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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 12, 1914)
A rwrs STIRRING TIMES Are theso dayB ot wnr and blood ihcJ. Il ,a important that you ti&vo full knowlcdgo of tho latest authentic nows. Subscrlbo for Tho Times, and read tho ovonts of tho ciicn uvuiiuiii. JMWIMJ - RYING TO "SETTLrOTHERPRjPEBTrOUBlES GkMB flait fEimm VOL NO. XXXVIII. Established jgfg nw Tho Cont Mall. MEMBER OP THIS ASSOCIATED PIIE89 EVERY DAY Thoro appears soma .Item of news. In the advertising columns ot Tho Time nows of tho day's "Best Buys" to ho found In tho various Btores. Tho woman who rends and hoods thoss "nows Items" Is tho ono who conducts her household economically. HnMMnnmMMHM MARSHFIELD, OREGON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1914 EVENING EDITION GERMS WITHIN FIFTY MILES OF WAGE FEARFUL BATTLE A Consolidation of Timet, Const Mall and Pnn Hnv Atlvortlwr No. 96 CALAIS I Villa Heads. Army Goiini Kaiser's Troops Much Nearer Dunkirk, One Other Objective luiMi, cum wi in, wiioiduuiiis am Being maac on Allies Lines Again Today QUIET PREVAILS ALONG BALANCE OF LONG BAllLb unit IN NORTHERN AND EASTERN FRANCE French Silent Today as to Gains and Losses at Vital Point ujuh inu uuiuuiiiu ui vvniun ninges r-uture cam paign of Germany Near Coast (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) inunnil M... in lAMit. r i . lunuuini inov, ui vvnn uixmuae in tneir possession and tnrAwoci,iMi-rrtocm.n,,Timw.i ss i mi uu iimua iiuiii uuiuib am nuci nearer j lKirk. inn 'Washington. i. a. Nov. 12 tomans woro waging still an undecided conflict lorinv with Tho footed mouth disease now '- ,. r i 1 rr mi r .. . '." I eadiy iury(againsi ino Aines. uver an other parts of tiie miw n"K tim !nttio in fourteen T Seize M HUMANS IN DANGER OP ANIMAL ILL .Vjctorious Rebel Leader Re ported to Have Been Given Task by Convention LEADER OF CARRAN2A ARMY UNDER ARREST American Corisular Agent Car others Will Accompany Villa Army Southward asdic City BOMB HITS NEW YORK COURT HOUSE long "ittlo lines of Europe, comparative quiet prevails, ! On tho Servian border sham lighting is in nroercss and tlm ITurks are in action against Msitions through Prussian border 2 On the success wav through to deoend tho future of the campaign, not only in Belgium, but elsewhere, ... In contrast with yesterday's frank admission of German advance, Including the canturo of Dixmude, tho French offi cial statement today was non-commital, There are no in dications whether the Germans have succeeded in pushing (further their advance, tDr Ar.iKlalod rnn to Com nr Time 1 '"' '"""I' rtrtt to Ctn n Tlirf 1 WASHINGTON. I). C. Nov. 12. . M'JW YORK, Nov. 12. Amidst Oonernl Villa, nt tho hend of a largo Jim ruin wrought liy a powerful forco. begun marching south froml'10'"" exploded Inst night nt tho Auunn Cnllcntcs to attack tho forces. entrance to Bronx County's new mil- under tho command of (leneral (Ion- dollar court house, detectives FRENCH SAY BATTLE LINE HAS NOT VARIED IN LAST Wa; Declare Alternate Advances and Retirements Without Decisive Move Have Marked1 Engagements Near North Sea Coast Since November 10 ' Any ANNOUNCE THAT ENGLISH HAVE REPULSED HARD OFFENSIVE MOVEMENTS OF GERMANS Declare French Retain Old Positions Near River Aisne and Have Strengthened Positions Previously Conquered Artillery Victory Near Crayonne. ' (By Associated Press to Tho Coos Bay Times.) PARIS, Nov, '12, An official communication this afternoon says! "On our loft wing the- fighting continues with violenco, and has beon conducted with alternate advances and retire ments without Importance The battlo front has not varied ... II lllll'I 111(1 I'll II I III II III! : . " 1 : r: .: "V . -,,, "'"M. 3!!"!:"! '":?& LXt ,K., 'rll!" fiieatlv since Novombor 10, Thoro is no change in tho British lliu I', a, l'Wlltl MIII.'IU (II AKnCUIllirO ""J ""l l"- iHHD wiun-iiti-D i'uiiicii- "' -.--"..- i , """"" "' w l.i" I ,i I J I ll I I ,l"?. ,i i Vi ..I; ;S,V,Kr-yr. " "" W1'0" w'u lllu u"utf wuiu lupuiwiu, aiiu yuiuuuiunv a dotacnmont Aisno, wo re- attack and nrevlouslv conauep ed bv us, In tho rogion of Cravono our artillery roducod to silenco tho cannon of tho enemy, Several of Hielr pieces wero destroyed, Wo mado some p rogres'in tho vicinity of Borry Au Bac," rut ntmnrnii n itinirnniniii 110 nUSS ailS. HIT fin Tho mam nnnounccd today, but Its effect rnrnlv i i -.."..... r" .,.....7..i i ,-' ,. m . ... . I . "" Wf' ' M,M"1 I iiiiii iiu iiiuiuiini.u inn . iiuwii " -" - '! uv viiivtiKU' 1 1 ill n tt nttnilPiWA mWiYinnln nm nnJnflnl;Mi i rrailCe east Of Ll e and aong the East ' serious. Tho Department urKcd, f '''nB loyal to tho convention, vor twenty years ago. Among' tho wmuiu uiiuiioivu inuvui uuiiio vyoiu umuuuumji ujr mH in RflllSn ihnrn innnrnn ,i I? lV.ll ' howow. that human, keen nSS 8tnrtr" " Moxln, City to Inko com- '"" . ."lolal !!?.'?! ?l Of PrUSSiail Guards. Ill tllO rOglOII Of t!l6 RlVCr uiv. ,ii "hiiuiin knuiu nwwui uniijf 10 u mm ... .. .. . - maun 01 nis iroons. mil was arrested " '""'h iuui lumranui mo cuiiri- i!..j ..- !!!.. wmi.. i..i .i..i ai- fn urn f 4l, f5H.v. . 4 t 'IU tllSVnsCtl CUtllO to AVOlll HPrcntl- Hlln,. 1,v. nniiMlM. fl.m P. 1'nr. llOIIBO. t ICV foUllil tnttnm nf n linimili. IUIIIUU UUI UU5IUUII IUUI VUIIV UUIU 51 ll UUl 110 4U VnJ, niw!niJ I . !.!t . i; iu IUIUU jntr tl0 infection and recommended others. American consular ngont, ro- Jt printed In Spanish nnd headed strengthened Olll' DOSitlollS ill tllO tCITltorV UIU L HANOI I UI U U ill VV iUUVU UU5L ilV tin iihii nf .,nqtn,irl,n.l .,,111, DOrtCtI 10 was llCCOIIllmllV lllir V 11. " iMnrijTB 01 V IllCO 10. " i L so SOS EGRO LEADER KAISER STILL ON FLANDERS FIELD SERVIANS CLAIM GRE T VICTOR! EiAN S S SER V President Becomes Indignant German Emperor Journeys port That They Destroyed at a k nf Cha rman nf thf M onn uau e L ne rooos ia uauaiiuns ui HUbiiiciii Black Delenation Todav , Continue Destruction Infantry on Danube rllPI IPII nillfl rTl Ml HIIIJIi fllTnll tnrAMOfll,rrMtOiD?-iiiel lljr AmocIiIikI 1'fMt to Coo. tly Tlmm.J I lUhl I.IM T II I T II n I UI UU H I I Mllf . WASIUNOTO.V, I). C, Nov. 12. I AMSTUUDAM. Nov. ll-Sluls nd- LIIUUiUM i ULUUbu w i - iii iiiwh I'rus GERMAN SUDiRN IGLISH tn; amocUi.4 rrr. to ron lur FIbim,) NI811, Sorvln, Nov. 12. 8x lint- l1!. WH-pn. whllo receiving , vices In.Ilcatcl that the (Iermans con- " "-..' " TrtLZ delegation of nogroos who enme to tlnuo to blow up brldffs and that tho Whlto HoiIbq to protest against anion it tho structurca ho destroyed Is segregating the races In tho govern- tho bridge near Iloystf West Flan- tho dors. Tho allies continue to occupy ninn, , Ypres, Shells fnllliiK In tho town told . ycstnrdny killed four children. Aero- E SINKS El TORPEDO BOAT OFF ENGLISH COAST (v Associated Press to The Coos liny Times.) . ..-,.. .. . -. , . , i ., t r! j mont departments, objected to ONnflN. Nnv. 12. h certain maces north of Dixmude, . tono ndoptod by thoir spokosi I., r,. ' i i i ... it.- i-f l,.,l, f j, Voi- iUn ie ' V. M. Trotter of Boston, and 110 Hermans are ill lUUM Ull IIIU lOll uaim ui uibioci. u.u io,itll0 comilllUco jLwould hnvo to got iilanos nro reported to have dropped in 1 10 SlHft nnarnst t in Fmnc 1 COast tOWnSi and 1 10 I" attaCK n now chnlrmnn, Tho President nd-, bombs which damaged tho church Instead of concentrating to the southward bolow Ypres. ap-' tnuVV'mSSJSVnS VH.yjKSt S?&XWff?BScteJr iTCiS Mrnn h has hnnn milRWfif a most Oil tlO COaSt lie, tiero i tho WDltp Houho. -'" r -noylng through Flanders, vlsltod hfv rlrnun fhn Alllns frnm I nmhap.rdtzvdo, Oil V h tum to bo rfrivon out themselvos, The official announcement says tho1 Rfirmans arn nnw trvinor to rotako LombaordtzydG,. whlQU IS- north of Nieuport and near thoa,; , .How they dan . optfrtrtpv' In this locality if tho gritlsh-HrcnfJh. Worships arec Sstlll dland-v ling off shore is not quito cloa'rto British .obsorvors, r roi jomo time past'inero lias, ueeu iioinuiuiun uuiumuuiuuviur on this coast. FRFHCH SE GERMANS TELL OF GAINS ' SUNK AT HAVRE Courtrnl mid expressed satisfaction to tho municipal .nuthnrltlcs for tho mnnnor tit Avlitch tho Oernuui troops I Ur6 (iiinrtnred, Trnln londs of wountlol nru continuously being con I veyod from tho bnttloflolds. (By Associated Press to Tho Cons Bay Times.) LONDON, Nov, 12, Tho British" torpedo gunboat Nlgor has boon torpedoed by a submarlno In Tho Downs, according to an official announcement last night, Tho Nlgor foundorod, hut all tho officers and crow woro saved, Two mon woro in mi tuiicini ninte-i . -.,.-. ---- --- - - - . - , todnv. "ah men not idiimi. Mvornv wniiiuinfi aiu two mss snr oils v nrt. no uowns IS wrfi! Zmmisy "snid1 tho'Si a portion of tho North Soa off tho soutlioast coast 'of England, netweon mo norm ano soum loreianas, uooawin oanas, a part of Tho Downs, am supposed to furnish ospocirtl soclirlty ior sninniiiR, iiaiiuno noar br.iierovo untler cover or artillery fire, Imvo been nnnlbllat ed by n counter nttack by- tho Servl uus, according to nn offlclnl stnte mont nnuueumeut. "Wo miido 2000 nrls oners nnd enptured two i,ulck firing Kims." RUSH AUST Dll n MR DU Eleven Lives Reported Lost on Vessel Which Went Down During Storm There (njr AawxUtM I'nti to ': IU; TlniM, LONDON, Nov. 12. A ilUpatcti (By ABBoclntcd PrcsB to Tlio Coos Bny Times.) rfri im Mow io fVh Wlrpinss1) Tlio German hoad- i-- !.' 1 il. r-lt...!,, rintAiiinni IrtflflU! "TllO filiniVlV ll'.II IIITL' ILTIIIIlfl Mill lllllll VI II M .tll llillllllll LUUlll I 1 1 w 1 I " ' J , tv. advanced from Noluport as far as Lombaertzyde, but was S"P-v ftXgi W drttffin nrmcc 4lm Vcniv Tlin nastnril hailk of 1 10 YSOI'i aS tar (Julcho fouiulorcd 111 tho Havre rond- uiiiuii hviuqj uiu iwii M;u. ,, stead during n gnlo and olovon ior as tho sea, Is now clear of tho oiiony. n:Vmi,rin'BP"a l08t l,,0,r l,ve', 11 In., nllnnl. nM-nop ilin YC(ir PHnill III 1111! Mill! UI Ll A UUU, !s progressing, ' In the region oast of Ypros, wo advanced urther and captipd 700 Froncli soldiers, four cannon and our machino guns," GERMANS PAIS E' S CONSULATE 1R OFE MDE RHEIM S DAMAGED PLANS MADE FOR NFaT GAMrA bNa Bcrlin Pap,!rs Uud Cap1, Von aat.-Bsra-'syssi ssbl is AwSpESkioof nSST LIMIT OF MICHIE M1CGEIITELLS OF Says Accident on Columbia Demonstrated That She Can Not Work in Deep Watar That tho dredgo Mlchlo s limited to thirty feet of water or less In dredging operations Is tho opinion of Capt- 'I1 ' Mticncnn. Ho points out (lint; tho adcldout hi tho Columbia It Iyer dohimiHtratcd this. Ho says that tlit big suction tlrng had been Hit out to roat'li bottom and was nut to Its full length, so that when the Mlchlo raised and lowered on the swollu. tho suction drag was pnrpeu- dlcular honoath her. Consequently when she struck bottom and the L TROOPS JO EGYPT' POSSIBILITY RECEIVE DIVORCES UNHAPPY Over 23 Transport Loads Leayo Sydney for Defense of Northern Africa (lljr AmimIiIM I'rrM to Com lty Tlinra ) SAN KUANCIHCO. Nov. 12. Pns- sengers who arrived today on tho lln- vi i.iiiiilii. mini, link ojiiiiuj vi iif ..... : .. , -. . , her 21, reported that four days ho- Imlldlng at tho corner of Central nvo With Adequate Heating Plant Eleven Cases on Circuit Court William Grimes ana D. T. Flynn Will Ereot Structure The orpctlon of it 120,000 to 12G,- ..i. Ventura, which Infl Hviliuu- Orln. '" IWO'BlOry liril'K (UlICO llllll Store Docket Yesterday Clean Up of Slate ,Madc destination reporteil to ho Kgypt. T WILSON T0; i Ordering a genornl cleanup nf tho longstanding tllvorco enses on tho docket of the circuit court, eleven cases were heard before Judge Coke estertlay and unhappy wives una husbands parted from their bonds of matrimony. Three nf the cases ........ ....... f ....f.rl..l.l .....i ..i.. v.t. I,,.!l.... ,,.ran .' .... I. ,,.,ln WUIU HHI .MHinillluill HHU IIUIII H,II inlMiK Jto fta tntn.mmt today b) , ,l""1 ,fir" wro two. MnflrlilW ..Snveriil weeks ago Mr., u !' I1'"?..0? cr,'.,.1 n",, nln", Klvpu ,hHntn Interested in the pro- troalmoiit. IMlth OJeriuundHon so Ject iiinl'hls trip hero this week has 'iircd n releaiti from Oscar (IJerinun- icon for tho iiurnusn or looklmi tivor """ " wnuni wm uuu uuuii hiuihou foro they left Australian troops em-' 1UV' '" rl will be j rom- ., harked Hi twenty-threo transports, "'" Intljo spring by William ,' convoyed by fourteen cruisers, nud I "J'V"1,H 'l """ r- ';. f o snlled under cover of ulght for it, Oklahomn. f.rnvldliiK. nn mleqtinto RU GOAL HUMES tiiu gioond and making (ireimrntlous for tho building. . Allli erman Shell Explodes in L. J. Simpson and Fred Hollis- ter Will Both Seek Con gressional Seat Miller and His Crew Knew Destruction Was Sure I (Dr AMotlilfr! Trrti to Com ntjr Timet UKItMN, Nov. 12. All tho morn' , lng papor In Berlin unite In prnlso of tho commerce-destroying career I of tho Kmdon and they declnro her rinnl ili'Klrnrtlon nlwnvs had beon Thnt North Bond and Cooa Bay n88Ur0(, The rorgen Post says ' ' will hnvo two uhancos to nine u novor j,ng a Bnglo ship taken part 1-1 I.. . I. n1nritlf. Iwn . . .. . .. u.lil. t. I'ongressninii in " '""ijn intornaiinnai wnriuro wun hucii .. ... ., in tlm ninn now lie- . n.i ...w. am .,n.,ora m. , ... . 1 v i . i i...iins yunr iium nun , -- lumuiu ivouho. nn ra '"" n- 's cut tin bv tho shrannel bullets, ,. , i,nr( ....... ,., ,i, i ,i in.n..ia the' ?.!her VJ A,norlfna" B'!ie'd,1ann0,'1 Tie proposal Is that L. J. Simp- laudatory articled on Captain Carl oe tlac on the consulate was uam- ihuvu . ...m i,n . -.r-.n . t-,.,. .!,. .,..,. fn,i L i i ,.r, oimiia son. mayor oi .unu u, vu .uuimi, mu uiu hiihiiuu ted. 0r six weeks German shells sou, i ujur . P01111i1i,,an no- J UU n riTaUd8 ,,BV0 Veon fal,,ng mlnation in the primaries. Iigainst V. C .Hawley, i-reuericK- nomsivi, tho democratic candidate againsi iiou-inv HiIh vpar. will also bo a dldate again nnd feels certain that VSliiv.Tnv n r binv. 12. ho can land the nomination. Ne armoied cruiser Tolinbsseo In Then if L. J.Simpson should suc- Medltorranean roFdfttifl today cee(l jn wrestling tho repuni can sho had been In 'wireless com-, mnatlon from C, Hawley, the ilcatlon with thn c.rfijsei' North ,u.n nrlnclnal candidates will bo Coos crolna and tho ship is safo in Bel- rtay men. if Mr. Simpson should not -v naruor. This disnoses oi mo ru- nor had to break. As long ns tho Mlchlo was working whoro tho wutor was noti deep enough to pormlt the drag to swing perpendicularly underneath tho diodgo's hulk, thoio was no dun- Front of It Marred But Not Serious Struck tBf JUioclt4 Vtft Is Coat Da?' TlmM.l UIIKIMS. Franco. Nov. 12. A Ccrman shell exnlodod yesterday In i 'he street onnoslin the American con uUto. Tho front of tho building PMs quarter. I'. H. CIll'ISKH SAl-'i:. Colorado Settlement lljr Auorhlnl I'rrM to Ciwt lur Time PIIII,AI)i:i,PIIIA, Pa., Nov. 12. i resolution was iiroseuted at to- Iiu iireseut time V S. Chandler Ih planning on n heating system to supply tho two brick bloeks between iirontiwny nim neconti ntreoi on cen tral avenue and ulsn for tlio build lugs to bo erected at the corner of Central nveniio nnd Kecond street. With theso plniis perfected Mr (1 rimes and Mr. Flynn are prepared to go ahead with their structure. At HiIh corner tho two men own a tract r, 0 feet wide by 100 feot In length, tho probable size of tho build ing which they may erect. In tho morning Mr. Klyiiu leaves again for his homo nt Oklahoma City and It Is igalnstl illlster.'T list 3 r. I a can- ORE! LAMS SS S U gor. Capt. Macgonn explained this to day's convention of tho American Cant. Potter, thn exnort wlm wns In Federation of Labor urulng Prosl- chargo or tho tost on the Columbia, dent Wlson to Insist that tho Colo- not probablo thut ho will rututn here for two or threo months on ehnrtor, ratio nilno owners accept tho Fed-1 """t year. that district paying for It. On this oral plan for peaco and If thoyt chtrter it Is oxpectod that she will fnll to comply that tho President earn some money In addition to opor- tako steps to have tho coal mlntos atlon and upkeep. Tho work nt Kur- operated under goverumeiit super cka Is not to bo e! urged up to Coos vision. Bay. A new steel suction drag Is . to bo built to replaco tho cast Iron ono. Capt. ,Mnogpnn,dld not get nn op-' portunlfy to discpss tho jetty proj ect with Major Mctrrow much. Ho Is confident, however, that tho op portunity Is ripo for this bolng push ed In tho proper mannor. TURKISH FLEET, SUFFERS LOSSES SOUTH I IH DAN France and England Notify1 Equador and Columbia That They Must 'Be Neutral fur about live years mid who Is now living Ih Montana. Thn mother urh given tho custody'df ono child. Non-support wns tho cause given for tliu tioubles of Mrs. Mabel M. Kinney mid she was given a dlvnrcn from her husband Kxm N. Kinney who Is now nn employeo of thn bucket dredgo Oregon. Mrs. Klunoy also received $70 suit money, $15 a mouth alimony nnd tho custody ot the ono child, about 18 mouths old. BerniiBo he had botn convicted of felony nnd Is now serving n six mouths to sevou years term In tho stnto penitentiary for horso stealing lug, Mrs. Kthul May Vaughn wns giv en n tllvorco decree from Frank Vaughn. Hlie Will nave tho custody of one child. Thn threo Marshfioltl cases woro trlod by Graves and Me inour whllo Attorney Hyde handl oil tho two suits from North Bond. Of the latter Samuel Vernoy was given release from his wlfo Jbnnto Veruey on tho grounds nf dosortjon. Mrs. Veruey has been gone for about a year. i i Mrs. Frank Lapp wns glvon a dl vorco from her husband, to whon slio had boon married for nbqut, fpur years, on tho grounds of iion-suipp,rt. Threo nf tho nthor casos wejo from linndou, ono from Cotiulllo ami tno ti or from Myrtlo Point. Harbor. This disposes of tho ru- 1)0 successful,' Mr.'.Holllster and his i Derj0rt to Berlin That mo"8ol' Ploased with that tho North Carolina had been Mends think' thatho can mako a Ulllbldi ntnui i w uwnii nwi niBllt of Cooa llay nn "nk by a mlno. rogular to this jHI) OK APPHKCIATIO.V. nitoh sironirer raco in mo .Unllnn thrill llfi W38 n)Q year They point out that this year the U. S. Senatorshlp. governorship and wet and dry campaign detracted from public Interest in the congres sional fight so that it made It uphill for him io cawpuibu (,. "8 Wish to thn nlr nnr mnnv kind fiendg and imlchhrira fnr thnlr nld I WOrk Ind man.. .... . . . . .i! ilnulm' l.J. ' Ulls ' Kinuness ounng uio .- m..nv unit uie our hr,m n.inM iniot i In mo wuui -""-"""-' .; Turks Have Won on Both t Land and Sea rDf AuotlitM Vtttt to Cool tur Tlmn BKRLIN. Nov. 12. tBy WIreless.1 Tho Turkish official report from Constantinople says tho Uusslaus have ben completely defeated on tho . . . ... in tho ninnniime luu w i" ' . .-.. :..... .... ,... e on Catching Jniet ' .. :."-.:-- minc the cand - uaucasian ironiier auer a ngui msi- destroyed by fire. I ,X'S 'for th I congressional seat. , Ing two days The positions o the "" AND MRS. JOHN MATTSON A SlIXTnwu ...n i.nn.,... nn. ni.lll . OII iwiunit V "" lill booster, wns a Mnrshfield Ntor last night ,,,.,. phnrrh ladles' COOK- the Russian ships, whlc l ,,,vUtn'i', r Svrnil W W Koslu 111 the Black Sea. A ifSirS olwK lDo'Front St J man- In n fog Russians are now occupied by tho Turks The Turkish fleet pursued hlch bombarded but he Ituv (II; AuocLt tltti is uooi Df limn.) WABIIINOTON, I). C. Nov 12. - ' Franco ami Great Britain Imvo warn ed Kcuador and Columbia In vigor ous tonus that vlolatjon of tho ueu-i trallty by those countries will not be tolerated. UEEN MAR S 10 TO AILING Lcuro ToiiMiri on . D. T. Flynn. aSntirpiSArt'oUU his home in okinhoma. Ho was im-Iv Damaged at Dardanelles tllO develop- . Tnrnorln Dnof ToCnn d sas It was lull"'" "i ituti naru nir nun in rennze mo nig nn- jnr ai rr. to t iur tio.m i pruveiiieiuu itiat navo neen uiuuo .. .. . .. ! hero In tho last few ears. I PKTROORAI). Nov. 12. A ills- 'patch from Constantinople says tho Charges Fkel.V. U. Douglas. Turkish cruiser Goehen wns pono- has received a letter from his son. trntod by u shell at her water flno i ('M)SK LABOK AGKXCIHS. t mr aoiii rr. i coo. iux Tlmw. Duncan Douglas, who Is attending a during the recont bombardment of LONDON, Nov 12. Quoon Mary law school In Portland, saying that tho Dardanelles by the Anglo-Froniih Washington to Replace Prhnte llur- gladdened tho hearts of 200 wound the charges preferred against sonio fleet. Tho damage was doscrlbod finis nltlt Oiick of Ktulo, ed "Tommloa" in tho Amorlcan Wo- Portland men In connection with him ns serious. n amki.imiWwco.ii, thumi 'visit today and a personal gift to otlng thoro are without foundation. TORPIIIM) BOAT CAl'GHT OLVMPIA, Wash., Nov. 12 each soldier. Tho quoen was enthti- Tho grandjury paid no heed to them. "" '' n "- " i'"-l State labor" agenclos to replaco the slastlo in praise of tho beautiful hos- It seems that the men who swore In, LONDON. Nov 12. Tho Turkish, private employment agencies which pltal. which Is on tho private estate Duncan's voto wore opposed to 8hr-, torpedo boat hlth escaped from will bo closed by law on December of Paris Slugor, ot a woll Known iff Word, who was reeking re-elec- the Dardanelles, has been raptured 3, will be recommended In tho nn- American family. Kvory cent for tlon. ami his charges wore Inspired ,cff Tenndos Island, according to au mini report of Stnte l.nlioi Cnmmls- ciiulpmeut of the hospital was con b this Athens tllspatih. sloner Olson Irlbuted by Amorlcaus, rfl v il Ml .. fl 1 till nonl nilOJ it i wnmsm MM.MJT.WWiM ... -.. .- .. -r .. r- ,