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About The Coos Bay times. (Marshfield, Or.) 1906-1957 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1913)
Mxtatu-rnai THE COOS BAY TIMES, MARSHFIELD, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 4, 1913 EVENING EDITION. ' nmmammmmmmm Dayton Motorcycles TIT itfP .-a MfZZSr Til Telegram From My Mechanic, Harry, You AH Know Him Portland, Ore, March 3, 1913. E. Bandel, Marshfield, Ore. I just got off a Dayton motorcycle, and it is the best motorcycle I have ever been on. It is O. K. and no hill too steep. Sgncd Harry Ingebrigtzcn. Marshfield Cyclery Agents for Agents for DAYTON BICYCLES DAYTON MOTORCYCLES Phone 158-R 172 N. Broadway es for march. Dolow Is given the time nnd height of high and low wntor nt Mnrshflold. Tlio tlilus nro placed In tho order of occurrences, with tliolr times on tho first lluu nnd heights on the second lino of each day: a cotnnnr- Ihoii on connecutlvo heights will Indicate whether It Is high or low wntor. For high wntor on tho bnr, ultrnct 2 hours 34 minutes. i , 1 1 rs . . n.32 11.12 G.21 0.0 Ft... 2.8 ii.4 0.7 0.0 r.jllrs.. 1.22 0.31 12.30 7.00 Ft... 1.0 2.1 C.5 0.7 Railway Laborers Thirty men ar rived on tlio Nnnn Smith for tho WU lott & Burr railroad camp near Myr tlo Point. Fined for .Speeding. D. L. Footo appeared boforo city Recorder But ler thlB morning nnd pleaded guilty to speeding hiHt Saturday nnd paid a fine of 20. Clando Tucker waB WANT ADS. VOll HUNT Four rooms, partly furnished. Will rent slnglo or otherwise. Apply 170 So. llroad way. FOH RENT Seven room house, 1! noiiHOKeoping roonm nnd oillcc. Title Ounrniiteo and Abstract Co. FOIl KALE Oil TRADE Twenty nine foot gasoline launch. Title Ounrniiteo and Abstract Co. FOR SALE Household furniture. Apply C. S. Dodgo. I KEN SPRANG 1913 RS. A. Go All AnHMHMices Her Opening of SPRING MILLINERY tomday, March 3, and Following Days WAXTED Stenographer nt once. Phono S1-.J. FOIl SALIC Milliard thick eggs for hatching. Phono 1G-J. FOIl SALE A good nine room house and threo lots, 112x120 foot, In Hny Vlow, for $G00O cash If tnkou soon. Apply to Charles Arlandsou, pliono 40-L or P. O. llox GGG, Mnrshflold, Or. MOXEY TO LOAX One, two or three years on farm and town property. From $100 to $10, 000. Address llox A. II., Times olllce. WEATHER FORECAST. Ily Associated Press OREGON Occasional rain tonight and Wodnesdny. Southeasterly winds. LOCAL TEMPERATURE RECORD. For tho 24 hours ondlng nt 1:13 a. m., March 4, by IJenj. Ostllnd, special government me teorological observer: Maximum G 1 Minimum 41 At 4:43 a. m 4 5 Precipitation none Precipitation since Sopt. 1, 1012 45.41 Precipitation muiie peilod Previous year 43.12 Wind Southwest, cloudy. lined $." for n similar offenso tho sniue day. City Attorney Gobs Is said to drafting nu ordinance to Biihmlt at tho next meeting of council to make tho penalty for speeding more severe. Ticuvo Tomorrow R. L. Wells, C. S. Umnn, J. D. Flotchor and J. Hun doll will bo outgoing passengers on the Drain Btngo tomorrow morning. Attend Funeral. Carl McCulIoch and son, George, nnd Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Colo enmo In from Hnynes In let this morning to attend tho funer al of tho Into W. W. McKwnn. Close Gould Ciinip Mr. Anson of Coqulllo loft on tho Rainbow yes torday aftornoon for Gould's camp, with n vlow to purchasing somo of tho camp mnchlnory. Tho Goult camp will ho closed down this week. Get Typewriters C. F. McGeorgo nnd Mr. Wnllaco on tho last Rc doudo received a consignment of about three dozen typewriters of tho different makes for tho type writer oxohnngo which they nro op ening here. LOST On the street Saturday a $10 bill.! Finder may keop half and kindly return halt to Chits, I. ii pp. FOIl SALE One Jersey Cow. slv years old. Fresh In March. For particulars Inquire llox C, nt Times. FOIt S.AI.IC Egg for 'hatching. White I.angshniiB, $2.00 por l.. Illnck Mlnorcas, $1.50 por 15. Phono 112-J. Workingmen Attention! Do you get your share of the full dinner pail? Or do you eat your dinner cold, which causes stom ach troubles and nervou6iiess, LISTENI We have the wonder of the 20th Century, tie Universal Lunch Box, composed of a Thermo JJItle, which keeps liquids hot for 24 hours, witli an auachable cup and a place for your food which will iasie as served from the stove, Jtoejor complete outfit, $2,00, Lockhart-Parsons Drug Co. PUntir "THE BUSY CORNER." MAIN 298 FOIl SALE .11!)0 lb. niaro In lino condition, Works slnglo or doub le. Phono 290-X. WANTED House cleaning, linking and Ironing, nnd slnglo Jobs of houso work. Per hour 15 cents, llox 572, North Bond, Ore FOIt HHXT -Two or threo rooms for houso-kooplng. .Phono 105, North Ilend. WANTED All Coos county breed, ors of Huff Orpingtons to com municate with Hox 7C5, Marsh- Hold. Mull Late Owing to tho henvy rnnds across tho mountain, resulting from tho snow molting, this mom lug's Incoming mull did not reach Mnrshtlold until !):30, The mail wagon broko down In ono bnd plnco and caused sovornl hours delay. Hun Show. Tho Marshfield Moose Lodge will meet tonight to mnko arrangements for n musical comedy which Is to bo put on hero within a wook or two as a honoflt for the organization. Harry Emits of Los Angolcs, formerly with the Sollg Polyscopo Co., Is hero to di rect tho show. Calves Returned LouIb Nelson has recovered tho stray calves, which woro taken from tholr homo In South Mnrshflold, Saturday, whllo tho fam ily was absont, someone enmo nnd drovo tho calves away. Later It was indicated that tho parties taking tho calves might got Into sorious trouble, somcono sent word to Mr. Nelson ns whero tho calves were, and ho wont nnd got thorn and Is holding thorn for tho owner to prove their Identity nnd secure them. Ho has 'not learned who drovo them away. Rust May Re Receiver. It Is re ported that W. J. Wllsoy and Major L. 1). Klnnoy may try and arrange yOU can. feel, when you buy anything here, we are giving you good value and insuring your whole satisfaction. It's a a pleasure for us to do business that way. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are full of satis faction. WOOLEN MILL STORE This store is the home of Hart Schnffncr & Mnrx Clothes. I SOCIAL calexdar i TUESDAY Ladles Episcopal Guild with Mrs. E. 8. Rnrgolt. Royal Auction Brldgo Club with Mrs. J. H. Mllncr. I C, W. 11. M. with Mrs. R. A. Copplo. WEDNESDAY Methodist Ladles Aid. I Prlscllla Club with Mrs. Ray WAXTED High class building and construction foromnn open for on gagomont about March 10th. Ad- dross, Foromnn, Times ofllco. US ORPHEUM TONIGHT E GOOD for NOTHING" A strong drama. lifc ' WANGLE" is the telling title of n vivid story of modern w'SKij "EAUT" (Rio.) A funny comedy among the Cnim- l"Comlne w Si AXI MKMOnIES" A flno eceno of soldier H5o. SPefll two iwtl ,' ?lnrch Btli "THK LION TAMER'S REVENGE." "o reel feature. Don't ni las It. Established Admission, loc, Never more. FOIl SALE Threo good lots. 7.1v 110 foot, in tho most deslrnblo resldonco section of South Fifth stroot; also two lots with six room houso and ham on Seventh street. Will sell cheap it taken nt oneo. Apply to ownor, 902 Seventh streot, South Mnrshflold. WANTED To exchange or sell. Four acres of tho best truck or garden laud in tho country, niodorn houso, largo now barn, ovory convenience, go with land, on wator way, coun ty road, doslraulo location, ten mllos from city postofllco, valuod at Four thousand dollars, will ex change In port or whole for city roal estato, with buildings or with out buildings, will assumo or tako mortgago In difference, for values In North Bond, Plat R. Marsh Hold or Mllllngton, Stutsman & Co., Marshflold, Oregon, Rooms 7 and 8, 13C Broadway. WANTED Seven or Elelit room modern houso. Will tako two year lease. II. W. J Caro Times. Fresh Shrimp Oysters Kippered Salmon Kippered Herring Stauf f Grocery Co. Phone .102 Mnskcy's "andles. Chupln, Lndles Auxilllary of the Presby terian Church with Mrs. J. Cox. Ladles' noptlst Mlsslonnr)' Circle nt tho church nt 2 p. m. Mrs. John Nngol, hos tess and Mrs. Corey In chargo of program. to hnvo W. J. Rust, now tTiistco of tho Kinney properties, mndo re ceiver, so ns to hasten tho settle ment of Klnnoy's nffnlrs and close tho transfer of tho property to Wllsoy. It Ib expected that receiv ership proceedings may ultimately ho necessary but by appointing Rust It is claimed that tho cost can bo reduced nnd tho matter expedited becnuso as trustoo ho has dono many things which ho could utlllzo ns n receiver, whorcnu a now re ceiver would hnvo to do It nil over. Woman Dies. Mrs. Ednn Ham, wlfo of Arthur Ham, died nt Mor cy hospital nt North Rend of kid ney trouble following an operation. Sho was twenty-two years old. Sho was the daughter of Robert Whir ted of North Coob Rlvor, Goorgo Stommormnn of North Coos Rlvor bolng hor stop father. Her husband has been In tho employ of tho, Smlth-Powors Logging Company, nnd until recently they lived nt Camp 1 on South Coos River. The funeral will bo held at 10 o'clock Wcdno8dny morning from Wilson's uhapol, Rev. Rutlcdgo olllclatlug. Mr. Ham's mother arrived hero last night from Oakland, Cnl. PERSONAL NOTES W. H. SMITH of Coob River is la town on business. MAYOR JORDAN of Enstsldo was in Marshfield today. J. II. FLANAGAN loft today for San Frunclsco on business. CATHERINE RESSEY 1b In town todny from tho croamery. . C. M. TAYLOR of Camp 1 Is spend ing a few days In town. SAM SHOOK of North Coos River enmo to town this morning, , i ALFRED TYRERG of Golden Falls is in MnrBhflcld on business. M. ROI1INSON of Temploton is In .Mnrshflold todny on business. CHARLES MAHAFFY of North Coos River Is In town todny. THE MARSH riLD PUBLIC LIBRARY NEEDS the following contributions: American Review or Reviews, $il.()0 Atlantic Monthly 91,00 Century $1.00 Everybody's Harper's Monthly $1,00 McClitroT National Geographic $-.50 St. Nicholas Jjlil.OO Scientific American Supplement, $.1.00 World's Work gil.OO Who will bo tho II rM to assist valiantly these wants? Notify the librarian. The "Kaeit-Klog Sprayer MISS ELLA KRICK of South Coos Rlvor is n town shoppor today. FRANK HODSON and wlfo of South Coos Rlvor nro in town todny. MRS. OEORGE STEMMERMAN of Allegany Is In Marshflold today. ROBERT ROIHNSON Is In town todny from his homo on Haynea Inlet. MRS. PERRY CROUCH Is n Marsh Hold visitor today from Hayncs Inlet. J. J. COLE of Hnynes Inlet 1b spending tho day in town on bus luess. RAY LANDRITH of North Coob Rlvor la lti town on business todny. r CHARLES SWANSOX. a Coos Riv er rancher, la in town today on business. OTTO HILL nnd CARL JOHNSON nro Coos River visitors to Marsh Hold today. MRS. TOM , CHR1STIANSON of Temploton Is vlstlng In Marsh Hold today. Tho Best Compressed Air Sprayer Made. FOR SALE Good wngon. Apply Warner Grocery Co. Firfit ClassWeaving P7mer done at & rj'sRagCarpet.factory ftJJUd Montana Street. North Bend, Or. You Auto Call Foote PnONE Ml-J NIGHT AND DAV Stand front of Rlnnco Billiard Parlor TWO NEW OA118 After 11 P. M. Phone 6-J; Residence Phone 8-J. Careful Drivers : Good Oars WANTED Girl for general house work. Address 729 South Fourth or phono 309-J. WANTED Twelve experienced min ors nnd tlmbor men. Apply Beav er Hill Coal Co. WANTED Maid for general house work. Phono 389-J. FOR SALE OR RENT House and four lots In Eastsldo. Apply to James D. Clinklnbeard, Sumner, Oregon. FOR SALE Dry wooa. fir and ! der, at Campbell's Wood Yard, Forry landing. Phome 15d-L. If you have anything to sell, rent, trade, or want help, try a Want Ad. 3 For Trees, Vines, Vegetables, "Disinfecting, Whitewashing. Tho manufacturers of tho "Kant-Klog" are tho pioneers of tho Compressed Air Sprayer business, and although many imitators have appeared, it still leads them all. Tho nozzle and spring hose cock arc special features which alone put tho "Kant-Klog" in a class by itself. Made either in Galvanized Iron or Brass. Also bear in mind that we are headquarters for lime and sulphur spraying solution. Pioneer Hardware Co MRS. JOHN PETERSON Is among tho Temploton visitors in Marsh flold today. WALTER PETERSON of Tomploton enmo to Mnrshflold this morning on business'. 0. W. MEYERS roturnod this morn ing from n short visit on South Coos River. REV. FA'iHER SPRINGER of North Rend wns n Mnrshflold visitor yestorday. ANSON ROGERS and wlfo nro in Marshflold on business from their homo on South Coos Rlvor. A. Y. MYERS of tho Roynolda Do volopmont Company left today ou a huslncs trip to California. II, n. HALL, roprosontlng tho Bos ton Bolting Co. of Portland, loft on tho stngo this morning for tho north, MRS. M. E. DAGGETT nnd son, EL RY of Allegany spent Sunday with II. II, Harpor and family in Bunkor Hill. MISS PHOEBE LARSEN of Larson Inlet roturnod this morning from a visit with her sister. Mrs, A. O. Rogars of South Coos Rlvoor. Sho will leavo for homo this aftornoon acompanled by her nioce, little Mario Rogors. The Hammer Is Buried at N. B. But SARTER has dug up several now drinks to tompt your palate. Drink, and quit knocking. I THROAT RELIEF fSS&lT fc J r ? .1 VW ." VM .' I J DRAGEES for Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Irritation of the Throat or the Ijiiiij-.v. I