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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1914)
mwmrmu-w mm SOMCTIMBJIONEY TALKS AND THEN AGAIN THERE ARE TIMES WHEN MONEY STOPS TALK The Reader ..uUV "A Silk Purse of Tho Coos Uny Times 8 entitled to tho fln,t consideration. Wo have a scrvlco to render to him, nn obligation thnt Is ever present with uj Wo will welcome any suggestion that he may liavo regarding this uervlco. It Is our aim to mnko this a nowspapcr which FULLY SATISFIES from n sow's car" Is whnt somo men expect from tholr advertising. The sound minded business man, however, knows that his advertising must ho backed by real salesmanship, honest values and courteous service. And this advertising Is as Important as any of the other three smsxV&j&jse, MBMUEIt OF Tills ASSOCIATKI) I'llliss rai VOL. NO. XXXVIII. Established 187B nsTIm Const Mnll. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mnll nnd Toos Hnv Adverflwr No. 106 GERMANS H 1THI DECISIVE Twentv Lwk Lost in T 1 BATTLES II EJST PDLRND YET Wreck Near Gold. ilk OlOOS Wxmm mm J iU1. I N CL DRIES VEH GERMAN EVERYWHERE Gat Declare Situation in Eastern Theater of War Not Decided But That in Eastern Prussia the Germans are Holding Their Own Against Russian Advance. SAY BATTLE IN SOUTHERN POLAND IS AT STANDSTILL BUT CLAIM PROGRESS NEAR CRACOW British Warships Resume Bombardment of Belgian uoast Near Zeebruggee, but Germans Claim Belgian Villagers Were Only Ones Killed No Changes Made (lly Associated Press to tho Coos liny Times.) ( BERLIN, Nov, 24, (Wireless,) An official communica tion says! 'In the eastern war theater, the situation is not yot decided, In East Prussia, our troops are holding tlralr own to the northeast of tho plain of Mazur Lakes, In Nortliern Po land fierce fighting, which has been taking place, is stiii with out result, In Southern Poland, the battle in tho region of Czonstochowa has come to a standstill, On the southern wing to tho northeast of Cracow, our attack is progressing, "British warships again appeared off the Belgian coast yes terday and bombarded Lombertzydo and Zeebrugge, Our troops suffered but slight damage from this bombardment, but ar number of Belgian villagers were killed and injured, Otherwise no actual changes occurred in the west," BEHMAN AIRSHIP DROPS NEAR U. S. CONSULATE IN IAARSAW; (I)y Associated Tress to WASHINGTON, D, C Nov, airship fell in front of the American consulate at Warsaw to day, breaking tho windows of tho consulate, but Injuring no ono within, according to a telegram from American Ambassa dor Marye, at Potrograd, Several persons in tho street ' in front of tho consulate were killed and wounded, but nono of them wore Americans, Tho Incident is regarded here as indicating the proximity of tho Gorman advance guard to Warsaw, The American Con suls received instructions early In tho war to Ic-avo tho zones of great danger whenever the invading forces arrived in their viclmty -..-J.-.WJ-JJJWWWWuW CHILE PROBES ACTS IRA GRU7.iT DF Investigation Charges that Kaiser's Warships Are Op erating in Neutral Water in AiwHlttx TrtM to Coot IU7 Time. VAIil'AIlAISO, Chile, Nov. 21. Tho Chilean training ship Ilnqiiodnno litis been sont by tho government to the Juan Fornnndor. IslnudH to make an Investigation Into tho ebnrgot that tho Germans have ostabllshod a tafQTf operations on Mas a Fuern Island. Tho French consulato lndg ed a protest with tho Chilean govern ment that tho French bark Valen tino was sunk by t)io Gormans with in Chilean wntors. An Investigation Is being mado as to tho statement that tho American Btoantor Sasra inonto, formerly tho German stoamor Aloxnnder, transshipped u full enrgo of provisions and coal to tho Gorman vesBol within Chilean waters. KII;l,i:i) IX KliKVATOU. CiWhler of Sperry l'lour Coinpany In Sau IVnuclsco Drops to Death. Nowa of the death of A. M. Ham tay, for 25 years with tho Sperry Flour Company In San Francisco, has been received hero by F. D. Fletcher, local ngent of the company, who was well acquainted with Mr. Ramsay. Having night work in his offlco on Npye,iubbr 12, t)a cashier was detain ed In the byflcilns. until about 9:30 and then st,epned Into the elevator run by an Italian who was unablo to Mcak Kpglls,h N, Is belloved that the elevator wa.s a little below the level of the flooc and that In some way Mr. Ramsay caught his foot In tho floor above and when the boy lowered the elevator tho body dropped through tho sha,ft to the basement. The ele vator boy lowered to tho first floor and ran home. Mr, Ramsay was ono of the most prominent members of the company and leaves a wife and grown up son and daughter. MI1MVKKK PAfcnV SAliK. TA1 'iw ivj'.r.iv t.i.wi"t ' v a xn i'kaxlt imirriiK, XSU UOc A Lit., AT LKWIS.' 15c Don't full to attend Red Crow lien eflt Coiiceit XovemlKT 27 lt th" Ma II All sonic Onra House, BOMB Tho Coos liny Times.) 24, A bomb from a Gorman! jLuN Constitutional Officials Back At Work Carranza Is Expected 1 I I I'HKSIDIvNT WILSON'S VIKW , (Hit A MM I'm lo Cm IUjt TlnM. j WASHINGTON, 1). ('., Nov. 21. Prosldout Wilson said to- j day ho hud reoelvod roussurlng I adviooB of conditions In Mexico nnd Is confident nothing serious I would rosult to American lutor- I oit In tho present controversy j I among tho Moxloan generals, j Tho President thinks conditions j I n Moxlco will constantly im- I prove. I IDt Auotlitrt rrwt in C ru? Time.) VURA CRUZ, Nov. 21. Tho Con-i stltutlonallst troops, which camo Into . Vora Cruz yesterday oil the doparturo of tho Amorloan forcos, continued to-, day to mnlntnln ordor. There have boon no disturbances. Moxloan flags nro flying over all tho public build ings and the various government of ficials named by the Constitutionalists hae bgun their labors. When Car rania hIII arrlvo to make Vora Cruz his capital is not known. use searghlTght Rival Mexican Forces Near American Boundary Resume Firing in Darkness ID AcUleJ Prwi l Co Bf Tleiet.) NACO, Nov. 24. Governor May torena delivered a night attack upon i XinA la at the Carranza aeiense oi .-" i night, but General Hill turned thoi searchlights upon the attackers and In the ensuing battle, lasting fifteen minutes, mowed them down win irafhlne guns U da)igbt HiU op ened a 'IveU artU'erv fir" pon the hcipii-... ..nt f 1 . r ( treat, , .. OFFICERS RETURN BATTLE EAR iCO SWEDEN SENT MESSAGE TO AMERICA tl7 AnoeOltd Prrct It. Coo. in 7 Timet. NI3W YOIIK, Nov. 21 Per Ost- berg, special messenger of tho King of Sweden, reached New York thU nfliiHiinmi tmtnttt f 1i la 1 I n frt I . Imimliiai n message from Kins (lustav to tho Swedish embassy nt Washington. which ho said wns too important to trust,, either to tho mnlls or entiles. no sain no uui noi iiiiuk mo mes sago b()ro on Sweden's neutrality status. Ho left at once far Wash ington. - .. ... . .,.,.... .. EYE STRAIN II 1R AREA HARD American Minister Returns Side-Steps Suggestions of Peace Conference (n? AmckIiIM rro. to I'om Dtr flniM.l ' NHW YORK, Nov. 2 I Henry Van-1 dyke, the American minister to the Netherlands, arrived from Tho Hague ' today. Thojmggostlon thnt tho time wns rlpo for tho United Stntos and tho Netherlands to net In concert to bring about ponro, wns brought to his attention. Ho refused to comment, Mr. Vandyke said ho came homo only , lor a short stay to consult ni oculist, ' as his eyes hnvo been Htrnlned by constant work. COOUILLE COUPLE E m I j R. H. Mast and Miss Norma o..M..-: nnii:..n i nillllJJb ouiJiui: numuvua Left Here on Elder (Special to Tho Tlmos.) COQIIIM.i:, Or., Nov. 21. K. H. MnM, cashier of tho ''armors' and MerehnntB' Iftmk, this morning rb. colvnd a tologrnin from Kuroka an nouncing tho mnrrlago of his son, It. H. Mast, Jr., nnd Miss Norimi Phillips, nlso of Couiillln. nt I'urokr, todn). Tho now enmo n an nb30 Into surprise to tho families or both. Mr. Mast, Jr., wont to Mnrshflold yestordny on business, and Miss til llll.. .... r.fiw t 1.1,1 nnn.l livrt I IWfllia num uiu) n urn ,,"" "i i IDS R A to Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. Unities, of wore Mrs. Hthel Ferguson and her Co'iulllo, who woro going to sail for son. Harold, eight yoars old, of Win Kuroka on tho Hldor. No ono sui-fillon, Calif. Oil from tho fuel tanks poctod anything until tho meiaugo of tho smashed ship coated tho sen camo this morning. Thore was no objection to tho match, oxcopt tho youthfulno&s of tho couplo. Mr, Mast Is nineteen ears old nnd his brldo seentoen. Thoy had not spoken to their fclks r bout nny plans along tho mirrlmon lal lines. Thoy will return on tho Geo. W. Elder, duo In Marahfleld Thursday, and will probably arrlvo homo In time to tako Thanksgiving dinner with their parents. Mr. Mast will resumo his position In the hank bore. Ills brldo ciyno to Cofiulllo from" near Forest Grove about oighteon months ago and In a charming young woman. -4i A.MIMHC'AX VIOTI.M OF I t OF IH'ltOI'HAX AVAR I! tnr Aw;Ut4 pt lo (.( nx nm.j i LONDON, Nov. 2L Tho first j gniduato of an American college to he a victim of tho war Is j Lieut. George Williamson, who belonged to the Duke of Welling ton's regiment. He died kfroni wounds. He graduated from Harvard In 1903. I I IlulliU Home. Joscdi has just move I ItHo the new bou.pnM on U)e ,j(jut (Ioow , whlc'i ho has bol't 'or li'inself nlou l0 Hanalei about flvo yoars First Addition, Steamer Hanafei Goes to Pieces on Duxbury Reef, Off San Francisco 1 FORTY-THREE SURVIVE AND 15 BODIES FOUND Revenue Cutter McCulloch Aids in Rescue Lifesavers' Boat is Svvanpcd Itlr MOfltrJ Vmt to Tool Oar Tlnim, SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 24. With only three persons un aCCOUntcd for Of tllC 62 Cast ItllO tllC SCa WllCII the WrCCKCd steamer Hanalei broke up on DliXburV Reef this momilin. tllQ ... . f . . . . ?' . list of dead and missing stood: Rescued, 41. Perished, 18. Missing, 3. This does not three life savers include the from Fort Point, who are still missinn. "Am bringing in seven more dead," read a wireless mes sage today from the United States Naval tug Iroquois,, which, with other vsssels, has been assisting in the work of rescuing passengers and the crew from the wrecked steam er Hanalei. ' ' Mr AhocUIM 1'ttn (o Cooi Ilr Tlmn.) 110LINAB, Cnl., Nov. 21. Forty, thrco Biirvlvors nnd fifteen dend from tho wrecked coasting steamer liana lot, which went nshoro yosterdny on Duxbury roof, nlno miles north of San Francisco, woro accounted for at noon today. Oft those, thirty worn towed UBlioro by tho llfo linos, others I struggled 'through tho smother of , surf by tholf- own strength, and tlilr- teon woro carried aboard tho revenue icuttor McCulloch. Tho dead aro al so on tho McCulloch. As tho vessel hud sixty-two per miiih aboard all told, tho list of dead and living loft but friur unaccounted for. Theso figure did not Includo flvo men of tho Fort Point Llfo Savins . w'" Hwnmped inSi night Two of these woro known to have ,,, ,,, f , . ( .,,..,. i three aro variously reported as on board tho McCulloch nnd among ( Uioko cast adrift whan tho Ilnnnlot broko up this morning, Tho llnualel broke Into splinters early today af- tor pounding on tho roof for nearly 1 21 Ikourn. Some of tho fragment i were Wfished far enough Inshore to i enable those clinging to them to make a fight for tholr lives. .Many Washed AhIioiv, Tho ordinary apparatus of tho llfo saving station was powerless against i tho dlstnnco, fog and breaking sen. mong thoso washed ashore unaldnd nnd mado the slimy rocks of the bonoh slippery, adding to tho diffi culties of tho rescuers. Clung (o the Hull. When tho vessel broko up a large portion of the hull, with tho spa" protruding from It, wallowed toward tho shoro on the combers, swnrmliiK with human being. When within 300 feet of the shore two bulk struck a submerged rock with a crafch and hooted over, burying tho spar be neath tho waves. All tho persons who had been hanging to tho spar 1 or bits of rigging woro washed off. A fow still clung to the hulk, how ovor. as It' was wronchod from tl.e a rock and continued to drift shore ward. Finally tho wavos throw It so high on tho sand that tho llf savors were able to walk out to It and belli off a handful of half drown-1 od men. A llfo lino wns shot ncrosi another pleeo of wreekago and four men woro roMued. In the mean- i while others were taken from the surf. George Roberts, an uncle of Cap tain Herman IWwards, of tho Alert, was at ono time third assistant on- Ii,i,iiuii nf 41m u,onnt of.ltnnnor Hans- Trewellw ' u,ai Ys wrecnuu on m v n fnrnln rnntt Aflor sniprol voars ... .... i I .!. "..,, agq and JslHlfl im Gra uiarsi yfTP"i"W'T,-'r PRES. WILSON EAVORS U. S. OWNED SHIPS Illy Atmwlatcil I'm to Cooi llr Tlmr.. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Nov. 21. President Wilson does not consider thut enough sMps hnvo taken out Amcrlrtm registry since the begin nl nt? or tho war to Interfere with his lilnn for n government owned tnor rlinnt nmrlno. Ills reports Dhow thnt foreign orders for cotton greatly ex reed tho number of ships available for carrying cargoes. T T President Wilson Fails to Adopt Suggestion of Amer- can Federation of Labor Ml AfKUIt PrrM to foot n Tlmw.l WASHINGTON, I). C, Nov. 21. I'rosldeut Wilson will not adopt tho suggestion of tho Amorfrnn Federa tion of Labor that steps bo taken to hnvo u receiver appointed for tho Col- 1 orndo coal mines which woro involved , In tho strlko with tho purposo of having them operated by tho fodernl government. Tho President wiw In formed by Socrotary of InIior Wil son thnt the solicitor of thnt depart ment had given his opinion thnt there would bo no legal warrant for tho operation of the coal mines by tho government. AT SEE Eastside Places Candidates in Field for Council, Record er and Marshal For tho nomination of candidates - for mnyor, recorder, treasurer for tho three council borthH, n pulillr caucus meeting will bo l,..l tomor- row evening In tho (iimn liulldlng In North Ilaiiil. Tho city oIoqIIou fol - lows on December K. L. J. Klmpsou, the present Incum bent of tho mayor's offlco, bus de clared his Intention of running again nnd so far there havo appealed no candidates In tho field as opposition, although tho Koelallsta will havo a1 mooting on Friday evening to nonil - r.uto tholr party ticket. John II. Grove Is tho present city treasurer and It Is not thought) thnt he will havo opposition, nor will Reoordor Mnybuo, according to the i scarcity of announced oondldatos. There may bo soinu "dark horses," say the North Ileud officials. The city charter provide that nt lowit two men must bo nominated for nny ono offlco nnd so It is probable that several nnmos will bo put on tho tick et to fulfill tho spirit of tho law. Thoro aro threo council bortliB to fill and of tho three men going out Councilman Kern Is the only ono who has announced his intontlon of run nig fpr n seeod time, Couucllmen Pulkonstoln and Hurtle are also clos ing tholr terms of office, COVER! ILL WORK MS DM Hit MEN COCU TNG uT7v vmuveuMivl' Arkansas d portions of hi:. MW -Oir.CII.MAN. Qk,ahmim.d Loulsanvodayojock- HASMl'SHHX Nola Rasinjiaten., wUotw,juj oloeted meeting. Mr. ItMinuHHon wbh for- morly a member of the council und knows the business from a to z. Handon World Tho Hanalei was a steam eohoonor of COO gross tonnage nnd with a length of 171 foot. She was built In Alameda In l'JOl and had a car rying cnpali of 28 passengers. MID-Wi:i:iv (ANDY KALIJ. TAF FY AND IMIWIT Illll'ITM-:, l.V ) 20c A Ul A'V lA'NI'H,' .0J8 HMim hbV. w. ,uW, u.p.1... L,,, ,t ,H ,)0lo01, tll0 KrolltoBt by tho Council to III Uto vnoancy ln'u . f)r xce.,t ftr0)in,, ,U. tho oast ward, ilatod ho would accept ," "nL ?i ovoT and would (uallfy before. UiQ "oxtt ' l Petrograd Reports That Great Battle in Russian Poland Has Turned in Their Favor, But Give No Details as to How 1 Important Change is and What Effect it Will Have CLAIM KAISER'S FORCES IN RETREAT BETWEEN WARTA AND VISTULA RIVERS REINFORCED German Statement Rather Corroborates Russian Claim But Bomb Dropping at Warsaw Causes Belief That Kaiser Has Resumed Offensive There ' (lly Associated Press to Tho Coos liny Times.) LONDON-, Nov, 24, If tho official reports of the Russians aro correct, tho tido of the great battle in Poland lias turned in their favor, How important tho change is, and to what extent it will influence tho future operations is noi appaiunt, Tho Russian official announcement stated that between tho Warta and Vistula Rivers tho Germans woro in retreat, Tho German statement says tho arrival of Russian reinforcomonts had postponed the decision, but gavo no hint of a retreat, An f.lrship attack on Warsaw today seems to indicaio mo Uor mans aro attempting to resume tho offensive, In the- war with Turkey, Russia also claims tho advantago, Petrograd says the Russian forces recently routed in tho Cau casus Mountains havo rosumed tho advance on Erzorum, It hlso states that tho Tuiks were- defoated in Northern Persia, In tho wost, tho opposing armies still hold tho positions which tlioy havo maintained with fow changes for tho last two months, Spirited fighting occured at sevoral points, but ap parently with no results, REPORT CI SUNK OFF (lly Associated Proas to Coon liny Tlmos.) LONDON, Nov, 24, Tho Admiralty announcos that tho Gorman Submarine U-18 was rammod by a British patrolling vessel yostorday and foundorod off tho north coast, of Scot land. Tho British vessol roscuod all but ono of tho submar ine's crow, FRENCH GUM TO GERMANS AO (lly Associated Press to PARIS, Nov, 24, Tho official statement this artornooM said: "Gonorally tho situation shows no important changos, Along tho groator part of tho front tho onomy manifostod ac tivity, nnrilmilnrlv lw nn Inter mittont caniionado, Several in- ;i i .-.. .j j I failtry attaCKS WOrO rOpillSCU, I HOrO aiUtCKS WUIU VUiy vlolotlt ill tllO ArgOllllO rOglOll WllOrO WO galllOd S0I110 tOITltOry p p p , T10r0 js 10thlllA tO rOpOrt botWOOn Ar , M,JU' Ul", 7, ) "'" fc-.,,iitlo ii , f.OIIIIU illlU Ulvwa miiuiiutnio... FIRE RAGES OVER BIG FOREST AREA l - - . ' Arkansas, SOUtllWCStCm Ok- lallOITia ailtl NOrthWCStCm Louisiana Fight Flames Mr AmotIiIM TrMi to Coo ru TlirmJ LITTLH ROCK, Aik., Nov. 21.- Forost flroH today continued tholr do-, struetlvo sweep through tho lumber legions of three states. Thoro was no Indication of chocking tho fires at nny point and reports from towns In Arkansas, southwestern Oklahoma j and northwofltern Louisiana told of' onormous Iossoh through tho burnliiK of standing timber. Thousands of farmers lost tholr fojioos and oit- hillldlnga'. .'It! ' , , , i ' ' ' Rain (lives Relief. j , Ralll thnt bogail fallJllK.iH l"H'1.l1nr In thn naMm, 'rilnnrv fn'nn 0,1 tb great forest flroa In those. X( Freight Tliuixbij. tlotltO from the office of the Coos Ray, Roseburg & Hastorn, doeares that the mall and pwwaiiBor trains will ho run on Thanksgiving hut that the warehouse, will bo closed on that j day. and no frslght will ho handled by the company. mid-m:kk camiv kali taf FV AND l VSI'T llltl'ITLK, 15e 'AND 20c A Lll AT LFAVIS," SUBIRIIE IS COAST OF SCOTLAND Tho Coos Hay Tlniou.J , E Restricted Trading in Bonds for Cash Will he Resumed Next Saturday lur Auotuifrt riM io coo n tidm.i NI-JW YORK, Nov. 21. Tho Now York Stock ICxchango will ro-opon Saturday for restricted donllngs In bonds for cash. The governors so voted this afternoon. RKt'ORT DAMAGK TO HTKAMKH A. M. HLMl'SON Flro In Hold of Coos liny" Vessel " iji20 .'Ikniimgc Ciw FIkIUk1 Flames. " Flro In tho hdld'ttr tho htoartor . ., Q ufc , . x , t ! sjiiitioiii ii iiiiu ciiu ( ut nil" Vwm1ko ft. fl m ,,,,. t0 , lenl. of 2000 am, t:,rontoIIO(, tll0 BhIpinR of tho nar. :"--"' ' " ""."" tho "oW woro tho mo nbors of tho crow . """ K "C8, I'urtlculars havo not roached tha Blmpson Lumber Compuny hero and porhnps notblnjj moro definite will bo known until tho 'arrival of tho A. M. Simpson horo somo timu later. That the flro did no more thaR I200Q of damaga Is taken to mean that tho fire was not very serious to tho ship Itself, desplto tho tact that tho flames did threaten to do- troy tho Simpson us well as ne,gh uorlni; ahfps nlongMrta In JUQ 0K REPULSED ALSO GAINED GROUND NEW YORK STOCK EXGHANG OPE a