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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1914)
HAPPINESS IS TO BE PREFERRED TO MONEY BUT NOT APPARENTLY AMONG OUR BEST ifoplE STIRRING TIMES rfl thoso dnya of war and blood shed. It ls '"iPTtnnt that you bavo full knowledge of tlio latost authentic nows. Subscribo for Tho Times, and read Iho ovonts of tho jay each evening. (EwiB Qxvxw EVERY DAY Thnro appears somo Item of newa In thn advertising columns of Tlio Times nowa of tho day'a "Best Uuys" to bo found In tho various atoros. The woman who roada and hoods thoso "nowB Horns" la tho ono who conducts her household economically. MEMI1ER OP Tntt ASSOCIATED TRESS mun VOL NO. XXXVIII. RUSSIANS CLAIM Established 1878 nw Tim Cniut Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1914 bVbNING EDITION. A Consolidation of Times, Const Mall anil f!nn Itnv Ailvcrflnnr No. 97 TO HAVE SEIZED KEY 10 EAST PROS Ml RAILROAD jifasfl I I 1 I Ar Announce That Five Armies Sent by Czar Against German Hiu HMvaiiouiij oiuauny IM u ueiailS Ol 1110 II Situation in Far East Given ' AMMnllMfiP FRESH FRENCH TROOPS FflRP.P H" ' CinUTIM1 AOAIMPT nrnilAiln m nuir. riuninvu huhiimoi ucniVIHIMO MLUIMU MICilMt nglish Army Lj iMFp ips in S700io FRENCH DECLARE GERMAN DRIVE .. ,f t SlF&ir! TOWARDS DUNKIRK HAS BEEN STOPPED I v." '' I English Troops Relieved and Sent to Defense of Dunkirk and North Sea Coast French Claim Victories Over Germans at Craonne and Soupir (Dy Associated Press to Tho Coos Day Times.) PETROGRAD, Nov, 13, It was officially announced today that the five Russian armies which were sent against the Ger mans are advancing steadily, I he, hussian miiuaiy stan announced inai uy me occupa- OSTRICHES KILL WOMAN Premier Asquith Gives Out Of-LTTTj . "".. ; ficiaj Figures in House of 'r ATTI F HIT Commons Today iJLMI ILL I HI I .KILLED WOUNDED AND i MISSING ARE INCLUDED IIM CTAMnFIF P!l1 Appropriating $125,000, m ommrwv opo 0 inr AwocUlfJ I'rrM lo Cool njr Tlmni. Ariz., Nov. 13.- Carry On War Until Next April Prepared (lljr Amoclatct Tick lo Cooi lljr Tlmon.l LONDON. Nov. 13. Ileplylni: to -A questions put to him In tho House BY SEVERE WIND STORM tBr AniKUttd rrrai la Cool Hit TlmM, SEATTLE, Nov. 13 Seuttlo wns niinnvtv m m x s t v . v - m - . . . . - - - . - T . , T , , .v....vv.w . . -. flock of 300 ostriches Htnmpedcd , of Commons todny, rrcmier squmi swept last night by ono of tho most whllo being driven on a road near stated that 57,000 Britons wore severe windstorms known hero In nn nut roll fiirm nnnr luirn. T in i Riiii'ii, nuuiiuiM vi iiiiubiiik us h. iu-. J I'lirH. rinio K IBS Wl UllOWB wero llnri nf" InhnnnQSburC. tho Russians nOW hold tllP kov tn thn ,;niiddonod birds ran over a cnrrlnRo , suit .of tho Kngtlsh campaign on tlio blown out, trees blown down, out- tiOn 01 JUI1UI liuayuifc iinu nuaaicina iiuw NUU till KVy IU U driven by Mrs. L. D. Itosscnu and ' continent. This Is tlio first tlmoi buildings overturned, roofs torn off ra hOad 011 tllO taSt rrUSSiail frontier, killed hurnml tho two horsps. Whntl8"' shortly after the opening of ;and RHmo snmll residences collnp- 1 I tightened tho birds Is not known, tho war that official figures have .sod. Tho velocity of tho wind at ai l ICO cnDPC CIPUTIMP nM Aicftic but parties who witnessed the 8tam-i boon given out concornlng tho Eng- ono tlnio exceeded OB miles por ALLIES FORCE FIGHTING ON AISNE ipedo say that thoy never saw n,.Hsh Igsses on tho continent, hour, Tlio damage will amount to more Infuriated bady of anlmnls than' T lrnft ot n ul npproprlntlng considerable. One woman Ib report- tho flock of ostriches liecamo. wiioui -'. "I'v.uuv u uonuj mu im"' yu m wivo neon severely injured ill .tho birds encountered the team, tlio or war until Apn i hum his ucim a railing nouso. horses tiirnOd. upsetting the rig nnd compieieii to uo li.irodiiccu in, my horses and .liu body of the woman ( House of Commons. . ly criiBiioii. a( vera can c(i niiii (Uy Associated Press to Tho Cooa Hay Times.) PARIS. Nov 13. A distinct renewal of the offensive move ment along the Alsno by tho Fropch pgainst the Germans is ;niut Wis 'taro imdiy niHnntAd ii mnorts trom t e rent tocav, t s announcea,n?r w? w, "-.nrniiiiiiifi ri' rn that fresh French troops wore sent in there to t replace the i Handlers near the scno became' Lh H W Bfyh r I in ka IIIUIIIIH ' f Elf p..i'l. innr mlit1 1 morn ennt In Ihn nni-lli In n r in tin Hr-' panic Btrlcken. Mrs, Kosseau wan tllSMbll uuuio """ ",u .ou' lu,l",u. ,,UI1' ji;, f" V'j tln a member of it wealthy pioneer fam- leilSeOI UUIIKIIK, UIU HUSH nuiiui tiyupj) uuuiy uuiuaiuu uiu.ny. Germans at uraonno anu boupir, nonneasi 01 ooisson, anu gained ground, TURKEY DECLARES WAR (Hy Associated Press to Tlio Coos Hay Times.) AMSTERDAM, Nov, 13, Turkey has officially declared war on Fngland, Franco and Russia, tho triple ontonto powers, ac cording to a dispatch received from Constantinople MANS CLA1 VICTORIES AT NIEUPORT AD YPRES D L IS ENGLAND i u STREET CROSSING HERE Official Announcement at Paris Today Say That KaisqtfsfSu- preme Effort to Reach North Sea Coast has Evidently Spent Itself as Fighting is Less Severe CLAIM ALLIES ARE HOLDING THEIR OWN ALONG ENTIRE BATTLE LINE IN NORTH Of FRANCE T0DY 1 1 i i i State Germans Badly Defeated on West Bank of River Yser Allies Hold Their Own in Desperate Fighting at ' Close Range in Vicinity of Lys ) (Hy Associated Press to Tho Coos Hay Times.) ' PARIS, Nov, 13, An official announcement today says: "Despite tho desperate fighting at closo range which tho Germans are forcing, the Allies are holding their own between Ypros and tho North Sea coast, Tho Allies are holding their own along tho entire battle front, "Tho last Gorman drive in the direction of Dunkirk has evi dently spent Itself as reports late today -indicated the fighting was not so sovero there, The fighting continues noar Lys. but tho Germans- liavo boon badly repulsed on tho wost bank of H,n Dlunr Vcfti-M ' r UIU nivui ioui, , ; . FIGHTING LESS VI0LEN I . ' 1 1 OT CRDE Railroad Commissioner Camp- Turn Militnrv Aornnlnnns piv I bell Tells Of Powers in Mat- "Ovcr Harwich and Return Plan for Air Raids Railroad Commissioner Camp bell Inspects Coos Bay-Eu-nene Railroad Line Illy AwinUIM I'm. lo C.hx llr TlmM.) , iiwiiMN. Nov. 13.- it, wih urn 1 dully ter Water Rates (hdliy ithat two (lerniiin military noropliwH re- iiiinpuiu'ed' hero iirmiin mill tary nu turned last evening rtor (Hy Assoclntod Pross to Tlio Coos Hay Tlmos.) rvnriN Nov 13 Wireless.) tho aorman military' headquarters today Jaft S'l ho fo lowing: "On tlio branch of tho Yser canal at NSLrt our iiirlnes Inrilcted heavy lossos on tho enemy and wo took mo nrllonur Durlni tho attacks on Ypros, which have progressed fa- orablv i iioUmr 100 prlHoners wore captured. Florco Kronoh attacks o tlm w.Tniid oast of Solssons have boon ropulsed wth heavy ossos o the o nemy? On tho BoSt Prusalan rrontlor, at Kydtkuhnon and fur- iher Boull" fresh battles have developed, but no decision has yot boon reached." Al.STltl.NS DKKliAT Itl'fiSIAXS. Vienna reports tho Austrian ndwiices n $$& ta"o croBsod lower Vistula, pccupylnB nn. j Utr t. The foi tress of l'wynl bns again boon Invested bj IU """ Ji lieivy iiiminn rnrrAH iii tho Stry Vnlloy wero rorced to rotroai wiui m Kabyfa -urprlM attnclf from an Austrian armored train and Aus- trlan cavalry, That tho Oregon Itallroad Coinuiln sloii Is ready nnd willing to pnsH on tho't, crossing ut lltoHou lluirn PliJlflo !Wib the statement or .. I.I ' J ' - V ' making a ! muironti uommissionor Cauipboll, ' uiiKKjnfiil fllt.lii iivnr RliiiriiiiHu mill I ..!.. i.. t...,.!.!..,.! ..... Tho.. K. Campbell, of tho Oregon , Id, " Knpd: This demonstrn. "" """ " -- " " " "' Itnllroad Commission, arrived ioro tloI,t COuplud with tho dqspornto er-ji"mt I,1 lint co" orriqlally. taken last ovonlng rrom Salem alter male-1 roi tH bolng mntlo by tho (lorninn j up wth them oxcopt some question as lug a trip over tho Coos Hay-Kugeiie twoimto wngh Cgywhteh Iso.ily,,,, w 1)imen flf lino to Inspect the highway cross-, ,H r0Knnlo(, ng Kfmt 0r airship Ho said Hint tho Itallroad Commls. Ingss and dotormlno whotlior thoy r,B on tho Kngllsh Islands. . Blould bo allowed at grade or re- Shoornoss lit fortified seaport nt " could grant tho permit to tho I1... .......II. ..rtlmim FtMt ( iiiiih Tiif tt 1 1 Jio 1 I'll t n fil'iuu Ilia twnnlfn .! ...! tO UO 0OrilCail Or lllllior- I ,1 UnrwhOi l MtvnlltV ui.-.l. ..It. r .. ...... .i ... ITn ,..n. .Mnmnnnliul from " "" "-.".-".. V.'"V." ' ",,v" -..u.u.m .n uuijr IIUMIKMI JIO- (Hy Associated .Press tc Tho Coos Hay Tlmos.) PARIS, Nov, 13, Tho French official statement this after noon says: "From tho sea coast as far as tho Lys Rivor, tho fighting has boon of a loss violent character than on previous days, Sovoral efforts of tho Germans to cross tho Ysor canal at the western outlet from Dixmude, and at other points of passage in tho Amon district, wore checkod, benoraliy spoak- fiwr mir- nnollimic um-n mnlnf olnnrl luilliniil plinnrm." 1 1 it; i uui ijuoiiiviiio u,u i"i""ii I iikiiuih Wlirilipv, HAWLEY WRITES .SCHOOL CENSUS ABOUT HARBOR, NEXT jl DOCKET quired ! ucnth. Hugono by C. II. Heattlo, nn assist nut onglncor of tho Southern Pacific, i A now law of Oregon makes mniidntory upon tho Itnllroad Com mission to pass on nil crossings highways and rnllrondH and tho ob ject of It Is to ollmlnnto tho two 'crossing nt grndo so far as posslblo. Massachusetts, Ohio, Illinois and ' Now York have starto dtlils as a from London. miles uorthenst of London. I ITALIAN VESSEL ON EIRE AT SEA cessary now and later Impose ollior other conditions. In addition to this, I ho Haiti that tho Itallroad CoiiiiiiIhuIoh 1 Is empowerod to fix tho amount of Congressman Docs Not Give 'tCanvass of All Pupils Bc lyiuch Consolation About ) tween Ages of Four and Coos Bay Improvements 20 Ycars to bc Madc . , , -i Kvory child In tho city, which llonry Bengstnckon, secrotnry of ,,,,. n tho Port Commission, today rerelvod ' comprlsen school district No. 0, will a letlor from CongroHBiiiiiii wy nt , B( , u, , (, t UvQ , Salem, wlUch did not glvo much con solation rotative to the harbor work days nnd their iiamos placed on tho hero. Mr. Songslacken wrote to lilmnniu , hool conmiB nmtlo for to find out tho exact status or tho. ' ,,0 ,.,, ,., .,-, ,iii . ,i tlU.VUU uluurKUUi-jr uiH"liiutiwii I'll iuu "n'""" " u..u, nii,i,..M mw dnmnhoa that tho party desiring tho, CooH ., 10W a0on tho 3000 which ' . . , , , , . a f()p crossing has to pay the ono owning It. i 11 was supposed to contain for Coos. poul,lr nn" B,u, B'"001 runUB or In this casn It would bo tho amount j Illvor would bo available for clearing malntonanc. tho city would have to pay for cros-' ,i?,,KcJ,ll"n1,jj ?, ""periled"!0,, the m"it tho city In two parts. sing the railroad The conditions at- j Kriwiyl.olf St'wny "oo n,u tS jll(lKo John ..nil will n.ako n can- ! "?, .'f'" IT!"" "!!'"!! V"5X J'fi 'r 2,MiS m. of .ho section south of Market . , , ,,.,., rfr HI J ,u l"u l'' unit IIIIKIIl lUlur IIU I wun lllliuu uuiuiu .iw.n na .vvw...... . means of reducing tho number ofStcamSllip With 800 Aboard , necessary to Insuro snfoty or parllos i oro tbat tho Mlchlo was going io bo atreot nnd J. Tom Hall tho homos using tho crossing. As to tlio cros- r . i.a fniimi.J. 'north of Market street. , . accidents. Statistics showed that . Reported Burning in the Mediterranean Sea tor Is as follows: mado no dlffuronco as tho railroad nddressod slngnt grado, Mr. Campboll snld that! "Your Inttor or Octobor 29, 1014,;i.oiiOVo. will take nt loast five ilava dressod to nut at Washington, I). ,. , ,, , .. , . . , , ' TORTUFtED BY REPORTS Fl i)r Awh THIEF FOB G OLD I CO CI Aitisi:s iv xifiiiT and ri.uiis oi WOS IjAKK rAHMlIH l'SI;-S Ki:iiosi:xK si:cuiti:i) l-'ouit HUMIItKI) DOMiAUS. Frank Cuon, a farmer living alone near Loon I.ako, was clubbed In tlio bead last night by a tramp and robbed of more, than $400. Word Just received horo is that tho as sailant Is hoadod for Coos Hay and a sharp lookout will bo kept. Asking ror lodging, the tramp was Invited Into Cuon's cabin, given supper and later tho ownor snared bis bed with tho man. In the mid die ot tho night tho stranger aroso, ciuuuoa Cuon aonsoless nnu uui.-' JIHIAV AXI) FHKNTH VKUSIOXS ed. ":.:::.... ........... i.v! iiii'1i;k .iirtir.iu.iiHii ,- v:..l. MKH WSK OXfrXixrnur fjjj J b0v KNfiAt.HW .H.1A1 "i .ti'. gonorally at a small oxponso, mnklnc tho h chwny go under or o tho railroads. If tho railroad l I...IH nlni. Min lilfhwnv thn rnll. K, ' iroad company hns to stand tho ox- ,DrAocUt.4rrtMtooo..rTim.i ng0 If tho rond la j)Ut artor LONDON'. Nov. 13.-Confllct Ins : re- P" ; m(j ,o boar ports came today trom tho opposing JIo Qui M sides on tho main European Ue. . (o w1(imotto Vn!. fields. From the Gar man ml Itarj , two accldonU ,mvo occurred (lur. headquarters cu,0 u -. , , t f month8. In ono, nouncemont of Important 8;:ccossos. I '" h, hna w ,ot an(, rneTSlbeco m. damaged and In tho other lent and that tho Gorman advance two men woro killed. Asldo from TlllH lllnv . . ..... . .. ... i.i..i ' . nc uu iuu qui nil i i i u . - "" - - ,w tor h as ro mows: " -" -..-.. ....-, ..., nuoui roriy perconi oi mo urauumn ( . occurred nt crossings. In tho Hast-' orn states whoro tho railroads and , tilrthurnva ll'nrn nntflllllRhpl! VOfirft nifO. I ' ir ' .. ' .. MJ- Ji - CATANI nuiiriy im uru m, k" ." itallnn stoamqr thoy havo been spondlng at tho rate ..tIl 800 tti)0r( or Bovoral million dollars por yenr. Mediterranean. Thoso on board In- inB ., riL,, of wnv iiirnnch iim making roply: bo hold In tho Contra! bchool build In ohanglng.them. This hns been oludo 500 Arab soldiers from , Btroot8 ownwl by tll0 cUy( woulll ,)0 ' "'""J ,0."Btnn 'L 2' three lnK f0r ,ho ,0Vyl"K 0f a Bcll0l tttX divided between tho railroads, conn-. iJaSSpaKboon S . token Into consideration In fixing the SJ17 tor -"cootnUor nor sum? J , t" Property within tho tlos and towns and stntos. ! monod by wireless and nro riietilug cost when tho city wnntwl to cross ttioi main channel. Work on Coos Illvor district. Last year this amounted , Mr. Cnmnboll savs that In tlio first i to the rollof or tho burning vessel, rallron.1 nronoriv Mr. naninimii ,ii,i ! deforrod until spring. Other funds to nlno mills with nn oxtra two for plnco tho crossings can bo construct-, z not say. .... . . ... rt ....... ....,..,.. I In mn l.nrn nii.l I IIIIU Ull Ullllliruil Will IIU IIBIUU UU- utMi'nM to coot u.r Tim.) tircois wero crossing nt grndo wit In . " ",?,,', " '"r't'..X" ', ..... . v, ,, -rn a short illRtnnon of thorn niivwnv Imniodlntoly made Inquiry by wire or tweon the legal schqol ages of four A, Italy, 4'ov. IB. Tlio i 8rt uisinnco or tlioro anyway. tho Chlor or Kugneors, Wnr Depart-,, ,,, ", i ' IHtna do Sovoun,1 wnotiior or not tlio ract that the j niant at Washington, and mn Just In ' '", . ... 'i , 1. Is burning In the cltv had ulvon tho railroad fron nronH rncolnt or tho followltiK tologrnni ' On Novombor 21 a inootlhg Will i PORTLAND SELLS WHEAT TO EXPORT had made no rurthor progress. Whllo tho iosg of llfo, tho damagos in thoso thn Germans ciaim vicwii i ,.. .... i. , f.nd"anyUho sat down"and waited ; Nlouport .nd JJre-.- goJ fflwnl crossings, urn ii p,... ,o.,ni.,, rntiBPlousness, ' nouco tlini sooi u "i" v . . A. President Mills That Over $5,000,000 '. Be Received by January Hr AuwU.xl !' lo Coo liar Time Take Lower Halo. Mr. Campbell said that tho Coos Hay Water. Company according to his understanding or tho water rates allowed by tho commission horo, wns wrong In Its charges for water on n I meter basis. The wator company Is I charging on tlio stop-rato basis, that t ' I,, wlinrn n tinrlu nuf.u nnv 1ft 000 irnl. 1 PrOpllCSieS , ions, thoy nro charged at the rate for f. I tho first thousand, then tho next i 4,000 takos tho lower rnto allowed I ror consumers or or 1,000 gallons, and tho last r,000 gallons nt avallahla tor survey Coos Hay as noede.l.' main VlMVHf.nUV 114 ll.. ni.l., n9 I.Timlnnni.. ' ilullllK lllvk ui i-.iibliivu, . channel tj10 payment or iutorost on bonds. In Coos County tnoro wero 87 schools this Inst year and tlioro "With best wishes and thanking wero enrolled 0079 nuiills for whom you for your kind words rolatlvo to Ul0 county Brnnto,i npportlon my ofrorts tor Coos Hay." i. . .,.,, ,,.., ,', ,,,.. tlou to that given through tho statu l fund ror tho schools, Of this .amount $0002. DO enmo to tho Marsh field Institutions, the Central School and tho High School, both or whla had enrolled a total or DOB students, GTTE EU PROSECUTOR HERE ill "-- I - 1I .,lnMlAll linn I ... W ! w.'f -. .. - - ' ' l . ... ,- . it. -A II.. ed tho houBO for money. Unablo to i tho Germans emim V""'!"" .' '' two cases will bo surricl,ent to cliango i ,ont Mills, or tho Portland Clearing ; sysieui, .Mr. umiipooii says huh u.o until Cuen regained consciousness """" " ,...- 1 ll.4l.....l ,.ill I .. ... milieu . "- 'ii" r ' i ,.. rt v i-An A.noo n lima- iiiflL uoioro jainury i. ruiumni t(i nr nt iim rato mn Falling th.i-to t Cuon to 6 Germans to cro in. ,.r ..-..- t- - lun ond of the ! hnvo reco. vod over 15.000.000 forl8umeI, flf i0M0 Ka dose" ffi lie Wbo&Vof ho mo. 'ey, ! checked and the a crm n attac j. tg 0Il lbe Une gounty 0nd of the ; t' ,, be.,,g''eiporIed to ? joo gallons T ,. , , the tramp saturated rth of tffi ne. four in Douglas . County and Europo, MrB ptaan ro b0,ngj make a metorlal dl feronco and a big with coal-oll and sot them on flro. the cai ro , of a .ton ,nnlc'ato that three In Coos County. Quo of tho placed ror wheat as a principal rood- saving to largo water consumers. In pain Cuon told whore tho money A sno l ' l,8l rornewlng ln Iiiten.'crosBiuBs fn Coos County was roqulr- sturf Tor the war1 zone. Mr. Campbol said that thocommls- coma bo round. The man tooK wo H """" rnrtB havInK 80.000 ... .,... a n. q.. nt thn St LrJi0oLZd ff ,o? ; Pen,raSe(,KlI.r,,n- tho cross.n,.bere the roads ,r. nioro vm-iia no lott tlio cnum jn mo uibi- . ...,- ar0na Is very hlgn. une,uKO trans man jiibiiuh wn ..c.u about a yoar ago, Mr. LUJeqvlst I was a deputy prosecuting attornoy PORTLAND. Or. Nov. la-Pres-'" ", lower rato Insteador th.-'AttomOyS DOOlarO. Constant l'JSTJll I rips to uoqume iaKe 100 -frip- - - Much Time and Money j Luw'yor8 wlBhlnK t0 fll0 tholr That a deputy prosecuting nttor- complaints, a task that takes, but a noy bo appointed ror Marshflold Is fow nilnutes' time, now havo to an nglUtlou gaining favor among tlttve t t'10 cou"ty seat and U-ls tho q,wyers of tlio city who doclaro i'- r mu ''- House Association, today prophoslzed wholo 10,000 gallons should bo chnrg- I'ortlnnd win C(i for thn rato mado for consum This will thut tho frequent trlpit thoy are forced to mako to tho county seat, slnn In allowing tho company an In- Gltl.N'DltOI) IS FINKI). ' creaso In ratos hero took Into con- sldoratlon tho many ohangos thoy had ,. fnl. i,iiHlnona 0r but a fow mln vID IIU IIUL I lilt f-UUIll lit HIV o" i nmin la VOTV II1UI1. UllDiUKU LIUIIO illUU UlhrfM ..... . . ...... . w. .. - -- Cuen una tn iret o the e8f." ".'.' T ,. iy nncaced I ... .-oi ip mnii n.,,1 nni llknlv . Icindalo .Man Pay. V- for iiuiiiuiK to make In mains on account orlllteH. time, takes too much of their ..., -.w .- "--. h:nniisuiiiuii uut " w-. -- . .- wiu ntn ... ..- -.- . n'ui,,... n..,.iu.i ... i .- ... ... "ouse of a neighbor by the nam" - , et,10r dead or wounded, i ,norea80( Mr. Campbell permitted I Toni orlndrod f Kerndulo. who B,rt,et "lrovomenis. uo mn in er!llhortranB,pa.nsd do rib- !!d,,nB, '. Tholo s MiroaiiSg to cro s at tho same grade. wilvoWl?wSn,ufflrourt " "ar year tho commission 54 ranrfflTunds with j J'"-?r ,, 'nobT, fJ0, lleav. amnE Itecent.y In tho Willamette V.I- cases, h lt M . ,th- ornn -"' - "'" to hear an app ca- Hoy, whoro a number or now nign- North ond for ,int,nK ,jUCk8 wlf-iralM A 'ways havo been built, tho Southern m,t a uconso. Ho was arosted byi'""' - i inniric has been Insisting on tho, Deputy Game Warden Jim Thomas. i lOllC hl.lck linl nn.l llllsllV OVO brows. His hnicht is clven as about rive feet soven Inches. I KSC,lagg&.8Uiiiix .counties putting tho roads under or "2TL"!nT Sn.!dbffi KING flUHTAV IIKTTKII. LKIPKJ AX1 lmi-S- DKX AUK IX CHIIiK I Br AuoUte4 frnm t. loi D17 TltnM.l ' VALPAnAlSO. Chile. Nov. 13 Tho German cruisers Lelp Jig nnd Dresden steamed into Valparaiso this morning and started taking bn provisions. I HIG DAXCK SATURDAY NIGHT t KAGLHS' HALL. MAltTI.N'S Olt WllSTltA. YOU COSIK. ....- iho rnllrnml trnrkn nml navlnir . . .. . . .....!.. in... ..- , . riuiTta.l I ""' "" - ..-- wnun no IIIUIIU UIUI UIU (;"" 111" I""- lDrA..oc...... ..... ----- - - thn xnenB0, PAUIS. Nov. 1 4. a l'f--' .. Mm ,. .ho rnoB ,j-v 1In0 whBri n iaco of tho $25 fine, ho decided siuioa lliav l" ....- - . . -.. In consequence, whon vlded n Jail sontenco of thirty days mr auwum rr to cm, lur tibi.i addition to this there aro dozens of loug'dlBtancti tolophono calls, do claro tho lawyers, that must,, bo paid for, nil lielplng to swell tho flntlt nnnnlllit rt Itnti.l nnolnU attontlon from Important matters . and cuts greatly into tholr timo as ..II nn iviwidtiii niiiniiiilu I fturvuru ,. 115 U,.U.,.U ,VWM..-. .... ,.,.. ,., ..., tako trips to Coqulllo. and having "---.,,, to wait lato In tho afternoon, aro of wo'11 expodltod with a forced to stay there during the night BmU "v o tlmo and monoy. uu.l this, too, adds greatly to tho . ,, . ' expense of co'unty seat business. , , K Boi. who s dangerous ,, Prosecuting Attornoy LUJeqvlst proving today. Yosterday ho had a With tho appointment of a deputy prosecuting attorney horo, much of i .,. minU'lrk , French torpedo hoat sank a Qer- I man suomurniu I Dolgi ! tryli i shin i speed ... ... . ... iir they would have: to stand tno extra Warden Thomas says that ho tlcal crisis In February was vory 111 STOCKHOLM. Sweden. Nov. 13. j,08 doolarod that ho may movo to hard tight and stimulants woro noces- Klng Gimtav, who. Just alter tho poll Marsh'rield artor tho tlrst of tho;""- . - of Wostenue. 0XI)Ong0 0f overhead or underneath ,iag warned hunters tor the last tlmo and was oporalod upon ror a stomach 'year, In which enso tlioro .would bo i TQrjAY Hfifinnn I1AY 1 iubrnarlno was i . rn .q .. ral,road officials wero that InfrlncemontH of tho daylight malady. Is now enjoying good health' no noed of a deputy. Tho matter, vun ' l,uuuuu UH ' I urn. i no 4 it a k'fflnnn ivar v o -. . -.-,- ....-- ..-.. . . ...... - i ,g o l0",0U" '"" t on full ' not In a position to uu,mjso It becauso shooting law win not be to era tea. an. seems to on Huongor iiinu ay- broached to him already, has met when tho latter put on iuu not in a pumuim iu uf', ...,. ii0 has not boon paying any heed to body would have expoctol. The king 14I t . . ... .' . . ' and charged on m- tney nau tnoir own bianu ui iiibiiuB q few mlnutogi but lately he was In- plays lawn tennh on Iho covered wun mo hjijuu.ui, u mw. ., v- hlrh Hlsaniieared- A large ,l,oc .limiPM ronfrnntlnir them. ...,..i .l,..i un..t .nm nmuilliix thn onurli In Rlnrkhnlni nnnrlv nvorv iluv llnvns fl doillltv should bo USSlgllod I U1A b''HNf fc- - .,.-.-. 111! 1IIIH1 111UL DUIIIU Vl VI U ' - ww r y J - viwivh w- "T -- -- , i nnnntltv of oil roso to tiie sur- r,m.n iii innvn tnmrtrrnu? limit firinpn ininiitos or a half hour for an hour and neatly always against , im. ,.itv I ubmarlne'Mnk10 8P t ,for homo and Is today meeting many nnj now he says ho will cut out all S'vB:Jl5;Qhom ho ,a n,,1' IWore tkl,B UU present posltl . of bis old friends. If thoro Is anything in supor stltloii3, etc., today has most of tho unlucky periods choated for lioodoos. It Is Friday and the 13th. :-ttx : HWIWWWfJ