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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1914)
MMWillllllliiiiliiiilltllllilinHH mi ljumliiiiiiiiiiii hi irlXSTirsI ,; m '"ffBWWIllwlwilMiiWlMMlMMWMMinriTTIriMllMBManilM '. t"m'" rfJAflf TfllMi. il, Jtrfft lmff t h rlri-tiBtfUlifllfrfM hi t nin.iui i it d.t.t, ijmi JiiiiiJiit.ii. , . . , , , hb i IBiP 1" .,.,.,.. ,., , .,--KELr$ sp Men's aid Boys' Apparel iP Women's Misses9 ApmreT Z. block K&IlSwMM COHN RISSMAN'S ' GARSON-METERS SUITS AMD OVERCOATS KNOX HATS CLUETT, PEABODY SHIRTS COOPER'S UNDERWEAR FOWNES' GLOVES ' ONYX SOCKS COOS BAY TIMES! M. V. 3IALOXEY, l-MHnr mid Pub.' DAN E. 3IALOXEY, News Editor I Orriclul I'npor of CiioH County. (jooi) '1'i.mi-s ahead. AIU'OLE noto or optimism for tlio liumedlnto futiiro of proeporlty In tliu wont In sounded liy thu I.IIIwniil:co railroad, DlsroffnnlliiK Inlk ubout Imnl tlmOe, It has let the contract for tho oxpendlliiro or $13, 000,000 durliiK Co coming four yenrs on electrification of tliu system In tlio mountnln nroii. Immediate prop:r:i tlon for thin worlc la to bo made be tween Harlowtown In Montana anil Aveiy In Idaho. Tlio work lioralilH tho day whon electricity will liavo re placed stuam iih tlio motlvo power on Ainorlcnn railways. ' WITH THE TEA f AND THE TOAST (JOOI) KVHXIXd. I I NntlnuH shoiild adopt u plan of mittllnic illspuloH , . . All j I wnrH nro uxpmtHlvo iiml ery mis- chlevoiiH. Ileiijtuulu Kniuklln. v SMIIdC. When tho day Is drunry That's tho 1 1 mo to smllo With your Inuichtor elmury Dreary hours bogullu. When your hoait Ik iiuIiIuk Slug Instoad of fret; Though your liotiil Is hioakliiK, Twill help you to forgot. .InmoH Wells. 1 An Idea In Home Cihir Hay pwo- I ile'n 1iihiU would Bt awful loiiosoino: 4 i Some Coos Hay peoplu'n minds i nro Ilk a simime thoy give I forth only wlmt : us been sonkad , Into thorn. 4 Ql i:STIOX KOH .1. T. IIAItltlUAX AND IIKMtV SKXCSTACKKX AhKh would you homier do, ent Thunl.'-KUliu- dinner with the (ler-n.-ins In Pirh or pnitukc of " uletlilo o with (' Co ntKs In n.-rllii HAwHr , I THE rUBKIlll BLEND f J CIGARETTES l . I A Highly SI Original Quality H In. accordance with our annual custom we are giving a fine young ranch tur key to everyone who makes a purchase of $15.00 or more. We believe we proved to the public during our recent clearance sale that this store stands almost alone in giving a maximum oi value for the money and we are going to show our appreciation of the immense patronage received during the past 10 days by giving away 9-pound turkeys. MATT It. MAY Western Oregon Representative HAAS HHOTIIERS JtnporferM niitl Wholesale flroccr Marshflold, OrcKon Tel. 304-R. Hob. Myrtlo Anns PARISIAN OLEAXIXO AND DYEIXU WORKS 200 West Market Ave., corner Second Street. j Undor now innnnKomont. Prices j low, and nil work satisfactory, j I.uillcV Hoik u ticelnliy. j Phono 17C-.I. j .1. K. KTEVEXS, I Prop. I -4 CHlMNHi'8 EIRE PLAC128 J. N. BAYLISS Ary Kind of Ilrlck Work nt Prices That Aro Right Anil nil Work (JuririmtctMl Call nt "The Fireside" Johnson HIiIk., 137 Second St. Phono Fronch llanos, fiollor Work i We Can Tho esrvlco of this Hank will holp you. Wo aro always plonsod whon wo can roudor any uorvlco In connection with tho handling of money or tliu transaction of any flunuclnl huslnoss. Wo accept deposits In any amount, olther chocking or Intorost bearing, and a Ha u lo ubsuluto nafoty for all funds entrusted to our caio, uxdhit tdk uxitiji) status ovi:ux.mi:xt supkuvisiox. mm iitidul b; OF COOS BAY Se'ety Deposit Boxes For I? out. MUM i BEWMETT BANK OI.DIWT IIAXK IX COOS COUXTV ICstabllhlied 1880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $115,000 Interna Paid on Timo Depo&lU Officers: J. W. Dennett, President. J. II, PlaniiKiin, VIrpPicttldcnt, It. l- Williams, Caf.lilur. Geo. 1 Winchester, Assit. Cashier. TOBEAT THE BUILDING GAME -:- -:- has been a hobby with us for a good many years and a lot of our customers will tell you whon It comes to Betting good, sound, durablo framing mntorlal at tho right prlco wo know our busi ness. Just toll what you want to build and the amount you want to spend and wo'Il get busy with our poncll aud figure out the bost your uonoy can buy. Try us. , w C. A. Smith Lumber & Mfg. Co. ItlM'AIL DRP.IRT3II3XT CUT TII13 Will, MILL 1 TWO ItV l'SI(J OUR WOOD P110X13 100. 18a HOI TU DUOADWAY LETT US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstracts, thoroughly dependable Imme diate sorvlco, prompt attention to all Interests of our clients. MINIMUM COST I. s. kauFman & CO. - T. L. ADAMS Vi KOX Dealers In NKW AND SECOND-HANI) ROODS. 302 No. Front St. Phono 340-L THE COOS HOTEL Formerly of Mnrshflold WASH IXOTOX a vkxiji: KTADDKX STItKirr XOIITI1 liKXI) C. A. Mctlln, Prop. HeSp You i Wo have Jus: Ntailcil our own delivery mill mi Mill he nhlc to iimlcu Hpcclal deliveries at any time to any place. Wo illil this m hc would ho nhle to ulo " Mjrvlco to outlying districts and mIII ho Kind to call onyoti for your ordciH. Como In mid M.-o us or drop ux a mrd and we will call on you. COOS BAYTIfA, C0PPEE AND SPICE HOU'JE Phono :il-J. (We Save You Money) MMIIIIWIMIITIMIlumillMIIIHIHMi HM m II MMITOWil Abstracts i-ou uci.iAitiii: AiisTitArrs of titm: axi ixfok.matiox AIIOL'T COOS BAY REAL ESTATE, See TITLE GUARANTEE & ABSTRACT CO., Inc. MAISKMFIiai) AND COQllMd-: CITV, ODHCOX ('KXICItA U ACJICXTS, KASTSIIIi: AND .Sj:X(.STACKi:.'.S ADDITION' AtJUXTS I Oil CAXADIAX PACIFIC DAII.ItOAD l,AXDS Ill.'XItV HKX(STACKi:X, MAX.UJKIt IT BGE Seini-weokly Rcrvice Coos ISHi STEAM SAILS l-'ISO.M SAX l-'DAXCISCO TOIJ COOS IJAV Sl'XDAV, XOVKMIIi:U Ul!, AT !J P. M. Equipped with wiroVcss nntl subriarlnc beit Passengers and freight. STEAMSHIP Equipped with wireless and snbinnrino bell. Passonffora and froicdit. SAH.S ro sax nuxcisco riui.u .madsiikiuld SIXDAY, XOVKJIMKIt aa, AT II A. 31. Ran Franeisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building. Coos Bay Agent, C. V. McGkohge, Phono 44. PASSENGERS FRF.IGHT ARROW i -SAIL Snn Francisco Pier No. 2fi, Bvery Wednesday 3 P. M. Coos Ilay Rvory Friday To Portland And Tuewlav To San Frauelsco THOMAS II. JA3U5S, Agent Ocean Dock Phouo iiH. KQUlI'I'JCn WITH WIUELKSS eamsMp. Breakwater ALWAYS OX TIME. SAII FROM RAILIIOAD DOCK, MARSH1 1131.11, DURIMJ 'CUE 3IOXTII OF XOYKMIlElt, 0 Till: 7T1I AT Jl . M- ON TJIF 1ITII AT 7 A. 31.5 OX nil; -MSI' AT I P. M. OX TUP UJ.TII T T.t'D A. 31, TirUKTS OX SALE AT POUTLAXD CITY TICKirr OFPICE tTi AXI) CMK SI REITS, POUTLAXD. -lh0"0a5-J' C II. LAXDEUS, Agent TnflTlTIOI Bay and Snn J?ruiicisco. ST0RAGE Ef FI5031- Portlaud Albers Dock No. 3 livery Saturday lA. M. SInr&hfiald, REDONDO 111 MTH rEMWERS i " "Mi"",,MW . ."."M THIMBU ! PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORS E. Lothard MoClure ATTORNEY AT LAW Practices In nil courts. Itoom J'', FIiiiiukiiii ti Dennett Hunk H. H. Harper HOUSE HUILREH Genornl Repairing and Cnblnot Making, 'he-no 3I0-J. W. T. 7ompkins, D. S. T. (Wcltiiier MctlnMl.i) Kvory known dlsonso trontod vlthout driiKS or surKory. Hooms 1 tnd 2, 237 South Ilromlwny. t'hono 132-L. .Mnrshflold, Or I. M. Wright rhono isn-ii. IIUIM)IX( COXTKACTOU natlmntoa furnlshod on rcauost Dr. H. M. Shaw . ltye, Kar, Xoso -mid Throat. (JhASSHS lTITIJI) DIC. MATTIK II. 8IIAW DHiuihVH of Women mid Children Office Phone 330-j. Unoms 00, 201, 202, Irving Ulock. Benjamin Ostlind coxsi'ltixo kxoixi:i:u and AltCIMTKCT Offices. 200 Irvlnj; Dlock ?hona 103-J or 207-J. Mnralifleld, Orogoi W. G. Chandler AUCIIITUCT ftooms 301 and 302, Coko I)ulldlnn Marshflald, Oregon Wm. S. Turpen AUOIIITKCT Mnrshfleld, Oroson, Mrs. Olivia Edman, M. T. D. dWKDIHII 3IASSAK AND JlIiD ICAL OY3IXASTICS VOU ALL DISKASKS i!37 Commorclal ave. Phono 213-3 ! Joel Ostlind PIAXO TUXICIt AXD IIKPAIRKR LoaTo crdors nt W. It. Haines' Mus- slo Company. 115 S. Sixth Streot. Phono 103-L 'Perl Riley Ballincior I PIAXIST AXD TIJACIIKR (toildonco Studio, 217 No. Third St Phouo 3GS-L. K00NTZ GARAGE Kxeelhlor Motorcycle Agency LEE TIRES AUTO.MOIHLKS STORED iWOS COUXTVS 3IOST C03IPL12TI: I SIACHIMC SHOP i BIAHIN12 AVh AiTi'nrrtmr.iz RI51W1RIXO ASOLIXE FOR SALE VORTH FROXT ST. PHOXB 180-J UATTRIHES REPAIRED AND CHARGED NO SAW EDGES on TOUR COLLARS U you have them laundered at rUIX CITY STEAM LAUNDRY SMITH'S VARIETY STORE, North Bend, for Fancy and Domestic CHINA T. 3. HOAIFK A. 11. HODOIN8 Marshfiefd lA,NT ANI) inniaimuu DCoRATIG CO. Estimates Furnished jThone 80P-J, MarshCeH, OrcjOK, CLOAKS, SUITS, STREET DRESSES AMD EVENING GOWNS INFANTS' SHIRTS ' SHIRT WAISTS SWEATERS HOSIERY, GLOVES CORSETS AND UNDERWEAR HDIBf hy ordcihiK tho fnmoiu nn LL UUHL Mut conl, per ton not Lump Conl, por ton $cm Or, half ton of both fjoo D. Ml'SSO.V, I'rt Phono 18..T, or onlfri U Ilillyer's Ctoir Store 4 I south coos mvL'it iioat j sicitvin: j IjAUxch i:.pitnss leaves MaiNhfloId cicry ibf j 8 a. in. Lcaxrs heart of rlirr ' at 3:13, p. m, j KTLWMKIt ItAIMlOW IleavcN head of rhe'r dill at 7 a. m. Leaves .Mmidiflcld nt 2 p m. I'm chin (er apply nn board, j ItOnKKS .V; SMITH, Proprlotcrs. - AIX'T IT Till 3 TIIUTII. Wq novor hlnmo the tailor bJ our iwnts wo luuo to pin. Wo never blame tho shoo mta whon our solos grow old and thin, Wo nover hlnmo tho 3hattr when our lids wo Iwe to flout, Hut wo always hlsmo tho 1b dry whon our shirts wear out COOS IIAV 8TKA3I lai'XWlV Phono .17-J. MwmwiMMli fW'f MERCHANT'S CAFE Popular place for Good Meals. Drlnnc Roncnnnhlfi. Cor, Commercial & B'oVy ROOFING REPAIRING, CONTRACTING, ROOFING MATERIALS, FELTS AND CEMENT J. L BRICE B. 118. ?Ji AT CAMPBELL'S WOODYAHD North Front Strew, Phone 37- i .w ntfis for Handling Tnrnfc I Wo haul trunks w -J llnMnrshfieldnoddogenerai" I for reasonable rates. ,gB(0. STAR THAXSITU STOTtjlC v i. I'hones nes: J-O'J u mat !! am - - Inn Commutation Ql 0 Tickets $2.00 rrtilleia-North nwd ,t06 fc 1 , 12 p. in.! "' S",,,,, .t W ,ly, leavliiKiit 11 '' 0r three irii Vt9fl. -. OOR8T & KJNOi " (lH HEMRYVIL DRY llOOD ' rzr?