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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 7, 1914)
aWjM'P'fgPiWW1 ' ''wmwmr- (HE MOST POWERFUL SHIP IN EUROPE AT PRESENT IS THE CENSOR-SHIP il WHEN YOU PICK UP .i..nst In vnnr. (Emis Sag THE LEADING PAPER Of Southwestern Oregon Is the Coos Hiiy Times It Is now, always has been and wo export always will lie. Don't take our won! for It. 'ir n ni, i"" 'I'M'-n lablo war ,ittTh - ! Tlllpa cnrri08 e A?- , , .1 the world as ntiso- Lir woWf U Ask any Coos Uuy cltl.en. MKMHEIt OV Tills ASSOCIATED PRESS 32samuiiiwwwHu.?r.Tu?rr7rj u, l NO. XXXVIII. IMnlillfslied 187H iim Tlio Const Mull. MARSHFIELD, OREGON. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1914 EVENING EDITION. A Oonwolldntlon of Times Const Midi ntul Coos liny A(hcrtlvr No. 45 MMmnn mmt ' .1 Wi IK I U Eft I OF WIST F AT elieve Thai Most Decisive Battle Is Now Being Fought at Great rOnress Hiuuy muii-v may out uii nuuuui of France's Eastern Armies CLAIM RUSSIANS EXPECT VICTORY TIT WILL OPEN ROAD TO BERLIN MM E M E 1 Czar's Troops Engaged With Great Battle With Austrians Over 20,000 of Kaiser's Troops Drive 6000 From Fortifica Which May Be Most Decisive in Eastern Campaign Against Germany Victory in Sight. .. .. SIMILAR VICTORY IN lBUUKUVbUVhK ' RUSSIANS CLAIM OUTLOOK IS EVEN MORE lou.uuu rncivon muuro iim iu ojvm.ii.i.uu PROMISING THAN IT WAS AT DUBLIN i . rench Troops That Have Been Holding Germ' Advance in ChecK DClween ioui aim csijiiiui may uu iiupjjuu By German Movement Now On. lily Associated Press to Cooh Uuy TIiiicb.) LONDON, Sept. 7 A belief is growing thai a groat do isive battle is being fought at Verdun, a strong French ."......,.. tlin Atcnse l.tvei. iiivii tlu lYnnlioi. II' .lie Pn i a r --. ........ ... .... .. ..... .. ... ....) (ii.niiMii nnnv niarchiiiir .southward, cuts off the re- roat of tlu French eastern armies which have recently '., il,lm(. lw ( IfM-iniins. in iluil between 'I .nil nnil Epinal, it might repeat the coup which iu 1870 drove ono Ruiiili-il and fil'ty thousand French soldiers into Switzer- GREAT BATTLE EAST OF PARIS illy AHHOi'lutod Press to Coon liny Times.) PARIS, Sept. 7. (loner. il action is todav proceeding Cast of hirist from Nantouil and Lohaudouin to Verdun, to an official communication issued this after- cations and Then Set Fire to Belgian City Deadly Fire of German Siege Guns EXPECT GERMANS WILL IMMEDIATELY ATTEMPT TO OCCUPY GHENT AND OTHER BELGIAN CITIES D0011 FRENCH HARRASS GERMANS' REAR (lly Associated Plena to Coos Day Times.) PARIS, Sept. 7. In the fighting which is going on lo- av iilumi niid northeast of Paris, the (Ioniums forces have heir backs to the capital. French troops arc harrassing heir nuuvli. From time to time the (ioniums turn and uiL-iee the French at their hack. French shells fall con- iimallv in tlio (Ionium roar. "I hird Bavsri:.n Army Corps Rushed to East Prussia to MeeVj Advancing Russians Report Heavy Austrian Losses Near Lublin and Now on Defensive (By Ashoi luted Tress to Coos Hay Times,) LONDON, Sept. 7. The Times Polrograd correspon dent, referring to the battle just begun, which, if as suc cessful as the l.ussian operations asrainst Loinburir, will overthrow lllc Alisiriim I'm'. u niir. ....mi mien .lie road to Berlin, says: "Bolinble information concerning the progress of the battle enables me to state that the out-! look is no whit less promising, but several days may elapse before the final overthrow of the Austrian army. On the oast Prussian front there is news of the appear ance of the third Bavarian army corps. Troops were in stalled at Allenstoin, which is being reconnoilered by ..ussiau cavalrv." RUSSIANS EXPECT SURRENDER OF CITY (lly Associated I 'ress to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept. 7. Official l.ussian reports say the i. ussiau troops are gradually surrounding Zoniayl, which will soon surrender if to be taken bv assault REPORT HEAVY AUSTRIAN LOSSES NEAR LUBLIN .Wy Assoclntod I'ress to Coos Hay Times.) PA 1S, Sept. 7. Advices received here say the second Austrian army is operating in front of Krasncecdow, in the Lublin region. It suffered great losses and is now on the defensive. Some Austrians wore forced to retreat. gallant do- and the Belgians Germany Arranges to Re-open Great Cockerill Gun Works and Ammunition Factory Near Liege Prussian Officials 1 Take Charge of Prize. (lly Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept. 7. The Express correspondent wiring from Termondc, 1(5 miles from (Ihont, under Saturday's date savs: "Terinondo has fallen after six hours of fight ing. A little lorco ol (UI)0 Belgians made a louse but the eiioiuv was 20,0. U strom were unable to reply effectively to the deadly fire of tlio (lornian soige guns. The defenders left in good order. After entering the town, the (Ioniums sot afire. There indications that the (Ioniums will almost immediately, upv (Ihont. ' PLAN TO RE-OPEN GREAT GUN FACTORY (lly Associated PrcBs to Coos Hay Times,) " LONDON, Sept. 7. Chronicle dispatches from Amster dam says the (lormans are preparing to re-open immed iately the gun factories at Cockerill, near Liege. Those factories, covering 'Mil acres, were one of the richest prizes captured by the (lormans. The Prussian War Office has taken over the whole concern, offering Belgian workmen a fifty per cent increase in wages. ENGLAND'S WAR LOSS IS 15,000 (lly Assoclntod Press to Coos Hay Times.) LONDON, Sept. 7. T(. has been officially announced that British casualties in the whole war was .3,000. 51 FREIGHTER REPORTS THST'FBENCH CLAIM BIG VICTORIES FOR GERMAN REPORT ENGLISH CRUISER M NOW IN MEXICAN WATERS ALLIES IN FRANCE AND AUSTRIA DRIVEN ASHORE BY GERMAN SHIP (lly Associated 1 .e.H to Coos Day Times.) SAN1 FUANCISCO, Sept. 7. The British freighter .I'triiina, which arrived hero todav, reported she was halt ed ill .Mexican wniccs bv ilio (Jerm;in cruiser Loinic. her (lly Associated 1'iohh to Coos Hay Tlmos.) (lly A-soclntc-l Pros, to Ccos Hay Times.) PARIS, Sept. 7.-Tho text of the French official no-' ASIIINtlTON, I). C, Sept. 7.-A Berlin wireless to lice is as follows: "A general action has started on the ' (',','j'.v lnlmssy says:" British eruisor Warrior i;.... ,i ,..,i. v..,.4....:i i .. it..,.,....:.. i . i is strain led. pro ba b v as a result o. a in' it with the, (iniis- wid.xsoutlit removed and her (lernian cook translorrod vi,.,. i i...,, .,.; ,,,i .vi.i;... , a.i.... nn i... .. or doobeii while escaping lrom Bosphorus." The dispatch ilioaid the Leipsic. Her captain would not say when nor iti1(, ;.5,rill.n,m ,a.iiCn nr iim tvnnu u,,ri,. J,.,.,.j K,."nlains nothing to amplify or explain. Plow, and we reticent about particulars. hl, n,'.iiii, Hu. (ii.i.imiw t.ii.mi" i.,.(!.;iii 'pi. J ,........,:.. :."". '." : ' -M...-W.V, ...,. . ..- vciiii.iii.. CDAIM xn A NEAR It non nmf Iim IAN TBI llBI4ril,,UI lvaiu'U aturdny and uiitlny mti tin- rcKitn liHuw V ! Hh M uKrrW V a -r,,Ml,,,,m,ilM'(,jnul ,jl' ,,Vl'u'(i,,u,lu ii.ti.oAu8iro-Ku.s- Ll UUU liLuuULU Bin LIS 111 I'll L' sum theater of operations, 12 divisions of the Austrian 5 IS ENGLISH HIP 1 NHHTl! Ffl . lily Assoclatoil i'ress to Coos Hay Tlmos.) OKLAIKSBY. Fn'.. Sent. 7. -Noarlv :J00 persons were icst'iii'd f mi n tin Wiluini l.inoc l.uiKi which sank Satur- 'liiv in the Xnctli Sn nl'toc f iiliiifi- n mine, and wore "led nt (Irimosbv and Hull. The prompt work of four trawlers saved noarlv all aboard. Wilson Line officials gjy that all the crew- and all but 27 passengers are safe.' i-nu; passengers wore mostlv Kussians trom America. Tr..T.,CAPTAIN AND FIFTY OF CREW SAVED . LOM)()X, Sept. 7. It is learned on reliable authority (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) 'font tlio captain and i'iftv of the crew of the British cruis- wi wrecked by a mine hi the North Sea, were saved. EIGHTY LOST ON PASSENGER BOAT i (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hny Times.) A.UXDON, Sept. 7. Advices from Hull say the Wilson! Jcr Uno struck a mine in the North Sea and was sunk . ni . . . . . . . tJcffi8Lt0 Archangel. rJighty were lost. i wn.sox army in the vicinity of Lomburg, (lalicia, have been com plot ol v dost roved. 'SIX HUNDRED GERMANS TAKEN PRISONERS (Hy Aasoclutod I'iosb to Coos Hay Tlmos.) BI.FST, Franco, Sept. 7. Six hundred Hermans wore! uiptured aboard the Dutch steamer Tamhora. Among them wore M officers and d octors who are iu prison at Chateau, Brest. The Tamhora sailed July JK) from Ba tavia for Rotterdam. SPAIN TO ASSIST FRANCE KEEP TROOPS III COLORADO War Department Announces Federal Forces Will be Main tained in Strike Zone THREE TONS OF PARCEL POST I BJBwater Brings in Nearly auu Pounds Send Cata logues and Peaches ' The Breakwater yesterday brought " al,Ollf C5O0 noillllla f r. ol nn order house which Is flooding this section with them. In addition to tho catalogues thero wns a largo shipment of peaches from Medford and vicinity. Those cost about twenty-eight cents per box to send by parcel post, considerably les than It would coat to send them by cypress or freight. To Hold Cii Koast. The L. T. L. will hold a corn roast at the sand hills tomorrow evening, weather per mitting. Tho Alice H. has been char- torod to carry the club members and( Dmilllla f nnct (l.l.. frlnilllu tn tll linnpll. If TOln ttaH for th Vi. ol.fll . .,-- ti . ,., .... .. l. Inlllfl. nilnn will i ihf7 , """"'c",iuC' " "' "- '"- Indicate .i. , . '"rgest amount ever re- be postponoa. imea here. I . . thMufh f the shipment consisted of HAND DAXCP PLATFOUM Second 6 'S catalogues of an eastern mail and Market, Saturday night. I kxi) or stiuki: (Or AiloclltM Prtu to Com Br Tlmr. j WASHINGTON. D. C, Sept. j I 7. President Wllfaon has ad- j dressed letters to tho miners j and operatives concerned In tho j Coloiado stilko virtually do- j mandlng that the long strike bo j j ended. (Br A'U,1 Pr i to ro nif Time. J WASH1NOTON, D. C, Sept. 7. War Department officials today an nounced that preparations woro ho Ing made to keep Federal troops in the Colorado coal fields through out the winter. Tills Is taken to that thero are no pros pects of a strike settlement. FOREIGN SHIPS (Hy AaoclutiM Pnm to Coos Hay TIiiion.) PARIS, Sept. 7. A dispatch from .Madrid Sunday said that the Spanish Ambassador to Franco will hand President Poinoaro a letter which an authorized person says will .make an excellent impression in Franco GERMANS REPORTED REPULSED SATURDAY iy Askoi Int 0(1 Prcgfl to Cooh Hay Tlmos.) PARIS, Sept. 7. An official communication says the advance lino of the allies for the defense of Paris camo in contact Saturday with the right wing of the Germans who appeared in a covering movement in a strong force on the i-llies' right and advancing to the southeast. A short en gagement resulted to the allies' advantage. . ALLIES' FLEET BOMBARDS CATTARO (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay TIiiiob.) ANT1VA1.0, Montenegro, Sept. 7. The bombardment of the fortifications of Cattaro Bay, the Austrian naval base, was begun from the sea by a large fleet. ENGLISH DESTROYER SINKS GERMAN BOAT (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) PARIS, Sept. 7. Advices from Potrograd (St. Peters burg,) says a message from Tokio states tho British de- m rover W.eljand sank several (lernian torpedo boats. day picked up tho following foreign messnge, evidently In code; "C'mryo vrowj nanmb pljydo Jcrfw grbjr pmlsa cmxxx." Hit. llOHSFAfiTi has MOYKI) to KCOMS 112-14-15, HIVING IJLOCIC. OFF COOS BAY Many Wireless Code Messages Being Sent One in Cana dian Code Picked Up Tlio Coos Hay Wireless station l'eard tho messaga picked up by tho Hi oak water operator and Mr. Wil liamson says tho oodo numbers nnd call are those of the Canadian gov ernment stations and that tlio mos sago picked up hy the Breakwater was only a small part of the wlrelo&s message sent out yesterday. More niowages aro being 'sent tho last fow days than for several weeks. Twojj,BO Ho.irquln bogan today tho .w,u,h ,...... ,im,u ,, Uie coaai hearing of tlio roasons of tho Mon yosterday talking In wlralew and two tlllm National Guards why tho Foder moro havo been in communication i nl court should not Kiant writs of mnvvnt inr day' u""' ? 1 corpus In tho cases of tho stofansson, tho Canadian explorer. Zagem t betwZme ll i. "" l08 T" ",","" " la 0'1 on l" ,co - oiixaKuiiieiu ueineen noitiio m.ipi. Jaw, Four mnro mnchlno guns and T , , 4 - Odd Wlreliw .Message. Uvlntor overcoats for tho mllltlumeu I"laud ncco,,1I"K Kov. W. II. As an indication that there aro were received todny. Fry, a missionary, who liaa beea some foreign ships off Coos Hay trv-j 'among tho Eskimos and who arrived ing to get information, the wirole-B HAXODAXCP. Pra'irOH.M Second today from Klttlgngjvlk. Stofan- operator on tho Biakwator yoster- ami Market, Satuulay night. son Is in no immediate dangert Till. HU'H'K laiJOIt THOl'lll.K. !) AMOtltttMi I'ltu to Coo, liar Tlmn 1 HUTTK, Sept. 7. Frdoral District w MiOO D AmocI(M rrni to Coo Cr TlmM WINNIPEG, Sept. 7. Vllhjalmur ii 1 iii .--- i i fcS