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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1914)
f f w 'i i) i ,w till ;; ?i m;i ' wuif w u 8 II fi V 1' t b V K b y h The WoinanV.Corner i Edited Under tho Anspfecs of the. WotnonV Christian Tempcranco Union of Marshfield. Motto: For God nnd Homo and Na tive Land. "Onward loyal workers! Thoro la work to do. Homo and state and nation Cry aloud to you: All too long tho rum-fiend. On our soil doth reign; From our fair escutcheon Wlpo this ono dark Btaln. Onward valiant soldiers! Labor prayerfully; Tlmo Is swiftly fleeing. Mnka our dear State free!" "On the third November morning when election dnv comes round, And tho glory In the conflict wo shall share; W'hon tho votcrB all aro gatherd from tho country and the town, And the dry amendments voted, wo'll ho there." Dry meaBuro Is tho mensuro used to ascertain tho caliber of the labor seckor'B efficiency nt tho present time. "Tho liquor Interests wage their contests on the lowest level nnd arc most powerful because- of tholr abil ity to debauch thoso whom they con trol. No man Is In a position to dls uhnrgo his duties ob ho ought to, who takes qrdors from them, and they can generally control thoso to whom they kIvo office. Tho saloon Is a milsnnco; oven its defenders cannot Hay more In Its behalf tnan that It Is a necessary nuisance. It ought to bo dealt with as a nulsanco nnd not as a thing to bo respected or feared. Win. J. Ilryan. Truo Service. It Is right and proper for "Chris tian Boldiorft" to havo their ossein hlagea In sabbath worship and In their social gatherings for prayer and praise; hold sweet converse nud feel tho Spirit's power; but theso aro only tho "dress parade," so to speak; the festival on tho "mountain top," In real sorvlco for tho Master, our gar monta should sraoll of the smpko and dust of tho battlefield In tho slums and hy-waya of poverty, contagion nnd crime; or with Satan's finer equipped forces massed on tho holghta of prldo nnd fashion; nnd with that Moloch, tho Rum Demon. Scars gained in such conflicts are sure to win promotion to tho rnnkB of the heavenly hosts, and an everlast ing rownrd or pension from the Su preme Master of all tilings; oven tho "Treo of Llfo," that yleldoth Its frultH In a world whera thoro Is no win or strife a glory world that has no ending. J. S. G. In flu Minor Twifflc Wrong? Tn vrvnt,n , l.nllnvA. l e... premo Crcntor, nnd recognizes tin 7nSn YX """.," ."-'-.I'"?." Illhlo nB tho Inspired word of God tn ninn, whother his name la enrolled In any church or not, tho traffic In Intoxicants must ho wrong; In direct antagonism to God's will nnd plnn for mnn'n righteousness. Our Savior tolls us that tho greatest command ments aro to "Love tho Lord with all our might, mind, hoiiI and strength, and our neighbor tlE ourselves." How ran wo do tills nnd deal In or uphold a business whoso work Is to dofy God and his plaint for righteousness. by making mon wicked; losing all tho high and ennobling prlnclnles of nuinuoodc losing bol '-respect, self rontrol, debasing nnd debnuching themselves every way, thut often, very ofton ends in crimes of the deopest and darkest dyo. Ask any man not contaminated with tho poi son of alcohol if ho wants to becomo a drunkard, a sot, with weakened In tellect, and loss of will power, an abuser of wlfo nnd children n mur dorer! Thoy will answer "No." Tho liquor dealers will say "No, O. nev er!" Then, Mr. Saloon-keeper and Mr. Brower, and all adherents of tho liquor traffic, do you lovo your neigh bor as yourself 7 What aro you going to say to tho great and righteous Judgo of all tho earth when you havo to stand beforo Him (as you surely will), to "glvo an nccount for the deeds done In tho body?" O, how unmll will tho gold and all things of earth life appear In tho face or God and; Eternity! Hut chnnging tho viewpoint, look ing at tho liquor traffic from our Karth-llfe standpoint, let us esti mate the good or evil of this wide Bpread, world-wide traffic. Governments nro established for tho benefit of tho governed. In other words, government may bo termed a universal aid society, and whatever is derogatory to tho wel fare and Interests of Its depen dents, should be suppressed and abolished. Tuklng from n person what Is rightfully theirs, without their consent and knowledge, is called stealing, and n crlmo and penalties aro written In our statute books for such offenses. So ulso, arson, murder, trespass nnd other things that Infringe on tho Inher ent rights of mnn. aro looked after. and Judged by that stern nrnlter Ijnw. So, leaving out tho excep tions, people could llvo under tholr "own vino and fig treo In peace." This llfo In the main would bo beautiful nnd happy If this wero all. Hut alas! a serpont comes Into the paradise of "Sweet Home." n demon sanctioned by law; fortified by prejudice and upheld by a short sighted, or rather a solflsh, grafting class of people, stalks abroad and enters, defiles und ruins tho nam dlM of "Sweet Home." This demon formerly assumed tho eulse of Innocence and harmless Pleasures, but those false coverings Have been worn thrcadbaro and no UiK?r ,concoal Ha truo nature, l'icJ' ls ,V? no,fln. ruin and de yi . Hla 'nfluonco has Deen amazingly potent with old governor Law, that, looking through his ihl d0" "Pectaclos (muchly golden.) L.?i01? Kovornor became so be witched that ho assumed that It wns Kill S'HII III II II TO RPAT Ttfeki xvJ inriiiiiy wwii ii i i ivr ulhi ii ! I I --- STEER ; SHOT Critter Tlmt Had Roamed Hills for years Hlnin . RIDDLE, Or., Sept. I. Tho big old wild Hereford steer, which has roamed throughout tho wilderness of tho South Umpqua Country above Tiller for the past fifteen years, linn at last been brought down. Lem Emerson nud Charles Duruin. while hunting on Qunrtz Creek, I about sixteen miles nbovo Tiller, i Inst week rousted the steer out of his haunts and shot him like n deer. For veurn t tin tirinnnc (if Mm ufnni' haB been known by several of the' mountaineers, who havo Jumped him out and endeavored to. shoot Mm, while thoro were others who were skeptical of tho cxlstenco of such an animal. The Hteer waa a mon ster, ostlmnted to weigh In tho neighborhood of 1800 pounds on foot and nftcr being dressed nud tho beef prepared for packing out of the mountains, It required six horses to pack out tho meat. From tho top of his back to hU brisket measured eight Inches moro than tho length of the cnrblno with which Mr. Hmorson Bhot him. Tho oeef was of excellent quality, n largo portion of which was corned down. The steer Is bolioved to havo orig inally been owned by II. Acker, as ho boro a brand cnlled tho "fish" brand, which was used years ago by Mr. Acker and wob discarded nt least thirteen yenrs ago. Tho steer i is believed to have been in the neighborhood of eighteen yenrs old. STATU MOTOR TAX OROWH. ttnln iii Receipt on LlrcnscH In Year Moro TJiiui $21,000 SALKM, Or., Sept. . According to figures prepared by Secretary of Stato Olcott, tho fees received from registrations under tho motor ve hicle law, from January 1 to August 31, of this year, total $7r,024. For tho same period Inst year tho fees totalled $G4,200, this year'B gain being moro than $21,000. Tho feca for Inst month totalled $2378. During August thoro were registered CSC motor vehicles, 71 motorcycles and 10C chnuffours. Just and right for some of tho people to traffic In u commodity that Is an injury to nil, to such an extent as to destroy health, wealth, Intellect nnd morality. It pauperizes the Individual and de pletes tho public treasury. This demon has no conscience, no pity, no mercy! Tho old and young, the tender and tho strong, tho in nocent nnd beautiful Buffer from " -.'" .V.V,. """"."": L' """" ' us baleful influence. "" ;. "' wumillllioou, 1110 I""V r ciiiiaiiooii nro all sncfrl fired to satisfy this demon Alcohol. Is not anything wrong that causes and fosters such social, civil und moral monstrosities? In view of all such undeniable facts, can anyone sny that tho rum traffic Is not wrong? J. s. H. THi: RAILROAD'S COMIXd Tho railroad's coming; tho rail road's coming! Don't you henr tho wIicoIh n'hum mlng? O'er tho mountains rumbling, tumb ling, Seo the people coming, coming Dogs nro barking, boyB uro run ning To sou tho sight so stunning! Hoys and girls stnnd back! Clear tho track! Clear tho track! I Tho railroad's coming! Tho rail road's coming! Sure, this Is no punning All kinds of business humming; .Men inoir gnins nro Humming; Fakes using nil their cunning; Agents In swarms n'comlng. Out o' tho way kldB, stand hack! Clear tho track! Clear tho track! Tho railroad's coming! Tho rail road's coming! This fact, there's no moro shunning, All the Indies now are Jolly, That beforo wero melancholy; Now In fortune's smiles aro sun ning, For the now silk dresses coining, And tho rides they'll soon bo tak ing, Tho Journeys soon bo limiting. Old friends' hands gladly slinking, At tho old homo awny back, Clear the track! Clear the track! 8toM4 -.....Ml Under Auspices Episcopal Diocese of Oregon FALL TERM OPENS Sept. 23rd, 1914 Grammar School nud College IVe pnratory cmii-Mti. School estate comprises 100 acres of fertile land. Complete gymnasium, Indoor and out door nUiletliH. Library, study halls, romiiettiit Instruction in nil branches. Send for rnU'H and booklet: "Where may boys nro trained to think." Address BISHOP SCOTT SCHOOL 352 The Seitz Pack Range Horo ls n rango of Biifflclont sbo to cook for CO mon nnd light enough us well ns In such shapo tlmt can bo easily pack ed Into n very rough, mountainous country on n oik? pack nulmiil. Just tho rango for tho Coos nnd Curry Hill districts. Tho largo rango complete about 2IC pounds and tho small ono comploto only 14C poundB, Tho government Forestry service has purchased moro than 75 ranges. Soo your locnl hardware dealer. Write for booklet giving details, Eugene Iron Works EUGIhVK, ORIXIO.W FIFTY-THIRD ANNUAL OREGON STATE FAIR. Salem, Sept, 28-Oct. 3rd $20,000 Offered in Premiums FOR AGRICULTURAL, LIVESTOCK, POULTRY, TEXTILE AND OTHER EXHIBITS HORSE RACES, SHOOTING TOURNAMENT, BAND CONCERTS, BOYS' CAMP, MOVING PICTURES, CHILDREN'S PLAYGROUND, BEE DEMONSTRATIONS, ANIMAL CIRCUS, and OTHER FREE ATTRACTIONS You are Invited Free Camp Grounds Send for Premium List and Entry Blanks REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS For Particulars Address FRANK MEREDITH, SECRETARY Salem, Oregon Don't take any chances Aetna-ize Yourself Today You cannot nfford to ho without health or accident Insurance. You not only nooJ tho Inauranco, but you want to o sure and havo tho correct riollcy In tho best and most reliable company In thn business. Sco mo or phono mo nt once nnd I will cxplnln It to you, E. I. CHANDLER, Agent Mnrshflold.300 Coko Building. Call on LeMieux & Miller FOR PAINTS, VARXISHHS, STAINS, WALL PAPER, ETC. Tainting, Paper Hanging and Decorating; WILL UK LESS Mhi'ii you let us figure It for you, EMliiiuto furnished cheerfully LeMieux & Miller Xo. Front St. STADDEN ALL KINDS of PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK, Rromldo Enlarging mid Kodak Finishing. SPIRELLA CORSETS be obtained in Marshfield from Mrs. Annie Holland, uorsetier, So, 5th st, Phone 200-X ,nH I DEVELOPING PRINTING PICTURE FRAMING ENLARGING AND SUPPLIES REHFELD BROS. Russell Building Central Avenue QUATERMAS STUDIO QUALITY PHOTOS Opposite Blanco Hotel, MAHSIIKIKLR, ORFCOX GOODRUM'S GARAGE HOME OP THE CADILLAC and FORD AUTO SUPPLIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS 317 Central Av. Phono 373-L HOTEL DOTSON C. A. Hanson. Pronrlpfnn Now open under new management. A homo idaco with homo rnnv. served 'nrrfnrally style- Board rtr it K has been n hobby with . . " VjAW our customers win ,, .Us 'or a ,MJ n durablo framing mnY;.'.0U "hen i l, - ness. JuBt to" wlK ?' al " rt?1" to anond ami w!ii".?0.u want t llB JrfiM your mnnnv . " Sul !" whi, "" Ui'?l C. A. SmJfk I ... . lk A number itr . T T..K VVKU , -M TJ, PHONM 11)0. nnn.Q rav o-r.-T 93 Central A voniin' dlA,l0NERYrnh 3FFICE SUpfe8 TYPPUoitcdp "7 : : -Z""" ments, new and rebuilt W Oliver, L. C. Smith, and SmH'h n derW ClonlK, repairing or neVj riS ?tfoC ftKmSmTZSSZ&i -whhhumii(h SI? Abstracts. Real Fire and Marine TITLE GUARANTEED ABS1 HRNIW SG8TArur .. FARM, COAI, TIMliKU AND VUVninuZ KIAIIQIIIMI..., ,"3KsE K'sa AT.. ..:n i ,. .. . nu aun imvo II lllllltCd Slljiply of WAIib thai wo aro wiling nt 70c WI A )ioco of aluminum wnvc free ago of rodioi's' Oats at :i3(. ptr j)a COOS BAY TEA, COFFEE X SFt 1.10 North llroadwny GROCERIES of a High Standard rmoco uiiu ure nigmaiither SERVICE that is satisfactory. " DELIVERY that is Prompt and h- i nese re uur Business Frat: Conner (Sh Hoagl DEALERS IN GOOD GROCEii! 71)7 SOUTH MROADWAV niOXD No Need to Econo On Electric Lightingc Tlu people of Ihc United SUitcsX i'roni this )i'o.sont crisis stronger iu niutual uiidorstaiKliny than evcrU!' J n tlio midst of "war tinie" price adr. irons of f ho public utility companies: euro that the important services reni. cost more. Electric lhjhtim? and power service, .i street railway transportation fliul $; vice have decreased slviidiUj in vriu& steadilij in value to the public dnrinjt on years. When international strife rods tfn the world, these public ulddn semw in price without impairment of g& Therefore, our customers do not have about purlailinir the service which They know there will be no increase c that the service will lie just as good- than before. Our organization is at your coiiutfj phone 178. Oregon Power Co Ideal Summer Tn ON- . LAUNCH EXPRESS STEAMER RAINBOW Leaves Marshfield every Sunday at a.!.I,:mi .., DiPMIR GROUV lUhAL r-Ktt UKUVt Hinu riui-; tf!Ui Bring your lunch haskots, kodoK am trt,oi days' outing. Sunday School and nil P"- ror A Excursion to South Coos River e arrangements, apply onboara. t. v u v. . uuu., Vu.uu yJl WCOIt, illO MlKHHHnB