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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1914)
I , v' ---fc. T&lM u f ''T i" HSJfJBfn itttttiiim itiiilAiJ THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1914-EVENING EDITION. -j-n Fouft . Ufl ' tmmmmm tMmlsMm,, , mPH nk H X B IF 5m OTTj 7 99 til i -: aruai f 'Mitt "l MM HUHLEHS IVIYRTLE ARM APPEAR liy SUITS, NOlAALLDCGUPlEDj SIS -COMMITTEE WILL FINE SQfi EOF GDWCRETE SPILL- WITHDLD PLANS; EASISIOE SCHOOL Old Hiqh School Team Out F.E. Conway Says Waiting t Not to Present Coffee Club .. ... r..!i n.. I ict Dip Dnnn Ctrti4nrl rt( nl. 1- n..:i T.!nl.l List Has Been Started of Applicants for Apartments Plan to Council Tonight Better Organization Tlie committees having In cnargo the Investigation of a Coffee Club Yesterday in Suits Prac tice Strenuous "Feeling as fit nml fine ns wo p- E Conway announced today iilil two years ago" is the way thoH"t every apartment In tho new fnnilnli fpnin of 1912 at the Marsh-. Myrtle Arms Apartment houso hail arid a froo employment hiircan for field High School express their con- keen filled nml thnt now ho hod Marshfloid, will not mnko their ap-1 flilcnco of putting up a good show-i" waiting list of parties who dc- penrnnco before tho City Council lng against thu "upstarts" of this sired winders there as soon as a this ovonlng. No action will ho tn year with whom thoy will hattlo on vacancy should occur. Tho hiBt ken, tlni eoinmlttoes of tho various Tiukey Day. 'Yesterday afternoon j two npartments were taken by Mr. churches havo agreed, until a dof for tho first tlmo tho old members nl Mrs. Tcter and a Mr. nnd Mrs. inlto plan lias boon formulnted so woro out In foolball suits for prac- Smith, both families being rccont j lllIlt 0-n COiK beforo tho city arrivals on mo imy. ' fnthos thoy will havo sonictnniK Tho rapidity with which the 2ljtnngVle to Biiggest or request, npartmonta woro "taken camo up to At , 8ympathy with tho movo tho expectations of Mr. Conway ,mVo bcoa Innnv volunteers, who When ho was building it and cycnllmvo tultoll ,, lhc ngltntion, brand When it Avas about completed, a .,, It IlB nvacMy u-bnt Is iiccdc.1 changes In tho High School's llno-up number remarked that ho would not i,uro (lt tni8 tme, A ,t.,)rt rt.00v. Jm tho doclarntlon of Coach Nllcs, I "o nlilo to Icuso it all and especially , C(1 frolIl Tho Dalles states that n who stales ho will uso tho samo men If 1" enforced tho ruling ngalnst ' coffeo Club Is now organized tlioio that met tho CimhiIUo Independents young children. Ho said nothing ,, lg work,, successfully. and last week all tho npartmonts , stud wnB B,Bcrieil i Tho Iml wero filled and tho waiting list ,C8 ,,, t)l0 8Um , 1200 wh,ch wna was started. ho had to smilo at boiiio folin(I onollgIl ,0 W1e butMMo of tho doubting ones. building and to equip It with n Not only Is tho apartment flHodIuilcll rooni readlg rooni n,u, w,l np but nil of them nro permanent ,rcst room9 for bolh t10 mo , residents of Marshfloid nnd not of tho woinen, A W0Illmi wn8 ,ire-l Mir. irnnnlnnf nlnaa tvlllnll llltdif .... . . t . ... ...., - d-v t0 0 Ul0 cooltlns and with iier 01 tico on tho Dopot Grounds. There thoy ran off their signal practice, practiced forward pasnos and had light scrimmage. Tho entire team of eleven men wero present. That thero will bo practically no n week ago. This team too, is be ing put through strenuous prnctlco and tho fans predict thoro will bo ono of tho hardest-fought games on tho local gridiron thnt lias been fought tliis year In Coos County. This Is tho official end of tho sea son nnd It Is unlikely that any post season games will bo arranged. Tho old team of 1912 bus been doing light work for tho last two weeks undor tho nrc lights at tho corner of Commercial nnd Iiroadwny streets In tho ovonlng. Lacks Only Two Points of Be ing Perfect Program 1 Given Friday The KnBtsklo public schools yes terday woro standardized by School Supervisor P. A. Golden, nnd a spe cial program was rendered in honor of tho occasion by tho pupils. Thero vns n good attendance of tho pa trons. ' Mr. Golden states that tho Knst sldo schools nro among tho host In If IS Li Fifty Acres on S. C, Rogers' Coos River Ranch Prac tically Reclaimed. On tho ranch of S. C. Hogcrs, on Coos Itiver, thero has Just been completed a system of drainage that County Agriculturist Smith terms as tinlquo among tho farm Innovations of Coos County, lly. menus of u concrete drain plpo CiO nercs of va' ualdo farm and pasture land hnvo boon inndo practically dry tho ontlro mean frequent changes. CAMl'inUif. ON It ATMS. assistant who looks after other features of tho club. Tho report furthor doclnros th. "expenses thero nro about ?10 u dny, and" tho dally receipts average $12 over Unit amount, making u profit, which Is put by for enter goncy uso. This Corfeo Club wns copied after tho ono originated In They hnvo tried to mnko Itnllroud Commissioner Corrects the Wrong Impression Ho (Save. Ilnllrond Commissioner Thomas K. Campbell, who, whllo hero last wcok stated that ho thought where tho con sumption of water was sufficient (n'qn t0 I entitle tho consumer to ono of tho i lt (l ,nl)0rInB ,. ,,,. It lB not lower rntos, ho should not bo chnrg-ro,K,mi8 j,, nny wn.f ,,ut ,lluroly ,ed tho stop rates down to tho lower igIm, nn opportunity for tho labor- jone, wWtos that ho wns mistaken. I lllB mon to gflt tll0r moil8 nt a At tho ffmo of tnlklng about the mot- low price, havo a place to meet nnd tor, ho said Hint ho would look It to secure employment. It Is n p on ins return to sniom. Ho did clearing houso of capital nnd In- tho county. Ho greatly praised tho year. work of Mrs. Solum Thomas, tho prlnclpnl, to whoso energy lib attri buted much much of tho fine hiiow Ing made. Thoro nro nlnety-threo pupils enrolled there and Mrs, Tho mas nnd Miss Frnnso tench them nil. The school scored 08 per cent, losing ono credit hccnuito thoro wns no fenco nround tho yard nnd an other becauso thero wns ono row of double seats. Tho following Is tho program, which wns oxcollonlly rendered: Address of Wclcomo-. .Ollvo Mooro Song, "America." School Instrumental Solo Instrumental Solo To mnko this concrete Bplllway, Mr. Jtogers declares ho has used at IciiBt 200 sacks of content. f'Phc 1 reject is 150 feet in length arid tho splllwny 1b about two feat In diameter nnd drains through to Coos Itiver. Workman havo been turne weeks completing tho task. Previously Mr. lingers hud In stalled a wooden drain bo uhout n fojt squnre. This attempted to son'-) for tho wholo of tho iiO-.'urc area. So small mid Inadequate wiib (his b it (mi that during the rainy monllis tho box wns wholly tumble to Elslo Thomas rope with tho heavy water surplus Anna Major I and tho lnnd romulned for tho most THURSDAY THE 26tli THANKSGIVING Bit . YOU WANT A NEW SUIT, A NEW OVm. A NEW RAINCOAT. OVERCOATS AnST' COATS IN EVERY GOOD MODEL OF HpS" SON, INCLUDING THE POPULAR Sffig JiiBtriuiientnl Solo . . . Iloso Molony Hong, "Hear Hem Hells," ,-ttli nml nth grade hoys Song, "The IV.tttlo Cry of Free- part under water. Such a condition, tho' owner bo Hoved, wns a Iobs of money. Ho hns more than nn head of milk doni" botiool rows to browso on this lnnd. Soma SOCIAL CAUCNDAH. - - MONDAY. j Progress Club with Mrs. W. I T. Stoll. j TUESDAY Mrs. P. 1). Cohan ontortnliiH j nt bridge. Knslcrn Star social evening. j Mrs. h. P. Denning entortnlus j at flve-hundrod. j HplHcopnl Guild with Mrs. j Hazard mid Mrs. Kbbukn us hostesses. j IJastsIdo women with MrB. W. 1. Hyorly. Christian Sisterhood with j Mrs. MeDuffy. PI H DAY j Thlmhlo Club with Mrs. M. G. Coleman. i SATUIIDAY KiihIsIiIb Sowing Club Ifnll nt I tho KnsUldu Club rooms. I I'ImiX llAAAIt Tho ladles of tho Christina Church nro completing nrningoments for the church bnsmiir to bo held Thursday nnd Friday, Docomhor Jlrd nnd -Mil. Tho IndloM hnvo boon working for 4hu past two moiilliH and hnvo a XIm hit of needleernft work and ChrlHlmnn dalutlott which thoy are planning to offer. Thoy ium plan to Noll hot chicken .tjunnloa nul linvo nrraiiKiHi In t-orvo u Inislnens i'.an'a luiiHicon from olovon o'uhuk up lo lln closing hour In tho eve ning. Henry Seinrstnckou has kind ly profrored tho ukd of the buljd Jng now occupied by' tho howls Con Millinery unit lco Cionm Parlors mi Jlromlwuy. Attructlvo booths vlll ho orcetod for the proper dis play. - mow mtiixn; ci.uii i ; Tho now Auction llrhlgo Club hold Its fir regular tnuotluir nt tho homo of Mrs. Huuouo Croutliwnlto on WodnomlMy nftornoon. Tho nftor noon's ply resulted In Mrs. J. S. Jlnnsou rocehlng first prlxe. Dollc iotir refreshments woro sorvod. Mrs. Carl Di will bo hostoss nt tho next moating a wook from uet so nt onco and writes as follows: "Tho custom Is to chnrgo tho high or tariff ralo and step down to thu lower rates aB por tho water com pany's tariff: "First 200 cubic feet 40c por 100 cubic foot: next 300 cubic feet, l!5c por 100 cubic feet; next 1T.00 cubic feet, lCc per 100 cubic feet; next 18,000 cubic foot, 12c per 100 cubic feet; noxt 20,000 cubic foot, 9c por 100 cubic foot." Tho total of the foregoing nmountu mnko 10,000 cubic foot and tho tariff rato for "nil over 10,000 cubic feet Is 0c por 100 cubic feet." "You can rondlly sco that any other inothod than tho ono of charg ing tho higher unit first and stepping down, would load to discrimination. This hns always boon tho rule for nil companies Hint hnndlo meters, so Jar as (ho writer knows. "Kindly glvo tliis mattor publica tion as tho wrltor doos not euro to have tho public get tho wrong Infor mation. Thnt would only lead to mlsundorKtuudlng mid mnko trouble for nil parlies concerned." bor. i Duet, "Pnrowoll to My Home." Hlslo Thomns nnd Florence Wllloy Song, "Hotter Far Thau dold." School Address Prof. Golden Song, "Como to tho Greenwood." Ith nnd 5 tli grade girls. Made 1'lno Itcroid. Supervisor Goldon rorontly visited nnothor school which has a phe nomenal record. It Is known n tho Sncchl School In District No. :!, nonr Ilasteudorf Peach, nml Is taught by Miss Alma J. Roberts. WI3I) l.V COQUIMiK. Couple from Itclglum United II ere .Inst. ICscnpcd KiiinHuu Win. Justlco Stanley "uU tho ceremony at his office In this city which united Johiiu Krust Olson of Sweden nnd Miss .lohauua Katnrlnn Patrouolla of (iermany. This rouplo recently camo from Antwerp, the lady leaving nhout n mouth ahead of tho gentleman, and T., Tim nntl,i Urn rlul, wi. .fnrf. ! SllB lins le P"IHm Oltrollod ntld llllf- ed undor ndverse clrcuinstnnces and , l,,K vli of tUo "'"p !l ,lnft In ,tho face of much opposition, yet bot,n tooB. '""1 i Perfect It Iuib grown to n successful -HihII-I J0"1 for nttendnnee, nu mipllg tutlon nnd Is making Its mark. lt,bo,nR n,,Bont or ,nr,y ! (luring Is almost a similar organization that1""0 moll,, So, of "i0 l"MH will probably bo presented hero to ,,nivo "8 flir t'ir"0 miles to t. ni. nn...,nii rn nvl...gini nttoiul school thoro. At n mcotlng of tho Moil's Fel lowship Club to be held tomorrow evening In the rooms of (ho Cham ber of Commerce, mnttors In con nection with this proposed Coffeo Club or Worklngnion's Club will bo discussed by tho members. 1 AMONG THE SICK f Mrs. 10. Don McCrnry,. who -coutly underwent nn operation .t Diuiilnii, Is recuperntlng rapidly and I f IvaI years ho plowed tho strip up and towod It to grain. TIiIb was dono In tho spring and very often Bon ing wiib either dolayod or tho grali nnd grass found lt Impossible to grow, bolng drowned out In Ilia ear ly year freshets that flooded tho land. To put In tho lnrgo concrete spill way was found tho only menus of coping with tho Bltuntlon. Now (his project will enrry off in a hur.y tho main body or tho water while tho smaller drain box will bo retain ed to drain tho surface puddles. And we save you 20 per cent tc. 7, m Because we sell for caS intn np m money laiKs" "Money TallrfW We'll Show You DOZENS of Smart Suits add Coats to many stores' ONE. COMPARISON IS WHAT WE INVITE flubjoe THREE ST0RES.- Marsnticici Bandon Myrtle PosiH FHOSTS TWICK IX OXK NIOHT. J -THE HlELS!i! vpBs (fa Clmmll'Y Holel. F. (1. Cuttioll, I'ortlnud; II. J. Mulhlsor, Portland; Mrs. iron Mc- oxpocis to return to tho homo of j. Million, Myrtle Point; Miss Fnrber, Last Saturday night tho curious plionoinonn of two frosts In ono night ' was obsorved hero. Tho first frost of tho season camo before midnight i nml wns so douse ns to look like a light fall of snow. I.ntor tho ubuuI nightly fog rolled In nnd cnrrlod off: tho frost. Towards morning, though, frosted again and ovon vory lato rlsors found nil tho wnlks nnd-roofo whlto with rlmo. Noithor of tho frosts, though, npponr to hnvo hcon heavy onough to luut vogotntlon, tho louder plants Hint Hue iho court houso walk still blooming profusoly ' and nasturtium romnlnliig as groon ns over. Coqulllo Soittlnol. i her pareuls, Mr. nnd Mrs. .JiiUtroin, on South Coos Itlvor, this week. (1. A. Myrtle Point; W. 15. Host, lUudou; P. M. lingers, San Pranclseo; F. j i it ih wild iiihl inn i.nriniiii nvm. . . i - -- ....,... ..i.- Drown, who has boon nt i " "oovos, Mini i-rancisco; u. H. BI.H llf ii(,ii, ,v.i.i..m .., ... Morey llospltnl tho past wook, re-; Hooth, San Francisco; J. h. (loss, l,imy jmVo ,Ielt ' , , mvo boon euro. turnod to Tho Cliiuidlor yesterdny. lluby Morrison wns operated on this nftornoon nt Mercy llospltnl. Porcy llasley, who was operated on several ilnyB ngo, Is rnpldly recov ering nt Mercy Hospital. I.ouls Martin underwent nn opera tion at Mercy Hospital nnd Is now recovering nlcoly. Along the Waterfront. Chicago; George T. Holland, Port- fill not to Injure park treoB. Tho land; a U. Kckstrom. North Inlet; Cnvlrymon, so report koo'b, are t n 1 vJMimI?ll'ori,MdB1 ,0 tl0 tl10"' "'" t W. G. Jlossay, Myrllo Point; Mrs. ., fop foilP ,llB, (1l ,... J, 10, Gardiner, Lakonlilo. l.loyd Hotel. Fred Astcll, Porlland; K. Stnn loy, Snn Fninclsco; Potor Scotl, Coos lllvor; Clnroni'o WhIIhco, Gurdluor; C. JohiiHou, Snn Francisco; Mrs. A. AndersiMi, IWiiulon. St. Lauiouco lloll'l Clara K. Sprikguo, Coos Itlvor; Jasper Ci'miio, l'ortliind; llethel Wllbourn Slock, tretw for four that th0 uiilmuls will giiuw tho hark. Gormany was tho first nation to apply forestry on a largo Bcnlo. boiiio of tho crown Tor osts linvlng boon undor scientific ninnngomout for over n hundred yours. ANNOUNCEMENT UNITED CONSUMERS' MONEY VALUE COUPONS IVIHI DC UDIHIIVCU -tt bT MULDERS OF UNITED CONSUMERS' MEMBERSHIP CARDS WITH ALL CASH PURCHASES' OF 25c OR OVER, FROM THE FOLLOW ING FIRMS: MARSHFIELD HARDWARE CO., Guns, HARDWARE and Crockery. STAUFF GROCERY CO., Fancy Groceries. PALACE MEAT MARKET, Fresh and Smoked Meals, I'ouury ana tggs. FIXUP. Trunks, Valises, CLOTHING, Boots and Shoes. . F. W. BERTRAM. Watches, JEWELRY, Cut Glass, Silverware. , COOS BAY STATIONERY CO. Office Supplies, Photo Supplies, STATIONERY. CARL L. ST0CKIN, Typewriters, Typewriter Supplies. TODD, THE TAILOR, Made-to-Mcasure Clothing; to inn, Pressinn and Renairinn. The merchants issuing UNITED CONSUMERS' COUPONS are reliable and established firms fitted in every way to serve our members to best advantage You can buy the goods handled by each with the cer tainty that they are not only as represented as ti quality and quantity, but that the price is at all times the lowest consistent with the ' mmlifv nf rta nrtlnlfi. Look for the stores which are issuing our coupons and 1 I TI ...tll !! give mem a iriai. nicy win suuiy. Buy With CASH. It, Pays tied. Anothor reiuarhnblo foaturo Is tho fact that both tho IiIkIi contracting portion speak vory ood KiibIIsIi, ow Iiik to tho fact that tho groom Iihh followed tho sea nnd the luido hns! boon a resident of Antworp, n city more cosmopolitan oven than Now York. lr. Olson Is a machinist and has n Rood Job with tho Southern Pacific "Wednesday. Thoso prosaut Wodr.os-' on tl10 Btco1 Irldgo nt North Ilond. ' dy wore Mrs. W. L, ClnbuuKh, Jlr. I Tll lirl,,t lli " 8'8tor of Mr- f!l'8 Urom-i J. 8. Ijous. JJrs. V. II. Kemiody, sor. ft woll known rosldont of North On uccoiint of u heavy hen riniiiliii? on tho bar yostenlay, kicked up by a tinrtflutmtt uimlliiittul W'lml liiitlllAii bothhavliiKloft Justin tlmo lo escape t,0 xann Sinllli nor the Smiodwoll !s,m', "i the attack and full of that city. This wero able to got out josterdny. Woul ll'anyonvllle; Wlllluin Daly, Uoiiuiilo. worthy couplo had boon oiigiiKt'd to,from tll UkIiHioiuo ttuld Hint the Tim lllmioo Hold, wed for fourteen yours, hut .Mr. Olson . SrilH.,,l!m,mM.!Jr,n?iy h'V! ' Huy N,H!, n'" "","! Bain W belUK seafurliiK man nnd It requlr- tla tl.eso ?w i.lp. "ill l.e ullh" ! """ M1" U1,,n! ,),,u Im.lwick. ItiK bIx weeks public proclaniatlon of to cross out Into this afternoon. n,uo Kldiw; O. . llardliiK, Coos UIt- tho bans before a woddliiK may bo' Tito l'aralso reported off the bnr at I oi"! (icorgo, II. Wasson, South Inlet. soloninlzed in tho old country, thoy J (!VI."!'k V,ls ,,lor,,,1,lf' J'"1 '"t,0 l had never had nn opportunity until h1 "' '"I h W., ".. I ""' '" " ttt.l IIimI Cs ....- tho prosont tlmo to have tho knot She U ospveted to sail Wednesday for oflt t'"m'l',' November 127 nt the .Ma- CITY AUTO & TAXI CO. DAY AND NKJIIT HHKVICI! Tor tnl, phono 193,, Ideal Cafo. For touting cnr3, phono 20 Chnndlor Hotel LYNX IAMIIKTH, Prop. New Cabs : ; vow Ciii-s I - - I " i Snn Krauclsco. Millie Opera House. Quality! Not Premiums j!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!9!611193 a I N Mrs. J. 8. IlKiMwu. Jlrs A. H. Adel Ptitrger nml Mm. J.' S. Hnnctm. , H i ' , . ..J SVIX PAHTY I - , air. J. if. Staddon was hovtotis nt a oUnrmlng nftornoon at Rowing Friday nt hor homo on Sou Hi Fourth stteet. Tho docorntlotis ro Hacii'd tho Thanksgiving sousou. In, wtrvltig, she was usslstod by Mrs. ' Korls Jeusn and Mrs. J. a. Kin-J Jioy. Among those prosont woro Mrs. Norte Jeuien, Sirs. J. O. Kin noy, Mr. If. U, Crawford, Jlrs. It. N. 1'outon. airs. h. V. Denning, Mrs. K. V. I40Mloux, llrs. Win. Schroud or, Mrs. J .W. Hildonbrand. Mrs. 1. W. Dodson, Alis. T H. Harvey, Mrs, Mrl.ood and Mr. J, V. Mitch ell Hond, whoro tho uowlywoda will ro- slde. ( Still nnothor novel fonture of this wedding is tho fact that this Is Ho first Novembor wedding our "marry ing Justlco" hits over heretofore per formed, thnt month having boon void of that event In his past official sor-, vlce Coqulllo Horald. Ited Cions lleueflt ('ouct'i't Jliihoif Ic Opem House Nou'inber -7. Huy ii ticket and help u rVirtliy1 cause. Hed Cross lleueflt ("oiiioit nt tho Musonle Opera House November Jaki. ' i- tfeji. i,.r;r)ri1ir;,i,.,,l,,i,i,n - ' -. - '- -tomi, The cuiitract has been let for luird surfacing the p.ulflc Highway from Woodland to LnCdntcr. kmH IBB, Bs taut eaui mi tCH W" biaa 20 for 10c CTAKE a dime on the - Camel Cigarettes, but don't look for premiums or coupons, as the cost of the tobaccos in them prohibits their use. Camel Cigarettes 20 for JOc are a blend of choice quality Turkish and domestic tobaccos. They do not leave that cigarelly taste and cannot bite your tongue or parch your throat. You haven't money enough to buy a more delightful cigarette. Jf your dtattr can't $upplv you. unj JOc for on package or fl.00 for a carton of tin pacha? f 200 ciga. '"' pottaB prtpalj. After jmcAmr on paca, if ou don't lnd CAMELS at rtprtttnttj, re turn th othtr ni'n packagtt and iv will refund your mono. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston -Salem, N. C, rOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOS ronr goofl cars with careful driver tot day service, phono 1-M-J, HlKiico Hlllnrd Parlors. tor night service. Phone 280-L IHght Cafe. D. L. F00TE. " -1 Mann I ! H I AVHHHHWMWMi To Portland every Thursday nauBaiauMaHM To Eureka every Moiiday TJIK I'ASl' ANU COMKOUTAULB S S. Geo. W. Elder NHWLY 1CQUIPPKI) N011T1I PACiriO BTKAJISHIP CO. O. 1 McOKOItGia AOENT W. H. F-lWI Phono 44, Marshfloid " ir pa KM wq KM BBM utaa Bvea MM nma BKaj BBSH OKS1 naaa B iU U ansa mil DMa, Icsg IMCt una Una Una awl m Pictures & Framing Walker Studio I OKAMS, CltAIIS, FISH AND I OVSTHItS J If you aro particular about I tho sholl fish you eat, got nc- I qualnted with us. I COOS HAY OYSTKK CO. I nt Palnco Moat MUt., Broadway . HAVE THAT ROOF FIXED NOW See C0RTHELL Phone 3171. Cos Bay Faraners Echaimge J. M. CULLEY, Manager. NOW OPEN AND READY FOR BUSINESS We carry a complete line of STAPLE AND Wjw GROCERIES, PRODUCE, FEED, HAY mm' Make delivery to any part of Marshffeld. All we ask Is a trial order to convince you tlgt here to treat you right. Come in and see us or phone your orders to Phone Waterfront, foot of Central avenue, 2v'ft -i"ltnmt""ttBiJ! I New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE , ': TYPEWRITERS All standard makes, sold on eaM: ments, new and rebuilt. Fox, Underwood, ReS"&A Oliver, L. C. Smith, and Smith Premier, for ; rent org, i crbm paper tlelivered. Phono us your order. 1'',onf,.'v n'n TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE AND butruj iiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiimiiiiisilfliiu ,lii!!5!!!5 coos bay Tli JC22JMmi arrssrvi rvmm'Mtm''V3vk'V. "' --"-- - IH II IBIMIIMM I JB""-.-"- . -p T -.- -rwmrm t imrTiiyaiiil