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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1914)
""Tmfis "sTtPrwipwR-"' '-? l I IL-UUUO- Urt I I IIIIUOj Itmiioi II IkuU) uiiuuuii) ;-; y v: nvr ' -3 -,---,- ,-fff The TRAL AVENU OOSTER 't ' . 1 !. CKXTHAI, AYKXCK, Fill DAY, XOYKMHKIt 1:5, JIM VOL. 1. 351 Cen i . . 15 : It - h r ! '( I ! Order Gdk TSuis Way Ml! CKXTHAI, AVKXl'i: HOOSTKK is this miiki,? K. I,. II., by It f M CKXTHAI, AYKXt'K SAVIXCJS AT ONi: FKI,I, SWOOP The mistakes of others would' he more amusing ir you hail nono your own to answer for. ' ' flRnPR RY TFrFPHnWP rl .,. ......... , ,i ' .,....... J $ nnuwwwill cienver anyiimigi anywuoic, any time, tuning busing HOUI'S' and at no cxtttr cost, ' -.y' " ' ' . MAIL YOUR ORDERS and wo will deliver free, SEND YOUR ORDERS and wo will troat your child or messenger as courteously as wo Would yourself, '"4 ' V, nnllln tnlin nnnr-nn ;, bmiiu iuuh unuttia i 'Ik , and c '$111 give you a diua sloio soivice satisfactory to the fullest degree, PtiblMiecl Kvei.v Friday In (lie lnlcr- (Dedicated to t"lM 111 mi 1111,1 III H-flL'llll 411111 f .. . Central Au'iiue In Particular, mend, u. Jv.) A lot of doctorri votoil dry. Subscription Price. Your Rood will. Although I hoy llko lliolr nip, and membership In the Hnoster Club, iwnn.n tlim- fw mm i,ni.ioK ::::.---. - ' Nn.itt a mbhw ..nni nn. ir i,H,t,, f0lt "" lmh ovor' rtW One Street One Flag? One Country. jAn.1 bo. though folks nni healthy. ' lll-wuf 'rM,, "!?1;" . . . .and Ono Wlfo nt a time And will bo so. I ween ,hl nfto!' tllQ.rt' wo M bo ,,lt, inoB tirrtiffllitlm. wlii.J ..-111 'l.h ...f,l IIIO UOrid UIII illJuUilW.N. TO DjjjGopd. " OL'lt POI ITICS. Moro ntftflhoss. Knterod nt the lWhrfiro n3 strictly Flrst-Clnss mnttorr there Is nothing Second-Class nbout Central Avenue. : "Ilnve you got nny of thoso llJ.VCs, i ! i piicpnrallons for removing super- A ChecH, JlessjijIj" 01 flimus liulr?" asked Davo Stafford, KU1 Bnys ,le " Just r'ecelvM ri' stopping Into (ho Owl Drug Store I ?"K fro"' King oeor ea tho other day. Ucr' Sengstnckcn n.?i .-. . i.-,..i, ,irl80J 'f the nPrn,.. "lDe -' (ill it, 'Yea Sir," answer 'rosrrlptlon wrltiii will ihb Bod In Nineteen Sixteen. In warfare trouble Is tho ,$l -u, bf ninny niiHtlioKj(lsofc. ,, 'HI.,.,. I,.,,,. II.... it !'... .i. .1.. J 1IVV 11 J liuuj,n lllilL IMt'.V. IjlHIIIUL llll . . .. aiui romo onti, sail, muiwior. Polled to rotrei intiuijo. nPn,n. : ' ue . "" were "Ul t BlBhM Tho blh'gest thing that ho -has done- At that ho Ik no, nni yi'APi.v ' Mnnngiug Kdltor. "Nationally Ad- I,s when he beat tho AUI03 hack "G'lyo mo n Plnt.IVaiit'fe-uRo ,It 011 my hend." ,J'k, '; ' ' ,. "Ifllt. Dave, von in WLritfni,.. Tnl .-., Ill K;or' mnn ,Wj4w tliht It he superfluous hair on .Miiir hoh,l. M , from Not!, W couht git Mi!MouhoHV,nro nearly bald M& :'' 'lhft oioMltrffiWv1 could Hdl- the UMWi oil! flroMffl lilt irn. i A...v'OT, .. Ji . imr Ai.ifL : i " f'4 WlSltt us. -vflw . v,Ln7;n,i ,3w:.r orartii:- uMmi:. ' . !!'; ...monfoun.lo.l hair lm$7utm K';M Al. IhoV t . .. . rr.TTrrr: t iiiv unit 1 want tn mmnvn iiw. f agree mm Tim. i... . "r'lnoi GIOTTO l''Olt T K DAY 1 ,. ,. . 7,: '"",Ml ,,,, , ,,' '"rnea W '.Vrfik i ' ' of It at 0110 fcllHvooi) and linvo i.Uul"l 1 madder bin n v.,. m ! ' , I ' . ",scr m. , 1 KMVW OVIrt PHOUC 74 J .W ORESCRIRTIOK XHARMACVL m M)Sll4.0flT!x HtAwllJ?) ;riANK O. COHAH MAMSHriULD, OMCCON. veilUeil" I'rniik I), ("oluin. I Itcriviitloii lldltoi- J. T. Iluiilgiui. Musical Killtor I. L. TIioiiiik. PJoneer IMKor (Jeo. II. (Viok. Household Department. Hurry Me , Keou n. ClillilrotiV l)cwii(inenl "Cmuly KM" SliilTonl, IMIIor. II:iliy Kdlliir Ivy Coiulrou. I'iiiiiiiclnl Kdlliir. l)iiH.ev ICicllrr. Iliillli mill llcmily Hints.' .1. I. 'IVr ; roll. Kitllnr. Itcnl Kstuto i:lltin Angus) I'lleon. I Wteiliimy llilllcr (,Yo. (.ooilruiii. (mi (Ion l.dilni' Itny Olllvmil. AVIio swarm along the Yser. Oeo. Sellg. No niau over mlrcpedpil pornmti-1 U1U " ("Gr- ontly who tried to pull himself up I by pulling tho other fellow down. THH liATIWT WAlt NIVS E. I. CHANDLER. JMii'ino Aulo jai'slifiol(l nsiiraece coke Buirnrxa Accident Pluto Glass Burglary Oregon ! ICAN YOU ACCEPT A TIP? 1 n: do a (Ji;xi:ii.i, m:.i, hsttk iusixkss; issui: ai.ii kinds of jsntnrv iiovds, uitin: AM KIXIIS OF IXSl'lt- S AXC'i; IN STAXDAItl) CO.MPAXIKS, AND IIKPKKSKXT SKV. i:n.i 0KT111: iii:st thaxh-atlaxtic stkamkiiip co.mpax. II.S CAM, AXI) SICK IS. . Aug. Frizeen. Mel. G. Duncan (I'M I ted and Selected by Dorsoy Krollor. J. T. llarrlgnn, n 1110m bor of tho lloostor odltorlnl force, infuses to assume any responsibil ity for this article) Tho GorniniiH havo tnkon Pilsner, and uro ifow surroinidlng T)oIlca- i totwon, whoro the wurst Is oxucctcil. I1 Tho Ilolglan Hares 'ha vo ipiil'a inning 0111 wan 1110 woisu Hiue blls, and the Swiss Choose Ib shot full of holcH. This will make tho Irish Stow and tho KngllKlt Mustard Hot, and If tho KiiHsluii Caviar hooh the Frouch Pastry, It may stnrt n Swiss Movement Watch! Tho Spanish Onions aro strong for n nilxiip, and If tho Homo Pro-1 servos are called out and spread over tho Gorman Noodles, thoy may Ketchup with tho Navy IloaiiH, ,,; thereby causing an uprlsliig of the Drussols Sprouts. M0I11 (iott. CHOCOfiATICS "Tho Cmuly of Cliiirnetci-" STAFFORD'S WELL KNOWN STANDARD IS EX CELLED IN THIS LATEST PRODUCT I PKItSOXAIiMF.XTlOX JACK KIJNDAU, says kivmhIvo party Is hIIII on tho of fensivc. hook itf; California." H ''"Puliir X,m.-i,ri E y row solved ttl, "new !j "I"" n tho lirunkmi.. w? C,i 1 iin.i ,... i .... . . "' "inridi. 1 1 " ""'" " "-' '"id nny doubt ,.1 , no oxtut f i,,s Bi:r Tho Pro-il'nH been dlspellMi Pi...T ttJ Ontra. wan.sieu-- Poll! (IS hi (Ihlnl """iiii-O well-known nu.i. UAY 01,1,1 VANT uiiido aftrlp to tli0Flynn, tho well-known 'ov, k T' wntorfront Tuusday i!) soo tho llltlrlnii. w.-m n visitor nn m.? CHASE & SANBORNS' COFfEE TIIKKK lll.KXDK, .", Il)e mid loc PKIt POUND. tiiksi: c(ffki:s iiavi: m:i:x htaxdaiii) ix tiik i;xiti:i STATKS FOlt FIFTY YICAItS PIONEER GROCERY CO. Phono SI. SKI.M.Vd AfJKXTS FOlt .MAItSHFIKM) SI Central Avcuuo boat conio In, W. .1. C0NUA1) says Homo Coos liny men marry a woman In order to osenpo lonolliiosH and thon Join tho Mllllcoina Club In ordor lo oflrnpo tho woman. WALTKIt niJTI,Klt, of Iho First Nntloniil, roturnod this weok from n vacation trip to California. Ho donloH that his nroMonrtv thorn .jhitd anything to do with (ho big 'wot voto In that section. I STOHV FOlt TIIK DAY i((l (Vutttil Aciiut'. Phono 1N1-J. I "Wo aro attempting ultogothor too rapid a pace," roiuarked a Myr tle Point man to Frank Cohan the other day, "Tlutt'H ipilto truo," Frank ans .worcd. "Instead of Injlng roiituut to have the onrtJi go round once In twenty-four hours, we'd llko to have It go around twenty-four Union In ono hour." ; The Besfr of Everything lo Eai suiiYici: and pitici: to coi:m:spoxn You can always g?t these nt tho Pl'lll'J FOOD stoih: whole tho liit-L of FUKSII Kill' ITS AXI) Kt.K'IAm.KS may always 1.0' r,.u,..i. ';AN.til(. rHnillllH "Heinz 57 Varieties" The only More In the Mate of Oregon carrying (his complete line. Ollivamitt & Weaver PUIIi: FOOD GIIOCKItS. Corner Central Avenue nixl Third Sheet Phono 11)1) RlUll-JNU CIIOSTIIWAITW mndo a trip to the Chandler tho othor day niul talkod Charlie Van Diiyn Into an ordor for somo fancy Candy boxos. Charllo wiys there Is nothing too swoot for his cigar stand girls. .T. TOM IIALI, may contost the olou tton bacnuso ho luls found so few poplo who didn't voto for lilm. Ho hoj-h tho porsonal pledgos he recolvod from pooiilo In Coqulllo Indlcalo that thero ' Is something wrong with tho re turns from that precinct. avniinn IMU , 1. . . -.wiiiiu 'oon a guest of W,. mh Mynii gavo the Iloostcr rcporW lutt-rvlow on tho political ,ltwllo ? In that state, but tho lanpilgeW bo warm tbat tl10 re"', trlo.1 (., transcribe It th0 tmZ, Keys melted, l), r. sayd.lie b nj in imiiiuch nny inpro, , . Thoro was' nn old relink in vifC(t Who was annoyed by a ldui'4i. ing rooster, ( u 1 So ho cut off Ids licaj ' Ami now thnt It's dead It doh't crow as loud ns It utttr. ,.. . 1. Y, swiori, MAX'S I.OYI: op AXIMAIA Somo nion are fond of anlmili; ' Tholr souls nre full of pity. At nny rnto, thoy sit up late To fatten up tlio "kitty." TIIK TWO OIISTIIUCTIOXS. GKO. !:., COOK, p.lopooredor nf Tho Iloiptor, Ik a rand Ida to fhr tho, City Council, nnd.of courso lias the unqualified approval' of "Tako off your liat!" Kudo men behind her crlJ. And she (Just think of It) taj,MR tint tlioy were still unratlifld. And yelled with tlielr niouUuopett wide, . ",Takp off your rntl" o TIIK KMOTIOX.W, tiiiutklv. c . Create aim Estate by luturlnx yourself In tho MASSACIIl'SKTTS MUTCAI, 1.IFK IXSl'ltAXCK CO. nt SHIP MAN BROS. :tor..'ioH Coi.0 iiiiiidiug. piioxi: ,'i:i.j UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES and COMMUNITY SILVER Till: MOST TTKi"TIK LINK OX COOS HAY aia-ruir iiionh. kmhthic tosti;hs, scitahi.k (iiitwnns -- si:d out wixnows. FOlt 1 HSHFfEL HARDWAR FLASH LIGHTS TIIK laiK.'ICST 1.1x1: OX COOS HAY AT $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 $2.00 and $2.25 I.KT IS FLASH OCK FI.ASIII.K.'IITS OX YOU Norton&Hansens TWO STOICKS: CKXTK.U, AVK. F'HOXT ST. Thiinik of Thi s Servnc A clean steam towel as well as a clsan face towel for each patron, together with high-class tonics anj face lotions and courteous treatement every-day bar gains, i TERRELL'S Chandler Barber Shop tKXTKAl, AVK. (F COIUSK. Tho lloostor. Wo nevoY did sua-I A girl from St. I.ouIb, Mo., poet (ieorno of politics, but you j Was tfolzcd with n torrlble fo., poc novor oa n tell what dlsonso a man will catch when It hoeomos coir tnglmiH, She killed about three, Hug got off scot free, For her looks mndo n hit iltMbJ J 1 QUITTING BUSINESS sick ocit advi:ktisi:mi:nt on wtrniKit P.vtJK D.W'S TI.MKS. LADIES EMPORIUM Mrs. Nollie A. Owen OF TO- Central Avenue War Prices Have No Terrors FOR THE MAN WHO BUYS FLOUR FEED AND HAY AT HAINES Waterfront, Central Avenue I Before Parting With Your Money IX HCYIXO HKAI, FSTATK SKCl'HK A COMPUrt'K AHSTHACT FKOM Tin: Title Guarantee and Abstract Co. Which Is prepared to turn out First Cinss Work. This will savo you an uoyiuico and cxpenso nftorwnrds. Wo also look after assosaments and pay niont of tnxes. .Maishfleld office In Coko Hulldlng ojiposlto Chandler Hotel. Phono 1 1-J. ('ouuillo Offlco adjoining Farm cih' Hank Hlock. Phono 11)1. Hiiuilou Office, MeXalr Hulldlng. Phono tHU. i Henry Sengstacken Manager. oney Plays No Favorites -Tho man or woman who goos after it with tho greatest de termination Is tho one who gals It.' A oheck account with this bank Is a big step In the right direction. Hy tho slondy saving of small niiiouuts you will soon build a wodgo to opportunity. First National .MS 1 A Good Ciffar A Good Game of Billiards OX OOOI) TAIUiKS A CJOOI) PhACK TO SPKXI) A PliKASAXT IIOUH a (.'ood pi,aci: to .micict j YOUIt FHIKXDS YOU'hh comks (JOODI Roman Malt The Smoke House Chandler Hold Hlock, Central Ave, TIIK XKU'K.ST FOOD PKODUCT A Real Health Food COHHKCTS A.ND 1MHWVM DKJKSTIO.N PltKVKXTS A.ND nfitiEva CONSTIPATION' USK IT FOlt CJKMS, M' OAKICS, WAVFMM, MCSIt, .MUI'I'IX.S, Xl'T WAV, (JIXfiKIt HltKAD, AXP HKOWX HIIKAP, KWS Oft it nt Cook's Grocery Tho Oldest Oiwcry filf Central Acuo Plioiio ISO. .j Central Avenue Marshflcld, Oregon ' v How about that new piano? We have a fine line of instruments to select from. Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. Wiley B. Allen Co. I,. L. THOMAS, Mgr. CENTRAL AVENUE. RUSSELL BIX BUYING! A TYPI3WJUTKR? , If so, liavo the following fnetory rebuilt nincli inos on. hmul : , llouiiiigtim Xo. ( $3.) j,. c. Smiths lleinliigton No. 10 S."55 I'ndcnvocd Xo. 5 .".)() easli; .!.-.0() iier moiitli. All machines giiiirntccl for o year. AIjxi ribbons and carbon paper. CARL L. STOCKIN 22 Contral.Avonuo. Tclophono H50. Sales Agent. Underwood Typowrlter Co, Wales Vislblo Adding Machine. American Mulllgraph Co. ,, j, PLAtf TO TAKE SUNDAY DINNER AT THE ChamidHeir, Hotel The Hub of a Good 'Menu Central Avenue - -A . w ........ " i -'