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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1914)
HI THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1914 EVENING EDITION. EIGHT I -. mmmm . I I n I i iMMii CC2Uffl1'& unit mm hiuiunwi i-, v-WJCtivu iKraiBELS GO0U1LLE WED' lHtf i l. 'i. nr.vxi' fw-s '.var n I mBUmW U - I - IHXXKR PAHTV. Helen U. (inlo niul children, former 1 of Medford. who hnvo lioi'ii biioikI log (lie summer M (In Simpson homo. Thoy will no by unto to Reselling Mrs. I,. F. Fnlkenstoln Mid duiigh- With One Exception the 1915 Jesse 0. Marlln and Marie M. Automobiles Will be Like 1914 Cars Noster Married Here- Ken Kelly Wedded "It wns one of tho most onjoyub'o, Jesse O. Miirlln, ngod .i, of Co- Interesting mid profltnblo, In tho way nulllo. mil Mnrlo M. Nosier, ago.l 17, of Information, trips 1 have over ink- of Coiiulllo wore married at Tho on." remarked George Goodruni tlili! Chandler Inst night, Justice C. L. morning while greeting friends nt hlw: Ponnock officiating. .Mrs. Lillian i Thursday oxcnlng Mr. nnd Mrs. I.. .1 Simpson piiti'i'tnliu'd with a boun tifully unpointed dlniipr In compli ment to tholr guests, Mies Imilioll torn of North llend returned this Stearns and Mrs. Melon (JMo, who week rrom a visit with reinttves in leave this week for their homos lit Southern Oregon. Mrs. Fnlkenstoln lloiitilnni, Wash., ami Poitland, Ore. having driven her "own auto. The, guests who pi.rtook of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson's hospitality were Mrs. Mrs. L. .1. Simpson entertained W. Keating. Miss Stearns, Mrs. dale, K. .1. Wllsoy and wife, Mr. and Mrs. D. llauser, Tom llciincit. Homer Phil- Warren Heed and II. .1. MeKeown nt lips, I. R. Tower and .1. Mureen. Slioro Acres last Sunday. 4 . if ' ! a . . .MlssXenla Knorr of (lold Ilcaeli i ikii'km t'AHTV. I 'writes friends hole (hat she and her est mid most Important auto factories, whoro they will reside. 4 mother and brother, Chuunecy, when In the wor'd while away and learned lo Finds n Way. A Jollv house party, which onjov- thev return from Washington next , much concerning the now 101 mod-1 Kenneth Kol'y mid Lornn Doon rd the hist week end at Shore Acres, nioiith will visit on the liny for a els. Mr. Covey, of the Covey Motor Cobb, who found n troubled path to was composed of tho following time before returning home to Gold Car Co., of Portland, was with me In mntrlmonlal bliss, surmounted the guests: Miss Father linlioff, Miss Hcach. Detroit, where we also mot many of difficulties by getting an auto and go- Stcarns Mrs Keating. Mrs. Gale, tlio leatllng and largest nutoniobllo Ing to Coqullle, where they wore uiai- Homcr Phillips. Ward MoOIII, .lumen ' " Flanagan and fanilly and Mrs. dealers In tie I'nltcd States." rled by Hov. C. II. llryan. Thoy did Martin, Mr. DoLnte, 1. R. Tower and Otto Sohotter and sou Fredrick who) In answer to a question as to not leave hero until about It o'clock Kpiniptii llnuser , hnvo been enjoying an iruting nt uas- ciianges in next seasons cars, .Mr. in me evening nnti ii was u wnen parage on Central nveiiuo. lie was discussing Ills trip to the eastern au tomobile factories from which ho has Just returned. 'I visited eight or ten of the larg I eart nnd Halph. Collver wero the witnesses. The bride Is physlcnlly disabled an. I was unable to rise out of the invalid chair for the nuptlulu Mr. Martin Is a painter of Coiiulllo, i tendorf Hcneh anil sunset Hay re- turned home the first of tho week. I i ' Mis. Geo. A. Haines and children Mrs. Norls Jensen was hostess returned this week from an outing to a delightful afternoon at Five at Daniels Creek. FINK IMItTV Hundred Thursday at her beautiful I home In Forndnlo. The floral dec- j orations were beautiful. Refresh ments were served. 4. . Mrs. Thomas White and children of llnndou who were visiting rela tives and friends hero this week went Iimfoirma! Chat Mrs. Chas. Stauff and Margaret, .Mrs. Fro,! Cattrall to Xorth Inlet where they spout a J with me and I have, but 1 am not at liberty to divulge It ror the ptcsont. I may say. however, that It Involves tlo olio exception 1 have mentioned In next year's o.irs and will bo made by tho Cndlllae. The new Cadillac will bo entirely different from any Goodrum said: I they reached Coqullle. They roiito.l i "With one exception most nianii-1 County Clerl; .lames Watson from 'lis facturers are making only slight downy couch, got a llconso and found changes except in body designs. The a minister about 11:15 and started mechanical features, with the ono ex-; for homo at midnight. The br'ilo'sl t option I mention, will be the same father, Mr. Poole, and Mr. Mageo ae on the different cars, with only minor cotupanled them. They will rosldr alterations. jot Hay City. "Startling news? Yes, I promised - to bring some startling news back' few days at the homo of her brother, Oscar Ohman. I ,,4 A , i Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Anderson, Mr. i niul Mrs. W. It. Curtis. .Mrs. Hninin daughter, Xasburg. Mrs. .las. Ferroy Sr. and nun I ML Dice nu IT Miss riliiilvn Ferret' loft this week fori nutoniobllo ever inmln or over soon MIbs KIbIo Hall were the guoBts of Shlphord's Springs, Wash., where before. It will bo the most wonder-1 friends In Umpire today. I they will spend a few weeks. Mrs. fill car ever built, regardless of price. v i rarrev nnd llttlo Braiiildnuglitor will; I know this sounds ii nnd oxtrnvu- Mrs. Fred Cattrall. who has lieen also visit at the home of Mrs. Lloyd, gant, but It Is no bigger than tho visiting her slater. Mrs. .1. T. Hall.'w. .Incobs In Portland before their , facts warrant. The now Cadillac Is Chamber Of Commerce Dfi timl other relatives, will leave for hor return. entirely different In mechanical con- strnctlon f i din in lv uiitoiimlillo ivif riflnc in Mmn All llnltn mi ... , t, . l . .. ' uiuwu j iiuvw nil uiiiiw uii .Mr. mil .mis. ,. u. no Kcrs. .Mr. iiuiii ciorc. ""v'i0- ooo, u, hi In Ch Yomir wrset... Ill cIlooshiB your f0rs,t 1m o.... ., . r,Rhl ,,10,k,1 for '"r m t5"Pof "wrnT Am0ngtleli "UM'ornblo styles ot AMtiaci, ","1, there!,, "" ""'y 'Po of fgure momiB "your figure." Would you have "perfection Bni.e," wear Junt the rlghUoed of A n-ij u Ame: Lady ncae FOR Vrit l.NDIVIDLWl, FKlLItn 91.(10 TO 9.1.IHI W Tliu .Almlart "I'lunt-fMo" Corset J?:.0 TO 910.00 Hunb Diry Goods Company "SMART WIJAR FOR WO.MIJX" Coiner lltiuiilwny mill Central Avenue Wi mx home In Oakland next week. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Painter left and Mrs. (loo. Duebner of Oakland,' "Sonio time within the next few ' FrJSCO Exhibit CUITV 111 today on the Paralso for California. Calif., and Mrs. W. 11. Kennedy loft weeks I will bo In n niisltlon m nmkn J They look tholr auto and will motor Ht Sunday for an auto trip to Port- tho announcement nnd when 1 do There wns a fnlr attendance at tho to different points of Interest In thc',u IUi 0ti.r northern points. At j yon may real nBHiireil It will create regular mooting of the Chamber of niiuo. uiej ion mo cniuiruii w mi Portland thoy will vmil .Mrs. lliinter.n genulno sonsatlon among those who Conuuerce last uvcnlng and after a .lira, nuccuiiuii. in k Btor of the three women, all or are Interested In iiiitnnm b li. (HhciirrIoii II wuh dec liliwl in nwiiin. 'My the way, did you notice that ii.cnd n Joint oxhlblt from Coos and In tho T r r 1 .tnin nl'n ilniK.liliti nt Ml nllil Mi'u Mr. and Mrs. I). I). Keating uro ox- Julius Larson, pected home next week ft out their trip to Vancouver, II. C. , ..t. .-,. T t-. -...! , 1 I. -.-,! I lllllil .lll'.l'.l. .1118. 1.111 I I'.H'llMMl IH homo next week from shipment of new auto tires. You hot Curry counties to be placed 1 bought those, every one of thorn, Oregon building at tho Panumn Pad- liororo tlio war caused an advatico In fie Exposition In San Francisco next prices and now 1 can soil them to yenr. President MiLclu was author my customers at a big saving. In Ized to appoint a committee, of which ' M..u A I.4 rilf.uu,... nnfiictriliinil lw, filet, fnr IL uliiirt C I til j I mti inline In tin u ti tin nlinlrinnii. tr nititnt tlth i where slio spoilt tho sumnior with re-( ,,))tgt j0VH' fiIlf)fl nt lcr Moni0 n sell thoFo tiros at twenty per cent like committees from the soveral com-! intives. .South Marshflold laHt evening. At tllBcount. It will mean a Having of niorclal organizations of Coos and ... ., , T. . . , the business fionslon now officers for hundreds of dollars to Coos county Curry counties. A meeting of tills) miss i-.ii ii n aces rciurnoil hmhij . ii, ..hhh nir tlirro iniiutiH worn i net- llllto owners. i Joint poiiiiu It ten w 111 uriiiniv lu Jn.ld -.-.,--- ,......,- . . -- -- -- ,--.--- expected MIi-IiIl'iiii j .. (-).) ( from a fow days' visit at the Frod So laudcr homo near Sumner. IV Mr. and Mrs. D. .1. Roes and daugh ter Helen, and Mablo Snoddon, visit ed a few days at the R. A. Church homo on Coos River tills week. In Coqullle hoiiiu day nnxt week. od ns follows President Usinond Olossop. of Michigan, principal. Mathomntles. They will later appear before tin A'lco president .losslu Franso. .Miss Hsther Silverman. A. Ii.. county court to ask that an appro Troanuror for iiiIshIoiib tiny Clnu- Pacific University: M. A. IliulcllfTo nnation or ioi)o ror huh year ana hon. I College. Kngllsh. Dramatics. $1000 for next year bo made to nld Light refreshments were served Arthur U. Sllvorinan. A. ir.. I'nl- In collecting tlio oxhlblt. Attorney and all enjoyed tho evening. Tho verslty of California. Kngllsh, Pub- .1. C. Kendall was preneiit and report folio wing wore present: lie Speaking. ' od that on his recent trip through 1 t..., i.'ii.... 0.....1.1. i-i..,.i nt ,1...- win vein mi. Ktininnii cinurfiin. i itnvn i-. .mioh. a. ii.. v l urrv co iiiuv no rounii i o so in o it .ilin. I, ii. 'II .llli.liiwil , irnrii ... iiiu ....... ............ ...- .. , -. - --- -- - ---. -- -- r - -w -- - - -. .1. C. Ilcattlo home on Xorth Coos Herman OlosBop. .IobbIo Franso. ,AI- College. History. AthlotloH. there very favornblo to a Joint organ- River for a fow days this week. bcrt Urns. Ilnrold (Jalnes. I.awrnnce' A. J. M. Robertson. A. II., Pnlvor-.fccntntlon and that Curry county peo- .uiiiuviMtui. ocieiicu, .uaiii-.iiie were willing iu biiuiu iiuir pmi. .1. (1. Kinney and faintly nnd J. W. Hliidenbraud and family left to day for a week's auto tour. They will go via lliiiiilon and Cold (reach to Crescent City, tlieuco to firauts Pass and north. Thoy will stop at the points of I liferent along the j u ii i iv . Daniel. (Juy Clausen, Albert llass- alty of lord ami (iiarllo Smith, teacher of omntlca I tho 1). 11. 1). Class. School Notes Tho superintendent of school and !' School of Music, Alton, III. Mil- Mr. and Mm. C. C. Oolng returned Piinclpnl Walto will keep ofrice ' lc. Art. ...,,.. e first of the week from an auto hours at tho High School building ''"'l Hi nlor. Sloiit Ins Into. Ip to Portland where thoy visited Thursday and Friday afternoon Sep- Manual I raining. .Mechanical Draw- i iuiiiiii'i i-i nun ii iiuiii urn' in """, ., .. . . ! o'clock for consultation on school I . MIbh 1-rancoH llurkiipss. Cloary th trip relatives. Mr. and Mrs. nt Ilin Avnoiisn. Miss i:thol A. Roofo. A. H I'nl- This committee will have charge I verslty of Mulligan. I.atln, (erniau. of selecting someone to collect and I M!fs Kllzubuth Mary Moore, Pratt supervise the oxhlblt. No auuouncn-l Institute. Domestic Scloiiuo. Doine- mout of plans lias boun mndo as yot. itlc Art. The petition of .1. A. Ward, who Miss Margaret Anno Volz, Art Do- wishos to do tho work, was prosontod pnrimoui i. i.oiiis i nivers ly, mii- last nlKlit. To (ieiin l'p il.v. The committee on advertising, coin-' posed of F. A. Tlodgon, A. T. Ilalnes nnd Dr. (1. V. Leslie, are fatlierlng a( movement to hnvo properly owners ' It. K. Miller, MIssoh' Oi rt&. -- " ..vV YX ,04' .trui nvW v ..ccV . ' .o vov; otfc? . ..0"" .' .wo"- v m'- aoyV. cA,..,sS.cW ..A . i- . ." ... . t'- M" ...C ". ltl - ,.n :. wi v ;.1' .oa . .. ....i"' m .u. ...o " acA . .. .tO ..V .' - ..Vi" .o' M-' . V AC'- a V" - ,.T .AV.V ..-o . ' " oV.' V'tt& cvb;v vo " aacV : . u c". - ... c" .. '. L" f-V, veV., v f-lnnii mi (Villi- vni-iln. i-limrllii! Ilinni of "".' ."'"." '""." ''""" ...n...a i Musliiess Co oko. Coniiuorc a! Do- ..,.ia ,i..i...iu i ..i.. t i.m.o i.... KOIIHO Mill llHrKUOSS Mill Jiiy IJOy O ","",v',, ... , . .... I,, nvran, imnin, v..., mm. ... " v .... , niul A. K. Peek compose ii luiuso ' ' "",l.8 "ow " "10 H'.',,.0(,lK- V" ''?l' . Ji. M.i.n..i.i ,.i,w icontly filed propo.ty rlil of logs. party who hn lonso.l the Hurtle "'"" ' , '"-"" iiii.ik.iu""" ; sunups nuu oiu niiiiiier wu en mis m- . cottiigo on South Coos River for a ' ' ".V.!l,,.r,'l.u,,.t:11 ." .!"'!:?. T ?? i', Kb V-"....!' VJ rLJVritl on It. A resolu Ion was - (Hn iimu-.i in i'ii 1 1 mi inu ii nu i. un; " - r. pnBKOii endorsing ineir worn nun a t. '!" fonv- iir ilin I'osmntlnn wnn iir.loiod ,.KV yZJ- Hn,0y' "oil to tho City Council. Tho com-! i-i KiiiHiioi'i fi ! ' ". i mil tin lll itrilifilkl v niiiiitiii linffim w A IV f (V i m lWU A v -Act i. .at iC 'V VCV :. W rf. vvc fir AS ..oW V.'" "' 1 Vv i . . VOV - n of v t!0vi' .v0" ,c. Yw ..v . VW'" MO." vji. tlliln tt WttttXrti M lyune Ifniiun 1 1 ti i iitij ir iti-iKti, iMIPriin i-fi(ii llt . . . llarknoss returned this wwk from ""',', ,,",,,, ., V ; i V the Fast where they have boon1, lormer pup Is of tho school who Bl.n...n..u. .i... u . in i know their elan"! float Ion definitely w... u',,....i i, .... i ru...n.. .... ',"') 'Kud to purchaso school supplies " iii hiii up it ii ii 1 1 iniiui.i ii in " I jmi rl v rlvo homo Mondny from Ohio wi.oro A,j f , ,,,, f ,10 ,.,,, thoy have sient the siiniiner. .. , , KJ, tf) Ul0 , Hl.0, Mrs. W. T. Stoll and llttlo sou . thev attended when school cloned In returned homo this week from Roch-. luuo. Rciuests fr (luiniso of sihool ester, .miiiii., wnoio tnoy na( 'JUfii.can be consldeied later visiting her fathnr. Mrs. C. V. Mitieiirite and 1UI1 l,,.S!Xv!:nSrl..ffil KV',,U,' ,,0,U,,K" tiio Ctomicll anil iisk that somoHihig i'lrtl lis Mnnsiirot Davnio St I''nauoir bo done to Insure a elon.,. Clou.l N'or innl So ho vv (,tv' Something In tho nature or MVfer MoMullon. i ?r,!S 0lhW VllH Oshkosh Normal School Third, Miss Oraco Orlffln, Ypsll son returned homo this week from Tho compulsory sdionl ago covers n visit at tholr homo In Michigan, tho period between tho ninth and Al Jensen loft this week for Drain thn fifteenth blitbdnvs. in mem ins who wno is returning Tho dally schi from u summer visit at hor old home samo as last year hi .iiiuiioMoin. Mrs. Robert Marsdon. Sr., and llt tlo sou, hnvo returned from a week's vhdt st the W. C. Sollmor homo In lSandou IMmlU nix v.mrs nf nun niul over null Xormnl Collego. 1 " . r .1 0 I til t I.. II. vl .... II lire ellglblo to nilllllwllon to SCIIOOI. nirnnu. .uiits uuum ih-hiiiii. ipnir school hours are tho I'he High School at S: and eighth grade beginning the grades at ! o clock. Seventh II pupils of the South Marshflold Schools who share the ! room with S A will rennet at S t.eo. I). MmkIIko nnd Wife and C.A. o'clock on the 1 f t It. Smith and wife have returned from The text books will bo tho same a two weeks outing In Curry county, as last year, except F.lson II In Albert Abbott of Hlllsboro. Oro- Mxth grade, costing ."0c: Kimball's gon, Is visiting at the homo of his Kngllsh (Jrammar In eighth grado. sister, Mrs. Llod X. (Ulnet In Xorth ifio: Music Reader Xo. 1 In third Horn!. and fourth grados, IIOc; Music Read- Miss Usabollo Sterns, who Iuir boon or Xo. 1 1 In fifth and sixth grades, spending the summer with her :10c; Music Reader No. HI in sov inother. Mis. L. .1. istiupson, will enth and eighth, :s.'e. loao today or tomorrow for Hon- ilium. Wash. She will bo accom- Tho instructors aro as follows: nanlo-l as fr us Portland bv Mrs. Rov K. Walte. A. II.. I'nlvorslty auti Normal Collogc. First. Miss Helen Oborllii Kindergarten, Normal. (Vntrnl School, have paso will bo urged. j Sdi'Fli-ry Motley nsked fo" !cavo t(. take a hhort vacation pf two w.-clcs, 'which wns granted. Ilo will sptfiid is unit of t'io timo In a huntlii? trip. Harrington w,l" i reinaluder he will devote to Ilollliighani "Urovim his rosldenco pro.crty n . North Focoiul street. Miv J. Wright Wilson jros.'iitoil a 'rill'' FAR F I Mill I II II If 1 BULL SCORES Sevniitli. MIsr Union Suramin. Mil- proposition to tlio CllMIlbo.- of Colli waukee Normal School. I "-r"e t paint views or Coo county Sixth, Mrs. Rosa (Slossop, Oregon Irenes. Co plcturos to In mail 3 n Stato. fentum of the exhibit. It wns re- Firth, Miss Helen I.andrlth. Ran ! ferreil to tho exhibit committee. uiego ,ormni, rrincipni. i I'ourui. .mibs Mono uconnor, sto-' plians Point Normnl School. Third. Miss (lladys Oraham, Ypsll iiii 1 1 Normnl College. ' Second, Miss Wlnnlfred Watson, Mnnknto Normnl School. First, MIbs Helen R Coming, Iowa Stato Teachers' College First, Mrs. Louise Wilbur, Ore gon State. Watch pamnm, IF YOUR WATCH NEEDS MENDING, CLEANING AND OILING, BRING IT TO US. We have expert watch makers who know their business and tlo the work right. Give us a trial and be convinced. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Red Cross JeweHiry Depth RED CROSS DRUG STORE Phone 122 SCHOOL BURNS K PITCH M! lllr AwukUIM J'rfM lu CVM llr Tlmw.J AMKISK'AX LKAUl'i: Coos Bay People Former Stu dents of St. Helen's Hall, Recjret Loss The burning or St. Helen's Hall, tho Kplscopnl Diocese school In Port land. Thursday, wns the cause of much regret among graduntos and former students of that Institution residing in Marshflold and vicinity. Fortunately the school year had not commenced so that tho number of occupants In the building was at a minimum an.1 all escaped uninjured. Among tho graduates living here aro Miss Cicnevlevo Songstackon. Mrs. Robort Kellogg nnd Mrs. M. C. Mn loucy. Former students aro Mrs. Arthur MeKeown, Mrs. Clnud Nns bitrg, Miss Geneva Wilcox and Miss (leorgcno XI miner. Mrs. Kennoth Perkins of llandou nnd Miss Jesslo Topper, formerly of Coqullle, wero also former studonts. Mrs. S. C. Hn dlcott or Ilandon. forniorly Miss Au drey Bridges, nttendod school thoro, nlso Mrs. Helen Chandler Tromulno and Mrs. Grace McCormne Fronch. ( Tho building was erected In 1S90 and wns of red brick. Tho lawn and surroundings were particularly beau tiful, largo trees bordering tho walks. Tho estimated loss by tho tire Is from Sr.O.OOD to $75,000 and the Insurance carried was $54,000. It Is not likely that the school will bo rebuilt at its present location ns the property hns bocome very valuable, being situated: In the heart of tho city. Tho trustees! purchased n site for a building In the' suburbs of Portland about five yoarsl ago and it Is llkoly that this will bo utilized for the erection of now nnd modo-'ii quarters. Othor than the' klndergatrten department, which will bo hold In the gymnasium, the school will not reopen this yonr. 1JAXI) DAXCK PLATFORM Second niul Market, Saturday night. Times Want Ads bring results. Chlcngo-Cloveland Cold. St. Louis. 1; Detroit, !. Philadelphia, -'; Huston, I. Washington, 1; Now York, 0. NATIONAL LKAGUK ""' Chicago, 12; Cincinnati ,4. Pittsburg. 2: St. Louis, 1. Roston, C; Philadelphia, G. Twolvo Innings. Now York I; llrooklyn, J. NORTH U'KSTF.RX LKAGUIl Uallard, 2; Soattlo, 0. Victoria, 1 ; Spoknno. G. Tncoma, 1 ; Vancouver, 6. coast uaci'i: R.a Portland j jl sncrninoiiiu ... . . . ,... ii Kvnns, Mnrtlnoal aud W'i larkey and Rolirer (111 Los Angolcs ' ' t H mill I-IIHU-IOV" llrnnll'l Ponitt, .Musseroud Drocu,v and Schmidt. n.ilrliillil . I . 1 r," """ j'jj Klnwltior and Alexander; for and McLain. All ."SlffiSw All u - --l,,mbr l ent Tuesday ev, m" -. u. Installation of officers and U Hon of charter. qk s(;llorr "Tv nl.ATFOlW'5 mTr&?- rrTTThasMOTO IIOOMS 112-14-15. IBUS" Our R 1 Mmbo Annua EUlieitt n 0 sition of Up-to-Date Autumn and Winter Millinery Wednesd September 2 and following days at Clarke Milline Russell Building. residing in .Mnrsniieid mid vicinity. n.,lril n d Ji ' ssssslslllllllllMfcMsMisssyteiB- t BllllllllllMlBllllMlllllllllllllW 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 nm m m SiBMBlllllllM H