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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1914)
:o HAITTHE ENER(STHrrASTEnR?IN"GWBWO The Reader' "A Silk Purse of TI16 Coos Bay Times la entitled to tho flrM consideration. Wo have a scrvlco to render to him, nn obligation that Is over present with 113. Wo will ;volcomo nny suggestion that ho may havo regarding this service. It I3 our aim to make this n nowspnper which FULLY SATISFIES from a sow's car" is what sonio men expect from tliolr ndvortlsing. Tho sound minded business man, however, knows that his advertising mi'sl bo backed by real salesmanship, honest values and courteous service. And this advertising Is as Important as nny of tho other throe. l I MEMBER OP Tills ASSOCIATED nthss vtaiB mm mmm VOL NO. XXXVIII. FIE AHTILLERY Violent Firing Results in De struction of Cathedral and Market Place in City (VIOLENT FIGHTING IN ARGONNE REGION AGAIN Announce That Allies Repulsed Spirited Attacks mere No Changes in Other Places ror AuoclaM rwi to Coot titf TlmM.l PARIS, Nov. 23. Tho official communication this afternoon says: "yesterday was marked by violent artillery fire. Tho enemy directed. hholr attention nnrtlcularlv in Vnrn. I" . . " .. . '. "--. where tno ueirry, cntiiodrnl, markets nnd ft number or houses wore Bet on flro. In tho Argonno region tho day .was characterized by very hot fight - In Tim olinniV ilnllvnrnil vnro -mI-Ii ing. Tho cnom dcllercdcry spirit- ttl attacks, which wcro repulsed. In (tho Woovro region nnd tho Vosges mountains tho (situation Is unchang ed-" TUKKS AT SUEZ CANAL. nr AiiocUtoJ I'tm to Coot nr Tlmfi. CONSTANTINOPLE, (Ry Wireless to London), Nov. 23. An official Turkish stntomont announcing that tho Turkish troops havo reached tho Suez Canal, says that English officers and many soldlors woro taken prls, oners In tho fighting. Tho troops of tho English cnmol riders and tho Kgyptlnn pollco surrendered. (Dr Awoltta4 1'rtM to Coot Dtr TlffM. LONDON, Nov. 23. Oormnny ac- Kounts tho bnttlo of Ilusslan Polnud iron.t.. ...... n...i i.. i-. ..i.. ,.,.ii -......, nun .lll.t in iiiiuiiiij tnilllllll- ' tho effect upon futuro ml Itarv onorntimiB tiia nnrmnn ..nnnri ' tsff announced todny that tho do-i j.1.1... I .a 1.....I ...t.i. ii. , nIUIl IB Ilk I1UUII, Willi I'UIUUUUIIB ; everywhoro fnvornblo. in Jiorlln It Is said tho outcome- of tho main linttln with tlm Htm. I ilans may docldo not only that phnso of tho mnny-sldod war. hut ' vho wholo Europenn struggle. It Is pointed out that n decisive triumph . tho east would froo part of tho i iGcrtnnn army to assist tho forces Ifaclng tho Ilrltlsh, French nnd Uel-, telans. IttiHsIn admits tho (ioniums won partial successes, but thoro Is noth- Vng to show n coutluuod Oormnu , SilvnilCO to Wnrsnw Is Influencing ho camnnlgn to tho north In East 4'rucsln, or to tho south noar Cra-, ow In tho west, fighting In Ilelglum uroKon out with ronowed foroclty t Ypros, with nrtlllory playing a am part. Loudon suggests this ay be tho nroludo to anothor dor- nan attempt to plerco tho lino, Tho Turks nro Bald to havo roach-j 'd(th,0 ?,M0P?!l.n nIt,,r lvIiiB d- -.. I iiiu iliuiuu lUHUB IIUl I.TII Hta8 and Toatobo and In tho vlcln- tV lt Pnrt R.i 111 I Tim n.muY. -...- 1 n nnn In? and KrJ ,,h hark" iiS,P o I Hina nnil Jronch bark Union, wore; unit off tho South American coast I the At antic Ocean by a (Jorinnu converted cruiser, tho Kronprlnzi Wlhelm. , 1 iELLS PAPERS TO F llss Pearl Watkins and Mem-, OerS Of TrOUpe Raise Money I in Am stnrwinn Ponn r Tho following from tho Telosraph t Harrlsburg, Pa., will bo of In- orest here, ns tho Miss Hamilton referred to Is tho stago namo of Mlbs Pearl Watkins. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Watkins, of MarshfloJd: Last ovonlng tho actors nnd not- resses of Keith's Orpheum Thoater l'cd with e,ach ptjior In tho streets "f tho business section of tho city seliin IT ""V"" "l " u "' I S'k? Jejecfrapbs for tho benefit' - miu ueigiuro, rpiioi tuna. After tho nennles. nlokols and ! l'o dollars ha,d been counted, it was ound that tho company had oarnod ine tidy sum of ?47.00 from tho wlo of TolographB. They nil did 'l. but tho laurels went to Miss "amilton, who turned In moro than (6 as her slinrn This will pay tho board bill for several months of somo hungry soul " far-off rtalirlum Thio ninnnv. 'lth all other collected by tho Tol sraph, is forwarded to tho Philadel phia conimtUen that Is ovon now I oadlng a second ship to bo'hurrled "r the, which la expected 0 weigh anchor and sail out onto be broad Atlantic this afternoon. .' e REPOR BEGUN Established 1878 nw Tho Toast Mnll. T EEHMAHS RFR FW FIGHT NEAR YPRES IS SCENE OF REVOLT Several Killed by Guards After Mutiny of Alien Prisoners Who Are Detained There inr AMoclitoJ Pm to Coo Hay Timet,) LONDON', Nov. 23. Within Groat Hrltaln'a own bordors. tho nrlnplnni attention was turned todav to n ann- ..i .- .. .1 OWL.,,... 111 U1U nilCIl COnCCIUra- tlon camp on tho Isle of Man, In which soveral German prisoners woro killed. In a bodv tho Interned nllnni1 , nmdo n concentrated attack 0.1 their i . . guards, who seem not only to havo suppressed a mutiny duo to dlscon-, lent with food and qunrtcrs, but to havo actually ropollcd a dosporato at-1 tempt to escape. ENGLISH PREPARE TO MEET GERMANS "Christmas Dinner in Eng land" Slogan of German Troops. ' tnr AuocUM I'm to Coot ru Ttmtt.1 LONDON, Nov. 23. Itemarkable riimoni aro circulating In London concerning tho means tho (lonnniiH exnect. to tiso In ToachltiR lnglnnd. - - - ,.,. -.-,.... .,. u"nn "" '"" "f"i "l Strait of Uovor, miuiMirino irnnsporiA , capable of landing largo detachments' nf nnlilfnru fin flin l?lllf 1 Ihm rnnHt. nnil .-.- ......-.. .-- ...... otibmarlno forts along tho llolglan , const aro among mo mygiorious nu- vices gossips accredit uorninny as' having In vosorvo. Tho activity of tho flormniiB In pro- pnrlng fortlflcntloiiB of noma sort nt zcoiirugge, on tno iioigmu const norm of Ostond and not far from tltu : mouth of tho Scheldt, has glvon rise , to many alarming storlos. Ono la that caissons aro being sunk from i which tho Oormnns will bo nblo to fire torpedoos. Thoso caissons aro nunnoscd to bo permanent nnd of such rlinmctnr Hint thev can nlso lin used in mnconi dliuiiituinrliii! lmiiib which can In nn omorgoncy be relsed for use alinvn tho wntor. "Christiana dlunor In London" la tho Intost slogan of tho (lornmn troops along tho llolglan const. Of ficers nnd men havo constantly circu lated tho report that they Intend to f,e,ng ,mvo 8H,i mt0 n,,0,lt ,,o8slblo! invasion, thoro has beon no lack of! .. .! ,. mm..,, !,,, i,l,.i.,.l.ta ... ' .. t n ...1.1..1. ...1..1.. "' ""' "'v" u "" nuinii iihhii- mnnngo to cross tho twonty mllos of ior "otwut, 1)ovor n," clal', ' ,..,,ii. nnrnuinnu .....i .hhiHi.w , "",' ' ,,, ,', ti, n ""..VI r,V.f ".u". "."'.' "... f '"'" , umi iin m m iii'urilliiliMiB, .uiiiint in 11 iiuuiuiij placed nnd nny Inudlug In Euglnnd would doubtless lie made nt torrllilc cost, If such a landing be possible, and onco lauded an ouemy would find , coast nrtlllory and ovory posslblo sort I of obstruction stnudliig betweon tho suaconst nnd London. Wire entangle ments nnd broastworks of sandbags j bar all paths loading from possible landing places to tho tops of tho I chalky cliffs which surround tho Is land. Trenches for rlflemon and field 'lfl,yo-.!!n.Au5-'" 8trn,08,c Hundreds of thousands of young aumiom m uoii kivhik prucuciu 1 lessons iu digging outronchmonts from ono ond of England to toe othor. And tho work has all ueen diroctod by military oxperis who saw to It that earthworks were erected oroctod was posslblo thoy might bo useful In easo gome groat disaster should befall tho English navy. HA.VDO.V POHT CASK. Tho Port of Dandon oase will be hoard by tho Supromo Court nt Sa- lorn on Monday, November 30. Tho ,nvoIvod Js th0 MmM ot tn0 Port, the state claiming that the re quirements of the law were not com piled with in IU organisation, while the commissioners tako tho oposlte ground. Coqiillle Sentinel. WKIttAXD AXD COPPKRI'IELD. Wm. Wolgand, of Copporfleld, Or- oiron. has beon In Dandon the nasi week looking after property Interests 1 which ho holds Jiere. Mr. Welgand was one of the members of the city council of Copperfleld nt tho time Governor West closed the saloons of that place with tho aid 0 the mill-'w ilM.-r.. .-a ....... ...... .u. camp near nahcr, uui u now pr..c.i tallj depopulated Uaud.u orld. ISLE OF II MARSHFIELD, OREGON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER Atoerlcainis Today NO SOCIETY WHITE HOUSE THIS WINTER inr AMotUtfel rrni to Cooa I)r Tlmra. WASHINGTON, 1). C, Nov. 23. President Wilson will Iravo hero at midnight tomorrow for Wllllnmstown, Mass., to visit his daughter, Mrs. Francis I). Sayro. Ho will remain nv.,r TI1n.11.1.7lvl111r 1nnv.i..7 for W.l.. Ington Friday night. Miss Margar- et Wilson will accompany him. Formal announcomont was made 1 "t tho atnto receptions and dinners "l l" 11110 UUIIHO UUriUg UIO win tor will bo abandoned because 0f t:io death ot Mrs. Wilson. " AMERICAN RELIEF SHIP li BELGIUM i Cargo of Foodstuffs Sent by Kockefeiicr Commission Reaches Rotterdam Dr AuorUttJ rmi 10 Com T)t TIbim. ROTTERDAM, Nov. 23. A cargo of provisions for tho deslltuto of Del glum, sont by tho llockofellor foun dation on tho steamer Mnssnpoqun, was unloaded horo today nnd Ib now! on Its wny to Ilolgltiin. Stevedores , fought for tho coveted prlvllego of uoipmg unload, which enmea wun it ll,..l,l,i,. o V.1 IM... j- .". nwui.n ,,,... K ..- ur ox me Ainuriciiii t. oniniission." If, , yinnnn Ronnrfc Qorwinnc Of VlCliricl ntpui lb OU Vldllb Ul fering Greater Resistance Elements Against Them (Mr Am Utftl I'rrM lo (o IUr TIniM. VIENNA, Nov. 23. Offlolnl Infor nintlon today says tho Aiistrlaus lira again meeting resistance tn Sorvln, lint Htrnni? dnlnfliiiiniils of AiiHtrlnn forcoH 1I1V0 oroaBod tho rivor Kolu- harn. Floods and soft ground on tho level, with snow In tho mountains, greatly hlndorod oporntlous. M'ltKC'K OFF NEW YOltlC. Four Masted Krhnoiii'r fines Aground In Heavy Sen. lllr AiMHllo4 l'rM l ('mm lr Tlmr. NEW YOItlv. Nov. 23. A four- in hi mi ..iinniior iminii wiih liiiuiirir BA WEATHER VI m wnnt inhnro narlv tlilx mnrnlilL' lump ,onll" ,0 ,tmvo t dty to bo Hacked. wont ashoro onrlj this innrnliu, near, JllHl wmt wn3 tJJJ ,.,, )f clir. .Shlnnocock llghthouso. Long Island. nmzn (li ot .ilsclosod. (lonnnil Obrn The vowiol npponroil to bo breaking von ordorod Illnnco to accompany up In tho heavy seas. She was about , "" ro" tho city, but tho latter do n n.mrlnr nf 11 mlln frn.11 slioro. I.lf. I c'lnol "'' 'll8 Blltiorlor offlcor. savors sought to 1 00110 tho crew. IIOOST COOS HAY. Coos Hay products nro being boom ed by the Marshfleld Chamber of Commerce. Coqulllo peoplo will lota nothing by buying Coos liny soap and Coos Day mattresses. Support homo IndustrloB. Coqulllo Sentinel. HAHHFOOTKI) HACK DOWN CUXTILMj AVE. Challci.s Noble nnil Hlchaid Itelir Do Marathon Littler Wins Dollar, In, tho drizzling rain nnd with tho ttroot a series of puddles Chmles Noblo and Itlohard Hohr ran a hare footed race from tho corner of Front and Central nvenuo three blocks to tho oorner of Third stroet. Noble fallod to finish and Ilolir was doelured tho wlnnor by It. A. McGeorgo, who aetod as Judge of tho race, nnd tho crowd cbeerd tho winner, who came splashing back through the water. Honets nf individual prowess lort Into an argument and Noblo then of- lrod to run Iiehr to North Bend, but . tWs tho lattor declined on tho ground 1 that ho would "get splinters In his ( foot." Tho threo block daah down. Central avonue waa thou arrangod, I t. l as 11.0 purse ror the winner ":":"-"-'-"-V" ":""," r. -...., ..,.....u .,.... the dash. Vacat After e era:L SeeB M Forces That Occupied Mexican Coast Port During Insiir . rection Sail for Home MANY MEXICANS ARE LEAVING WITH THEM Plot of Carranza Forces to Al low Mexico City to be Sack ed Thwarted by Bianco A M j PEACEFUL. nr Auocltt I'm la C001 nr Tltnw 1 VERA CRUZ, Nov. 23. Tho Amcrlrau forces of occupation I evacuated Vera Cruz today with I out disorder. As tho Americans I withdrew tho Mexican CoiiBtltu I tlonnllsts took possession of tho I city. There viiu little outhusl- asm, little excitement nnd no I I I trnublo of nny Kind. J . tnr AuorLtcd I'rrn to Cool Ilajr Tlmm, VERA CRU55, Nov. 23. Tho Am erican forces of occupation undor 5 Gonornl Funston, nftorn stay In Von of soven mouths, bognu embark- lay on tho Htenmshlps which will return them to tho Unltod Stntos. ... .., Tho outposts began failing i,ackat 'Aviators Claim Bombs Dropped 0 o'clock thlB morning nnd two hours' by Them Did ScriOUS Dam- later tho first American soldiers woro going ovor tho sldos of the waiting transports. Tho American nrmy of ficials nro taking with tliom tho'mon eys collected for custoniB and othor fcourcos of rovonuo. Thoso ultimately will go to sonio Mexican government NNnIcl tho United Stntea deems proper to recolvo them. Tho American qunrtormastor do- pnrtmeutnrrnngcil to tnko away from Vera Cruz something Mko 300 Moxl-' cans who did not enro to bo In tho city when tholr countrymen ngaln ' came Into possession. Tho city la nulpt but tho Inhnhl tauta aro norvous concerning the final outcomo or tho transfer of nuthorl - ty. All saloons romuluod closed on ordera of FuiiBton nnd mnnycominor-! rial ustalillshmoiitB decided not tn I open tholr doorH. Flvo Amorlomi wnrshlps now In .Mexican waters will iomnlu Indoflnltoly to protect Amerl j cans and meet nny omorgoncy. IlLANCO SAVUS CITY. Mcxlcuii loudci' ItofiiMtl to Allow a :K;i to Suck Cnplliil. inr AuoelatM I'rf" to '.'uoi Ilr TlmM. WASHINdTON, I). C, Nov. 23 Plans for tho olovouth hour nlmndoii mout of Mexico City to the Zapata fiiitoi. '.voro friistrntod today by.Oeu oral Lucloii Illaco, according to re ports today to tho (J. S. State Do pnrtmnut, Cenornl Cnrrunzn ordored tho capital evacuated Friday so that tho Zapata forces could outer, at tho namo time tenilng up tho railroads north of .Mexico City to dolny Uh,, Villa troops. Tho reports sponk or l',preinodltuod ntrocltlos" nnd tho In Obregon loft after a serious argument with Illnnco, who tlinn took full com mand and began to police thu dty and appoint municipal onlcors who ar ranged for protection against dis orders. (iER.MA.NS EXPECT VICTORY tnr AMixiti.! rnu to coo iu 1 lUjr Tlmra.) I nERLIN, Nov. 23. (Wlroloss to Snyvlllo, L. I.) Army head quarters, reforrlng to tho Im portant operations in Polnud, now Hearing a duels I vo oiitoorno, announced today It considered ithe situation everywhere favor able. I AMERICANS' PHOTO I OX Til Kill PASSPORTS j Dr nNiiiii rrr to Coot nr tioim.j I LONDON, Nov. 23. The Am I orloan ombassy announced that I horoaftor Aiuorlcan passports I must hour the phnlographa or j tho persons to whom Issued, In I accordance with a roeunt order of I tho State Dupartmout. I ARKANSAS I'OIIKST j 1'IltlCS ARE WORSE j . (llr AwUtf4 I'tnm lo 'Vol Hir TluiM.l I LITTLE ROCK, Ark.. Nov. 28. j All railroad trains In this seo I tlon of the stale aro running un der "slow ordors" today to pro- I vent accidents In tho black pall I I 01 smoKo iron, scoros or forest fires. Fires near Hot Springs were reported almost hourly today. 23, 1914 EVENING EDITION. FMl CHILE WILL END GERMAN NAVAL PLANS inr AiuorUttJ l'rrn to Cooa Dr TlnVi.l LIMA, Peru. Nov. 23. It wna do dared her today on supposed good authority that tho Gununns uro main taining a nnvnl Btutlon outstdo Val paraiso, Chile, whoro they havo brought Jbgothor a number of ves sels having on board coal and provi sions. Tho Chtlcnu import! gay tho government Is determined to stop tlii'so breaches of neutrality ovwi at tho cost of war. T age to Airship Factory tnr Amot Utrl Vrtf to Coot !lr Tlinwi.) LONDON, Nov. 23. It was an nounced officially this afternoon that tho Ilrltlsh aviators who on Saturday raided Frledrlchhnfvn report nosltlvo- ly that nil tho bombs thrown by thorn renehod their ohjectlvo and serious (huungo was done to tho Zeppelin "lrl factory T 1 . ' British Naval PrlZO CoUft Re- leases Shipment From New York to Rotterdam ' llr AnofttlM I'rt. to Cooa ntr Tlmw.) LONDON, Nov. 23.Tlio IlrltlHh naval prize court today ordered the roleaso of a cargo nf wheat cotiHlguod tn Itottordnm by Mlur & Co. of Now York, Tho shipment was solxcd on tho Ilrltlsh Hhlp Mlrmulehl just after tho outbreak of hostilities. Tho court hold that ns tho cargo left tho Amer ican port before war wiih declared nnd nt tho time of tho solzuro hnd not passed to tho buyers It still wiih tho property of tho Amwrlcun claimants nnd not liable to solzuru. M.UtltlAUE LK'KXHKS ISHUIfl). The following Is nn uiiusiinlly IiIk bntcii or vlctlma ror Dan Cupid lo re-, port In 0110 wook In Cooa coiinty; but threo or tliom nro old rases whleh wrro overlooked in transcribing In tho bent or tho rnmpalgu: Lniiioiico J, Jiistou nnil Flota IJ. Connor. John Ernst OI11011 mid Johanna Kotorlnu Petronelln, Harry II. Edwards and Amy Footn. (leorgo Alcorn and Annlo J. Outtor. Carl Noovlus and Alll Kurt. Ceo. li. Smith and Erra Anna Wil cox. John It. Martin mid Violet Moauji. Chnrlos L. Valuntlua mid Norn Oli ver. Ralph C. DavU and Oraeo M. Hoi lonbaoh. Osoar Hybniiuer and Eva Lyddl Knluen. Coqulllo Sontlnel. RANDOX HOTEL DORMANT, At a mooting of tho dlroctors of thu new Hotel (Jalllor company It wns decided to pnstpouo ull plana for further action Iu regard to building until next spring, it Is considered unwise to attempt tlu undertaking nt this tlmo. Now offlcors woro ol oatod: Stove (Jalllor, president ; T. P. Ilanly, vice prosJdout and (loo. P. Laird, bcoreJary-troasurer. Ilaiidou World. FIJEXEY IS ILL. AUorney F. J. Foanoy has boon on the sick list for tht pat few wuoka but was able to attend circuit court u short while last week. Mr. Foonoy caught a severe cold while In the taut mid hut.'hiMiu aufforJiig from thu la grippe more or lute aluco. Handon World. Mrs. J. Albert sintjjou undprwonl mid Vih.; ar.ernoon was reported to ! be sotting along nicely. j BRITISH ZEPPELI PLAN D DFWHEA OR RELEASED A Consolidation of Tiroes, Const Mall nnrt Coon liny Adrorttoor GERMANS T ERE US 1111 11 1 1 11 11 n mil vvintLtuDuiHiiur li HIE ITCHED Fabbri Brothers, of New York Society, Suspected of Aid ing the Germans tnr Atoclit.l Trent to Coot nr Tlmw.l NEW YOI11C, Nov. 23. United Slntca secret service agontn today uro endeavoring to learn If tho neutrality of tho United States has noon violated by tho Bonding or wlrolcBH messages from n station under surveillance In Ilnr Harbor, Mnlno, to (lonuany, or Herman war vessels In tho Atlantic. Tho sta tion under surveillance Is said to bu tho private plant of Ernesto (I. and Alonsandro Fabbrl, brothors. who aro prominent In Now York so ciety. Thoy aro sons of tho lito Ernesto Fnbbrl, who- was a partner of J, P. Morgan. Mrs. Ernesto D. Fnbbrl Is a grnnd-dnughter of tho lato William II. VnndorbMt. Al though tho Fnbbrla are of Italian origin, Allcssnudro Fnbbrl Ib jiiM to bo pronouncedly pro-tlermnn In sympathies. ROCKEFELLER TO DISMISS CHARGES Claims Wronn Clerk Drew Jtirv'H,n" i,ort on ,no n,l,clt 8oa A" OIUIIIIO VyiUliy U Lll UILV JUiy ,. lerrllnrv linluonn II. n TxtrVn,. Panel Which Indicted Him in New Haven Case tHr AiiorUltJ rrt iu Coot llj TlmM. NEW YOIIK, Nov. 23. William i Rockefeller, tho standard nil million aire, petitioned tho federal court to dismiss tho ludlctmoiit charging him mid twonty othor former New Haven directors with criminal violation of tho Sherman law, Tho clerk who drew tho grand jury pano), Rocke feller chnrgus, Is n resident of New .lorsuy, which Is not Iu this Federal DlstrUt. V. S. WILL NOT INTKItFKHi:. Loiiiih (o Waning .Nations Aro Pit vnlo TrniiHactloiw. WASHINdTON, I). C. Nov. 21 Viewing credit lomiH to bolllgoreiil uountrles as prlvnto transaetlons, thu Washlugtou ndiuliilstrntlnii will not attempt to intnrposo It 11 Influoiicn ugaliiHt transactions on tho part or Amerlinn hankers. This was lea mod on tho highest nuthorlty after It beeamu known that (leriunu riuanctara woro coiitomphit lug tho ostabllshment of n credit loan this uoiiiitry similar to tho $10.- uoo.OOO credit fund negotiated by tho National City Hank ,,f Now York nnd olhor banks for tho Frunoh gov-i niorco Iu contraband. The burden eminent. j rests In such cases on tho belligerents Tho decision of tho Washington ml-' "Mooted, who ran soUo contraband, ministration may lead to tho pur- f Including cargoes of gold, 0n tho high cIiubo Iu tho (lulled HtiitoH or nljout ueaa If destined to helllgoreiit porta $r.0,000,000 worth ot supplies by1 Under whut Is known as credit Russia nnd mi equal, If not greater loans thoro Is no Intention, It Is tin amount by Uurmany. Details of tho derstqod, to oxpnrt gold rrom tho oxpeotod transaction uro lacking hero j United States. Largo funds will bu High ofRclnls of the Washington , established by tho belligerent cotin administration Insist that President j Hlos with their financial agents horo, Wilson has not changed his vlow, nn-1 who will pay tho bills of European uouncod ut the outbreak of tho war, ' nations to American dealers In mu that thu loaning of money to bolllg-1 nltlona of war und supplies. Tho oreuta wnud be "Inooiislstunt with bankera will bo given short tlmo tho truo spirit of American noutrnll- notes by thu belligerent governments ty.' A dlstluotloii was drawn by of- with it much hotter mto of Interest, flfllnls, however, betweon tho loans it is snhl, than ordinarily could bo referred to nt that tlmo such as . obtained. In roturn for thoso con bond IssiioB offered for public salo ' sldorntlous Europenn governments and credit tranwtctlons Intended as! n checking account ngnlnst thu chain by holllgoronts of rood stuffs and supplies from Amorlcnn firms. No Imw Agiilnst II. Tho Prosldont realltea that thU government has 110 legal right to op poso loans of any character, nor Is there any obligation of International law rorblddlug thoni. During tliiij Clara 11. VhcolQr"VB.ty 8" Wlioel-Ruo-Jupaneo war loans wuro flout- er. Suit for dlvofco. "' od for Japan In the Unjtod Statue 11. O. Shull va.TVlllott & Uurr, a through nubile bond laeues. Tho foreign corporation. President Jh understood, however, to bo opposod to that form of loan as liable to stir un ill feeling and pre judice. Officials have unanimously decided to refrain from discussing tho subject of loans, as tho position of the gov-1 eminent In tho circumstances lu em- iHtrrasslng. When J. P. Morgan & Company asked the opinion of the' State Department soveral months ago! tta ! whrthw ,"" , alnl.tnitlo,, . would appro e of a kau to France. I No. 105 T V t 1 Kaiser's Military Staff Claims Success in Poland is Assur edPlan for Future ENGLISH VIEW OF WAR DEVELOPMENTS Turks Claim to Have Defeated English Forces in Egypt and Have Reached Suez Canal tn AmoiIMM Pitm to Cooa nr TlmM.J IIERLIN, Nov. 23. (WlrolcsB.) Tho official rommuntcatlmt today says: '-Fighting continues at Nlou port and Ypres. A smnlt Ilrltlsh squadron twlco approached tho coast but was driven off by our nrtlllory. Tho Ilrltlsh naval guns had no I effect. In tho forest of Argonno wo nro gnliilug ground, ono trench after another, and n number of prisoners are being taken dally. A violent roconnolterlng cxpodltlon ngnlnst 0111" position onst or tho Mosollo River wno inhdu Inoffoetlvo by our couutoi nttiifK, "In East l'russln tho situation Is unohniigod. In Polnud tho nppoar anco or Husslaii relnforcomonts Is postponing tho decisive bnttlo. In tho region of Czonstochown nnd to tho northeast of Cracow, tho Aus trn(lerinaii offensive was maintain ed." TUItKH CltOWl) KUHSIANH lleillu KeportK Tlieiu CloHlng In 011 (Viii'n lltack Ken Pint llr AiMfl.lM ITfil to Coot nr Tlm.J I UEHL1N, Nov. 23. (Wlroloss.) ! Offlolnl reportH from Constnutlnoplo ton or tno continued HUccosaful Tur- klsli ndvmico upon llatuin. a litis- tho territory betweon tho Turko ItiiBrilan border mid tho Hlvor Chtirsk Ib In Turkish hands. Thu TurkH hnvo captured Aotwln. SHIP .MANY TUHKEYH. I UOSEIlUItO, Or., Nov. 23. I Ooorgo KohUmgon announced j Hint ho would ship between 2000 I mid 3000 turkeys to tho Ban I Francisco and Portland markets. I .Many birds woro brought here, I nil of which woro purchased I readily by local dealers. Tho I" birds aro of excellent quality this I year, according to .Mr. Kohlhag I nn. Tho top price was 17 l-3o I per pound. tho Wushliigtou government expres sed Itself against It. Hankers, how over, nro not obliged to nsk thu nil vlto of tho Washington administra tion and thoy nro Just ns much nt liberty to engage In credit loans ns American ammunition flrnm or horse ' li'"lora aro permitted to send niuiil- lions of war nnd horses to belligerent uuiiles. Iluiili'ii 011 llelllgfivulN. The American government Is under " obligation to prevent their com- will agree to spend Inrgo sums of IT 111 WILL CHWE.M! pur-'nionoy In the United Btntos for aup.' piles, I HI COURT CAKES llEfiUXj" '" , 'K 1 'I 'III . 0 following Hlllfs4 nt law h'aW filed lu tho OircuU't'ourt'dufliii1 ;iast week: " ' "A tho past J. O. Stomnilor vs. K, L. Nlles. A suit to quiet title, , "' McPhurson (llnsor Co. va, Joseph Conch. MoPherson Glnscr Co. vs, Arthur Coach, Robert McCnnn vb. Henry Holm, Curl L. Albrecht and L. W. Travpr. Charles Harney Co. vb. nando'n Woolen Mills. !' A. McNubh vs. Mrs, Ilelle S, Long and T. 8. Hoggs, tlnol. -CoqulUe Son- t. fl i i , HI JWI - tf.TTH TTTIT' mmm !si1 rjiTiTwiS