI TREATMENT. SKIPS WANTKI) I'nrlmT In clonning nnd proaslng, ono who undorstnndH business; good ohnnco. Scnndl nuvlan or Gorman preferred. Cull ot 200 South Ilroodwiiy, Mfld. , 1 P i r1 1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY! ' -T FOH HUNT Finely furnished flnlH at reduced prices. I'hono 113-J. , EO FOR PROBE MRS. T. It. CONVJ3IISI3 loft this morning on hor way homo to Imn don after visiting bore ovor tho weok' ond. j MISS IIAZI3L T1IHRMI8TOII re-1 Madame Viola Companion Slip Away With - - - ; Hundreds of Dollars Gardiner Mill Magnate Left to relieve her imtianu of their Rnlk nf Prnnnriv tn WiflfiW money and not tholr pain were the bUlK 01 nopCliy 10 VVIUOW Uo,,c, f00wed by Madame Viola Valued at $150,000 'I'astenr, who came here Inst week i and after clever talks on the street Tho following from a Rosoburg .ufn.. .. urnWli nttraeted throualt the paper will bo of Interest, but thero juggling tricks or Iluy While, who; FOIt UI3XT Attrnctho mortem fur ulilied room ror gentleman. Closo in. Hnnulro 289 Central wvoniio. Pasteur ana turnod to her home In llnndou ,E ov,,lol,ty nn orror lu the valuation. ' eeeorte.1 her. claimed she could make this morning ntter visiting frlonds , fl t (( oneral)). l0jievwI tu Jewett ! mlruculoua cures of akin diseases. , , ,,, ,, , , , .,,j uiJKtiiiB ill mail iiutni'ii in hwi in.iu ostate will considerably oxmiort a mllM , ,,, ,loy(, 0t8, Hlul ,M,,U tnB,r T T 1U11 irtJn An.MA iIaiiiii 4 1.1 U. 14. 1Jmwmv Wlim ....... "-,,.,. I" ....... ... ii ii.l .ll morulas trom Tompleton bring!"""' ' money in huvhihu. iiuiiiu-mi m uui- Ing with hlia 'i big turkoys that i The will of the late W. V. Jewatt, larw wore taken lu and Friday morn ho has raised on his rami, ror the!0r Gardiner, was admitted to probata l"K trly the couple leM, presumably National holiday. . hwe , whIl!,l ,ll)0tlt tjjo.OOO ii''f of "nV,lB?''- i10,1? m?9t II. J. JleKKOWN returnod today'. ", , , ' , ..' or the men bunkoed Interviewed frnm ' Siiniinv huuiinir trln and ' Douglaa county property and consld- iiroWH.uunii Attorney Lllleovlst re- " 1 "..."". ....- B --'. 'J . . . . ... . .. . ,. ... . ... .. . I'm. ii io in vhiuiiiiiih ntfiv iwii in ( uiivu in a wonuiii nrivmug inu ! widow, a son and minor daughter . doctow. The lustrumunt wa da tad February Dressed In a college oap and gowu, -. .. . 7",""11 '"ruHij i miI(siu imater. iiioiuited on n sdap 10. 1911, and by Its tanm h. J- h,x on Front atreet. tor several dwa Cornwall, J. F. Clirlstle and QWJ'm of. ourea ahe bad made. Whle. IJ. uinadale were anlntart axecii- ner companion, would tnii exttiuu n tors. In the Interest of tho minor Nnrclasu Jewett, Os car IlintHlwIo was appointed guardian, and Thonms W. Angus, William 8. WAXTHI) Girl would llho U enro for ohlldron during spare hours. 'A. care of TJmoa. FOR SALE f FOR BALK Tin co horso ixiwer electric motor for snlo olionp If taken at onco. Apply Motor, care Tiinos. b to u gilt back so many ducks that Frank Lag was making diligent Inquiry as tn how ho got them. O. It. 1'KCK went over to Coijulllo whoro he will arguo tho case of John Jorfroya orsiiB J. T. Week loy, nn oqulty suit before Judgo FOR SA LR Slmf ting, pully, belt ings nud Imngors lu flrst-clasa condition, Koontz Gnrngo, MareU- field, Oregon, FOR RENT i; OnVtt J U M lllT nf tlia luliilirnnk linn. , dnilglltor, Mil aa lioro from Iluwlon lookliiK - il.A Un.ll.. n !. Onoail. ii tsr- sin iiiuuiiiu ui LiitJ jjjiriujii i woll. The Firiold Is now tied up Angus and Louis Seymour appmisera at San Franelsco and the modon , Tlia estiite is to ha divided among Is running to Yauulna. ! the holrs by tho widow taking sixty FOR HKXT Xlooly fjiiiilhlicrt tnm$ rooma with i)tilU- 3 per week Close' in 330 S.o. tth S.t.' ... , 5 r badly scarred leg. declaring hla life FOR RUNT FuriiluhciHupurliucut. bad been saved by Madame laateur. I'hono 53-L. r " "tho brightest woman lu the world"! , , , liillnwlnar Hijmu. tRllu nalltftilM wjkra I " i . '.i .. ....;:...;vr"r.;,r..r:."". '... ...".: for rk.nt njuaviiut.- weii-runiihii. iiiriimi iu inn mviiui uitisv, ivurin. . . . ' (fr thy were rellevod of their money lu anuHiiita varying from IB up tp $50 and glvru .a box of brown medicine rite couple io(t beuum them a HDGAR SIMl'SON, who was ' l'r cent nud tho son 80 par oant and trilnk. stating they were going for but her from North Rend Saturday. ( the. daughter ten )pr cent ot tne bald that when tho I'orlor mill i property. Is shut down next month tt will ho given n general ovurhnultng, and put In better shape than over. Ho flguroduhat It would he clos ed aiiout four weeks. rouiicll .Mcotlng Tonight. .There jill.o' I'lKRSON, of Ten Mile, re turned today from rnriiamj, where he has 1hh Ultlng Mrs. 1'iersnn and I he family, woo ore fiHiidlnK the winter there lie i.,,il itiiidlllin. liiiirotiiiK there and generally a hopeful aspeiL rr-snsrss a few daya and would returu. Offi cers found that live trunk was empty. It Is thought that the) left under the name of Dorris. will be a meeting or tae City Cou- ell this eteiiliiK artcr a varallon of I wo weki The city fatkeru will l- arkfd to donate 000 fiom ih titi tiedsury to the luud whuh fui- ST. LAWRUXCJ5 IIOTHh (Formerly the Coos Hotel) j Steam boat, hat and cold water., j Ho liquor. j Wo Invite you to Investigate our j j wlntar rates, tutorial Inducement when two or more persons nccu- I py same room. j STADDEN ALL KIIM of IMIOTnflRM'lllO WORK, Rroiuldo Fnlurglug snd Kodak I'liiMitiiR. JH lll'.. l I'KjnMllliV Cll-llUlllhll- ed hoiwekgonlng ap'arjipoij't'Flrcas- onaoio. l-'., onro ouHrimejr.'.. ii i . .. i ii'ia , .. .' ' . ii I WAXTJjR Rooipcra njiil Hoarders, Snyder Hotel, cor. Hall nvo. and Droadwny. "S FOIt IIMNT , liuiuo pantry and batli, modorn. Villi und Commercial. I'hono D5-L. mi m ii i- w ii - ! i. i m FOR HUNT -Doslrnlilo fiiriilslicrt or unfurnlsbod housoa. I. S. Kauf i man and -On. FOR RRNT finely furnUlieil roomi i ewr convenloure: closo In. 3t'l 1 a. Uroadwny, phono jJio-J, ! i r. i (MfeiiNaAtjjiL I .SiU.. vJki-"' TTTTgyW -ji.ii M'vmM ,m ilAHi"