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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1914)
(KHSiiiiJ NOTHING IS POSSIBLE TO HIM WHO IS ALWAYS DREAMING Sf POSSIBILITIES WHEN YOU PICK UP (Uma !mj Sfatt THE LEADING PAPER Of Southwestern Oregon Is the. Coos liny Times. It Is now. always has been and wo expect alwnys will be. Don't toko our word for It. Ask any Coos Hay citlron. n,.ivRi)iiiu'i you expect 0 rcni1 'S'S " 'UM.cndal.lo war ,be I.Hp n,rong jtay Times carries n'liio.inipl Press reports roc- nled 'l oxvt the world us abso Sftciy "i,",c MCMI1CK OF Til 15 ASSOCIATED I'RKSS Established 1K7K nH Tho Coast ."Mull. VOL NO. XXXVIII. MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1914 EVENING EDITION. Consolidation of Thnri, Coast Mull mill Coon Day Aiherllwr No. 4G FRENCiTCLAIffi GEOINS HAVE ROB EMPIRE SALOON CHOI BEEN REPULSED AT 1 0 Paris Reports That Germans TIave Been Forced to Retire at Numerous Points and That French Forces Have Not Lost Ground Anywhere Violent Encounters GERMAN ATTACK ON FRENCH RIGHT WING REPULSED NORTHWARD AFTER HARD BATTLE Of m AND GEI W 'ALLIED ARMIES IN FRONT OF t PARIS CLAIM GERMANS REPUL Claim That French Troops Have Re-Occupied Important Posi tions Near the Crest of Mandry Day's Develop ments in Campaign in France (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay 1,'lnics.) Two Bandits Make Big Haul in Tom Edgar's Place Third Stood Guard TWO SHOTS FIRED AT PROPRIETOR AT START Believed That Same Gang Held Up Autos Twice May Be Gardiner Robbers TWO ROBBERIES LAST EVENING PARIS, Sept. 8. Violent encounters lmve occurred on "ijoiiio parties botwoc .. Jiii m n 1 vi """d "n,l Empire, liiBt n e French center between here Chainpencise and Vitry bod Tom Kdgar's saloon, flip Lc Francois at southern point of the Two mnBkcd men, believed to bo tho samo pair who twice liultl up between North Ight rob-formcrlv c forest of Argonne. t,J0.Kl?,!'l 8"Il.)()n' nml, iru there " . . , , ii rt i vo-i.uu. nuy lllllUU lliuir UICUIIO Tiio rreni'li nave union imcic nownere. liio uennans their identity being concealed by mw lost ground. Near Vitry, a of retirement &$!& S iKieS conl nied on the Herman side. On the crouch side, a of tho gang stood watch outsido. fiPiuinii division attacked on the axis of (bateau Saliim:' 2j'-0s 'SAiVi ami Xancv but was repulsed northward. ,i:dgar when ho did not come i:,...lw.i. in i w i.iim . ICvmw i fi'iwinM imx 1 in '""B" uKiy onougii to huh mom. crest of .Mandry and the Peak of Fourneaux. There is no cliaiiue in the situation in the province of Alsace. IS. WILSON ASKS AMERICANS TO RA OR END OF W (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) WASIIJNGTON. Sent. 8. President Wilson ijom wore ciangoroUHly near. The men robbed and tho amounts taken were: Tom IMgnr, $3is.:ik. F. C. Jennings, $ 1 G7.."0. Tom Jennings, fI2. Fred l'olter, $U1.80.. L. Jennings, $12'). Coy KlIiHton, i:il). Tho money taken from Kdgnr was nil In gold with tho exception of n $10 bill and some silver. Tho others hud gold and bills. Klllston, ouo of the victims, Is tho man who was arrested by Slior Iff Gage at Florence last weou as a suspect in the Onrdincr robbery todaV.h'it who was released when ho show Mgnch. proclamation calling on tlie American people loAM prnv for peace in Europe. The President's proclamation -Mr. Kdgar stated that tho others ks aside Sunday, October -I, as tho day of prayer. ZZ - - I .!..... ,. n.l .....I ......... ROME PAPER CLAIMS 250,000 - RUSSIAN TROOPS IN FRANCE i tny Associated cress to cjoos nay nines, j ij - KO.MF, Sept. 8 -According to the Rome Trihuna, there '"'' ;i is in France today a total of LMO.OOO Russian troops. Thb 2i ,,?, llOWSlumci' Ji pi linlnvs .nnmi'm Williams Dl'CSt'llce a AlOl. i to this concentration of Russians. RUSSIANS REPORT ANOTHER VICTORY (Uy ABs.oclatcd Hi ess to Coos Hay TIiiivb.) down ror a good time and wero waiting for an auto to go homo when the robbory occurred. I'mind Hidden Money. Kvldontly the robbers knew that the victims had money. Fred Hot ter was near the wash room wticu the robbers appeared and when they wero dickering with KdKar, ho slip ped Into tho wash room and taking his wallet or I :.'., hid It under tho papers. Tho robbers haw him comu and after thoy had searched found nothing In his poc searched tho wash room found his roll. I, Ike Auto Robber Mr. IMgar stated today that ono of tlieni tallied exactly with tho de scription Kit on of ono of tho auto bandits, lie woio corduroy trous ers and hnd a patch on tho leuco. lie Ouo PA I? IK Kim! 8 A in ilio Hit VMS Aifc'llcV wiw about tho samo helKht. n , i.i. w. ..,. ... ,. . , XT- iWh slim and both wero dark, oiii Petrojjrad, savs the strong Austrian iorts at Aico- tji.mikiu n u .ioia laic and likelajow in Clalicia, about twenty-live whXmMHhJ MUliiiwcsl ol I Ami hlirtr. were camUl'CU l)V llie UllSSiailS on chiefs tlud over tholr faces Sentonibcr fltli. REPORT AUSTRIAN LOSS NEAR LUBLIN (Hy Associated Hress to Coos Hay Tillies,) WASHINGTON. D. (. Sept. 8. A dispatch J'roi bntish embassy from the Jjondon foreign office slates that "a strong Austrian army now operating in the Lublin wgion, is suffering serious loss. Jt is now acting on the 'lefunsive and in places has retreated." ALLIES CLAIM MANY VICTORIES I'AUIS, Sept. 8. The French and English troops en pigwl in the battle now progressing east of the capital, have taken numerous prisoners, including a battalion of German infantry and a company serving rapid i'ire guns, iliey captured also many guns and carriages. saw ,or- ho .1 -i.. i. .. i..i.n it,...-. I uimiKHi ii hub ii juuu. iifil iney imlled their kuiib and ordered "Hands IV Oet bus!" ho thought It a Joke Hut when he did not net ,, I busy ouo of tho men bturted shoot ii the ' Milo Pierson's Store at Lake- ! side Eentered North Bend Place Eentered Mllo Hlorson's store at Lakesldo was robbed last iiIkIU. Fntranco was KalnuJ by breakliiB out a front win dow. Dal Cathcart received a phone mosMUKc from Mr. IMorson today stat- ItiK Hint tho robbor8 not but little, I but he did not state what. It Is pre sumed that tho tliloves were after cash and Mr, l'lersou fooled them hy havltiK most of his cash out of tho cash drawer. Xni'tli Iteiul Hobbery. Andrew handles stated today that unknown purlieu broke Into tho Simpson pavilion at North Head last iiIkIU iintl stole a considerable quan tity of stuff that had been loft there from tho Labor Day picnic. George H. IIiikIiob lost it C-Kiillon call of Ice cream, quite n few clwars and Mr. handles twelve or fifteen pounds of candy. lug and when tho second bullet whizzed daiiKorously close to Mm. 'KdKar said ho told them to take what ho had. Tho others wore In the back room and rushed to tho door when tho affair started, hut wore quickly cov ered by tho bandit whlie his rom- , paulou wont throiiKli thorn and not their money. After KettliiK everything In the till and f i oni the pockets of the victims, tho robbers backed out of tho .room and after Kottlui; outside separated and started away on tho I run by different routes toward South Inlet. , Sheriff (Iiikp There. Sheriff Oago was at Kmplre Ibis mornliiK mid .Mr. KdKur stated that ho was certain they had a clue that would result In the robbers beliiK arrosted,' lie lamented the fact that ho did not have a gun. Ho said that both robbers wero decidedly nervous and that If ho had a gun or anything ho could have seated them out. The "corduroy" troiiners w:ilch marked one of tho auto bandits and also one of tho Kmplro robbors Is holk'vcd to bo worn by tho leader of tho gang. Tho Marshfleld pollen havo seen htm a few times but woro uurortalu about arresting him. .May He (iiiclliier Itolibcrs Pouio think that tlw trio, for other parties at Kmplre are sure that the third man was on guard outsido tho saloon while tho two pulled off tho stunt, aro tho men who robbed tho Ourdlnor safe. It was reported today that the inon robbed woro employes of tho dredgo Mlchlo but Mr. Kdgar said that they woro not. Paris Reports That Left Wing of French and English Troops Are Making Good Progress Against Germans Who Are Retiring Towards Marne FRENCH CAPITAL RESIDENTS OPTIMISTIC ' DESPITE GERMAN CONTROL OF CHAMPAIGNY GERMANS CLAIM AUSTRIANS RAVE REPULSED RUSSIANS ON BORDER H S OF US (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) VASlUNGTON, D. O., Sept. 8. The German embas sy today received the following from Berlin: "A column imdcr the Austrian General Kestran, advancing with the Eastern annv under General Danki on tho Russian terri joi'y, repulsed a vigorous Russian attack and captured M0 Jlussian prisoners. In the South the Servians tried 'on1' -Vitl'ovi(la to bmik int0 l'oatian territory. About 000 Servians were taken prisoners. ,, 4 , RUSSIANS STILL ADVANCING ON AUSTRIA J Aid IN, Sept. 8. An official announcement says the liUs.smii cavalrvmen are now on the crest of the Parpa naii Mountains. Continuing, the announcement says the luis.siun off(.nsive movement against tho Austrians in ualic-ia continues successfullv. , ,1X., SERVIANS BEGIN'BOSNIA INVASION LONDON, Sept. 8. An Exchange Telegraph dispatch flT, Nish, Servia, savs the Servian army has begun an Hiynsmn of Bosnia and has crossed the River Save near -HUrowtch. ,, uuMK Claim. to Have Defeated Them Badly Only Minor Bat tles in East Prussia (Dr AitocUttd PrtM t Coo Car Tlmti.j PARIS, Sept. 8. Tho Havas cor respondent at Potrograd transmits the following offclal announcement: "The Russians adopted extended offenslvo tactics Friday along tho entire Austrian buttle line, Tho en emy's center near Kranostate boro tho Russian attack. Tho Forty-fifth Austrian Infantry was completely surrounded and the Commander, 44 officers and 1600 men were takon prisoners, A German division which came to tho Austriuns' aid was at tacked on tho loft bank of tho Vis tula, The Russian troops occupied tho region around StryJ, Tho Rus sian cavalry possesses Carpathuln Heights, Only light skirmishes aro reported In Eastern Prussia." ITALIANS TO ASSIST ALLIES Expect Italy and Spain May Soon Join in Fight Against Germany and Austria (Of AurUU4 Prm ta Ctfo nj Time.. LONDON7, Sept. S.A Hordeaux dispatch to tho Chronicle says: "Much attention Is being paid here to tho posslblo Inclusion of Italy and Spain In tho number of coun tries at war. Tho strained rela tions between Ituly and her formor allies have beon greatly aggravated 111 tlm IflHl Hirnn ilnvft wlillii In spirit, It Is said, public opinion Is becoming most Insistent for a dec laration In support of Great Hrl tain and France." Great Battle Now in Progress Being Fought on Field Selectetf By French Commander-in-Chief Joffre German Right Wing in Jeopardy. a (Uy Associated Press to Coos Hay Tlmps.) PAULS, Sept. 8. An official conmiunication issued this afternoon says the left wing of the allied armies, com prising portions of the force defending Paris, continue lo make progress. 'Phe advance reaches from the banks ol: the Piver Oureq into the Alontmirail region. Germans are retiring in the direction of the Marne River between Meaux and Sezanne. (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) PARIS, Sept. 8. Paris is optimistic this morning, surprise at finding the Germans have been able to trav erse nearly the entire Champigny country does not shako their confidence in the outcome of the great, battle which' is being fought on the ground selected by General .Tof fro, the French Commandor-in-Chief. The Germans' turning movement finally resulted in battle formation that puts, iheir own rights in jeopardy, as yesterday's advance, of the allies' left proved. Pits of news coming in from the wounded show that tho allies gained a distinct success. On the left tho enemy is suffering while trying to cross the River Manic. As fast as pontoons are finished, French three - inch guns demolished them before they could be utilized. The general opinion of the morning, press is that the Allies may lose the baltlo and still make the siege of .Paris difficult for tho enemy, . while if the Germans lose, the situation of their entire annv in Franco would be critical. GERMANS REFUSED ARMISTICE TODAY ' PARIS, Sept. 8. It is unofficially reported here this afternoon that Germans east of the city have asked for an armistice to bury their dead and care for the wounded. It i;' understood that the request has been refused by the al- RUSSIANS TRY TO ANNIHILATE ARMY I'll (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times,) LONDON, Sept. 8. A Rome dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph says: "A telegram from Vienna states that General, who, following the capture of Lemburg, expected a flank attack northward against the Austrians under General Auffenberg, the Austrian AVar Minister, is today engaged in a desperate attempt to annihilate Auf fenberg 's army. The battle has already continued thrco davs and it is likelv to continue several more." RUSSIAN TROOPS IN BELGIUM 0 S (Hy Associated Press to Coos Hay Times.) PARTS, Sept. 8. An agreement was reached hy the Belgian and Russian governments, according to the cor respondent of 1 lavas Agency at Potrograd, which author izes the Belgian reservists and 10M recruits to attach themselves to the "Russian army. This would apppar to be confirmatory of today's report from Tionic that Russian forces had landed in Belgium. FAMIXi: IX AUSTRIA Itusslniis Report Austrian Defense Hrokcn on Vistula. Dr Auoclatc4 Prwi lo Com Ilijr Time. PKTROGRAJ), Sept. 8. Tho fol lowing official announcement was IsBiiod today: "Tho Austrian army corps between tho River Vistula and the Rlvor Rurg aro rotreatlng with enormous lossos. Tho enemy's re sistance has beon broken. There are evidences of tlie possibility of a famlno In Austria." DO. FRANK IS L 0 0 1 M OF 'I 12 6 . BATTLE Ml ()? Auodate! I'fi-n to foo najr Time HIJRI.IN, Sept. 8. Vorwaerts has learned that on September 3rd Dr. Ludwlg Frank of Mannheim was kill ed near Lunevllle. Dr. Frank, who was born In 1S7-I, was a Social Domo crat member of tho Reichstag and a leader In tlie Socialist party, HANI) DAXCK PIUTfORM Second unci Market, Saturday night. hm'k sti:m flour si SACK. Phone 32. Hunker partment Store. ,SJ5 I'KR Hill De- (Ily Associated Press to Coos nay Times.) LONDON, Sept. 8. The African World, a weekly pub lication, has received information through what it regards as a reliablo Austrian source to the effect that Austrian I'hnpcror Francis .Joseph died twelve days ago. The news was suppressed in Austria, the paper says, on account of the daimerous internal situation. ''rs. RUSSIAN' ACCOUNT OlYKS IDj AoeUtl I'mi toCocn lit, Tlmf 1 WASHINGTON, 1). C Sept. S. Tho Russian embassy horo today Is sued tho following statomont ro gardlng Russian movements: "Sep tember ft our troops took tho strong foitlf billions of Mlkolae on Dnies ter Rler. Most of thoso works woro covered by flanking flro, ar tillery placed in steel cupolas and tho wliolo works surrounded by tri ple lino of wire entanglements. Woi took forty gitus and a largo store of supplies and ammunition. In Northern Oallrla, serious fighting la going on at Raw a Russka, Tha flrbt Austrian corps, which had been luhanclng toward Lublin and Holm Is retiring. Wo aro taking prison ers, guns and ammunition, In F.ast Prussia only skirmishing Is taking place. WHAT 1 1 Kit FORECAST Ilf AuoclitcJ rreu lo Cooa Bar Time. OREGON Fair In east; show ers In west tonight and Wednes day; southerly winds. I mi I i kJAtift. . . mm&mmmmmmmmmivmu mmmmmmiirtiWi