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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1914)
l"'?ffiUeprlv. healthy ewi- P'st' . f n DCr- g feet. at tation $2.00 a r; L0(rt irv"- I) P. "' l,wi - - for Trunin .. tinllltfl bie. i rton iiiij )-- general haulliiB. & STOItAOU CO. 11irltflr JIM, , - ipinnpuoEs yi ISS Krlck Work at i Are night CiililllllltCCd eoii; Rilde." Jo'!'18?" bad si- uu"u Dollcr Work i en. I! JlOTIIFi. ...... I End cold waier iu tht rale l-00 Etes "5c ami tip. art bat players.) 'S CAFE blace for Heals. asonable. , & B'awy 00F FIXED KTHELL 4 - AM) I'lWSS. TO UIIDKK i. Till A I- JTATORIUM . 0 DAKUETT Phone 250-X. Framing Studio MM lUTO SERVICE L. Ixw.nt hotel 20. KltK ANY TIMI SI) CAIICI'L'L CI.VO 11X0 PAUTIKS MBETH Orlter. A. II. IIODGIN!" PAINT AND KCORATING CO. il'ur&Uhed imhfleU, On-jcon S HOTEL Jurjb'leld Javkxui: IWIK.V STIlKKT I iu:.M) llin, Irop, WOOD WOODYARD fnt Htrwt, le 370. GARAGE Oracle Accncv TIRES ES STOIIKD MOST COMPJ.IJTE ffc SHOP Al'TOJIOHILR Mnixo FOU S.LB fT. I'HO.NE 180-J P-l'AlRKI) AXI) HUED EDGES 5LLAIIS ftew launder t t.M LAlJxnRy PibTY ST0RF. Bend. K . Domestic imfl Inter-Ocean Transoortatinn "7T Komi-weekly service Coos Bay and San .Francisco. S. S. Redondo SAILS FROM HAN FRAXCIS CO FOR COOS HAY SATURDAY, SEITEMHEH B nt !l P. M. Equipped wltli wireless and submarine, bcl)..' Passengers and freight. S. S. NANN SMITH ifitj nipped with wireless and submarine bell. Passengers and freight. M UtSHFIELl) FOlt SAX FHAXCISCO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMHER 12, AT H:!JO A. M. San Francisco office, Greenwich street pier No. 23 and GOO Fife building.' Coos Bay Agent, C. F. McQEoiiaE. Phone 44. VERY BEST SS5 BUTTER KQUII'FKD WITH WIRELESS. Steamship Breakwater ALWAYS ON TIME. SAILS KIIOM ItAILHOAD DOCK, MAHSIIITHLD, DURIXC TI1K .MONTI! OK SEPTEMHER AT IU::t P. j 0. THE UNO. 7TII. jam, JTTir, aaxi) axd arr ii. Ticket on ante to nil Km tern polnto nnd Information m to n,u(cc nil rntcn cheerfully furnished. I'liono BS-T. ' O. H. LAXPHRS. Agent i madr UNDER SAXITAHY CONDITIONS IX A CLEAN AXI) MODEHX FACTORY. STERILIZED MILK AXI) CREAM. PURE ICE doll very, H n. in. ami a p. m Phono 7il XOTICE OP SCHOOL DISTRICT HOXI) ELECTION. vUrcteS FOR ENGLISH I EER h.V CHRISTIANITY , ) II PASSENGERS FREIGHT ' STORAGE Arrow Line Steamers -SAIL FltOM- Snn Francisco Plor No. 20. Every Wednesday 3 P. M. I'hone U7ft. Coih liny Kvcry Friday I P. M. THOMAS It. .lAMEK, Aftfiil Ocean Dock I'ortlnntl All. -.-8 Dock No. 3 rJ. iry Tuosduy 0 A. M. MurwhfLMtl. To Portland every Thursday Hr.'J'.:.3..: To Luireka evQi-y Monday TIIU FAST AXD COMFOHTAHLI! S S. Geo. W. Elder xkwly i:quippi:d NOUTII PACIFIC STKAMSIIIP CO. C. F. McGKOItCI AOKXT W. II. PAIXTKH Phono 44, Marahflold Phono 121, North I3cnd Stnlo of OroKon, County of Coos. School District No. !. hh. Notice Is horuby kIvcii thnt nt tho School District Horn! Klcctton huroby 'alloc! to bo hold nt tho Central School Hulldlni;, In nnd for School District No. It, of Coos County, Oro Kon, tho 10th day of Scpli'mbor, A. D. 1!)14, between tho hours of two o'clock p. m. nnd woven o'clock p. in., hero will he submitted to tho legal voters thorcof the ciucstlon of con ractlni; n bonded ludchtedncss In he sum of TKN THOUSAND DOL LARS, for tho purpose of coustruct liiK it building nnd Gymnasium for School purposes In nnd for said School District, said HiilUlliiK and (iymnnslum to bo constructed on Schoof Krounda now owned by said School District No. !), Coos County, OrcKon, adjolnlni; tho High School Ilulldlng and between South 10th Street nnd South 7th Street, nnd between (loldon Avomie West nnd ngorsol Avontio West, In tho City of Mnrshfleld, Coos County, Oregon. Tho vote to bo by ballot, upon which shall bo tho words "Ilonds Yes" nnd "Ilonds No," and the voter shall place u (X) between the word "Honda" nnd tho word "Yes," or between tho word "Ilonds" and the word "No." which Indlcntea his choice. The polls for tho reception of the ballots cast for or ngalnst the con traction of snld Indebtedness will, on said day nnd (Into nud nt the place aforesnld (the Central School lhilld lug In snld District), be opened nt tho hour of two o'clock p. in. nnd roinnlu open until tho hour of seven o'clock p. in. of 'the same day, when tho faille shall bo closed. lly order of tho District School Hoard of School District No. St . of Coos County, Oregon, mndo this lfith clay or August, A. D. 1011. A. II. POWIillS, Chalrninu of District School Hoard, School District No. 1), Coos Coun ty, Oregon. Attest: .10IIN K. HALL, District Clerk. It Is no ensv thine to live like Christ In everyday life. Monday morning Christianity always lias been rather harder to live than Sundny morning Christianity. Yet religion between Sundnys Is the only religion that can Indeed be the religion of .lesus Christ. lie Is the Christ who emtio down from Heaven and lived here In the world; dwelt In n home In Nazareth; work ed at n carpenter's bench: met with nil kinds of people, nnd therefore his lellglon the religion oi" the liienrtintlon iiiemin the sanctifying of common life. It Is no easy thing to do that. You hnvo only to nsk tho in mi In business whether It Is or not to get from him n strnlght nuswer. Hut 1 fancy :t Is Just as hard for his wire at home to find u glory In the dull round of dally duties or to give a snered nosB to the petty routines of domes tie management ns It Is for him to be n Christ bearer In the office nnd the plum. It Is not easy, but It Is Infinitely worth while. Ami It is n splendidly .attractive nnd fascinating Ideal. Selected. KPISCOPAL CIIUItCH. I I Itli unci Market. ( It. K. Hrownlng, Hector 8 a. in.. Holy Communion. 0:.'!() Sundny School. 11:00 n. in., Holy Communion nnd sermon by the Hector. Subject. "Parable of tho Tares." 7:!10 p. in. Speclnl Labor Day service. Topic "Christianity nnd its nieBsngo to the working man." (St. Mark ::i). Slmplu service nud fnnilllnr hymns. Cordial Invltntlon extended to nil branches of labor. 4 I SIOYKXTII DAY ADYKXTISTS. I Local Kldcr, J. K. Quails. Seventh Dny Advcntlst services nro conducted ovory Saturday ns follows: Snbbath School at 10 n. in. Hlblo Study nt 11 n. in. Young People's Society at 3 p. m. Prnyer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. 4 1 STEAMER HARDY SAILS I-'HOM SAX FHAXCISCO KYKItY TUX DAYS SAX FHAXCISCO HOCK I'XIOX STHAMF.H PIKIt II) COOS BAY AND EUREKA STEAMSHIP LINE FLANAGAN & BENNETT BANK OLDEST IIANK IX COOS COUNTY. Estftbllsbcxl J 880. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $115,000 Interest PI4 on Time Deposit Officers: 3. W. nnnett, President. J. 11. Fliumgitn, VIcc-Iresldent. It. F. Williams, Cslilrr. fleo. F, Winchester, Anst." Cahler. OCICAX IlKACII AUTO LINK Uaves Chandler Hotel, MnrMiflcld for the Itcacli anil Way Points. 7. A. M. I P. M. I P. M. Kinplro nilc Tar Ileol 7()c South Slough 7.1u Hasteudorr Hetieh ...81.00 Mussel lleer S1.00 Sunset Hay 81.00 Heluin I'linn llench nt 8:iU) A. M. 1 1. M. rt.HO P. M Visit tho bench by tho Ocean Hcncl Auto. .7-pnssengor nutoniolillo lcnvoi Chandler Hotel three times dully COURT KIXC'S l-'AMOUS AUTOS CITY AUTO AXI) TAXI SEHV1UJ A now taxk-ab hue boon added t uj unto t)rrko. Curorul diheii tVIll go nnywhoro nt any ttma. Stan, dlunuo ClKur Store. Cay phone, 7k MlRbt phoub 139-X. TOM OOODALK. Ii-prttnp LET US MAKE YOUR ABSTRACTS Title & Trust Co., Abstrncta, thoroughly dependable. Iinmo dlato service, prompt nttentlou to all Intorests of our cllonts. MINI M U M COST I. S. KAUFMAN & CO. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST IS BEING CREDITED AS OF SEPTEMBER 1, 1914 IN SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Bring In Your Pass Books FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COOS BAY Safety Deposit Boxes For Rent, YOU AUTO CALL FOR FOOTE'S AUTOi Pour good cars with careful driven Fot day service, phono Ill-J, liluiiro Hlllaru Parlors. For night service, Phono -OO-I Klght Cafe. D. L F00TE. CATHOLIC CHUHCII I XOHTII 11 DM) Itov. Father McDovitt Mnss will bo celebrated Sunday morning nt 8 by the Hov. Father McDovitt. 4 CIIHISTIAX SCIEXCE Christian Scleuro Hall. 237 Third Street North Services nt 1 1 u. m Sunday nnd S p. in. Wednesday. Subject, "Christ .lesus." Sunday School nt 12 Sunday. Heading room open every dny except SuudnyH nud Holidays from I to 4 p. in, 0 CATHOLIC CHUHCII MAHSHI'IELI) Mass will bo celebrated nt 10 o'clock Sunday morning by Hov. Fnthor McDovitt. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. .losuph Knotts, Pastor. Sundny school nt 10 a. in. Morning Service nt 1 1 n. in. Evening service nt 7:30 p. m. Morning Sermon: "Vital Chris tlnnlty." Evening sermon: "Numbered, Weighed nnd Divided." Mrs. A. II. (Hdley will slug nt tho morning service. Special liiusle hi tho ovoulng. All nro cordially Invited. Epworth League nt 0:30 p. m. Junior Longuo Sorvlco Thursdny lfternnon nt 3: in. Prayer Mooting Thursday oven lug nt 7:30 o'clock. CIIHISTIAX CHUHCII I . . Samuel Gregg. Minister, . . Ilcsldouco, 280 North Eleventh j Phono 402. German Ambassador Com plains About Violation of Neutrally at New York I IUr AniwI.tM prrM o Cou 11. Tl.r.. . i XKW YORK. Sept. ... Count Von Hernstoirr. the iicriiinii ambassador ',! ' 'V 1 1"1';'1 Slau'a' "'inounced todnv t"i he , nd positive Informntloir that two HrltlHh ..riiiBi-rs lying ten miles n om .New ..rk harbor had received supplies ur coal, provisions nnd nm-' munltlon rrom n vessel flying tho American flag. ACHEH OX WIHELESs'ltULES WASIH.(5T0n7"i7 C. Sept. r.. ninny has vinually accepte.i the plan or the t'nlted Stntes for the enforce ment or neutrality over wireless coinniunl.ntlon to belligerent coun tries. The plan permits the German em bassy, as well as the diplomatic rop resentntlves of nil other belligerent nntlons to send code messngea by wireless, but American nnvnl offi cers in mi stations must ho tnken Into the confidence of tho sondern to establish the neutral nnturo of communications. Oermnny was tho leading protes ting ngalnst the present nrrnnge nient, claiming that while her Ca bles had been severed, Orent Ilrl tnln continued unrestricted cabin communleatlon from tho United Stntes. The American government at first planned to censor tho ca bles, but abandoned tho Idea not only because of legal difficulties, but other Insurmountable obstncles, deciding to onunllzo tho situation by enabling (lermnny to secure somo other satisfactory means of commun ication with her embassy here. Tho wireless station nt Snyvlllo, L. I., Is the only one which can reach (lermnny from here. Sabbath School nt 10 n. m. Christian Endeavor nt 7 p. in. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. nnd 8 p.m. Prnyer Meeting Wednesday eve ning nt 8 o'clock. . 4 I XOHTII HEXI) CIIHISTIAX I J CHUHCII Mrs. S. Oregg, Minister Preaching nt 11 a. m. nnd 8 p. in. Hlblo School. 10 n. m. METHODIST CHUHCII Rev. A. S. Illsey, Pastor. . North llond Tho services Sundny will bo ns follows: Sundny School nt 10 n. m. Vesper Clrelo nnd Epworth Longuo nt 7 p. in. Sermons by tho Pnator nt 11 n. in. nnd 8 p. in. Sorvlces ns follows nt tho Church, corner Sixth nnd Central: Hogulnr services every Sundny. Hlblo School nt 10:00 n. in. ' Preaching sorvlro 11 n. in. and 7:30 p. m. Tho union ineotlngs bolng over tho members will return to their regular Sunday night services hi their own Church. Subject for tjio morning: "Elomcnts of u success ful Church." An ovnngollstlc ser mon In tho evening. SWEDISH EVAXOELICAL LITIIEHAX CHUHCII. 4 Hov. It. !'. Heimtson. Pastor. Residence 201 Highland nvonuo. Phono !I-K. Preaching servlco nt 1 1 u. in. ov ory Sunday. Sundny School nt 0:45 a. m. New Models "HENDERSON CORSETS" also principal distributors "ONYX" and "CADET" HOSE. S.S.JENNINGS, No. Bend BRING YOUR JOB PRINTING TO THE COOS BAY TIMES SEND YOqR LAUNDRY TO US BY PARCEL POST WE FUnXISH A 1IAO AND WILL PAY THE POSTAGE OX ITS HETUHX I COOS BAY STEAM I LAUNDRY I PIIOXE T7.J. MAItSIIFIEIJD FIRST HAPTIST CHUHCII Albert F. Hnssford, M. A. Rosldeuco CG3 So. 11th street r.o-x Hlblo School nt 10 a. m with graded clnssos nnd competent teach ers. Morning Worship nt 11, with ser mon by Pastor Irassford. Young Peoplo's sorvlco nt 7 for Mio hour. A special Invitation Is jxteuded to nil young men and wo men. Music nt both sorvlces by n largo horus choir undor Profossor Oeorge Ayre. A cordial welcome Is extended to ill. . 4 XOHWEOIAX LUTHEHAX. Rov. It. O. Thorpo Sorvlcos will bo hold In tho Nor wegian Luthoran Chnpol nt Marsh field Sundny at 11 a. in. Services will bo hold In tho Nor wegian Luthoran Chapel nt North Rond Sunduy at 7: 45 p. in. t 4 I XOHTII HEXI) PHESHVTHHIAX l Rev. Frederick Shlmlnn, Pastor . 9 Sunday School, 10 a. m. Preaching, 1 1 a. m. ChrlBtlnn Endoavor, 1 p, in, Preaching, 8 p. m. 4 I UNITED HHETIIHEX CHUHCII I I NORTH HEXI) Mrs. It, N. Lowls. Pastor THE LIFE CAREER "ttrhnnting In h atiouM Invat latilj dlrrclrd Co pirpure ron In Ihc Ixil wr (or the lrl lvtmanrnt occuuitlon for ttklck be U fniit1c,,,lrtlilcntU W F.llot. ThU U thr AlMnn f th OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE l!nr(ylh School Vcar Opeot SEPTfcriBliR i8t!i, 1914 WjiIp (or MhistiMtrd ioopac Book' let. "THIi I UK CAKkl'R," mid for CU Ior (jintiibilng lull Informs tltui. i)rgtr Cntnttt- AORICULTURB I ARtonomy, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Hus bandry, Poultry Husbandry Horticulture. Ar.rlrultuie for Teachers. FOKbSTRY, Lone.INO l-NC.INI-IRINO. IJOMB KCO NOAtlCS: Domestic Science, Domrstlc Art, BNaiNI-l-RINCi: tilectrlcal, ItilRitlon, Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mlnlnc Ceramics. COMMURCli. PHARMACV. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. lo(ici(iC"r'M'f'j-AErlcultur,'Dalry InR, Homr, Aakers' Course, Industrial Arts, J-'orr, Rushifs Shoit Courst. School of A;uf-Plaoo, Strlnj;, Qand, Voice Cultiim. Fxmrrt Pininr. Crnwtr by Mil F. A .Mir., rill! RKRItiTRAU, (to T-1A In 9) CotiIII, Off f -DHAIX-COOS HAY STAfJE- SEP Lv, Gar. TEMHEH a. in, a. 111, a.m. a.m. a, 111, u, 111. a.m. a.m. a. 111, a. in, n.m. a. 111, 11,111. n.m. n.m 4.001 4:30 5:00 5;,'i() ti:00 0:30 7:00 7:30 7:30 7:30 7:30 8:00 0:30 10:00 !ll:30 p.m. 112:30 p.m. I p.m. n.m. n.m. n.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. n.m. a.m. 1:00 1:30 r.:.'10 0:00 C;30 0:30 7:00 7:30 7:30 8:'io' 10:30 n.m. 11:00! in. I12;00 p.m.t 1:001 Tnko notice Tuos. Wed. Thur. Frl. Sat. Sun Mou. Tuos, Wed. Thur. 10 Frl. 11 Sat. Sun. Sun. Tuos. Wed. Thur. Frl. Snt. Sun. Mon. Tuos. 22 Wed. 23 Thur, Frl.- Sat. Sun. Mon. Tuos. Wed. that SCHEDULE Lv. Mfld. 3 I ; 7 8 0 12 13 27 15 10 17 18 10 20 21 21 2fi 20 27 28 20 30 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:oo 4:30 r.:oo r.;30 0:00 0:00 0:00 G:-oo 0:30 8:00 8:30 10:00 11:00 U:30 12:00 4:00 4:30 r.:00 r.:oo n:30 0:00 0:00 7:00 8:30 9:301a.m. 10:30n.m. ., ::l n.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. n.m. ami, a.m. a.m. a.m. n.m. a.m. a.m. nun. a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. in, a.m. n.m, a.m. n.m, a.m. a.m. a.m. a.m. n.m. autos aro now running through from Coos Ray to Drain in ono day, Including Sun- u i mm : M 1 Wffa K.IUJIJW