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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1914)
fiMiMlMWiWWlllJ THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. NINE WmSlm TVe GveatcvOvegoYv' Willi new building, belter equip, ment, enlarged grounds, and many ad. dllloiu to its frtculty, the University of Oregon will bccln Its thirty-ninth j car Tuesday, September IS. Special training for Business, Jour, nilfom, Law. Medicine, Teaching, LI. !lary, :v?"v . "ll"'c. Architecture. Physical 1 raining end I'lno Arts. I nrccM and Mionncst Jcmtimnnr. of liberal (deration. Library of mtt linn 30,0(0 volumti, two plrndlil symnailunn, tltvrn kulMlngt fully trtilrr"l Ni HC0.030 Admlnliirailon lliiiltilntf in courir 01 conuruciion Tuition Pre Dormltorlrt tor mtn and lor women F.tLirnio towcM Vrlta lor i-il.ioj tnd llluttriltd booklet AJJmilnK ttipliirir, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON cuolne oncaoN uSkJ. THE NEXT ISSUE OF THE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY OESTO rnbbo Hduui uoiuocn iu, iai. Huvcn- jSING SPACE FOR SALE. MAKE YOUR RESERVA I0NS FOR SPACE IN IT. FOR PARTICULARS WRITE B CALL loos Bay Home Telephone Co. Marshfield, Oregon WORLD'S GREATEST WAR DAY BY DAY SMS THE WAH . , . ,' iaiap i fti riiiT a ni r i ,,,. ,,. , t..h WH.1 nrv An r I m 9 I af III mm I I I I I kr mm lb CLEAR 34 1LES Bfi LKADIXG KKJfltl'.S IX TIIK IXROPHAX W'Ml. Fllii G 5 I I COHTEST Of Course You Will PAINT Thli glimmer If your liotiuo or building noedH painting. No body can afford to neglect tills matter In this- cllmuto and this li the Lett neaisim of tho your In which to pnlnt. In reality pointing cost nothing whou tlio Increased valuo of the house anil Its protection nro considered. See us when yon nro roitly to pnlnt j It will ho worth your while. VI E RS XOUTH FRONT STItKin'. Hundreds of Homes Are In Line of Fire From the French Forts MANY SUBURBAN TOWNS TO BE DEMOLISHED Governor's Order is to Clear Way So Enemy Will Have No Protection WASHINGTON, D. C, Sept. f.. A circle of country thirty-four miles long Is being swept of buildings by order of the military governor of 1'nrln thnt residents of tho "zono of octlon" of the French capital's do- renuing forts hum their homes In anticipation of a siege. The order refers to tho suburban territory JttBt beyond the city's second lino of de fenses, composed of seventeen con necting foils. Theso are located In a wide clrclo about two miles outside tho Inner wall of Paris. They lie for tho most part among famous suburban towns such ns Neullly, Versailles, Vluccnncs niul sweep every approach to tho city. It Is assumed that tho governor's or der Is Intended to clear tho way In front of these defenses thnt no pro tection will he afforded nu advancing enemy. Tho order probably applies also to1 tho outer clrclo of tho city's triple ' line of defenses. These nro the most I modern of the forts. They nro built j of steel and masonry mid known to bo equipped with tho heaviest guns, of the fnmoiiB French artillery, nl- largo proportions ns In the case of tho second line forts, which nre Im bedded among costly dwellings and thriving towns. Something of the magnitude of the defenses of Paris Is shown by est I motes that only nn army of n half million men could hone to Invest them and cut them oft from tho out side world. Several of tho forts still hear tho names under which they re sisted the German assaults In 1870, but they linvo been remodeled and newly equipped many times ns tho science of gunnery progressed and todny aro considered by military ex ports among tho strongest defense works In the world. Tho two outer lines nre so placed thnt each fort has a cross flro over the territory swept dlrectlv by tho guns of ndjolnlng forts. Tho result Is to mako attackers faco fire from both flanks, ns well as the front In advancing on any position. NOT TRUSTING AM. TO PRAVIJR. though details ns to their armament I have been closoly guarded. They nro' among the hills, however, and while' It tuny be necessary to destroy num erous buildings to open the country to the flit) of their guns, It Is believed tho destruction will not ho of such (.'cinwin (Ici-gymim Riiyn llljr Guns Will Hwiiy (i(m1'h Decision. ROTTERDAM, Sept. ft Tho prnc tlcnl way In which the Germans view the war Is well Illustrated by n story told hero by A. R. Miller of Louis ville, Ky. "A ccrtnlu Protestant clorgymnn of llnnover," Bnld Mr. Miller, "address ing a largo congregation on tho morn ing of tho mobilization, said, among other things: "'Wo nro now face to faco with n peculiar sltuntlon. No doubt tins KusslniiB, French and Kngllsh will pray God to give thorn victory, hut thero is hut one God mid, since ho Is just mid Impntrlnl and they nre nlso his children, wo, In order to win, must work m well as pray. Wo must fight harder than tho others, God may not always side with, big gnus, but big guns certainly will help him mako a right decision. ' More About Debt A Home liouyht on Time is a Wholesome Spur lo Thrift. Arc you afraid of going in debt for the purchase of a home'? when just plain lollcs are in debt they generally plan tne spend iny; of their money more ca rcfullv: thev look twice before they FIRST ADDITION TO SHFIELD el a dollar slip through their fingers. If you have a debt to pay you deny yourself unnecessary things so that you may meet your payment. There are so many little things on every side to take a person's money that if you have not some place to put it, it is apt to be wheedled right out of your poekMt ere you realize it. The prices on all necessities are not so high as to make a home prohibitive if two people make up their minds to linvls one. If you doubt this, talk to some of the home owners in FIRST ADDITION who know what resolution and determined thrift have accomplished for them. Then you yourself resolve that a home is worth the effort necessary to get it. Beautiful building lots on California and Idaho avenues (graded streets) now to be had for a small payment down and the balance in monthly installments like rent. These lots arc each 50 feet wide and 120 feet deep. City water service and tel ephones. Price per lot, $300. Oct full information from Reynolds Development Co. (OWNER) ITS Central Ave. . c If there Is n lllsmnrck. n Von Moltke, n Napoleon, a MeMuhon u Wellington, n Mirylnl or a Roberts tnuoug the captains of the great armies now at war his Identity still remains undis closed. The spectacular figures as they stand out nre these: The German Kaiser. King George of l'nglnnd. The Cznr of Russia. Premier Asqulth, Sir Kdwnrd Grey, Vice Admiral .lelllco. Winston Churchill, (first lord of the admiralty), and Gen. Sir John French of Great Hrltnln. Gen. llclinutli Von Moltke, a nephew of the famous tactician of the Frnnco-Prusslnn war of 1871. President Polncnro nud For eign Minister Vlvlnnl of France. Count Von llechtold, tho Aus trian Prime Minister, and tho biggest man in tho Austrlnn Hungniian confederacy. M. Sozonoff, tho Russian prime Minister. King Peter and Pnsltcb, tho Prltno Minister of Servln. King Albert of the DclglnnB. Some otic of these men may carry off the honors of tho war. There nro others In tho various countries Involved who may achieve world-wide distinction, but so far tho hostilities have not progressed fur enough to re veal his Identity. Germany. Franco and Austria were ready for this war long before octunl hostilities were declared. This was 8trongl evidenced by the pa triotic spirit displayed by tho sub jects of each country. To n closo observer. It was clear thnt war was Impending, with the French mid Germans ready to fly nt each other's throats at a moment's notice. So said a Clnciunntlan Just return ed from Kurope after n two months' tour of Germany, Austria and Franca The Austrian peoplo wcro greatly shocked nt the assassination of tho Archduke Franz Ferdinand mid his coiiBort, but It had ninny times beeu predicted Hint Fcrdlnnnd would nev er live to ascend the Austrian throne. In Germany the warlike spirit was noticeable, although thero was no open talk of conflict. Hut regi ments upon regiments of Gemma soldiers were to bo seen marching the streets constantly. In Frnnc the spirit was tho snmo, but tho activities of the military men wcro not so apparent. Wo In America do not renllzo tho strong racial feeling prevailing ntiioug the subjects of tho various European powers. In Europe, each country fears tho other, and became of the fear, they hate accordingly. It wns my observation that whllo the Immediate cmiBo of the war was the jnurdor of tho Austrian arch duke nil tho nations concerned hnv known for years that this struggle was coming. Cincinnati Knqutror. Russian Advance In Eastern Prussia Till? advance of tho huge Russian army now In eastern Prussia will not bo In the unturo of a parado. The principal German forces nro now occupied on tho French fron tier, mid Germany must defend a frontier of 7T.0 miles that has no great natural barriers. Nevertheless tho ndvanco toward Uerllu Is likely to be a slow one. To tho north, uenr tho llaltlc, nro tho fortresses of Konlgsberg and Dnutzlg. KonlgBborg cnunot bo sur rounded ns long ns the German fleet commands tho llaltlc. Tho Frlscho llnff, whoso cntrnuco Is fortified, Is an Interior waterway, resembling our own Chesopcnke, that extends from Konlgsberg nlmost to Dnutzlg. Tho two fortresses thus supporting olio n not her, can ho reinforced and re vlctualled by sen. South of Dnutzlg, whoso environs In tho Vistula delta can be flooded, Is Thorn and botwecn Is Grnudenz. Finally, further to tho southeast nro tho grent works of Poseu, to reach which an enemy must cross a country much cut up by long hikes running from north to south. Taken together, Konlgsberg, Dnutzlg, Thorn mid Posen nro n series of fort resses difficult to Invest nnd danger ous to leave uninvested. The region wherein tho Russians mo now operating Is filled, to thorn, with doleful associations. It Is tho region of Kylnu nnd Frledland, tho two victories over tho Russians nnd Prussians thnt won for Napoleon tho penco of TlUlt. Intorsborg, occuplod by tho Russians Inst week, Is but a fow miles from tho bnttlotleld of Frledland, mid tho field of Kylnu Is hut a short dlstanco nwny. Thon Great Britain nnd Prussia wcro In nlllnnco with Russln. Whon Konlgs berg, tho last rnfugo of tho unfortu nnto Prussian king, was taken, 100, 000 muskots woro capturod which Great Drltaln had Just forwarded to ronrm tho Prussian army. Russia's ontrnnco Into tho war was duo to a chivalrous desire to bolp Prussia, then receiving from tho dragoons of Napoleon a treatmont not dissimilar to that tho nolglans aro receiving from tho uhlans of tho knlsor. Now Grent Hrltnln, Russia nnd Franco march against Gormany, ovon as a hundred years ago Great Drltaln, Russln nnd Germany marched against Franco. What was tho underlying reason for tho old nlllnnco, linking together people of diverse Interest? It wns tho fenr of French Imperial ism. What was tho uaws that stead ily cnuio during tho long wars? Re ports of victories by tho great mili tary mnchluo of Napoleon, an instru ment ho know bo woll how to linndlo. Time has swept on by a century. Thoro Is now a union against Ger many based on a similar fear of mili tary Imperialism, and tho news Is of successes gained by tho masters of tho world b groatest military mach ine. Napoleon said that tho charges mado against him wero untrue that tho desiro of his heart was poaco. Ho was annoyed oven as tho kaiser Is now annoyed thnt tho world would not accept his hcuovolont assurances. Ho pointed to benefits conferred nnd civilization advanced wherever tho French Influence had gone. Hut tho world then, even nB now, wnB pro vlnclally patriotic. Nations prlzo their own faulty ways to hotter ways Imposed by forco, nnd so, If thoro were Marengo, Austerlltz, Jcnn, Kylnu mid Frlcdlnud, thero woro also Leipzig and Waterloo. BMKHE ' FOB BATTLE LONDON, Sept. li. Tho Dally Mall's correspondent nt Homo cnblca that tho situation Is becoming mora serious throughout tho whole Dal kau PenliiBuln. All tho Ilalknn states nro getting ready to tnko part In tho Kuropenn conflict. 1 If tho above dispatch proves cor rod and n general conflagration lu tho Imlknn Peninsula has long been rumored Ilulgarla no doubt, would attack Its old enemy Sorvln, who Booms to bo getting tho bettor of Austria. Greoco, It already has been reported, has considered Bond ing troops to nld Sorvln. Turkoy, It Is to bo oxpoctod, would solzo tho opportunity to roconquor souio of Its lost territory. Tho attitude of Roumnuln Is problematical. I Gorman offlcors nro said to Iiavo been sent to Constnntlnoplo and tho wnr pnrty Is lu complete control la Turkoy, bo that tho ontrnnco or tho Moslems Is mndo doubly cortaln. It Is belloved hero tho object of Gor many would bo to make. trouble for l'ngland In India nnd Egypt by drawing Turkoy Into tho wnr and. stirring up tho Moslems of these two Drltlsh possessions, GKILMA.Y IMMIGRATION IX IDIli. I To United States 13,700 To Hrazll 225 To other American countries To Kuroponu countries , , U01 To Africa 4 To Asia 0 To Australia 322 Total 1U.35G XKi:i KVKItV CANADIAN SOLDIUIt Twin City Steam Laundry All TrooN Will Do Kept Under Arms I Au ultlng Order to Go, ' WINNIPKO. Sopt. 5. It was an- nounced hero thnt ordors woro ro colved to maintain uudor arms all avallublo troops from tho Great Lakes to tho Pacific Ocean for Immedluto call for nctlvo sorvlco. Tho Londoit war offlco, It was said, hud notified 1 tho Dominion authorities that ovory avallablo man will bo needed. Ubby COAIi. The klud YOU liave ALWAYS USUI). Phono 73. Pacific Livery wild Transfer Company, jhe Laundry That Always Treats You Right DR. n. E. ICniTY, DKNTIST. Phono 112-J, Room 204, Coke Dldg. PILES CURED AT HOME BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD. If you utiffrr from tlwllnj, Itching, blind . and I Ul Ult juii bow to cure juvttlt t I I ... KA r,aut treatment! And hill tho wud om of Oil. borne Irrttmnit f ..!( wl.l. Mr.r.,iliHi fhim VlkUP irrc lur iii.i. " ....-.- r. own locality If rrquwted. Immwllite re- ' Itrt and irmtncnt cure auured. Kcud mi luourj, but ttll other of tbt offer. Writs , todar 10 Ur. U. Himuaew. lie V, Natxa it m m Uaue, i bo. :